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    Monday, August 26, 2019

    If my diabetes caused tooth and other oral/mouth/gum problems, can my medical insurance be used? Insurance

    If my diabetes caused tooth and other oral/mouth/gum problems, can my medical insurance be used? Insurance

    If my diabetes caused tooth and other oral/mouth/gum problems, can my medical insurance be used?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Before I was diagnosed with Diabetes T2, I was having lots of issues orally, with odor, bad breath breath, increased tooth decay and sensitivity, flaking of enamel, and sore/red gums. I had never had these issues prior to the diabetic symptoms.

    No matter what I did, nothing cleared it up. I tried all kinds of different mouth washes, toothpastes, brushing more often, etc etc.

    Now, if I go to my dentist, I have a low annual maximum and everything else is out of pocket. But, I blame diabetes for my tooth problems, which I am curious if it can be claimed through regular medical insurance rather than dental?

    Thank you in advance for any information.

    submitted by /u/FatNorm
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    Is this considered a lapse in auto coverage?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 04:42 AM PDT

    Can anyone answer this question for me. Let's say you have a car and car insurance for your whole life. But at some point in your life you get rid of your car for whatever reason. Maybe you're going on safari you're taking a trip to Europe for two years or you run into a medical problem or whatever and you get rid of your car and have no car. If you cancel your car insurance because you have no car, and then let's say two or three years from then you get another car and of course you need Car Insurance again, will you pay out rages rates for car Insurance because you had a lapse in coverage?

    You still have a valid drivers license for that entire time. No new tickets or accidents or anything your record is perfectly clean. But you simply don't have a car for a few years for whatever reason and therefore don't need any car insurance for that period of time either. Curious what the situation with this would be?

    submitted by /u/uberxmaine
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    Is short term insurance a bad idea?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:22 PM PDT

    I'm 22 uninsured and need physical therapy for a meniscus surgery. My parents don't have insurance currently but in a month they will. I'll join theirs when they get it but in the interim should I get a short term insurance plan?

    submitted by /u/Lalalala2015
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    Cover insurance App

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 09:36 PM PDT

    Has anyone ever heard of Cover app insurance and if so how reputable is this?

    submitted by /u/Mando101517
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    Dental Insurance - should I be reimbursed if insurance pays more than estimated?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    I visited an endodontist and the total cost for the procedure was around $1400. Insurance was estimated to pay around $600, so I ended up paying $800 before leaving the office (same day of procedure). Weeks later I signed in to my insurance portal (Anthem) to view my claims and see the claim from the endodontist for $1400, but it says the insurance actually paid $1100 instead of the estimated $600. Does this mean I'm only be responsible for $300 and should be reimbursed by the office for the difference?

    submitted by /u/lifelessons3342
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    Clinic has been charging me a $13 copay every visit. Just went on myCigna and it's telling me my copay is actually $65?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:39 PM PDT

    My question is:

    Will I be on the hook for the difference? I am told by the clerk every single appointment "$13, please." and I swipe my HSA card. However, I just logged into my insurance website for the first time in a while, and each visit is marked as a $65 copay.

    I'm going for another appointment tomorrow, and I want to tell them. If I do, will they calculate how much I actually owe from the past and ask me to pay it?

    submitted by /u/supaiderman
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    Is arm worth getting for property qm position

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. I'm a qm property claim file examiner for an insurance company. Im 27 and been in the business for about 4 years now. I just completed both my cpcu and my aic. You guys think its worth getting an ARM or what other degrees/certifications are worth getting at this stage. I'm not married and don't have kids so I'm trying to knock out as much stuff as I can before then. company fully reimburses cost so cost of it isn't a consideration. Thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/sgkillhart
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    What are my options in a no-fault car accident?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    Location: Connecticut, USA; Insurance: AAA. I was stopped on highway in stand still traffic when dumbfuck on his phone rear-ended my car. We pull over and the guy gets out of his car for a second and then flees the scene of accident. I have dashcam footage and a witness that stopped to give statement that it was not my fault. I have picture and video of the at fault vehicle. Police show up and say the plates for the at-fault car doesn't match with the type of vehicle and they haven't found the guy yet. I sent all the videos, photos, witness info I have to the adjuster. I have comprehensive insurance coverage but 2 questions:

    [1] I have a $1000 deductible on my policy and the adjuster mentioned it is waived if I am not at fault, but since they haven't caught the guy and don't know his insurance, until they catch him I still have to pay the deductible. Do I have any recourse here? What if they never catch the guy and I am out $1000 for no fault of mine?

    [2] My first crash, so I am guessing my monthly premiums will go up due to filing a claim. If they find the guy can I sue that person for the difference in the new premium? Why should I pay more for insurance if the accident was not my fault? Any advice?

    Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/chukmalile
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    Will my insurance defend me above my policy limit?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 05:09 AM PDT

    After a car accident (my fault) the girl who's car I rear ended has some injuries that will require some surgery. My insurance bodily injury limit was $25000, and she does not have underinsured motorist cover. I know she will be filing a claim for damages against me though I was told that this will not be until she has had the required surgery and she is recovered. I've also been told that the girl's medical bills could be well above that limit and as she doesn't have underinsured motorist cover, this could be a big issue as although my insurance will try to settle within the policy limit and if her costs are say $27,000 she will likely settle for the policy limit, but if her costs are well above my policy limit, then it is unlikely she will settle for the $25000 limit. A friend has advised me that the difficult part for me is with her requiring surgery, and the pain and suffering it may cause, it will likely significantly increase the amount of her damages claim. He says it's very unlikely she will file her claim until after her surgery and recovery and it may not be until a lot closer to the 2 year statute of limitations time (Georgia). He says that she will then sue me for damages and she will want to sue for as much as she can, particularly for pain and suffering and her lawyer will ensure this. Friend also advises that I should prepare myself that she will be suing me for a very substantial amount in damages, but says that the amount she is awarded could be a lot less than she is suing me for. So as far as I understand the situation at the moment, after she has had her required surgery and recovered, she will then start suing me for a substantial amount in damages that is likely to be well above my insurance limit. I know my insurance will not pay out any more than the maximum policy cover I have and I am aware that I will have to pay any amount above my insurance limit which if significantly higher, I may have to pay this over several years and possibly through a wages garnishment. But will the insurance provide a lawyer to defend this and try to settle for a much lower figure than the girl is suing me for?

    submitted by /u/KeyRun0
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    Misrepresentation of garaging?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    Car insurance major issue in Michigan. I added my husband onto my plan after we got married less than a year go. We have been between two addresses after buying a house, renovating, planning a wedding, life, taking care of my mom, etc. My husband was in a car accident and the insurance company said I did material misrepresentation because I did not say I was "dual garaging". This is an unintentional mistake, not some fraud! I didn't even know what dual garaging was. We are paying the more expensive premium even though they homes are 5 miles apart and it's a very small difference. (I really need to be near my other address, my 70 y/o mother lives there too) They asked where the vehicle would be PRIMARILY kept and I gave them that address. The claims rep says dual garaging they view as a unacceptable risk. Will they rescind the policy? Then will I be charged with driving without insurance? What can I even do? This seems like bad faith of contract.

    submitted by /u/bzjnick
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    Sewage Flood - Pricing Used/Vintage Items??

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:18 PM PDT

    Location: Baltimore, MD Insurance: USAA Renters

    Came home on the night of 8/22 to find our basement apt filled ankle deep with sewage water. The basement of the complex flooded into our apt, as well as flooding from outside our front door, and the toilet spilled over. We took pictures and video for evidence. Immediately my partner called USAA Renters Insurance to file claim, while i called our landlord. My main questions are:

    1. How do we price items bought used? Most of our furniture was picked up on craigslist/nextdoor, are these items just trash essentially, or do I assign some sort of value? The issue is that, there isn't really much manufacturer info on the items that I could look up a price.
    2. A similar question for all my used Music Equipment. I buy most amps used and vintage, so do I assign the average current value to these?

    USAA said anything that touched "brown/black water" is considered trash, which means damn near everything we own. She said no adjuster would be out to see the scene, so she would send a spreadsheet over and we fill it out with the items and values.

    TLDR: Need some help understanding how to price used items (furniture bought used or from the street; 1970s used music equipment, etc). Would also like knowing what to expect the process to be like after submitting the itemized spreadsheet.

    submitted by /u/BoiFriday
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    Car insurance definition of model year

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    My insurance offers special protection if my car is 2 model years old or less. I can't find how they define a model year. Would it mean any car that's 2017 to now because that would be 2 years or is the definition different?

    submitted by /u/stripedfire
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    Single Car Accident in CA (Claim or Not Claim on Insurance?)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:19 AM PDT

    Just happened yesterday (x-post https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/cv4ln5/deciding_whether_to_file_auto_insurance_claim_or/). Was in a parking lot and there was a concrete pole to my back left. As I was reversing I turned the steering wheel too early and the front left of my car hit the concrete pole damaging the bumper (partially came off).

    I just left the car (2016 Toyota Corolla) at an auto repair shop that I trust pretty well, but they don't work on Sundays so they said they would take a look on Monday and provide me with an estimate.

    This is my first accident (~10 years of experience) so I'm trying to figure out a couple things:

    • Any sense of approximate costs to fix? After the incident, the car drove pretty smoothly to the auto repair shop so I'm hoping there's nothing too serious. I also don't care too much about perfect "cosmetic" fixes. I mostly care that the car is safe to drive but don't necessarily need to fix all the cosmetic issues if it's a lot more expensive. I plan on keeping the car myself for a long time.
    • At what point is it worth it to file a claim with insurance or not? I have a $500 deductible and live in California. Just looking around (e.g. https://www.carinsurance.com/how-much-does-insurance-go-up-after-accident.aspx) it looks like California is very notorious for sharp rate increases even after 1 at fault accident (~70%). Wondering what other people's experiences are here though. For the record I have ClearCover.

    Pictures of incident: https://imgur.com/a/IKPnoHt

    submitted by /u/sfdataminers
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    What car insurance do I get?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    Extremely unknowledgeable in terms of insurance, not my first time owning a vehicle, but it is my first time paying and choosing insurance on my own. I'm 21, have a steady job in the oil and gas industry, and looking to buy a car to have some fun. I have a daily driver, which a Mazda 3, great car, but I'm trying to get my dream car which is a Porsche Cayman, not a new one but still enough to enjoy the experience. The problem is insurance, my mom suggested state farm which is what we have, and it apparently covers everyone who drives the vehicle, but after getting my quote its like 600+ a month with all the discounts i get for safe driving etc but because I'm young and it's a sports car, even though I have no accidents/tickets etc, it comes out to that. I can pay it, just don't really wanna dish out that much when I'm going to exclusively going to drive the car. Also for my job i'm away for months at a time and no one is going to drive it, i can guarantee i"d put less than 2000 miles on it every year given the frequency I'm actually going to be home. But still something a little more manageable than 600+ a month would be nice, i also don't understand like what deductibles are basically insurance talk in general. So any tips appreciated. Also how much coverage do I need to get the car of the lot? I've heard conflicting information. (Also my first reddit post ever)

    submitted by /u/IzzyAtStR
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    Wife changed jobs and purchased cobra insurance for gap before new insurance took over. Now insurance company is claiming they never received payment and she wasn’t covered

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    My wife changed jobs back at the beginning of the year. She purchased her cobra insurance from the previous job to cover herself until her new job would cover her with their insurance. She received a letter/email stating everything was good and she had coverage. My wife has a genetic condition that requires her to take a medication that is very expensive. A couple of weeks ago we received a bill for $27,000 claiming she never had coverage. My wife has a case manager because of her condition and she has been in helping us fight this. Yesterday on a phone call the insurance company claims they never received payment and my wife was therefore never cover. They state that they sent us a letter, which we never received, and that the pervious email/letter is invalid because we never paid. Unfortunately, we sent them a check for payment and it was never processed so we have no paper trail of the payment. My wife's caseworker is helping her file an appeal.

    My question is, do we need an attorney or would one even help? Obviously 27,000 is a huge amount and the main reason she purchased the cobra. What else can we do to help our case. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Insurancequestion987
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