• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 4, 2019

    Legal Advice I own a condo that I AirBnB out when I’m not using it. I set out a bottle of wine for the guests as a nice gesture. The underaged daughter of my last guests took the bottle of wine and more liquor from the cabinet and got serious alcohol poisoning. Dad is threatening to sue. Am I in danger? (SC)

    Legal Advice I own a condo that I AirBnB out when I’m not using it. I set out a bottle of wine for the guests as a nice gesture. The underaged daughter of my last guests took the bottle of wine and more liquor from the cabinet and got serious alcohol poisoning. Dad is threatening to sue. Am I in danger? (SC)

    I own a condo that I AirBnB out when I’m not using it. I set out a bottle of wine for the guests as a nice gesture. The underaged daughter of my last guests took the bottle of wine and more liquor from the cabinet and got serious alcohol poisoning. Dad is threatening to sue. Am I in danger? (SC)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    Hey all, I've got a bit of a weird one.

    So, I own a condo in South Carolina that I like to AirBnB for some extra income when it's not being used. Recently, I rented the condo out to a family of 3. Dad and mom were around 45 and daughter was 18.

    As a kind gesture, I typically get the cleaning people to set out a bottle of wine with a note for the incoming guests. In 2+ years of doing this, I've never had a problem with doing so. Until now.

    I got a call from the dad, infuriated, 2 nights ago. The dad told me that his daughter took the wine from off the counter and took liquor out of my hidden liquor cabinet to drink with friends. Turns out she doesn't quite know her limits, and she about drank herself into a coma.

    Daughter had to take a trip to the hospital where she had her stomach pumped and was treated for other complications from the alcohol.

    So dad tells me on the phone that he would like compensation from ME for the medical bills from his daughter's mistakes. He stated that I was responsible for it by putting out alcohol. He said that if I don't agree to do so, he will sue me for it.

    I think this claim is absurd. Yes, I put out alcohol, but I thought it was pretty understood that only people of age should be drinking it. I would've understood if the wine was left on the bed of the kids room, but it was on the kitchen counter with a note addressing the parents.

    While I think the claims have no ground, the laws might disagree. I need to know: can I get in trouble for this? What do I need to do if so?

    Edit: Thanks for the helpful replies everyone. Many of you are suggesting that I file a police report for the stolen liquor. I learned today that this isn't an option as renters are allowed to use all consumables in an AirBnB regardless of where they are. At this point, I'm not going to mess with the missing liquor. I'm just trying to avoid a lawsuit at all costs. If that means losing a bottle of nice liquor, that's fine.

    Also, I'll be sure to update you guys as this situation progresses.

    submitted by /u/99OBJ
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    [WA] My parents are preventing me from moving out, and are trying to file for legal guardianship of me to keep me under their roof. Anything I can do?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 03:39 AM PDT

    EDIT: Thank you everyone for the overwhelming amount of support. I didn't know that alternatives would be available. Now I feel ready to stand up to my parents. Thank you all so much.

    I'm 18M and have autism, but a good job, education, and a place to go (college dorm), to which my parents are preventing me from moving to.

    They've always been controlling people. My dad used to spank me with his belt (really fucking hurt), and both gave me homeopathic medicine and essential oils when I was sick, and monitor my computer and phone use because they believed I need to be monitored from porn and "misinformation". They also forced Christianity on me and punished me if I resisted. And they wanted to hold my hand every step of the way in me growing up because they believed because I have autism, I'm more immature than most and need to be disciplined.

    They didn't even want me to dorm at the bigger state college campus and go to the smaller one because "I couldn't handle the big campus". No, I believe it's so they can keep me under their roof and force their "my house my rules" shit on me. They wouldn't even let me drive until I turned 18 last year (they DID let me learn, but again, autism).

    I've recently applied to college, and they accepted, and my parents were very proud but I sensed that they were also a bit dismayed that I applied to the larger campus. I've also secured a good job and am able to transfer to one of the company's offices near my campus.

    Yesterday, my dad went on my computer and found out I'm trying to dorm against their will. My parents then sat me down and told me about how I wasn't supposed to dorm, let alone go to the bigger campus. I told them I'm 18 and allowed to do what I want by now, but they're like "We're your parents, and what we say goes regardless of your age, as long as you live in our house you will abide by our rules." And with that they took the keys to my car and my license and parked theirs behind mine so I can't get out.

    I then went back on my computer to type this and found out they're trying to get a court appointment to obtain legal guardianship of me and to use my autism to justify it.

    I don't want to live in my parents' house anymore. I'm tired of their controlling and policing. If they get guardianship of me then they can keep me at home against my will and prevent me from moving out and I am not having that. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/guardianshipthrowawa
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    (Nyc) [update] roommate only paying $50 of his rent: I got a lawyer who helped me buy myself out of my lease, moved today. Unhappy update.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    This is not a very happy update. I found a lawyer who agreed to help me (for $200 an hr). He somehow got the LL to let me buy myself out of the lease effective immediately for 2 months rent (my half of our security deposit) fee. LL also agreed to lease me another place he owns with half the deposit (so just one month rent). I'm the sole leaseholder for this new place (also a two bedroom) and have permission to sublease the second bedroom to a person of MY choosing. Moved in this afternoon.

    Lawyer suggested I sublease the second bedroom at a higher price to make back the money I lost which I will do.

    Roommate came home during my move. He didn't bat an eye which I thought was weird. Then his gf pulls up with a uhaul. I didn't even finish moving out and they were ready for her to move in. Basically, I got got. He is the only leaseholder now so she is moving in, which my guesss was the plan all along. I'm out a few grand, too much time and a really nice apartment. They are both pieces of shit who came out on top in this senerio by screwing me.

    Moral of the story: stay the fuck away from renting with strangers in nyc.

    edit: I'm getting an insane amount of DMs with all the same questions so I'll answer the main ones here: 1: I am waiting to figure out if I can still sue him for the cost I paid to break the lease. I can't sue him for late fees or overpayment b/c I never paid his half of the rent, I bought myself out of the lease instead. Should get an answer from my lawyer by Friday. If I can I am going to do that. 2: I have no clue why he did this. No idea why they didn't just apply together on the first place. No clue if they will be paying rent. 3: yes this was 'resolved' quickly. Rent was due yesterday or we would have been charged a 10% late fee so yeah, I specifically hired a lawyer to have it 'resolved' by the end of the day on the 3rd.

    submitted by /u/ChemicalSet0
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    [OH][Ohio]Child injured by plants - Medical costs demanded

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    In my apartment, I keep houseplants, including some unfriendly plants like cacti. I do not have children or pets to be jabbed by them.

    Apparently, while I was out, a pipe in the wall between my apartment and my neighbor's apartment sprung a leak and rained on the people below us both. Emergency maintenance came out to deal with the problem and knocked a hole in my wall (understandable) to access the pipe.

    However, he brought his young son with him into my apartment.

    The kid decided one of my red habanero pepper plants looked tasty and tried one. He was shocked by the extreme heat, and accidentally fell onto one of my cactus plants and got the spines embedded in his face and arm. His father (the maintenance man) took him to the doctor for treatment, and is now demanding I pay all medical costs for this visit or he'll sue me because apparently cacti and pepper plants are "attractive nuisances".

    I told him I had no intention of paying even one cent since I never gave permission for his son to enter my apartment. I also notified my renters' insurance, who have not replied.

    This is BS. Would I actually have to pay over the uninvited "guest"?

    I'm in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/NastyPlants
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    Who is responsible for hazmat cleanup with a tenant dies in the rental property?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    My friend came home after a few days away to find his roommate of 10 years dead in the house. My friend was not super close to his roommate, and doesn't know his roommate's next of kin. The coroner notified the family of the death. His landlord says that he is responsible for arranging and paying for a hazmat cleanup. Is this legal or is the landlord or the deceased tenant's estate responsible? My friend lives in South Carolina.

    submitted by /u/staceydc55
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    What legal action can I take against my HOA for destroying my master bedroom?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    Background: I bought a condo a few months ago in Florida. Home inspector did not do a good job and I ended up buying a unit with water damage in the master bedroom. Fun surprise. Anyways, the HOA is the cause of the damage.

    There was a dual issue present - water was leaking in the building through the poorly sealed windows, and the sprinklers facing the windows were pointed in a way so that they were spraying water on the windows. This information is from the various inspectors sent to my property. I have two reports from different inspectors.

    HOA sent contractors to remove the damaged material but basically ghosted me after that. it has been months of going back and forth with the HOA and just today I got a certificate from the water remediation contractor that the room was cleaned properly.

    The HOA has stated they are only responsible for drywall but I want compensation for the damage they caused. they tore up my floor in the affected bedroom and left it in that state, and have been dragging their feet to do the bare minimum.

    Do I have any recourse, and can I make my HOA compensate me for the floor? This issue has been going on for 4 months now since I initiated contact with my HOA management company.

    Also as a side note: I tried to file an insurance claim and it was rejected. The policy did not cover "seepage" which was determined to be the cause of loss. I was a first time buyer and I feel really crappy about my purchase and I don't really know anything about what I can do. Just feel like I've been getting the runaround from everyone for months now. Thanks

    submitted by /u/dankdz
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    [CA] My wife signed the served divorce paperwork, and now is demanding that I return it because she no longer agrees. Do I have to give the paperwork back?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    [WA] landlord is doing construction while we're still in the home and it's causing problems

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 10:45 AM PDT

    I'm from WA, near Seattle. Recently our landlord decided he was going to fix the roof. He's changing the overall shape of it from flat to gable. All of this would be great, but he seems to think we don't need to be evacuated while they're doing construction. Since they've started, a crazy amount of dirt and wood shavings have fallen through the holes he made/left there in the ceiling. I'm finding ants all over the place now. He drilled a tarp over the roof while it rained and he wasn't working, but water leaked through anyway and damaged some things in our car port.

    On top of all the damage he's done to the inside of our home, we never know when he's going to be working on it because he just doesn't give us updates. He started this morning at 9 AM, no announcement. I can't shower or eat while he's working because dirt will rain down on me and my food as they walk over the roof. I just don't see how this can be legal.

    I guess what I'm asking is do I have any legal recourse? I'm barely able to exist in my own home when he's working on the roof, and there's nowhere else for us to go. We've got small animals too and I'm worried about them getting hurt. Can I sue if something happens causing great injury or damages, or can I do it now?

    I forgot to mention that I'm not on the lease, I'm supposed to be moving out in a couple months and I live with my mom. I don't know if that affects anything though.

    submitted by /u/Ral1s
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    [Update] [TX] Security deposit not returned within 30 days due to carpet stains

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    My previous post received very little attention, but in the spirit of this subreddit, I thought I would post an update.

    I reached out to my previous landlord with a friendly but sternly written email stating that it's been well beyond 30 days and that we would like our full security deposit returned at this point. He wrote back quickly and was surprisingly very understanding and was not resistant at all. Thankfully, no threats of legal steps or reminders of my rights as a tenant were required.

    He mailed us a check with the full security deposit, which we received about a week later. He even included the non-refundable pet deposit for some reason, but I'm not complaining!

    submitted by /u/Lunchables
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    What can a mom with a husband that sexually abuses her children do to ensure their safety?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    Im sorry if this was too much of a sensitive topic here, but we need expert advice and are desperate. My sister suspected for awhile that her husband was raping his 3 year old son, and she went to a forensic doctor to confirm her suspicion. Turns out, she was right all along and there's evidence of rape, however, it isn't clear if its his father or someone else who did it. My sister is certain that it is indeed her husband, because her son has been saying odd things about him lately. My sister is terrified of going to the police in her home-country (we live in a third world country biased towards men and their claims) so if she goes to court she'll most definitely lose and her husband would get custody despite forensic evidence. And if she actually gets divorced and gets custody, he will kill her. This isn't an exaggeration, and he threatened her many times. He also has friendships with criminals, people who could do it for him in case he was locked up. I know many of you have knowledge in western law only, but thats why I'm here. She wants to know if there is anything she could do to get her two children asylum in any first world country? They have Syrian passports and many countries make it a complicated matter to issue visas for Syrians already. How can she make her children obtain a visa and then seek asylum without their father knowing?

    submitted by /u/vala_aer
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    AZ/Pima County/Tucson - Real estate agent ghosted me after showing her land that just got listed we wanted - 5 days later land is off the market. I just now found out, looking into it a month later that my now former agent bought the land herself and is splitting it into 3 properties for resell.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    So, the full story is we are currently building a home right now, but we still are always looking at neat plots of land to buy at good deals, either to flip ourselves or to build on. I particularly have been looking for good land close to us since my parents are retiring at the end of the year and moving back here to be close to the grand kids.

    New land goes up on the market, roughly 7 acres, beautiful location. We tell our realtor about it and get her to take a drive with us out there. We tell her we intend to put an offer on the land. She says everything looks pretty good, she'll contact them and get back to us.

    A day goes by and I hear nothing. Unlike her. She usually will even respond to a text message in 30 minutes or less, even to just say "With a client, get back to you at X time" or something. She has been reliable in the past on 2 separate deals. Ok, now a couple days go past and we call her brokerage, leave a message. No response.

    I am patient, and I know land doesn't often sell as fast, but we really like this place so I decide I am going to contact their agent myself directly. I pull up the listing and boom, listing is off the market. I call the agent and I find out someone made a cash offer on the land and they accepted and it got pulled. I was pretty disappointed in this, and I was especially annoyed at my agent now.

    This agent completely and 100% ghosted us, never got back. I said screw it, didn't lose too much sleep over it, but it annoyed me. I wasn't going to use her again at least.

    So, as I occasionally am looking at properties in the area I do a little looking into the property we lost, out of curiosity who bought it, and I find out that it was purchased by my real-estate agent that ghosted me. WTF - pretty livid over this!

    So, what are my options? Should I just send an ethics complaint in for licensed realtors? Will that even do anything? Is there anything else I should do?

    submitted by /u/GeneticsGuy
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    New neighbor is throwing trash in our backyard, what can I do?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    (NYC) Since our four years of living in this house, no one has ever thrown thrash in our backyard up until this new guy moved in. We've found paint brushes, trash bags of fruits that been eaten, containers and etc. it all only started happen since he moved in, so we're definitely sure it is him because we are good with our right neighbor. We and our backyard neighbors have a "dont bother me, I don't bother you" relationship. And like I said, nothing has ever happened.

    We're going to get a security camera to try and catch him. Once we have video evidence, what are our options? Can we just complain to his landlord? And if we do, what will the landlord do? What can be done do to stop this behavior?

    submitted by /u/mondaymorningsam
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    (Update) getting charged for refusing an ambulance (IL)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 08:56 PM PDT

    Well this was a quick and easy process.

    I took everyone's advice and called her insurance. They had me take my bill into their office and they are going to pay for it. They said if I receive any more bills as a result of the accident, go ahead and drop it off at their office and they will take care of it.

    Thank you all for your help!

    submitted by /u/missambience
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    [UPDATE] To All Of The Fitbit Posts

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    First of all, thanks for all the advice and discussion surrounding the Fitbit fiasco involving the University System of Georgia leaving an employee portal open to any USG-Affiliate email address. The issue has been rendered moot, as the University System has capitulated to both public pressure and general incompetence (they couldn't manage to figure out how to issue return labels). Anyone who still has the Fitbits now has the right to keep them, as Fitbit either didn't want to deal with the negative PR or didn't want to deal with thousands of used Fitbit returns.

    First Fitbit Post

    My Fitbit Post

    Another Fitbit Post

    submitted by /u/Skyhawkson
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    [CA] Estranged mother intend to fly to the US and show up uninvited to our house

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 12:01 AM PDT

    My mother and I have been estranged for many years. She lives in another country. I block her from contacting me, and never proactively contact her, even though once every 6 months she sends me a long-ass email rambling about her life, which I just ignore.

    Recently, she found out that my partner and I am pregnant with our first child through other family members. One of the family members gave her our current address. I never gave my mother the address in the 5 years we've lived in our current place.

    She emails me today saying that she plans to come to the US for the birth of our child, with our address in her hand, all this uninvited and never once asked how we feel.

    My question is if she does show up at our door uninvited, what actions can I take? Everytime I had seen her, she is verbally abusive and causes a scene and I do not need this type of stress right now nor would I want to expose my newborn baby to someone so toxic.

    Can I call the police on her if she shows up and refuses to leave? If she lingers by our front door, would it count as trespassing and would the police take any actions?

    submitted by /u/cw670
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    [HI] My parents booked a hotel stay 3 months ago when prices were ~90 a night, and now the owner is forcing them to cancel their stay and told them to re-book, but the prices are currently 1400 a night.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    Around 3 months ago my parents booked a 10 day stay for November through Vrbo for around $90 per night. A few days ago, my mom got an email from the owners of the hotel (not Vrbo) telling her to cancel her stay because the hotel is closing its Vrbo account(?).

    The way they informed my mom has huge red flags, as far as I'm concerned. The urgency and lack of detail is really suspicious. My mom then contacted Vrbo, which is where she initially booked the stay, and all they told her was to not to pay them until further notice

    I may be wrong, but what I believe is happening is that the owner convinces the person who booked the stay for a cheap price to manually cancel their stay. This way either the person re-books for a higher price (because it's closer to the date of the stay than before) OR the person who booked the stay just cancels their stay, and the hotel has more rooms to offer at a significantly higher price. Either way is a win-win situation for the hotel, and the people who planned months ahead get fucked over.

    I'm just as lost as my parents so any advice/info would help. Thanks a lot in advance

    submitted by /u/beatnovv
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    If you are a single owner of a US LLC as a non-US person living outside of US, you owe no US tax. Is there a limit to that? And Is there any hidden catch about 5472?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    U.S. Business 100% Owned by Non-U.S. Person(s)

    Q. I am a single owner of a U.S. LLC, non-U.S. person living abroad. My company provides remote services. Do I need to file tax return and pay income tax?

    A single member LLC that elected to be a disregarded entity (a default election) would only pay tax based on the tax status of the owner. Since the owner is not physically present in the US and is providing services remotely there would be no income effectively connected to the US. That means the LLC would owe no US tax, except for the annual registration fee in the state of LLC registration, and there would be no US federal tax obligation (in other words there is no requirement to file income tax either).

    Keep in mind though - you might not technically be producing income in the U.S., but you still could be (and chances are) liable to income tax on this income in your country.

    1) If you are a single owner of a US LLC as a non-US person living outside of US, you owe no US tax. Is there a limit to that? What if your business goes viral and you make millions? Still no US taxes?

    Previously single member LLCs with foreign owners were not required to file. However, starting 2017, all foreigners who own a US LLC must file a 5472 US tax return with the IRS for disclosure purposes even if they do not owe tax in the US.

    This requirement should be taken seriously. If Form 5472 is not filed or filed incorrectly, the IRS charges a minimum penalty of $25,000 USD (increased from $10,000).

    Starting in 2017, all foreign-owned Single-Member LLCs that are Disregarded Entities are now treated as Corporations for federal reporting requirements (submitting information) to the IRS. This doesn't mean the LLC is paying tax like a Corporation, but rather, it's simply reporting information like a Corporation. Source: llcuniversity . com /irs/form-5472-foreign-owned-llc

    2) Is there any hidden catch about 5472? Merely hiring a CPA who knows how to fill it out is enough?

    PS. I'm a nonresident alien for tax purposes. Which means I owe no tax on the income of LLC, as far as I know. But I feel like there must be a catch if the business goes viral and I make millions and pay no US taxes. I'm thinking too far ahead but better to be safe than sorry, especially as someone who owns a company in another country and dealing with IRS.

    PS. Information below puts me into no US tax category.

    You're subject to US tax on business income only if you are "engaged in a trade or business in the United States," or "ETBUS" for short. You're ETBUS only if two things are true: (1) you have at least one "dependent agent" in the US, and (ii) that dependent agent does something substantial to further your business in the US (as opposed to something purely administrative or ministerial). Finally, if you can benefit from an applicable tax treaty, then you're only subject to tax if (in addition to being ETBUS) you operate in the US through a "permanent establishment" (e.g., an office or other fixed place of business). Let's look at the different moving parts above in more detail.

    WHAT'S A DEPENDENT AGENT? A dependent agent is basically a person who works for you so closely that the dependent agent's actions can be said to be an extension of your own actions. So, the term definitely includes your employees. But it also includes people in two other categories:

    Individuals who work for you as an independent contractor, but who do so much work for you that they're basically indistinguishable from an employee, and Companies who provide services exclusively (or almost exclusively) to you. Source: ustax.bz/non-us-entrepreneurs/

    It would be great if you could suggest me some reading materials or keywords to search for. I'd like to learn how this really works.

    submitted by /u/KMADKSMKMDASKMADS
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    Two parking tickets, one hour apart

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    I got two parking tickets for parking my car outside, in front of my house. The entire street has a 2hr parking limit from 9am-5pm. So here goes what happened. I took my kid to summer school at 830, and got back to the house at 9. Parked the car in the street. Parking enforcement came around 915 to start marking tires with chalk. Okay. I went to the market at 11 picked up my son from school and got back at 1230. Again, parked it outside. Parking enforcement comes at 1238 and starts giving out tickets, and gave me one for staying over the limit. They then come back again at 1:38 and give me another ticket for the same thing, yet on the citation, it shows I was cited at two different locations. I have proof that I moved the car, yet they gave me the tickets. I have fought both the tickets yet they stand that I was correctly cited. Is there anything I can do? This is in Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA

    submitted by /u/DarkNite_14
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    [Florida, USA] Out of work for the last 3 weeks. Boss says I can't come back until I get an MRI.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    So I passed out at work 3 weeks ago. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and they ran some tests and cleared me to go back to work after a day of rest. Apparently my blood pressure dropped which is odd because I've never had issues with it before.

    Anyway, I took my discharge info back to work but my boss told me that he was uncomfortable with me coming back until I got an MRI and that worker's comp wasn't going to pay for it.

    I posted here a while back because there is a serious black mold issue in the building and it's affecting everyone that works there, and after doing some research I saw that low blood pressure and recurring sinus infections are a couple of the main symptoms of mold toxicity. I've had 3 sinus infections and a severe case of bronchitis that put me in the hospital since I've been working there.

    My question is, since I've been out of work for 3 weeks can I apply for some sort of unemployment or short term disability? I'm still on the roster at work but I'm not allowed back until I get an MRI that I can't afford. What are my options?

    submitted by /u/Infectious_Laugher
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    Paying Child Support but State won't let me fix delinquency

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    I began paying child support for my son in November. Because of the time it takes to get started I was delinquent on a month and a half. When I called to fix it, I was in arrears and they told me to let the arrears take care of the deliquency. I'm in the military and live out of state from the agency which is in Ohio. I wanted to get it fixed so I called again and wanted to pay my deliquency plus 1 month ahead because depending on DFAS (military pay) it could be late again putting me into arrears again. They told me that I could pay but the account will not carry a credit. So if I pay extra, it's just extra and doesn't count to the next month. They also told me that it would be impossible for me to get out of arrears now because of how DFAS pays in connection with dates the state wants the payment. DFAS which also pays civilian government employees (millions of people) won't and can't do anything to help. State law states I HAVE to pay through my employer, I can't just make the payment on my own. Today I discovered my credit score is quickly dropping because of this.

    I called my attorney on the divorce and child custody and they don't handle it. They told me other lawyers will not get involved because there is nothing they can do. Also I pay state tax I should receive back due to being in the military that I won't receive due to arrears that I will never be able to clear. I need help. If you have any experience I would greatly appreciate it. I'm not trying to get out of paying child support. I'm trying to fix it but the agency is making it impossible. I've called several times talking for several hours and gotten no where.

    (Though it shouldn't matter, for reference I am a female that left an abusive marriage. My ex had a better lawyer and I moved out of the state so the proceedings favored my ex. There is a lot more to this but I don't feel like its revelant. We share full parental custody but I have less parenting time hence the child support).

    Child support is being paid in Ohio.

    *Edit to add location.

    submitted by /u/scrittore1
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    I feel like my lawyer is helping the other side (IL)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    I don't make these accusations lightly, so I want to flesh out what things my lawyer has done that make me untrusting of his motives and methods.

    I won't go into the specifics of the law suit but here is some background:

    We are suing our partner for just over 2 million. The case is over 7 years old and the law suit started nearly 3 years ago. The store was sold and, although the property is owned on the deed by both partners, only the defendant has been receiving rent - denying us our share. There are many more terrible offenses, including stealing, fraud, and witness harassment that are more important to the case but not important to explaining why I've lost trust in my lawyer.

    Here are some of the reasons:

    He is CONSTANTLY procrastinating until the very last day (and even the morning of) until I literally have to push him and/or do the work for him to get a motion on the table or to make progress in the case. I literally woke up 4:00 AM the morning of the trial to have out exhibit list in binders in the proper order because he was "too sleepy" at 6:00 PM the night before and never got it done beforehand. I was literally still scrambling to get the list in order in four binders while in the benches before the trail was supposed to start, having been delayed because he forgot the bylaws in the office and had to go get them.

    Since day one our attorney promised to have the rent that was being paid to the defendant frozen into an escrow account until the case is over - it has been 3 years with little to no effort in passing this obvious motion with both partners being on the property deed.

    He literally waited until the last week to ask for a deposition of the defendant - THEN waited until the night before said deposition to start calling court reporters (all of which were busy). The deposition failed because of this.

    During the failed deposition he went to a separate room with the defendant's attorney and agreed to do "a voluntary" if the defendant's attorney agreed to "accept service" should a motion to continue be denied.

    The motion to continue was denied by the judge - but the judge expressed that he was very upset because NONE of the attorneys wrote him a litigation brief. And none of them were "conducting litigation in the way it is supposed to be conducted."

    I denied the voluntary because I had enough of this case, but in a back room with the judge and attorney they somehow agreed to a continuance.

    The continuance is for four more months and my attorney has not made the motions he agreed he would make the next day which included freezing the rent in escrow, having the defendant pay the outstanding real estate taxes from the rent before the business is lost in delinquent taxes, and issuing a subpoena to the bank for essential records.

    It is impossible to get a hold of the attorney because he NEVER answers his phone and doesn't want to talk until he wants to start asking for money.

    I'm out of my mind doing our attorney's job for him alongside my day job and still getting nowhere.

    I'd like to ask you all here, am I a paranoid asshole? How much of this is reasonable and, if so, how badly do I need a new attorney? Can I change my attorney now? What process do I need to go through? Aside from word of mouth or taking a gamble on the bar are there ways to find honest attorneys? I fully understand that he may be an exception rather than the norm, but he is the only lawyer I've really dealt with and it is a painful experience.

    Thank you for reading all the way through - I'm stressed out because I've tried to make this case so easy, and it seems so simple with the amount of condemning paperwork I've provided, but I feel my lawyer is working against me rather than with me.

    submitted by /u/ConstableFishLegs
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    Mother trying to move our daughter out of state. What legal rights do I have as the father. State of Residence: Washington

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    My daughter is 5. Her mom and I were never married nor do we have any legal documents in place stating custody. We have an open agreement and its always been mostly amicable up until recently. Time spent is 50/50 or 60/40 leaning my way bc of the mother's job. Financially: 50/50 except she claims her on taxes so our daughter is on her insurance (she pays premiums). My daughter and I are very close and there is no denying that. The mother came up pregnant about 3 months back and then just got engaged to her bf.

    The guy can't find a job here and I was sent a text stating that we'd have to split time w my daughter bcuz he was going to take a job in New Jersey. I never agreed to this and she knows I'm not willing to live away from my daughter. Her and I live 20 min apart now. I've made it clear I would compromise and move but only on an agreed upon location in the past that worked for all of us. This text was telling me what their plans were and she was taking my daughter. I'm worried about spending thousands in court only to lose bc of the court favoring the mother, especially in this state. The mother has also started fabricating lies about the past and who has done what in regards to care and finances w our daughter and I have no doubt she will lie in a court of law to sway favor. There are some things I can't prove though. My plan is to go to the county courthouse tomorrow and file an emergency parenting plan and establish that this is her home so litigation happens here but what will this look like for me and what chance do I have? Any and all advice appreciated. I am a good man, a good father and I don't want my daughter effected by this but I'm also not willing to lay down and follow the new guy around the country for a job offer and leave my career.

    submitted by /u/Tyfred21
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    [CA] Is it ok for my company to clock me out and immediately clock me in while I'm still working?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 01:32 PM PDT

    I work as a supervisor at a market. Today I had to partly cover someone's shift for two hours. I was told that I get clocked in when I get to the office and clocked out when I come back in as the standard. After covering the two hour shift the dispatcher who clocks people told me that I got clocked out and immediately back in when I started the shift cover. Then when I get back to the office I get clocked back out. Dispatch told me there was no difference between not clocking me out and clocking me out then back in. I hope this makes sense I'll put this in hours to help with visualization.

    Usually my hours are from 8:30pm - 5:00am
    When I covered the shift it was 8:30pm clocked out at 5:00am clocked back in at 5:00am then clocked back out at 7:00am, so Im covering a two hour shift. Is this legal, or are they trying to screw with my hours in some way? They have been pretty rough when it comes to checks as well, messing up my hours on checks almost every other week, but fix the amount owed in retro pay the following week. Im thinking that they do this on purpose to save money some how but Im not sure. Are these red flags for a company trying to embezzle money somehow or am I just over reacting?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_SINCERITY
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    Florida just passed legislation protecting front yard vegetable gardens.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 08:30 PM PDT

    I moved into a neighborhood with an HOA a couple months ago. I had a raised flower box painted with my boys handprints on them. In the box I had tomatoes and peppers planted. The HOA made me remove the flower box because it's an eye sore. Can anyone explain if the new law passed will protect a raised vegetable garden? Or is it worded to only protect plants planted directly in the ground?

    My boys and I worked really hard on this garden and your help would be greatly appreciated.

    link to the bill

    submitted by /u/rekep
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