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    Saturday, June 1, 2019

    Ideas for a 16 year old kid? Entrepreneur

    Ideas for a 16 year old kid? Entrepreneur

    Ideas for a 16 year old kid?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    Hey, my name is Maxlor. Im a 16 year old kid from Denmark. I have all the time in the world. I would love to own a business or at least get some kind of income. Money is not a problem for me at all so I am not focused on making a huge amount of money. I just want to get started with something that is not a regular borring job. I would love if I could make somewhere around 500+ bucks every month. I have no idea what I should get started with but I do know that I what to get started with something and I have the time for it. So the question is, what should i get started with? Any good ideas for at guy like me?

    Best regards Maxlor

    submitted by /u/Maxlor
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    RANT: I do not like all the posts with "I am [10-whatever] years old, what should I do?" and similar posts with age in the title!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    I see these kinds of posts at least a couple times per week. They are usually kids and I don't get how age is a factor here.

    Almost all of these are generic questions on "what should I do to make money" or "I need help marketing my business I Just started". AGE DOES NOT MATTER. You can do most businesses at 15 as you can at 40. There may be a little more obstacles in your way, but it is possible.

    I got into entrepreneurship at 15 as well (23 now) and have started (or attempted to start) multiple businesses. Age was never a factor. Sure, I maybe had to work harder to earn the respect of adults (for meetings) or I had to find work-arounds for platforms that don't allow anyone under 18, but it can be done.

    If you have a question, go ahead and post it. Stop posting your age like there are only select businesses you can do or as a way to get more responses. It just feels unnecessary and almost click-baity.

    This has just been a personal pet peeve of mine that has been happening a lot lately.

    submitted by /u/encoressbm
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    Why is commercial real estate so expensive when there are tons of vacant properties?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    This is something I just don't understand. My city has tons of vacant commercial real estate. Whatever type of property you need can be found in my city. However, everything is so expensive. Even properties that may be considered less desirable. Why is this?

    submitted by /u/123itsjesset
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    The influencer bubble is bursting

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    Unless you have been living under a rock, this story showed up in your social media at least once.

    Everybody talking about the story of a girl who claimed to be an influencer (2.6 million followers), and couldn't even sell 36 shirts for a fashion brand.

    "How come?" - Lots of people seem to be clueless.

    There are several reasons for this.

    But first lets understand a bit more the context.

    First of all... What in the world is an "influencer"?

    No, it is not a girl with 3 million followers.

    No, it is not a funny youtuber dude banging with head to the wall with thousands of viewers.

    As the name itself says it — An influencer is someone that has the power to influence on others.

    If a girl with 2 million followers wasn't able to get people to take action for buying clothes, well, she was never a fashion influencer in the first place.

    People (including her) thought that she was one.

    But she wasn't. Sorry, can't cheat on the market. Remember?

    So what makes someone an influencer? How do you become an influencer?

    I will start with what DOESN'T:


    Likes, followers, etc... all those metrics that makes today's generation to feel more significant.

    Well, these mean NOTHING if you can't influence on people to take an action.

    Having worked with four different startups, the one thing I have learned is that the higher their influence on people, the more successful they are.

    And how do you influence people?

    By providing them value to their lives.

    Just ask yourself, what people do you follow and why do you follow them?

    Maybe some of them gave you courage through rough times.

    Maybe others inspired you to become a better parent.

    Maybe others helped you to become more skillful in your craft.

    But they all gave you something that helped you to get closer to the person you wanted to be.

    Gave you value that pushed you to get closer to becoming the version you desired of yourself.

    This is exactly what you have to do in order to influence on others.

    Do you want to be a person that has the power to influence on people?

    Ask yourself: "How can I provide more value to others?"

    If that means doing some Facebook lives, go do it!

    If that means mentoring them on sales, go for it!

    If that means recording 5 value bomb videos in your Fan page and run these with paid traffic to spread the message massively, do it!

    Just in very simple terms: You have to give in order to receive.

    It is a life principle that will never "burst" as a bubble.

    Because real influencers have not being the world since instagram or youtube was invented.

    Real influencers have been in this world since the day life started.

    submitted by /u/Raj7k
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    Little Known Steps to Raise Startup Money from Investors

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    Little known steps to raise money from investors

    Another video for those who saw last week. Looking to be a little more tactical, but since the feedback came post-production the content itself may still have some of the same problems.

    This topic is less abstract, so hopefully the video will remedy those flowery undertones that a lot of you guys didn't enjoy.

    submitted by /u/MrSittingBull
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    Best Advertising Method?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 10:35 AM PDT


    I am on vacation visiting my relatives and learned they run an all-natural skincare/beauty company where they make all the products themselves. They explained to me they have done close to no advertising and get most sales from word of mouth and customers coming back to buy more. I thought since the products they sell must be good for customers to return and refer them to friends, advertising would definitely help them grow.

    I was wondering which form of advertising you guys think would be most effective. They have a relatively small budget considering they are just starting out.

    Thank you so much!!

    submitted by /u/BaconMaster2727
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    I’m curious on how to find relevant information on an topic whatever it may be, can someone help me? I’m confused about everything from where to start or who do I need so I can get started and how much upfront investment I need to make. To be blunt I want you to teach me how to fish.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    1.How do I find an market within an niche? Are there apps for that where I can find how competitive, or the demand for an niche?

    1. Where do I even find that profitable niche anyway?

    2. I wanted to become an entrepreneur, but I don't know anything about it. I don't know who to find to build an team if I needed to build an team. The legal aspects of it it all seems very confusing to me. Do I find an lawyer to talk it out and what type of lawyer do I need? Questions like these freak me out.

    3. Where can I network and find opportunities? Is it possible to find opportunities in business without networking? I'm quite introverted and perhaps even anti social and to say I'm crap with communication is to say the least. Heck just writing 4. Took me time to think about the wording. If i were to confront someone I may say some dumb shit along the way.

    4. My main goal is actually money... I know I'm very materialistic but from what I've heard you need to be passionate on something and do it without worrying about money and it will come... I don't have too much passion for anything, it used to be science but I lost that, I still really like tech but then I have 0 experience in things like tech engineering and stuff... basically I am a complete noob.

    5. I know I can be an millionaire by investing and I will be one by the time I reach retirement age but I want to be one fast an enjoy the million when I am still young and can actually go out and do things.

    Thanks for reading and if you have any advice please tell me.

    submitted by /u/Penis-Envys
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    I’m just looking for advice...

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    So basically I have a film and media production studio that I publish my short films under. We're also working on a comic series right now too.

    However, I also do freelance graphic design offering services like photography, videography, and logo design. I usually service businesses and individual brands.

    I want to consolidate these two businesses and have them operate under the same name. I guess what I'm asking is do you guys think that would be confusing as one services clients and the other produces entertainment products?

    P.S. I apologize if I did a horrible job at explaining this. I've been trying to wrap my mind around it for a little while now. Ask me to elaborate if you need it.

    submitted by /u/kefaren
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    Contacting journalists/bloggers about a brand new new product.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    A few months ago I developed a new product/game/prank gift and so far everyone who has received one has loved the experience. However, it is difficult to fully explain the product in an ad banner/text add.

    After brainstorming for awhile I decided I should contact some journalists who have written about similar products in the past. My plan is to work with a few journalists and help them prank someone they know with my product. Then if they feel the product and reaction is worthy, they can offer me a shout out or small article. I'm confident both the journalist and recipient of the gift will be thrilled with the product.

    So far I have contacted 10 journalists at various blogs/news organization and am waiting for responses. Instead of doing nothing but waiting around I figured I would come to r/Entrepreneur for some more information.

    Does anyone here have any recommendations on how to get in touch with journalists/bloggers?

    Thank you for any help you're able to offer.

    submitted by /u/dont_drink_the_milk
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    Web Programmer?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 02:17 PM PDT

    Any one here have experience in hiring a web programmer online? I was thinking about using upwork but someone told me it wasn't my best bet. Wondering if anyone has had a good experience hiring one online.

    submitted by /u/ohbuggy
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    The cost of small things.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:14 AM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    We all know the costs of starting up/ running our business, however my question to you is : Do you have any idea what all the smal things cost you ? (And would you like to know if at all possible ? )

    I'm talking about the (and we al been there and done this) following :

    "Just have to finish this < insert anything related to your work > really quickly and then I'll be off"

    Do share any stories you might have (especially funny ones) since I'm very curious to see what you think of this.

    Couldn't find anything on this inside of this Sub, so sorry if this has been asked before will remove if told so by mod.

    submitted by /u/CodeDinosaur
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    Anyone here with experience in running ads on Tumblr?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:54 PM PDT


    I know that tumblr is different from what I currently do (FB & insta) and even a bit strange. Was thinking on testing their ad platform for some of my services and products.

    If anyone here has any experience and can share some info before I jump in, that will be really appreciated!

    Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/Daniel2678
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    Help brainstorming ideas for resort city

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    I live in a large beach city on the east coast. I just got laid off from my job and decided its time to start creating my own income.

    I'm starting a passion project which will take up most of my time, but I live in close walking distance to 10,000 tourists and hotels, and have been thinking of ideas to make side cash to support my main project, and take my mind off of it for a few hours a week.

    So far I haven't come up with anything too exciting;

    Sell water

    Sell sunscreen

    Food delivery to peoples beach spot

    Take peoples trash for tips? SO MUCH TRASH ON THE BEACH. I'd like to help with this problem.

    Anyone have suggestions or experience making extra money in a vacation town?

    submitted by /u/caveman_eat
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    Amazon FBA EUROPE - Still worth it in 2019

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Daily new videos on YouTube „how to FBA" and „how I became rich by FBA selling".

    I never used Amazon for sales yet, but am still a little curious if it's still worth it to join the FBA party / Amazon Party in general or if this place is already overcrowded.

    I guess most of these YouTube guy's are talking bullshit and just want to clickbait or sell their coachings, otherwise they won't tell their selling secrets.

    Well, I know your success depends on the niche you try to join and many other factors, but this hype makes me a little mistrustful, if It's not already too late to join at all, since you should usually just invest, „if there is blood on the street" - if people are not hyped.

    On the other hand there hand, If you take a look at Asian markets - the competition ist a lot more aggressive and hard and people are still successful in selling their products.

    I used to run a small business on eBay and some other platforms before I started university back in 2012-2014. I also imported goods from China and sold some niche products. Now after studying I really want to start again, since I know I could never work as an employee in my life. I just love this 24/7 struggle, find new products and suppliers to offer customers perfect goods and even an better service. Also I still have some decent contacts to Chinese suppliers which maybe still could be useful.

    submitted by /u/mFouRio
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    Are people put off by one for one companies?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Just like Toms Shoes where if you buy one, you give one. I've been thinking about doing something similar, except geared towards paying for educational expenses for kids in third world countries. It still would be a for-profit company, but helping underprivileged children. What would be the best approach in getting validation (and getting people to buy) before I start getting designs/prototypes done and finding manufacturers?

    submitted by /u/musubi808
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    How do I make my new business website more professional?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    Working on a tight, tight budget - so I made the site myself using Wix: www.exploreyourlore.com

    Any tips on making it more professional? I am getting members to sign up, which is great, but no orders yet...I worry it's the site design and the restrictions from having to use a Wix builder. I don't want it to come across as "fake", if you know what I mean. Any feedback would be great!

    submitted by /u/jaxiecakes
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    The Effort Lesson!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 03:34 AM PDT

    Good habits are like crops. They only grow when properly tended and sowed.

    Bad habits are like weeds. They grow rampant unless constantly pulled and cut back.

    One takes effort to grow, one takes effort to keep down.

    Either way, without EFFORT you're going to lose.

    submitted by /u/hazeminus
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    How do you deal with discouragement

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    I've been feeling down lately as all I the work I do doesn't seem to have an impact on my ecommerce sales. Its like there is a cycle of days where i feel confident and optimistic, and days where I feel down and very pessimistic, ending up wasting a couple of days doing anything but work. Also, In my pessimistic phase, I tend to avoid friends invitations and family calls because I just don't feel good in my skin.

    How do you deal with those feelings?

    submitted by /u/beerandbackpack
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    Running/purchasing rental properties.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:51 AM PDT

    Hi all, hoping to get some guidance on where to start on this. For the background- I have been involved in real estate for about 3 years. I started out selling, and sold about 4.5 million in a year and a half. (Midwest area- so that's about 9 above average priced homes). I then moved to construction and managed the construction of over 60 homes, from start to finish, I've done this for about the last year and a half, and make decent money doing so. But I may transition to a new career (taking over my in laws family farm, all owned equipment and land). I enjoy the Industry and want a 3rd income. Any advice on how to get started in rental business? I have a friend who does specifically property management that i could have run the properties. I can't find many flaws outside of just the initial investment. I also plan to have atleast 3 months spare mortgage of any property I buy for emergencies. I can't decide vs buying in low cost areas vs high cost. College towns vs residential (even though low cost residential seems to be riskier). Any advice on getting started, things you've learned, what to avoid, etc. would be greatly appreciated. More than just the monthly income for me is the consistent gain in equity. I also know and have good relationships with mortgage lenders to optimize my initial opportunity, such as good money off closing cost and less up front cash. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/cwo33
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    How should I improve this store?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    My relatives run this skincare company :


    Wondering if you guys had any tips or criticisms so I can help them grow

    Thank you all so much! :)

    submitted by /u/BaconMaster2727
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    Need to develop an e-giftcard program from scratch. How can I start?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    Hi folks,

    I work for a mid-size company that has business in all Latin-America and I was given the task to create an e-giftcard program/platform from scratch.

    We don't want to simply outsource this, because it might be a very profitable business for the company.

    But I definitely need some help to develop it.

    Does anyone know where can I start researching about this?

    What kind of professionals should I talk to?

    Which companies can I contact?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/JohnVincentMoon
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    I'm a music producer, realistically, what kind of business can I start?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    I have the basics of audio production, a laptop, midi keyboard and a pair of monitor headphones and monitor speakers.

    I have been making music since I was 11, I am 20 now, and as you can probably tell, my career as a artist didnt take off, I have never uploaded any full tracks because I was waiting for perfection but the perfection never came. I'm a high school drop out, currently working a dead end job, and obviously a dissapointment to my parents. I have tried programming, while I got the basics of it, It never fully clicked, music is really the only thing I'm good at. So apart from being a music producer what other business or work I can do with my skills with audio?

    submitted by /u/pnitro4
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    Promoting your restaurant on online food delivery platforms

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:46 AM PDT

    I have a small fast food restaurant. As Online Food Delivery platforms are on the rise so i want to focus more and capture online customers. Can you all suggest some feasible ideas.

    submitted by /u/vidhubams
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