• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 9, 2019

    Personal Finance Get familiar with your utility bills and pay attention to trends - they can save you TENS of thousands of dollars!

    Personal Finance Get familiar with your utility bills and pay attention to trends - they can save you TENS of thousands of dollars!

    Get familiar with your utility bills and pay attention to trends - they can save you TENS of thousands of dollars!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:29 AM PDT

    Like a lot of people every month I get a water bill, electricity bill, internet, you get the idea. Most months I open my mail, verify that the bill looks roughly similar to last month and let autopay take care of the rest.

    But since last year I have started an excel spreadsheet documenting what my bills are each month, how many thousands of gallons of water I'm using, kWh used, the whole shebang, in an attempt to be a more financially responsible and understand where my money is going and how I can save.

    The last 3 months I noticed my water bill hiking up. My home uses between 2-4k of freshwater monthly but it's gone from 5, to 8, then 8 again. I noticed the trend, but didn't really understand why it increased - I'm not a plumber and there were no leaks in the house I was sure.

    Fast forward to last evening and I'm out with a group of acquaintances and someone's plumbing problem gets brought up, one of my friends is an awesome plumber and I manage to ask him at the tail end of the conversation about what I noticed on my bill. He seemed immediately alarmed and asked him if I noticed any water accumulation in my front yard. Actually, yeah, it's been raining a lot lately but I do have a few persistent pockets left over on my yard. How did he know? This morning he actually brought his crew out to my house and found out there's a crack in my water main - I was losing hundreds of gallons a day and it was on the verge of rupturing completely. He replaced the line for a nominal fee and said how glad he was I said something - my area is really prone to sinkholes and nothing attracts them like pooling or leaking water. I likely saved tens of thousands of dollars in damage to my house and my neighbors house by bringing it up! Not to mention the savings in my monthly bill...

    submitted by /u/triplealpha
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    Wife broke her back in the Dominican and we're at a loss for what to do

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 02:58 AM PDT

    As the title says. This is a total nightmare scenario and like most people who would be in this situation too, were completely ignorant as too how we should proceed.

    The story: My wife and I traveled to the Dominican Republic for a vacation at an all inclusive resort. Yesterday afternoon while she was walking by a pool she stepped on a foam raft that someone had left laying out and slipped. This only arose because she cut her foot on a broken tile in the pool and was getting out as it was bleeding everywhere. Her legs went out from underneath of her and she fell straight down onto her pelvis onto the hard tile floor. It took 30 minutes for resort staff to show up with a wheelchair, which was absolutely necessary as my wife was unable to walk without it causing excruciating pain. They took us to the small resort clinic to examine her but they were only outfitted to treat small scrapes and sprains. After the nurse there determined that this was out of her league she called an ambulance to take us to the hospital. Once at the hospital her pain was largely ignored and she was forced to sit/stand/walk 20 or 30 times with the back injury. After X-rays were inconclusive and difficult to read the doctor did a CT scan to reveal that she had 1 shattered vertabrae and a slipped disc. At this point he obviously recommend that she not move from a laid down position. It's honestly a miracle they didn't paralyze her or cause obvious and immediate damage during everything. The hotel agreed to pay for the transport to the hospital and the initial examinations (including the CT) but has pretty much washed their hands of us once she had to be admitted. Oh also, in order for them to pay for the CT they made me sign a release saying that their responsibilities had been fulfilled and we could no longer seek more help from them.

    We don't have travel insurance. We don't have out of country medical coverage from our regular US healthcare providers. I checked with our credit cards and they only offer reimbursement for "catastrophic" charges incurred. Apparently this doesn't qualify. I'm waiting to hear back from our homeowners insurance to see what coverage's they offer outside of the United States.

    So at this moment we're in a foreign country with a huge language barrier, footing a potentially massive hospital bill unless we can get back to the United States and into our own healthcare network. Apparently a medical flight where she's able to be prone can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 which of course, we don't happen to have just sitting around. I feel totally helpless as a husband right now watching my wife in pain and knowing that our financial future could be destroyed.

    Sorry for the long post but we've been awake for 24 hours with no near end in sight.

    TL;DR: My wife broke her back in the DR and we have no medical insurance in this country. We're just looking for a way home that won't send us into bankruptcy.

    Edit: Just wanted to earnestly thank everybody for their replies. We're far from home but feeling good vibes from you guys.

    submitted by /u/UgliestCookie
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    My girlfriend's grandma has been fraudulently opening and using credit cards in her name for 9 years

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 12:02 PM PDT


    I've been trying to help my girlfriend fix her financials and get in control of her own credit but I'm not a financial lawyer/expert and any advice would be greatly appreciated (hopefully this is the right place to ask!)

    My girlfriend (living in Illinois) recently found out that her grandma has been opening credit cards in her name for the past 9 years (she is 25) and has been actively using them. Presently there are 8 cards active and my girlfriend has not had access to any of them, or even been aware of their existence. Her grandma has a long-standing history of manipulation and whilst the discovery of her fraudulent credit cards has been a shock, it was not a surprise to say the least. I have advised her to close all of the credit cards ASAP but she says that many of them have a significant amount of the credit in use. If the cards have a significant amount of debt associated with them is there any legal recourse that she can take to have the debt transferred to her grandma's name rather than her own without her grandma seeing any sort of jail time?

    Edit: It's also worthwhile mentioning that she is currently living with said grandma so it's really not an ideal situation, she's in a tough spot because taking any significant action would likely render her without a home but it's not OK for her grandma to be taking advantage of her in this way

    Update:: Girlfriend has decided to take action! after looking more into it grandma has racked up roughly 7000 of debt spread out over the cards, she is going to move out ASAP this month and then she is going to freeze all of the cards and file the police report and then submit it to the credit agencies. Waiting until she leaves to avoid the potential conflicts from her grandma as she fears for the safety of essentially all of her belongings.

    submitted by /u/applejacksbluez
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    Apartment manager just purchased a package delivery locker for the lobby and emailed me notifying they would be charging a mandatory extra $6.50/month on top of rent starting next month.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    I did not agree to this, and I have no intention of using this locker. Do I have any way to avoid paying this surprise fee? Is this even legal for them to charge this without me signing anything?

    submitted by /u/postkip
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    Is there an organization or company to which I can donate my car for a tax write off. Please don't make me speak to those kars 4 kids people again

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 05:08 AM PDT

    I've got a really old car that still runs and I want to donate it. It could be worth more to someone else than I would ever get paid for it.

    I called kars 4 kids and spoke to one of the rudest people I've had to deal with on the phone. I just called for information and this lady was making demands like I was now obligated to give her/them my car. I'm still getting calls twice a week asking <i> when</i> I'm going to give them my car and not <i> if</i> I want to give them my car.

    Nope. I'll sooner sell it to one of those places offering cash for junk cars than allow those K4K folks to profit off of me. END RANT.

    so that aside any ideas of places where a car can be of some help to someone let me know. Thanks.

    Btw I'm a Floridian officially but I'm military residing in Virginia currently.

    submitted by /u/guy0203
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    I have $290000 from selling my home, I will not be buying another home for at least 2 years. What is the best thing to do with this money in the mean time?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    I should also note that I am located in Canada, though it looks like most of these suggestions are similar.

    submitted by /u/Turdde
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    Received a $200 bill for a routine STD test

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 05:21 PM PDT

    I have Blue Cross Blue Shield federal. I went to my OBGYN for my annual well woman exam. I had a Pap smear and she recommended I get an STD test. I had no reason to believe this wouldn't be covered by insurance as it is preventative care (or so I thought). I just got a bill from LabCorp saying the test cost $1818, there's a $1422 "adjustment", BCBS covered $205 and I owe $192.

    I'm confused as to why this wouldn't be covered but I don't assume any of your are insurance experts. My question is who do I contact to figure out if this is legitimate or not? My doctor? LabCorp? BCBS? Has anyone had a similar experience?

    submitted by /u/getabrainLUANN
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    Always call the hospital billing department and familiarize yourself with your state's insurance laws after getting any kind of medical bill.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:42 PM PDT

    I know this topic has been talked to death here, but I wanted to post another reminder to always call the billing department before paying a cent for any and all hospital bills! Not enough people know about this, so if I can help one more person, great!!

    I had to go to the emergency room a few months ago and didn't think about the cost (this was mistake number one. Always do your research to know what your insurance covers, especially when it comes to emergency rooms). After some quick tests, they discharged me later that night. Fast forward two months later, I'm staring at a bill from the emergency room for $5,900 and another charge on my insurance I owe $4,000 (found this through my insurance carrier's website).

    Cue panic.

    I've never had to go to the emergency room before and frankly I didn't need to go this time either, but it was after hours and I thought it was a 24-hour clinic rather than an emergency room (mistake number two, make sure you know where you are going!). So I called my insurance company who already covered $1500 on the first bill and about $150 on the second. They said this is all they could cover and that I would need to dispute the charges either through mediation and/or calling the hospital's billing department.

    So after submitting my paperwork for mediation (lesson number three, check your state laws to see if they offer mediation. In my case, Texas offers mediation for most surprise medical bills over $500. A LOT of people don't know this), I ended up calling the billing department today. After getting transferred a few times and put on hold, I was finally able to talk to someone who was in charge of my case. After another quick talk and a little bit of groveling on my part, they end up letting me know that the bill is settled and I don't owe anything. I ask to get that in writing, and they send me an invoice with my $0 balance (lesson number four, always get any agreements you make in writing).

    So long story short: familiarize yourself with your state's insurance laws and ALWAYS call the billing department before you make any payments.

    submitted by /u/Geauxtoguy
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    Parents lost their home in a fire last night. They are ok but I dont know what to do.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:43 AM PDT

    My parents lost their home in a fire last night. They made it out but have literally nothing left. My dad said he wasn't even wearing shoes.

    Neither of them had their wallets. I live on the other side of the country and it's going to take me a day to make it out to them.

    Once I get there I still have no idea what to do to help them.

    submitted by /u/throwaway199021
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    25k for a blood test?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 08:10 PM PDT

    I just checked my aetna claims and I apparently owe over 25k for a blood test (gene screening to determine if my pregnant wife and I share a gene that might affect the baby). I have the best co-insurance plan my employer provides (NYP & aetna) and am freaking out. Can this be possible? A few screenshots from my aetna page are linked here: https://imgur.com/a/mvEui6y

    I'm praying this is some kind of glitch, or that I'm reading this wrong. But if it's not, what should I do?

    submitted by /u/Trippleod3
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    Uninsured Father in Need of Heart Surgery

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:12 PM PDT

    Hello r/personalfinance. Throwaway for the usual reasons. Thank all of you in advance for your attention and advice.

    Today my father was admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath, chest pain, and swelling of his limbs. After relatively extensive diagnostic procedures, it has been determined that he has severe aortic stenosis and a nearly completely occluded coronary artery. He will soon need to undergo heart surgery to repair his aortic valve and to bypass his coronary artery.

    To further complicate matters, he does not have health insurance and has less than $20k saved up. We are located in the United States and he does not qualify for Medicaid nor does he meet any of the criteria for special enrollment period for the ACA. The hospitals in our area that we are considering for the surgical procedure have financial aid policies in place for situations like this, however, the cost will still be much higher than he can afford.

    Apart from declaring bankruptcy, what other options can we consider in this circumstance? Is there a way to get him insurance before the procedure? If so, where should we look? Who can we consult with who will be able to provide the best advice for someone in such a circumstance?

    I will be happy to answer questions and provide more information as needed. Thank you all!\

    Edit: To provide slightly more information... We live in Iowa and my dad is 58 years old. He is employed.

    submitted by /u/Uninsured_Tin_Man
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    When Your Employer Misclassifies You As A 1099, it Hurts Everyone, Including You.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    I've seen many a post on this sub asking about if someone is a 1099 independent contractor or an employee. The distinction is important and can cost you thousands of dollars in taxes if you let your employer take advantage of you.

    Behavioral: Does the company control or have the right to control what the worker does and how the worker does his or her job? Financial: Are the business aspects of the worker's job controlled by the payer? (these include things like how worker is paid, whether expenses are reimbursed, who provides tools/supplies, etc.) Type of Relationship: Are there written contracts or employee type benefits (i.e. pension plan, insurance, vacation pay, etc.)? Will the relationship continue and is the work performed a key aspect of the business?

    Generally, if you have to come to work at certain hours, if they control how you do your work, and you get benefits, it's a pretty safe bet that you are an employee, and not a contractor.

    If the above describes you, in part or in full and you're getting paid as a 1099, that means your employer may be breaking the law by misclassifying you and not paying their fair share of payroll taxes, and you are the one who is paying their share instead.

    This also likely violates your state labor laws as well.

    So what can you do? A few things:

    File an SS-8, with the IRS, who will make a determination about your status as an employee or contractor. This can take up to 6 months.


    File form 8919, to report the employees share of uncollected SS and Medicare taxes.


    Contact the US department of Labor:if you're being paid hourly but as a 1099, and being misclassified, you're likely not being paid overtime as you should be if you work it and in some cases people get paid below the minimum wage, also illegal.


    Contact your state labor department:


    Misclassifying workers is a very serious crime, if an employer is willing to break that law, what other laws would they be willing to break? OSHA regulations on safety? DOT regulations on how long you can drive for? They are also likely doing this to other employees as well, not paying their fair share of taxes.

    Know your rights as an employee, and protect them, no one else is going to do it for you.

    submitted by /u/Kodkod87
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    My Mother gave computer access to a possible hacker for 40mins...

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    Sorry if this doesn't belong here not sure where this would go and little upset.

    So the story my Mother got a call from "comcast" and that person was given access to her computer for 40 mins before she realized what was going on. She's already made calls to change passwords and things. What all should she do? My computer is on what do i do? Am i at risk?

    Edit: she doesn't make purchases on her computer but i do. On mobile.

    submitted by /u/cvetken
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    Insurance Retroactively Not Covering Wife and Requesting Repayment

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    TL;DR... Wife was insured and all was well. Two years later insurance company says just kidding you haven't been insured and requests repayment of claims payments.

    Throwaway for anonymity's sake.

    Wife is 22 years old. My wife's parents have not been in the picture since she was very young. Her grandparents recieved legal guardianship of her at age 8. Fast forward and she moved out and we got married in 2017. At this time, they contacted the insurance company, informed them she was getting married, and asked if she would still be allowed on her grandparents' insurance plan until 26 as she was prior to marriage. They sent over the documentation for guardianship and whatnot and the insurance company confirmed she would continue to be covered as a child would be. During the succeeding two years, my wife never had an issue with insurance. The premiums continued to be paid which included her coverage. She has regular prescriptions and doctors appointments, and the claims were always authorized and paid by the insurance company.

    Grandmother (primary policy holder) gets a letter from the insurance company stating that my wife retroactively has not been covered since 2017. Wife goes to make doctors appointment as usual, and they inform her over the phone that they have received a letter from the insurance company saying she is not covered, and requesting from the doctors office refund for all of the paid claim portions for the past two years. Doctors office didn't say much other than "call our billers." Her grandmother has reached out to the insurance company to try and fight this and all they've said is that there is currently an investigation into several similar situations and that the "Board" will come to some kind of "ruling" hopefully by the end of August, and that if it is a favorable decision, she would still have coverage. So right now she has no coverage, but will have coverage with her employer starting in 60 days.

    Actions Taken As of This Post:
    * We have asked her grandmother to stay in close communication with us.
    * We requested that her grandmother obtain on paper the insurance company ending her coverage and whatever they are saying for a paper trail.
    * Requesting copy of letter from doctors office tomorrow at the advice of friend who is an insurance lawyer.

    I've never dealt with anything like this before so I'm seeking some advice. I've spoken with a friend who is an insurance lawyer and he said it is unlikely there is anything the insurance company can do about it since they were accepting premiums payments and they authorized the claims and paid them. But then after he said that, the doctors office got the letter from the insurance company requesting repayment. So. I don't know. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you for you time and consideration, internet friends.

    [Edit: Added actions taken to date of post.]

    submitted by /u/insuranceinsanity
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    Situation seems impossible-private student loans asking for 50%+ of my income

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    I am a first generation college graduate and was very uneducated about loans. I have about 20,000 in federal loans that are on income based repayments ($0/month) and about 70,000 in private loans.

    I took a volunteer job that paid me next to nothing and sank me into depression and I ended up leaving early and losing out on a scholarship. I had minimum wage jobs and no job for a bit while I looked for a job in my field (Environmentsl Studies). I racked up $4,000 in credit card debt and couldnt make my payments and was told I needed to "wait until my debt went to collections" in order to set up payments I could afford. Debt was charged off, my credit score took a hit but I'm now making monthly payments.

    Current situation: My private loans allowed a year deferment (I missed out on my 6 month grace period due to joining a volunteer program immediately, which I was unaware would happen) and then I received 12 months on a hardship program paying less a month with very little interest. Now, they will "consider" different options but only after making 6 months of minimum monthly payments of $740. I am in an entry level position related to my field but am getting pretty crap pay and I need to work there a bit longer before getting any kind of raise.

    My income/finances:

    Income: $1,360/month take home after insurance, 401k, etc.

    Rent: $300 (cramped af)

    Utilities: $80

    Phone: $73

    Credit card: $110

    Gym: $22

    Car insurance: $162

    Car payment: $150 (mom helps sometimes)

    Food for cats and myself: $100

    Total Income: $1360 Total Bills: roughly $900-$1000 Leftover: roughly $360-$460

    Lately I haven't even had that much leftover due to covering double rent for the new year, bringing cats to the vet, going to the dentist, and various surprise payments.

    I dont have enough for the private loan payment to begin with and then having anything left to save or for surprise bills is impossible.

    I know consolidating or refinancing are my best options but my credit check shows a charge off and no place will refinance with that, and my credit is about 560. If I dont make the payments my credit will tank and so will my parents-the cosigners.

    I spoke with the lender and they will not budge.

    I am trying to find a second job but I am afraid of the impact to my mental health. I have only been at my job for 4-5 months but know im being severely underpaid despite being entry level, but they are not the best at training so I dont yet have the skills to negotiate a better wage.

    Is a second job my only option? I cant get much thriftier living-wise so I either need lower payments or more income. I just want to have a balanced and healthy life, I'm not trying to make bank or get out of debt earlier- I just want to live my life.

    submitted by /u/caitrose95
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    Girlfriends parents and sisters are getting threating phone calls from "unknown" agencies.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    So long story short. My girlfriend and I live in North Carolina. She is originally from NH. She has family there. Lately, her parents and her sister has been getting phone calls from somebody demanding to know where she lives so that she can get served with lawsuit papers for something or other. These people are also threating to serve her sister and parents with some sort of lawsuit, but they will not say for what. One person said they were from a company called just "JLS" but nothing after. A quick google search shows a company called JLS debt collection which appears to be a 1 person collection agency out of Georgia. Another person didn't give a name, but only a number, a search on that number belongs to a company called Watson Stephens. Their website is basically nothing, just stock photo's. I could not find any other information about them. This is their website https://www.watsonstephens.com/. We did *67 and called them back with a "case number" that they gave the mother. They demanded a full name and full social security number to talk to them. I told my wife it was a scam and to hang up. We bought a house 3 years ago went through the absolute ringer credit report wise. Everything from the last decade showed up. She had 2 delinquent accounts for credit cards, those were settled and we have settlement letters from both credit card companies when we got the mortgage. Other than that her credit report is currently clean. There isn't anything on there other than the mortgage, a car loan, student loans, all of which we know about and all of which are in good standings. Is she getting played by scammers. He has a fairly common name (IE like Mary Smith) but if you literally google her full name (first middle last) in quotes in google she is literally the 3rd person down on the search results, so it's not like she is hard to find. What do we do here with this. I told her not to give any information to this company, and that if they wanted to track her down they would find a way to do so. This company is calling family members immediately threating lawsuits within the first few minutes. She is paranoid so she wiped out her bank accounts and I just stuck her cash into my accounts for now. We are not married so there is no way her accounts are tied to mine. Her money is safe with me but we are running her accounts lean just in case this is a scammer and they somehow do get some sort of judgment for something. What do we do here? I refuse to give a full or even partial SSN over the phone to any company. And they are not willing to confirm the last 4 or hers either. What do we do here. Her credit was never perfect. But there is nothing outstanding that isn't more than 7 years old, and nothing that didn't prevent us from getting a mortgage from a mortgage broker.

    submitted by /u/LetsArgueAboutNothin
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    Check your claims history with your car insurer

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    I have just paid off my car (60 months plan closed in 3 ✌🏻️), and when I called to update that information I also shared that I had received a much lower quote from a competitor and to see why could they do. That's when the insurer employee says, "oh but make sure that they know about your claims in 2017". ClaimS? There should be only one...

    After talking with multiple teams and getting the same reaction from all of them "this makes no sense and shouldn't be here", they discovered that my claim had been duplicated and basically was pretty much doubling my monthly insurance cost.

    Once they deleted, I was refunded for all the MO this that the mistake was in place and I'm happy with the result.

    Just a heads-up to everyone that might have had a claim, this was not coming from the claims department, call customer support every now and then and check where are you standing

    submitted by /u/Kmjev
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    Being Financially Responsible has Triggered some sort of "OCD" in me.. Help?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    This post ended up being a story, so the TLDR is at the end along with my question to you all

    I'm 28 years old and I have never had a positive balance in my personal bank account. I obtained credit at the early age of 18 and have had a negative balance since. Two weeks ago, that finally changed!

    For my 16th birthday I received an incredibly generous gift of $7500 (CDN) from my grandfather. He told me to pick a company to invest it in and he would start a portfolio for me. The company I chose (at random, to be honest) to invest in was Apple. The adjusted price for Apple shares during the end of 2006 was approximately $14. They have split on multiple occasions over the years, but I essentially had what the equivalent of around 700 shares would be today. Over the years I kept reinvesting into Apple as it grew exponentially, and it resulted in having quite a large sum of money. I never had access to this money until three years ago. I will forever be in debt to his generosity as it has completely changed my life.

    That three years ago I withdrew $30,000 to start a small, on-the-side photography business. I immediately bought all the gear and education I needed, and now I'm earning roughly 50 to 60,000 in additional income each year, on top of my salary at work ($60k). I started this venture around the same time I met my girlfriend and since then she has become my trusty companion/sidekick and has invested her own money and time into it. I formally agreed to her owning 30% of all future income that we essentially make together. ALL income from photography goes into a joint bank account, and I keep track of who owns what amount based on the 70/30 rule we established. The only reason we did this was in the event we split up one day, I would want her to withdraw what's rightfully hers. Otherwise, this money is for spending on things that we mutually benefit from

    Recently we decided that we were ready to buy a home together. Our combined income is roughly $180,000 per year. We bought a house two weeks ago, we managed to put down a large sum of money and mortgage $300,000 together. At the time of closing we will still have around $30,000 between the two of us.

    Here's where things got a little weird for me. I decided to create a savings goal for the next 12 months so we could have a general outlook of what the following year would look like for us financially. What started off as a simple spreadsheet turned into an absolutely chaotic (although organized) table of revenues, expenses, bank account and credit balances, etc. As I said, I have never had a positive balance in my personal bank account, and I'm worried that now that I have not only savings but significant assets and future revenue, that it's making me a little crazy. I'm always checking my online banking to make sure no recent payments or anything have come out of any of my accounts, because I would need to update my spreadsheet. I have 12 months of future income (confirmed and booked clients, not estimates) salary income, monthly expenses, etc. at all times. I honestly feel like I'm going insane sometimes; for example I did a small job recently where I earned around $1500 cash. I drove somewhat erratically to get to the bank in the mall before it closed, so I could deposit the cash and see it in my bank account.

    Now, I'm so cautious about spending that I can't believe I'm the same person. Every purchase is carefully considered. I take less time in the shower, I leave lights off and I barely have the AC on. I realise this is just normal responsible human things to do but it's becoming obsessive.

    TLDR: was a stupid kid growing up, incurred endless debt. Started a small business, earning roughly $120k/year including my 40hr/week salary at work. Finally had a positive balance, decided to start meticulously tracking expenses, and forecasting income/savings. I feel like I'm going crazy and I'm not sure if this is just a normal thing for me to feel based on my history of constant anxiety about debt and having no money in my bank account.

    Is this normal for somebody that doesn't know what it's like to actually have savings? Have any of you experienced anything similar?

    submitted by /u/DamnYouExcel
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    How do I increase my credit card limit?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    Right now it's $20,000. 28. Salary is $128k. After bonus and ESPP, about $150k. Does it hurt credit to ask for raise score or does it just happen naturally?

    4 credit cards. 0 debt. 0 missed payments. 770 credit score.

    submitted by /u/SunDevils321
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    What should I look out for in terms of closing costs and loan estimates that ensures I get the best deal? I have a few candidates for lenders offering the same interest rate, but their fees seem to vary a great deal or be completely absent in one case. Guidance, experience, and advice is appreciated

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 08:34 PM PDT

    Direction On Disputing A Credit Report?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 08:30 PM PDT

    Hello friends! I hope this is the right sub, but here's a little background:

    I hadn't ran my credit score on Kredit Karma through Discover (my only credit line) in a few months, and was horrified last night when I finally checked. In April my score was higher 700s & in May there was 170 point drop!!

    I've never missed a payment, taken out a loan, I don't owe anything, nor have I filed bankruptcy; YET the explanation of this drop of score is due to either a "Derogatory Public Record or Collection" or "Too Few Accounts With Payments As Agreed". . .

    I'm not sure what either of these mean, or what I can do to fight this?

    Please help, this is incredibly stressful & scary!

    submitted by /u/ProbablyTelling_aLie
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    I was sent a 401k check from an old job I left a while ago, what do I do with the check?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    I didn't know where else to start but for some background info. I worked for Whole Foods back in high school and early on in college, eventually I quit to work closer to home and school. WF (whole foods) set up a 401k account for me which I didn't pay any mind to because I didn't know how any of it worked and it was set up automatically which caught me off guard, 18 year old me was much more focused on finishing up senior year than retirement so I didn't look into it much.

    Fast forward to 2019, I opened a letter from Fidelity Investments around the end of February 2019 which had a check amount of 132.50. I also received a 1099-R form in the mail. I never cashed the check so I never used the 1099-R form on my 2018 taxes and my parents advice of just ignore it because I wasn't cashing it was what I ran with. To my dismay, I keep getting letters about an outstanding check and after consulting with an accountant she told me my best bet was to roll it over into an IRA to avoid any tax penalties--- (penalties for not using the distributed funds?) thing is I don't have any plan to open up a retirement account right now because I don't make that much money, I don't fully understand the concept of an IRA or a ROTH IRA and what it entails and I still don't understand why would I be paying penalties on my taxes if I never cashed the check?

    What will happen if I ignore the check? Will the money go back into their pool? Will I be taxed and fined for not distributing the check into an IRA? I think opening up an IRA just to roll over 132 bucks is a bit much and I'm not sure what else to do at this point since my parents aren't necessarily too giving in the knowledge department.

    What should I do? I'm just a confused 19 year old seeking the advice and help of actual seasoned adults.

    I'm open to all suggestions.

    submitted by /u/bananacherryfloat
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    Fully broke,cancer and a condo we will lose soon if not a miracle happens(Germany)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 02:51 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, so this is a really sticky crappy situation. My godmother lived in a condo that be passed via inherit onto me,she always said that. She died of cancer 2 years ago and she didn't make a will or sorted her finances so my mother was the legal heiress and has to pay 90.000$ legacy tax.

    At first we decided to rent the condo but thrown this aside because of all the commitments revolving around and plus we have no clue.

    My mother is retired and I was diagnosed with cancer last year, I'm unemployed. So I'm afraid that were loosing the condo because of not able to pay maintenance and other fees. My mom and me are the only people who are left of our family and as sad as it is we both have no friends who could help with a "little" credit till the condo is sold.

    Is there anything we can do..? We couldn't ask the bank for a loan because of no securitys.

    submitted by /u/Ilovemybull
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    Employer accidentally direct deposited money

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    My old employer from about a year ago accidentally direct deposited two payments into my bank account 2 weeks ago. They recently called me and told me they messed up and want the money back. They asked that I write and mail them a check back. I'm wondering that if I do this will the money still show up as income on my taxes and if so is there a way that the company can just reverse the direct deposit?

    submitted by /u/Taco-Cat69
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