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    Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    Legal Advice CT - Boss dictates weekend activities?

    Legal Advice CT - Boss dictates weekend activities?

    CT - Boss dictates weekend activities?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 05:15 AM PDT

    Hello - writing on behalf of a friend "John". (x-posting to r/askhr)

    In the past year, John started working at a new job. He loves what he does at his job but he's had some issues with some of the unspoken expectations that he has learned of as he has gone along (yes he is already looking for new employment). John works a typical Monday-Friday schedule with nights and weekends off. Occasionally during the times he's not at work, he will get phone calls from the people he supervises with questions. (Probably worth noting here that John is an exempt salaried employee.)

    One weekend, John was moving into a new place and one morning his boss (let's call her Karen!) called telling him that he needed to come in to work because one of his direct employees had called out and there was no other employee at the same level that could cover. John explained to Karen that he was in the middle of moving and literally waiting for the moving truck to arrive at his new house. Karen told him that it was an emergency and these things happen "sometimes" and he HAD to come in. So John went in and myself and another friend met the truck at the house.

    The next instance was when John was at brunch. He again was called into work to cover for one of his direct reports. He told Karen that he absolutely could not come in as he had been drinking at brunch, had not taken his car to the restaurant, and felt he was too intoxicated to drive. Karen told him that he should "watch what he does" on the weekends. John wound up calling all of his direct employees and found someone that COULD cover.

    After this, John approached Karen about having some type of on-call schedule. His reasoning was that he totally understood that there were times that he would need to come in outside his regular hours but he felt that he couldn't live his life - he felt like he couldn't travel far from work, couldn't go out with friends, or couldn't be somewhere that he wasn't accessible by phone. Karen told him that "this was nonsense" and that he could do whatever he wants on his time off. John specifically pointed out the issue that happened with brunch and she told him that she doesn't drink and that she was "surprised by his behavior". John again stated he would feel more comfortable with some type of schedule so that if he knows he's the one that would be called in, he would stay close to his job and refrain from drinking. Karen said they would not be creating an on-call schedule and that he shouldn't worry about having to be called in since it happened infrequently.

    So now we've reached the part where John asked me to look into this for him. Our friend group had planned an overnight outing (Saturday-Sunday) for next weekend at a location about four hours from where John works. Since John was not scheduled for those days, he didn't request any time off, figuring he would drive up on Friday evening and return Sunday evening. A few of us did take Friday off work so two weeks ago John asked if it would be possible for him to take that Friday off. Karen asked him why he wanted that Friday off so John explained that he had weekend plans and would like to leave a bit early if possible. Karen then told him that he could NOT go away for that weekend because she had weekend plans and he would need to be on call. He asked if any other employees that are at his level could be on call and Karen told him no because they also had other plans. Nobody had requested any time off because it was the weekend but I guess John was just the last to disclose his weekend plans?

    From his previous job, John is aware of a Connecticut law that says people cannot work more than six calendar days in one week or twelve consecutive days (https://www.cbia.com/news/hr-safety/hr-hotline-many-consecutive-days-can-employees-required-work/) but he is unsure of how this applies to being on call. John is working on-site this coming Sunday so if being on-call counts as working, that means he should be allowed to not work on Saturday, correct?

    Outside of this specific incident, is being on-call basically 24/7 even legal?

    EDIT: A bunch of people have been commenting that he should just not answer his phone. He did this once inadvertently. Karen called him at some super early hour (like before 5 am) because coverage was needed. He didn't answer because he was sleeping. She tried several times but a ringing phone will not wake him up. Karen proceeded to call his emergency contact (me!) at whatever ridiculous hour it was and she told me that she was a) worried about him because he wasn't answering and b) needed me to relay the info to him. I was half asleep so agreed but made him take me off as his emergency contact.

    submitted by /u/namechangehelp202020
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    A debt collector (I assume) keeps calling my daughter and harassing her. My daughter is 14 and has no debt nor has made any purchases in her name. She doesn’t own any credit cards.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    What really upset me was they would not identify who they were or how they received a minor's phone number. She has had the phone for quite sometime. These "bottom feeders" are getting out of control and don't even care if they are reaching the right person. They even gave me the name of who they were trying to reach? Asking if I knew them? They told me they could not reveal who they bought the phone number from. Harassment of this level has to be illegal. I can only imagine other young teenage girls receiving a phone call telling them they must pay or else? I want to know who sold my daughters phone number and what right they have to sell it and what due diligence companies like this have before making a call and harassing a minor. (Chicago)

    submitted by /u/cantbelieveitworked
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    I filed a police report against my now ex for firearm theft, now her local DA office just told me her defense attorney is offering me a "pre trial deferred prosecution" deal. Need some advice.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    First things first, obviously I'm not ONLY seeking advice here on Reddit, I intend to seek counsel with an attorney on this matter first chance I get, but I just got this news so I figured I'd ask Reddit in the meantime.

    Back story: I been dating this girl off and on for almost 4 years. She's not very good with money and had a really hard time keeping a job while we were together. Anyways I'm in the military and I deployed to Afghanistan and instead of leaving all my important possessions in my vacant home for people to break in and rummage through, I elected to put all my important stuff that I could fit (including a collection of 6 firearms worth about $2,500) in my truck and just let her watch it all up at her mom's 90 minutes away (Alabama) where she was staying with her 3 year old daughter while I was gone.

    So I eventually get back, and I get my truck, but she's making all kinds of excuses why I'm not able to get the other stuff. This goes on for a month or so. Then one fun day I'm cleaning out the closet and I find some interesting documents, I find a few pawn tickets for guns. Wouldn't you know 2 of the serial numbers match my guns. And the icing on the cake? The first one is dated the very day I flew out for Afghanistan. She was pawning my shit the day I deployed.

    So May 27th I go file a police report and go get my other car back (I'd bought a 2nd car awhile ago so she could use for work and whatever) with a police escort, which of course pisses her off but whatever our relationship is on a whole other level at this point. I try to follow up with the cop that investigated but can't get hold of him.

    So today, little over a month later I get a random call from her county's district attorney's office and they say her defense attorney is offering a "pre trial deferred prosecution" deal. Apparently she has to pay full restitution, and go to some drug rehab thing (I had reason to believe she abuses illegal and prescription drugs on multiple occasions, just didn't want to believe it), and do some community service and if she does all that in 12 months, the charges would be dropped or something. So the reason I'm here is to see what y'all feel I should do, is this deal advisable? I'm not trying to ruin her life, I want the best option for everyone.

    tl;dr: Girlfriend pawned my guns while I was deployed, I filed a police report, and her defense attorney is offering this pre trial deferred prosecution deal giving her 12 months to make everything right or charges are filed and she goes to the judge.

    submitted by /u/azgrown84
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    TX- Wife works for a Child care franchise. The old owner sold his business to a new owner. She is a salary employee but was docked pay for days they were closed over the 4th. She was told by the owner she is now an hourly employee untill a 30 day probation period is over

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    So basically she is considered a new hire from when the new owner took over. She wasn't paid any overtime for the other weeks in the pay period or before or after. Can they do this without her knowledge or consent? What can we do? It just doesn't seem right

    submitted by /u/Bacontowers
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    RI - Employer has fires janitor staff and wants servers to now pick up these responsibilities for the $3 an hour we’re paid

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    As a server I'm guaranteed like $2.50-3 an hour no matter my tips (since sometimes I'll have to claim $15 an hour ). If I claim what adds up to less than $10 an hour then I get paid whatever is missing. However, the restaurant I work for (which is very successful) is cutting costs on the backs of employees. We can no longer get any meal we want halved, and they've increased our hours so that the serving staff has too many people on at any given time. Then they say we're just standing around and should do other jobs around the restaurant that are paid $10 an hour. I feel like this is illegal. Their argument is that we make a mess therefore we should be team players and clean it too. But we aren't being paid $10 an hour, and by helping out the people who are, they finish earlier so it just all around results in my employer paying people less. Is this illegal? Do I have any legal action I can take against them to change this? I've gone fro 5-6 hour shifts to 7-9 in the past two weeks because they want us to take over the janitor work while nobody comes into the restaurant. I think this is unfair since I'm making just as much money if not less, and working much more.

    submitted by /u/Dinobeedoggy
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    Courier saw my dog and jumped on his own car damaging it; courier company sent a collections notice for their expenses.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    My son owns a big great dane dog that stays in my yard when I let him out. Anyhow, A courier service was delivering next door. My dog was standing in my yard just watching the delivery man. As soon as the delivery man spots my sons dog, he freaks out, throws his packages straight in the air and jumps on top of his car, breaking the rear glass and doing some damage to the roof. My sons dog never even approached the guy and actually walked off back towards my house after the crazy guy jumped on the roof.

    A few months go by and I receive an invoice for damages that were repaired on the car. It has photos of damage they had repaired all over the car, dents on the front and things that had nothing to do with the incident. It was from California and I live in Georgia so I ignored it.

    A couple months go by and I receive a collections notice from a local law group in Alpharetta for about $9000. I am trying to figure out how to proceed. My son's dog never even attempted to approach the guy, there were no witnesses one way or the other. No one told the guy to jump on his car. He did that of his own volition, so I don't see how I am responsible. I have neighbors that will vouch for the temperament of my son's dog.

    If anyone has any advice or a firm I could contact about this issue I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/atl_mechanic
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    My ex keeps posting revenge porn of me. What do I do. Feel helpless ashamed.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    My ex boyfriend somehow got a video of me dancing. I never sent it to anyone it was just something I recorded in my room. I dance a little and at the end of the video I raise my shirt. I NEVER sent it to him or anyone.

    What can can I do?

    I live in Texas.

    submitted by /u/throwaway956rgv
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    FL - Is it illegal to sunbathe naked on my property?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    So I want to sunbathe naked in my backyard. However, there are roofers working on my neighbor's roof. I am legally a minor. Does it count as indecent exposure if the roofers can see me?

    submitted by /u/stinkinstink
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    Missouri- Apt Management Says I Didn't Pay in March and Refuses Receipts

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:59 AM PDT

    New management took over and they're terrible. They just told me after I asked about these huge fees while trying to pay rent that I "'had a returned payment" in March and had months of late fees. They did this with another payment previously and never mentioned this one till now. I also cannot pay my rent that was due by the 4th until this is resolved, as it will only let me pay the whole huge amount at once. I cannot enter a smaller amount online.

    I sent them receipts showing I had made the payment and it was not returned. I confirmed this with the payment processing company by calling them. I told the apartment management to do the same. They keep saying that I have no provided adequate proof and I need to make a payment plan before it adds up more. I also got an eviction threat letter for this month's rent.

    Do I need to find a lawyer? If so, what is the cheapest but effective way to go about doing this? Thanks. I live in Kansas City, MO.

    submitted by /u/NoninflammatoryFun
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    [CA] While on vacation, my landlord came into the house, locked my cat up without food, water, and litter box for at least 3-4 days. Cat is ok, just a lot skinnier. We are breaking the lease to move out, is there any chance we can get our deposit back? Landlord lives overseas.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    San Francisco, CA

    Hello, as the title stated, my landlord came by when we were on vacation (we knew about it), and started complaining about the house. One of the complaints was that the cat was roaming the house freely. We texted him and said that if you are locking up the cat, make sure she had her water, food, and litter box.

    We came home to the doors closed, and cat was in a room without any of the three essentials. She clawed the carpet trying to get out, peed and pood everywhere, and most importantly, visibly skinnier. Cat doesn't usually hang out in that room by herself, coupled with the landlord's complaint about her, we suspect he did it on purpose even though he insisted it was an accident. He is overseas now.

    We don't really want the headache of pursuing legal action - cat is fine, just need to eat more, and we just want to move out asap and leave this behind us. Is here anything we can leverage to keep our deposit? Deposit is one month's rent.

    submitted by /u/zotopia
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    Accidentally shoplifted

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    I was looking over my receipt from Walmart because I needed to return the bed sheets I purchased since they were the wrong size. I noticed the body pillow I bought wasn't in the receipt then I realized I forgot to scan it in self check out.

    Today at self check out it was really odd because the first thing I did was look over all the stuff I had in the cart and I remember grabbing the big stuff that weren't going to need bags and moved items I needed to scan that were small. I grabbed the pillow then was looking of the carton of carbonated water. I decided to do the small items first and turned around to scan.

    Once I put the mayonnaise in the bag the scanner said they need employee approval. I was confused. So I waited and then called for an employee when they scanned their ID and it showed us from a hidden camera playback of me putting the mayonnaise in the bag. I was like that's so creepy I don't think I did anything wrong their and she shrugged it off including me. I moved on and went through all my stuff putting small items in the bag and big items back in the cart it was this time where I thought I already scanned the pillow probably and didn't think twice. I remember it also asked me have you scanned all items in your cart. That point I thought it probably sees items in my cart that I placed back. I shrugged that off.

    I swiped my credit card then put the bags in my cart picked up my receipt. When I walked over to the exit I showed the guy who marks the receipts, and usually they just mark it without hesitation. This time he was looking at my stuff more carefully but after a few seconds he marked it and off I go.

    I started looking at random threads after realizing this and saw a comment where they review the footage and next time you come back there they'll arrest you. What should I do. I feel bad but also embarrassed if I go back and say I accidentally shop lifted when I'm returning my item.

    submitted by /u/nothingburger1
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    My parents died in my teens, and my sister (the eldest) got all the money. She’s now threatening to kick me out of her house (and her life) and keep the money.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    A little back story; I live in Florida, and my sister is ten years older than me. My dad died when I was 13, my mom when I was 19. My sister got (ball-parking here) around $300,000 that my parents left after my dads passing. I am now 23 (my sister 32) since my dad passed I have only used about $5,000 for medical expenses, braces and a surgery. My sister has spent over $133,000, paying off her house and going into a project with her then boyfriend. Literally anytime I ask her for money she denies me using it (unless it's a medical emergency).

    Since my mother died, I have been living with my sister. I was depressed, dropped out of school, and stopped working so much. At the time, my sister was charging me rent to live in her house. My life was in shambles and I wasn't paying my sister like she wanted.

    Currently I'm 23, I work two jobs, I'm putting myself through school, and I feel accomplished and productive.

    Two months ago, my sister barged into my room demanding that I owe her $4,000 for the rent I didn't pay 4 years ago (I have faithfully been paying rent for years ever since I pulled myself out of depression). I honestly have no clue where she got the numbers she did. I gave her $500 in goodwill saying I'll pay her back when I can and begging her not to kick me out (as I was and am paying for my own schooling).

    I have recently learned that she used our parents money to pay off her house, and I feel like her charging me all that rent on a house that technically our parents payed for is kinda bull shit.

    We got into an argument today, and she's threatening to take me to court over the money. She gave me until mid August to move out (I just finished paying for Summer semester classes and I'm broke). At this point, I'm honestly fine with her being out of my life. She's cold hearted and lacks any empathy. But I was hoping to use my parents money to help put a down payment on an apartment, I know she'll never let me do that. Especially after our argument.

    I remember a while ago she mentioned that both of our names are on our parents money, but to be honest I know very little about it. I think I know what bank the account is in, but that's the extent of it.

    My actual questions; can she sue me for the $4,000?

    How can I make sure she doesn't kick me out of her life and take all the money my parents left us?

    Texts from today...



    submitted by /u/Suwannee_Gator
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    Ending a contract marriage

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    Me and my girlfriend want to get married. She's 25, but when she was 18, she signed a marriage contract. They couldn't afford a marriage license, so they got a contract notorized in Oregon. It does include a divorce process, but its insane... It requires them to meet at certain places and do certain things that they did early in their relationship, to sort of guilt eachother back into the marriage. We live 6 hours away, and they haven't even spoken in 5 years, but he just contacted her out of the blue 2 weeks ago trying to get her back and claim her as his wife.

    She's told me they need to sign a contract that nullifies the previous contract to end the marriage, but he now flat out refuses to sign anything. Hes demanding that she stay the night with him, which is absolutely not going to happen. He would rather prevent her from being with anyone than let her get on with her life and be happy. Hes doing this out of spite.

    What the hell can we do without playing his stupid games? Its absolutely insane.. Does it help that we live in a different state?

    submitted by /u/mcontractthrow
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    What can I say to my customers who's landlord takes exclusively Zelle as payment?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    I'm not the tennant, thankfully, but I work for a financial institution who is partnered with Zelle. Almost every day, someone on my team has to help a customer who needs to make a rent payment via Zelle. The problem comes up when they request to raise their limit and we can't approve it. Our approval system is all automated and goes off of deposit history. So, if someone is running a tight budget, gets paid $1,500 or so per month but rent is $900, there's no way our system will approve it. Our Fraud department put in the parameters and will almost never make an exception.

    First, I want to ask, is it legal to only be able to accept one form of payment like this as a landlord? We have plenty of other options, Venmo and PayPal are compatible with our accounts, we even offer a Bill Pay service that will send the funds either electronically (if possible) or via cashier's check in the mail. Can a landlord really say they won't accept assured funds like cash or cashier's check?

    Edit: Forgot to talk about location. We mainly serve Idaho, Utah, and a few other mid-western states, but our customers could live virtually anywhere in the US.

    submitted by /u/shuboni
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    Will my psychologist report CSA i experienced as a child?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    I'm F18 and was recommended to start seeing a psychologist for anxiety/depression about a year ago. As i was 17 at the time, i decided to wait until i had full patient confidentiality as my family does not know. If i were to talk about me being exposed to sexual situations ((from a family member)) as a child, would they be legally forced to report it? This happened over 10 years ago and nobody else is in danger. No more children/at risk adults in the family. [[New York state]]

    submitted by /u/pubbydogs
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    Mattress factory I work at puts used foam inside "new" mattresses

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 05:12 PM PDT

    I have been working at a small mattress factory for a few months (sales position). There is a showroom in the front which showcases what we can make. There is also a small factory in the back where the new mattresses are assembled and sewn. Normally, we have new springs and foam available on site to use for the new orders. When the new mattresses are delivered to the customer, we take their old mattress back to our building for "disposal" if the customer doesn't want to deal with getting rid of it on their own. I've noticed that the owner save these old, used mattresses and have the backroom guys cut them open and save the foam inside. He will then instruct them to put this foam inside new mattresses. I can't see how this could be legal. I am not comfortable being involved at all. I have been looking for new jobs for about a month.

    I am in the US. East coast.

    So I guess I am wondering how much trouble the owner (or even myself) could get in for doing this?

    Thanks for any input

    submitted by /u/oldfoam
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    Medical bills after 10 years

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 05:28 AM PDT

    Hey all

    I had received a medical bill in the mail that occurred over 10 years ago. Is there anything I could do to fight it? I did read up that the statue of limitations where I live at is 6 years and I'm not sure if that applies to medical bills. I live in VA.

    submitted by /u/Kibakun86
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    Neighbor fell while drunk on my property and is now paralyzed. Can my family be sued

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    Recently my neighbor age 73M got drunk at a party at my house. and fell and broke his neck. He is now paralyzed from the shoulders down. I am 16M and found him in a bush next to a shed in my back yard. He fell head first and broke his neck and dislocated his shoulder. We don't know when he fell but we believe that he was there for around 2 - 3 hours before being found. Me and my friends were by the fire pit in my back yard and on my way back I found him. I found him when i heard what sounded like snoring coming from the bush and upon further inspection I saw his feet sticking out. The noise I heard was him calling for help. I identified him as my neighbor and called 911. Can my family be sued. Are we at risk and should we get a lawyer?

    Edit: we Live in Illinois, USA.

    submitted by /u/FederalExchange
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    The old owner of my company is asking me to take pictures of the work schedule?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    EDIT: Colorado, USA.

    For the last 3 years I worked as an independent contractor under the old owner. Old owner sold the company in January, and since that point I have continued to work under the new owners in the same position/location. The old owner has moved states and no longer is associated with the business (to my knowledge).

    The office I was working out of for the past few years recently closed and the business moved locations. Then a few weeks ago the old owner texted me out of the blue and asked if I would screenshot the work schedule for all of the independent contractors (there's three of us, the other two were hired on in January) for the month of July. Her reasoning is that she wants to "make sure the new owners are properly reporting to clients seen".

    I said I would, but then grew a little hesitant the more I thought about it. I talked to my boyfriend about it and he says it's a form of corporate sabotage and I could get fired/sued? Is this true? Old owner texted me again thanking me for taking the pictures, but I still haven't sent her anything. Just wondering what I should and shouldn't be doing here. Should I let the new owners know she asked me to take the photos? What do I say to the old owner?

    TLDR; Old owner is asking me to take pictures of the work schedule while working under the new owners.

    submitted by /u/moolight
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    Parents “stealing”

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm not sure if this belongs here, feel free to remove it if it's not relevant 🤷‍♂️

    My mother and father opened a savings account for me when I was younger, all my young life I have paid spare change, birthday/Christmas money and what not into the account, it comes with a little book which gets stamped and tells you the balance I don't think there was much in it, I had noticed money being withdrawn but didn't think anything of it (i trusted my parents) I recently turned 18 and had the intention of buying a car and a new laptop, I enquired at the bank about my balance and they told me that my mum had been withdrawing money from it for a number of years and the account balance was just over £10. I confronted my parents about this and they have told me that they have used MY SAVINGS to pay the mortgage and what not. I have no issues with them BORROWING from me. I asked them to deposit everything they took from me, even if they did a small bit every month. They point blank refused and said I owe it to them.

    Is there anything I can do from a legal standpoint here?

    I have accounts with my own name on and I've been fighting to have this one transferred/closed but without permission from my parents I cannot do this

    Any help is appreciated, I will probably cross post into a legal advice sub if I can find one

    I live in the UK

    submitted by /u/Properhelpful
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    Filmed in a women’s bathroom (FL)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    So I recently visited an establishment and while I was there a certain employee helped me and really took an "interest" in me. He knew where I worked called from the business and requested me specifically to help him. While at the business (on 2 separate days) I used the restroom. This same employee has been arrested for filming women in the bathroom. So far there are 2 victims but I strongly believe I will turn out to be one. I have contacted the police and I'm supposed to be in contact with a detective. I just want to know if I should be doing anything else? Someone suggested a lawyer as this is a multi billion dollar company (with many locations). What steps should I take in this situation?

    submitted by /u/itokeforchange
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    I just had my neighbor arrested, but he's the "vengeful" type

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 11:10 PM PDT

    So my neighbor is a drunk, redneck dumb ass. His father is, too. The dad comes down to stay with him every second summer, and he causes so much trouble for myself and fellow neighbors that it gets to the point where I can't even feel comfortable on my own property. Tonight, was by far the worst and most serious incident that's taken place. My mother came into my room saying that my neighbor and his father were heavily intoxicated and were shouting at each other in their backyard. I followed her outside, and sure enough, there is a very intense, profanity ridden argument occurring between the two. I ran inside to grab my phone because this sounded like it was going to turn ugly at any moment, and as soon as I head back outside, I hear multiple loud cracks and grunts. They started attacking each other, and at one point, I heard one of them say something along the lines of "you've stabbed me". I dialed 911 immediately and officers arrived at the scene in under five minutes. The father actually got into his truck and started pulling out of their drive way just as the police were pulling up and was apprehended quickly. My neighbor at first sounded like he was cooperating with the officers, but started to raise his voice at them and was also quickly arrested. Now you're probably thinking "well the cops have them now, so what's the big deal?" Well, my neighbor is well known to the police. As I was confirming details with the 911 dispatcher, she was asking me very specific questions about him and the residence, like it's very obvious. Him, his father and now his wife, apparently are known animal abusers. Myself and several other neighbors have witnessed them beating their dogs on multiple occasions, and we've done our best to get them busted for this, but we've never gotten any solid proof, so the police can't do anything about it. I will be contacting my local pet shelter and child protective services (yeah, there's a kid that has to put up with this too and is probably abused as much as the dogs) tomorrow to get the dogs and kid out of there. If this incident doesn't suffice as "solid proof", then there's something seriously wrong with my country's judicial system. Anyway, my main concern now is that if my neighbor finds out that we were the ones that called the police on him, then he will retaliate. The last few times he's had the police called on him, he went around the neighborhood asking everyone if they were the ones who ratted on him or if they knew who did. I would hope that they wouldn't be giving out names to him, but you never know, and I was speaking to several of my neighbors tonight as the arrests were being made. The guy's a hunter, so his house is full of rifles and shotguns; I even watched the officers remove some from his truck before it was towed to the impound lot. So we have to deal with this troubled drunk of a man that has access to multiple firearms that I don't think would hesitate to do something drastic... I'm a little on edge right now because I'm sure he'll be released within the next few days and back at home, looking to find out again who called the police. I've had to put up with this shit for nine years, and tonight's the first night were I genuinely feel unsafe. I can only hope that there is enough charges against him and his father tonight to take them to court and hopefully see some jail time, but I won't hold my breath. Sorry if this whole post is a jumbled mess, as I'm still pretty rattled from what happened tonight, but I'd like some opinions or some advice from you all. I have a horrible feeling that he knows that I'm the one who called, so anything is appreciated at this point. Thank you.

    TL;DR I called the police on my neighbor and got him arrested, but I fear he knows I'm the one who called and now I'm worried he'll retaliate by going as far as trying to kill me because he's a fucking lunatic.

    EDIT: This happened in western Canada. I'm not comfortable in giving exact location.

    submitted by /u/tristan1616
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