• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 26, 2019

    Legal Advice UPDATE: Hoarder in my building died with a bad cockroach infestation. Building management’s negligence has caused me to be financially impacted. (TO, Canada)

    Legal Advice UPDATE: Hoarder in my building died with a bad cockroach infestation. Building management’s negligence has caused me to be financially impacted. (TO, Canada)

    UPDATE: Hoarder in my building died with a bad cockroach infestation. Building management’s negligence has caused me to be financially impacted. (TO, Canada)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    Link to original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/b4lk31/hoarder_in_my_building_died_she_was_infested_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app

    First I want to thank everyone who provided me with some very solid advice that has led to a resolution my wife and I are quite happy with. I've been very active on Reddit the last couple months as a means of support as stupid as that might sound and you all came through. It has been a very difficult few months for my wife and myself due to some other reasons so the cockroach problem really pushed us over the edge. I digress, as there is a happy update!!!!

    Through the advice I received on this subreddit, I contacted the city and the health department right away. I was contacted almost immediately my a bylaw officer who asked me some more detailed questions. The more we spoke the more interested he became. He called and asked me "if I were to walk by (deceased neighbours unit) would I be able to see cockroaches coming out of the door?" To which I replied "150%". He then asked me when she passed and if to my knowledge there had been a biohazard cleaning team come in, I said "no."

    Shortly after this phone call the building management sent their cleaners up to my floor to clean up all the diatomaceous earth we had put in front of my door. I went out and asked them why. They told me they were instructed to because they don't want people panicking etc. I told them they were to leave it there as I have called the city and they are on their way. They didn't seem happy. As if the whole floor isn't already in a panic anyway. Literally every door now has diatomaceous earth in front of it now. I also made sure to let the bylaw officer know their solution so far has been to vacuum our floor multiple times a week with the same vacuum and then use the vacuum on other floors. I have learned now we are not the only floor with cockroaches now. This lack of care or concern about the cockroaches has just been pure negligence on their part.

    I explained to the bylaw officer that the building kept telling us they could not legally enter the apartment and do anything. According to Toronto Health and Bylaws that is bullshit. The situation is a public health hazard and therefore my building management could have taken action sooner but for some reason chose not to. The bylaw officer on the phone gave me a pretty good understanding of how these things should work and let me tell you it is drastically different from the information I have been receiving from the building management.

    The bylaw officer became very concerned throughout the course of our phone call and said he would have to contact some people and then call me back. I heard nothing until Monday. Come Monday morning I get a loud knock at the door from my building super saying that Wednesday they are coming to completely spray and gut the hoarders apartment. They will also be spraying the hallways and likely replacing the carpet entirely. The cockroaches are also under the wall paper as well. I'm guessing whoever he called later the law down for my building management.

    The city has been here everyday since and suddenly we are getting all these visits from head office claiming they had no idea how bad things were. I do not believe them at all. We have all our evidence compiled to disprove building managements claims that they "didn't know" and will be handing it over. From what I understand from the bylaw officer, this is going to be quite a headache for building management. Now that the city and health department are involved they must produce a lot of paperwork and comply with the orders given to them with hard deadlines. I have the personal contact information for the officer I spoke with and he has been incredibly attentive and helpful. We went from "submit a maintenance request" to "we are gutting the whole apartment and treating your unit immediately" in literally 48 hours after months of fighting and stress.

    Thank you so much Reddit!!! I couldn't have done it without your help!!

    Here is hoping the next few months continues on a more upward trajectory.

    submitted by /u/tedcruziszodiac
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    [UPDATE] Car stolen by Chase - You did it reddit, you got my car back thanks to all your legal advice!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 06:45 PM PDT

    Here's the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/b4iu20/chase_repossessed_my_car_except_i_bought_it_with/

    Location: Virginia, Prince William County

    Hopefully this doesn't get removed by the moderators, because I want to say thank you to the community.

    Thanks Reddit for all your advice to get my car back in record time and I did NOT have to hire a lawyer in the process. All your advice was spot on:

    1. Wrote Senator Tim Kaine- he referred to my car as stolen, forwarded my letter to the DMV's Office of the Commissioner, and provided me information about the Virginia Lawyer Referral service: Virginia Lawyer Referral (VLR) is a service of the Virginia State Bar. The Virginia Lawyer Referral Service will connect you to a lawyer in your area for $35. You receive a consultation of up to a half hour with him or her - no strings attached.
    2. Wrote VA State Senator Scott Surovell- worked with the DMV, found out Chase had released the lien in 2015!
    3. Wrote VA House Delegate Luke Torian- worked with #2.
    4. Wrote Jamie Dimon (CEO of Chase)- office called first thing Monday morning apologizing and that they were looking into it.
    5. Wrote Chase social media- instant response
    6. Talked to Kenny Boddye, who happened to be in my neighborhood running for PWC board- not sure impact, raised issues of the Prince William County Police
    7. Wrote the Consumer Financial Protection Board- not sure impact, but complaint lodged. Great source to research other claims!
    8. Filed a report with the DMV investigations branch- not sure the impact
    9. Wrote Rep. Jerry Connolly- not sure
    10. Wrote the US Comptroller of the Currency- letter in the mail still
    11. Keep a log of time/date and conversation of each person. I was able to piece together a lot of the puzzle because of my notes. Also have a record of how long this process took.

    I have not yet written the AG or pursued this further with Prince William County Police. All in all, PWC fully refused to work on this case and refused to come my residence to at least take a report or even believe me...

    It is clear the tow company was aware they were towing the wrong person's car not attached to the loan because I saw the tow order on the computer screen inside the tow truck, and it was for someone else's name, who I've confirmed was the prior owner. It is clear that the middle man for Chase knew as well, because they told me the loan belonged to the same name I saw in the truck. However, I am confused how and why Chase would repossess a car that they released the lien on in 2015.

    All this to say- great job reddit. It took 49 phone calls for a total of 334 minutes, and approximately another 605 minutes of legal research, writing emails, filing reports, and documenting conversations. Total, about 15.65 hours of dedicated work on this to get it back without a lawyer.

    So how can we the people hold these banks accountable? I'm a bit peeved that this could happen without any recourse. In documenting everything and every conversation, I can see multiple violations of the law. I also am glad I paid in cash- if I had had a loan, I am sure this would have dragged on for quite a while.

    TL/DR: Chase returned my stolen car, and I thank Reddit for the advice to make it happen so quickly. How can we hold corporations responsible for this?

    Edit: thanks kind strangers for the gold! Wow!

    submitted by /u/tworaspberries
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    [TX] Medical doctor will not prescribe birth control to women that are not married (unless it is for a medical condition)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    I read the rules but I apologise if I unintentionally break one.

    I tried setting up a first time appointment with a new doctor yesterday. I need a PCP and new BC so wanted this to be a two birds with one stone situation.

    The woman in the office asked what I wanted to be seen for and when I told her birth control, she asked if I was married. I told her no and she then informed me that it's their policy to not prescribe birth control to women that are not married unless it's for a medical condition.

    I want to report them to the Texas Medical Board but I'm wondering if they are allowed to do that. I'm not very familiar with Texas as a resident but with it being a red state I wouldn't be surprised if this was allowed.

    Hopefully not breaking any rules here. I'd just like to report the office if this is an ethics violation. But don't want to waste anyone's time if it's not by law.

    Edit: Loving the comments and PMs accusing me of being some kind of harlot.

    submitted by /u/druidasmr
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    Abducted for Forced Marriage

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    Hey reddit! My friend's friend's girlfrend has found herself in something that I could only imagine is a nightmare, and we are trying to help her. Pardon me if there are any inaccuracies, but I don't know any of the people involved, I just want to help and we're trying to find something as quickly as possible.

    Basically, without giving away any personal details, the girl has been living in Ireland since she was a child(2-3 years old). Fast forward to the recent events, her parents(that live in Ireland) have told her that her grandmother is dying and she has to fly to Bangladesh to see her.

    As it turns out they tricked her into a forced marriage and her new husband keeps her locked in the house. She has been able to grab his phone when he wasn't looking and contact her boyfriend(that lives here), who as far as I know had to talk her out of commiting suicide and has managed to persuade her to wait for help.

    Unfortunately both the Irish and the British embassies have turned out to be not very helpful as of now. Who else should we turn to? Who should we call? Is there anything we can do to bring her back?

    Please help. If needed, I will gain more insight and provide more information .

    EDIT: WOW this blew up. Thank you everyone for your attention, help, and private messages, you're amazing. Just a small clarification: If I don't answer your question, it means that I actually can't answer it before we know she is safe or that I've answered it previously.

    We already have a plan and got some parties involved, but I'm afraid I can't discuss any details.

    Anyway thank you reddit, I knew we could count on yous.

    submitted by /u/_Year_Zero_
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    After I cracked the door, police pushed it open on me (USA, VA)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    USA, VA A few weeks ago, while I wasn't home, police from my county knocked on my door (according to family). No one answered the door that day. I live in a county surrounding a neighboring city, so I called both to see if I had outstanding charges. I did have charges in the city , so I went to that police station, turned myself in, was booked and released on a PR bond.

    Two county cops showed up again this morning. I cracked the door and they said I needed to come with them because I "may" have outstanding warrants. I said, "ok, I'll call police station and if I do I'll turn myself in."

    After 3 times of this, one of the police pushed in my door, cuffed me with no resistance, and told me they needed my SSN to see if I had taken care of it. After some calm discussion, i gave it to them, and as they were checking my info, i said I had taken care of charges a few weeks ago. I'm assuming they also heard that I same info over their radio (i didn't hear anything like that), and he quickly uncuffed me and they left.

    I know they can enter the house with a warrant, but what made this a legal entry? Did my opening the door cause them to be able to, or is just the possibility of outstanding warrants allow it?

    I know I have the right not to open the door at all, but if I hadn't, could they have made entry anyway? Run into the house and cuff me for my SSN? The charges a misdemeanor and class 5 felony.

    Seems odd to me and I'm just generally curious about the entire episode, as neither my SSN nor my booking would have been difficult for them to find another way. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Whatchagonnadowhen
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    HIV exposure from buying used car?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Location: Upstate New York

    So long story short, I bought a used car. It took them a month to have it ready, during which I was told it was cleaned. Day I went to pick it up, I noticed odd purple thing on dashboard. Thinking it was a broken piece from the car, I Picked it up, and my hand started bleeding. Turns out it was a used diabetic lancet. Did not realize at the time. Salesman cut his own hand taking it from me. He showed it to service team who prepped car and they claimed no idea what it was or how it got there. So I drove off. But I took picture and showed a pharmacist who assured me it was a diabetic lancet and now I need bloodwork to check for HIV and Hepatitis.....infection very unlikely, but possible as identity and medical history of past owner is unknown.

    So....who's liable here, if anyone? The dealer I bought from got car from another dealer who bought out some mystery person's lease. No way to know when lancet was left in car or who used it.

    I don't want to sue per se, but I feel like I'm owed SOMETHING for having to get freaking bloodwork for simply buying a car....I have photos and texts confirming this happened at dealership. What should I do?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/rainofenigma
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    My workplace is suggesting I have to wear my prosthetic in order to work. Florida.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    I had breast cancer a year ago and had one of them removed. I wear flat most of the time save swimming. My workplace has certain requirements for fashion/appearance. We have to dress nicely, manicure our nails etc. it is not a fashion or creative industry though. I fit the non-revealing uniform just fine. I follow all their policies in their handbook.

    I recently was asked by a supervisor but not my supervisor at my work that it would be a good idea if I wore my prosthetic. They said they felt more comfortable with her telling me because my supervisor is a male. She claimed that a portion of my scar could be seen through the top of my shirt which is true. My scar is higher than normal as I had to have skin removed but it is very faint and just the tip of the scar. To cover it up I would have to wear a very high shirt or sweater. No one else has to wear high shirts, even the women who clearly have cleavage visible when bending over or at other times. She went on to mention that I might be better received if I wore it so clients wouldn't ask questions about why my one side is flat (it is pretty obvious). I asked if my manager knew she was having this talk with me. She said it was his idea. He confirmed it later saying he had been asked by management to discuss my wardrobe with me. But I am wearing the appropriate clothes. They just look different in because I am flat on one side.

    We are suppose to be on brand at all times but I am human being I have scars. People have scars and don't have them covered. Someone with one in their arm or someone with one on their face. My manager has the one on his face. He isn't asked to cover it.

    I also don't think being on brand should involve my breasts at all. They know I had breast cancer. My prosthetic is uncomfortable and it makes me skin sweat. I do not like to wear it for more than a few hours. Stuffing also seems ridiculous. I just feel like I shouldn't have to worry about my workplace considering my one breast at all. They wouldn't make a male employee wear a fake ball if he lost his. I get that wouldn't be seen as much.

    I don't even think I should have to wear a sweater to cover. It is nearly summer. It is hot here. I have to spend time outside and move around a lot.

    Do I have any protection? Maybe under the ADA?

    submitted by /u/waiterlie
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    [FL] Parents got divorced two years ago. Dad was recently served by my mom. Dad is now coming after me for money and threatening potential legal action against me.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    I dont really know where to start. My parents got divorced when I graduated college in 2017. According to their divorce, my dad had to pay child support for my brother, keep him on his medical and dental insurance until my brother turned 18, pay half of my brothers medical expenses, and pay my mother every month.

    My father has failed to do all of the above things. My mother discovered my brother no longer has insurance, and she has not received child support for several months. My father has also been writing extremely inappropriate comments in the memo section of his checks to my mom and has been writing them in my mother's maiden name instead of her legal name so she hasn't been able to deposit them.

    While my parents were married, my mother was a stay at home mother and my father was in the military. He is now retired with 100% disability. He often says that it is all "his money" and that she needs to stop coming after it.

    My mother recently served him for failing to comply with the divorce agreement, and my dad is retaliating at me for some reason. I am the only child in my family that still speaks to him. I am turning 23 soon and starting medical school in a few months.

    During undergrad, I had all of my schooling paid through scholarship money, and my parents agreed to pay for my living expenses so that I wouldn't have debt before starting medical school. Now that my dad was served, he is threatening legal action against me to make me pay back everything he paid for while I was in undergrad. He is also telling me that I need to pay him back for the phone that be bought for me almost a year ago around my birthday.

    Does he have any ground to stand on here? I start medical school in a few months and have had to spend my ~12k in savings to be able to apply, get accepted, and pay all of the expenses associated with starting medical school. I have almost no money to my name now and if served will be starting the most stressful years of my life in medical school in another state and will be unable to afford any legal representation.

    There was never an expectation for me to pay back anything he and my mother paid for while I was in undergrad, and my mother would share this same sentiment. In terms of my phone, it would really be his word and his new wife's word vs. mine. What are my options here?

    submitted by /u/aussypat
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    After a night of underage drinking my friend was raped by our coworker, how does she go about reporting this and will they both get fired?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    I wasn't there that night but I wish I was so I could have stopped it. I'm on mobile so sorry if there are mistakes.

    I'm not sure if including the whole story is necessary or not so just skip to the bottom pargraphs if a) you don't want to read the slightly graphic specifics b)if you just want to know the questions and don't need to know what happened to answer them

    There are 4 main people in this story and i'll of course be changing thier names for privacy: My friend/the victim:V (female, aged 20) Her bestfriend: O (female, aged 19) Our coworker/the rapist: R (male, aged 21) O's long time friend:P (aged 20)

    This weekend (3/21/19-3/24/19) my friend V went to her cabin in wisconsin for a get away from her stressful home life. I was invited but did not go. R and V do have a sort of romantic past (he was very interested in her but eventually she rejected him) but it had all been talked over and resolved for a while now so she invited him as well and he came along with O and P.

    V says the first two nights were fun and stress free and that R did not show any strange behavior despite the fact that drinking was also going on these nights. They also fell asleep on the same bed the 2nd night. He did try to cuddle her but she rejected him and he complied. The third night is where shit hit the fan.

    They got wasted wasted. P was black out drunk for the entire night, O was vomitting and going in and out of unconsciousness, and so was V. The one who had drank the least was R. Here on out is a little less clear, as most of it was O and V trying to piece things together from the little they could remember.

    O and V had laid down on one of the two beds in the room together, cuddling. While coming in an out of consciousness, O remembers feeling a hand on her breast. She at first thought it was V just moving in her sleep but the touch was very rough and intentional. She then heard the sounds of R moaning. When she managed to look at him she said it looked like he was rubbing his crotch. The next time she managed to open her eyes she said it looked as though he was manipulating V's hand (who was completely unconscious at this time) to touch himself. She thinks he might have manipulated V's hand to touch her breasts again or it might have just be R's own hand, she can't remember. Around this time she passed out. At this time he may also have taken off V's pants.

    After V somehow managed to wake up and stumble to the second bed just to fall back asleep. She started to feel uncomfortable and constricted and woke up to R thrusting inside of her whispering "Just say yes" over and over. She started to struggle and eventually managed to push him off and start screaming which caused the others to wake up. A lot of shouting ensued. R ended up leaving the hotel and going home. When asked by O and P, R said consent was given. Later when V was texting him about that nights events he did admit that she did not say yes, that she was unconscious when he was raped her, and that he did in fact take her pants off and touch her and O while they were sleeping and she does have screenshots of this conversation. V asked if he'd told anyone else and he never replied.

    He has since deleted her off all social media. It had been two days since this happened. He has finally come into work today and I want to punch him in the face but what I want more is for justice to happen. She hasn't reported this to anyone and being two girls who have never even called the police before we don't even know where to start. Do we report to Hr first? The police? Email our boss?

    How do we go about reporting this to police? Do we just call 911 or walk in to any police station? This happened in Wisconsin but we live and work in Illinois. Are there things she needs to prepare before hand like clothes from that day or reciepts from the hotel? I'm really clueless and I want to go about this in the most effective way possible.

    She also wants to know if she will get in trouble for the drinking if she reports this? Is there a possibility of her getting fired once this gets to HR?

    TLDR: My friend was underage drinking and got raped by our coworker, now shes worried to report because she has no clue where to start and is worried she'll get fired.

    UPDATE: She has informed my boss that something has happened but not given details. My friend wants to take this to HR and wants him fired, but she is hesitant to press charges and as she says "if he got arrested I'd feel bad that his life is basically over" 😥 I can't force her to change her mind about that but I really think his ass should get whatever jail time it deserves.

    Does anyone have any information on what the police report process is like and how the HR reporting process is like? What kind of questions will be asked, what consequences will he likely face etc. She also wants to know if he can still get fired without her pressing charges.

    submitted by /u/VioletCastle
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    Executor of the will is selling items at incredibly low prices to personal friends

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 11:58 PM PDT

    (TX) Executor of will selling items wayyyy under their values to their personal friends without consent of the other heirs. (The executor is selling items worth thousands of dollars for less than $100 to their personal friends). Do we have any way to recover the lost value of these items?

    submitted by /u/Gracklezzz
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    (KCMO) is it legal to be evicted with less than 3 hour notice if you are also an employee of the company you live at?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    So for a little background. My girlfriend and I lived in a apartment building that was turned into a AIR BnB. She works for the company as the only on-site employee who is a housekeeper by day, but also will be called throughout the night for any issues with other guests. She is paid a flat rate of $80 daily, however $30 is taken from that pay daily for rent. She works there 7 days a week with normal hours 7AM to 3PM.

    So yesterday my girlfriend and her boss had an argument and she was fired on the spot and told she needed to vacate the premises Immediately. She said she understood the employment termination but requested to have until this Friday(5 days) to move all of her belongs from the apartment and find a new place to live. Her boss said absolutely not, that he would give her until 6pm (4 hpurs) to get all of her property or the police would be called for trespassing. By now she is very upset and I had a meeting I had to attend doelr my job so I needed to leave. Her and I share a car, so with the threat of her boss calling police I didn't think it would be a good idea to leave her there. I had her come with me and told her we would handle it when my meeting was over.

    When we returned at roughly 8PM all of our property had been removed from the room and the locks had been changed. My question is with her being an employee does she have no tenants rights including proper written notice to vacate? There was no lease agreement between the landlord/boss and us. As far as the job was concerned she was paid cash daily with no taxes/benefits or anything of that nature if that makes any difference in this matter. Thanks f9r any advice and sorry for all the typos as I'm on mobile

    submitted by /u/JimBeamzMyOnlyFriend
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    My Mom died 3/21, no spouse, and I am her only heir. Uncle wants to 'volunteer' as executor of the estate?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    Hey /legaladvice, this is a beautiful sub you've got here. Just in advance, I truly appreciate any help or advice I might be able to get here. Some quick info, I live in Ohio and I am 24. My mom passed away last Thursday after medical complications. She was unmarried but had been with her fiancé Mike for 18 years. She was never married to my father and I am her only child. Being that there is no common law in Ohio, as her only child it is my understanding that I am (obvs) her sole heir and (apparently also) executor of her estate by default.

    I have already signed forms at the funeral home specifying me as such, and then yesterday evening Mike (said fiancé) walks in and says that my mom's brother wants to "volunteer" to be the executor. Now, I know this role comes with the brunt of the legal proceedings and I will almost definitely need a lot of assistance from a personal lawyer to do it properly. I suppose my main question is whether or not I should be wary of my uncle trying to assume this role? Is it just them thinking it's "too much" for me to handle, or does this give him the ability to divide Mom's belongings at his discretion? My uncertainty only comes from the fact that the family does not seem to want to include me in any discussion about it. Given that my mom was admittedly the most well-off in the family and they have squabbled in the past over inheritance issues when my grandfather passed away, I am hoping to get some good information that does not come from them.

    I hope I don't come off as paranoid here, but I really appreciate any insight you guys might be able to lend! I'd be extremely grateful for anything concerning the legal process of handling estates, dealing with probate court, or the range of estate executors. Thanks again.

    Edit: Spelling, oops

    submitted by /u/TheLadyKnight
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    Immigrant Student, Concerned Teacher

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    I have an immigrant student in Ohio that was abandoned by his sister. He has no guardian and needs one to remain in the States, or he will be reported back to Honduras. His next court date is May 1st, but he turns 18 on May 11th.

    I would be more than willing to step in as a guardian/sponsor. I'm just concerned for this poor boy and I am wondering hat his options are or how to even begin the process of guardian/sponsorship. I can answer questions as needed for clarification.

    submitted by /u/clickreload
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    (VT) Gym sold my wife a $400+ massage package just a couple weeks before they closed.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 04:09 AM PDT

    As the title said, the owner of a gym sold my wife an expensive package of massages, then a few weeks later they turn around and close. Is there anything we can do to get our money back?

    submitted by /u/steeldragon69
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    Storage company "accidentally" sold belongings in unit at auction, need advice!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Hello fellow Redditors!

    Some background on the situation: This past summer, I stored all of my belongings in a unit with my brother at a well known corporate storage facility in Arizona while I was working in Alaska for the summer. A few months later while in Alaska, it was discovered that all of our belongings were sold at auction, even though I had made every single payment on time. Halfway thru the summer, we decided to move to a smaller unit at the same facility ( he was subletting my apartment while I was in AK and had moved most of his stuff in so the large unit was not necessary anymore so we thought to save $20-30/mo.) Lo and behold, the manager of the facility had us in "unit b" but in their system had us in "unit c". My brother noticed this and the site manager notated this discrepancy in our account, but never actually updated our account. The person in our "unit" stopped paying and they sold our stuff at auction.

    Collectively, we had about ~$22k worth of items in our unit. They are claiming to have no responsibility in the situation, even though we have recorded one of their regional managers admitting fault in the matter (AZ is a one-party consent state in regards to that).

    Since then, we've retained a lawyer to attempt to recoup the replacement value of said items. Due to the wording of the contract we signed, the company claims they are only liable for up to $5k. It should also be noted that they required renters insurance to rent from there, which they offered thru a 3rd party company, which we accepted when we initially started renting, but when we moved units, the insurance was cancelled and never reactivated (which would have prevented this legal problem in the first place.)

    Fast forward to now, we have reached a "settlement" with said company in which we basically are settling for their liability maximum ($5000) as stated by the contract we signed with them.

    We have not actually signed said settlement yet. But should we or should we continue to fight for the full amount that we have originally demanded (~$22k including our legal fees)? Everything in my body says to keep fighting, but we are not financially well off and this company has a full legal staff and we can't afford to fight their lawyers. Is there anything we can do or should we just roll over and take what they are offering just to be done with it? Any potential legal assistance is welcomed including resources in AZ for reduced fee/ pro Bono legal assistance.

    EDIT: We have two options either take the settlement or take the company to arbitration. We elected to settle because fuck them and we want to be done. We are worried this company is going to refuse to pay us and if so, we can't afford to take them into court for that. We are looking for direction to free or reduced fee legal assistance, Not your advice on what to do. If you think this situation is bullshit too, upvote it please!

    submitted by /u/punkrockpizza
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    Is it common for an officer's attorney to contact you to change a court date? Should I change it for him?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    So I had a traffic violation and I asked for a hearing and the judge ruled in favor of the officer. I wasn't convinced, so I appealed the court's ruling and they assigned a date for me in April. The officer's attorney contacts me to ask me to postpone, because the officer won't be able to show up! I told her it would be very inconvenient for me to do that! She said she will talk to the officer and see... She also mentions that I have a clean record and advised me to show up... (Not sure why would she advice me!)

    Does the officer not showing up result in me winning the case?

    The violation was not turning head lights at night time; (I was sure they were on)


    Location: West Chester, PA

    submitted by /u/DanasJl
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    Everyone wants money but kid should get it

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    I don't really post but have question: Background— My boyfriend lives with me in Michigan. His kids were over and my sister's dog bit his daughter, (everyone is totally ok). His ex-wife sued on behalf of minor daughter and got 50,000.

    Now ex-wife would like him to sign paper so she can be conservator of $. Ex-wife has some problems and we really want to make sure $$ is put away in trust that is only for college. She's just one of those moms that worries more about her nails than her kids education (one child (7) is failing out and the bitten child (5) has behavioral problems/being medicated for ADHD).

    I'm totally out of my league and have tried to do some basic research but any suggestions about what we should do would be great. The only silver lining of this whole ordeal was hoping the settlement would give this kid a better life.

    submitted by /u/penguinhighfives
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    Ex wants her cat back after being gone for over a year and I don't want to give the cat back

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    To preface, my ex girlfriend left me a little over a year ago and went to live in Australia for a few months before coming back to the States. She left her two cats with me to watch while she was gone. I didn't mind initially because they're sweet and I love animals. I also did not think it would take her as long to get back to retrieve them as it has. One of the cats, Rey, she adopted while we were together as a kitten. The other cat, Oliver she had since before we dated so I have no issue giving him back to her. Rey has grown up with me as her owner and I feel she has grown as attached to me and my dog, Walter, as I have to her. She and Walter play outside and run around chasing each other everyday, she comes to me when I call her from outside, sleeps with me every night, and sits on my lap while I work at my desk. I have also been footing the bill for food, toys, flea and tick medication, etc.. My ex wants to come back this weekend and get the cats but I do not want to give Rey back.. I called and tried to talk to her as a responsible adult and offered to compensate her for the initial adoption fee and medical expenses, however, she broke down into tears and became hysterical. My ex was always a hysterical person though so I figured that would happen.. I am now stuck as to what I should do.. If I give Rey back I will regret it and miss her horribly, but I am not a confrontational person and do not like starting fights and I already know this would cause a big one.. The intent was initially for me to look after the cats until my ex returned but she continuously delayed coming back to get them. I am adamant on keeping the cat but am curious if is there any sort of legal high ground I might have if small claims court became an issue. Looking for any help and/or advice as to what I should do. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/aalevine92
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    [NJ] Do bicyclists have to follow the laws of the road like cars?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    So I was at an busy intersection. The left most lane was for people to turn left on a green arrow. Im in the middle lane watching the cars turn left when all of a sudden this biker comes out and goes straight basically cutting off the cars turning left. My question is if he got hit would it have been his fault or the drivers fault? Im assuming the bicyclists fault since he was running a red light but do they have to stop at a red light like cars.

    submitted by /u/iid0rks
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    [IL] Doctor's office falsely claimed they were in-network, but they aren't and want to charge me full price

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    Pretty much as the title suggests, this is in Illinois. I called a doctor's office to make sure they were in-network with Aetna and they said they were. I get my notice from Aetna saying they aren't and I owe the doctor the full list price for services. I emailed the doctor's office a full explanation including the belief that they at least owe me a discounted price of in-network pricing but haven't heard back in a week.

    submitted by /u/speak2easy
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    I live on a lake and Spotters are keeping me up at night, what can I do? - Michigan

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    A few times a week spotters (A boat with bright lights and a generator looking for fish) drive by my house with a loud generator and light up my whole house waking me up. They drive by multiple times a night. I have gone to the police with little success. What can I do to keep them away from my house? I Just want to sleep.

    submitted by /u/alliso50
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    [NY] Should I pursue legal action against Verizon for falsely claiming I have debt?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    When I moved out of my apartment two years ago (October 2017), I called Verizon to cancel my internet service. They told me that I did not have to return the router and that I should leave it in the apartment. Days later, I got an email warning me of a possible "Unreturned Equipment Charge" of $100 if I failed to return the router by a certain date. I called Verizon (second time) and they told me the same information. Days later, I got ANOTHER email with the same warning. I called Verizon (third time) and they told me that they can see the notes from my previous calls, and that I should not have to worry about this issue again. When I asked for this in writing, they reassured me that there was no "confirmation email" for stuff like this and that they resolved the issue; I would not be charged the UEC. I never got any emails after that so I assumed the issue was resolved.

    Fast forward to today. I received a background check report for an apartment that I applied to and I saw that I had an outstanding debt of $113 to Verizon that went to a COLLECTIONS AGENCY. I called Verizon and they said that (1) they indeed have records of my calls AND their reps' notes of the situation, (2) this fee is indeed for the router that they instructed me to leave in the apartment, and (3) they would bill a ticket to "simply reverse the charge."

    I believe this false "debt" has affected my credit score, as my credit score is much lower even though I always pay my bills on time and have no other reason for a low score. I was recently rejected for a basic credit card and I'm worried that this may affect my chances of getting the apartment - through no fault of my own. I was never contacted regarding this debt.

    Is this something worth pursuing legal action against, since Verizon screwed me over? If not, what should I do to ensure that they will in any way make up for their mistake.

    The only evidence that I have are the records of my three calls (and the customer service representatives' notes) and an email that I sent to my landlord in November 2017, stating that I left the router in the apartment per the request of the Verizon representative.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/sususuo
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