• Breaking News

    Monday, August 26, 2019

    Stock Market - KFC will soon be serving vegan fried chicken — with Beyond Meat's help

    Stock Market - KFC will soon be serving vegan fried chicken — with Beyond Meat's help

    KFC will soon be serving vegan fried chicken — with Beyond Meat's help

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 09:32 AM PDT


    Colonel Sanders will soon be serving vegan fried chicken to see if customers think it's finger lickin' good.

    KFC will start testing plant-based chicken from Beyond Meat at an Atlanta restaurant.

    The company plans to use customer feedback in its decision to broaden the test or to roll it out nationwide.

    Beyond pulled its vegan chicken from grocery stores earlier this year in order to improve the formula.

    submitted by /u/coolcomfort123
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    I created a stock market site that visually displays a stock's fundamentals data through nice-looking charts. Feel free to ask questions, comment, or critique.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    I created a post on r/WallStreetBets regarding the site a few months ago and it had GREAT responses, so I decided to further develop the website into a real fundamental analysis site. Thought you guys might want to take a look, you can check it out here:

    SwaggyStocks - Stock Fundamental Analysis made easy through nice-looking charts.

    About the site

    At first I created a sentiment analyzer based off a popular stock market investing sub-reddit (r/WallStreetBets). The program would use a neural network to analyze the most talked-about-stocks and log the stock price with the sentiment of the discussion. I then expanded the WallStreetBets section to log quality "Due Diligence" posts (yes, there are quite a few highly informative research/posts) and a "YOLO" tracker. The YOLO tracker simply logs their crazy option plays/gambles and can give you an update on whether they are down bigly or up bigly on their positions. There are quite a few remarkable bets that have taken place and I highly suggest you give it a read or even check out the sub-reddit. Each YOLO play/sentiment in the WallStreetBets category links back to their respective Reddit thread so you can go back and read all the juicy comments/details. Here's the original post explaining the WallStreetBets section if you want to read about it:

    WallStreetBets - YOLO Tracker (reddit post)

    WallStreetBets - Sentiment Analyzer (reddit post)

    After I completed that project I wanted to continue displaying data that users might find helpful when analyzing a stock's fundamental data. Here are a few KEY features I've worked on in the last 3 months that I find many investors might find useful (I find some of these features useful myself).

    -Stock Financial Charts & Fundamental Analysis (the best feature in my opinion): Search a stock ticker on the stock page you will be able to pull up a chart of the stock as well as some of the key stats. From there You have an option to "View Financials". I've organized the financials section in a way to EASILY browse a stock financial data and make sense of it. The goal was to visually display the data so you can understand the company's structure and financials with just a few seconds of browsing the page.

    -Stock Historical Earnings: Also accessible from the "Stock" page. You can view how a company's historical earnings affected the stock price on that day! The current data only displays the EPS "estimate" as well as the EPS "surprise" (beat/miss), but I would like to eventually add a revenues tracker and also a "Guidance" tracker (most of price action is also dependent on a company's guidance).

    -Upcoming Earnings Calendar: I've also included an "Upcoming Earnings Calendar" which visually displays the companies (greater than 50B market cap) that are reporting earnings for that week + a FULL list of upcoming earnings (in "full-list mode"). If you scroll below the earnings calendar you will also see the "historical" earnings that shows you all the stock price moves for companies that recently reported their earnings.

    The stock earnings tracker is a great way to see how a company typically trades off their earnings based on EPS beat or missed.

    Other Features:

    *Block Trades: Search for largest block trades for ANY stock! You can see what stock price the block trade was executed at and also what the current stock price is.

    *Unusual Block Trades: I've created an "Unusual" list of block trades that are deemed unusual based off the block trade value in relation to the market cap of the stock. It's important to note that for every share a stock is bought, it is also sold on the other end. So to say 1,000 shares of a company were bought doesn't necessarily mean it would be bullish nor bearish activity. There could be a multitude of factors such as an insider doing a trade, a large fund hedging their position in the market and so forth.

    *Stock Trends - Short/Mid-Term: I created a script that "initiates" trends for most stocks based on combined moving average values + RSI. What I've noticed is that in very volatile markets (such as currently), the "trend" logger underperforms, but in less-volatile markets (such as 2-3 months ago), the logger had around a 60% success/win rate. I found this page helpful to determine any correlations between moving averages and stock prices.

    *Stock Trends - Knife-Catchers: This page displays most stocks that have taken a beating over the relative short-term (usually time frame of 6 months). It's an easy way to see stocks that are down bigly in the short-term and are over-reactions to bad news or good candidates for a dead-cat bounce. This isn't a good tool for EVERY stock, BUT say you see AAPL on the list and can see it's down 25% from it's recent high. It will allow you to do more research as to why it's down so much and if it's a potential buy.

    With "Swaggy Stocks" I wanted to focus on data for stocks with high liquidity (and also because stock data is somewhat expensive), I decided to display data for stocks above 1 billion in market cap. I will eventually work my way down to micro-cap stocks, but for now it will be as is!

    Future Plans:

    I am currently working on adding an "Options Analyzer" tool. This will be done in approximately 2 weeks time. The tool will work by scanning day-old options data (maybe 3-4 days old for smaller cap stocks less than 5B) and log it to my database. It will be similar to Barchart's "Option" analyzer tool, but I wanted to focus on less of an options screener/filter and more on improving how you can compare the prices on purchasing/selling an option. For example, the tool can be used mainly in the following ways:

    1) View the historical yield for an option of a specific expiration date throughout the entire life of the option. (IE: You view the call option chains for AAPL on September 6, 2019. You will be able to view what the options were yielding from inception to current date and see how the option price changed with reporting earnings or other market fluctuations/news.

    2) Filter through a list options of highest premiums and lowest premiums. Use this tool to see where you might want to sell a covered call or a spread and collect premium vs outright buying the option instead. This tool will be great as a guideline rather than an indicator (IE: you see JNUG is at the top of the list providing 10% premium on 2-week options doesn't necessarily mean it's the best option to collect premium on. However, if you've been following AAPL and you see it's reached a high of $220 you can then see how much premium you might be able to collect by selling a call spread or covered call.)

    3) Option Yields Comparisons: Say you've been following 3 stocks: DIS, AAPL, AMZN. You think all 3 stocks have been hit very hard in the short term due to some Trump tweets, so you think it could be a great time to collect some premium by selling PUTS on the stock. The Yields-Comparison tool will be able to show you what each of the 3 stocks are currently offering in terms of yields and help you with your decision.

    4) The options tool will also tell you specifically which options include an upcoming earnings, which would become more of a gamble at that point, so you can avoid accidentally purchasing options that are more expensive due to earnings.

    That's all I have for now and sorry for the long post. If you have any questions, comments, or critiques please post them here! I would also be open to some feature suggestions as I want to keep improving the site in terms of design and the data provided!

    submitted by /u/swaggymedia
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    Get ready for another wild day in the markets

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:05 AM PDT

    If pre-market action is anything to go by, today is going to be a wild day in the market.

    Pre-market Update: Stocks Futures Whipsaw on Trade News

    submitted by /u/abasoglu
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    Why don't people realize that Trump is manipulating them via Twitter??

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 02:54 AM PDT

    Every time the market looks like it's going into a tailspin Trump goes on Twitter and says every is going great and the negotiations with China are going well, despite they're being no end in sight.

    Don't people realize that he's just manipulating them to save the market from crashing???

    submitted by /u/EatAnImpeachment
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    Trump's impact on the market

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    I'm new to stocks and the stock exchange in general,but isn't it at least a little bit suspicious that Trump can singlehandedly destroy the stock market on a Friday, then conveniently reverse his decisions the next Monday morning and cause it to be expected to go up? The closest term I can think of(or know for that matter) is insider trading, but I understand that doesn't exactly fit what's going on now.

    submitted by /u/TheRaven314
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    Setting Up A Break Down

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    For the last 8 years, I have been publishing my analysis publicly. Yet, I am still amazed at how the market follows the patterns we track almost perfectly, and how news seems to fit in within those patterns.

    This past week, as we were expecting a market top, Mr. Powell and President Trump certainly provided the catalysts for the decline for which the market was setting up.

    Now, for those of you that believe that the tariff news was the "cause" the decline, I again want to remind you that the same tariff war escalation seemed to have "caused" a 9% rally in 2018. I remember how many of you who commented to my articles during that uptrend noted how it did not make sense to you.

    So, I guess if the market now drops when we enter further tariff escalation, the market is now making sense to you. But, does that really mean that the tariffs are the true cause of the drop? If a trade war action is truly a cause of a drop, why did we rally 9% in 2018 with the same catalyst?

    Moreover, consider that the latest tariffs represented about 75 billion of costs which many viewed as a catalyst for the declines. Yet, when the Congressional Budget Office announced on Wednesday that the budget deficit has increased to 1 trillion dollars (more than 13 times the cost of the tariffs), the market rallied over 40 points that same day. And, did not even flinch at the announcement.

    Now that all of you are so sure you figured out what happened this past week, does this make you scratch your head? Well, it should if you are being intellectually honest. Yet, many of you will attempt to provide convoluted explanations in the comments section below as to why the market continued to rally on bad news on Wednesday (as well as in 2018), yet tanked on Friday with bad news.

    For those of you who are looking for consistency in analysis, and something that makes sense all the time and not just some of the time, I want you to consider the following reasoning. When the market is in a uptrend pattern, seemingly bad exogenous news will be ignored, or "discounted" as some call it, as the market continues on its way to complete its uptrend pattern. Yet, when the market has completed its pattern or is in a downtrend pattern already, the seemingly bad news seems to be the cause of the negative reaction to negative news.

    The conclusion with which you should walk away with is that when market sentiment is negative, all news is viewed as negative. And, when market sentiment is positive, then all news is viewed as positive. And, it really is the simple. One need not perform logical gymnastics to understand markets, yet many of you, as well as those in the media, just can't help yourselves from doing otherwise.

    I know what I am saying seems so counterintuitive because it was so clear that the market was down on Friday due to the tariff news. But, it was also so clear that the market rallied 9% in 2018 on trade war escalation. It was also so clear that the market ignored news with significantly larger negative implications on Wednesday. And, in order to maintain your superficial perspective of what moves markets, you have to ignore 2018 and Wednesday, and only focus on Friday.

    What you should be focused upon is what truly moves markets: market sentiment. And, as I have said many times before, I know of know other method which tracks market sentiment and provides context to the market better than Elliott Wave analysis. It allows you to tune out the noise, and only focus on what is really important – the status of the current trend. It allows you to know when exogenous events will be ignored and when it will seemingly drive the market.

    Allow me to repost a study which explains why this happens. In a paper entitled "Large Financial Crashes," published in 1997 in Physica A., a publication of the European Physical Society, the authors, within their conclusions, present a nice summation for the overall herding phenomena within financial markets:

    "Stock markets are fascinating structures with analogies to what is arguably the most complex dynamical system found in natural sciences, i.e., the human mind. Instead of the usual interpretation of the Efficient Market Hypothesis in which traders extract and incorporate consciously (by their action) all information contained in market prices, we propose that the market as a whole can exhibit an "emergent" behavior not shared by any of its constituents. In other words, we have in mind the process of the emergence of intelligent behavior at a macroscopic scale that individuals at the microscopic scales have no idea of. This process has been discussed in biology for instance in the animal populations such as ant colonies or in connection with the emergence of consciousness."

    And, as Ralph Nelson Elliott said 80 years ago:

    "The causes of these cyclical changes seem clearly to have their origin in the immutable natural law that governs all things, including the various moods of human behavior. Causes, therefore, tend to become relatively unimportant in the long term progress of the cycle. This fundamental law cannot be subverted or set aside by statutes or restrictions. Current news and political developments are of only incidental importance, soon forgotten; their presumed influence on market trends is not as weighty as is commonly believed."

    As one of my members noted on Friday, (as they were prepared for this downdraft):

    "Now that I've been immersed in EWT for all of 2 months, I have not been spending much time watching CNBC as I had prior. Well, today I found myself watching Steve Liesman and literally laughing out loud as he attempted to explain markets. My sense is that EWT provides a bit of an oasis for some weary, pundit fatigued market observers like me."

    So, where are we in the current trend?

    Well, it seems that the market is now finally prepared to embark on its break down below 2700SPX. While we will likely still see "bounces" along the way which will make people feel bullish again, as long as we remain below this past week's high, pressure will remain to the downside, and my next target region is going to be the 2600-2685SPX region which I have outlined over the last several weeks.

    Most specifically, if you review the 5-minute SPX chart I have attached to this update, you will see that my ideal set up points to a bottoming in wave 1 off this past week's high. As long as we hold over the 2800 region, then I am going to expect a corrective "bounce" for a wave 2 before the market is ripe for its next decline phase, which can shave off 100 points to the downside in a very rapid move. To see a 3%+ down day during that 3rd wave down would not surprise me at all.

    So, sentiment is now ripe for a break down. But, does this mean I am 100% sure we see that break down? The answer is clearly no. How can anyone be 100% certain of the future. Rather, we view the market from a probabilistic perspective and it suggests that there is a high likelihood that the market is going to break down in the coming weeks. And, this is not due to some news event being the cause of it. Yet, I am quite certain there will be some accompanying bad news as it almost always happens that way. But, the market sentiment is now ripe for such bad news to seemingly have an effect, whereas before Friday, it was not – as we clearly saw on Wednesday.

    If you pay close attention to investor reactions rather than just superficial correlations, much of what I have said above will become clearer and clearer to you, and you will gain a new and clearer understanding of how financial markets work. (Original article with charts here.)

    submitted by /u/avigilburt
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    Jnj up after debt announcement?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    How in the world is JNJ up 3-4% post market when it was just announced that they have to pay 572M due to their contribution to an opioid crisis?

    submitted by /u/whatsmyname17
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    Looking for a certain tool/info

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a website or tool that broke down the time and volume of shares exchanged throughout the day. Like at 10:08AM 1,400 shares were bought/sold, etc. Does anyone know where this data might be able to be found, if it is even collected in the first place.

    submitted by /u/TheNewAges
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    Found Old Stock Certificate

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 05:00 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is the correct place to post, so please delete if not - As the title suggests, my Father-in-Law found an old paper certificate for 5,000 shares in Destron, Inc. dated 1/25/1983. He asked for assistance in determining if these shares had any value. I'm having trouble, so I'm hoping for some guidance!

    EDIT: I contacted MGM Investor Relations. The agent I spoke to didn't really have any information. I found this https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/dtc/34-49930.pdf in reference the the CUSIP NO. (250638103). So far it looks like the shares are likely not worth anything :(

    Thank you for the help!

    submitted by /u/HeinzKetchup57
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    Potash America Inc (OTC:PTAM) CEO Buys More Company Shares, Now Totaling Over 82%; Catching The Attention Of Analysts.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 06:25 PM PDT


    Recently, the CEO of Potash American Inc (OTC:PTAM) purchased a large number of shares of his company, totaling nearly 70% of all outstanding shares. A week later, the CEO again bought a large block of shares, totaling a staggering 80.92% in outstanding shares. Whats ever more telling is the price in which they were purchased, that of fair market value, not heavy discounted shares in a A-Transfer that is sometimes done.

    submitted by /u/Allison_UBC
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    Are Stocks Finding a Bottom?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 04:44 PM PDT


    • Headlines and Tweets have been dictating the stock market lately, but could there be a technical reason why stocks rose on Monday?
    • Nothing material has changed in the trade war.
    • 9 different indices are testing a support after Friday's drop.
    • The Russell 2000 support is arguably the most important to watch, followed by XLB.
    • Stocks will either remain range bound, or can possibly fall if supports start to fail.

    Read the analysis and see the charts here: https://www.brtechnicals.com/technical-analysis/sector-industry-analysis/are-stocks-finding-a-support-2/

    submitted by /u/BR-Technicals
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    We Work, Cloudflare, SmileDirectClub

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    Upfont: this is a throwaway account.

    I've created a website that let's people compete and predict how IPOs will perform once they launch (1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 6 months out) and compete against other users. I've had a small community using it for a couple months but with the market going crazy I'm curious what y'all think.


    submitted by /u/NewCo_Investor
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    Blast off 2019 portfolio by Motley Fool

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:58 AM PDT

    Just wondering about people's thoughts regarding the portfolio and the 23 stocks they have picked since late 2018? They are up by 71% since inception.

    submitted by /u/Realorbit
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    Why are REIT’s down so much right now? What will it take to turn them around? They seem to be getting hit harder than other sectors.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    $PTAM CEO buys more shares of PTAM, now totalling 83% - and tells shareholders updates coming. Merger filings already submitted.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    Keep close eye on this one. Its been loaded for the past 3 weeks in anticipation of merger news.

    The CEO of $PTAM just connected with the CEO of private Hemp company, HempTown USA on LinkedIn.

    $PTAM JUST changed their website to include Hemp.

    Sources: (pic)


    Hemptown USA president just became friends with Markin, the CEO of PTAM

    Filings needed for merger based on 144 SEC
    Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information - Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information
    Officer/Director Disclosure - Officer/Director Disclosure
    Annual Report - Annual Report

    Now have a look at $PTAM recent filings within the last 30 days.


    CEO now responds and is now in control of releasing all filings! Website updated again.


    submitted by /u/canuck_bux
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    $INND CEO confirms, 10Q on the way.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    Big move coming from these guys. Their last PR showed a new contract, and filings should hit this week.

    "... Yes, we are filing it this week, then we will be able to release the developments we have been working on"


    submitted by /u/Shelby_Picks
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    Tech Stock News: 7 Things You Missed last Week

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 06:47 AM PDT

    1. Amazon Calls on India to Reduce Ecommerce Restrictions

    2.Splunk Expands Cloud Capabilities With $1 Billion Acquisition Of SignalFx



    submitted by /u/techpreneur_13
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    $PTAM BOOOM! Merger filings about to hit, with 8k - CEO confirms more buying, now owns 83% of shares. (New image)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    Check this out! We about to blast off. https://i.imgur.com/ygh89vP.png

    CEO added CEO of HempTown USA to his LinkedIN - Only other Cannabis connection on his Linkedin, and HEMPTOWN USA is looking to go PUBLIC!

    Buckle up

    submitted by /u/Shelby_Picks
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    I want to get a deeper perspective of what leads to the change in greeks value when i change my spread.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 02:39 AM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I wanted to know how the greeks affect each other. I know the basic concept that gamma is the second order derivative and tells us how much the delta would change. But my question is-

    1) how does gamma affect delta?

    2) does greeks have a direct relation with the nifty spot and india vix.

    submitted by /u/namit_agarwal
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