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    Thursday, December 20, 2018

    Legal Advice 20+ years later, still paying for the mistakes of my youth

    Legal Advice 20+ years later, still paying for the mistakes of my youth

    20+ years later, still paying for the mistakes of my youth

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 04:41 AM PST

    I'm trying to figure out if there's anything I can do here short of applying for a pardon and hoping for the best.

    I live in Michigan, USA. In 1996-97 when I was 18-19 years old, I was charged with a pair of felonies and a misdemeanor, all in separate incidents because I was young, stupid, and made poor decisions. Destruction of property, theft of items from a motor vehicle over $5.00, and retail fraud (forgot to pay for gas at the gas station). The latter of the offenses was a legitimate mistake on my part but that really doesn't matter. The court cases for all three went pretty much the same way. Court appointed attorney recommended a guilty plea and he would petition for the minimum sentence. Stupid decisions on my part all around, but he did what he said and I served no jail time, received no probation, no community service. I paid restitution and court costs totaling less than $1000, much of which was restitution for the window that I broke.

    None of these details matter much in the grand scheme of things. The fact is that, because I have TWO felonies on my record, getting either of them expunged is out of the question. I feel like I've more than paid my debt to society for these mistakes but I am constantly reminded that I will continue paying for these mistakes.

    I work in IT Security as a consultant and while my employer is aware of my past, we will occasionally have clients request or perform their own background checks. This creates a problem for me at work as I am unable to work with certain clients (law enforcement, government, gaming, etc.) and I can't help but feel at some point, my employer will become tired of dealing with this restriction.

    I'm unable to officially be involved in anything school related with my two children. What I mean by this is that coaching, chaperoning, or any other involvement is prohibited because of my felonies. I was informed of this years ago when I simply picked my oldest son up from school and filled out paperwork to be able to do so, including fingerprints. I received a letter a couple of weeks later stating that, while I was not restricted from picking my son up from school, dropping him off, or entering the school, I was not allowed to accompany him on class field trips, coach any sports, or be otherwise involved in any school functions as a volunteer due to my criminal history. Trying to explain to a 6 year old why his father can't coach his baseball team when he knows that I played baseball in college or that I can't go on his field trip to the zoo with him and watching his heart break each and every time kills me. Both of my boys are old enough that I've now explained things to them, but that doesn't repair the damage I feel like I caused during their childhood by not being able to do those things.

    These are just a few of the many ways this impacts my life on what seems like a daily basis. I guess this post really has two purposes. 1) To see if there's anything else I can do short of applying for a pardon and 2) to serve as a cautionary tale. Everyone makes mistakes. Some of them, no matter how insignificant they may seem at the time, will stick with you for the rest of your life.

    submitted by /u/mi_throwaway_97
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    Squatters have kicked a family friend out of their own home and destroyed all their property

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 05:06 AM PST

    Happened in the state of Florida

    My mother has a friend who owns a nice 4,000 square foot lake house in our community, and in addition owns many other valuables like nice furniture, expensive guns, fine china and other things.

    Well one of the things she does with her time is take care of an elderly man three or four days a week, just because she can do it, and will usually spend the night with him. She had to pick him up from church over Thanksgiving break and one of the heads of the church asked if while she was taking care of the man a young couple could stay in her home for three days, and gave her 100$ compensation. She was of course suspicious, and in addition the Church vouched for the couple. She said yes and didn't think much of it.

    The next day she was getting a bad feeling about this couple and asked the church if they could take the check back and the couple could leave her home. Once again the church vouched for this seemingly nice couple. Well in Florida after four days squatters retain legals right to stay inside of a home, so while she was still taking care of the man, they went and got all of the bills put into their names, spray painted the living room and did many other things that were not very good (too many to be listed). But most importantly they got an injunction on her and her boyfriend, effectively kicking them out of their home and not allowing them within 500 feet of her own home.

    She tried the explain the situation to the Sheriff, but he told her she had ten minutes to get any personal belongings then had to go. Here is a list of stuff that is now destroyed by the couple: Fine China New Couch All Appliances (Sold) Living Room Wall Guns (Confiscated by Sheriff) Family Photos and many more.

    So is there anything she can do to get her property and her house back?

    EDIT: Two things I just learned: Woman has trouble with drugs and has been in and out of prison. The couple still has 60-90 left then will have to make another move.

    Thanks for the help.

    EDIT 2: Her lawyer company is closed until January 6th, she will not be able to take legal action until then.

    submitted by /u/Vro9ooo
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    Indiana. Friend works on a farm and was late today by a few minutes. Employer punishes employees for being late by deducting hourly wage by a $1 for 90 days. Is that legal to do?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 05:24 AM PST

    My neighbor is sending me fake lawyer letters. I consider this harassment but am not sure if I should lawyer up or just make a police report.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 07:22 AM PST

    [I feel that I have gotten adequate advice on what to do. Thank you everyone!]

    My neighbor just moved into our apartment building not too long ago and clearly has a problem with me for whatever reason. I've only seen her twice before the following event and both times I tried to introduce myself, she was very dismissive.

    For the past two weeks I have been sick and continuously coughing. About a week in she came to my door accusing me of smoking marijuana, which I obviously am not doing and didn't do before she moved in; it's probably smart to mention that I don't use candles or cook odd foods either. I also was very visibly sick and have doctors notes to prove this. None of my other neighbors smoke, and our property manager lives on our floor, so I'm not sure what her problem is.

    This week I have started to get letters from her "lawyers" claiming that I am illegally smoking and that if I continue I will be pursued by law. The letters are obviously fake/shopped, however I've kept them all for obvious reasons. I took the first letter as a joke but now have three and am wanting to pursue something because this is harassment. Quite honestly I think she is prejudiced against my age or race due to how she's treated other people, but that is probably beside the point (outside of written letters of support from my neighbors). How should I go about pursuing this? I don't want to charge her with anything and don't have the money to take her to court, but I want this to stop. [Indiana, USA]

    submitted by /u/JustScrollinThrough
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    Suing for medical expenses after disaster wedding? [MN, USA]

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 10:23 PM PST

    Relevant background information: my husband has a condition called osteogenesis imperfecta, which makes his bones very fragile and susceptible to fractures. He uses a wheelchair because his bones are too weak to support his body weight.

    This past weekend, we attended a friend's wedding. There was a (again, relevant info) fairly heavy young woman at our table who was drinking heavily, and was flirting very aggressively with my husband throughout the evening. I found out later that she's a cousin of the bride. He was very polite, but eventually started rebuffing her with decreasingly gentle hints, and told her that he was gay and that his husband was sitting right next to him.

    A bit later, some tables were cleared and dancing began, which led us to believe that we were off the hook. The woman who had been bothering us was dancing with another guy, so we sat at the edge of the improvised dance floor and watched. After a while, however, she had disentangled from her dance partner and was dancing near us with a couple of female friends. Right as a song was ending, she leaned backward in an attempted flourish of sorts and "tripped" and ended up right in my husband's lap.

    As I mentioned earlier, his bones are not up to supporting a ~200 lb weight suddenly dropping on him, and she ended up breaking both of his femurs and one of his ribs. It was a disaster -- we had to call an ambulance, he needed surgery on his right leg, he had to stay in the hospital for 4 nights, and he's going to be stuck in a spica cast for a good long while. We do have decent health insurance, but it's looking like we can expect to pay ~$3000 out of pocket for the healthcare he received. Honestly, we don't have that kind of money lying around.

    Our friend who got married has been in touch and was extremely apologetic about the situation. He and his new wife were absolutely not at fault, and I'd like to drag them through the mud as little as possible. I am, however, wondering if it is possible to sue the cousin at fault for the medical bills we now owe. After an evening of aggressive flirting, I frankly don't believe that she came over to us and then happened to fall exactly in my husband's lap purely by accident, but I don't have any proof that it was intentional. I'm certain that she didn't have any malicious intent, and that she had no idea that she was going to hurt him so badly by plopping herself on him the way she did. Even if it was purely a drunken stumble, does she bear any liability for the injuries she caused, even if they were unintentional?

    Neither of us have contacted her at all since the wedding -- we'd never met beforehand, and I don't know quite how to casually ask a stranger for thousands of dollars. Based on her behavior at the wedding (the actions above, plus the fact that she peaced out as soon as it became apparent that she'd really hurt my husband, and she didn't get in touch again) I suspect that she's not going to be super willing to pitch in for medical expenses. Do we have any kind of case against her? Is it worth hiring a lawyer, or is that just going to add to the pit of debt that this wedding has put us into?

    submitted by /u/nightmarewedding
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    Dog walker did not follow directions when instructed not to take the muzzle off. Is trying to sue for medical bills & pain/suffering. Thoughts?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 12:40 PM PST

    This occurred in Virginia.

    A little backstory for more context.

    I went out of town and hired a dog walker to walk/feed my dog. She advertised herself as a professional dog walker for 4 years. I advised her that since my dog was unfamiliar with her that the dog would be muzzled for her safety and for his. I specifically instructed her to not take the muzzle off. For clarity, he is able to eat with the muzzle on.

    A few hours later, I get a text message from her saying that my dog had bitten her in the face. This took me completely by surprise as I had taken the necessary precautions to avoid such a situation from occurring.

    I promptly call her on the phone to see what happened. She admits that she took the muzzle off to feed him and that she got her face close to him while he was eating.

    As a professional, I would have expected her to:

    1. Get in contact with me before deciding that it was okay to take his muzzle off
    2. Know better than to take a muzzle off a muzzled dog
    3. Know better than to stick her face close to any animal when it's eating

    She is now trying to seek full compensation for her medical bills and pain/suffering.

    What is everyone's thoughts/stance on this? Am I liable to compensate her for medical bills and pain/suffering?

    Edit1: Added location. Edit 2: Provided clarity that the design of the muzzle allows the dog to eat.

    submitted by /u/dumpoffaccount416
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    Is my high school breaking the law by locking the doors open?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 07:41 AM PST

    My high school, in an effort to stop the use of vaporizers, has decided to make it a policy to keep the bathroom doors open at all times. By the way that the doors are set up, there are almost always clear views into the bathroom, and students have raised the issue that it could be an invasion of privacy, however, no one has found any definitive evidence as to if this is legal or not. At some angles, you can see into the restroom where you can see the sinks and the people using them, but you cannot see any urinals or toilets. Often times the smell of feces roam the hallways, and you can hear people during class that are in the bathrooms. I understand that this is the school's response to our crisis of vaping but it seems to make no difference because people still vape and smoke in the stalls where they aren't visible.

    Other issues that my school bathrooms have is the fact that some bathrooms are locked closed making a person go to the other side of the school just to go to the bathroom. There's one bathroom in particular that remains locked 24/7 for no obvious reason. Often times the bathrooms have no soap dispensers or soap in the dispenser. And some of the dispensers can be opened causing me to question whether or not the soap inside has been tampered with. My schools location is in Massachusetts and is fairly large with 2,200 students.

    All of these issues make me feel uncomfortable to use the restrooms in my own school. Are any of these issues breaking the law and is there anything I can to stop these problems?

    submitted by /u/bathroomproblems
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    [Update] [MO] Hospital won’t provide interpreters for childbirth classes because it’s voluntary.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 04:15 PM PST

    Here is the original thread.

    Now that all of the circus is over, I feel comfortable enough to update you on all what panned out.

    Soon after the original post, I escalated my case all the way up the chain to the hospital's attorney, and got the policy in writing via email. Armed with that information, I did thorough research on legal settlements between the Department of Justice and various medical facilities, as well as reaching out to a couple of local deaf advocacy organizations. The advocacy organizations gave me feedback on how to negotiate with the hospital. I then wrote a very polite and factual letter to the hospital attorney citing several cases. Two days after I sent the letter to the attorney, the hospital informed me that they would provide me my preferred accommodation. That should have been the end of the battle, right? No, it was not!

    I attended childbirth classes, and they did provide interpreters. I was satisfied with the service, but I noted that one of them is not very well-qualified. I heard through the grapevine that this certain interpreter at the classes, let's call her Shirley, has absolutely no ethical standards, and got fired from her previous interpreting gig for going on news camera regarding a sexual assault case at a local high school, where she worked. So, I noted to myself, "if Shirley shows up during labor, she'll be fired." Later on, I learned she is not licensed to interpret in medical settings, so that was huge relief to me.

    On my due date, discharge and contractions started so we headed off to the labor and delivery ward at 10 pm. I was assigned with video remote interpreter (VRI) while we were waiting for a live interpreter to arrive. Oh boy, that was a disaster. First, the screen was so blurry that I couldn't even see the interpreter clearly. Second, if we closed the door to the exam room (where I was naked from the waist down), the WiFi connection cut out... so video feed got cut. Third, the computer went into automatic updates and that couldn't be stopped.... therefore, no interpreter for 30 minutes. It was a relief when the on-site interpreter showed up for the night. I got sent home the next morning, because the nurses determined the baby was not coming anytime soon.

    Five days later, at my routine OB/GYN appointment, I got admitted immediately to the L&D ward because my water HAD broken. The interpreter from the appointment remained with me as I got admitted, but she couldn't stay for rest of the evening. They then called for a replacement interpreter and we couldn't really do anything until the replacement arrived. The nurses then said they found one to stay overnight with me. Great!

    When the replacement interpreter came in… it was fucking SHIRLEY. I immediately got agitated, and she mis-translated everything. EVERYTHING. (Husband is Hearing, and witnessed Shirley mis-interpreting important medical information the nurses were telling me.) I texted my husband to tell the nurses to kick Shirley out of the room. NOW. Fortunately, the nurses were able to discreetly remove her from the room and replaced her with a VRI. I was never so excited to have a VRI... that's how bad Shirley was. It was the very first time I have fired an interpreter on the spot, and I don't regret it.

    For the rest of my labor, I got competent on-site interpreters of both genders. At this point, I didn't care who saw my hoo-ha. In fact, it was good that I placed a request with the hospital for on-site interpreters for two reasons:

    1) The anesthesiologist refused to administer my epidural without an on-site interpreter, and

    2) There were multiple complications during labor, culminating in an emergency cesarean section. We all are healthy and thriving now.

    Now an update on Shirley. Knowing that she was not licensed to work in a medical setting, I reported her to the Missouri State Committee of Interpreters. She's currently on three years' probation, and for every interpreting gig, she has to run it by the State Committee for approval. It is a bit of a non-punishment because she doesn't care about the legalities; if she did, she would have never accepted the job to interpret at my delivery. She was not supposed to interpret for any medical procedure, and she did it anyway in violation of the law.

    Here is a juicy but irrelevant tidbit! I was talking with my deaf friend from out of state about Shirley... my friend recognized her, in horror, and told me about her experience with Shirley! My friend took her son to an allergist for suspected peanut and dairy allergies several years ago. Shirley was there as an interpreter and told my friend that the allergies were figments of her imagination and that feeding her son soy milk would make him gay. Holy Fuck. So glad I fired her!

    submitted by /u/deafpreglady
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    Stalker/teacher vs student

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 12:51 PM PST

    I don't feel comfortable sharing which state but we are in New England...

    LONG story kind of short - my mom is a (art) college professor and started receiving anonymous "love notes" on her office door (probably almost two years ago at this point). Security had to start walking her to her car and if she met with any students in her office security had to be present because they were unsure of who was leaving the notes. They ended up installing cameras outside her office and found out who it was (one of her female students).

    This student, who has been spoken to about the matter, continues to stalk my mom in the weirdest ways:

    • She makes sure she's at school events she knows my mom will be at even if she has no business being there/unrelated to her major

    • she sits where my mom can see her while she's working in her office and she is in the classroom across the hall

    • she constantly posts about my mom on social media, sometimes really rude/inappropriate comments

    • she draws and paints pictures of my mom and creates books about her for her projects

    My mom said if one more thing happens she is filing a restraining order. How should my mom go about this? I'm only asking because it is extremely frustrating to me that the school has done nothing but tell this girl she can't take classes taught by my mom and that she can't approach her. I imagine if this was a male student a lot more would have been done for her.

    submitted by /u/Dpchmd
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    Recently took a job, starting to get really worried about all the red flags being thrown at me.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 05:52 AM PST

    I recently accepted a job, being told it was $15/hr for a very specific job. On the first day of training, I was informed the $15/hr was for an entirely different, additional job to what wasn't in the job listing and discussed in the interview. What I thought I was being hired for was $9/hr, and being called an independent contractor job. The employer did no paperwork whatsoever to indicate me working there, contractor or not.
    Also, I was informed the first three days of training I would be paid a flat rate of $50/day. Well, now a couple weeks into the job, I'm still being given reasons that I'm still "in training" and still getting paid the $50. Also, the pay I've received so far has just been cash handed to me. At this point I feel like I should get away from this as quickly as possible. Just wanted some advice on what to do in this situation.
    Thanks for reading!
    Edit: I am in the United States, In Florida.

    submitted by /u/Thomas_Vaylain
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    Guy I dated wants money from trip back

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 11:14 AM PST

    Location: Portugal


    I met a guy on a dating app a few months ago.

    He invited to go to Asia, booked a flight and an hotel for me, in my name. I gave him my passport information so that he could book the room.

    I went to Asia and stayed in the hotel he booked. When I checked in, no one asked me for any card or any form of payment.

    I met him for dinner and went back to my hotel room alone. The next day, he asked to meet for dinner again and told me to wait in the lobby of my hotel. I waited and he never appeared.

    I stayed another night sleeping in the room. The next day, he texted me saying he was sorry for not having appeared. Then I asked if the hotel expenses are all covered and he said to not worry, everything was charged to him. The hotel also never asked me for anything. That day I left the country and went back to my country in Europe. When I got back I sent messages saying thanks for the trip but never got any messages from him back. He hasn't said anything since the trip.

    This trip was on nov 2 to nov 4.

    Two days ago, I got an unknown phone number calling me around 20 times.

    I picked it up and couldn't hear anything, I think it was a communication problem. Then I started getting messages from that number. It was the guy from the trip. He said he had important information to tell me. He said I had to give him back the money of the flight and the hotel where I stayed. The hotel never sent me anything to pay. I asked him to send me the hotel bills and he didn't said anything. He said the hotel is waiting for payment and that he shared my details with them. I haven't been contacted by the hotel.

    He said he found out all my private information by asking to the embassy. He said he is sending someone from a finance agency to my house so I pay everything back. I don't know what to do.

    I also found out that on nov 3rd there was an email (that I didn't notice at the time) from the hotel saying my room was canceled. I checked in on nov 2nd and stayed there until nov 4th. I don't understand how would the hotel let me stay on the night of nov 3 if the room was canceled on that day. The hotel didn't expeled me from the room or anything.

    submitted by /u/needhelpchina23
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    Retrieving a suicide note

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 08:41 AM PST

    Trying to help out a coworker, her father passed few years back and she was recently informed there was a suicide note. She has attempted to gain access to the police file hoping to find the note, but was denied because she is not listed on the report. She sent he brother, who was listed but the police apparently refused to give it to him. What options does she have? She was not told of the note until recently and she would like to see it.

    Edit: I am in Michigan

    submitted by /u/tcguy71
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    [MA] Grandmother took a prescription that is now being recalled for it being tainted and causing cancer, which she got.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 11:15 AM PST

    My grandmother took the drug valsartan that was prescribed by her Dr. It's currently under recall for being tainted and causing cancer. Some time after taking the valsartan, she did in fact get cancer, and beat it thankfully. She asked me to look into seeing if there is a way to bring legal action. When you google it there are a few sites saying to call and they'll help. I've never done anything like this so just asking what are advised steps to getting my grandmother compensated for the trouble she went through.

    submitted by /u/Digi_Wrath
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    (Canada)(also Cali)Worried about Identity Theft after receiving email about rental car being taken out under my old legal name.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 01:39 PM PST

    So a few weeks ago I received an email from Enterprise, a receipt and rental agreement for a car being taken out under the name I used to be legally from Encinitas, CA. I live in Alberta Canada but used to live in Texas, I have never been to California. The email this was sent to could have been guessed if the person just happened to have the same name as it was firstnamelastname@gmail dot com and no middle name was mentioned in the email, so maybe it was just a coincidence, but I am still quite worried.

    Now my name has been legally changed for 3 years now but I did live in the US when i was younger under that name. When I lived in the US i had a social security number under that name, it has not been changed since I haven't been back there in quite a while, but my social insurance number has been changed to my new legal name in Canada.

    My question is: do I need to worry about this? Can this effect my credit rating in Canada somehow? How about if I decide to move back to the US?

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayforlegalQ
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    Employer wants to hold a weeks pay to adjust to their new payroll schedule. They sent an email today asking for us to sign and return by December 24th or we automatically lose a weeks pay. Is this legal?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 01:57 PM PST

    My exceedingly evil employer currently submits payroll biweekly on Wednesday's for that week and the previous week. This means they are paying employees for that weeks Thursday and Friday before they actually work those days. Not a huge issue unless someone quits on a Wednesday night or are sick and they are paid for the last two days.

    So they want to delay it by a week like everyone else does, and instead submit payroll on Wednesday's for the previous two weeks. In order to do this they say they will have to hold a weeks pay to adjust to the new payroll, which means our next paycheck will be halved.

    This is obviously an issue for most of our employees as and most live paycheck to paycheck. They offered a weeks payday loan that will be deducted biweekly starting January (deduction amount is not clear).

    Besides being completely unethical and choosing the worse possible week of the year to do this, and giving us only 4 days (one work day) to respond, is this legal under current Florida law?

    submitted by /u/StellarCollapse
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    [VA] Put my kid in a closet, instantly regretted it. Where do I go from here?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 07:46 AM PST

    Throwaway here. I'm a single parent to my 8 year old son. A couple days ago, I had a bit of incident that I need advice on.

    My son had recently gotten in trouble at school. This was a repeat offense of something he had already been told to stop doing twice before. My concern was that his (non-violent) offense was against another kid, and that another incident would result in his being suspended. After the second offense, I had come down hard, but it apparently didn't sink in.

    So, I was in full "angry parent" mode, and after school he was supposed to be doing extra chores as part of his punishment. Well, he was goofing off, and that set me off. And here is where I screwed up.

    I took my son to a closet and told him to sit down in it for time-out. It was a large closet (enough for me to walk in easily), and it had a light source. A few minutes after I had put him in there, I realized that this was excessive and inappropriate, and I took him out. It didn't seem to shake him too much; I apologized to him and told him I would never have him spend time-out in a closet again. This is the worst thing I've ever done to him, and I feel horrible about what I did. I'm also very scared.

    While I have the majority of custody of my son, his mother also has some time with him (4 days a month). I do strongly believe that he is better with me than his mother, and I am afraid my actions may have jeopardized custody. I have a strict no-lying and no secrets policy with my son, so asking him to keep this a secret is a non-starter. I've discussed this incident with family, and that has helped in mapping out strategies for how to parent in a better manner (e.g. don't punish while mad). What I need to do now is figure out how to protect the custody of my son, while at the same time addressing remediations for the underlying issues of this situation. So a couple questions:

    1. Are my actions likely to have an impact on custody if my ex-wife finds out? Is this "drop everything and get a lawyer" time?
    2. I've been in the process of getting my son to see a child psychologist. Will I encounter issues with mandated reporting if this incident comes up? Likewise, if I sought counseling just for myself, would the mandated reporter issue be a concern?
    submitted by /u/Badclosetparent
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    [NJ] Newegg lost my package and won't refund me

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 06:50 AM PST

    I purchased PC components on 10/29/18, one of the items came dead on arrival. I contacted Newegg and they told me that they'd file the RMA through my records, mail it to "action packaging" (the address was provided in the box on a return sheet) and they'd take care of the rest.

    Fast forward to last week, I was on newegg to purchase a new PCIE card for my PC and my account was suspended. I contacted them and they said due to not receiving the return package, my account was suspended. UPS delivered it to Action Packaging and someone by the name of "smith" signed for it, and then they lost it.

    Now Newegg says that because their sister company lost the products, they can't file the refund and i'm basically out of luck.

    I tried to contact the corporate office, who directed me to the 1800 number, I've been in correspondence with a twitter support representative by the name of Ernie. With no luck.

    I filed a claim with the Better Business Bureau the other day and another associate gave me the same response. "we can't do anything because we don't have the package"

    (Also i'm in NJ and Newegg's Headquarters are in California)

    submitted by /u/Aildaris
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    Florida, ex-husband died and never took ex-wife off the mortgage.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 02:12 PM PST

    The two divorced 11 years ago. Before the divorce he had her sign some paper work that took her off the deed to the house and also took out a home equity loan with his and her name.

    Over the years she has tried to ask the bank to take her off the loans and ask him to sign her off the loans, with no cooperation on his part.

    He died recently. He has four children, all adults, all with different mothers. All pretty detached from each other. One of his older ones came down to look for a will, didn't find anything, changed his locks, and from the sounds of it, does not seem interested in the house, but also doesn't seem interested in cooperating with my mother on this issue.

    What can she do to avoid all this debt now?

    submitted by /u/SoftEnix
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    Children's Father took daughters phone away, and wont give it back to even me. Is "keeping it til shes older".

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 02:56 PM PST

    Updated; I went down to the police station, pressed the issue about filing a police report. They had an officer call me within about 5 minutes. He didnt seem to eager to help, he wanted to say it was just a domestic dispute. I explained to him what I am reporting is a theft, he has my property and will not return it. He offered to give him a call to him to see what he had to say. He called back saying he will return it ASAP. It was returned about 5 minutes later.

    My daughter is 13 years old, and me and her dad share custody 50/50, we have been divorced for 6 years. We live in California.

    My daughter does quite a few extra curricular activities, can also leave school with parents permission during lunch and after school and it is important for her to be able to be in contact with me during these times shes not supervised by a parent or guardian. She also walks home from the bus stop with her brother quite a few blocks away while I'm at work, and having that extra safety net of communication is important for me and for her to keep her safe. Me and her dad talked about getting her a phone about a year ago, and he agreed it would be a good idea and would split the bill. I guess he didn't check with his girlfriend before he gave his approval and the first time my daughter brought her phone over there, his girlfriends daughter, who is the same age, threw a fit because she doesn't have a phone. The girlfriend, decided my daughter can not bring her phone over there anymore and all of a sudden he takes back his decision to allow my daughter to have a phone. Well its already paid for, plan is already in place, and its nice being able to communicate with her. Oh well....so he tells my daughter what his gf wont know wont hurt her. And allows her to bring her phone over as long as she keeps it hidden from evil step girlfriend. Well this past weekend, evil step girlfriend found the phone and took it away from my daughter. My ex dropped my daughter off and said she got in trouble, blamed my daughter for bringing her phone over, and said they will be keeping the phone. Its an upgrade her and I just saved up money for so she can take nice pictures. Paid about $350 used for it. I told him I will take the phone then and she will not bring it over there anymore. He said no, he will be keeping the phone. Its on my plan, paid for by my daughters savings and I helped pay for the other half.

    He works in law enforcement for the local PD and uses this "bullying" attitude whenever he can against me. He does this kind of stuff all the time, but has never taken something of mine with no intention of returning it. He laughed when I told him I would call the local PD, because he has that above the law attitude. I ended up calling the police department and they said it was a civil matter. I know this is a small matter, and my daughter doesn't really even NEED a cell phone, but I'm paying for the monthly service and paid for the phone I want it back. Any suggestions on how to deal with this?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway9568412
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    Bad boob job (Ft. Worth, TX)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 06:46 AM PST

    I had breast implants in May and since they seem to have settled to where they will be, according to my doctor. One hasn't dropped where the other has, so they are uneven. This us unsettling to me, because having uneven breasts is why I got implants. The doctor has said there is nothing he can do to fix it, unless I dish out another five grand. I already paid eight, which is more than most doctors quoted me. But, he seemed to have the best reputation and results so it seemed worth it.

    I want to know if I have any rights. I don't want to go to court. But, I feel like there must be something that can be done.

    submitted by /u/iheartegon
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    [CA] Looked into getting Solar. Installer said my house was ready for solar. I sign a contract. Now suddenly my roof needs to be replaced and I need new electrical service. I can't afford this anymore. What can I do?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 11:40 AM PST

    I thought I was going to be a forward-thinking homeowner who makes environmentally responsible decisions.

    I looked at a couple of companies. The company I went with sent a guy to walk on my roof and check my electrical service to give to the engineers. They told me the roof was fine and I wouldn't have to do anything to the electrical. So I signed the contract and got a loan for a solar array.

    Several months would pass before I could get a team out to my house to perform the installation. When they arrived, the install team told me that they would not recommend installation because the roof is old and should be replaced. The company apologizes and pays for a big chunk of the re-roofing. It's not an amazing looking roof, but I'm not going to complain about getting a roof at discount. I'm out several thousand dollars out of pocket.

    Another month or so passes before the installers can come back. It goes off without a hitch. I wait another month for the City inspector to sign off on my system. The inspection fails. The City can't find record of the permit for the electrical panel.

    So the install company told me I need to get a permit or replace the panel. Now I'm at the Permit department waiting in line to see if I can get a permit for the existing panel. I'm afraid they're going to tell me I need to get engineering, plans, and upgrades done to get my panel approved because my house is old. I absolutely cannot afford to upgrade my utilities out of pocket like this.

    I don't know what the hell I am doing. The installer is not answering my questions and just tells me they are "escalating" my situation. When the loan kicks in I'll be paying out effectively 2x in bills for electricity and a nonfunctional solar array.

    I feel like a rube who walked into a meat grinder. I don't care about solar anymore. I just want to get out of this hole. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Yokobiki_Tatebiki
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    We’ve been without consistent water or toilet for 8 days because we have an old landlord who thinks he can handle the work himself. What can we do? MA

    Posted: 19 Dec 2018 08:21 PM PST

    We are renting an adorable Colonial house, meaning a literal, built-in-1790, colonial house. Our landlords live in the attached converted barn. It's really a lovely place and we are very happy. Except...

    There has been a persistent mild leak (a drop or two every few days) coming from the bathroom upstairs since before we moved in this September. This past Wednesday, our landlord, who is likely in his 70s, came over, let himself in, and started working on trying to fix it.

    If you know anything about plumbing, especially old plumbing, for every one thing you fix, two more leaks spring up. This led to us having minimal water for showers, the toilet, and kitchen use at the end of the day (he left the water main "slightly" on so we could get a trickle but not fill the giant trash barrel catching the leak; water had to be turned off at night and during the day for work) from Wednesday until Saturday. We were told he was leaving the ceiling open in case it started leaking again.

    And leak it did. We had bowls everywhere, and they were catching gross brown water. At which point I remembered the toilet overflowing with poop water the day we moved in. The poop water flowed into the rotted gap in the floor around the toilet, into the ceiling, and into the living room. The current water leak was flushing all the old poop water into the living room.

    Now, we have nice landlords. But the guy is like my grandfather who won't hire anyone for anything. He can fix it, but it takes forever and never gets done right. Frankly, we needed peace after 4 days of him in our house, so I waited until Monday morning to let him know it was still in issue. I wrote him a nice but firm email that he needed to hire a plumber because we couldn't live with the poop water or the intrusion into our lives. I followed up by leaving a message on his phone, letting him know about the email, reiterating the need for a plumber. I also stated in the email that if he didn't have a plumber booked by Tuesday, I would hire one and put the cost towards the rent. When Tuesday came around with no response, I called again before finding my own plumber.

    My landlord was very responsive and apologetic. Then he took several plumbing contacts from me. He came back a few hours later and said that he had called a bunch of places and couldn't get a call back, so he was "just going to replace it all with PEX piping".

    Right before Christmas, I'm not shocked he would have a hard time finding a plumber, and I didn't think I had the right to force him to hire one, so he started replacing the pipes today. Any guesses what happened? Giant leak from new places. He insists the PEX coupling is leaking, which perhaps it is, but we have no water. Again.

    He said he left it on a touch so we could use the water in the kitchen. Even that won't flow. He suggested we could just turn it on for the showers but I turned it slightly up to get a glass of water and the giant plastic container filled up nearly half way.

    Right now I'm at a hotel. I really could use some help understanding my options, because I need to balance my need for a freaking toilet with water/living room without poop water with my need to live next to the guy for the next year.


    submitted by /u/MOGicantbewitty
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    My friend was drunk so I drove her car and we got in an accident, now she wants to sue me and is denying the fact she was drunk—does she have a case?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2018 02:40 AM PST

    After a party, my friends and I woke up to go home. However, my friend who owned the car and drove us there was still drunk that morning. So naturally I took the keys and drove us home. We got in an accident on the freeway, it had rained the night before and the roads were slick. When I went to break, the car hydroplaned and we rear-ended the car in front of us. My Friend's car was totaled but no one was injured luckily.

    Now, the problem is that we are 20. Because of this fact, I did not tell my parents that I was basically being the DD. She only has liability insurance and therefore is getting no money for her totaled car. Obviously I feel awful, even though the same crash could've happened with anyone behind the wheel, so I offered to help.

    We agreed to 1,500 which we've already paid. However, I have decided not to give her the other 1,500 we agreed upon due to how she's handling everything. Her and her mother are being manipulative and trying to get more money from us and lying about the worth of their car. My friend is also blatantly denying being drunk that morning (although I have witnessed who would say otherwise).

    It didn't feel right to pay her back the entire cost of the car because we pay a lot for our insurance so we'd be covered in a similar accident. My insurance will not cover anything from this accident.

    I ended up informing my friend I will not be giving her the other 1,500 because she is lying about being drunk and putting all the blame on me. Legally, I don't think I owe hers anything?She is threatening to take us to court and I have told my mom now that my friend was drunk.

    If she takes us to court, does she have a case? She let me drive her car—there was no other option really since she was drunk—but it ended up totaled. I am at fault since it was a rear-end accident but it wasn't due to any negligence on my part. I feel awful that this happened but it's rubbing me the wrong way that she's lying and trying to get more money. Does she have a chance of winning if this goes to court?

    This happened in Seattle, Washington.

    submitted by /u/fuckkmahlife
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