• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 9, 2019

    Legal Advice Told that my eight hour shift is now thirty six hours and I’ll be fired if I fall asleep. [Washington]

    Legal Advice Told that my eight hour shift is now thirty six hours and I’ll be fired if I fall asleep. [Washington]

    Told that my eight hour shift is now thirty six hours and I’ll be fired if I fall asleep. [Washington]

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    Like the title says. I work at a 24-hour post as a security guard and we are majorly understaffed.

    I showed up at 2PM expecting to work 2-10 and another 2-10 tomorrow.

    My boss tells me there was a call-off and could I please show up at 10am tomorrow to work 10-10. I agreed.

    My boss went home and called me two hours into my shift to tell me my relief would not be showing and that he couldn't find a replacement.

    I told him I could either work overnight or pull a 12 tomorrow, but I cannot work 32 hours straight and safely drive home.

    I also have a medical condition I need to take medication for and a missed dose will give me debilitating withdrawal symptoms.

    My boss informed me that he was going to bed and would be turning off his phone.

    It's 11:30PM and I've tried contacting everyone up the chain. Nobody has so much as an estimate as to when I can go home- they're all asleep or punting the problem to someone else (who is asleep).

    If I leave, I'll be fired. If I fall asleep, I'll be fired.

    What's my best move?

    (Edited for spacing)

    Edit: it turns out what my bosses are doing isn't illegal but I seriously doubt they'll fire me when it means they'll be down three workers instead of two.

    I've informed the only person I can reach (my direct supervisor) that I'll be leaving at a set time, whether they've found a replacement or not.

    Second edit: I got my supervisors spoken permission to go home and take my meds/eat, and unspoken permission to curl up on the dirty floor someplace off camera to sleep.

    Job hunt starts tomorrow.

    Thank you everyone for your help.

    FINAL EDIT: I'm home and I've slept, had a good meal and taken my meds. My next shift isn't for a couple days.

    I'm completely overwhelmed. Thank you everyone so much for your support.

    I'm going to be speaking with my family's lawyer about what we can do.

    The medication I'm taking is not methadone or suboxone, but best wishes to everyone who DMed me looking for solidarity in fighting that battle. I have close family members struggling with addiction as well and it's one of the hardest things anyone can do.

    Please please please stop DMing me to ask who I work for and where I'm working- I understand the concern but I don't want to dox myself more than I already have.

    submitted by /u/delightfulspacepeach
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    I’m a cashier and every receipt I give to a customer has my full name and last 4 of SSN

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Within our POS system every employee has an ID number, set at hiring. The internal ID number is set to our last 4 digits of social security number. Every receipt has, at the bottom, "Opr: ####[NAME]" along with date stamps, etc.

    I expressed my concern to my manager who told me "no one's going to know what it is nor use it".

    Besides quitting, am I entitled to anything from this employee?

    Edit1: Illinois, USA

    submitted by /u/MelvillePotato
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    Spouse's company is telling him that I and our kids (not their employee) must ask their (the company's) permission to donate to political causes.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    My husband was told by his company today (we live in Texas) that that he, and crucially his spouse and any of his children, must have any monetary political donations reviewed by them. Because his company does some work for the government (among other clients), this is ostensibly done so that there is no conflict of interest. Regardless of whether or not it is legal in of itself to regulate HIS political donations, it seems super sketchy to have me or our kids abide by the same regulations when we aren't employee of the company at all. Is it legal of them to do so? If so, what is the justification for it?

    submitted by /u/Thr0wAwAyL3gA1AdViC3
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    Neighbors kids won't stop destroying my yard. What options do I have? (IN)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 09:51 AM PDT

    So ive been having issues with my neighbors kids playing in my yard. I've planted a tree which they rip the leaves off of to the point that they are killing multiple branches, they leave my yard filled with toys (multiple of which have been destroyed when I mow and hit them when they are hiding in the grass which is Great for my mower), and my wife caught them shooting off fireworks from our yard today. They get out my hose and play with it, and generally leave trash everywhere in my yard. I also have a fence up in my back yard and whenever I let my dogs out they taunt my dogs with sticks and won't leave them alone. I've called the police multiple times but they never do anything.

    Ive talked with the guy who lives there and he doesn't care. He watches them do all this stuff and refuses to stop them. I'm not sure if he's their dad or what because there is always like 3-5 different women coming over dropping off random kids as he's unemployed and just stays home all day.

    Im going to talk with his landlord next time I see him, but until then what options do I have?

    The property line is directly on the side of their house and it is a triplex to which they have an exterior staircase that is actually on my property. I'm thinking about putting up a fence in the front yard and changing the back yard to a privacy fence instead of a welded metal fence. What other options do I have?

    submitted by /u/Mercarcher
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    My mother loaned 100k to her niece to borrow but not use, Niece used money to buy a house which has since been sold

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    Throwaway account because better safe than sorry...

    A few years ago my mother (M) gave her niece (N) 100k in order to push up her total assets for a house purchase with her now ex-husband (EH). Instead used money for down-payment for the house without telling her. House has since been sold following N's divorce with EH.

    • house was in CA
    • M is from NY
    • house purchased 2016, sold 2-4 months ago
    • initial handover of money was by word of mouth (I know that wasn't smart of her)
    • IIRC my mom has since obtained a notarized document with N's signature stating that they must pay back the missing money. States that the 100k was not meant to be spent in the first place
    • N and EH are already in court to disputes the distribution of the money from selling the house. My mom provided documents confirming her money transactions to N and into the house, whereas EH has not
    • EH has already over phone stated that he plans to litigate until all funds are gone if he cannot have his share. However he did not contribute anything to the initial down payment or any subsequent payments thereafter

    They won't disclose their new home address as to avoid being served and they've been stonewalling any attempts to pay back the money. So my questions are as follows:

    1) Is there any way we can compel them to make payments? Given that there is a paper trail of the 100k and that there is a document stating that they are supposed to return it

    2) What else would I need in order to affirm that the 100k is to be returned?

    We are trying to avoid them ghosting at this time, and we would like to leave nuclear options as a last resort

    Thank you for the help in advance everyone, and please let me know if you need more INFO

    EDIT: Some additional facts I learned so far

    • 150k instead of 100k
    • notarized document between M, EH, and N is that the 150k must be payed back to M at her discretion, with no mention regard intent of money usage
    • there is no written record according to M that the 150k was directly used for the mortgage/down payment. Not sure what that means but that's something -During court proceedings for asset distribution the 150k was not associated with the house at all which has since complete (not sure, but M was disbursed 40k my N already)
    submitted by /u/SpeelCheked
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    HR is not terminating this employee. What do I do?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 10:17 AM PDT


    About a year ago, I became a manager for a store that has a mother and daughter working together. They don't work the same shift, however they relieve each other on cash register. The mother has been with the company for ages and basically thinks she pulls rank over everyone in the store.

    The daughter over time has developed a drinking and drug problem. It got to the point where she spends her entire shift drinking and doing drugs and eventually falls asleep on the clock. She's gotten aggressive with coworkers and threatened that if anyone reports her to management that she'll get revenge. Her mother is aware of the behavior and has been covering for her.

    The issue was brought to my attention at some point or another. My boss eventually gathered enough evidence against her and submitted it to HR. HR proceeded with an investigation and had me suspend the daughter until they can officially terminate her later this week. The mother and daughter are now determined to get revenge.

    While the mother has been off the clock, she's sent a series of text messages to all employees her daughter has ever worked with. She's made statements suggesting that she's gathering all the "dirt" she has on each employee and is presenting it to HR so that they're fired next. She's explained to every one of them that they should have minded their own business. She hasn't made any life threatening statements, but has simply stated that she would make their lives incredibly difficult and come for their job like they did to her daughter.

    Most employees did not respond to the text messages, which angered the mother and caused her to send out multiple texts, 10 or 20 at a time telling them how childish they are not to respond. Human Resources has stated they're not sure this constitutes as harassment and she will be returning to work as normal on Thursday.

    This can't possibly be correct but I can't find anything online to suggest otherwise. Please help. Waiting for HR to handle this situation is very stressful and my employees, my assistant and myself are afraid to come to work.

    submitted by /u/NotThatSerious26
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    I was followed into the bathroom by a coworker and kissed against my will repeatedly, when I told my employer/HR they didn't do anything

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    So I (22 M) had been followed by one of my coworkers (30 M) into the bathroom on more than one occasion, but the last time he did was the only time he ever grabbed me. He has done this before, he is a registered sex offender from doing the same thing to a 15 y/o in a store when he was 26. I told my employer and HR about the incidents and they conducted a very half assed (IMO) investigation and then told me that they were not going to do anything and that from now on things were going to be business as usual. During their investigation they told the guy that I complained about him and he said it was a misunderstanding. They made no effort to keep us on different work schedules and had us working together so I didn't feel safe going to work anymore so I quit. I filed a police report and he's been in jail for about a week but is there anything I can do about my former place of work? The detective and others have told me to see a civil lawyer about my former workplace but I'm not sure what to do or how to approach it?

    submitted by /u/_phantomthread
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    Insane cleaners

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:23 AM PDT

    Before I contact a lawyer, wanted to get your guys' take on this. My wife went through Amazon Home Services and secured a deep clean of our house and got assigned a local business (who did not show up the first time - excuse was "death in the family"). I was on ED nights, so sleeping upstairs and she waited all day and these cleaners never showed up - despite her calling and texting a few times.

    So she contacts Amazon and their reply is "the cleaners came, took pictures of roaches in the drawers and stated they couldn't clean this squalor and left" - which is such an insane proposition that I couldn't stop laughing. We are a two physician household, no kids, no pets, live in a nice part of our city, in a house that is >3000 sqft for the two of us (long story, couldn't find a smaller house with a two car garage), so we need some help cleaning it once every few months.

    Of course she is upset and tries contacting the business with no avail. Finally leaves a google review where the business owner is doubling down stating that she has pictures of the drawers with roaches, etc.

    We can debate the merits of leaving a review that public but my wife is obviously distressed; she wants to start a practice when she finishes fellowship and doesn't want this nonsense online.

    The insane part about all this is, we have nest cameras set up outside and inside and no one ever came - so who's house do you have pictures of, lady?!

    I'm going to call the business owner in the morning to try to smooth things out (if she picks up) and obviously her reply to the review has to be taken down but if there's a different course of action I should be taking, I'm all ears.

    (Thanks for reading wall of text)

    Location - Missouri, USA

    submitted by /u/curiousdoc
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    My work is about to surprise lay-off 50-100 employees and will likely offer severance (stating you can’t sue).

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    My work is a financial institution that recently settled with some folks from my department who had sued them regarding suppressing their talk of starting a union.

    Now, weeks after this, they are having a meeting in one hour where everyone in this department is expected to be laid off with severance ( 2 months pay). Part of this is signing a severance agreement that you won't bash the company in social media or sue.

    I'm considering talking to an attorney. I've been with this company for 12 years and they're going to be laying me off with no notice, possibly as retaliation.

    Is this legal?

    I am in the state of Oregon

    submitted by /u/DothrakAndRoll
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    TX - I was just directed by my boss to delete the metadata of files being submitted because of a subpoena.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    This is like massively illegal right? We are an insurance company and these files contain plenty of private customer data. Also contains payment history and down payment information.

    They want me to delete the metadata which, while totally possible, is something I told my boss was impossible. He called me on my bullshit and told me to do it or get fired.

    I am the only IT guy so if I do not do it, it will not get done.

    I am thinking about walking out the door right now and never coming back.

    I am also thinking of doing a full win 10 reset on my personal PC...

    What laws, if any, would this violate? Who do I report this to? If illegal I will be reporting it. I hate this company, I hate my boss, and I hate my coworkers. I would lose no sleep at them being utterly destroyed by a judge somewhere.

    This is a company of 5 people so no HR or legal department.

    What do?

    submitted by /u/ParaillegalIT
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    Aunt moved in and changed the locks while I was out (TN)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 09:34 AM PDT

    This is in Tennessee. I am posting for a friend currently crashing on my couch. She is 19 years old. Her mother passed away a few years ago. She has been living with her father in his house since then. The house is in his name and her grandmother's name. In January 2019, her father suffered a series of strokes. He no longer recognizes her and has difficulty communicating. She has been paying the utilities and bills since then. On 7/2, her aunt moved into the house and they had an argument. My friend left and came to stay with me for a few days while things calmed down. When she returned on Sunday, 7/7, she found that her aunt had changed the locks. All of her belongings, bills, personal documents such as her birth certificate, etc. are in the house. Her aunt also put a lock on the gate so she cannot even get to the mailbox to get her mail. Her aunt has her dad's cell phone so my friend can't contact him without going through her. Her grandmother is not answering the phone either. My friend called the police on 7/8. They just gave her a piece of paper and told her to fill it out, and said that it would cost a lot of money to get into the house because she was basically suing her aunt. We don't know what the paper is but it seems like a generic form to take someone to court. What are her options? She doesn't really have much money because she is living on savings. She had to quit her job to take care of her dad.

    submitted by /u/sleepingonmycouch
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    What does "plus 20%" mean?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:55 AM PDT

    I'm in a binding contract that says that I am responsible for paying "the actual contractor cost, plus 20%".

    Our contractor is adamant that 20% on $10 is $12.50 because to calculate our cost to him, you divide actual cost by .8. ( 10/.8=12.5 ). I'm an engineer by profession and I will argue anyone that adding 20% to something is done by multiplying by 1.2 ( 10 * 1.2 = 12 ). We are deciding now whether to go forward with using a deliberation service (as per our contract) and I am looking for any feedback. Is what he saying wrong or am I missing something? As per the contract, we will have to pay half the deliberation cost which will be around $1k out of our pocket.


    I recently asked the contractor to provide receipts for anything that was considered an overage. He was clearly agitated by the whole thing but his wife (she just quit her job to do his books) obliged and sent everything over. Half the receipts were wrong (we were overcharged) or were actually fabricated (long story). Apparently the GC is mad at us now.

    Wife gets a call this evening saying that the GC needs the doorknobs so he can install them tomorrow. She asks about door stoppers to protect the drywall from the doorknob. He said that she should have her husband (me) install stoppers before the doorknobs get installed tomorrow to protect the walls. She asked, "you don't install those?" and he replies, "No."

    So I'm about to be installing door stoppers on my $300k custom turn-key home. What a joke.

    submitted by /u/FlippityFlippinFlip
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    Do I have to abide by a “neighborhood committee” that was established before I bought a house and didn’t have to sign any paperwork regarding it when closing on my house?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    I got a notice in the mail that's a packet of rules and whatnot the "committee" has.

    I didn't sign absolutely anything regarding a neighborhood committee or homeowners association or anything like that when I bought my house a year ago. But this notice is saying it's been in effect since 2009 and if I don't abide by the rules, I'll face legal action.

    Any opinions/recommendations?

    Edit: I'm in Alabama.

    submitted by /u/tsgoodwin23
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    Small town politics. Good ole boy system. Send help

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    I hope I'm not wasting anyone's time with this, but something doesn't seem right about this situation. And I heard you guys and gals are awesome at legal advice. I live in Smith County Tennessee. Last week our Mayor and council members voted to pass a property tax increase. Come to find out the previous Mayor miss managed 600k and no one knows where it is. Or so we are told. The vote FAILED. The property tax increase did not go through. Some people on the council were very upset about this. So a week later, this literally happened last night, they voted on it again. They hired an individual they knew would vote yes. So they called a meeting, stated they wouldn't vote on it, and when most the people left, they voted on it. Of course it passed this time. We found out that the rush was because our county is 10 million in debt. We, the people of the county, had no idea about this. I guess my question is, how can they do this. They voted on it and got a No majority so it failed. A week later they put it up for another vote( no public input) and got the Yes they wanted. How is that legal. I mean if that was the case wouldn't any government keep voting on something until they got their way?

    submitted by /u/OleJohny3Balls
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    Am I legally obligated to tell my employer if I take on an additional full-time job?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 09:50 AM PDT

    Title pretty much says it all. If I take on another full-time job, am I legally obligated to tell my employer? Obviously, it may be a violation of company policy or my employment contract at either job so there's a risk of being fired by both employers. Is that the biggest risk I would be taking? Can I be sued? Is there legal precedence for that? I'm not planning on hiding money from IRS or anything illegal, of course.

    submitted by /u/mrplaidofantioch
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    (CA) Bought a house 3 years ago thinking it was on septic but just found out it’s on a cesspool and it doesn’t look good.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    Three years ago, my husband and I bought a house that we thought was on a septic tank No big deal for us. We only requested that the sellers have a septic company come out to clean it and do an inspection. They oblige and we receive the report that it was all fine except that it was already empty when they went to clean it. I looked at the report today and it says septic tank on it and nothing about a cesspool.

    Fast forward to now, we ripped out our backyard to put in a concrete pad with a dump station for our trailer. We were given the advice to add a clean out to the septic tank in case of back ups and for it to be easier to clean/fix. We had a septic company come out to help find the main line for the clean out (which they did) but they couldn't find the septic tank. They could only find the entrance to it. They probed and probed and couldn't find it. They stuck a camera down and said everything looked fine but just couldn't figure out the direction of the supposed septic tank.

    We hired another company to come out and dig up our backyard some more to find the septic tank. They said it's not a septic tank but a cesspool. They said we're at about 70% full and if we don't get it pumped within the year then we're gonna have problems. Our city won't allow us to go on septic if sewer connections is an option and sewer connections is about $20-30k. As of now, our construction job has doubled in price. Is there anything we can do about being on a cesspool even though we were told we were on septic?

    submitted by /u/tacospizzaunicorn
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    My mom closed my bank account & took all of my money [OR,USA]

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    i was told by r/advice to also post this here so i copied & edited to make it relevant to this sub.

    Hi all, recently i had a huge falling out with my family (i posted on r/relationshipadvice) and my mother decided to close my bank account. when i was 16 i started working & my mom opened a joint account with her as the main account holder. when i turned 18 we just never signed the papers to make me the sole owner of the account (looking back that was a HUGE mistake). i am now 20 and since this falling out have decided to move out as quickly as i can. the kicker is EVERY paycheck i had went into this account, i spent none of it. i had roughly $18,000 in the account. when i went to check it this morning the account was not working. i called the bank and they said it had been closed & the money withdrawn.

    i consider the money as good as gone, but is it possible to get my money back?

    edit: bot told me to put location in body as well so to clarify this is Oregon, USA

    submitted by /u/SereneArmageddon
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    Housing development company cutting down private property trees [California]

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    My parents own a used-to-be rural property in Riverside County in California. A private housing development company is currently building a tracked home neighborhood across the street from them in a formerly empty field.

    The road along the property used to be a dirt road, and is now going to widened and paved to make access to the new neighborhood. The company has issued a letter to my parents stating they are going to be clear cutting anything inside the first few feet of my parent's property line. Within this area are several 40+ year old, healthy trees, as well as some large bushes, etc. Some of these are simply massive, and while the company has stated they will "try to help with landscaping", I would like to help my parents navigate what exactly that would entail. If this helps, they are digging a trench for drainage, and when they started the construction plans they had a completely empty field and could have widened the road/drainage into their property direction. They chose instead to put the new houses as close to the street as possible and are attempting to widen into my parents side now. No houses are built yet, only the pads have been shaped out; construction is in early stage.

    Ideally, we would like to know if there is any way to save the trees. The company has claimed they have "city right of way", which I understand to be 3-10 feet within the property line (can't find any laws online from the specific city so please correct me if you know), but are they legally allowed to cut down our trees? So far they have not produced any actual city documents/permits, just the company letter warning about the cut down next week.

    If they do end up proceeding with construction, would my parents be entitled to monetary compensation for the loss of trees? To have a tree that size be replaced would cost thousands and if there's any legal way to make the company pay for this, I'd like to know how/where to start. Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/HelpSaveMyTreesTA
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    Won in Small Claims, defendant is now filing to vacate judgement? (Indiana)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:50 AM PDT

    In April 2019 our neighbors two pitbulls broke through the fence between our yards and severely injured our dog. The total vet bill was $2500 for the surgery to save her legs. Animal control was involved and the neighbors were cited by the City, to which they pleaded guilty (charge - Loose animal causing injury to other animal). We took the neighbors to Small Claims and they didnt show up in court, so we were awarded the full amount plus court costs as default.

    We just got a notice today that the neighbor has filed a motion to vacate the judgement and a hearing has been set for 3 weeks from now. I was under the impression that this was only possible if the defendant was never served and didnt know about the court date, however we had the court serve them, so they dont have that excuse.

    Do I need to appear at the motion to vacate? Will it be like a typical small claims trial? Will I be required to bring all of the evidence etc with me again? Most of the information I have found online is regarding filing a motion to vacate, there isnt much from the plaintiff point of view.

    submitted by /u/deftoneuk
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    [TX] I (25F) have a stalker (70M) who will not leave me, my family or friends alone. I have reported to the police several times, how do I proceed?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 02:15 AM PDT

    Some backstory:

    I use to be a shot girl at a popular club he was a door guy for about 6 years ago. We barely communicated then, but about 3 years ago he got a job at a gas station I was working at. His Mom recently passed and needed help painting and fixing up the house, so I offered to help him out. I went over there a couple times and we would paint and grill out.

    He started getting creepy and getting too close to me so I decided to back off and not help him anymore. When I stopped replying to his messages he came to my apartment complex (he only knew the general area of my apartment) and knock on all the doors to find which one was mine. A neighbor of mine directed him to which apartment I lived in, but I wasn't there at the time. I was extremely creeped out when he told me this the next day.

    Maybe a week later my friend sent me a screenshot of his Facebook stating that I was his girlfriend along with a mug shot from a dwi I got awhile back. I then told him to leave me alone and not contact me again. Since then I have gotten over 300 blocked text from him, some say I love you and miss you others call me a whore and saying he hates me. He somehow looked at my friends list and messaged everyone with my last name telling lies and rumors about me. He also continues to post on his own Facebook about me. Even messaging men I was dating tell them I deal drugs, am a prostitute and that I am using them.

    My question:

    How do I get the police to take this seriously? Or go about getting a no contact order? He will stop for a couple months then message me or my boyfriend again on fake Facebook accounts. At this point I am just so annoyed and want him to just leave me alone, but more importantly to leave my friends and family alone. Do I need to get a lawyer? I don't want to spend money on it if nothing will get done.

    TLDR: Creepy old man won't leave me or family alone, need advice on getting a no contact order.

    submitted by /u/yukaha
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    I (26 m) was charged for assault protecting a friend (28 f) from being assaulted/sexually assaulted by her boyfriend (29 m) (British Columbia, Canada)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    I stupidly went to go support my friend trying to break up with her boyfriend after he tried to sexually assault her. I went to their apartment (shared lease between them) and was invited in by her. Things turned to yelling quickly and when he tried to call the cops on me for trespassing. At this point, he took a violent swing at her and connected with her arm. I intervened and pushed him to the couch and told him repeatedly to calm down. He vocally stated he was going to break my finger and tried, at which point I punched him once to get him to stop.

    He resumed calling the cops for trespassing and pulled a switchblade knife on us and swung it around threateningly. After more yelling I pulled the friend out of the apartment and we waited for the police. After talking to them, I was then pulled over and arrested for assault, but released on the condition I don't visit their apartment or make contact with him.

    He has since messaged me trying to get a rise out of me, and his friend has too. I want to know if A) I can press charges of my own for my now swollen finger. B) if I should make a formal statement to the police regarding my charge. C) the best way to protect myself legally from everything.

    Any help is appreciated as I've never had to deal with the law before. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Scarecronie
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    Job let me go due to pregnancy, should I seek an attorney or contact the eeoc at all? - FL

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 09:25 PM PDT

    So, the title basically sums it up.

    I was hired though a temp agency as temp to hire for a company working in an office setting.

    The interview went fine, I didn't cover the pregnancy topic as it's not entirely needed... Hell, I didn't even know if I would like the job yet!

    A week later I started my first day (today) and I walk in, the hiring manager sits me down and starts going over the rules. Everything was fine except "absolutely no food or drink unless it's your 15 min break or 30 min lunch"

    Okay, normally... That's fine. No issues. But being pregnant I need to drink water throughout the day and at least snack here and there in case my blood sugar drops. So, I went ahead and addressed it. I let the hiring manager know that I was pregnant, and would need special accomodations from time to time for a snack and to be allowed to have water.

    This didn't go well at all.

    He started raising his voice at me, asking why I didn't tell him sooner. I didn't think it was an issue. And I told him that. I'm not due until Halloween and my next ob appointment is at the end of this month. Shouldn't be no more than a doctor's appointment. (keep in mind it is a temp to hire)

    "Well how much time will you need off?"

    I would love to estimate this. However, I had a stillbirth last year and only missed two weeks of work. I cannot promise him when the baby will come, how much time I would need off, or anything.

    He continues to be agitated with the situation... And eventually asks:

    "When was the last time you worked a FULL 40 hour week?"

    We just moved to FL at the very end of April. I've been looking for a job since we got here (but we moved because my husband got a job here) so no I haven't worked since April but I'm fully capable to work.

    He got me started on daily duties and I didn't see him again.

    For context on the next part: This is a normal office setting, they have one large format printer.. aside from that? All office. Nothing special.

    I go home at the end of my shift and get a call from the temp agency saying that they didn't know I was pregnant either and they can't send me back there because that companies filtration system runs through the AC and isn't safe for pregnant women, something to that affect. It was just total bullshit.

    I've worked with large format printers... As long as I'm not mixing ink, there shouldn't be an issue. Not to mention my office was in the front of the building and there were no chemical smells. It's literally a standard office.

    Would I have any grounds against this?

    submitted by /u/rlxijizzed
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    HOA wont let me repair my garage door for 30 days

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    I just moved into a new house. My garage door recently broke, and the garage is fully exposed. i got a vendor to fix it and sent over all the documentation to the HOA. They are saying they need 30 days to approve it. This is causing obvious distress but do I have any legal recourse or rights in this situation? Why am I paying HOA if they arent helping me?

    State: Illinois

    submitted by /u/hoassucks
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    Landlord moved woman into our living room

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 03:33 AM PDT

    So I live in Texas and I rent a room from this guy in a two-bedroom duplex. (It's only one story and it's tiny) Our agreement through text message was that I was the only other person that would be living here other than him. He works out of town 5 days weeks. The other day out of nowhere he decides to move two women into the house. One of them being 9 months pregnant. Now there's a newborn baby and a woman sleeping in our living room and the other woman is sleeping in his bedroom with the door open at all times. (He texted me stating they would both sleep in his bedroom while he was at work during the week) This is a very tiny living space mind you. I can't do anything here without them hearing me or vice versa. Can my landlord/roommate do this? I have plenty of text messages from him stating that I was the only person that would be living here other than him. And again, he said they both would be sleeping in his room. I've complained, sent pictures, called the property manager. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/laceylexi143
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