• Breaking News

    Friday, July 12, 2019

    Legal Advice [Update] on contacting the child I gave up for adoption 12 years ago

    Legal Advice [Update] on contacting the child I gave up for adoption 12 years ago

    [Update] on contacting the child I gave up for adoption 12 years ago

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 05:25 AM PDT

    A new update to this post and this first update as some people asked (I hope this is OK and I'm not breaking the sub's rules). Thanks again to the people at r/legaladvice.

    I wrote a letter to my ex-wife. I spare you the detail but in it I apologized for what I've done and took responsibility for it. I also told her that I've made efforts to better myself and how I got my act together, and that I'm aware that she only has my word as proof for it and I know that's not much. I asked if she would let me know how she and my son were doing and if she'd be willing to share a bit about his life. I asked if he knows about me and if she thinks there's a chance she would let me contact him at some point in the future. I also added that I won't make any further attempt at contact if she doesn't answer or if she asks me to stop.

    I really wasn't sure she would answer but she did. It was a long and emotional letter. I don't want to say too much but she says she has forgiven me and she's glad I'm doing better. She, my son and her husband are doing well. My son is a happy young man, he's doing great in school and has a nice group of friends. She finds him very mature for his age, he knows what he wants to do with his future. He has a good relationship with his parents and siblings. Reading this has been a huge relief, I'm so glad he's doing well. She said I was right to give him up for adoption however difficult it may have been. I knew it but reading it from my ex-wife has been incredibly comforting.

    My son knows he's adopted, and he knows why his mom left with him and why he's never met me. Apart from that he doesn't know much about me. He has asked a few questions over the years and his mother has answered truthfully, and she writes that she hasn't bad mouthed me and I believe her. As for contacting him in the future, she'll think about it, but she and her husband need to talk about it first and see if my son wants it. And obviously my ex-wife and her husband will need to talk to me to see if I've changed for real. She said that she needs time to think about it and she doesn't want to rush things, but whatever they decide in the end she won't keep me in the dark.

    So now all I've got to do is wait. This is a positive outcome, knowing my son is doing great is what I had been hoping for all these years and it helps a lot, even more than I would have expected. Even if I'm not sure if there will be contact in the future, there's hope so that's fine.

    submitted by /u/Thrw_lost_dad
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    [FL] My parents have joined some new age "religion" and intend to move me to a compound against my will. What can I do to get the hell out of here?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    So I really don't know how to start this so i'll get right too it.

    My mom and step dad are really into "new age" science and beliefs. I've never agreed with them on this and didn't know how extreme it was. Recently though they have become involved in a extremely weird "support group". I say that in quotes because I have no fucking clue who they are. When I'm around they never mention any group names or what "organization" they work for or are apart of. Because of this I have not had much luck finding out stuff as "new age cult" gives to many results to look into.

    This Monday my mom and stepdad sat me and my 4 siblings down. They told us that we will be moving at the end of the month to a more "stable" location within a spiritual community. According to them they plan to pull all 5 of us (im 16, couldn't think of anywhere else to mention this.) out of school here and enroll us in their "mind awakening" school where ever we move. I tried to get anything out of them but they refused to talk to me at all about it. According to them because i'm still a child in "mind, body, and spirit" i need to listen to them not ask questions. I've actually been freaking out since then and have been trying to get advice but I've been unable too. They cut of the internet, phone and TV Tuesday and they have been keeping a fucking lazer focus on me and my siblings since then. I'm currently at a friends house and this is the only way I've actually got access to the internet. this seems like a cult 100% to me. Last night they had 3 people come and talk to me and my siblings and the stuff they told us was fucking crazy. I was talked to alone by an old man who told me about how my mind is "closed" and that I will slowly learn to open it as my parents have and that the "leaders" will love to meet me and put me in their programs.

    I need to know what the fuck I can do here. My dad has shared custody of me and since Monday i've had no contact with him. He is supposed to have a call with me every night but my mom claims he's been "informed" and supports this 100%. I tried calling him this morning but he didn't answer. He lives in another state so it's kinda hard to get into contact with him outside of phone and email. I'm at a friends house because I was able to leave the house for the first time in a week this morning after I told my parents I wanted to go to the park but came here and told my friend everything. Her parents are not home but she's trying to call them and I plan to stay here tonight if I can. My parents have forbid me from using the internet because it's "full of lies from them".

    I'm so lost right now it makes me sick. I do not want to go with them to this obvious compound and I need to know what the fuck I can do here. Can I just run away and if my parents harbor me can they get in trouble. If my mom has been lying about my dad can he do anything? thanks.

    submitted by /u/AboutToBeTaken21
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    Cousin needs a life-saving hysterectomy but insurance doctor won't approve because "She's not done having babies."

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    My cousin has been getting these terrible infections after having her first child. After trying a few treatments, her doctor informed her she's at serious risk of life-threatening hemorrhaging and she needs a hysterectomy. However, when her doctor tried to clear it with the insurance, their doctor (who has never met my cousin) informed her that he would not approve of her surgery because she's young and shouldn't throw away her chance to have more children. He said, "If you were 40, I'd approve this. But you're [young] and only have one child so far."

    This seems incredibly wrong to me. I know people have tried taking on insurance companies before but how on earth would you start? Thank you for any support at all. She lives in Utah but the insurance company is based out of Minnesota.

    Update: Thank you everyone, especially those of you who reached out including doctors, insurance specialist, nurses and everyone else. I relayed all the information on to my cousin. Her doctor had completed the peer to peer but she's begun the appeal process with help from a lot of your comments. I really appreciate all your help and she does as well.

    Edit: My cousin put out a video with more details but I can't include it as it has identifying personal information. I've also removed any mention of her exact age.

    submitted by /u/heropantz
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    My boss wants me in the office 35 hours a week, but will only pay me for 5 of them

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    I'm employed as a counselor at a small mental health agency in Colorado. I am not an independent contractor. From my understanding, it's fairly common for employers in my field to only pay clinicians for "billable hours" or hours that you're actually seeing a client. This is the arrangement that my boss and I have, and originally he told me that I would have no issues getting clients since the agency has a long wait list. After getting hired, I found out this is not the case and I currently only see 5 people a week.

    The issue I'm having is that my boss has told me that he wants me to stay in the office from 9am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday to be available incase there is a walk-in client. He is not paying me for these 30 hours that I'm in the office but not seeing anyone. I'm not making enough from the clients I do see (about one a day) to cover the other hours that I'm in the office. This means that I'm making considerably below minimum wage for my state. I'm already looking for a new job because I can't pay my bills at this point. I'm relatively new to this field, and I have no idea if this is legal? I've asked my supervisors, however, they're all independent contractors so they don't know what to tell me.

    Am I entitled to at least make minimum wage for the time that I'm being required to be in the office?

    submitted by /u/brokeasstherapist
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    Brother uses my name and got me a warrant

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    I have a brother who is less than one year apart from me in age difference, we also are almost are identical if you dont know us. The problem is he got into a bad drug addiction, refuses to work, went homeless and only cares about his next hit. He has a warrant out for his arrest and anytime he gets in trouble he uses my name to avoid being arrested. While I've tried filing reports asking police to require I show ID when I'm stopped but I've been told there's nothing they can do. Recently he got busted shoplifting and apparently used my name. I unfortunately had no idea this happened until I checked my name on the court system but by that time I had a missed court date and now have a warrant out for my arrest. I have no idea how I can prove it wasn't me and let alone how to get this off my record, any advice would be appreciated.

    Edit location is Albuquerque New Mexico

    submitted by /u/Landark12
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    I Reserved a house on booking.com with no refund. Less than 24 hours later they want me to cancel.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    I reserved a house on booking.com yesterday. Today about 18 hours later, they call and say there will be maintenance done to building the day i reserved it, and have to cancel.

    I paid $272 + $120 (cleaning fee) = $392. The cancelation fee is $272.

    I said that this is total bullshit, and that they should

    1. Have taken it off booking.com so no one could reserve it.

    2. Find me another place within location of equal value.

    3. Give me a total refund, with no cancelation fee.

    Who out there knows what I can do about this?

    This is in Detroit, Michigan.

    Edit: Location, Appreciate the advise peeps! Ill update again when they reach back out to me.

    Update: This is the email I just recieved, but I cant get ahold of the lady I talked to earlier to verify this email. Weird how they sent me a email, then request my email...

    First of all, we will like to apologize for all the inconvenience and we really appreciate you choose us for your stay. Please let us know how we can make your stay more enjoyable!! We will have the property ready for your arrival. Please provide us your email address. so we can send you all the instructions to your email a day prior to your check-in. Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions

    Kind Regards

    The XXXX

    EDIT #2

    Property owner called me and asked that i give her my email so she can send me check in information the day before we get there. I took the advice of some of you redditors below and denied her. I told her she can email me through booking.com (they receive email, check it, then forward to me. Same vice versus.) I told her that is the only way i will communicate with her from here on out until I arrive. I am doing it this way so it will be recorded by booking.com, which also did a great job doing whatever they did, to make the property owner/manager fix things.

    Thanks to all you guys and gals that commented, it really helped. This was my first post in this nature, and I oddly, felt instantly backed by you peeps. I Appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/CorkyThe3rd
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    Update to “a nurse took my private information and keeps texting/might be stalking me”

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    Original post here

    So this might be a bit of a disappointing update, I wish it turned out better, but it is what it is.

    The clinic had their own security investigator call me, at first he was super rude and basically said that the nurse told them I gave him my number and was "flirting with him". When I made it very clear it wasn't and I'm married, the investigator told me to text him the screenshots of the conversation. He said that he would look into it. About a month later he got back and said that "the nurse is on warning if he does it again he will be fired." So I was really upset that they decided they weren't going to fire him.

    HHS and OCR sent me letters saying they found multiple violations of my private data and inappropriate behavior by my doctors staff. They didn't say they could take action but they made a report and said they forwarded my complaint. The board of Nursing received my complaint but I didn't get much of a follow-up.

    Creepy nurse tried contacting me a few times and even drove to my house and waited outside, my husband went out there to talk to him and he wouldn't leave, he just kept staring at our house for a good half hour. I called police and the police were absolutely helpful, they went through my yard to make sure he didn't breach my property, then told him to leave me alone and gave me tons of information about protective orders. They said they are investigating him for harassment and stalking. Since then I haven't heard anything from creepy nurse. One cop called me about this and asked me some questions and said they were still looking into him. I 100% think he is a potential killer or something because the way he stared at my house chilled me to the goddamn bone.

    I decided I will no longer see that doctor, this is a bad thing because of my health issues but I never want to run into that guy ever again.

    TL;DR Creepy nurse still has a job, they didn't take me seriously. Creepy guy is a serious creep and was outside my house one night. Police told him to stop contacting me and he did.

    submitted by /u/ProvocativeSkeleton
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    My special needs brother was taken on a trip without my mother’s knowledge or consent

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    My brother is 14 years old and was asked to go an a day trip to a church. He went on it last year and didn't enjoy it so my mother didn't consent. The teachers encouraged him to change his mind but he really didn't want to go.

    He ended up being ill on the day of the trip so my mum kept him off school. The next day he went into school and was taken out of lessons and forced to go on the same trip on his own (with teachers). My mum didn't consent to this and he has autism so his comfort is very important.

    He said he felt very embarrassed because he was in his uniform on his own while others were in casual clothes. He came home very upset and angry.

    My mother is very upset that he was taken out of class without her consent. Is there anything we can do?

    Edit: We live in England.

    submitted by /u/laurenslooz
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    New development says they own half driveway

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    Hello I am unsure if this is the right place to post so please forgive me if it's not I'm just a bit confused and frustrated.

    Location is USA Utah

    I've owned this home for about 15 years now and never had a problem with neighbor. They sold the house and a development company bought it with the land behind it. They are building a bunch of town homes which is fine but I came home today and they have a note on my door.

    The note says please don't park and move anything within the red paint line drawn. They drew it through a portion of my backyard into half of my driveway up into the street.

    There is a bath wire fence that they pass to mark the lines that marks the property lines.

    Any advice on what and how to proceed from here? I've left the truck and stuff there now since I don't have anywhere else to put it and I don't really believe they can just draw a line and leave a note?

    submitted by /u/iTzSocrates
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    Deadbeat dad left me with a 85k in debt.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 06:21 AM PDT

    So my dad left when I was two and I had contact with him as a teenager but other than that no contact. Found out he died, I haven't heard of a will but now the Escambia County has sent me a final judgement of $85, 356.40 as debt due to a property he owned.

    I sent them a letter a couple of months ago when this filing first happened stating I had no contact with him in several years and he was not apart of my life. I can't go to the hearings because I'm in the Navy and I can't just leave my command.

    Any word of advice or anything I can do to separate myself from this case? I am in Virginia Beach, VA and this court case is in Pensacola, Fl.

    Edit: forgot to add location.

    Edit: I appreciate all responses.

    submitted by /u/poppinfresh46
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    Trying to make an offer while home is under contract.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    My mother's neighbor is elderly but she's known her for the better part of 20 years. She's offered to buy her home and gave her a few good offers but the lady always declined. Recently she decided to move to a condo and out of the blue told my mother that she is selling to someone else. This other buyer gave her a very low ball offer but conned her by telling the lady that only he would be able to deal with the town codes and permits.

    Neighbor signed a contract with the other buyer. Other buyer spent money on permits, inspections, and tank inspections. My mother made her a much larger back up offer. Seller decides to cancel contract with current buyer. The contract stipulated a 21 day finance clause where the buyer had to show that he had financing or said funds to seller however he did not. The owner also told previous buyer that she had a new offer .

    The buyer sent the old lady a threat of lawsuit and a threat of a lien if she proceeds with canceling the contract.

    He spent money on inspections, fire extinguishers, and a few permits but no construction was conducted.

    What would the old lady by liable for if they went to court? What would my mother be liable for? What can the lien be placed for(money amount wise?)

    This oldest lady doesn't have a pot to piss in and my mother is considering funding her lawyer for her.

    Can the old lady be forced to sell to him?

    What are our options here?

    (New Jersey)


    She notified the buyer that the contract is canceled. Buyer has threatened a lien and responded with a letter from an attorneys letter head.

    submitted by /u/Nodrawr
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    Brother in law got fired for discussing pay with a coworker

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    My BIL got fired today after he told his co-worker how much he makes and it's $3 dollars more than the guy he told. The guy got pissed and told the boss and the boss fired him. It's in Maryland and a manual labor job (trying not to give details.)

    He did say the other guy is black (BIL is white) and they think that's what it is but I imagine there is no way to prove that.

    Is there anything he can do or just apply for unemployment and move on?

    submitted by /u/PedroTheLion7
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    Child does not wish to visit father.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 01:56 AM PDT

    I live in CT. My fiance has 3 children (17, 13, and 11...all with birthdays coming up within a month or so) which she receives child support for. All of them have for the entirety of their lives resided with their mother, there's no formal custody agreement, and they only see their father when he picks them up for a day's outing or the rare sleepover at his parent's home. All of them deal with some level of mental disorder i.e. ADHD, anxiety, OCD.

    The 13 year old has decided that she does not want to visit her father anymore when he picks them up because he has made her feel crappy too many times and stated he has no patience for her level of anxiety which has made her feel unsafe around him. She currently attends therapy and he has been pressing my fiance for the therapist information and phone number. My fiance and the 13 year did not want to share that information because it is the child's safe zone and she didn't want him breaking that feeling of safety. He has pressed the other two kids for the information and received it through them.

    1: Legally, what information is he entitled to when he speaks to the therapist? Is he allowed to force himself into sessions? We have been told a couple of different stories from the people who run the place so I would like to get what is and is not shareable cleared up.

    2: Getting a formal custody arrangement seems like the right idea at this point. We are financially constrained so what would be the best avenues to getting a legal custody agreement?

    submitted by /u/MrBluCollar
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    TN My dad being told his social security number has been compromised and needs to be changed?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Hello everyone I am in the state of TN, my dad believes he is on the phone with someone from social security right now who claims that his social security number has been stolen and someone in the state of Texas is using it to buy property/cars etc.

    But they are saying that they need to close his social security number and then be given a new one. In order to do this he must close all of his bank accounts and transfer the money to new ones with the new social security number.

    They also asked him to make out a personal check for 49,000 dollars to a federal attorney that will be representing him in this matter.

    This screams load of BS scam to me, I am trying to tell my dad to hang up the phone and stop giving them information but he will not listen to me.

    IS there any legitimacy to this or am i right ?

    submitted by /u/Zarcodine
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    Job threatening not to pay (TX)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 05:44 AM PDT

    I work at a charity, and they use an online clock in. The issue, is it hasn't worked for me for months. Not sure why, just hasn't.

    So I told my supervisor, he said to message my hours in a chat. This went on for about 3 or 4 months.

    He tells me we need to get it fixed (I have no way to fix it as it's the companies system...) So I go to the person who's basically the liaison to the software company who runs the clock in web app. She spends about an hour, can't find the problem, says to keep sending my hours through the same chat.

    About a month and a half later, someone who's not my supervisor tells me I need to start clocking in or I won't get paid. Which I thought was illegal, but was like whatever I'll find a way (by using another device which is way less convenient).

    Literally 19 hours later I get a phone call from H.R., (who is married to the not-my-supervisor) and tells me things like she got approval from the president to not pay me if I don't clock in, and my employment with the company could end, and how I need to start taking responsibility or I'll be fired and talking to me condescendingly.

    Now, it's all threats and I don't have proof. But, if they act on it, would there by any legal action? Because I have had no merits against me, I have been a role model employee and worked my hardest. I've also been the most adaptable by coming in on days off, switching my schedule so it's better for the company. All these things that I've been selfless with, and they out of the blue are threatening termination for something I have followed directions with...

    I'm just confused, and any help would be nice.

    TL:DR is, I work for charity, am a good employee, they all of the sudden take one issue out of context and are threatening termination, what's the legality of that?

    Edit: this is a throwaway because of privacy reasons

    submitted by /u/TheNittyGrittiest
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    Maintenance entering my apartment

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    This is Ohio. I just woke up to a maintenance person in my apartment. I had no idea they were coming. I check my email to make sure I didn't receive any communication from my landlord, and lo and behold at 10:24 this morning I received this message:

    "After 12:00PM today Alix will be by to replace all of fire extinguishers in apartments. If you have any questions feel free to give us a call."

    This is the second time this month this landlord has given us less than a 24hr notice of entering our home. My question is, do fire extinguishers count as an emergency or is there any reason they would be able to enter my home?

    submitted by /u/HotSecurity
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    Picture used in advertisement without my consent

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    (Occurred in Saint Petersburg Florida)

    About seven months ago my picture was taken in a public place, which I did pose for assuming it was just a photographer getting a picture. I had no idea it was going to be used in an advertisement and I've been trying to get in touch with the group who did this for what feels like forever. They have told me they sent me several emails which I most certainly have not gotten. I am 21 and I'm sure they know I cant afford an attorney but finally I got in touch with the owner who immediately decided to sick their attorney on me. I expect to hear from him Monday and I dont know jack shit about the law myself but I really dont want to let these guys get away with it. If there is any information I need to know in order to tread lightly in this situation please offer it. They used the photo to sell some of the most expensive apartments in my hometown and god only knows what else they used it for.

    submitted by /u/MotionSuggestsIt
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    I think my dad is being scammed/used to launder money NY

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    NY Also I don't really know what to flair this.

    I posted this one/personalfinance

    Over the last 2ish years my father has been receiving money from his "online girlfriend" who lives in Ghana and is supposedly rich. She sent him a picture of her holding obviously photoshopped gold bars (Which I've seen). She is in her 30s and my dad is 64, she want my dad to "take care" of her once she moves to the USA (she is also supposedly a US citizen. Multiple times a week money is wired to my dads back accounts and he is asked to send them to various other account using money gram or western union. He is constantly texting her on WhatsApp. He is currently in a lot of debt and is going through selling his business. He owes over 120000 in unpaid taxes. He also has his friends wire money to them. I am unsure about how much of his own money he has sent, but the money his friends are sending is all the money being wired to his account.

    What should I do

    submitted by /u/48299394853388
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    Handicap Parking Refused

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    I live in North Texas

    On Wednesday I had ankle surgery due to breaking my ankle, hours before. I won't be able to bare weight on it for up to 12 weeks. My apartment complex does not have any handicap parking spots, I requested that they place one as close to my building as possible that's assigned to me, so I can safely get to my building when I get home everyday. They refused.

    Also important to note that they have no reserved parking at all.

    Is there anything I can do to force them to get a handicap spot?

    submitted by /u/jedimaster42
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    (NC) Boss is stealing tips and demands religious compliance.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    I have been working at a pet resort/spa/camp for about 4 months. The place has been a perfect day job while I go to night school, however, for the first time in my life I'm pay check to pay check, and given the needs of my schooling, finding another job is borderline impossible.

    First issue: I was under the illusion we never got tips until someone mentioned how the 2 dollars in the jar at the front desk are to intice people to tip, and the owner immediately takes the money. Upon further questioning of other employees, I found out that we get hundreds of dollars sometimes, (We board dogs for months at a time.) That money could help me tremendously with bills until my schooling is over and I get a job in my field. (About 6 months)

    Second: We have these mandatory meeting between shifts once a month. It's not too terrible. We meet at a restaurant, we are allowed to order about $10 worth of food (there are 5 employees total,) and we take 2 hours to go over things that could be in a 2 paragraph email. (Typical lol.) I wouldn't have much of a problem with it, hell I'm getting paid to be there and free food is free food. But we are DEMANDED to hold hands and say grace. On one occasion everyone forgot to before we ate, and she (the owner) chastised us for it. It makes me seriously uncomfortable.

    What can I do? What should I do? Is it even worth it?

    submitted by /u/FogHorn_of_NE
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    Hotel didnt take enough money

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    Sorry if the title seems confusing, but basically I "ordered" a room for x amount of money (it's all right in the order confirmation etc) but after checking the credit card they took out around 60€ less than they should have.

    Should I ask the hotel what's up? I mean all the services that I booked are stated in my confirmation so it shouldn't be my problem, right?

    Edit: I live in Germany

    submitted by /u/Cortex32
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    Estranged father keeps harassing me and insists he needs my taxes and paystubs. (MICHIGAN)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    I'm 19 and recently moved out of my dads house and moved in with my friends family. I filed as an independent last tax season, and was intending on filing for medicaid independently. My father and I lived in the same house, however I paid for my own food, clothes, and transportation. He didn't charge me rent, and paid for my phone bill, but that was it. Also, I was the only legal resident of the house. He met some guy on Craigslist who owned the house, and said we could stay there rent free as long as we paid the utilities. We moved in when I was 17. When I turned 18, I got a state ID for the first time, and used what we'll call the Craigslist house as my address. My dad kept my grandmothers address (the house we lived at before) as the one on his ID. Last year, we had medicaid. He insisted that to reapply, he needed my tax documents even though I filed independently. All of the medicaid discourse started happening after my 19th birthday, and from what I understand, you have to apply for medicaid on your own at 19.

    My dad's a very manipulative, narcissistic asshole. About a month ago, I packed everything up and moved out in the middle of the night. I got a new phone and phone plan, but haven't had an opportunity to give him my old phone back, because he keeps telling me he needs tax info from me. I need to make sure that I'm not commiting some sort of crime or tax fraud by not giving hin my information before I completely cut off contact. I DON'T want my health insurance plan to be linked to him in any way. I want to apply on my own. I wanna make sure I'm not going to get in trouble for claiming the Craigslist house on my taxes when my dad claimed my grandmothers house on his and on the health insurance. He's now claiming he needs my paystubs from the last 90 days, and that I HAVE to apply for health insurance with him.

    My dad also keeps showing up at the house in the middle of the night, and has threatened to kill himself if I don't speak to him. He showed up and caused a scene at a local hobby shop last night. We haven't called the police yet because we were afraid of escalating the situation. What should we do about the health insurance? What about the harassment?

    submitted by /u/leafo777
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    Dispute with landlord over disability aids for an amputee (Texas)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    So, to make this brief I'm having surgery in a couple weeks to have my left leg amputated below the knee and I'm trying to make arrangements that will make transitioning back home beforehand. I sent my landlord a written request about grab bars (the rails in disabled bathrooms) since it was suggested by my doctor and everyone at support group. I noted that the apartment could install them if they had a preference and if they didn't want to do that I would like permission to go get my own to install myself (i.e. my husband really since he has experience with home repairs).

    Well, she denied the request in all forms - she said that they would not be installing grab bars and that I couldn't install them myself because they would "damage the walls and be an eye sore after you move out." To add insult to injury she also told us that we need to move the wheelchair ramp at our front door because some of our neighbors had lodged complains about it (the doors are in set about four feet so the ramp doesn't actually stick out into the walk way of the building - it's mainly to help me wheel over the lip of the door frame on bad pain days when I'm stuck in the chair).

    I've been trying to find out if ADA or Fair Housing Act covers grab bars (and the wheelchair ramp?) but google hasn't really been all that helpful. Our lease doesn't say anything about assertive devices at all. We just renewed our lease a few months ago so we have about 10 more months before we can consider moving. How do I resolve this issue with the grab bars and the wheelchair ramp?

    submitted by /u/justaquickquestion97
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    Terms & Conditions wording - How strict is "not intended to..."?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 04:48 AM PDT

    I've been reading a terms & conditions of a government's training contract regarding a programme I'm taking, and there's one very crucial part that I'm a bit confused regarding its wording. I'm not knowledgeable about legislation, so would really appreciate your help.

    That part of the documents says "It is not intended that the candidate apply for X programme, or be avail of X programme after completing the training course."

    My question is, in term of legal enforcement, how strict is this statement? And what are the differences of using this in comparison to using words like non prohibited, forbidden, etc.

    Edit: location: UK & Ireland

    Thanks a million!

    submitted by /u/luu_t_nhung
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