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    Saturday, July 6, 2019

    Anyone feel like we are in a entrepreneur bubble? Entrepreneur

    Anyone feel like we are in a entrepreneur bubble? Entrepreneur

    Anyone feel like we are in a entrepreneur bubble?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:17 PM PDT

    Do you ever get the feeling that there are too many entrepreneurs, side hustlers, gurus, etc. out there? You could probably take just about any subject - such as blogging, podcasting, Amazon, etc. and find about 50 different expert gurus trying to sell you their course along with their YouTube channel or FB group.

    Just wondering if anyone has had the same gut feeling?

    submitted by /u/ebookroundup
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    Pitch Investors Your Startup - LinkX

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    Two year ago, when I was 22, I sold everything I had and moved to the Bay Area with a friend to join Silicon Valley. Every week, we applied to and interviewed at companies but it was difficult to break into the scene because we didn't know anyone. Until one day, a friend shared a huge directory of investors with us categorized by location. Because of that, one night we had the bright idea to email blast nearly every investor in California through Mailchimp. At the time, we had no idea how that would change our lives. The email blast lead to meeting investors, building relationships, and acquiring mentors at top VC firms that we still have today, 2 years later. Because of that experience, I wanted to create a tool so that entrepreneurs can have access to investor contacts for their startup. I want to note that this app is completely free and driven by community engagement. I hope this leads to some meaningful connections in the form of mentors, friends, and maybe even founders! Good luck!


    submitted by /u/rodneyg_
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    How do I compete with a franchise?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    I own a small home service business (landscaping, gutter cleaning, window cleaning and pressure washing) that I've been running for the last 3 years. I have 2 part time employees, but I do the majority of the work by myself.

    So far, I've only been doing residential work, but I'm finding it very difficult to hire people that are reliable and professional enough to go out on their own and complete jobs that I give them. That's essentially how I plan to build the business. I've got one truck running at max capacity, now I need a second truck and a full time employee to run it.

    I would like to start getting into strata contracts. When I worked for a landscaping company, before starting my company, we only did strata work, and it is way easier to hire people for that kind of work. No dealing directly with the homeowner, no collecting money, and you're at the same site every week, so once they're familiar with the site, they don't need to be supervised as much.

    Recently a very large company has moved into town in direct competition with me. They put up hundreds of signs around town, (Which is illegal. The city took my signs down last year and gave me a warning about bandit signage, but they don't take down the big companies signs. I mean, wtf is that? Did they bribe the city?) they had flyers delivered to every house in the city probably 5 times so far this year,(city of ~250,000) they park their vans in busy areas for advertising. They are just blasting this whole city with ads.

    Just this year, they got a ton of new strata contracts in my city, and outbid me on a few. How am I supposed to compete with a company like this? For me to put out 20,000 flyers it costs close to $4000 CAD, and that only covers about 8 blocks.

    My business plan felt very on track up until this year. This new company is making it very hard for me to get into stratas, and I've noticed that my flyers are not bringing in nearly as much business this year as they previously have.

    Any ideas on how to compete with this franchise? I have a solid customer list that gives me enough work to keep myself busy all year, but if I want to start stepping back from the physical labour and hiring people, I'm going to need more work.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Nebula_Nine
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    Most important area a should a company continuously improve?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    1. For example one that is paramount is brand awareness followed by reputation. Getting the brand to be part of a community/lifestyle, to be known around forums, an Instagram following, and gaining some recognition + reputation would be a goal worth achieving and continuously improving.

    2. Product + brand 'signatures'. Patented tech like adidas foam cushioned soles. Or being known to have a certain type of design, a clothing brand thats known to have a worn in look might be seen as the leader in that category and other rustic clothing brands will need to not look like a poor copycat of them.

    3. Another would be assets. To own warehouses in multiple places, to have useful machinery, the ability to make things in certain ways that others can't.

    4. Continous improvement on design and tech. Continuing to improve on designs, tech and overall getting farther in certain aspects from what the competition is doing. Having the product to be done at a very high level than your previous reiterations that most other companies would need to

    5. Networks. Networks of customers, networks of distributors, networks of retailers and wholesalers. And any overall connection

    What list would you consider to be important areas to improve? What aspects would you consider to be the building blocks of competitive advantage?

    submitted by /u/ShoemakingHobbyist
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    Making money through "middle-manning" tax overages?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    Here is what I understand about tax overages:

    Someone owns a property, or home and fails to pay state taxes. After a delinquency lasting a period of time (usually two years approximately). The state may foreclose on the home. When they foreclose on the home, they will typically sell or auction the house more at a value higher than the taxes owed to the state. This does depend on the state, as the laws may vary. My girlfriend and I have been able to find some databases, and it allows us to find some of the information but not all that we need. However, to make this brief is it possible to bring the previous owner of the house to funds that are entitled to them, and offer a service fee?

    I'm not wording this perfectly, because I am still trying to understand this, but perhaps someone out here does?

    submitted by /u/tropicalfartbreeze
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    17 year old with a dream

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 01:11 PM PDT

    So I have no idea where to start I only have a few hundred dollars and have no clue what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Nu_wave01
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    The big transition

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    Hello r/Entrepreneur followers

    I am currently employed as an engineer and I have a decent skill set in tech. I want to quit and start my own business however I do not want to give up my income from my current engineering position but I also do not have enough time to start a business on the side working full time. Those who transitioned from full time to self employed how did you make the job? Did you just quit and then start a business or slowly start building it on the side while keeping your full time job? Thanks

    submitted by /u/AboveAll2017
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    bad productivity when doing creative work?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    for example if you're creating an e-book for internet business, and just trying to think of more things to add that are actually valuable and write it out in a creative fashion. I would delegate the writing but it's a very specific niche that I had been in for a long time and now I want to create a business out of it. So I'm doing all the writing but sometimes I just get lost in my brain.

    When you guys are doing creative work are you just hammering out work and moving on to the next thing? I'm doing a good job at avoiding scrolling through social medias but I still find myself doing unproductive shit like getting up to go for a walk then when I get back I just think about random things, or I reach out a message someone relating to my business to try to get advice on something and polish it up. Or maybe I'll reach out to someone to try to network, and sure these little things might help my business a bit but there are more important things that require creative work from me that I put off and I feel like when I try to focus on it I'm not zoning in right and just knocking it out of the park like I should be. Here I am writing this on reddit to avoid focusing on what I should be getting done first. I should finish the e-book and AFTER look for hire an editor to clean it up, then work on my website - but my brain goes "hmm lets message X and make a connection, or hmm "lets go for a walk I've been sitting down to long" or "let's write more to-do's in my notebook" so I trick myself into thinking im productive my in reality I'm just doing the senseless easy shit that isn't going to help me succeed. Just because I'm not watching youtube videos and scrolling through twitter/facebook it doesn't mean I'm being actually productive - and I need to hammer this in my fucking head.

    Anyways tips on laser focusing in on one task then moving to another? Should I just stop being a little bitch and deal JUST DO IT? Maybe I'm choosing to avoid the work and I'm not actually getting distracted but I tell myself I am.

    submitted by /u/aimal1st
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    Entrepreneur dating advice - ask me anything

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    Hi everybody!

    I see a lot of questions on here and Facebook about the challenges which entrepreneurs face in their dating lives (I've been guilty of posting a fair few myself!). It seems that there are really common pain points and sticking points which people are facing, so I'd love to address them any maybe it can help you!

    I'm starting this thread to help people in this area as it is a journey which I've been on myself and have learnt how to date as a busy entrepreneur and how to find the kind of partner which really adds to your life instead of 'getting in the way' of your entrepreneurial and business ventures. It was actually really simple. As entrepreneurs we have SO MANY attractive qualities and traits which really help in the dating world, if we know how.

    About me:

    I moved to a new country, was working a job AND starting my first business. I was new to the city and had none of the traditional avenues to meet people (colleagues, friends of friends, social scene). Because of my choice of lifestyle and because I wanted to have the most energy possible for my entrepreneurial ventures I didn't really want to get drunk in bars and clubs. I really had no clue where and when to meet people, I started to think it just wasn't for me.

    But, I was REALLY frustrated as deep down I knew I wanted a dating life as well as a business life. What's the point in starting something great if you have no one to share the journey with? A great partner is a real ADD to your life, whilst of course the wrong one is a value take. I started to dislike weekends, they were quieter and these were the days when it was more obvious to me I was alone. The Monday to Friday of business life was somewhat a distraction, the slightly less hectic weekends were when it became really apparent.

    The main dating issues I hear:

    I don't know where and when to meet people. I don't have time. People don't understand my lifestyle. I feel like I have to compromise my business for dating. What kind of partner would suit my life as an entrepreneur?

    I'd like to start by addressing the 'where and when to meet people' issue.

    I get it, as explained above I really had no clue. I was out of ideas.

    But, I made a plan. I started to really think about it and realised we have so many options as entrepreneurs. I started working in cafes instead of at home, such a simple step but the options of people to meet expanded exponentially just by getting out of the house. I joined entrepreneurs groups and started hanging out and meeting people there. I even started to work in a co-working space, what an awesome place to meet like minded people. A few simple how tos in terms of meeting and attracting people, along with committing to this, understanding myself and what I want, coupled with the new found opportunities and pushing my comfort zone lead to an abundance of options.

    All of a sudden without really changing my lifestyle at all I was meeting so many more people without really having to commit much time and without sacrificing my business.

    One of the biggest surprises was how this actually gave me SO much energy for the rest of my life. Taking action in this area gave me more power for the rest of my life and my entrepreneurial ventures flourished. Plus, developing better social confidence is only ever a plus in business!

    Ultimately, I'm in a situation now where I have the best of both worlds. An amazing business life with the perfect partner who really understands and supports me.

    Hopefully I am proof that it is possible!

    Let me know your thoughts, comment below or send me a message. I'd love to answer any questions.



    submitted by /u/Bizzell1987
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    What type of online ordering system do you use for your shop?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Basically what the title says. I'm trying to find one but not sure what is good. I want to find one that prints out the order. I'm from Canada so I'm not sure if we have anything. My business is a small family owned pizza spot and we don't have any POS that currently print out anything in the kitchen. We are super old fashioned, but I understand the importance of online ordering.

    submitted by /u/jawryse
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    Hoping to start a side hustle, advice?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 06:11 AM PDT

    I've been thinking about different side hustles for awhile and I've narrowed it down to a few. My ideas are pressure washer cleaning, interior car detailing, or like an online store of some sort. I really enjoy detailing so that's probably my first choice. I'm 19 and have been working 45 hours a week at my internship and it just feels like I'm not making enough money and I'm sick of having the amount I make be determined by the hours I work. Any advice for a noob?

    submitted by /u/idonthaveklutch
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    Is Amazon FBA saturated?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 09:50 AM PDT

    Is the whole "Amazon FBA Private Label" business model currently saturated? What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/DragonLair4
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    Can anyone recommend a few good entrepreneurial podcast episodes for my trip to DC in an hour? I will be in the car for 4 hours and want to learn something useful.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    I listen to Gary Vaynerchuck's all the time but if there is a specific episode please let me know, I may not have heard it yet.

    submitted by /u/BostonFan69
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    There just too much competition. Why bother?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    You know I've always wanted to be self employed. But it's just really discouraging to start a business seeing the competition.

    I've always wanted to start a vending machine business and a food truck business. But I see vending machines everywhere. I drive downtown and I see food trucks everywhere.

    I work two jobs and was thinking of using the part time job and put it towards the vending machine business. I've read books & watched videos on the subject for the last two years. I feel like I'm ready for the vending machine business.

    Any one else think this way starting out? I know it's the wrong way to think but it's sometimes a little discouraging.

    submitted by /u/bigk777
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    Does anyone do Facebook Ads in the UK?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    I'm having trouble narrowing down my audience as a lot of the Facebook pages closely associated with my target market are not listed on interests.

    As a result my potential reach is 2,200,000 with est. 3.9k-11.k reach and 87-252 clicks on any given day. But this all feels a bit too broad. Any tips on narrowing please?

    submitted by /u/AddInvest
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    How do I evaluate if a response to a landing page is successful?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    I want to build a landing page for a new product to test whether there is a market for it. My problem is I don't know how I would evaluate whether the response to the page has been positive or not.

    How should I measure it? Email addresses gathered per page visit? What sort of numbers would make you think you have a viable product?

    submitted by /u/don0
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    Here are my skills. What lifestyle business should I start?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    I've been wanting to start a lifestyle business for a while now but haven't come up with any good ideas that interest me or fit my criteria. Ideally, the business would require less than 4 hours of work per day (not per week) and generate income immediately (in a reasonable timeframe). I'm envisioning working with 2 people per day who would pay $25 each for an hour's worth of work. I'm trying to figure out what this "work" should be. An example of this is becoming an online tutor on a site like Chegg or Wyzant.

    In my full-time day job, I'm a software engineer. Although the business will probably involve some form of coding, I'm not looking to develop apps or websites from scratch. In the past, I've also been a decent math/science tutor who really enjoyed teaching calculus. In my spare time (when I'm not at work or working on side projects), I like to watch YouTube videos, play online games and lurk on the fiction-writing subreddits. I've been trying to incorporate some of those things into my ideas.

    Any ideas?

    (Post edited to make certain details more clear for people.)

    submitted by /u/graftond
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    I am completely lost on what to do with my life.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    I am studying to become an English teacher right now. I thought that the profession was right up my alley, because I thought that school life is the most stress-free life that there can be. You know, the holidays, short work days and instead of doing your homework you would check the homework of your students. Nothing would really change from the regular college life I am living right now.

    I couldn't be wronger than this...

    I want to be free

    I want to do work that I love to do

    I don't know if I have entrepreneurship within me, but I am very creative and always have Ideas in my mind I want to execute and Goals that I want to reach.

    I have difficulties focusing on my main thing because of this.

    But I don't want to give up, I want to finish what I am studying, get a teaching job, teach for a few years, save and start my own business.

    The problem is that I can't wait for that long and continually try, or rather take steps to a certain direction in entrepreneurship and because I am not that knowledgable or don't have the financial means, I stop.

    try to focus on my main thing again.

    but can't suppress the creativeness, dreams and goals in my head.

    I am very persistent in my dreams, but can't seem to realise them.

    Should I focus on my main thing? Should I focus on entrepreneurship or should I focus on both?

    If you were me and you decide to focus on your main thing, would you stick with it until your retirement?

    Or what would you do after you have saved up enough to start your own venture?

    At times, I feel like I am going to lose my damn mind because I dream too much and fall into a depravity of some sort

    (No Kidding)

    I hope I can find some advice here and maybe read through some relatable comments.

    submitted by /u/RampantSaiyan
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    I just got accepted into a business accelerator and have a live q&a with them on Wednesday. What questions should I ask or be prepared for?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 02:15 AM PDT

    So I've just gotten through the first stage of being accepted into an accelerator and the next one is a live q&a. I now have three days to prepare for this. What questions should I be prepared to answer and what questions should I ask about them? I have entered as an ideas stage business as I'm still working on my MVP. But I have a clear vision on what I want this business to look like. Any and all help from people who have been in this position beffore will be greatly appreciated!!

    Thanks guys! Being on this page has helped greatly on my journey so far.

    submitted by /u/Maumau93
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    Ever dream of packing it all in and moving to another country? I do, and want to create a community for others like this.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 05:50 AM PDT

    It comes to my mind pretty often (USA -> Japan). Have you ever done it?

    I want to create a resource website + community for people who have done this or are thinking about it, but not sure exactly what it should contain. I've heard of NomadList but I want something different, not a copycat. How could I differentiate myself but still get people interested in joining?

    I came up with a few ideas, if you have others to share that would be a huge help!

    • Country/City info
    • Legal Duration + Visa Requirement/Process
    • Language Learning
    • Job Finding
    • Finances/Banking

    All supported by a Message Board/Forum community

    submitted by /u/TheNightlifeJD
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    Books on the technical aspect of business?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:47 PM PDT


    just going through amazon randomly and found this book when look at other business books. This is a book that strictly deals with the technical side (verbiage).

    All i see in book rec threads are motivation style books, what about the technical side? Any advice?

    submitted by /u/KtoMM199
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    Mobile Virtual Reality to parties and events a good idea?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    I'm thinking of starting my own virtual reality business where weddings, events, parties, etc... call me up and I will drive to them with all the gear. I will set it up and monitor and assist in everything. I am just wondering if this is a feasible business and what the complications might be. I will also purchase those masks that cover your face for hygienic reasons and charge by the hour per VR kit. I'm also in a city where I've seen VR arcades being set up. I don't know how profitable they are but I assume much less risk if I don't need to lease an actual brick and mortar area.

    submitted by /u/trev3795
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    Concrete Ready Mix Business

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:55 PM PDT

    Hey Guys,

    I have a opportunity to purchase a concrete ready mix company. The business has not been running for a few years the equipment has been sitting. I have the opportunity to purchase the business at a very discounted rate. I have contacts that I can connect with to sell concrete.

    The business comes with a concrete batch plant and 8 mixer/ delivery trucks. Does anyone have experience with a concrete ready mix company that I can ask a few questions ?

    Just to get things going: how are smaller ready mix companies in your city doing?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/superRA
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    Best Outsourced Bookkeeper (UK)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:26 PM PDT

    Hi folks. Can anyone recommend a strong virtual bookkeeping service for a Sole Trader business - it's actually a remotely run business with no physical premises. UK/Europe based (not USA), although customers are global. I want to pay a regular, monthly fee for standard bookkeeping services.


    submitted by /u/pccoin7
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