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    Monday, August 26, 2019

    Startups I hate talking to customers. Any tips to get over it?

    Startups I hate talking to customers. Any tips to get over it?

    I hate talking to customers. Any tips to get over it?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    I'm an introvert and a perfectionist and it's impacting my businesses. I can stand up and give presentations to 1000s of people. I can teach classes. And I KNOW I'm supposed to talk to customers. But I hesitate on sending emails, I hesitate in calling them. I just feel like everything I do will bother them.

    This means I am always focused on and doing the non-customer related stuff. So the feedback loop in my businesses and MVPs is always slow or broken.

    Any tips for how to engage or get feedback without feeling embarrassed or stupid? It's not just the big stuff... it's a trend in my thinking that leads me consistently away from customers.

    submitted by /u/talaqen
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    How does one set out to begin a startup?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    I know this question is EXTREMELY vague, but I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    So first off, here is a bit about myself. I am a Mechanical Engineering graduate, and I also hold minors in Architecture and Environmental Engineering.

    I do not want to go into major detail, but I want to start my own company pushing more environmentally friendly structures and designs for society to preserve what we have for the future.

    I don't really know how to word this, but what would the process be for me to begin my own startup company?

    submitted by /u/Doggo_Is_Life_
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    Business model advice for skin care app

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    I am in the process of developing a skin care diary app. The app allows you to record your daily activity (what foods you ate, what skincare products you used, what supplements you took, etc), take pictures of your skin, and describe your skin (how many pimples you have, feeling dry, good, or oily, etc). This app is primarily for people with long term skin issues like acne, or people looking to see if their skin care products actually do anything.

    Over time you'll be able to view the progress of your skin through your entries, and find out root causes to certain things like acne breakouts (e.g. you notice that you broke out twice, and before both break outs you had eaten shrimp so perhaps you have a food intolerance to shrimp). Also you'll be able to view an album of the pictures you took in your daily entry scoped to a certain side of your face.

    Forms of monetization I've thought of:

    1. Monthly subscriptions / Pay wall

    $5 per month

    $20 per 6 months

    $30 per year

    I would give the users a free 2 week trial with unlimited use and then limit their use to 1 daily entry per week. I prefer subscriptions because it is recurring revenue, but I also feel like it will limit usage and create huge dropoffs. I'm not 100% confident that people will pay. However, I also don't want to depend on ads because I feel like this app is not very traffic heavy and ads just don't make any money.

    2) Affiliate links

    I see hidden value in the data collected by all the daily entries across every user. Like I could use their data to determine users who improved their skin over time, look into the products those people are using, and promote them somehow. Perhaps I could show affiliated links to those products in the app and earn a small commission when users buy them. However, this is of course a less predictable source of revenue.

    Does anyone have any interesting ideas? I'm all ears!

    submitted by /u/Iscratchmybutt
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    Affiliate programs with two levels (instead of one)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:59 PM PDT


    You get 30% of the revenue generated by your referral and 15% of the revenue generated by each of his referrals.

    What do you think of affiliate programs such as that?

    Do you label them scam or pyramid scheme immediately?

    Or do you see some use for them?

    submitted by /u/avellenada
    [link] [comments]

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