• Breaking News

    Monday, July 8, 2019

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] Employer didn't pay several of us for a day when the company was closed. You guys helped me and several others get paid. Thank you!

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] Employer didn't pay several of us for a day when the company was closed. You guys helped me and several others get paid. Thank you!

    [UPDATE] Employer didn't pay several of us for a day when the company was closed. You guys helped me and several others get paid. Thank you!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:43 AM PDT

    So after some research and still not quite understanding the law here in Florida, I made this post a little while ago. The answers were right along the lines of what I was thinking and gave me the confidence to go to my employer and demand payment. I was a little worried about retribution, but I figured the law was on my side so wth?

    Not only did they cut me a check, but 7 other employees who were affected like this were paid as well. No signs of retribution either. It turned out (at least this is what I'm being told, so who really knows?) that the HR manager misinterpreted the law. Once this person read it again, they started to have doubts themselves, then contacted our corporate lawyers who told the HR manager that we must be paid.

    So thank you!

    submitted by /u/savantrep
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    {CA} Boss told me to stop checking id when selling alcohol if they "tip". What should I do?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    So this is a weird situation and to me it seems highly illegal and i need to know what to do.

    So for the past year i've been working at one in a smaller chain of gas station continence stores as an assistant manager. Think a Maverik but smaller. Anyway, over the past few months things have been kind weird with the owner. He's a middle aged guy that honestly is kinda sketchy but he pays better that other local jobs so no one really cared. Recently though one of the other assistant managers has told me that he's noticed a large influx of teens and college kids coming in and trying to buy tobacco and beer with no id's. When they try they "tip" him to not check id. I didn't believe him until the boss came to me and told me that if I get a "tip" to not check id and just charge the kids for beer of cigs and add like 5 or 10 dollars to the total cost.

    It's obvious he's doing this to make extra cash and sell to kids and that this is most likely extremely illegal. The other assistant manager quit after he was also told to do this and I'm thinking I probably should to. My co-workers though say I should stop "being a pussy" and just do it cause the kids are gonna get it anyway. What would happen if I did this? How much trouble would I get in if I did. Should I report that my boss is doing this and if so who too?

    submitted by /u/MountainAdvice
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    I received an $8,500 quarterly water bill for my 2-family house - there must be some mistake but the water company is demanding payment. I don’t have the cash to cover the upcoming payment.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Both units are occupied by tenants and the typical water bill is $400. I inspected the property and there are no leaks, running/dripping fixtures, pools, laundry machines or other apparent issues that would cause a spike in water usage. The water company says the meter works properly but there must be some mistake. They say there's nothing they can do other than finance the amount owed, but that doesn't solve the issue and I can't afford the upcoming payment that is scheduled to be denoted from my account. What recourse do I have?

    Edit: the house is in New Jersey

    submitted by /u/Planningsiswinnings
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    Former apartment took money out of my security deposit for "damages", but refuse to give me any proof of what they are and after I asked, they put a stop payment on the check with the amount left of the deposit. They now refuse to answer emails and haven't returned the money. What are my options.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 09:10 AM PDT


    My former apartment sent me my security deposit check within the 15 days, but claimed that a certain amount Would be taken out for damages. When I asked what the damages were, they just sent me a bill for the amount but that had no information. I asked for photographic and specific proof and they have not answered. When I tried to cash the security deposit check with the amount left they had sent me, it went through on my banks end but a few days later their bank rejected it and I got a bad check fee. I emailed them saying they needed to send me the check with the fee on top of it, as well as proof of damages and they have refused to answer. I then made a complaint with the consumer affairs department in my state and they still refuse to answer. Do I have any other options besides suing them in small claims court and what is my SOL?


    submitted by /u/portoportoi
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    Recently moved into a condo, and apparently 80%+ of the units are owned by a company who is renting them out as short term stays. Today they passed a motion that basically says they can fine any tenant (upto 5k) who interferes with their renters. Do we have any sort of case here?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:02 PM PDT

    We moved into a brand new condo in downtown Toronto, Ontario about a month ago (we own the unit and i paid for it when they were being built). We found out today from one of the few other people who live here full time that apparently over 80% of the units are owned by a company who rents them out on AirBnB.

    Today was the second condo board meeting (i wasn't here for the first) where i basically learned that nothing i can do means a damn thing. Two motions or laws (idk which) were passed by majority even though everyone there disagreed with it but since the company owns the majority of the units they can pass whatever they want?

    1. Any tenant who interferes with any renters enjoyment of the unit can be fined up to $5,000. (Apparently the owner is furious that our building lost its super host status as several people called bylaw/police on AirBnB tenants).
    2. The storage on the first floor will now be converted into a small gym and pool area (oh and we are expected to pay for it through something called an Easement?).

    I don't know very much around the rules of condo ownership and board. But frankly this isn't what i paid for. Do i have any sort of case or chance to fight this?

    submitted by /u/AptLA291
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    Friend may have her university dorm contract terminated after a guest of hers knocked an A4 poster off a wall and replaced it upside down by mistake.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:58 AM PDT

    Edit: This is an Australian University dorm located within the ACT

    Okay so here's the rundown.

    1. Friend brings guests into the dorm (this is allowed)
    2. While in elevator on way up to room one of the guests starts to play with the casing of one of the A4 posters which are dotted around the dorm on walls, in bathrooms and in elevators.
    3. The poster becomes dislodged and falls to the floor
    4. Guest takes poster and quickly slides it back into its casing (poster is not damaged in any way and neither is casing)
    5. In a rush to fix their actions the poster was inserted upside down (it was mainly text and thus looks similar from both ends especially if in a hurry)
    6. Admin notices upside down poster in the morning and makes a post to the dorms facebook group stating that someone has acted in a racist manner by turning the poster upside down
    7. Important point: like many uni dorms the posters found on walls are about anti-racism anti-sexism etc. This particular poster was a formal statement regarding the dorms commitment to support the indigenous community who traditionally occupied the local area.
    8. Friend contacts admin apologsing for guests actions and explaining what had happened
    9. Friend now has meeting with head of hall as well as various members of the dorms administration.
    10. Via email friend has been told they do not believe her story that it was an accident and that because she has offended a group of people she must be punished. There is potential for a fine to be imposed with possible termination of her contract if they take things to the extreme.

    Another important note: - CCTV footage within the elevator will back up her story that it fell onto floor and was then replaced mistakenly upside down

    Usually i would suggest she just waits until the meeting to determine her next move but after reading the emails she received and after hearing through friends within the dorms student representative team about how escalated this situation is becoming i wanted to check if theres anything she can do to prepare herself for the worst case scenario from a legal standpoint.

    Questions: - What steps should my friend take now in order to best prepare for her meeting in which she may be asked to pay a fine or told her contract will be terminated? Initially she hoped to simply explain what had happened and that it was all a misunderstanding but things have now escalated and she wants to be prepared. - is it worth contacting a lawyer at this stage? - what rights does she have in regards to her contract and this situation as a whole?

    submitted by /u/__PLEB__
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    Molested as child, everyone failed and now he is a elementary teacher.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 10:45 PM PDT

    Gee where do I start? I'm from the Northeast US, I was molested by my uncle in 1983-1984 I was a 5 year old boy at the time. He was 17-18 years old. He did everything but anal penetration on me. He resorted to twisted ways to force me to do things. Such as recording me on a tape recorder saying "bad" words that he taught me and threatening to tell my mother. Once he had me push the fire alarm button in an elevator and used that for a good 2 months. 

    I told my first adult when I was 6 years old. They told my mother and nothing happened.

    My molestor went into the service.

    When I was 10 years old I told the school guidance counselor. Again nothing happened.

    At around 13 years old, when I started to get into trouble, I heard my mother speaking on the phone about how I was molested when I was younger. This proved to me that she knew.

    At 15 I gave my first detailed account to a PA state counselor in a boot camp I was in for being truant, I thought for sure he will finally do something. Again nothing happened.

    Around the time of the Jerry Sandusky sentencing I reported my abuser to the childline child abuse hotline.

    I received a call and they told me most likely the statue of limitations has expired. Again Nothing!

    Imagine my surprise when I learn during a family get-together that my uncle is now teaching elementary art education at a school in the suburbs of Vancouver Washington. He fled out west after the service. I confirmed this by finding his photo on the school webpage.

    What would you do to protect any future child from this predator?

    submitted by /u/Ismashatoms
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    I've Been Stalked for 7 years by 1 person on the Other Side of The World on All Social Media. Now They've Written a Book.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 02:04 AM PDT

    Okay so to start, yes, I've blocked her MANY times. She has had hundreds of accounts under many different names since 2012. She emails me, harasses me on streams, YouTube, and all other social media. She's threatened me and my family multie times and made pedophilic remarks about my son. I'm in the US and she's in the UK. I've tried the local police, multiple social media sites directed me to some site that deals with harassment online but never got a response, I've even contacted the police in her area but because I told her to "leave me the fuck alone" at one point before blocking her and because I swore at her they dropped the case (or so I was told). I've contacted her family and asked for help. She makes fun of me for being autistic and has joined groups on Facebook for Autistics that are for support and harasses me in those. She's even messaged my friends I know personally and my coworkers trying to get info on me, get me fired, etc. that's just the tip of the iceberg of the harassment I've endured over the last 7 years. There's suspicion her harassment for years drove my friend to suicide a few years ago whom she was harassing before she targeted me, which she boasts about online especially to my deceased friend's mother.

    Tonight she responded to over 20 of my tweets making fun of me for being autistic and threatening me for blocking her again. I then found out she's written a book and it's on Amazon. The person who is me is a different gender and name but the character is blatantly based off of me and the story is a sick twisted fantasy she's written about her obsession with me and what she's put me through. Due to the whole "transformative" crap for creative material I'm not sure theres much I can do about the book. In the book the character that represents her travels across the country to meet the character that's based off me. I'm not sure if she's got the means to travel to the US but based on this and the threats shes made in graphic detail how she wants to kill me and my son I'm really uncomfortable. I have anxiety issues as well and I literally don't know what to do or what I can do at this point. Any advice? :(

    submitted by /u/SociereMaudite
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    Insurance won't pay out because the driver who hit me had a suspended license? (North Carolina)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:16 AM PDT

    I was rear ended by a driver with a suspended license. I filed a claim with their insurance, but they are not cooperating with their insurance (won't respond to calls from the adjuster). Someone on r/Insurance said the claim may be denied because they were driving with a suspended license. Is that really allowed?

    Original post to r/insurance: https://www.reddit.com/r/Insurance/comments/cajjtd/how_long_does_an_insurance_claim_take_when_the/

    submitted by /u/jason_for_prez
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    Is my marriage legal, and what does that mean practically? in CO.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    I'm an American citizen, I got legally married to another American citizen in another country. We did not get a marriage license in the US. We have nothing on paper anywhere in the US saying we are married. I know that the US recognizes foreign weddings, but am having a hard time finding info on how this works. Do we have to file here to be legally married here? if not, what does that mean functionally/practically? Does it mean that we need to legally file our taxes together, etc etc?

    Basically my question is, if a tree falls in the forest but no one hears it, does it make a sound? Meaning, if we aren't on paper anywhere with the government as married, does it matter?

    I'm asking because we are separated permanently, and I'm trying to figure out if we need to get a divorce.

    edit: to be clear, I'm the one that wants the divorce. I'm planning on moving to the country we got married in, in a year or so, for a couple years, and would like to be able to get married there to someone else if I meet someone, and also not have to worry about any possible legal or financial complications there and in the US.

    submitted by /u/trianguloid
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    [California] Customer has abandoned prepaid order for custom item.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Hello All,

    I am trying to determine how to handle a situation that our company is currently facing. Google searches for abandoned property laws in California are mostly focused on tenant law and financial institutions. Here is the situation:

    We build custom merchandise for clients throughout southern California. A customer placed an order with in early May. The order was ready mid May. Customer delayed pickup until end of May. We have been attempting to reach the customer since mid June with no response to our emails and voicemails.

    A few possibly important items:

    This order has been paid in-full (over $5,000.00). This is a requirement due to our custom nature.

    Our very basic agreement states that customers will pick up within 5 days of the scheduled pickup date or face storage charges. (We have never had to enforce this and we do not have the actual rate specified)

    Custom nature of the business means it is cheaper to start from scratch than modify this item for a different customer.

    We do not have the excess space to hold the order long term (these items are typically 3'x6' or larger).

    My questions:

    How long am I required to hold onto this order? What notification do I have to provide to the customer before destruction/removal/resale? Am I allowed to toss it in the dumpster or do I have to try and sell it and hold that amount in escrow if the customer ever shows up?

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/throwaway99366300
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    Landlord asks for rent, then begins renovations. [USA - TN]

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    Short of it, my landlord has begun renovation on a house I'm currently living in to continue to collect rent during the renovation.

    This is my last month living in a house with a strictly verbal agreement that the landlord was interested in doing renovations, and that he understood I wanted to be out of the house before they began. The shower has been in need of repairs since I had moved in (2017), and there has been visible mold on it. The other day, I arrived to my home (after receiving a text that day or the day prior that the landlord had asked about our rent that had been paid, and he deposited the check) to find the bathroom gutted and my belongings in the bathroom thrown about, my clothes in the closet adjacent to the shower thrown about, and everything within a path to the bathroom thrown about. There is also no running water throughout the house. After discussing with him, I get bullshit - "I thought you had moved out already," "We can work something out about the rent," and "I didn't see any mold - no one in town tests for that." I'm a biologist, so I know what mold is, and he continues to play stupid on everything despite having deposited the check to ensure he's collecting rent during a renovation period. What should be my first steps? I've considered contacting the health dept., but should I get a police report (I'm in Memphis, and the police here are very inactive/resistant to responding to anything like this.) I don't want to fight a legal battle in court, as it would likely end up being more expensive in the end, and I have a job to manage. I've been out of town, but my plan is to just move everything out first thing. I have also attempted to cancel the rent check he deposited through the bank, as the deposit is actually less, so if I can manage to get it and he takes the, then whatever, I got a bit more back than I would have if he even intended on giving the deposit back. I've taken photos and video of the water not working.

    Sorry for the ramble, just in a bit of rage for something so shitty to come up during a chaotic week of travel and work. If anyone has advice on how to best manage this, I'd be grateful.

    submitted by /u/jessegammons
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    Inherited several guns. Are there any state/federal laws requiring documentation of the transfer?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:53 AM PDT

    My grandfather recently passed away. In his will, he wrote that all his guns were to be divided between myself and my siblings.

    Is there any particular process or documentation required by state or federal law to transfer ownership or registration of these?

    There are several rifles, air rifles, BB guns, and pistols. One of the small-caliber rifles has a high-capacity (25-round) magazine.

    Grandad lived in South Carolina. I don't know where all the guns were purchased. I'll be taking mine home to Florida.

    My brother is a law enforcement officer in another state, and insists there's a federal requirement to have a licensed firearms dealer broker the transfer. But this doesn't quite seem right to me.

    The question here is purely focused on gun laws. Executor of the estate is my mom, and she's already given us the ok to take home what's meant for us.

    submitted by /u/IsraelZulu
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    Daughter being molested???

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    I have an ex that has issues. None of his issues are documented or diagnosed by a professional, so on record he is a "good dad." At most I can prove he is manipulative and a pain in the ass, has several dating app profiles including one for Russian brides, and watches a lot of porn. He is an "older" dad at 50. My two girls hate going with him for visitation because he is angry, unstable, and stays on his computer "looking at women's boobs" according to them. Last summer my older daughter started to develop. She needed her first bra (she was 9 yrs old). This summer she is about to turn 10 and went from the small to a large. She's petite frame so it's obvious and she wears loose clothes to hide this.

    Her dad lives out of town and would take the girls to a local hotel for visits. A few month ago my daughter said she didn't like swimming with him bc he stares at her chest and crotch, takes pictures of her, and of other kids. So I told her she didn't have to swim, try just not swimming. She tried that and he flipped out! He kept insisting she put on her swim suit, and took her down to the pool and tried to throw her in the water in her clothes. She threw a fit and he finally stopped but was angry with her the rest of the weekend. This repeated each time he would visit, week after week. Then he switched from swimming to showering. He demanded she take a shower repeatedly and she refused... at this point I felt it still could all be justified or explained, surely. Then this evening she came home and said "mom, you know how I told you how much he always tries to tickle me?... and that it hurts?... well he does it like this and I really HATE IT! I told him to stop but he says 'I'm your dad, I can do what I want!" She showed me what he does, and he grabs her breasts from behind her, and rubs his hands all the way across them. He's groping her!! She said he does this like 20x's per day!! He comes up behind her and grabs her like this, and it always starts with his hands running all the way across the front of her breasts. I KNOW he will act like he didn't mean to, I KNOW we've had CPS drop cases on him before for hurting the younger daughter and they determined there wasn't enough proof.

    Am I overacting?? I have no one to talk to about this! Can this all be a mistake?! My gut tells me this guy is molesting her and is looking to do more. But in the courts, that's not enough, obviously. I need to protect my daughter, and I need to be smart about it. I'm looking for anyone that can offer legal advice on how to approach this, but QUICKLY. I need to act on this right away, right??

    By the way, he is NOT someone that anyone can "talk to" - his own family is afraid of him and knows he is volatile.

    Update: We went to the police department. They said they couldn't talk to my daughter but took my statement. They said CPS (CAC - Child Advocacy Center) will have to talk to her bc they are trained in this sort of thing. We have a case number, and all visitation is on hold until this is investigated. I have a contact for counseling for my daughter to have someone to talk to.

    submitted by /u/RejoiceAlways
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    (British Columbia, Canada) Bought unlabelled pesticides from a plant store, now my family is sick

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    As the title states, I purchased a small, unlabelled bottle of pesticides from a specialty plant store a couple of weeks ago. I went into the store and explained my issue with thrips, and asked for something safe and organic as my plants are kept in my bedroom. The store attendant gave me a small brown bottle hand-labelled as "thrip spray" and requested that I pay cash. I did not have cash, so paid on credit card. I got home and sprayed the plant in the bathtub and almost immediately began having a reaction in my lungs, throat and nose. This reaction has lasted weeks now. I've gotten rid of the plant and cleaned the entire area the plant was kept but continued to feel very sick, almost like I developed asthma overnight.

    I called the plant shop and asked what the solution was so that I could properly clean it up and hopefully start feeling better but they are playing dumb and stating that they don't know what it is (I'm assuming it is either an illegal pesticide, or illegal for resale). I think that it is a pyrethrin of some sort, but am not sure as they will not provide any more information. They suggested I use water and paper towel to clean it up, but I've tried and it hasn't worked.

    Do I have any legal recourse here? I essentially poisoned myself and my family without my knowledge, and cannot even properly clean it up without knowing exactly what it is.

    submitted by /u/nastypesticides
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    What can I do if my partner drops off my daughter at a fire station? ( Safe Haven Law)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:28 PM PDT

    My Partner is threatening to give up our 5 month old child for adoption or foster care. I have since been thrown out of the apartment by her with the threat of calling police. What action can be taken to make sure she does not give my child away? I am on the birth certificate and have been supporting my partner for over 10 years as well as taking care of our child both with daily duties and financially.

    At the moment She is trying to get me to sign away my custody. Which of course I have not done. I am just curious if she drops off my daughter at a fire station, police station or hospital if there is a way to prevent or reclaim her via documentation or the legal system.

    I live in Washington state, and I recall when I lived in Chicago that with Safe Haven Law you have up to 30 days to reclaim. Does that mean any parent can reclaim? Does that even apply in Washington state.

    Any legit information anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated. Although you are entitled to your own opinion please keep opinions to yourself, as this will not only help me but others as well in the future.

    submitted by /u/DrN00bzLab
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    My niece is facing auto repossession. Her stepdad wants to wash the title with a friend's help. Can she get arrested? [California]

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    So my niece is behind on her auto payments and the lender is threatening to repossess the vehicle. Her stepdad who apparently has shady friends in the salvage business to put a lien on the vehicle and somehow get a new title issued. He believes this will stop the repossession and although she'd still owe a balance to the lender, my niece could keep the car.

    I'm 100% against this and terrified my niece will get arrested. She is no longer a minor, just barely out of her teens. I'm trying to convince her to return the car to the lender. I realize this is illegal, but is it fraud punishable by jail time?

    Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/raspberry-soda
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    A pyramid scheme guy comes into my coffee shop everyday to recruit my customers.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    So I work at a well known coffee chain that's all about the customer experience. We have pretty much the same people come in on most days including this one guy we'll call Carl. Carl comes in almost every day and plops himself down at one of our tables, sometime he'll buy a coffee to justify using our space. He will sit there hours at a time and spark up a conversation with everyone unlucky enough to sit near him. Eventually he'll move to talk about his "business opportunity" and quickly try to rope you in. He's made many of our customers uncomfortable and he's even tried to recruit some of our partners. I'm barista and I don't know how to justify kicking him out. Any legal advice?

    Edit: I'm in Los Angeles, California

    submitted by /u/ariasamm
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    Can HOA fine me for something not in the rules, CCRs or bylaws?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    I've lived in this condo for 5 years in Las Vegas NV. In April 2018, I installed a metal security gate over my front door. A lot of units have security doors, except mine is black, which is rare. There are rules for architectural modifications, but nothing mentions doors or gates.

    In May 2019, I received a letter from HOA saying I did not send in an application for the door. Whatever, I completed it that day and sent an email that evening with everything, and apologized. No mention of the color of the door.

    Now this month (July), 2 months later, I receive a letter that says they rejected my application because the door is black. They suggested other colors to use. I don't understand why it took this long to communicate, not to mention that the color of the door was never made an issue until now, so why waste the time and ask me to complete an application?

    What gets me the most is that a ex member of the board of the HOA has had a black door over their unit for yearsss longer than me. I have neighbors that back this up, and since that unit was allowed a black door, I figured I was too. The ex HOA board member has since moved out and quit, but that door remains.

    Since there seems to be bias, and there are no written rules about screen doors, can they really fine me or do anything? They are threatening me 15 months after I installed it too. I've had the feeling lately that they have been targeting homeowners for petty stuff, trying to fine them, based on what neighbors say. I've never received any letters in the past 5 years, but lately it seems like they are trying to get me.

    submitted by /u/the_underdog01
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    Mother never paid bills when I was a minor and they are now in collections under MY name?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    I'm a 21 yr old female in the U.S, Pennsylvania to be precise.

    When I was 14-18 I lived with my mother and was under her Medicaid insurance (she's legally considered disabled.)

    I first found out this was happening when I was 18 and tried to go get a root canal at a specialist office. I was told I couldn't get an appointment because I had an outstanding debt from an old root canal I got when I was 16. I was confused but I just found a different office.

    Then I moved in with my dad to go to college and these medical bills showed up every month from an ER visit back when I was 16! My dad paid it for me, it wasn't much just like $90.

    And now! I'm 21 and had a standard lab bill from my doctors office. I went to pay it online and there are two other bills listed in my name and in collections! Both from when I was 16!! It's small amounts, maybe $30 for those two. I feel this isn't fair. I was a minor and therefore was not legally bound to a contract correct?? What can I do? I have a decent credit score but these debts are probably why I can't get it raised!

    submitted by /u/not_monica
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    MICHIGAN; What can I charge for, criminal and civil, for non-consensual posting of nude pictures, that were taken by the husband during marriage, and posted on multiple websites after divorce?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 12:41 PM PDT

    Also, how do I get these legally removed from the sites and is there a way to get them scrubbed from his computer/phone? Is that a warrant type thing?

    Edit: Bot says I didn't put location, but it's in the title? Anyway, now it is in the body as well. Michigan.

    submitted by /u/Jcbrew92
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    Ex wife’s boyfriend has security camera in 11 yr old daughters bedroom

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    Throw away because reasons. Ex and I got divorced earlier this year after I found out she was cheating with a co-worker. Her now boyfriend got divorced earlier this year because his ex wife found out about their relationship via social media. They both work in law enforcement. After multiple threats by her boyfriend I filed a report with Internal Affairs and they ruled in my favor. They live in a 3 bedroom apt with our three kids and their three kids (when he gets them). I recently found out that they have installed security cameras in the bedrooms. So my exes new boyfriend has the ability to view my 10 yr old daughter and my 9 and 7 yr old sons at any time he desire, including any time they are getting dressed. And my ex has the ability to watch his 3 young girls at any time she desires. It is really weirding out my kids knowing that they are being watched by her boyfriend. I don't have any evidence at all that they are being watched at inappropriate times, but I don't know that he isn't. Is there anything that can be done here? My kids are currently staying with me for the summer and I want to figure something out before they have to go back to that situation.

    Edit: this is in DFW area in Texas

    submitted by /u/securitycameraworry
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    Battery was installed wrong on my motorcycle and shorted out to the frame

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    I just bought a brand new motorcycle in February and yesterday while I was out riding I lost all power and the motor shut off while I was on the highway. Pulled the seat off and noticed part of the frame had rubbed through part of the protective covering on the main power cable and it looks like the connection on the positive battery terminal was installed upside down causing it to rub. I'm just trying to think of what to do. Or if I have any power to make the shop that installed the battery to fix it. Edit: the mods asked me to put my location this is in Washington state.

    submitted by /u/djpollo32
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    I sold my broken down car to a mechanic shop, and yesterday the new owner showed up at my apartment very angry.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    Short Story: Living in California. My 2001 Toyota 4runner was totaled due to engine failure. I sold it to my mechanic shop for a couple hundred and signed away the pink slip. Fast forward 4 months and a new owner of the 4runner is at my doorstep claiming he had been "had" by the guy that sold it to him. He was given a fake carfax with false information. The REAL carfax had my mileage at 208k which is correct, the false carfax given to him said 66k miles. I wasn't worried for myself until he showed me the title with my name, address, signature, and a forged date.

    Question: Should I be prepared for any possible issues that will come from this? Wouldn't the mechanic shop be the last name on the title if I transferred it?

    Long Story:

    I used to own a 2001 Toyota 4runner while living in California.. Bad luck doubled up together causing my radiator to bust, with a bad freeze cap, which caused radiator fluid to enter my engine. Car was totaled. My easiest option was to sign over the pink slip and sell it to my mechanic shop for 300. The mechanic shop said they were going to swap a used engine in, and then use it for rock climbing.

    Now yesterday, a very upset fellow was knocking on my door and asked if I was indeed the person listed on the title. Yay me, because I was. He started asking me questions about mileage, how long I had the car etc. After answering his questions he calmed down immensely and then told me about who he bought the car from. Apparently, the new owner purchased the vehicle but started to get suspicious (after purchase) when he noticed a smaller battery, super worn tires, and stereo equipment not working. He looked up the carfax online and it was listed at 208k miles, but the odometer read 66k miles. He was given a fake carfax. He went WTF and contacted the seller, but of course no reply. Then he went and found me. I gave him all the relevant information I could and gave him my cellphone as well.

    The one thing that stuck out to me as weird is that when he showed me the pink slip/title whatever it still had my name, address, and signature on it. The dates on the title were clearly written over as I sold it in Feb-ish and the forged date was last month. I would have assumed the new title would show the mechanic shop that I transferred the title to, no? And will I need to prepare for any potential BS from this?

    Edit: Location

    submitted by /u/RandomTrashMob
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