• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 3, 2019

    Legal Advice Way Late Update: My mom stole a trust fund I didn't know I had and now the IRS is coming after me for unpaid taxes.

    Legal Advice Way Late Update: My mom stole a trust fund I didn't know I had and now the IRS is coming after me for unpaid taxes.

    Way Late Update: My mom stole a trust fund I didn't know I had and now the IRS is coming after me for unpaid taxes.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 11:22 PM PDT

    Original post here

    I'm only three years late but wanted to update this post.

    I reached out to the IRS who, after several phone calls and hours on hold, told me nothing could be done and to just pay up. I called one more time and a much nicer agent told me more kindly that nothing could be done unless I could get my mother to admit to withdrawing the money in writing.

    I told her that if she just told the truth, admitted it to me and the IRS and wrote the letter, I would forgive her and we could put it behind us. She refused. I told her to not contact me again until she was ready to stop blaming others and admit what she had done.

    A few (blissfully calm) weeks later she called me and apologized. She wrote a handwritten letter stating she withdrew the money without my knowledge and none of the proceeds went towards my care. I wrote my own letter explaining that I was already an adult immigrating to another country at the time of the withdrawal, and attached a photocopy of my passport stamps, an affidavit that I had never lived at the address the cheque was sent to, and the receipt of my immigration application which was dated prior to the withdrawal. I asked that the tax liability be transferred to my mother and included her SS number which she signed off on.

    The IRS sent me a letter back stating that the taxes owing would be issued under my mother's name. Because she was a jobless crack addict, her income was under the federal threshold and she did not need to pay anything due to how low her income was that year. Disaster averted.

    For those curious, no, I never got the money back and decided not to pursue it. I didn't know it existed before the IRS contacted me, and didn't feel it was in anyone's best interest to force the issue knowing that I'd never get repaid anyways. Mom quit crack a year or two back, but still battles her demons in the form of alcoholism. Our relationship has slightly improved. Also, I'm a woman (most comments assumed I was male). The end.

    submitted by /u/VonCattington
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    [MD] is it legal to charge more for babysitting special needs children?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:21 AM PDT

    This morning, I went to meet a client that that I've been talking to for a few days. The son was 8 years old. He was very quiet and was messily eating his breakfast. He didn't speak a word to me and I thought he was very shy.

    The mom just told me that I would have to look after the house and feed him. And she told me the hours I had to work and I gave an hourly rate. She was doing a tour of everything and showed me his room. When I was in there I noticed a box of diapers in the corner, one diaper on the dresser and a box of wipes. I got a little concerned and asked her about it. I thought she would just say the diaper is only because of nightly bed wetting. Turns out her son has autism, he is not really verbal and not potty trained. I told her that I charge more when I have to give that much care. She got angry and said she was going to report me to the website. And that it's illegal and discriminatory to charge her more for her sons disability.

    My usual rate is cheaper than most. I only do older children that I basically just have to be in the room with. I do homework and study for classes for majority of the time. I've only had like 4-5 special needs clients and they required more care so I charge more. The other parents were upfront about the child's needs and what my duties were (diapers, hitting, spitting, bitting, cleanups, constant monitoring) She never mentioned her son being special needs since we've been talking that's why I told her the cheaper price.

    She also threatened to report me to the board of nursing, even though I didn't get hired as a CNA. I recently got my CNA, the only reason she even knows about it is because this morning as we were chatting over coffee, she had asked me about my life/college/nursing major. I just mentioned it.

    Is what I did illegal? Can I be reported for something that doesn't have anything to do with my CNA? She is furious and I don't doubt she'll make as big of a fuss as she can, what can I do?

    submitted by /u/pinkfloss9
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    [UPDATE] Our lawyers want to settle worker's compensation claim, but I think it's a mistake. [PA]

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    OP from 4.5 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/2l7zp1/our_lawyers_want_to_settle_workers_compensation/

    The OP was from November 2014, but I thought I should update. To recap: Mom's lawyer wanted her to settle her workers comp case for 4.5 years of payments, but we disagreed. Feel free to skip to tl;dr below.

    Shortly after that post, I had Mom schedule an in-person meeting with me and her lawyer and legal aid (it was all over the phone/email with the legal aid up until now).

    One infuriating thing: Luckily I read up on WC law in PA because the legal aid tried getting Mom to settle with deception wording. While we were waiting for the lawyer to enter the room, the legal aid said something like:

    You know, by law, you're only allowed to collect disability for ten years, but you won't get more than five, and you've already been collecting for over two years. So, 4.5 years is more than generous.

    Which is deceptive in her wording because according to that same law, the 500 week (ten year) counter doesn't start until disability has been decided as partial, and that hasn't yet been decided. So, the time Mom's already collected (2+ years at that point) doesn't count towards the 500 weeks limit. I said as much to the legal aid, and she broke eye contact, agreed, and just restated that it's still a generous offer. I lost all trust in that legal aid after that.

    Come to find out, the legal aid wasn't relaying any of Mom's complaints to the lawyer or the insurance company. For example, the insurance company wasn't paying Mom's medical bills, and Mom told the LA this several times. When the lawyer heard this, she was upset and told her aid to get it resolved now, and it was resolved 30 minutes later. After this meeting, the lawyer was much more sympathetic towards Mom's position.

    I bring that up because apparently the insurance company simply forgot about Mom. Their automated system was cutting the bi-weekly check but not paying the medical bills. LOL. In that, the insurer missed a two-year (plus 60 days) deadline to petition for a reduction in benefits. Which means they could still request a medical exam twice every year to change the status, but by missing the deadline, it gives Mom more time to collect.

    But now the insurer had Mom on the radar. They sent her to be examined twice every year. The doctors were very shady. Their reports would vary wildly but always said that Mom was able to go back to work. In one instance, Mom couldn't even finish the test because it was causing so much pain. The doctor put down that she was fully healed and 0% disabled. That same doctor performed that same test six months later and found Mom to be 11% disabled. Six months after that, she was 5% disabled according to that same doctor. His report would even put down incorrect details, such as which hand was hurt (left vs right) and what angle she was able to move her arm, etc. Another doctor's notes said that she shouldn't use her arm at all until further notice, but then in the exam report which goes to the insurer, he reported that she was 100% fully recovered and should go back to work immediately with no limitations.

    But none of that apparently mattered. The lawyer said that the insurer's doctors are paid to do exactly that, but if the insurer actually believes them, they will try to reduce the WC payments. She was right. Even though all of their doctors were reporting that Mom is recovered and able to go back to work, the insurer never petitioned to reduce WC payments.

    Payments continued for nearly another 5 years.

    Then, a few months ago, Mom, her lawyer and the insurers met in arbitration to settle. Regrettably, I couldn't be there because of work obligations. The insurers offered Mom 4.5 years settlement and perpetual medical coverage for the work injuries. Mom's lawyer said that's the best offer that she'll ever get (although, they said this with every single offer ever presented), and Mom accepted the offer.

    Also, Mom found out that all of the "offers" that came from the insurer were first solicited by the lawyer, including the most recent request for arbitration. Meaning that the insurers only made settlement offers after being requested for each one by Mom's own lawyers, even though Mom made it clear that she didn't want to settle. I can almost sympathize with them because they were working on contingency, but it still seems like acting in bad faith to me.

    So anyway, after seven years of collecting WC, Mom received one final settlement check for 4.5 years (minus lawyer fees, etc). Personally, I think it was a mistake to settle, but I don't live in Mom's shoes. She's tired of the painful medical exams and arguing against her own lawyer who wants her to settle, and I can hardly blame her. I'm just really afraid that she'll spend the money and then live in destitute -- she's awful with money.

    tl;dr: 4.5 years later, Mom settles for 4.5 years; totalling just over 11 years of payments.

    submitted by /u/ecafyelims
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    Police asked me to come in for questioning. What now?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    I know not to talk to the police without a lawyer, but still have a few questions.

    A state police officer called me and asked me to come in to answer a few questions. He'd looked for me at my old apartment, but I've moved into a new place. He told me they were trying to close a case, but wouldn't answer much else. I can't think of anything I've done that's illegal.

    Am I likely a suspect or person of interest, or is it possible they want to question me about someone else?

    How much is it likely to cost to have an attorney present for questioning?

    Alternatively, can I call back and simply decline the invitation? Or say, "I'm going to decline the request since I don't know what it's about, but if I'm being charged or investigated, I'll come in with an attorney."?

    Anything else I should know?

    This is in Rhode Island (RI). Thanks.

    submitted by /u/lathrowthrowthrow
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    Please Help Disabled Woman being Attacked by HOA

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 08:19 AM PDT

    Location FLORIDA:

    We live in a Condo Association and have a corrupt HOA president that runs the building and has been harassing my now disabled mother. My grandma own's the property and on the signing of the contracts my mother and I were approved as residents to life there with background checks and all. It was contingent that we wouldn't close the contract when buying the property if we were not approved to live there.

    We lived here for 5 years and on the 5th year my mother suffer a stroke and became disabled. She is married but separated from her husband. After the stroke her husband stepped up to care for her and he moved into her condo. The president of the HOA didn't like this. She began to pester us saying his nurses/aides were not allowed to use the guest parking and started questing why we had so many, and saying he's not allowed to live there. My mother just had a stroke and was released. We needed all the help we could get but the HOA didn't seem to care. We complained about the guest parking situation and in return they took away our very OWN parking spot that is considered our property in the bylaws. They started putting tow-stickers and threatened to have our car towed and said we are not allowed to park there anymore. We were furious about that knowing my mother is disabled and needs close access to the vehicle. We complained and demanded this stop. In retaliation our name was removed out of the directory box in the building. We could no longer buzz guest in. My mother lives on the 16th floor and could no longer let aides/rehab/nurses in. Someone would have to go down and my father wasn't always home to do that.

    Shortly after getting our name removed my mother suffered a mini heart attack at midnight and it took the paramedics an extra 10 minutes to get into the building because the doors are closed and they couldn't get buzzed in by my father. Again we were furious, my mother could of died. Every second counted, we pleaded with the president of the building expressing that this situation is harassment towards a disabled woman and could of turned fatal and in retaliation and they sent out a letter from a lawyer demanding that we give them the original copies of our background checks and approval certifications from the board from when we first moved in. My guess is they want to destroy it or take them then deny we have rights or ever were approved to live there.

    The president of the building is constantly harassing and hurting someone who is disabled. It's disgusting and turning dangerous, we weren't on the best terms before because of our religion and our concerns with some of the financial matters in the building. Hundreds of thousands are being spent and their are no proper receipts on where it is going. That is the least of our concerns now but we know they are using my mother's disability as a way to really destroy us knowing we are battling this health issue and don't have the power to fight back.

    Please please help, we don't know what else to do or who to turn too. Please help.

    submitted by /u/cuddlestheking
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    My cousin who works as an accountant stole $13k from my mom. Should I call HR?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Back in December, my family and I found out that my cousin has been e-transferring thousands of dollars to her account without my mother's awareness for almost two years. We took our case to court and won last month. My cousin was able to pay back the $13k two days after her appeal and we're currently waiting on the court for our money.

    The thing is, my cousin works in finance/accounting for a large company in Toronto, Canada. I am pretty certain that no one in her workplace knows about this case and based on her track record and the type of person she is, I fear that she might be taking advantage of her situation or other people.

    Would it be wise to call the HR department of her workplace to inform them of the situation? Are there any legal ramifications for this action and anything that I should look out for before doing so?

    submitted by /u/jmulan
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    Getting charged for refusing an ambulance (IL)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    Last August, my 4 year old and I was in a car accident. A lady ran a stop sign while she was texting and totaled my car. A couple who lived right where we were hit, called 911. A fire truck, 2 cops and 2 ambulances came, took all of our information, and asked if any of us needed to go to the hospital. I refused and wasn't checked out in anyway. We did use one for my son because I wanted him looked at.

    The lady, admitted fault. She didn't fight us on anything and even went as far as looking us both over before the ambulances came and saying to make sure to have my son seen when the ambulance came. Turns out, she was an ER nurse who was on her way home after her shift.

    Yesterday , I have received an ambulance bill for refusal of service. Now mind you. They didn't even check my vitals, I did not get in the ambulance (for myself), I wasn't even checked out at the hospital where it happened. Her insurance has covered our medical bills since(I had a fractured spine and a concussion, I was checked out the same night back home).

    Am I on the hook for this 800 dollar bill for an ambulance I did not call and did not use? What do I do here?

    TLDR: was in a wreck, 2 ambulances were called, I did not use one in any way. Do I have to pay?

    submitted by /u/missambience
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    (Arizona) Rental Agreement dependant on church attendance

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    A while ago my brother temporarily moved into my sister and her husbands apartment. After a few months of him not "shaping up", they wrote out a rental agreement including fees, monthly rent, pay-by date and mandatory church(mormon) attendance with them, every week, at their church building, or be evicted immediately, at their say so.

    I am concerned that they don't seem to realize that what they did was immoral or illegal. Is there a good way to show them how and why they are wrong?

    Edit: Thanks for the responses. To be clear he has nothing to get together other than leaving their church. Hes paid them rent up until they increased the amount when he told them that he is not going to church with them. My dad kicked him out for not supporting the mormon leaders and now he is leaving my sisters house for not participating in the same churches sunday meetings. He's a great kid and it's disappointing that our own family can treat him this way due to their "one true religion".

    submitted by /u/MooseKingCloud
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    Kaiser Permanente shared private medical information with my parents - I have my own insurance

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    Edit: in California, USA

    Kaiser Permanente sent my mother a bill including very private medical information I never ever wanted to share with my parents.

    I found out because my mom called me letting me know. I was furious with Kaiser.

    I called and throughout a 30 minute called was told that 'this happens sometimes'.

    I am on my own insurance and have not been on my parents plan for several years. Prior to being in my own, I was also apart of Kaiser - on my parents plan.

    Kaiser claimed that because I was on record twice, on my parents plan in the past (non current) and now on my own they 'didnt know where to send the bill' so they just picked on.

    What the actual fuck?!

    Do I have any legal claim to maybe sue Kaiser?

    They never updated their system in regards to me as a patient, therefore my VERY private medical procedures are now fully known by my parents.

    Kaiser's associate I talked to literally admitted this happens to other people too!

    Again, what the actual fuck?!

    I am gay, I had a scare, and now my parents know ALL the details.

    What if I get excommunicated from my family? What if this information my parents learned completely changes how they feel about me? What if I wasnt out and Kaiser just outted me?

    Im fuming.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/imlazierthanyou
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    [MI] My dog bit a child’s hand. Mother is willing to accept a lump sum to not pursue a lawsuit. Should I accept?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    I was walking my dog in the park. A group of kids came up and asked if they could pet my dog. Foolishly, I agreed. One child walked up slowly, held out his hand for her to sniff, and she bit his hand.

    I gave the mother my contact info. They went to the ER. No stitches but one puncture wound. This happened on Sunday. He still can't close his fist and he is scared of every dog he see's (per the mother).

    She is offering to accept $2,500 today to not take it to court. Should I accept? If I do, what should I write in the contract to make it legally binding and cover my ass.

    submitted by /u/TheFounderz
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    My parents’ neighbors are making their lives miserable.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Sorry for the long backstory- Edit: Location is Northwest Alabama

    About 18 months ago my parents moved into my mother's childhood home. It stayed in the family and my grandmother moved, telling my parents they could do what they like with the property. My grandmother still owns the property and rents it to my parents for $1/year. It is a large house with a mother-in-law apartment with a private entrance around the back of the property. This is where my parents live, them not needing much space.

    When they moved in, they began a short-term rental business (AirBnB) by renting out the "main" house. It is beautiful. They put months of work into it. They made the entire property look better than it has since my mother's childhood. It's gorgeous.

    One day about a year ago, my parents rented the main house to a family of 4 (the parents in their 70s and the children in their 50s) who were touring the country on motorcycles. When one of my parents' nosy grumpy old lady neighbors saw these motorcycles in their driveway, she went on a social media rampage saying my parents were harboring "Hell's Angels" and they were jeopardizing the safety of the neighborhood. YEAH.

    So, this old lady (early 80s) gathered up all of her old lady friends in the neighborhood to make it their mission to shut down my parents' business. They complained loudly enough that the city asked my mother to shut down the business. (No other short-term rental properties in the area were affected- only my parents' and only because these old ladies complained the loudest.) They were booked constantly when they were operating in the beginning, meaning in the year they have been not allowed to operate, they have missed out on about $20,000 of income.

    Now, a year later, my parents have been in a battle with city officials to allow them to resume business for months. After threatening to sue the city for discrimination for shutting down one STR in a city of about 90 STRs, the city has agreed to allow them to resume. The group of 5 old ladies are livid. They are doing everything they can to bully my parents and get them to move out of the neighborhood. They are driving by taking pictures of cars in the driveway, calling the cops over "suspicious cars in the driveway" (side note, it was my car), attacking them on social media, waiting by the driveway and telling renters they are unwelcome, following my parents to city council meetings (attempting to intimidate them for some reason?), and generally making their lives miserable.

    My parents are such good people, they volunteer at homeless shelters, cook for church gatherings, and advocate for their community in every way they can. They do not deserve to be treated like this. They feel they have no options in any way to stop this. The neighbors are not setting foot on their property, just standing/waiting in front of it and beside the driveway. They don't feel they are being threatened physically at any point. They are just so angry and sad that they can't live their own lives without their neighbors making them miserable.

    The old ladies' goal is to bully them out of the house and move. This is not an option for them. Is there anything that can be done other than move or cease operating the rental?

    submitted by /u/jkmorro
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    I am my parents' retirement plan. To what extent am I obligated to provide for parents with no retirement savings?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 09:37 PM PDT

    Neither of my parents have been saving for retirement. I have tried everything to convince them to plan for their future: I have reasoned, begged, persuaded, implored, nagged, argued, etc. to no avail.

    They have always been terrible at managing their own money. Both are heavily in debt, and they immediately blow every dollar they manage to get their hands on.

    I am pretty much their retirement plan. I've always been the "responsible" child: working hard to earn, save, and multiply my money. Despite growing up in semi-poverty, I have worked my way into a high paying career and now enjoy a fairly comfortable financial situation. My younger sister, on the other hand, has always been the "mooch". I never give her money when she asks for it, so she goes to our parents whenever she needs money for stupid shit, even when they are broke. She's one of the reasons they are in debt.

    I know that what I am about to say sounds extremely callous: I don't want to financially support my parents when they retire. I don't want to support my sister, either.

    I don't feel like I owe them anything. I didn't choose to be born. Ever since I got my first job at 16 I paid for my own shit except for food and shelter, until I moved out at 18 and started paying for everything, including my own university degree. I've always been independent and to this day I refuse their help even when they offer it. Everything I have, I earned through my own hard work (yes, I admit there was some luck that contributed as well).

    In my view, if my parents end up penniless by the time they reach retirement age, they will have no one to blame but themselves. They rarely cook at home, always eat at restaurants, pay for everything with their credit card, and buy cars/a house/vacations they can't afford. Frankly, I don't even like my family because of the type people they are. All three are entitled, lazy, greedy, selfish, materialistic, wasteful, and stubborn.

    Whenever I try to convince them to make better financial decisions they get extremely offended, saying that it's their money, they get to spend it how they want, etc. They say that I can't control them.

    Today I got in a huge fight with them about it.

    My mom wants to book a vacation, and I tell her not to because I know she can't afford it. She says "it's my money, it's none of your business how I spend it". I tell her that it absolutely is my business, because neither she nor my father have been saving for retirement, meaning that when they can no longer work, I'll be on the hook to take care of them. We argued, some insults were thrown around, until I bluntly told them that I refuse to support them in their old age as a consequence of their irresponsible spending habits.

    They were horrified to learn that and said I was being heartless. Finally, my father said there's some law saying that children are obligated to support their aging parents, and that if they "end up on the streets because of [me]" they will sue.

    Is this actually true? On what basis could they pursue legal action? To what extent am I legally obligated to support my broke aging parents?

    I'm in Canada

    TL;DR My parents aren't saving for retirement and I don't want to support them financially when they can no longer work. Can they sue me if I refuse to help them?

    submitted by /u/myousername
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    [NJ] Road raged ice cream truck driver called police on me and falsely claimed I had threatened him with a firearm. Was stopped by police at gunpoint and cuffed, then released.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    I'm driver for a car transportation company. An ice cream truck driver became very upset because I was driving too slow for his tastes in a semi residential area. After he had turned away, I was stopped by three police cruisers and told to exit the vehicle at gunpoint. They placed me in cuffs on the hot sidewalk for over two hours while they searched my vehicle (I had no firearm of any sort and didn't even communicate or argue with the ice cream truck driver), then they apologized to me and explained how they had received a report that I had threatened someone with a firearm.

    Can I get compensation of any sort or file a defamatory suit of some kind? How could I be detained in such a manner without evidence? At the very least, is it possible to take legal action against the person who made the false report?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/MasterBach
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    Can I sue my stepmom for withdrawing money from my Paypal account without my permission?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    Location: New York, NY (me) and Pittsburgh, PA (my stepmom).

    This has been an ongoing, sticky situation and I need insight.

    Very brief backstory: My father passed away last year. Due to his bipolar disorder, he was on disability for most of his life. He made pocket change by selling things on eBay. One time, my dad got sick and had to be hospitalized for quite some time. He lost his eBay account, so I gave him mine (still in my name). Looking back, I shouldn't have done this, but I was 16-years-old and just wanted to help my dad out. He had and used the account (in my name) for about 4 years.

    Fast-forward to his death last March, my stepmom got what was left of his life insurance (I believe it was like $5K, there was very, very little after paying for funeral). I got 1K (which I put towards the Paypal balance) and my brother got 1K and she kept the rest. Or so this is what we were told... my entire family does not trust this woman.

    I check this Paypal account after getting weird calls and turns out this account had a balance of $5.5K that hadn't been paid in months. I was furious and stressed. My dad died on March 28th and there was a final transaction on April 12th. I called PayPal and they said my stepmom withdrew the funds. I confronted her about it and she said she paid me back. It's been almost a year now and she completely cut contact with me and my family. I haven't spoken to her since Christmas. I've pay the bill because I don't have a choice and got the balance down top $3.9K but she owes me $1,600 since she withdrew that money.

    What can I do? Should I get a lawyer? I have proof she withdrew the money but it's been a year now and I don't know what legal rights I have since some time has passed. I was naive and believed she would pay me back which is why I didn't take action earlier and I wanted to keep things between us civil.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/iguessthisisfine_
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    Bank refusing to honor valid legal documents and release inheritance. International Issues

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    Location: Maryland, Pennsylvania, Germany. US citizen family member died in Germany after living there 9 years. Will is invalid due to divorce. Jump through many hoops and get valid German Certificate Of Inheritance (with experiation date) in Germany at great expense. Bank in Pennsylvania refuses to honor document and tells to go through local courthouse. Local courthouse tells us they won't do it and to go through Germany because that's where she lived/died. Bank won't honor German documents and tells us to go to local court, who tells us to go to Germany. This is very expensive and is causing tremendous financial difficulties for our family. What can I do? Where do I start?

    submitted by /u/shortadamlewis
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    [IL - Chicago] Landlord hasn't cashed cashier's checks

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:04 AM PDT

    Hello, basically I pay my rent through my bank, who sends a cashier's check to my landlord for rent. This morning, I got a message from my bank saying they put a "stop payment" on my rent check from 04/04/2019.

    I've looked in the Chicago RLTO and it mentions nothing about this certain scenario. My plan was to reserve the money in a savings account and send him a text notifying him of the expiration of the check and that he may request I send the owed money and he will receive it within 7 business days (3 for ACH clearing, 5 to issue check).

    My questions are

    1) since text is not considered a legal form of communication, should I send him a letter?

    2) is what I am doing considered legal?

    3) in the case that I move out and the check for remaining rent owed stales, would I still be indebted to my landlord?


    EDIT: formatting

    submitted by /u/alwaysrevelvant
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    [FL] Tattoo artist took $1,000 dollar deposit and then refused to do the tattoo. I fought the charges with my bank and they won’t take further action

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    What are my options here? The bank sided with the tattoo artist. I don't understand how this can even happen. He refused to do the tattoo. He offered to do a completely different tattoo that he has done on several dozen other people and would not budge.

    I have text's showing this. My tattoo is anti religious and it turns out this guy is very religious so this was a hit in a sense and he's bragging to people he is doing God's work.

    I don't understand how this is happening. The bank claims they have "compelling evidence." I've never been to his tattoo shop. I have never signed anything. This was a payment through cash app that I don't use for anything else.

    I move out of the country at the end of this month. I guess I'll have to come back here if small claims court is my only option.

    Please help me.

    I tried to co promise with him. He's claiming I didn't show up so he's keeping the deposit. I didn't no show he refused to do the tattoo. Look how he's talking to me (2 screen shots)


    submitted by /u/blatzphemy
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    LLC accepts money from the rich and gives money to the poor. LLC owner gets large dividends. Is this OK? (USA)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    Dividends are close to 50% of the yearly profit. The rest is given to the poor.

    There's no mention of non-profit anywhere.

    There's no mention such as "ALL of the money we receive are going to be given to the poor" anywhere.

    There's no mention of donation, charity, etc anywhere.

    So there's no misguidance. (Right?)

    Is this COMPLETELY legal and safe?

    Edit. I've added some notes in the comments.

    Edit 2. How can I find a good lawyer who specializes in this sort of thing?

    submitted by /u/KMADKSMKMDASKMADS
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    Unknowingly terminated while in coma. (Ohio)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, first time Reddit poster. I have an account, but I'm using a throwaway just in case.

    Location is Ohio. Sorry for the long post, hopefully all of this is relevant. If clarification is needed, please let me know and I will do my best.

    I'm posting on behalf of my mother. Last year she came down with what was thought to be the flu at first, but ended up being something far worse. There was a total of about ~5 weeks between when she first alerted her workplace of her being sick to her actually being able mentally and physically able to function.

    She notified her work and boss that she was going home early (she had sick leave/PTO) when she first came down with the "flu." Eventually it progressed, and after about 3-4 days she was in the hospital, completely sedated and hooked up to every machine possible. We e-mailed her boss with the full details of the situation at that time and got no response. A few days later we had e-mailed an update and again, got no response. We continued to update via e-mail until she was able to contact them herself, approximately 5 weeks after this whole "saga" started. Since then, she still hasn't had any contact with the place despite repeated tries.

    She was salary (this probably isn't relevant but she was getting paid for 32hrs/week but she was working 45-50) and two of her pay days landed while she was in the hospital. We had tried to contact her boss to see if she was getting paid (or even had a job) and again – no response. She only got paid a partial check on that pay day.

    It turns out, she stopped getting paid the day she went home from work early sick. She wasn't told this whenever she went home. She never received any sort of "formal notice" of her termination to this day and it's been MONTHS.

    Is the termination and the way they went about it lawful? If not what, if any, recourse do we have in this situation?

    Edited for clarity.

    submitted by /u/throwawayyyy10451
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    I was served by JUUL.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 08:46 AM PDT

    I received a stack of paper and a summons that was directed at me and about 50 other defendants, who all seemed to be eBay sellers. Juul is apparently cracking down on counterfeits and I somehow matched their memo because I sold one item (a juul starter kit) that I bought locally and decided I no longer wanted so I sold it on eBay. I did not know of any pending lawsuits of the sort, at the time of selling it. The product I sold was not at a profit but apparently according to the complaint I "matched the similar pictures and description used as other known counterfeiters". When I listed the item on eBay, I searched up the product and found a listing and used the "sell one like this" option since i was selling the same thing unaware that this would target me as a counterfeiter. I have never been served before and I have no idea what to do about this, what would be my next course of action? Case number: 1:19-cv-00575 Eastern District of Virginia (Note: I did look up the case number and it seems that it is legitimate, although a stack of papers that look like they were freshly printed and wrapped in a rubber band seemed highly suspicious.)

    submitted by /u/throwaway38627
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    I am disabled from cancer surgery and I work from home, now my employer wants me to work as a contractor for less money or accept a severance. Should I accept or should I try to get disability?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    MD- I had cancer surgery in 2017. The procedure was VATS and I had my left lung lobe removed and some lymph nodes. There was a complication with the surgery and I was left mostly unable to use my left (dominant) arm due to nerve damage. I have constant pain due to my injury and I take meds and go to a dr monthly to monitor my symptoms. I am cancer free.

    I work at a newspaper, and my employer was fine with me working from home for two years due to being unable to commute by vehicle. All of my work is done on a computer and we have remote desktops so it really didn't matter whether I was in the office or not.

    Last week I was called into the office and told that I had to start reporting in or become a 1099 contractor, with less pay and no benefits. If I don't accept this offer I will receive one month's severance and unemployment for 26 weeks.

    I have several legal questions here.

    1. is it legal for them to fire me for this or do they need to make these accommodations for me as part of the ADA?
    2. They want to pay me less as a contractor because they say I have "made mistakes". They have no record of these mistakes. Also, I have not had a performance evaluation in two years, and no raise for three years, since I started working there. They also say they think I am working less than what I am reporting, although I can document my hours by the work I have done-everything is time stamped and I email people alllll day and I answer my phone after hours.
    3. Is is possible for me to qualify for disability due to nerve damage? I am unable to do much physically and I have to sleep sitting up. I am 45 years old. There is no cure for my problem.
    submitted by /u/Cool_Enough_Username
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    [PA] No running water at work

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 07:16 AM PDT


    Today at work (corporate place) we have been informed we have no running water. No bathrooms, no drinking water, no way to wash hands, etc. The central AC is also down.

    Can they keep us at work all day? It's 10 am at the time of posing and we work until 5 PM. It's expected of us to stay and work. I dont really want to use the restroom if I can help it but its unreasonable to expect that, right?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/crabboclawws
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    Neighbor noticed we are selling our house and may be trying to sabotage the sale for their gain

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 09:29 PM PDT

    Need advice on how to proceed. I will be contacting a real estate lawyer, but I don't have a ton of money right now. I am in CA btw.

    We are selling our house and it hit escrow today. Our real estate agent got a call from someone claiming to own a house next to ours, and saying our trees are ruining their backyard by dumping leaves and debris, and threatening legal action. I got this person's phone number and called them. From here on out, I will refer to this person as [landlord] and the property they own as [neighbor's house].

    I called [landlord]'s home number and they claimed that they rent the house to someone we will refer to as [tenant]. They claim that [tenant] is leaving the rental because our tree is hanging over their property and dumping leaves and debris on their yard. She said [tenant] cannot stand it, they tried to have a BBQ but canceled it because it was so dirty from our tree, and our tree is killing plants in their back yard. I asked for [tenant]'s contact info so that I could get details on what is happening and [landlord] said "They moved out already".

    I went to [neighbor's house] and it turns out [tenant] is still there. I spoke with [tenant] and they said that [landlord]'s claims are "bullshit", [landlord] is "crazy", and that the tree is not a problem for [tenant] at all. [tenant] also said they never planned a BBQ. The real reason they are moving is because they have a neighbor next to them who suffers from mental illness and is making their lives difficult. He said this neighbor scares [tenant]'s kids, and they cannot stand to live near this person anymore. [tenant] sent an email to me confirming this in their own words.

    Any advice on how to move forward and get [landlord] to go away for the least amount of money possible and without screwing up the home sale? I know we now need to disclose this to the potential buyers of our home, but I am also hoping I can call [landlord] and tell them we have an email showing that that their reason about losing [tenant] is not true, and we have no legal obligation to cut down the tree. Local laws here say that [landlord] can trim the parts of the tree that hang onto their property, but this person is in their 60s, so I am assuming they saw the For Sale sign outside my house and felt opportunistic.

    submitted by /u/pedroyoyoma
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    [Texas] Tenent abandoned property, and hasn't paid over the past 2 months of rent

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 10:17 AM PDT


    Hi, I am renting the house on a month to month basis since their original contract expired.

    They told me around mid April their intentions of moving out, and they ask until the 5th of May to gather their stuff. I told them that was fine just to call me when they're ready so I can get the keys and start the process of returning the deposit.

    They never called.

    I call them starting from the 6th of may til mid June to see if I can get the keys from them and they choose to ignore my text and calls.

    My questions is what is the proper way of getting possession of the house back. Since doing a cash for keys is looking to be impossible.

    Edit 1:

    Forgot to mention looking through the windows there seems to be no personal belongings in the house.

    submitted by /u/Wonderwall1245
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