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    Saturday, July 6, 2019

    Google Maps tools useful for sales planning Sales and Selling

    Google Maps tools useful for sales planning Sales and Selling

    Google Maps tools useful for sales planning

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    These are a few free tools built on Google Maps that may be helpful for planning sales territories, sales trips, customer targeting, etc:

    ZIP Codes on Google Maps

    County Lines on Google Maps

    City Limits on Google Maps

    submitted by /u/rlmcony
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    Creating a Company's Sales Strategy

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    I work for a small New England medical device company, and the CEO has asked me to create and present a sales strategy for the company.

    Wanted to ask what important things everyone thinks I should include, as Ive never made one before.

    Extra details: Company is only like 6 people, but we're just the US division, Japan has way more

    We sell to hospitals, primarily Stroke, Cardio, and ED units. Pretty small pricing for non-enterprise

    My current plan is to create a strategy that revolves around approaching the largest EMS companies in tandem with the hospitals to create professional accountability outside of the sales team. My hope is that EMS will help push from the bottom and be harder for a hospital to ignore.

    submitted by /u/Ninjoe42
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    I need Help. How can I deal with negative influencers of decision makers.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    I'm a real estate agent in Athens, Greece. I am in the process of closing an apartment sale in the city. I showed the house to the prospective buyers and they fell in love with it. It was truly a great apartment full of light, with a great view, in a very convenient location for the job they do and at a great price. I get a call back the day after the showing saying that the husband's sister wanted to come and see the house herself. My partner, who has much more experience than I do tells me that the sister is gonna try and ruin the sale. I still keep positive and set the appointment.

    We begin showing the house the second time around, with the sister she just begins looking for things wrong with the property that just weren't there. She tried claiming the property was too expensive, it was 35% lower than the neighbourhood average price per sqft. She tried saying that bathroom renovation would cost over 15,000 EUR , again not true unless their toilets are made of solid gold. She began getting very aggressive and raising her voice at my partner when he tried explaining that bathroom renovations are simply not that expensive and my partner owns more than 20 apartments so he really knows his shit. Anyway in the first showing without her everything had gone perfect, in the second showing I just felt like she was trying to find something negative about the property and destroy the sale. Strictly logically speaking this is a great buy by all measures, I'm just curious why would she try and ruin the sale like that and why she was so rude during the showing, it was almost like she was trying to fight us brokers. How can I deal with people like this influencing my clients?

    submitted by /u/mikebiszeps
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    Approach to getting first SDR job with no prior sales experience

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    Hey guys - long time lurker here.

    Basically, I'm in the military right now (elite infantry unit), am getting released in a couple months after 3 years of service, and wanna start in B2B sales ASAP, preferably in IT. I'm in Israel BTW, and 21 Y/O.

    I've finished 2 Coursera sales courses (with certification) and read a bunch of the classics (Fanatical Prospecting, Law of Success, Sandler Rules, SPIN Selling).

    Now that I can say that I'm as familiar with the sales world as someone with no experience can be, I started reaching out to Sales VPs of B2B SaaS outfits via cold email and then connecting on LinkedIn.

    I start by telling them who I am, what I'm looking to do for their company, and asking them if they would be free in the coming week to discuss opportunities via phone.

    I've met with about a 25% response rate (Reached out to 15 companies so far) and have had a few people tell me that I'm what they're looking for in a SDR and that I should save their number and get back to them as soon as I'm out of the army.

    Here's my question - are there any additional channels I can use in parallel? Most job ads require prior experience, which is why I'm trying to circumvent the traditional approach to begin with, while showing guts and aptitude at cold calling/emailing. I wanna diversify my approach, but don't really know the best way how.

    Any advice would be welcome, and thanks in advance.

    P.S. Just wanna say - you guys rock! This sub has given me tons of great advice, so thanks for that too!

    submitted by /u/drs1217
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    Anyone wholesale granite?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    I'm in new construction and do really well from an OTE perspective. But was thinking Granite wholesale could be really interesting. Assuming they get to travel the world, find vendors and resell granite to local suppliers. Anyone have experience?

    submitted by /u/LouieKablooie
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    Any commercial real estate loan officers out there?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    I work for a nationwide residential lender and I'm thinking about making the switch to commercial, but I don't know if it's worth it. Anyone have any advice for getting into commercial real estate and what to expect?

    submitted by /u/thenautical
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    what are all the parts that I need to hit for the sales script?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 02:32 AM PDT

    I run a dive service and am creating a sales script for myself to beta test on potential customers during face to face sales I also want to see how effective this will be for future sales professionals

    these are the points I think I should hit on so far.


    what we do


    plans/ price

    Sweeten the deal


    Why should you utilize our services/ informing the customer on what all is involved with the job

    also curious if you had the choice would you rather use a script or just go off bullet points? I'm trying to make it sound as unscripted and natural as possible.

    submitted by /u/the_jade_dragon
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    Whats a good place to find a good sales-person?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 07:41 AM PDT

    New to selling to Retailers.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    I have several years experience selling truck loads of new cars from dealer to dealer, and I just acquired a job selling CBD to retailers from home. Any tips, especially in landing large retailers, or pitfalls to watch out for, would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/JohnTestiCleese
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    No idea how to find customers

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 08:19 PM PDT

    Just got my first job in sales after trying for a year. However it's selling building supplies to construction companies and private contractors. I live in rural Alabama so I don't see this as a huge market any tips?

    submitted by /u/taylormatt19
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    Finding positivity in Defeat

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    Lost my sales job today, didn't pass a pre-certification after 3 tries so was terminated. Anyone have any stories about losing a job that you thought was the one and finding something better? I worked my ass off and fell short.

    Love this sub! I'll always bounce back

    submitted by /u/imaginewhip
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    How do you tell the difference between legitimate direct sales and veiled MLMs?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    This week I've been running around town interviewing for entry-level sales jobs. I've run into a few places that follow this general pattern:

    -solid enough looking products that solve a real need

    -direct sales to consumers you have to drive out to meet

    -leads/appointments provided for you

    -pay is flat amount ($20-$40) per appointment visited + 10-20% of ticket price as commission

    You are usually explicitly told that you don't need to hit up friends and family, little to no ($50) start-up cost/buy-in, and no D2D. However, two things stand out. First, the interview comes off as too easy, with only a few questions directly towards you. Even though some had multiple rounds, the whole movement from application and between rounds seemed very fast. Second, although there was little focus on this aspect, there was always one throwaway line about being able to move up to team lead/management/opening new locations where you'll take a larger cut of sales. I'm not heavy into finance, but I just don't understand how they can have the gross margin to do this, even with one other level, with 20% for the rep + 25% for the manager adding up to 45% of the sales price. This is before even factoring costs like CPL, admin, technicians, customer guarantees, and overhead. I had to explain what gross margins were to one interviewer a few times before he deflected the question. Any questions about competition and saturation never seemed to lead anywhere either.

    Is this some new MLM model I'm seeing everywhere or am I being overly skeptical about legitimate direct sales companies?

    submitted by /u/SatisfactoryDill
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    Struggling to close the deal today

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:10 PM PDT

    How do you guys close deals today? I usually get the let's do this in a few months, or get back to you, I like but not now. How do you guys push the deal to close it today without being pushy?

    submitted by /u/CuriousFucker
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    free email open track for outlook for windows

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:45 PM PDT

    are there any ones that are free?

    submitted by /u/Spatz901
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    Starter kit for a guy from (ERP) IT delivery going into sales?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    Hello, kind gents!

    I've been reading a lot in this sub and it has motivated me to move to a more commercial role. I've done solution arch work (as well as pre-sales), are there some nice resources which will allow me to hit the ground running?

    or perhaps some practical advice from seasoned ERP sales folks here (i.e. upselling more licenses)? :-D


    submitted by /u/tambugi
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    How long do you give a new role before you realize it's not for you?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    I'm struggling to find success in my new role. I'm selling an intangible service that has very high costs associated with it to consumers. Tons of cold calling, about 85 calls daily with 3+ hours of talk time. Coworkers who have made it are killing the game but everyone else is left behind. Turnover is stupid high, like out of a class of 8, 2 people actually finished. I'm expected to close these deals and it's just a grind man. Leadership is all about this "Rise and Grind" mentality but Christ, I really don't know how much more grinding I can do, I'm just not seeing success. Customers are extremely fickle and don't ever come back on their word. 90% of them need to talk to their spouse/or don't have their credit card on their person. I'm becoming jaded over the raw amount of excuses I hear. If I call 95 people, I might speak with roughly 5% of them and maybe 1-2 from the 5% might be a buyer. But IF you get the right one, you'll make a fat rack. Just good luck getting these people to pick up.

    Granted it's been roughly 3 weeks but I'm just not getting it. Am I not cut out for something like this if I'm wanting to throw my hands up this soon? I killed it in cell phone sales but this beast is just something completely different.

    submitted by /u/Bodacious_Dad_Bod
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    SaaS SDR suddenly struggling - is it me or my territory?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 06:30 PM PDT


    I've exceeded quota for 10 months & won a top performer award one quarter.

    2 months ago I was promoted into a newly created mid-market segment territory & I scraped to quota (11 meetings a month) the last 2 months, I'm certain I'm going to miss this month.

    I feel like I'm being set up for failure, I've voiced my concerns to my manager, he vaguely acknowledged my conerns but just left for a 2 week vacation, I feel like shit every day at work because I'm not booking any meetings.


    1) No AE. My company has been trying to hire for months with no success, this alone is very telling. I'm sharing 2 other AEs from different territories & segments.

    2) Small account base. 35 accounts already bought. 90 accounts remaining, 65 have evaluated and rejected product several times before. 35 accounts remaining for me to call (have been rejected several times by multiple contacts).

    3) Declining industry growth, my state is entering recession and market has shrunk by 7% over the past year



    1) No account executive.

    There are 2 other mid-market territories with local Account Executives and have 12 months+ experience selling our product and also an extensive industry network. They are struggling to hire an account executive for my territory so I am sharing 2 account executives from different segments assigned to other BDRs. Once my account executive is hired they will start from scratch with 0 experience and 0 network & also unable to meet clients in person, unlike the other account executives.

    2) Small customer base

    Current customers in this region: 35 accounts

    Total addressable market remaining in this territory ~90 accounts (no additional leads can be generated, its a niche product & all companies have been discovered)

    There are 65/90 companies which have evaluated our product once or more previously and rejected us at a decision maker level. I'm supposed to find a new champion by going through the gatekeeper and get them to meet with my AE and bring this up to management again to displace their existing solution.

    There are 35/90 companies which haven't seen our product before. I have called into all of the available contacts at these companies & been turned down for various reasons.

    3) Declining economy in territory

    The other territories have a 22% growth or 0% change in the last year. My territory has a 7% decline.

    submitted by /u/aucklandsalesguy
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    Enterprise Sales Interview

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    So I finally landed an enterprise sales interview for large telecom on Monday.

    Any idea of what the questions may consist of that I will be asked? I have done SMB for 2.5 years, ultimate goal is enterprise sales. I am willing to do whatever it takes to succeed and I plan to let that show through, but that's all i know to do. I have no idea about the questions I will be asked, or what will be expected of me. From research I have done, the sales cycle is 6 months - 2 years with the average being around a year.

    submitted by /u/DarthBroker
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    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 08:14 PM PDT

    For those who are familiar, what is your take on Art Sobczak and his teachings?

    submitted by /u/namenamenumber
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