• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 30, 2019

    Business Spotify has 100 million Premium users, the company has announced in its most recent financial figures. despite those numbers going up, Spotify can't turn that success into profits, losing $158 million in the quarter

    Business Spotify has 100 million Premium users, the company has announced in its most recent financial figures. despite those numbers going up, Spotify can't turn that success into profits, losing $158 million in the quarter

    Spotify has 100 million Premium users, the company has announced in its most recent financial figures. despite those numbers going up, Spotify can't turn that success into profits, losing $158 million in the quarter

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    Major Sports Are Cozying Up With Betting Companies Like Never Before

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    US Equities Benchmark Reaches New Highs, but Celebrations are Not Due Yet

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    WeWork Files for I.P.O., Joining Wave of Cash-Burning Start-Ups in Going Public

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    A Barter E-Commerce And Entertainment Platform

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 08:39 PM PDT

    Why Airbus isn't pouncing on Boeing's 737 MAX turmoil

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    Sliding U.S. Inflation Pushes Fed Rates Above Neutral: Chart

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:44 PM PDT

    Marriott is launching a home-sharing product in the US

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    Dunkin’ Launches New Breakfast Bowls...

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    Need advice on what to do with a partnership dividend scenario.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 12:37 AM PDT

    Hey team, writing hoping someone is able to share some wisdom regarding a position we are currently in within our small business.

    Our business is a 40 40 20 partnership between 3 members, 2 of which do 98% of the daily operations (the 40 and 20 shareholders). The 20% holder earns a small wage but does 80% of the groundwork and the 40% holder earns a very small monthly figure for carrying out the remainder.

    Our issue is that the business is getting to a place where it has grown to a size that dividends are being discussed by the other, non working, share holder. He was utilized during the first year but for the last 2 years has been absent. This share holder was integral in getting the business off the ground but has since slipped further and further out of the picture.

    The dilemma lies in that the 2 working parties believe that they should be fairly compensated before dividends are split amongst all 3 directors. The argument being that these 2 workers have built the company to this size on a wage under that which they deserve so why should any 'profit' be sent to the third party before they are fairly compensated?

    This has been bought up briefly but the non working partner still believes he is due some remittance for what he contributed physically and financially during the first year - which all three did also.

    Is 40% ownership of a growing company, in which you do not have to lift a finger to help grow, enough to warrant no dividends until the other parties are on a wage that reflects their efforts?

    Can you suggest a solution to this problem?

    TLDR: Partnership of 3. Business grew through the work of predominately 2 partners, third partners wants dividends but has barely helped in the last year. Other 2 partners who contribute to 98% of the business operations want to be fairly compensated before 'silent' partner receives any money.

    submitted by /u/Snakeise
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    Top 40 Small Business Ideas for Your Startup

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 12:15 AM PDT

    How to work for yourself: A Complete Guide

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    Want to work for L'Oreal? Get ready to chat with an AI bot

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:28 AM PDT

    GCL-SI targeting 80% of solar module shipments outside China in 2019

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:52 AM PDT

    Marriott is said to expand home-sharing to counter Airbnb

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    Hello, i am 21 and never had my own business before. Don you have any tips on where to start?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 10:14 PM PDT

    I don't have any business people in my family and i don't know any either(all i know is people that got funding from their parents and i am very poor). Is there any type of loan that i can get to start buying supplies and stuff? Do i have to inscribe my company name somewhere? Some business have a loss budget (like for thins that get stolen) is that like insurance or do i save it up myself? Has anyone had a supplier from Asia? Are there companies dedicated to packaging, or do i need to hire my own graphic designer? Is is true that i will loose more that i make in my first years? (This scares me because im very poor and in college) Any other tips 100% welcome

    submitted by /u/confused-AFF
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    How Can You Make A Purpose-Driven Business Profitable? - Minutehack

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    Google admits trouble selling expensive Pixels, but it’s got a cheaper one coming soon

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 09:09 PM PDT

    Rubbing Trade Partners the Wrong Way: How India’s Trade Frictions With the World Will Shape the International Trading Regime

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    Between 2008 and 2018, China was the country most often mentioned in NYT headlines, and was the most commonly mentioned nation in ten of twelve months. China is in the news so frequently, in large part because of its spectacular economic rise, and the United States trade war against China in response. India's has had one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the last ten years, and total exports of manufactured goods and services has doubled over this period, faster than any other nation in the G20. India's rise as a major power in the world of global trade has inevitably led to frictions and new trade disputes. In today's podcast episode, I am going to explore the implications of India's economic rise on the rules that govern international trade today. I will be discussing India's trade conflicts surrounding its tariffs and subsidies to agriculture, India's conflict over its more permissive interpretation of intellectual property laws, and its desire for greater access to trade related visas to the United States and other nations.

    India will be holding elections for the Lok Sabha, India's parliament, through April and May of 2019. Given that approximately two thirds of India's population lives in rural areas, voter turnout rates in rural areas are consistently higher than in urban areas, and rural regions are overrepresented in the Lok Sabha, it is unsurprising that Indian politicians heavily court the rural vote. For example, the government of Narendra Modi increased agricultural subsidies by 15%, in the run-up to the Indian elections. However, these subsidies and the broader need to appeal to the rural electorate has created major tensions with India's trading partners. Subsidizing India's milk industry has long been a cornerstone of Indian rural development strategy, but a major glut in milk production has led to serious rural unrest. The states of Gujarat and Maharashtra, two major milk producers, responded by offering a $727 subsidy a ton on milk exports to find international markets, but major milk producers such as New Zealand and United States by lodging protests at the WTO. Similar complaints have been issued for India's subsidies, to cotton, rice, sugar and other crops and India's subsidy regime has made it difficult to negotiate trade agreements with countries afraid they would be flooded by subsidizedIndian production.

    Although India is heavily reliant upon agriculture today, it's industries of the future will rely upon technology instead. India has long been in conflict with wealthy nations over issues of intellectual property. In 1970, India passed a major reform to its intellectual property law that excluded pharmaceuticals from product patent production. The law saw a proliferation of drug makers focused on bringing the price of medicines down. Most dramatically, Indian drug makers were essential in bringing the price of a years supply of HIV drugs down from $10,000 to $200. However, as India's economy liberalized in the 1990s, India sought to join the WTO. The WTO, however, felt that Indian drug makers, who did not have to invest in research and development, to flood markets with copy-cat products. India (and other nations seeking to join the WTO) forced India to sign up to certain minimum standards on IP production, known as TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). By signing up to TRIPs, Indian drug makers gained access to developed country markets. The US today imports $5 billion worth of pharmaceuticals, and 40% of generics are made by Indian companies. One notable area where Indian generic drug manufacturers do not have access to the Indian market is insulin. Insulin prices have soared from $2,864 to $5,705 from 2012 to 2016 in part due to the oligopoly of Sanofi, Eli Lily and Novo Nordisk. In 2015, Glargarine, a common form of insulin off-patent. Indian generic drugmaker Biocon quickly came to market with their generic and gained easy approval in Japan, the EU and the UK. However, Biocon's Glargine has struggled to gain approval in the US, as it has been held up in courts over IP infringement.

    India's conflict with the US extends beyond intellectual property into issues of immigration as well. India's IT services export industry's origins lie in bringing skilled IT workers on short-term work visas to the United States. In the early 2000s, the typical Indian programmer earned only a quarter of their American counterparts. This process, known as Body-Shopping, allowed Indian programmers to earn strong salaries by Indian standards and American corporations to have access to cheap labor. The type of work visa most under contention has been the H1-B visa, a temporary work visa for skilled workers that offer 65,000 openings to foreign workers at renewable terms. The US government, since the presidency of Obama, has steadily been raising the processing fees of H1-B visas in order to curtail body-shopping. This process has accelerated under Donald Trump, with processing times being deliberately slowed down, and regulations such as the ban on employment authorizations for the spouses of H1-B holders. India launched complaints against the US in the WTO, arguing these visa rules discriminate against Indian workers and companies and negotiations over access to visa access have been part of recent US trade deals with Singapore and Chile. There is a longstanding connection between trade and immigration, and India's economic rise is likely to bring immigration issues to the forefront of global trade negotiations.

    India's economic rise is causing global institutions to rethink international trade norms surrounding agriculture, intellectual property and immigration. The economic rise of China has caused a tectonic shift in global trade negotiations. The rise of India is likely to cause a similar change in coming decades. Whatever the outcome of these trade disputes, it is likely to plaster the headlines of newspapers throughout the world.

    Selected Sources:
    The Effects of Malapportionment on Cabinet Inclusion: Subnational Evidence from India Rikhil Bhavnani
    The white revolution—How Amul brought milk to India, Venkatkrishna Bellur, Saraswathi Singh, Radharao Chaganti, "
    Intellectual Property System of India, N R Subramanian
    Innovation and intellectual property rights law—an overview of the Indian law, S. Ravindra Bhat
    Bodyshopping versus Offshoring among Indian Software and Information Technology Firms Sumit K. Majumdar,



    submitted by /u/gnikivar2
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    What do you guys think about worker owned and cooperatives business?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    Curious what your thoughts are on these enterprises.

    submitted by /u/workplace_democracy
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    Culture is a Silent, But Deadly, Killer of Employee Loyalty & Workplace Relationships

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    Woodstock 50 may or may not be canceled after a botched ticket roll-out

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:29 AM PDT

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