• Breaking News

    Monday, March 7, 2022

    Accounting KPMG exits Russia and Belarus

    Accounting KPMG exits Russia and Belarus

    KPMG exits Russia and Belarus

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 01:24 PM PST

    Another astute tax observation

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 04:02 PM PST

    PwC announced today - it will no longer have the Russian member firm in the PwC network

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 11:21 AM PST

    Just announced

    submitted by /u/Aggressive_Ocelot788
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    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 11:53 AM PST

    As a once motivated and hard working person eager to succeed in my career, 1.5 years in I have Developed a severe attitude problem towards my team and the work I do. I’m not sure what’s happened to me?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 01:37 PM PST

    Brain drain in public accounting

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 06:30 PM PST

    Anyone else (people who were around pre-COVID) feel like there's been a serious brain drain in this industry? Been in public for 4 years now and it just seems like quality and people who stick around get worse and worse. I feel like when I was in early college and reading boards around online, people who act like you had a low shot at Big 4 with anything below a 3.5 (and even scoffed at below a 3.7) where now it practically seems like anything goes so long as you don't have a 2.5 or shit (whether that's a good indicator or not isn't the premise of my point but rather an example of dropping standards).

    Seniors I've worked with in FDD, once pretty competitive and now will take anyone with a pulse, typically take zero responsibility or use common sense when doing their work. And when I was in my last year of audit, I'd be amazed at what the people I was working with would say or do, whether staff or senior, in their work papers and I'd have to clean it up after they rolled off.

    Has anyone else who's been around notice this? What does this mean for the next few years because some of these people who are now recently managers or sniffing manager promotions would have no business coming near it 10 years ago. I genuinely feel like a manager title in big 4 doesn't really mean jackshit these days if you're somebody in the know. I get the pay isn't great but it never was to begin with, and yea the great resignation but I feel like this has been ramping up over the past 10 years based on what I used to hear in school / individuals who I saw go big 4 / mid tier and what I am now seeing today.

    submitted by /u/George_Seeers
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    What was your starting salary after graduating with a bachelors degree?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 02:01 PM PST

    What was your first job after getting your bachelors in accounting and what was your salary? Anyone in nyc?

    submitted by /u/Recent-Sky3311
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    AITA for leaving like this?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 04:00 PM PST

    Ok so this is an AITA post but I need feedback from other Accountants so I hope this is the right place to ask this.

    Preface: I've been at my current job for 7 years. Started out as the Accounting Assistant and have worked my way up to Staff Accountant, then Senior Accountant. The turnover in this place is unreal. I've had 6 CFOs, 4 Controllers, 4 CEOs the list goes on.

    The situation is this: at this point, they've reduced the dept to just me and my 3 direct reports. My direct reports only handle AP, AR and collections. Everything else is on me-- taxes, month end, benefits, payroll, rebate & commission calculations, treasury management, Netsuite admin, year end audits etc. We've also divested half the company and I'm responsible for the accounting work related to the transition. I'm burned out. I've talked to my superiors and only now, 6 months later that they sense my unhappiness did they offer to get a temp to help for 10 hours/wk. However my responsibilities have not changed.

    The culture is... Indescribably toxic. So much so, that while I'm generally super transparent and straight forward, I never told them I was on the market. If I did, they would have retaliated and not paid me my 2021 bonus. The timing has worked out perfectly for me-- my bonus was put into this week's payroll and I just accepted an offer and am ready to resign. I plan to resign tomorrow after I release payroll.

    Here comes the question: am I the a-hole for resigning like this? Giving them 2 weeks is laughable-- in 6 months my CFO has never signed into NetSuite or our bank site. There is literally no one in the dept that can do what I do and I doubt they'll find someone in time for me to transition my tribal knowledge to.

    submitted by /u/Extension_Royal_3375
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    updated quickbooks retained earnings warning

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 11:46 PM PST

    Finding out Riddler’s daytime job in The Batman.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 04:40 PM PST

    Has anyone ever experienced busy season ruining your relationships? What did you do?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 06:56 PM PST

    Hey ya'll, let me just say first if you took a break out of your crazy work weeks to read this let alone answer I appreciate you. I'm not an accountant but my boyfriend is (Public, Big 4) and it has been rough on his mental health and our relationship. He's a people pleaser and his work definitely takes advantage of him because of it. I should mention this is only his 2nd year and we're only about 7 months into our relationship. (We don't live together)

    He hasn't been himself. He's the sweetest, kindest person. He still is, but lately he's been a little snappy, moody, etc. He's lost 15 pounds since late December from stress.

    I've been ok with not seeing him as much and been supportive from the start, but it just seems like he can't separate work from home and it's really been straining us. We'll hangout and he'll be on edge the entire time talking about work, I'll ask him if he thinks we could see eachother sometime this week and he gets upset because he'll try to set something up and then have to work later than he thought. I tell him it's ok and that I understand. He's been super stressed, even got in a fight with his mom and didn't answer her calls for a few days. He told me a little over a week ago that he thinks we should take a break because he was too stressed out and depressed. I was crushed. He called me about 2 days ago and it seems like he's rethinking the break that he suggested but I still think I'm gonna give him some space until he outright says otherwise. I was upset at first that he suggested a break in the first place but I know he's not in the best state of mind lately and am now understanding of it. Things have been so great with him and us up until a few weeks ago.

    Has anyone ever experienced straining of their relationships during this time of year? Do I just continue to give him some space until the season is over (while letting him know I'm here for him)? He's been hating his life and wants to quit his job and I keep telling him I support him in whatever he does but it's been really rough and I hate seeing him like this :/

    submitted by /u/saammieeee
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    “We are filing timely”

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 01:54 PM PST

    "We are filing timely" is the biggest lie I've heard working as a tax associate. Been told "we are filing this return timely" on multiple projects (so 3/15 for the partnerships/Scorps). Was told this to make me think finishing the return is more urgent than it really is. Looked at the prior year files and every year, the clients get an extension and end up filing the actual return over the summer. Surprise, next week I'm scheduled to get the extensions put together for these clients. I thought we were filing timely?

    submitted by /u/dsm1324
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    How was your jump from B4 audit to industry?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 04:44 PM PST

    So for context, I'm a second year in audit at Deloitte and once my senior promo comes, I want to make the move to industry. However, I feel like my knowledge is very audit-specific. I worry about interviewing for an industry job because I feel like the broad accounting knowledge I have is kind of minimal at this point when it comes to how company's actually do things? I'm probably just overthinking it, but I'm curious to know how people's jumps to industry went for them knowledge-wise. Did you feel a knowledge gap at all/was it difficult to transition? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Ok_Decent
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    Busy season scars anyone?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 10:36 PM PST

    Has anyone else here developed eye, back, neck, or some other form of ailment during busy season?

    submitted by /u/Girthlandia
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    What pdf tool do you use at your accounting firm?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 08:54 AM PST

    I used to work with EY before and there they use something called PDF tools for basically anything like adding/removing/organising/extracting in pdf files. I am currently working for Deloitte and here they only have basic acrobat reader. I asked the IT guy if they would install something for editing pdfs and he seems like he was surprised, as if i asked him to install Minecraft on my laptop.

    submitted by /u/Key_Communication977
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    Is 40k too low for entry-level staff?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 07:08 AM PST

    I live in a lcol area, but upon joining this thread I've seen most people start at around 45-60k. Granted, it's an industry position, but still the company is global. At the time of accepting this position, I was straight out of college with no experience other than my degree. I got rejected a lot because of this, but this company made an offer to me and I accepted immediately. Only now do I feel like I've been shorted. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/CursedPineapples
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    Can someone explain to me why part 2 of problem P5-2 is a future value and not a present value annuity?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 10:13 PM PST

    CPA outlook for a mid career change

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 06:26 PM PST

    I am currently working on fulfilling my requirements for taking the CPA and getting a BA in accounting after my first undergrad degree (Econ) to do it. I have been working in government financial reporting (Medicare/Medicaid cost reports) for a few years now and should be on track to start taking the exams at the start of 2023. Assuming I will take about a year to pass all of them I will have about 5 years of experience when I get my accounting degree and CPA.

    If I move to public or industry tax would I be starting at the bottom?

    submitted by /u/Longjumping-Depth-22
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    Lift 15 pounds?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 02:19 AM PST

    Sunday mood

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 07:17 PM PST

    Satisfying end to dealing with purposefully difficult client

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 12:56 PM PST

    So I've just rolled off an engagement where most of the client team has been great, but one guy has just been a complete asshole whenever we've had any requests - the partner had even warned us about him in the kickoff meeting. This person is in their 60s, and is the most junior of the staff who deals with us as auditors, so Ngl I feel he's a bit bitter

    Anyway, at the beginning of a 3 week audit I'd asked for bank statements - he'd given me all of them, bar one for "bank A". I'd sent a chaser to the guy, but he'd ignored me - completely my fault for not chasing it for the next week, but I completely blanked. Anyway, at the end of week 2 I send another chaser asking for these bank statements. I get this rude ass reply basically saying everything had been uploaded, it's not his fault if I can't find it. It goes back and forth a few more times, I'm trying to be as nice as possible and I'd genuinely searched everywhere, I'd even asked the manager if he'd seen these statements anywhere - no dice.

    Finally, 2 days from the group deadline, I send a chaser and get an awful email from this person. He copies his manager, his CFO, my manager, and the partner on our engagement. He goes on this tirade on how I'm just being lazy and can't find the bank statements myself, etc., etc., and how he's going to ignore any future communication from me. Having asked 5 times, he finally sends me over "proof" that he'd submitted the bank statements I'd asked for - except the screenshot he sent is labeled very clearly "Bank B - Dec21". (And before anyone asks, I'd checked this file just in case the statements I wanted were in there.)

    At first I thought I'd try to sort this out nicely and call the person up - the email was sent at 1:59, and when I called at 2:05 I got a voicemail saying this person only is in the office from 6-2pm.

    It may have been busy season but you bet your ass I was up at 5:59 just to call them out on their supposed hours - I try their cell and office, both go to voicemail.

    At 6:30, I reply to the email, saying I tried to call but didn't get an answer, but thanks for confirming the submission of the bank statements - however, they didn't correspond with the account number I'd requested at the beginning of the email chain, and I sent a little screenshot of the first message I'd sent. 30 minutes later, on the day of group reporting, I finally get the correct statements - funnily enough, there wasn't a reply from him on the group email…

    It's so petty, but having this dumbass escalate their own stupidity to literally everyone on the team to show that me, an idiot first year, was right all along just made my week 😂

    submitted by /u/plsdonttrace1993
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    When work is your life you are in balance.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 03:57 PM PST

    Work = life. This equation is balanced.

    submitted by /u/big-4-survivor
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    Any Corporate Accounting/CPAs switch over to AP and hate it?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 02:20 PM PST

    Currently in a weird situation where I was led to believe a role was going to be a GL/corporate accounting role/reporting role and it's AP in it's purest form - my background is financial reporting and general accounting

    submitted by /u/jakecbuddah789
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    Internship interviews

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 02:49 PM PST

    I have several B4 internship interviews this week. These will be my first interviews I have ever done so I am a little nervous. I have heard they're mainly all behavioral questions like "tell me about a challenge you faced…". What tips would you give to prepare for my interviews?

    I was thinking of writing down some questions they might ask me and my answers. I was also going to re-read the job description and try to come up with some questions for them.

    I also have a KPMG interview social event tomorrow. It says come stop by to meet KPMG professionals from various offices. What sort of questions should I be asking them? Should it be more of me asking them why kpmg, what is your favorite part of your job, etc… or should it be small talk and chat about whatever they want to talk about? Thanks

    submitted by /u/daddythickthighs
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    How do you memorize all of the financial ratio! Any tricks?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2022 04:42 PM PST

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