• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 1, 2019

    Neighbor would like to build a fence 5ft onto my land. I'd like the fence and was going to build one anyways but will his encroachment affect me later when I go to sell? [VA] Real Estate

    Neighbor would like to build a fence 5ft onto my land. I'd like the fence and was going to build one anyways but will his encroachment affect me later when I go to sell? [VA] Real Estate

    Neighbor would like to build a fence 5ft onto my land. I'd like the fence and was going to build one anyways but will his encroachment affect me later when I go to sell? [VA]

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:28 AM PDT

    Met my neighbor today for the first time after 2 years. Nice folks lol. They wanted to discuss a new fence.

    They would like to build a 6ft tall privacy fence between us as we are side by side with woods behind us. A project I was considering doing, so I'm happy to get a free fence. However they don't want to build on the boundary. They would like to build five feet further on a more natural boundary on my official property.

    See here: https://imgur.com/a/rH25q8h

    I'm on the right, the yellow line is my property line and the red is the naturally occuring edge of their yard. They mow to the utility pole, where I thought my property ended. The green is just where the front of the fence will be for them.

    What kind of devaluation am I look at if I sell this sliver of land? If I don't sell it and just agree to have the fence built, what's the best road to take on that where I legally keep the land without issue in the future?

    Pros/cons to letting the fence be built on the red line?

    submitted by /u/aussiepewpew
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    Trying to buy a house with Opendoor (part 2)

    Posted: 31 May 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    I was hoping to make this update short, but it blossomed... TLDR at the end

    Original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/blzh4y/trying_to_buy_a_house_with_opendoor_part_1/

    It ended up taking them 5 days to respond to our repair request, 24 hours after the previous due diligence extension expired. They gave us 9ish items that they would repair, left off a few bigger items but we were fine with that.

    We were told repairs were complete on 5/16, my realtor emailed them back saying that repairs are incomplete on 5/17, apparently they decided NOT to listen to my realtor and repairs were still incomplete as of our original closing date of 5/23 (we reached out to them multiple times between 5/17 and 5/23, don't get me wrong).

    They spent most of the day (5/23) arguing with my realtor and I about a double oven that's clearly not working as expected, even sending me a video of an employee turning on the oven, but not checking inside to see if it's actually heating. None of the other items that we told them were incomplete on 5/17 had been repaired up to that point. I've gone to the property 5+ times now to keep telling them the items are still not fixed. I finally hired a repair technician to look at the oven and give me an estimate. The other items were clearly visible and didn't need a repair tech.

    The ovens control panel has signs of electrical arcing, and they bypassed a thermal fuse with a straight wire making it unsafe. There are no available warrantied replacement parts for this oven.

    We obtained the seller disclosure from the previous sellers (the people who sold the property to Opendoor), and it listed that the oven was not in working condition and needed a new control panel, however on the disclosure to us, Opendoor listed that there was no known issues with any appliances. So basically Opendoor lied on the disclosure and had known about this issue for 2 to 3 months.

    There were of course other repair items left untouched or finished per our agreement, and they finally decided to start working on them / completing them on 5/30.

    We were supposed to close again today on 5/31, however they again low balled me on the oven and refused to accept that their delays have cause my lender to charge me a $480 rate lock fee. My realtor has tried to argue with both Opendoor and my lender regarding the rate lock fees and neither wants to budge.

    I'm pissed as all hell as we had movers scheduled for this weekend. I've also spent countless hours over the past two weeks dealing with this. I'm about ready to walk out of principal.

    Suggestions for anyone reading that considers closing with Opendoor:

    • Do not schedule movers or expect to close with this company on time. It's ran by a bunch of people with the mindset of doing everything literally the last minute. They can't be damned to get anything done on time.
    • Your realtor needs to be up their ass about repair timelines and invoices.
    • If the previous owner of the Opendoor property your considering had tried to list the house before, grab the old photos, listing description, and disclosure from the MLS if possible. This will help you verify what changes were done to the property and if there are actually any items that should have been repaired.
    • We should have hired someone earlier to come out and look at the oven, or we should have immediately asked our inspector to come out and verify completed repairs once we figured out they were incomplete on 5/16.
    • Unrelated to the above, we had an insurance hiccup because we found there were two property damage claims in the past 3 years. Both water damage. You can look into this yourself for free by ordering an Aplus report from Verisk. Information can be found here: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/credit-reports-and-scores/consumer-reporting-companies/companies-list/a-plus-property-verisk/ . I used a bit of social engineering and found out that they were both water claims for relatively stupid things (toilet overflow upstairs and frozen pipes).

    TLDR: Still not closed, if you have any repairs needed on the property or found out they lied on the seller disclosure, then consider walking away to save yourself a headache. Don't expect them to be on time for anything, they don't work weekends.

    submitted by /u/dudenell
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    1st time homebuyer looking to not go broke!

    Posted: 31 May 2019 06:16 PM PDT

    So I'm starting to look at homes in my early 30's. Late to the game as life and moving frequently for work didn't make much sense to buy previously. 3 bed 2 bath places are listing usually 300k+ and for "move in ready" (think what HGTV makes you believe you need) places closer to 400k. While as a household we could afford this, I want to try and stay around 250k so should anything happen to one of us we could afford it on just one income. What are suggestions on looking at foreclosures, pre-foreclosure, etc...since I'm starting to feel like we won't find a place in a decent neighborhood without going house poor (which I refuse to do). we're meeting with a realtor soon (met with one previously that was a poor experience) but curious what the hive mind of Reddit has for suggestions, experiences, warnings, etc. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/GrizzlyRider1
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    Rental listing up for a year and a half?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    I'm a tenant living in a very high demand area. Almost two years ago, i applied for a place and got denied, no big deal, it was an amazing price and a very desirable location, I'm sure someone better than me qualified. I ended up renting a house not to far from it and I've been there since.

    Every few weeks since i moved in, I've been looking in my area in case another deal pops up since this place is stressing our budget, and that one place is always listed for rent. It's never been taken down. I called when our lease was up for renewal and they confirmed it was still up, 75$ application fee like last time, for each tenant. We decided to stay here, it's been another year and that place is still up. I called and got the same answer.

    Is it possible they've never found the perfect tenant or is this some sort of racket where they make more on application fees than rent lol. With the real estate situation in my area, I'm sure they're getting applications every day, there were 5 applicants the day I went. I'm just curious why this place stayed empty this whole time

    submitted by /u/trill0llirt
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    When is best recommended to arrive for home inspection?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:05 PM PDT

    So I am a buyer and I have home inspection tomorrow afternoon.

    What time is best recommended to arrive to follow home inspection?

    Is it best to arrive when inspection begins, or when inspection is about to end?

    I see it can go both way, but I feel that if I arrive when inspection begins, the inspector might be distracted.

    As a first home buyer, I am not sure when to arrive. Home inspection company did say whenever I want.

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/momehap
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    I'm purchasing a home cash (in Ohio). Any words of wisdom?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:35 AM PDT

    Hubby and I sold our NJ home and are relocating to OH to be closer to my family. We will be paying cash for our next home. We have a budget and some areas in which we are interested in buying.

    Any tips/tricks would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/dimplesgalore
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    Limestone in landmark Brooklyn

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:32 AM PDT

    Redditors, does anyone have experience investing in landmark neighbourhoods? I'm wondering what the hidden costs and abstract pros.and cons I may be ignorant of.

    About to go into contract and no second thoughts but want to have eyes open. The building is renovated with new systems, and windows have been replaced, masonry repointed. Any pointers? Thanks community.

    submitted by /u/beKaLambchop
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    Realtor pushing for newer homes w/ hoa? Advice please

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I recently started looking at houses and have been working with a realtor who's a long time family friend (I've known him my entire life) and who has helped my parents buy and sell several homes.

    I'm a 26 year old single female still pretty early in my career (3>years) and I'm looking for something that's on the relatively cheaper side for my city (~200K) and no HOA. So this means that I'm mostly looking at older homes, like late 70s or early 80s and the neighborhoods are obviously not as nice looking or well kept as an HOA neighborhood.

    My realtor has been trying really hard to dissuade me from considering an older home, citing things like higher maintenance costs, less energy efficient/higher electric bill, less appreciation. These are all things that I realize but all of the newer homes that we've looked at are 230K+ and then have an HOA due on top of that, and I haven't seen one yet for less than 100$/mo. I can afford a higher monthly payment but I would prefer not to, and put that extra money to paying off student debt.

    Is there something I'm missing here or am I just not fully understanding the cost and drawbacks of an older home? The older houses at the pricing I'm looking at are absolutely flying off the market, there wouldn't be demand for them if they were such a bad buy, wouldn't there?

    Sorry for the wall of text, I'm just looking for second opinions. This is my first home so there are a lot of things I don't know

    Edit: Sorry I forgot to add the state in the title, this is in AZ

    submitted by /u/Rosequin
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    Anyone interested in beach access land in Jamaica? (Residential)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 03:10 AM PDT

    [WA] Realtor listed parking garage + additional storage in listing, now I'm being told to park in the storage shed.

    Posted: 31 May 2019 03:47 PM PDT

    First time buyer who literally just closed today and is about to get my keys. I bought this particular condo because it had things like "Parking garage w/ additional storage space" explicitly listed. However, now that the process is done and I'm about to move in, I'm being told by the HOA that my storage shed is actually my designated parking spot, which is bullshit because if I have to park there, not only am I losing that space for storage (which is what it was going to be used for) but I'll also have to pay to have someone remove the doors and dispose of them since I absolutely will not be getting in and out of my car every time I want to pull into and out of the spot just to open and close the shed doors.

    This is really frustrating and upsetting, and I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/Horsebalm
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    What qualities do you look for in non traditional funding?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:01 AM PDT

    Hi all, not sure if this is the right place to ask or not.

    I currently have 4 single family mortgages. 1 is my home and the rest are rental properties. I started 2 years ago door knocking looking for the worst homes in great areas.

    Between the 4 I have about $400k in equity and I cash flow $2200 after all is said and done. Each house (with the exception of my house) needed major updating which I did myself or project managed the entire construction of.

    On paper I can prove that I have the ability to buy, rehab and rental successfully.

    My problem is I want to expand and Have been trying for the last 6 weeks to get a conventional loan but have been turned down from just about everyone.

    I have reached out and have been contacted by several hard money lenders all with differing terms. What's the best way to find the ideal investor/partner. Also besides hard money what other avenues can i explore.

    I have also considered cash out refi or HELOC'ing but they would only get me 1 maybe 2 more properties.


    submitted by /u/jmoney6
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    Real estate settlement company charged $700 more than on closing disclosure [TX]

    Posted: 31 May 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    Just bought a house in TX. Seller is a close friend. No realtor involved. Just closed on the sale.

    Prior to closing, I received a closing disclosure that accurately outlined all seller and buyer costs. The seller never received a seller's disclosure - not before closing, not during closing. But the multiple iterations of closing disclosures I received (before the settlement company finally got it right, after my constant nagging) outlined costs for both parties, and the final version issued to me was correct.

    Some days after closing, seller called me up and brought to my attention that closing company had charged him $700 more than anticipated. (Yes, bad on us we didn't catch this at signing. I won't try to justify our oversight)

    I called the settlement/title company and they said an attorney is required for the deed in Texas, thus the charge. And furthermore that they don't have to disclose to me what fees they're going to charge the seller. The problem is twofold:

    1. seller never got a seller's closing disclosure, not before, not at closing. Weeks later, settlement company is now offering to retro-issue him a disclosure "since he wants to see one so badly"
    2. My understanding is seller and buyer get to decide between them who pays closing costs. The settlement company tells us up front what the fees are, and our contract decides how that is split up. And per our contract, I pay all closing costs. The settlement company has to abide by that; they can't just decide to tack on additional surprise charges and make the seller responsible for them ..

    Whether an attorney is necessary to close in Texas or not, we had no reason to believe that the fee being charged by the settlement company would not include everything needed to complete this transaction. They are based in Texas after all. I told them tough luck if they forgot to put it on the closing disclosure; they need to eat that loss, and refund $700 back to seller. To which they obviously told me to pound sand.

    My questions

    1. What is the recourse when no seller's closing disclosure was issued? Settlement company is claiming they disclosed these fees to the seller on the SETTLEMENT STATEMENT we received on closing day. I countered that a seller's closing disclosure does not equal a settlement statement. The seller NEVER received nor signed a closing disclosure. That is illegal, yes? The settlement company is also personally responsible for issuing this seller's closing disclosure, yes? An alternate explanation is that the closing disclosure was an integrated (combined seller+buyer) disclosure, which does not solve the problem that these charges were never disclosed...

    2. Obviously a mistake was made when we signed the settlement statement, even though it was significantly different from the closing disclosure I received. Can the settlement company legally make the seller pay charges that weren't disclosed on a closing statement, even though he signed the settlement statement? And, again,contractually he's not even liable to pay these charges. I would have had to pay them, and they were not on my closing disclosure.

    3. Since our complaint to the company fell on deaf ears, I am wondering if the CFPB would interact with a settlement company? Would the Texas Deportment of Insurance be the overseeing body of a settlement company, Texas Dept Of Banking, etc? Technically it is their settlement/closing services, and not their title insurance product, that is giving us problems.

    I read through all of 1026.19(f) of the Truth In Lending Act to the best of my nonlawyer ability. It really seems like what the settlement company did was actually unlawful and my seller is legally entitled to a refund within 60 days, but I'd love another set of eyes on this before I pursue this.

    Thank you so much, smart Reddit, for your time.

    submitted by /u/baggies
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    Post Closing Title Company Demands

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:23 PM PDT

    Yesterday I traveled 4.5 hours back to the town containing the home I was selling. I moved for a new job with better benefits. When I got home, I met my wife and we went to the title company 15 minutes early.

    We signed tons of papers and that was that. This morning I was wired the proceeds from the sell. I thought all was well.

    This evening I recieved a somewhat frantic call from the title company representative stating I needed to sign another paper and have it notorized... mind you i am staying essentially in a dorm room and have already returned to my jobsite 4.5 hours away... with only my phone and clothes... so i will need to find someone willing to print it for me, and then find a local notary and probably pay them for services the title company was paid to do... (no I cant print at work because I am a government employee and must be a good stuart of government property).

    ...however, when I opened the document on my phone I immediately became irate. She asked me to sign under penalty of perjury that I still inhabit the address... which they keys have already been turned over... the address also contained typos and therefore was not an address I had ever resided in... so that was asking me to commit perjury... but most upsetting was it referred to a County Judgement known as "Exhibit A" and wanted me to declare I am not the person the judgement was as against. I had already signed an affidavit stating there were no liens on the property... but now, after closing, she demanded i sign this "not me affidavit" and has so far refused to provide me with the exhibit A. I searched the county records and see no judgement against me or my property (I am a responsible person).

    She had claimed that this document is required by the underwriter... however I do not see why, and I refuse to sign something with a direct referral that I am not provided with. Furthermore, with funds being released and keys exchanged... me having to declare that I am not someone else seems like a stupid requirement and I dont see how it is my problem.

    I made 3 requests to provide me with Exhibit A, all ignored. Regarding the incorrect address, she said she provided the document in Word so I could make changes... however, correct me if I am wrong but document preparation is what she got paid for and I should not be told I need to do her job, correct?

    I do not want to waste my time deleting everything in the document and putting "My name is XXX and I am only XXX and no one else is me, and to my knowledge there are no judgements or liens against me or my previous residence"... because for one I already signed a paper saying that, for two it is a ridiculous requirement, and for three it probably would not be accepted despite her telling me to adjust it because she probably wants that "Exhibit A" clause in it.

    Any advice on what I should do? I plan to call my mortgage company when they open tomorrow and ask if they have received funds or title transfer requests, and if they have, I will just ignore this person (after having exhausted my patience with her) and tell her to pee up a rope... but if they have not received anything and the underwriter/title company is playing hardball... should I hire a lawyer now before things get messy?

    I absolutely refuse to give in and will not sign unless I see the Exhibit A or until she removes that clause and corrects the document to reflect factual statements.

    Please provide any advice if you have any experience or expertise with scenarios such as this.

    Thank you for your time and responses, -Male Registered Nurse / Navy Veteran

    Update 6/1/2019 @ 0712 CST, my mortgage company confirmed they have received payment. I work 12 hours today and will review the closing documents, I do not recall signing an agreement to bend to the will and disorganization of a company and generally do not sign statements such as that unless it has a fair compensation clause since I value my time just as much as everyone else.

    submitted by /u/Trosdan
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    Bought First Property. Looking to Convert to Rental.

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone, I just purchased my first property in Royal Oak, MI (25 min from Detroit, higher end neighborhood, good schools, etc..). A 2 story, 1 bed condo with an open floor plan and in an above average (but not perfect) location.

    Bought it for $100k 5% down. Put about $8k-10k into the property (kitchen, paint, flooring, etc..). After repairs/upgrades I'd guess the value of the home is about $120k (similar properties are priced around 130k-150k). Mortgage with PMI, home insurance, taxes and HOA is $966/month. Similar properties rent for about $1200-1400/month.

    My question is whether or not I should make extra payments toward the mortgage each year in order to pay off the loan and maximize rental income per month or just take the small chunk of rental income each month and save it for repairs/vacancy? Should I take the money I have saved and buy another property to eventually be converted into a rental or should I put a large chunk of cash down on the original mortgage?

    About Me:

    22 years old. 88k income. Single. No debt. No kids. $14k invested in stock market. $6k rainy day fund (3 month expenses). Saving $2k/month.

    submitted by /u/n8TheAdvertisingGuy
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    [NJ] Waived escrow, but 4 months prepaid property tax due at closing

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:09 PM PDT

    We're scheduled to close on a property this Monday 6/3 and I need some help understanding an item on our disclosure form that doesn't make sense to me. I can't seem to get a clear answer on this from the title company, bank, or our attorney.

    We chose to waive escrow for tax, insurance, and HOA fees because we prefer to pay on our own. The disclosure form correctly states that escrow is 'No' for all of these items.

    The seller paid the property taxes for April/May/June on May 1. In case this is different than other states, property tax payments in NJ are due the first day of the middle month of the quarter, so Q1 on Feb 1st, Q2 on May 1st, etc.

    I know we need to reimburse the seller for the tax they paid for 6/3 to 6/30, but our disclosure indicates we're to prepay 4 months of taxes at closing. It doesn't indicate which 4 months. I would understand prepaying if tax was going into escrow (June + Q3), but why would we be prepaying tax that will be billed directly to us by the municipality for payment August 1st?

    Am I misunderstanding something here in thinking we should only owe the prorated amount for 6/3 to 6/30 and nothing else? Can anyone provide some insight?

    submitted by /u/CoconutCoffee47
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    Q: Rental Property under LLC? or Self?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    So I'm very new at this and am considering getting into rental properties. I've been trying to do research and I'm seeing a lot of folks saying that you want to set up an LLC to purchase rental properties.

    Q: Would LLC rental property profits be considered pass-through income?

    Q: Is it more difficult to get a mortgage as an LLC?

    submitted by /u/handsolo404
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    What’s the law about pre leasing and security deposits in California?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 10:30 PM PDT

    I heard there's a limit in terms of how much you can accept for deposits for pre-leasing. Is that true ?

    submitted by /u/limache
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    Question about seller's mortgage payment after closing

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    I'm selling my house. I was supposed to close early this morning, but I got a phone call from my real estate agent last night asking if we could postpone until Monday because the buyer had something come up. I said ok.

    I guess they figured it out though because the buyers went to the abstract office today and signed all their paperwork. I got an email with a closing disclosure on it just a few minutes ago, and my real estate agent said I'm all good to go on Monday whenever I have time. I would have gone today but I work 2nd shift and all this came at me just as I was about to leave.

    So my question is this - my mortgage payment is due to be auto drafted tomorrow. Is this going to mess up the closing since they are supposed to be cutting the check now that the buyer has signed, have they already accounted for it, or is it not going to be auto drafted tomorrow?

    Been trying to Google this but I can't find the right words I guess because I'm not finding anything.

    submitted by /u/LadyLoki5
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    How do I make sure to get a good price if we sell without listing?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    We met a real estate agent at an open house a few months ago and mentioned that we weren't ready to buy because we weren't quite ready to sell our current home, but were thinking about it in the future. We want to move to a larger house that is closer to work but in the same city.

    Recently, that realtor contacted me and said that he might be interested in purchasing our home. After visiting our house, he wants to buy it. He didn't give an offer - just said to come back to him with a price to start from.

    We live in an area that has homes that range significantly in terms of quality and cost. Remodeled homes are selling very quickly, sometimes above asking price (and above what I would think they are worth). Our house is about in the middle. It has had some updates but is not completely remodeled. Any suggestions on how to make sure we get a fair market price without letting the market decide? Any recommendations (besides asking other realtors what they would list it for?)

    submitted by /u/SavagePlatanus
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    Getting banks to compete for your mortage interest rate

    Posted: 31 May 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    So I'm a little confused on this do I try to negotiate with the banks for a better interest rate after my offer has been accepted on a house? Or just get pre approved through several places and go with who ever is quoting me the best interest rate?

    I've already gotten pre-approved through like 4 or 5 places.

    submitted by /u/Chomper22
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    Colorado land

    Posted: 31 May 2019 05:50 PM PDT

    I currently live in Denver and want to buy a small plot of land and either build a "small" 1000 square house place with it either being built like normal construction, container home, or even a double wide.

    My problem is I don't think the internet is the bet show of what's available for residential lots.

    Would I just be better suited to contact a realtor with my goals and see what they might offer? I'm 23 and never started this processing or trying to acquire property.

    submitted by /u/Dmscarred
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    Lost a house yesterday to someone "prospect exempt"

    Posted: 31 May 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    North Carolina-

    I'm not asking my agent because I've been asking too many questions in the past 24. Lol

    Yesterday we submitted our offer, and there was another offer. It sounded like they favored ours, asked us to change one term and would hopefully be signing that evening.

    Woke up to this email:

    As of this morning I received an email from the listing agent of XXXX. He shared with me that before going under agency contract to sell the house for the sellers that there was a outside interest in the property. He did not feel that this person would ever come to fruition with actually purchasing the home.

    Last night when he was trying to get your offer signed the seller proceeded to tell him that he was in fact under contract with this other person. Not in all of my years selling real estate have I ever received such news. I have copied his email below so you can see the conversation he sent myself and the other agent with the other offer. (Some other stuff)

    Listing agent email:

    As I had mentioned to both of you we were currently in a multiple offer situation. As a very weird and unfortunate stroke of luck, I entered into this listing agreement knowing that there was a prospect exempt but did not expect that that they would be pulling through with an offer because it had been pitched multiple times to the Seller but nothing had ever become of it.

    Apparently my Seller has accepted an offer from this prospect exempt tonight. I have requested an executed contract from my Seller showing this and will be marking the listing as 'Withdrawn' as soon as I see the contract.

    Thank you for your time in showing and touring the property and my apologies on the amount of time that you both have in this. Blah blah blah

    I looked up prospect exempt and I guess the listing agent messed up by taking this on? Why are people so shady? What are the chances it falls through and I get the house afterall? Lol, I know you can't tell me that. However, if it does fall through would they still be working with that agent and come straight back to us? Or do you think at this point they would have to relist with a new agent and they wouldn't have our info?

    Sorry this is really long and probably stupid.

    submitted by /u/stuckupsupertaster
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    If I want to sell my house, about how long will it take from the time I contact the realtor until the time it will be officially listed on the MLS?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    I am a real estate investor, I own SFRs and I rent them out, do I qualify for a SEP IRA?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    Mortgage rate trends, REFI now or continue waiting?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    Mortgage rates just cracked 4% this week and are at 18 month lows. We bought our current house in September last year, close to the peak in rates. I noticed rates were trending down a while back and started looking into refinancing, but decided to wait. So far that has been a good decision, but I'm curious if others are also watching the numbers and have opinions as to how low things could go. I don't see us getting back to 2016 numbers, but who knows with the all the current economic uncertainty. Whispers of the Fed possibly cutting rates makes me want to continue waiting. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/invain62
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