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    Thursday, July 4, 2019

    Stocks - r/Stocks Daily Discussion & Options Trading Thursday - Jul 04, 2019

    Stocks - r/Stocks Daily Discussion & Options Trading Thursday - Jul 04, 2019

    r/Stocks Daily Discussion & Options Trading Thursday - Jul 04, 2019

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    This is the daily discussion, so anything stocks related is fine, but the theme for today is on stock options, but if options aren't your thing then just ignore the theme and/or post your arguments against options here and not in the current post.

    Some helpful day to day links, including news:

    Required info to start understanding options:

    • Call option Investopedia video basically a call option allows you to buy 100 shares of a stock at a certain price (strike price), but without the obligation to buy
    • Put option Investopedia video a put option allows you to sell 100 shares of a stock at a certain price (strike price), but without the obligation to sell

    See the following word cloud and click through for the wiki:

    Call option - Put option - Exercising an option - Strike price - ITM - OTM - ATM - Long options - Short options - Combo - Debit - Credit or Premium - Covered call - Naked - Debit call spread - Credit call spread - Strangle - Iron condor - Vertical debit spreads - Iron Fly

    If you have a basic question, for example "what is delta," then google "investopedia delta" and click the investopedia article on it; do this for everything until you have a more in depth question or just want to share what you learned.

    See our past daily discussions here. Also links for: Technicals Tuesday, Options Trading Thursday, and Fundamentals Friday.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How would you invest your time to make money?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:32 AM PDT

    I feel like the ultimate reason for investment is to make money, so if you put time aside to learning the stock market you should be making more money. This isn't the case, however, right? Beating the market is something which even veterans in the market struggle to do, and almost no one can do it consistently. You're better off just putting all your savings in an etf, such as one investing in the S&P 500, since that is essentially 'the market', and you're not going to beat it. Time isn't an issue, I'm 14, and I have an interest in the market, but am I not wrong in thinking that a better strategy would be to learn another skill, such as programming, which can potentially make you money, and THEN funnel that into investments, rather than focusing on the investing part?

    submitted by /u/DecentBlokeAye
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    Growth of cannabis and who will dominate the US market

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I made a similar question in a comment on r/WallStreetBets, but I'm looking for honest discussion on the matter.

    As far as US cannabis stocks go, we know cannabis will go up in the long run. Which US cannabis stocks are a good investment right now? I've been researching into Canopy (CGC) and Aurora (ACB), but both are looking like risky buys right now.

    Illinois just recently legalized, and legislation is being pushed to legalize it across the country. Who do you think will end up dominating the market, in the long run?

    submitted by /u/JustSomeNerdyDude
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    Walmart is investing $1.2 billion in China

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:18 AM PDT


    Hong Kong(CNN Business) Walmart is pouring more than a billion dollars into its China business as it faces growing competition from local rivals and online retailers.

    The US retail giant plans to invest around 8 billion yuan ($1.2 billion) in distribution centers in China over the next two decades, it said in a statement sent to CNN Business.

    Walmart (WMT) is planning to spend the money to boost grocery deliveries.

    submitted by /u/coolcomfort123
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    Update - $MRS The Real 10X Bagger

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Mission Ready Solutions acquired Unifire Inc which is 1 of the 6 approved vendors for the Defense Logistics Agency. They were part of $4 billion in contracts being awarded in March 2019. The company, 42M market cap has started bidding on the contracts.

    It's been two months since the last post below https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/bm60pd/mrs_mission_ready_solutions_the_real_10x_bagger/

    Disclaimer: This post does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of the security. Please do your due diligence.

    Since the last post, Mission Ready Solutions has received approximately $40 million in new contracts since Q2 - if they keep going at this rate, that's at least 160m a year in revenue! Their biggest contract was a $22.3m CDN that they received two weeks ago.


    The company released joint Unifire and Mission Ready Solutions statements on SEDAR (www.sedar.com) - you can take a look on how much assets, liabilities and revenues both companies have. Mind you that, most of 2018 was focused on closing the acqusition and they stopped bidding on contracts. June to September is the busy season for the DLA and they will hand out the majority of orders during this time.

    As for the $4 billion awarded in March, MRS continues to bid on these contracts and hopefully they get awarded a bigger one than the 22million one . To keep an eye on the contracts that get awarded, check here but this link is for contracts that were awarded 3 months prior. MRS started bidding on contracts April 22nd once the Unifire acqusition closed.


    Defense Logistics Agency Awards $4 Billion Contract for Special Operations Equipment https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/news/government-contracts/defense-logistics-agency-awards-4-billion-contract-for-special-operations-equipment/75609/

    submitted by /u/nitrouz
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    SLV thoughts

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    SLV looks pretty good to me; if it breaks 14.45 she will fly.

    My thought is that it'll dip and test 13.8 before busting out though.

    Thoughts? Seems like a pretty good earning potential for a recession proof ETF.

    submitted by /u/WillToAscend
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    Thoughts on SBUX

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    Hey guys, been lurking this page for a few months but first time posting. I'm a relatively young investor and held a few shares of SBUX which I sold yesterday just before closing. It's certainly not that I don't like the company, but I see too much downside. They're investing heavily in the Chinese market so any bad news between the US and China would mean bad news for SBUX. Additionally they are relatively pricey compared to McDonalds, Wawa, Dunkin', etc. If a downturn is truly coming less people are going to be spending an extra few dollars a day on SBUX over Dunkin'. Lastly, their price has been increasing tremendously the last year. Yes they're expanding into new markets, they are releasing a movie on Hulu, etc but I think any bad news with China and especially any downturn in the economy would crush any gains from the last year or two. I'd rather sell my shares in the green and buy back on a dip with the probability I'm probably going to be missing out on some gains in the coming months or even year, and then I have that cash ready for a downturn. I know the saying "time in the market beats timing the market" but what are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/jakenaroden
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    how to Open a Custodial account in the uk?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    i have been wanting to open a brokerage Custodial account for my son, but can't find any that are available in the UK. if anyone knows a of any i would be a massive help?. also if anyone knows a way my son can LEGALLY day trade stocks without one, that would be great too.

    submitted by /u/logix799
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    Undistributed Long Term Capital Gains?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    So I received form 2439 through my broker on a stock I own $GAIN. In the form It says I have 92.xx in Undistributed long term capital gains from April 1st 2018 to March 31st 2019. Another box says I was taxed 19.xx

    So I understand I subtract the 19 from the 92 for cost basis purposes. But I dont understand why I have to change my cost basis? I never received that money or had shares given to that amount.

    Anyone have experience with this? Also the form has 2018 on it but I didnt receive this until June 29th. So I want to assume this will be filed with 19's tax year but not sure about that either.

    thanks and happy 4th!

    submitted by /u/PizzaGradient
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    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    Thinking of buying DENSO shares but there are two listings on OTC: DENSOF and DENSOY. Not sure which one to buy. One is listed as common stock. The other as an ADR. Denso is a Japanese company listed and is owned by Toyota. Any advice/insights are appreciated! Have a happy 4th of July and early weekend!

    submitted by /u/CardinalCommunist
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    How to get market returns?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    I have been reading a lot about compound interest over time using index funds and I am confused how it is actually applied to the stock market.

    Let's say for example you have an index fund that costs $100 and it increases 10% over one year. That would leave you with $110 at the end of the year. That $10 dollars is then reinvested so then if the next year the fund grows %10 again you end up with $121.

    How do I actually get that $10? Do I need to sell the index fund then buy it right back to reinvest? Because to my knowledge of the stock market you ideally buy low and sell high to get a profit and all the articles I have read just give examples if the market returns an average of X% then you will have $Y after a certain amount of years but I dont understand how to actually get the market returns to reinvest.

    submitted by /u/BeepBoe
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    While we await approval for a crypto ETF, what's the best blockchain ETF?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    I want to get into a diverse fund that looks to take advantage of the cryptocurrency world. With news of the SEC stalling hopes of an actual cryptocurrency ETF being available anytime soon, what blockchain ETFs are good?

    submitted by /u/onemananswerfactory
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    BABA currency risk?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 02:19 AM PDT

    I bought Alibaba stock on the new york stock exchange. The thing is my broker lists all of my exposure to other currencies. So sorry if this is a noob question but should Alibaba be tracking Yuan instead of Dollar? I get that I purchased in Dollar amount, in the US stock market listing, but it is still Chinese...

    submitted by /u/xFantasi
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    Why is the financial data provided by the company and by a stocks platform different?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 12:55 AM PDT

    I was researching a company and checked their annual report, their net profit did not match the net profit on the platform I am using to buy stocks, how is this possible?

    submitted by /u/VanHouzen
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    Cgc worth loading up on?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:47 PM PDT

    Relatively inexperienced, although I am aware of the potential of pot stocks in the future. Do you'all recommend buying more of cgc?

    submitted by /u/JaqenHghaar08
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    10 yr-3 month yield curve have been inverted for 30 straight days. Last time this happened was in 2001 and 2008.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    So many warning signals, only safe haven is gold folks!

    submitted by /u/TheSalami77
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    Class Action Notice

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:01 PM PDT

    Received a class action notice on Alibaba and mentioned that settlement for class action claimants is about xxx number, based on your experience in past and claims, how much )have you received in the last per share if case is successful for your own respective company

    submitted by /u/jmacbook
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    Sell at pre determined target price or hold ?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 05:22 PM PDT

    Question for the investors in this group. I started investing about a year ago, while i'd like to think i somewhat know what i'm doing, would like to hear what you folks think about when to sell a stock. If you invest in a stock/company, do you sell when the price reaches a target price you had in mind ? Or after a period of time ? Or when the narrative/business strategy changes to something you don't think is sustainable/competitive ?

    When i first started, i bought apple at 190 last summer, watched it creep up to 233 where i debated whether i should sell or not, decided to hold for another couple of years since i loved the company, then watched it tank to the 140's, i didn't really consider selling at a loss, and it evidently went back up to 203 as of today. However in hindsight i wish i would've sold at 233 with a healthy ~20% gain.

    Now i'm in a similar situation with facebook, bought the stock a month ago at 167, now the stock is around 198 and creeping up, at 18% gain in a month, would you sell and bag the profits and hope for a dip in the stock to buy again or just hold for a few years ?

    I know i'm not one of the luck 0.01% that can time the market, and don't mind holding fb for another 3-5 years, but i'd be lying if i wasn't tempted to sell at 20% gain if it creeps up some more to the 200's.

    Edit: i usually buy a stock with a target price of when i would sell, but a month in i'm feeling more like a trader than an investor.

    Thoughts/advice ?

    submitted by /u/idkwhyimhere91
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