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    Wednesday, July 3, 2019

    Rear ended in a multi-car pileup Insurance

    Rear ended in a multi-car pileup Insurance

    Rear ended in a multi-car pileup

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:00 AM PDT

    I was rear ended a little bit back in a multi-car pile up. I was at the head of the line and was hit first by insured car A. Then, uninsured car B hit A, which pushed A slightly into me again.

    I put in a claim with A's insurance, but that company told me that they would not take 100% responsibility because of the 2nd impact from B and that I would have to pursue B separately. Insurance company A suggested I file on my own insurance, pay my deductible, and have my insurance handle subrogation - which I did.

    Should I be expecting my deductible back once the subrogation process is complete? I have UI coverage.

    Also, any opinions on diminished value claims on a 6 month old Tesla Model 3. I'm in California. Damage was just under $8k.

    submitted by /u/GoSh4rks
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    Charged $460 for asking a question (WA)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    Hello all. I went in for a physical at a preferred provider's office. Under my new insurance (regence), physicals are covered in full. During the physical, I mentioned that I've been dealing with depression. She said, ok, I'll run some labs! I did not receive a prescription or anything like that, just a referral to a psychiatrist. Now I have a bill for $458.58. I called the office where I received the physical and my insurance. They all said everything looks correct, because I asked about mental health during the appointment. As soon as I asked about mental health, it stopped being a regular physical, so I have to pay. Is there anything I can do about this?

    submitted by /u/Rhoda__Penmark
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    Getting Car Insurance with No License

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 11:36 PM PDT

    So I have been looking through this subreddit and I can't find much of an answer.

    I am a Michigan resident, 23 years old, and do not have my license currently due to financial and medical reasons. I am going to be able to finally change that soon.

    I was lucky enough to be gifted car from a family member. My boyfriend was able to drive it to our house and all was good. (They told us they would be leaving the insurance on it til Friday.) But then the thought kicked in: the car was given to me, my name on the title now. I do not have a license, so can I even get insurance for a car? I realize that with my name on the title, I have to get it registered under my name, yes?

    I guess the question is how do we get it so he can get car insurance on this car? Must it be me? Could I put him on the registration too, if we arent married? Or can he just get a policy even if I own the car? Could he register it technically? Or does it matter, can I get insurance? Would he be a driver under me then? Would we both pay?

    Thank you on advance!

    submitted by /u/wwynterrstorm
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    76 in a 70 Speeding Ticket (Out of State)?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 10:30 PM PDT

    Heyyoo. I'm from CA and moving to Virginia. I'm driving there and as such I haven't gotten my VA insurance yet.

    Just got a ticket for going 76 in a 70 in Wyoming. I honestly don't think I was speeding, but whatever. The hwy patrol guy was going the other direction and popped a U turn and light me up when I passed him. This is on a dead 2 way hwy in the boonies.

    How do I determine how this will impact my VA insurance? New to this stuff, so any reading material would be great.

    submitted by /u/-Kevin-
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    Insurance Claim/Adjuster/Experts, need opinions/help

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    So, back in 2013 my fathers business caught fire. The whole building is gone with everything in it. To this date, our claim is still going on. Our policy covers building, business interruption & equipment loss. The insurance company here by the way is Intact. They hired an Adjuster to deal with our claim, and seeing that our case was work 1m-2.5m around the time, they dragged their feet until the anniversary of the case came up. In Canada or Ontario specifically, we have a law that states that insurance companies holds no responsibility or liability to compensate for our case after 1 year of its anniversary. So to protect our legal rights we would have to sue them.

    So we had our legal case started at this point. We have submitted a lot of information to the Adjuster and to their lawyer. This included Proof of Loss, List of Equipment Loss (with source pricing/comparison), Personal/Business Bank Statements, Inventory Loss (with receipts), personal & business tax returns etc. All this time, the Adjuster handling our case stated personal, by word of mouth only, they feel that the fire was caused due to arson. Being a smart person though, he never mentioned in email or put it anywhere on paper because if he did, the insurance would have to prove it is arson, and if they cannot, they would have to compensate us immediately. Anyways, for providing proof for business interruption, we retained an certified CFA/CPA Accountant to crunch some numbers & figures up. He used our numbers and compared it with market numbers and found we were doing better than 10% of the market at the time.

    I can tell you that all the numbers we are claiming is above the policy limit. The reason is, because everything calculated in total is above the policy limits. The policy was sold to my father by the broker, and the broker always casually asked how our business is doing. He only visited us maybe once or twice between 2001-2008 to get some numbers, and figured this type of policy will cover us, and the broker never asked for specific numbers or figures. Around the end of December 2018 we started trading offers to settle our case. Our first offer was outrageously high, while Intact's was outrageously low. Being that said after that exchange we gave a more realistic one, cutting our first offer by half. They said no, over your policy limits good bye (their lawyer said this). So we gave in a second one, putting the building & equipment & business interruption within policy limits, but basically claiming near the maximum amount. We got no reply at all, at this point around End of March 2019.

    So since the last time we gave them an offer (back around Mid-March) we have not heard from Intact since. Their lawyer was dealing with their law firm dis-solving, but that has been a month and a half already. We have approached them about mediation, but no reply. Now we have submitted files to a Judge, and we are waiting for an 'go ahead' from the Judge to set-up a court room appearance and legally battle it out in the court room.

    I can almost guarantee that Intact probably thinks this is insurance fraud, and we burned our own business down to claim our policy. The reason for this was 2009-2012 our numbers were falling each year, but we were still profiting. Around mid 2013 we were ramping up again, and you can see a slight increase, but then the fire happened at September 2013, and the numbers our Accountant crunched showed that we were gonna pick up and do better. The issue is that we did not continue the business, because after some calculation, rent would be too high. The mortgaged the building/property at a low rate, so it was profitable back then, but if we do it again it would be a complete loss. In fact we attempted to restart for 1 year, but was a complete loss, so we stopped the business altogether. In the end we had to sell our property to cover some stuff (father wanted to start up something else) because Intact was taking too long to settle our case.

    So my question is, what in the world is Intact doing? Why are they dragging their feet? (They switched lawyers 4 times at this point).

    We have given them all the numbers and followed the process, but they 'refuse' to compensate us. What is Intact attempting to do with our case? Do we have any other options to pressure Intact so they can make a decision? Are we allowed to claim over our policy limit?

    I have a Google Doc link here that explains the whole process in much better detail from 2013-2019 presently of what has happened for those curious.

    submitted by /u/lazydude1
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    Life insurance portability option or try to get underwriting down the line?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 08:47 PM PDT

    So I lost my job a bit ago and had 550k of the companies term life plan. I am 35 and It's a pretty affordable plan and has numerous benefits including a portability provision. I originally underwent underwriting to get the amount, when I was healthier. Now however I am overweight and have some health issues I am working on, but I'm pretty sure would be an issue for getting new coverage. Its important to me that I provide for my wife if something happens to me. I signed up for the portability and paid for the first quarter ($50 a month).

    My question is: Should I concern myself with a lapse in coverage, save my money and not renew? Would I be able to get coverage again at the next job or would an insurer be likely to deny for my health concerns (hypertension, morbidly overweight). ? If I keep the plan until my next employer, would it be likely that a new insurer would have no issue with giving a new policy(if there was no lapse)? Term life is what I am looking to have for the moment due to my current debts, potential income in the future, short term finances. Not worried about long term financial goals at the moment as far as getting a whole life policy, etc.

    submitted by /u/dcherry10
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    My Insurance companies preferred shop states they can’t work on my car, and suggests the shop my insurance company wouldn’t originally work with.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    This is an update from an earlier post...

    Last week my parked vehicle, which was only a few months old, was hit by a drunk driver. They had the minimum coverage allowed by the state, so I had to go through my insurance.

    I took it to my dealership to get repaired. The problem is they only use OEM parts, and my insurance company balked, and said I needed to take it to their preferred collision center. So, I am on my way to their collision center, and while I'm sitting at a red light - I get rear ended. The car is not drivable, so I had it towed to my insurance companies preferred collision center. I then submitted another claim.

    Today I find out that the person who hit me in the second accident doesn't have the bare minimum, but would likely not cover all the damages. The collision center is estimating damages could be $30,000 - $40,000, maybe even more. They believe there is suspension and possible drivetrain damage, and it would need to go back to the dealer. The guy said they don't have the equipment or expertise to work on it.

    I'm kind of at a loss of what to do. The car only has a few thousand miles on it. I took the car where I was told, now they're telling me to take it back to where I originally had it, even though my insurance company won't work with them.

    submitted by /u/throwaway102082
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    Does renters insurance cover a parked car that was broken into or not?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 08:13 PM PDT

    Or does this fall under the car insurance coverage?

    submitted by /u/nutrop
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    USAA Denied my auto claim. Should I fight it or are they right? If so, what's my best course of action?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 04:12 PM PDT

    I was parking my car (backing in) when I noticed someone else backing out of their spot. I honked my car but they hit me anyway (their rear bumper to my driver side door). I was already parallel to my spot and on my way in when they hit me, is blame still 50/50? They said both drivers were at fault saying I should've parked faster to avoid it and paid more attention to my surroundings. This is in Virginia.

    Sorry if there is any missing info, first post here.

    submitted by /u/throwawaycaradvice6
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    Which auto insurance lets non active drivers on the policy?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    I had Geico and my dad was on the policy as non driver so that he can only drive in emergency situations. They dont allow that anymore so im wondering what other insurance companies allow this?

    submitted by /u/Yesayi
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    Got in a not at-fault accident and dealing with a terrible insurance co.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 06:58 PM PDT

    Long story short I was hit at a red light Friday and my car is likely totalled, along with the at fault party's truck and another car that he hit. The guy has awful minimum insurance (let's call them X) and apparently because I don't have collision insurance, my company (let's call them Y) is not going to help at all. I have filed claims with both companies.

    First off, the adjuster for X calls me today and informs me that because the police report is not ready, they have not accepted liability. Also, since they only pay a small amount in towing and storage fees, I will need to get it out myself to avoid having to pay out of pocket if I go over their limit. So I'm stuck with where to have a crushed car towed to, and I can't tow it to my apartment.

    Next, he informs me that because there was damage to a nearby huge cable box, the claims process will likely take ages. He also tells me that because the policy has a 15000 dollar personal property maximum, there probably won't be enough to go around to get a decent payment. He says I should go through my insurance for faster results.

    Next, I call my company's adjuster, who tells me because I don't have collision insurance and my uninsured driver property damage coverage doesn't apply, there's nothing he can do except help me through company X. He also says I will have to sue if the payment I eventually get from X is not enough.

    My questions are where do I get the car towed? And am I totally screwed? The guy who hit me obviously doesn't have much money and seemed to be a self employed drywall worker from the stuff that fell out of his truck when he hit me.

    submitted by /u/thighs2
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    Can I file a claim if I had an accident that involved party other than myself?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    I scraped my car on a guardrail. Damages are the worst but aren't great. Some pretty deep scratches that I'm sure are going to cost a pretty penny.

    Should I file a claim if my insurance will allow me? I have a deductible of 500 bucks. I'm sure to repair this it will cost more.

    I don't quite understand the process for a self inflicted accident? Also, would accident forgiveness apply to this?

    submitted by /u/Snikt1974
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    I was rear ended and the insurance adjuster won’t respond. Help!

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    The beginning of last month, I was rear ended by a guy in a rental car. He didn't have his insurance with him so I took a photo of his rental agreement and drivers license. In my city we can't call the police without bodily injuries, so we parted our ways. Later that day I filed a claim with my insurance, GEICO. Geico promptly filed and told me to call Budget claims with the claim number. Which I did, only to find that budget takes a week to assign an adjuster, so I'd have to call back. I call back a week later and am assigned an adjuster. This adjuster never responds or picks up, I suppose like all at fault adjusters. Geico calls them too, but no dice. Budget finally responds two weeks later to notify us that they denied the claim because the driver had his own insurance. We knew of this because it was listed on his agreement; we just need his own insurance information to pursue. It's now been almost a month because they still won't respond. GEICO just called me to say that they can't do anything at this point. What should I do? Should I go ahead and use my deductible to fix the damages and hope that they'll pay?

    submitted by /u/toomuchkalesalad
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    Progressive insurance is siding with the repair shop that obviously missed critical accident-related damage to my vehicle- help!

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 04:50 PM PDT

    So, my husband rear ended someone on the highway early last month and really messed up the front end of my car. We went through our insurance (progressive) for the repairs and paid the $500 deductible because there's no way in hell we could afford to fix it out of pocket. I've always taken good care of my car- it was well maintained and has never had a thing wrong with it before this happened. In fact, my husband had just started using my car to drive for Lyft and they'd required him to have it inspected before he started working- we have a copy of the clean report it got dated less than a week prior to the accident. Anyway, I don't know much about this stuff because I've never been in a car accident and it's been well over ten years since my husband was last involved in one, so we just went ahead and had my car towed to the body shop that Progressive recommended. (The Yelp reviews were decent and it was close to our house.) I got my car back about a week ago and everything seemed to be working just fine, but then two or three days ago the check engine light started coming on intermittently. I figured the shop maybe hadn't reset the sensors/computer correctly or something. I really didn't consider that there might still be something seriously wrong with it because I figured, hey- the shop is getting paid by my insurance company regardless of how extensive the damage is so it's gotta be in their best interest to be very thorough when inspecting the car, documenting everything that's wrong with it, and then determining which problems are a result of the accident and which were pre-existing. It also would stand to reason that they'd want to fix every little accident-related issue they discovered because that's how these people make a living, right? Well, I called the body shop about the check engine light the next day and they told me to bring the car by anytime and they'd plug it into one of those computers that tells them what's causing the light to come on. I asked my husband to bring the car in the next day, and It turns out the car has been slowly leaking oil into the engine- it was down about two quarts. The kicker? The shop is denying that they missed anything the first time around and trying to say that the problem pre-dates the accident he was in! I could not believe what I was hearing when my husband told me this. Apparently there was a representative from Progressive insurance at the shop that day and my husband spoke to them as well- it seems that they're actually siding with the repair shop and are now giving us the run around when it comes to paying for the glaringly obvious additional damage. They're insisting we take it to another 3rd party repair shop to have a full inspection done in order to determine whether or not the leaking oil problem was a result of my husband's accident. Until then they won't even consider covering the repair. I'm speechless over this entire situation and cannot believe that I'm being treated this way- how in the world can they even suggest that this issue isn't directly related to the accident?? Does anyone have any advice on how we should handle this? All I want is to have my car fixed and restored to pre-accident condition- that's why I pay for car insurance in the first damn place. Should we supply them with a copy of the clean inspection that my husband had completed at pep boys right before the accident? I feel like that should be more than sufficient. I'm appalled that I'm being treated this way and want justice! Please help!

    submitted by /u/spEechl355
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    Home Owners Claim

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 04:28 PM PDT

    So I woke up the other morning to my wife yelling about our toilet over flowing. It turns out we had a clogged pipe with our waste water and the toilet got stuck flowing.

    We have it cleaned up, and it's still drying. Does anyone have any advice on filing claims with the insurance company? It looks like I don't need to replace the Sheetrock or base boards, The baseboards will need to be re-sanded, painted, and hung back up. Also, some wallpaper was damaged via the heating and drying process. Like I said any advice on what I should claim and not claim would be helpful. Actually any advice would be great at this point.

    submitted by /u/Sanfransaintsfan
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    No down payment auto insurance

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    I am currently a college student who is barely working any hours I have a 2005 accord and I live in Michigan. I have my mother's name on the car, but I need to change the title by the end of this week. To be able to I need to have some sort of auto insurance but I don't have any money to my name. Are there any auto insurance companies out there where I can pay for the insurance by the end of the month?

    submitted by /u/chipchophopbop
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    Friend rear-ended someone 3 month ago

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    So he was obviously responsible for it but they had no damage on their car (my friend did have a bit on his front bumper).

    They didn't file anything but 3 month later the passenger of the other car come back.

    Saying he has an injuries from that car accident and and he need picture of the car. Should he ignore him? Wouldn't it be the other insurance job to call? Should my friend report the accident?

    ------------- edit: removed location

    sorry I'm not sure how to word this

    submitted by /u/kille142
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    Mishandling of auto insurance claim? Recourse and specific laws applicable?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    In an issue with a car insurance claim in MO-- let's say for now that it's completely hypothetical-- what laws apply to govern good faith and enforcing proper investigation, not overlooking obvious evidence, the company making false statements, misrepresenting the words or intent of the customer, etc.?

    The company denied and closed out a claim after only 3-4 days and without examining the car or seeing any photographs whatesoever. The owner hadn't even been able to get the car inspected or even washed off to get a really good look at what exactly might have happened. Eventually, after a couple of months, a cursory visual inspection was done during which the inspector said he saw things which photos show were not the case (paint transfer, was actually just lighter/white colored scrapes very obviously).

    The company has spent almost 5 months delaying and stonewalling. Adjusters, aside from being rude, interrupted and spoke over the customer, hung up, refused to answer questions or explain any decisions, and have refused to examine or acknowledge physical evidence. The physical evidence includes photos with angles of multiple impacts drawn which differ from the insurance company's claim of "not consistent with vandalism" and "consistent with collision". The customer also found handheld objects like rocks used to strike the car in multiple small impacts, which have paint transfer, as well as fluid that had been poured on the car and dissolved and damaged the paint, collected on shop towels with some of the dissolved paint coming off as well.

    The customer escalated to 3 "supervisors" most of home interrupted, spoke over, and hung up on the customer. Most of this is recorded by the customer, just as the insurance companies record everything in order to deny claims. The most recent supervisor has spent nearly 2 months refusing to reply AT ALL to multiple complaints about all of these problems and how to address them, the willful ignoring and exclusion of evidence, etc.

    The company suggested that if the higher supervisors don't acknowledge it, maybe seek restitution through the state insurance commissioner's office. That looks like the MO Dept. of Insurance. How should the customer proceed? What laws apply and how should they go about getting this seriously examined?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Hexadecimus
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    Hail damage...worth making a claim?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    Last week we had a freak hail storm. We never see it, it was golf ball sized and came down like crazy.

    I wasn't in the area at the time. My husband said he thought his windshield was going to crack. I asked if he got any damage, he said no. Today at work one of the guys says, wow, your car really took a hit in that storm (the storm was 5 days ago). He looks, the roof practically looks like a golf ball and the hood has 20-50 dents. It is obviously hail damage.

    I just paid the car off. It is a 7yo Subaru with 160k miles. We were hoping to keep it for our teenager who is driving soon. We have comprehensive coverage, with a $500 deductible. Is this worth pursuing?

    I am in Michigan.

    submitted by /u/CaraintheCold
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    Minor car impact and damage

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    I was at a dead stop at a red light and my foot slipped off the break and my car rolled into the car in front of me barely touching it. At the time the owner felt all the damage was pre existing as the car was built in 08.

    Now he wants 900 to cover repairs ranging from 950 - 1300. I offered to skip insurance and pay for any repairs but now I wonder if the guy is blowing this up.

    How does insurance handle verifying if my impact did the damage vs existing damage- does it matter in the end?

    Should I just pay or pass to insurance where my deductible is 1500. Gu also had 2 kids in the car.

    Thought / advice?

    submitted by /u/Thump604
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    Hazard Insurance

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Homeowner in MI here

    I got a letter from Loancare (company who took over my mortgage from my financial institution) saying that my hazard insurance expired and I should buy some or else they will buy it from me. I have home insurance and was pretty sure hazard insurance was included. Is this a normal thing or out of the ordinary?

    submitted by /u/dublinirish
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    NH life/health exam

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    Has anyone ever taken it? I feel like I'm studying what I need to be but most of my stuff in MA or FL w/ the NH laws mixed in.

    submitted by /u/NELife18
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    15 and 10 for O&P?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Property insurance 2 part question

    10 and 10 is standard allowance for O&P in almost all places, however in Maryland the standard allowance is 15 and 10.

    — what other states / jurisdictions is it standard to allow 15 and 10? — what is the justification for this?

    submitted by /u/ManHands_
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    Can you get umbrella insurance with motorcycle insurance?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 08:14 AM PDT

    Hey folks,

    I've been researching motorcycle insurance in NY as I'm looking to purchase my first motorcycle soon, and was curious if it's possible to also have an umbrella policy when you don't own a car and are renting an apartment.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    submitted by /u/cherry-popsicle
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    Was fear ended by an uninsured driver, insurance won’t do anything.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    [TX] I was rear ended Sunday night by a driver with no insurance. Her insurance card was expired, and she got a ticket for no insurance. Additionally the 2 phone numbers on the insurance card are disconnected and despite trying to trace the actual insurance company responsible, no one owns it.

    I filed a claim through my USAA uninsured motorist, however they are dragging their feet and will not do anything because they haven't proven that the girl doesn't have insurance. The phone numbers on the expired insurance card are disconnected, and if you google the insurance company (there are 2 different companies on the card) the only thing that shows up is a lawsuit form 15 years ago. Neither company is on the Texas department of insurance list either.

    The night of the accident, USAA refused to cover the cost of having my car towed, they told me the police would have to arrange that. The cop told me if he arranged it it would go to impound. I was about 25 miles from home in a different county, if it had gone to impound it would have ended up in Houston. Thankfully one of the vultures who showed up to circle the accident scene lives in my small town, he towed it to their lot closer to my home.

    Monday I called USAA, they told me they're having problems confirming that the girl doesn't have insurance. So until they confirm this, they will not provide a rental car, replace my son's car seat (he was in the vehicle as well), or send someone to look at my car. And that they have sent the other driver a letter to ask her to confirm her insurance information.

    Additionally, my claims person told me that I need to submit the receipt for he car seat and they will reimburse me what I paid for the car seat (if/when they accept responsibility for the claim). My son had a Diono Radian, I spent months watching sales and got the seat for $100 off. The $160 I paid wouldn't even pay for the cheapest car seat by this manufacturer.

    As of right now I'm dependent on friends and neighbors to get everywhere, we don't have uber or public transportation where I live and I'm 15 miles from the nearest grocery store. Am I just stuck waiting on them to decide that the other driver was uninsured? I feel like it shouldn't be this hard.

    submitted by /u/TXSyd
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