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    Wednesday, July 3, 2019

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - (July 03, 2019) Entrepreneur

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - (July 03, 2019) Entrepreneur

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - (July 03, 2019)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to ask questions if you're new or even if you haven't started a business yet.

    Remember to search the sub first - the answers you need may be right at your fingertips.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Feeling guilty for not working at my full potential

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    Has anyone felt guilt for not working at full potential n not using time correctly?

    I feel irritated n sad by thinking this at the end of the day.

    How to remove these thoughts from mind.

    I generally use to do list. But still some items remain unfinished.

    submitted by /u/catarannum
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    The Difference Between Being Extraordinary in 10 Years Vs. Being Just Another "1"

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    0.1% Better Theory

    This isn't a new idea but is something I frequently mull over. It is based on compounding numbers which is most often used in finance when describing an investment earning a return over time. I am not the first person to do this but I like to take these concepts and translate them to a system for personal growth. consistently doing small things that add up substantially over time. Compounding.

    The idea on face value is to strive to be 0.1% better everyday.

    Now this concept is more of a mental framework than a measurable equation but the numbers still work nonetheless.

    The idea is to do at least one small thing every single day to improve yourself, your business or your life. This could be as small as 30 minutes of exercise, 15 minutes of reading, or simply making your bed in the morning to get you in the right frame of mind. The focus is on small, positive habits done over long periods of time.

    This is not a get rich quick or lose 50 lbs in a month scheme, it is a framework for a lifetime of positive habits and positive feedback loops.

    The Results of 0.1% Improvement

    Today you are a whole of "1"

    You consistently do you positive habits and improve by the not readily noticeable amount of 0.1% daily

    After the first month that makes you 3% better

    Probably not noticeable by you or those around you BUT the compounding machine is in place.

    Math for 1 Month of 0.1% Improvement:

    Future You = 1(1+(Rate of Improvement/365)^(365 * Number of Days of Improvement)

    Future You = 1(1+(0.001/365))^(365 * 30)

    Future You = 1.0000027397^10,950

    Future You In One Month= 1.03

    Moving On

    After the first year you are now 1.44 the person you were this time last year.

    This is when the results begin to be felt by you and those around you. You are becoming a force.

    The effects of compounding are now working in your favor as you are now earning returns on your "1.44" worth as opposed to your initial "1". You are now 44% more capable, smart or confident than you were a year ago. And the best part is the compounding machine is still working in your favor. The only caveat is you now need to work harder to ensure 0.1% growth daily. It takes a whole lot more for Jeff Bezos to improve 0.1% than it does for an average college student.

    Onto year 2

    You are now 2.07 times more than you once were. This means you have the potential to be earning 2x more, creating 2x more impact, or simply being 2x more confident in your own skin.

    5 years you're 6.2 times better

    10 years 38.4 times better

    Again, this is a mental model but I really feel that the logic of the mindset stands and being able to visualize growth with numbers is something I find extremely valuable. At this point it is probably more feasible to scale down to a focus on 0.05% or 0.01% daily improvement if you still need this mental model at that point. Eventually you will get into numbers that support the creation of enormous value. You are now generating in one day what previously would have taken you 38 days. Then it simply becomes infeasible to make the daily increase, this is when you focus on delegation and productivity of a team. First make yourself insanely valuable then you build a team that is both increasing their individual values as well as increasing yours while reaching a common goal of generating the largest net effect.

    The overarching point is those extra hours spent on mindless, often un-enjoyable activities are the difference between being extraordinary in 10 years or being just another "1"

    If you're a more visual learner I made a video explaining these concepts and show the math in action on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwEMQ0ZgToQ

    submitted by /u/mmaher13
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    Rebuilding the Superhuman Product/market fit engine

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:14 AM PDT

    This could be bad timing with the recent post "superhuman is spying on you", regardless the CEO posted an awesome article about how they built a product/market fit engine. It's broken down really well so I thought I'd rebuild it, break it up into videos and text as a sort of tutorial...built using Airtable.

    (I'm not affiliated with Superhuman in any way)

    Set up an Airtable base and in your Table add some columns:

    Email (email) How would you feel if you could no longer use X? (Single select; Very disappointed, somewhat disappointed and not disappointed) What type of people do you think would benefit most from using Makerpad? (Single Line Text) What is the main benefit you receive from using Makerpad? (Single Line Text) How can we improve Makerpad for you? (Single Line Text)

    I'm going to populate some example text but you will need to create a form view to collect responses (we will cover that shortly)

    Using the Airtable 'Blocks' feature (this is on their pro plans only - you could use other products for these sections) add a chart block, select 'Pie' as Chart Type and make sure you are using the right category for the results (How would you feel…)

    I won't spend time on this post talking about the why's as it's explained in the original really well but you want your 'Very Disppointed' group to be at least 40%.

    Let's now add another column 'Persona of User' (Single select) and use options that are relevant.

    Now add another Grid View for users who are very disappointed and add a filter for that option

    Add a description block and based from your answers on Question 2, build a profile of your ideal user.

    Add another description block and write 'Why do people love the product?' In your 'very disappointed' filter group, copy the responses to "What is the main benefit…." And upload to a word cloud - I used TagCrowd.com. Identify the main things that are mentioned and add them to your block.

    Add another description block and write 'What holds people back from loving the product?' And look at the 'Somewhat disappointed' group (use another grid view with this filter) and who see the SAME main benefit/s as the 'very disappointed' group. Upload to your word cloud again and add the main responses in your description block.

    This step will/should be done at the start of you setting this up. Create a new view but this time it will be a Form view. Make sure just the email fields and the 4 questions are in the form - tweak any settings (perhaps make the fields required?) You can use this form to get your responses.

    Now create a new table named 'Roadmap' with columns:

    What did users love? (Single Line Text) User (Link to Survey -> allow linking to multiple records) Cost (single select; low, medium, high) Impact (single select; low, medium, high) Fill in the data based on your results and link to the user - if multiple users said the same thing, you could add multiple in the User field.

    Now sort by Cost from Low - High and also by Impact High to Low. You now know what to focus on first so you can add two columns 'start date' and 'end date'

    Add a new block 'Gantt' and set the date fields accordingly so that now you have your product roadmap.

    And that's how you do it! I get that visuals are probably essential here but don't know how on Reddit and didn't want a million links, so: - text and videos together are here: https://www.makerpad.co/tutorial/how-superhuman-built-an-engine-to-find-product-market-fit - or just the videos are on YouTube playlist here: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLghOsJlEVcQM-6odEiIe1zTF1hxcsB8vh

    submitted by /u/bentossell
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    As a 15 yo wanting to start a buisness, how should I begin?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    I plan to be an eco friendly clothing company (cotton isn't as eco friendly as you think). I am willing to invest my own time and money and my family is willing to invest some as well. Should I get others to help me found this buisness? Or should I just lone wolf it? I am learning about buisness and money but also recognize that it takes time and that starting now is my best option. My friend wanted to start it with me but over time I've realized that he won't invest much and may not be a good fit in the long run.

    TLDR: How do I start a buisness?

    submitted by /u/up_in_a_BL4ZE
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    So I'm thinking about making a horrible financial decision in hopes of finding that "spark" again. Please someone tell me I'm not crazy.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    I just got out of a meeting where I told our company-provided therapist that I want to leave. That I don't feel challenged enough and can't stay complacent any longer. He picked up exactly what I put down and challenged me with this-

    "You need to dig deep into yourself and find your why again".

    That why was the spark I had in highschool to sell lasers and lighters for a ton of money. It was the reason I devoured case competitions all throughout college, and hardly walked home without a gold medal on my belt. It was what started my marketing company. It was the idea that sparked the loft in Toronto with a cat and a nice camera.

    Ever since I was given the chance to work for an A1 tech company, being thrown 50k every year to chill at home, the spark's gone missing. I'm complacent and bored and alone. I have no impact on the world. And the reason I'm here is to have an impact on the world.

    I think I need to take my own advice and start burning the boats I sailed here on. Come September regardless of where I'm at, maybe I make the move downtown, to a condo I can hardly afford, spending $2000 a month in rent as a 24 year old. Maybe I spend a year or two breaking even every month in the promise of something greater. I keep thinking back to the idea that money doesn't buy a second of time, and they're right.

    Maybe come September I pack my shit up, move downtown for as long as I need to - no sublets or half measures - and figure my shit out. If I want to eat without pulling from my savings I'll need to very quickly come up with other things to do, and maybe then I'll find the drive I'm missing now. And I know if worst comes to worst, I'll have a two-year safety net I can deploy to pull me back up.

    It'll be nice and cold in the winter, I can join a new gym downtown, make a bunch of new friends, and put myself out there like I'm meant to do. I'm meant to do something with whatever time I have left. If I get hit by a truck tomorrow ghost me will be really disappointed he never launched his ocean conservation charity. Ghost me would wish he had friends he could call up and talk to without feeling like a burden. Ghost me would want to have helped as many people as he could, met a girl, raised kids, and all that stuff. And hell, one may maybe that'll all come true.

    But it needs to start with me. I've nobody else to blame and I'm okay with that.

    Come September I think I need to move out and grab whatever life I've let slip away by the reigns. Maybe then I'll stop dissociating as much, and I'll find that burning hot ember again. I'm feeling it as I type this and I miss it so god damn much. I'm not like everybody else. I don't want a fast car or a huge house or a billion dollars.

    I want to live a comfortable life surrounded by love, helping those around me who need it most. That's what I'm here for. No second guessing.

    Tell me I'm not crazy.

    submitted by /u/acamu5x
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    Would YCombinator care about a 19 yr old solo-technical-founder?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    As the title suggests, what are the odds of a 19-year-old, technical solo-founder getting into YCombinator?

    I'm currently working on my first startup, but I want it to move faster and university (just finished my first year) doesn't help with that. I'm from Toronto, Canada but currently interning in Seattle at Microsoft as a software engineering intern. To give you a better idea of my love for technical stuff, I've also gotten offers from Google & Facebook, I also worked at Shopify when I was in high school.

    So I think when it comes to most early stage technical startup stuff (initial scaling, rapid prototyping, etc ) I can handle it. But I don't know much about the pedantics and formalities of businesses & I primarily focus on building product. So I guess YC would not only be good for accelerating the startup, but also potentially finding a co-founder.

    However, I'm not sure if I should even apply to YC, do they even care about people like me or is my head just in the clouds?

    submitted by /u/jb_hand_made
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    Is this a good idea..?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    I'll keep this clean and simple.

    I would like to create an online consulting business for people suffering from anxiety disorders (all types). Basically, I want to design a full comprehensive course and then offer text support along with video chat support in order to connect with the individuals taking part in the service.

    I know a lot of people, including myself for many years have suffered from this issue and it seems to kept fairly "silent" although it is fairly common. There is also a lot of temporary remedies out today within the medical field and whatnot, but I want to offer to people a FULL comprehensive solution to their anxiety, so they can overall live the life they once truly desired.

    I am not a doctor or anything like that, but I have been a sufferer from anxiety myself for many years and spent countless times trying to find a remedy... Until, BANG, fast forward and I am anxiety free. Either way... sorry for rambling,

    I would like to know what you guys think about this business idea, if it is profitable AND feel free to leave any suggestions. Cheers :)

    submitted by /u/ejment
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    Looking to kick the QB

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I work for a small company, 5 people total (not including the parent and other companies). We are an Industrial Stocking and Distribution company. We currently use QuickBooks for our estimates but we're looking to switch to something else that meets our needs.

    We like Quickbooks enough for its invoicing but we really do need more without using a whole suite of unrelated software. We create our quotes in QuickBooks. Should they turn into orders we then have to edit the original quote to include the purchase order number, shipping, and special instructions. We then export to pdf where we use an editing tool to highlight the customer, item number(s), shipping instructions, and shipping address. We then have a separate PO form built in a Google Sheet that we have to fill out, thankfully the person who built it made it so that we can grab info and autofill addresses and vendors and everything else but it's still annoying.

    For the CRM side of things we have yet another Google Sheet that was built for us to keep track of customers we've quoted or sent PO's out for.

    We are looking for a program that is a desktop app with the ability to have tracked and untracked inventory, fully customizable invoices/estimates, reports, and CRM functions. We don't necessarily need anything from accounting since that's separate from us but we understand if it comes built in.

    For the invoicing we need the ability to markup easily. Xero's built in calculator doesn't cut it. We need an easier way to change the markup if we need to and to see it sitting right there next to the price.

    I've already tried Zoho and Xero and while they're great they don't offer the functionality I need.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/XrennfieldX
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    Execution and planning what are the bare minimum industry standards to know?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    I've now been looking at how businesses execute on day to day level:

    Marketing Research
    Marketing planning and strategy
    Operations (business management)
    Product launch
    Manufacturing planning

    What are your thoughts on what standards of practices to know?

    submitted by /u/ShoemakingHobbyist
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    Looking for feedback for a potential after school program idea

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    I wanted to know if something like this would be an appropriate thing to try to workshop via kickstarter or something like that. Also the viability of the idea.

    An after school program that students 4th grade+ that is based around teaching essential skills that are no longer found in schools. All of it would instead be funded by an admission fee or classes fee maybe.
    Cooking and baking classes, home economics in general. Classes based around basic car repair and maintenance, how to handle taxes, college prep, and key skills that people need.
    How to handle problems that everyone will experience one day, and to use the knowledge to overcome them. Stuff that used to be taught in schools, or by having to learn the hard way. Giving a physical and in person training experience instead of being stuck on the side of the road, watching a YouTube video on how to change a tire.

    Feedback welcome, I understand the costs for something like this would be pretty substantial to operate. Its an idea in the very beginning of fleshing out.

    submitted by /u/Greenville-dudeface
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    Good sales communities/slack channels/subreddits out there?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:51 AM PDT

    While learning how to sale on behalf of my business I've discovered a russian-speaking facebook group of salesmen whos target market is the US and EU. It appears quite helpful. Now I'm wondering what are english-speaking, preferably US-centred communities out there. Pls, share some if you know any?

    submitted by /u/wtwrname
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    Would like to know who dropped out of college to pursue in their Entrepreneurial dreams?? How it is going for you now, and if you regret doing so?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 02:42 PM PDT

    I dropped out my second year in College to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. I appreciated what college taught me while i was there, but don't regret leaving it behind me! Any one in a similar situation, and how has it been going along for you?

    submitted by /u/illumikeycampaign
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    Just graduated and hate corporate life

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    I just graduated college and took a job across the country, to work for a giant defense contractor. From the moment I walked in I hated it, getting stuck in a cube for 8 hours a day and working on inconsequential projects. All while looking at my boss who's been there for 30 years just to acquire a slightly larger cube.

    I fear ending up a corporate drone more than anything else in the world, and need to get out of here and make a difference.

    How can a young person without a lot of contacts the startup field get involved in a company?

    And what opportunities are there on the business side for someone with an engineering background?

    Thanks, ABC

    submitted by /u/alphabravoccharlie
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    Corporate Health Coach

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    Im a young entrepreneur with a passion for and expertise in health science. I want to work with businesses to increase productivity through coaching employees on how they can improve their performance and quality of life through health. If you think you could give some helpful advice (perhaps you do something similar or have hired someone similar), I would be extremely grateful for your input!

    submitted by /u/SpencerJStephens
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    Trying to Find a Specific Type of Book about business partnerships and %'s.... HELP!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 02:20 PM PDT

    Hey all, I would REALLY like a book that discusses (and maybe even case studies) on real business partnership structures.

    I DON'T mean "LLC's, C-Corps, etc...". (This is what I keep getting)

    I want to see examples of structures that incentivize both sides of a partnership to succeed, and examples of written structures that detail what happens if someone leaves the business, etc.

    One concrete example: I once heard of a business agreement called a "cutthroat" agreement: "If one person wants to buy out the business, they can make an offer, and then the other partner can accept, or can match that offer and take the whole business".

    Is there somewhere where all of these types of agreements can be read about? Or the vocab I don't have to google foo for it?


    submitted by /u/VA_AMA
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    Paralysis by analysis - how to choose one thing?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    Bit of background for context. Im currently 25 and in a decently well paying job (€50k/annum). I don't have any qualifications and my job (finance) doesn't really have any transferable skills (so if I was to move jobs, its only to other jobs of similar description)

    I'm in the process of starting up a niche ecommerce business (more of a passion project to learn about marketing, etc. And obviously to try and make successful) but while I'm getting products designed, sampled, etc. I find I have a lot of free time outside my 9-5. I find myself getting extremely anxious at times because I feel like I could be doing something else on the side to make more money. The problem is, how do I narrow down something to focus on when there are so many options? I'm tech savvy and into fitness so here's my options:

    • gritty service based business of some sort (clean windows, power washing, etc.)

    • learn a skill and try do it outside of working hours on a freelance basis (web dev, graphic design, bookkeeping)

    • start pumping out fitness content and try to coach people online

    I'm so torn and have no idea what to do. I feel like I'm wasting my time by not doing SOMETHING outside of my 9-5 while waiting until the parts are in place to launch my ecommerce business. How do you decide what to do?

    submitted by /u/imadamantium
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    Offering a shop a deal?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so I sell clothes with my own unique designs on them and I have been looking for some places to sell at, when ever I contact a shop they really seem interested at first then all of a sudden loose interest for no apparent reason what so ever.

    I think I give them a pretty decent deal, which is basically a cut of all the sales, discounts to them and their friends, printing accessibility for them etc..

    All tips would be appreciated here! Also what type of shops do you recommend for such a business?

    submitted by /u/theBlessedGiraffe
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    How do I make money as a teen?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    My mother's been financially struggling for a while so I've never had any money to spend on myself. I've had plans for a while now to create a business and work on it for a year or two in order to help my mother financially and also be able to buy some things I've wanted. I can't spend any cash on creating a business which has caused a huge road block for me to actually go forward with any of my ideas. Can't really get a job because im too young. I'm asking if anyone has any business ideas which can be made and grown off of nothing?

    If anyone wants some more information you can ask me in the replies.

    submitted by /u/slfxx
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    Started my business a month ago, things already not going great ugh

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    My website doesn't look as good as I'd want it to but I'm working on it, landed a business customer to work with so I have that going for me. I'm so stressed out this is normal right ? I always knew this path couldn't be easy but wow did I underestimate it. I am constantly over thinking everything I put up a ad I can't stop thinking if it's good enough, set ad budget ? Did I spend to little or spend to much ? Will this idea even work ? Will anyone even visit my page ? Oh and to top it all off I got in a car crash today with my 6 month old car so yay 😁 I want to throw in the towel, how could others do this ? I thought I was the tough guy in sales I cold called for years, I sold anything and everything but i never did it for myself and now that I am I feel like I'm back at square one the start. Life is a bitch sometimes and I never feel I can catch a break.

    submitted by /u/Ddaayviddbb
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    I want to create a course from developing your startup to launching it.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    I'm still not sure which example appliction I should develop, what would you personally like?

    submitted by /u/squeak6666yw
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    IG is down today and it proves why websites are essential for businesses

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    This isn't just for photographers but for all creative entrepreneurs. Todays IG malfunction tells a part of a much bigger story. I like this, here are 8 reasons why photographers need a website because Instagram is down today.

    submitted by /u/htpwma
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    Best wording for explaining a subscription?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! My company, which I started 12 years ago, has used the same wording to explain our Produce Box subscription until this year, when we changed it--and now I'm thinking of changing it again.

    Here's how it works. When you join, you pick a box that will be delivered to you each week unless you skip. You have a choice of four boxes. For the first eleven years we called it your "default box". We said "choose your default box", or "you'll get that box by default".

    This year, we got a little feedback from a marketing guy, that default was OUR word, and perhaps not intuitive to potential members, so we changed it to "your weekly plan". But I'm not sure that's right, either.

    Another company that delivers dairy nationally, uses the wording: "your standing order", which I like. Need some quick feedback if you don't mind. Which is best? Is there another way to word it?

    submitted by /u/goodgraciously
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    Can you become Millionaires by joining Amway or Primerica?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    As the title suggested. I used to have some "Friends" who told me that they can become millionaires by joining these MLM Companies. What are your thoughts about it? Do they seem Legit, and if you put blood+sweat+tears, can you reach this Promised Goal?

    submitted by /u/illumikeycampaign
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    Want to join?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    I'm here just to say I'm going to start posting on my Own Profile.I will be writing tech reviews and be writing on pc gaming related topics.Anyone is welcome to look and comment as they please,and most importantly,give suggestions.Thank you!

    submitted by /u/JaraaYT
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