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    Tuesday, May 8, 2018

    Marketplace Tuesday! (May 08, 2018) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (May 08, 2018) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (May 08, 2018)

    Posted: 08 May 2018 06:06 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to post any Jobs that you're looking to fill (including interns), or services you're looking to render to other members.

    We do this to not overflow the subreddit with personal offerings (such logo design, SEO, etc) so please try to limit the offerings to this weekly thread.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Whats the 3 biggest issues entreprenuers in the first 12 months of their career face?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 04:20 AM PDT

    If I had to guess, and based on my own experience, it'd time management/learning how be effectively productive, developing clarity on what they want to do, and finding a working model to base themselves on.

    But I'm interested in what you all think. What did you face when you first started out?

    submitted by /u/TheCombatBeard
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    How To Actually Develop The Growth Mindset (6 Techniques)

    Posted: 08 May 2018 11:56 AM PDT

    Your subconscious beliefs are a huge part of the reason you aren't where you want to be. Find out why this is the case + 6 powerful techniques that will change your beliefs in to guide you towards reaching your potential.

    The Science

    A scientific experiment was conducted where a group of children was set a fairly easy maths puzzle. Once the kids had completed the puzzle, half the kids were told "Well done! You're so smart!" The other half were told "Well done! You tried really hard!"

    Then they were given a second, more difficult, puzzle to solve.

    When confronted with the more difficult task, the kids who'd been congratulated for being smart would give up sooner and score much lower on the test. The kids who'd been praised for working hard would persevere when the questions were difficult and, as a result, earned higher scores.

    Arguably even more fascinating, forty percent of the kids who were praised for intelligence lied about their scores when given the opportunity. By congratulating kids on raw talent, a fear of failure was created.

    Carol Dweck was the creator of this experiment. The results led Dweck to become a professor at Stanford, a world expert on personality and development, and a bestselling author.

    Dweck now spends her days trying to answer this question: "what makes people successful?" Once she answers that she finds what part of that answer is within our control.

    Luckily for us, she found one mindset trait that every successful person had in common. Even more luckily for us, she found that is was entirely within our control to get this mindset trait.

    Her findings presented themselves in Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. The book reveals how our conscious and unconscious thoughts dictate our lives and how something as simple as wording can have a surprisingly powerful impact on our ability to overcome hurdles and achieve our goals.

    If you're an auditory/visual learner, you can watch the video here.

    The Two Mindsets


    The way you view yourself almost entirely determines where you will end up in life. If you believe that your qualities are unchangeable you will want to prove yourself over and over, rather than learning from your mistakes.

    This is the fixed mindset.

    In Mindset, Dweck writes

    "If you have only a certain amount of intelligence, a certain personality, and a certain moral character— well, then you'd better prove that you have a healthy dose of them. It simply wouldn't do to look or feel deficient in these most basic characteristics.


    I've seen so many people with this one consuming goal of proving themselves— in the classroom, in their careers, and in their relationships. Every situation calls for a confirmation of their intelligence, personality, or character. Every situation is evaluated: Will I succeed or fail? Will I look smart or dumb? Will I be accepted or rejected? Will I feel like a winner or a loser?"

    If this sounds like you then it's not entirely your fault. Our culture values intelligence, personality and character. It's normal to want these things. But...

    In Mindset, Dweck writes

    "There's another mindset in which these traits are not simply a hand you're dealt and have to live with, always trying to convince yourself and others that you have a royal flush when you're secretly worried it's a pair of tens. In this mindset, the hand you're dealt is just the starting point for development. This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts."

    By congratulating some kids on talent and others on hard work, the experiment forced them in to the two different mindsets. The kids who were praised on being smart ended up doing worse on the harder experiment: this is the fixed mindset. The kids that praised on working hard ended up doing much better.

    This is the goal. If you can adopt the growth mindset then your life will completely change.

    Dweck found that the type of mindset that people have is the biggest factor in determining how successful they are.

    "Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them? Why look for friends or partners who will just shore up your self-esteem instead of ones who will also challenge you to grow? And why seek out the tried and true, instead of experiences that will stretch you? The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it's not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives."

    Developing A Growth Mindset

    As interesting as this is, it would be so much less valuable if there was nothing we can do about it. But our final brain is plastic - it can be moulded into the way we want it to be.

    We can change our brain so that we do and believe that which gets us closer to our goals.

    This is how we can do it.

    1. Create A New Compelling Belief

    The most important belief that you must adopt is that any skill can be honed through deliberate practice.

    Now, what's deliberate practice? There are two parts to it: actively practicing to improve and receiving constant and immediate feedback.

    The truth of this statement is shocking - 99% of skills can be practiced just like playing the piano.

    Just take a look at how someone's drawing ability can improve after just a week of training.


    To create new beliefs you must focus on the evidence that supports the new belief and ignore the evidence that contradicts the new belief.

    2. Change The Way You View Failure

    Watch This Will Smith Video

    3. Become Self Aware

    Become completely aware of your strengths. Have a full understanding on where you have a natural advantage.

    But also be completely and brutally aware of your weaknesses.

    The best way to do this is hallucinogenic drugs. I mean, it actually is, but I'm not recommending it. The way I'd do it is by asking those people closest to me. Make a safe environment where they know that what they say will not offend you, then ask them what they think are your strengths and weaknesses.

    4. Become a curious learner

    Recognise that life is beautiful. Recognise that you can learn something from everyone you meet. Let your inner child out.

    I have seen many interviews where celebrities are asked what it was like when they met Elon Musk. Many of them reply in a similar way:

    It was incredible. He somehow tricked my into answering ten of his questions and I didn't even get to ask him once.

    Even Elon Musk is humble enough to recognize that everyone he meets he can learn from.

    5. Use Fear As A Compass

    You should use fear as a guiding light because being scared of something shows that it's out of your comfort zone. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

    This is done by constantly doing things you are afraid of.

    6. Develop GRIT

    Recognise that there's a huge difference between your potential and what you do with it. The thing that will separate you from others is your ability to keep going when the time gets tough.

    You can do this by turning it into one of the things you pride yourself on. Whenever you are bored recognise that this is the most important part of any task you do because it's at this point that most people stop and give up. But not you.

    submitted by /u/simplestoicism
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    I make a living in lead generation - Here are the basics of the industry and where the lead gen industry is headed

    Posted: 08 May 2018 10:23 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of questions about lead generation over the last few months on this subreddit so I thought it might be worth it to give an overview on the industry, tactics being used by lead gen companies, and where this industry is headed. If you run a home-service company, this may be especially valuable since my company only focuses on home-service lead gen and we work with some of the largest companies in the nation.

    A quick overview about myself and my company: We are a home-service lead-gen company similar to companies like Home Advisor, Porch, Angie's List, Thumbtack, you name it. We are obviously smaller than these guys, but my company will still do multiple millions of dollars of revenue this year and are growth trajectory is headed upwards. I believe we also have one of the highest margins in the industry which is partly due to the way we operate and some marketing automation technology we have developed internally. I know this because we've had meetings with the companies listed above and other players in the space and we're all pretty open with each other. If you want to know my company, feel free to message me. I would rather not post it because we only want traffic targeted to homeowners in need of a home service and to maintain the integrity of our contractor relationships. Anyways, on to the good stuff!

    Lead generation is an expensive business: I hear a lot of people wanting to get into home service lead generation because they hear things like "You can make $200+ on a single roof installation" or "If you get 10 AC install leads, you'll make $1,500 a week". Guess what, these numbers actually are realistic, but it's going to take a ton of time and effort to get there!

    In lead generation, the leads are the EASY part. Once you learn all the marketing tactics and how this industry works, you will quickly realize, generating leads is not the challenge (although it may be in the beginning). The trick to this whole thing is having the right buyers. In order to maximize your margin, you have to sell your leads at a retail price directly to contractors and home service providers. Building a network is a huge operating expense, plus the cost of your technology, cost of people, cost of leads, cost of marketing, etc. There is also lead selling between all of the networks, but the gross margins can be as low as 3% per lead and there is a lot of junk leads being distributed. We purchased these leads for a few months, but the quality was so low that it ended up being a bigger negative than positive.

    Exclusive leads vs. shared leads: In our industry leads are sold on a shared or exclusive basis. Shared leads can be sold to 3-5 different contractors. Also, one network might actually sell a lead to another network if that lead was only purchased by 1 contractor (it's actually pretty screwed up and we never do this). We sell shared leads to our own network, but we give all of our contractors the option to see the lead first and only a maximum of 3 contractors can respond to a lead. Exclusive leads are usually reserved for larger buyers and are more expensive than a shared lead. Our company does have an exclusive lead program that is only reserved for the largest companies in the nation and we expect all leads to be paid in full before we start distributing leads to them. Minimum monthly budgets can range from $5k to $15k which usually yields a 4x-6x return for the company.

    Methods to generate leads: At the heart of it, we are a marketing company with strong tech behind the engine. Our #1 way for generating leads is targeted SEM campaigns that are hyper localized, with super specific landing pages to the keywords we target. I could write thousands of words on how this is done and the algorithms we've built, but I can save that for another day if there is any interest!

    Every piece of traffic we generate is also sorted based on the page a user was on and retargeted on Facebook and display ads. For example, if you were on a plumbing page, we'll be retargetting you for 1-2 days to try and get you to convert to create a plumbing lead. Retargetting is one of the most cost effective ways we market for us, but it's not nearly as much volume as SEM. We also built 2 marketing automation tools that generate leads at almost no cost, but those are industry trade secrets that we keep inside our business doors only. Like I said above, you can also purchase leads from other lead generation networks, but the quality is just so bad that it will destroy your business if you do it for too long. Fake leads and selling aged leads is a serious problem within the industry and is only sustainable for a few days to weeks. If you have a contractor network and do this, it will destroy you in the snap of a finger if you try it. Contractors don't like any BS and neither do we.

    Where is lead gen headed: Lead generation isn't going away anytime soon. Google has been expanding Google Home Services over the last year which is (in my opinion) the gold mine of the internet if you run a home service business. If you have any sort of contractor's license and aren't on Google Home Services, you're throwing a lot of business away. Amazon has also been pushing their home service arm and we've had a few interesting conversations with them about it.

    In my opinion, lead generation will always take place without average consumers even realizing they are being monetized. The methods of lead generation will continue to evolve and different ways to engage users will emerge. With the amount of data we have been able to collect, I consider my company one of the pioneers in studying these behaviors and we've been developing conversational tools to replace forms for quite a while now. We've been able to develop a chatbot specific for home service lead gen and it increased our conversions from 14%-17%, all the way up to 20%-30%. (which is a pretty staggering increase in an industry where numbers are so scrutinized).

    Our tool is called Zyrachat. Once we realized the impact it had on our own site, we built out a version for our contractor network and saw conversion increases at much higher rates than our own (big win). Today, we've been able to successfully license our software to some big names in our space, successfully use it for our own company, and now we're making a push to share our technology with contractors outside of our network.

    If anyone has any questions about lead generation, marketing, conversational interfaces, chatbots, or anything else, feel free to ask! I always enjoy helping other entrepreneurs and sharing as much of my story as I can!

    submitted by /u/Millionaire_
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    How does a day in a life of a productive person look like?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:32 AM PDT

    I'm extremely busy lately and I want to organize my working hours better than I currently.

    They are so many areas in my life that I NEED to continue working on all this while working.

    If you like, please share with me your every day routine.

    submitted by /u/Puklusian
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    Understand this isn’t easy.

    Posted: 08 May 2018 09:01 AM PDT

    1. Managing debt. Of course cash flow is a large part of this but I decided to forego large investments and finance with debt. Not all businesses produce cash upfront.

    2. Staying mentally strong. There will be a LOT more downs than ups and many times you'll find yourself wondering if success is even a possibility.

    3. Sticking to targets but being flexible. If you can focus on a few major goals, you can help avoid spending cash in unneeded areas. I'm big on being diverse within my yearly targets because it can lead to additional revenue streams. Also it gives you a bit of a safety net without diverging from your designated path.

    Just stay strong. Don't become demoralized when cash isn't coming in like you originally planned. If you believe in your project and truly know success is only a matter of time, then set smaller benchmarks to help you stay motivated.

    submitted by /u/Bierman36
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    Anyone interested in marketing and monetizing a Crypto Tracker Platform?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:21 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    Our company has developed a full cryptocurrency portfolio tracker (https://virtus.io) with features that are comparable (or better) to the top apps out there (Delta, Blockfolio, etc). We put quite a few resources into making it fast and easy to use. We fully believe we have a winner here, however, our company has another focus (different market segment) and, most importantly, we lack any experience of digital marketing, especially for B2C products.

    Having said all that, we are looking for individuals and/or companies that are interested in taking this to the market and invest on branding, marketing, business model, etc. We handle the tech and you would do the rest. We are not philanthropists, that is, we would like to get some return out of this, however, considering all the work missing, we are open for any suggestions.

    If you are interested please send us an email at info.virtus.io@gmail.com, join our telegram https://telegram.me/virtusioor PM me


    submitted by /u/AgnesiusJoseph
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    Looking for Partner

    Posted: 07 May 2018 05:39 PM PDT


    My name is Stan and I am running insightstash.com. It's been a long road for the last year. Insight Stash is a SaaS product for businesses who are looking to receiver onsite feedback from visitors or customers. Check out for more information on https://insightstash.com

    The product is completely ready for market and all the features currently available are fully implemented. The problem I am experiencing is converting visitors into paying customers and actually driving interested people to the site. It is also becoming clear that selling is not my forte.

    I am really in need of a hardcore marketing/sales partner, who would be on top of putting the product in front of customers, small businesses, enterprises and selling, selling, selling.

    I am located in Toronto, Canada, if that matters. There is no expectation from me, that this partner position will be your full time position initially. This is something that you should consider doing on the side, and if business grows, will turn into a great partner opportunity and full time business.

    You can see pricing on the site for the product, and that only covers small businesses. Enterprise plans are priced of course much higher, depending on client needs.

    I am looking for someone with a bit experience, who is not shy to put the product out there, and connect with potential customers. PM me for more details, I would like to know you, and I will tell you about myself.

    Let me know if this is something you will be interested in partnering with me on. And if not, but you have any feedback for me, please let me know.

    PM for details, questions, feedback.

    all the best

    Edit: fixed link

    Edit 2: Guys I will reply to all PMs and emails to insightstash.com domain, I am not ignoring you. I just want to spend more quality time replying and putting my thoughts in every response. At work now.

    submitted by /u/pelmenept
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    The problem with learning on YouTube

    Posted: 07 May 2018 04:46 PM PDT

    Here's what you'll find if you go to learn a new skill on YouTube...

    Let's say you want to learn more about Digital Marketing.

    Maybe you want to start a social media marketing agency or something like that.

    You'll probably go to YouTube and search "Digital Marketing" or something similar... Here's the challenge: You are going to get a thousand different results and they will all tell you a thousand different tactics and ways to be successful.

    This is usually either 1. Incorrect information or 2. Information that might be too advanced for you (or if you ARE advanced already, probably a bit too basic).

    Regardless, it might not be what you're looking for exactly... This can be frustrating because if you're someone who also has a 9-5 you're trying to quit, you probably only have an hour or two to research some new skill.

    Here's some tips to make sure you are using your time effectively:

    Step 1. Only take advice from someone who has achieved a result that you want.

    Realizing this was huge for me personally... I was listening to fuckin everyone online... Anyone who had an opinion about business is something I'd listen to. What resulted was a very confused young entrepreneur who was making zero money.

    I didn't start having success until I cut that all out and only listened to people who I knew had achieved the same result I was wanting.

    Step 2. Be careful about the types of content you're consuming.

    Tim Ferriss calls this going for "just in time" information instead of "just in case" information.

    Don't fill your head with a bunch of information and tactics you "might" use one day... This thinking got me to spend $1000 on a Clickfunnels course. The course itself was great but it was all "just in case" information.

    Instead, start taking action on your ideas and find the answers to specific questions you start having.

    Step 3. Don't fall for standard tricks.

    There is no easy path to starting a business. You will never build a pain-free "self-managing" company that requires no work. Sure, after years of grinding, you might be able to hire some help or maybe you've met some legit business partners... However, in the beginning, it will probably be very hard.

    Anyone who tells you differently is either lying or hasn't done it themselves.

    If you're a part of some course or mastermind that's promising "six figures in six months", it probably is not legitimate information.

    Of course, don't close yourself down to new information completely... If you went back a few years and tried to convince people that Bitcoin would explode, you may have been laughed at. However, you would've been mostly right.

    But the point remains: in general, do not trust people who promise shortcuts.

    They aren't really 99x out of 100 and it's a huge red flag that you should find a new person to follow.

    Hope this helps!

    I do realize the irony in writing an anonymous post about how you should only take advice from people you can research... Feel free to reach out to me over PM and i'll send you some personal info!

    Hope you're doing well! Let me know if you have questions. -Paul

    submitted by /u/shickari
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    Tell Me Why My Idea for an Insurance App Sucks

    Posted: 08 May 2018 02:04 PM PDT

    So, we all know about insurance companies. A large pool of people putting their money together and giving it to a middle man, so the middle man can insure that if any of them got into an accident, there'll be a safety net for them. We all know how rich insurance companies can get, and it is really a classic case of a useless middle man that can be cut by technology.

    So, the app would work like an insurance company. People pull their money together and it enters into some virtual vault, and whenever a person gets into an accident, an assessment would be made, and the necessary funds would be withdrawn.

    The advantages are clear, no big cooperate middle man sucking money left and right. If insurance money wasn't needed, it can accumulate in the vault. It can offer more flexibility compared with traditional insurance companies.

    There are two challenges I can think of, 1. Assessments. How to do risk assessment and offer quotas to users? And how to assess loss afterwards. I have to admit to cluelessness on this subject. 2. The initial pool of customers. It certainly needs much less costumers to function compared with the traditional method, but it still needs enough money to survive an unlucky month full of accidents.

    This idea just hit me. I'm sorry if it is already done. I feel like I'm missing something. So, tell me why this sucks?

    submitted by /u/Rjtheknight
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    Launching consulting biz while employed full-time? Seems easy enough to launch a biz where your name and face are not made public, but what about consultants or solopreneurs like lawyers and accountants who must display their name/face to launch their consulting biz while still working full-time?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 06:17 AM PDT

    Has anyone done this and if so how did you: 1) keep your new venture secret from your employer or 2) get them onboard with you launching a business in your off hours?

    I don't expect many clients to find me through organic search so one option is to hide my website from Google so no one will see it unless I give them the link.

    submitted by /u/Barry_Jennings_Ghost
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    What daily skill do you recommend newcomers work on?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 09:59 AM PDT

    Hey, so I'm a budding ecommerce entrepreneur and am currently looking at all of the different options for me to start a business and start making some income. Most of my time is kind of on research and learning, but I still have a lot of free time that's "productive" but not focused on building anything concrete.

    Tell me what you think a key skill people could work on everyday that would be the most beneficial in their future. Where should any extra time be focused in order to best develop my stock as an effective entrepreneur?


    submitted by /u/AlexPhase2
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    Have any of you owned/ran a forum? Can you please give me some insight and advice as I plan as launching my first one soon!

    Posted: 08 May 2018 01:19 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/iwviw
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    What are some offline growth hacking and marketing strategies you know?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 01:16 PM PDT

    I was reading this article on Hacker News today


    And I was wondering if we can compile some offline growth hacking strategies - things that don't require writing blogposts, A/B tests etc. Things that will be helpful for offline small businesses and the like.

    Alternative, do you know any examples of such kind from real life?

    submitted by /u/3b951O9x3QihaPK6Ml72
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    How do I stop comparing myself to other successful entrepreneurs.

    Posted: 08 May 2018 01:15 PM PDT

    Thanks to the advent of social media, I've been able to witness some social media "stars" start and grow their ecommerce businesses.

    There is one in particular where I've watched since day 1, being an avid watcher of their videos on YouTube in the veeery early days back in 09.

    I want to start something similar, but I'm unsure how to stop myself from comparing myself to them.

    They had such an advantage in starting something where they were able to accumulate a large following back when it was kind of easy since YouTube was just starting out.

    How can I stop ✋, and be more productive in actually creating a profitable ecommerce business?

    submitted by /u/codeiqhq
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    Those with affiliate sites - Making Money? Advice

    Posted: 08 May 2018 12:49 PM PDT

    I'm looking to start my own affiliate site to go with my Amazon store. Wondering if anyone is currently running an Amazon store and an affiliate site to go with? I'm going to be writing about the stuff I sell. Is this something that is allowed? Basically if someone clicks on my item from my site and purchases I would basically make money twice right? Debating to get into it but wanted to hear some advice or stories. Is it worth it in 2018?

    submitted by /u/fr34k5
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    Mentors and where to find them ?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 12:45 PM PDT

    More how than where.

    I hear everyone talking about mentors, missing out on having one or even wishing they didn't have a bad one. But never really hear about how they come across these mentors.

    I can assume that most of them are people they have networked with or met in the past , friends or old bosses and even professional services. But other than obvious such as Friends and Professional services, what could other ways to come across someone interested enough to mentor younger generations ?

    submitted by /u/Thecreepymoto
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    My friend is paying me to quit my job and pursue my business

    Posted: 08 May 2018 12:36 PM PDT

    I need a little bit of help figuring this out, let me give you a little background. I have a logistics and supply chain background from the military and schooling. Ever since I separated from the military I've been working jobs in the supply chain field, I am currently working for a residential electrical company. Last year in August I decided to start a website for insulation installation, my father has almost 30 years in the field, and I have just over 5. It has since then turned into a gig that brings in no money, but the website still attracts customers. Now the reason why I am not able to take on any jobs or provide any estimates is because I work full time, and go to school full time, so I left the website up as an informational for people who want to insulate their homes.

    Fast forward to two weeks ago- One of my friends who recently received a large sum of cash due to an incident approached me about how they want to start a business, but the person she planned on doing the business with passed away. So they suggested that they could replace 3 months of my current pay to leave work and focus strictly on building the business. I suggested that I'd feel better if it was a loan of some sorts, I quit, work on the business for 3 months, if it doesn't work out, at the 2 month mark I start looking for a higher paying job than the one right now, primarily to secure a way to pay them back. I also suggested we go into a partnership, she's a teacher, and is already planning to quit her job, due to teacher cut backs. They're excited about it, and want them to take a break before they jump into working with me.

    My questions: Should we structure the business 50/50? Tips from anyone in a partnership with a close friend? Any general tips period?

    TL;DR: Friend wants to give me money to quit work and focus on building business for 3 months, I suggested we go into a partnership. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/husky1793
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    Looking for someone to take over starter site price is $300

    Posted: 08 May 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    Does an elite college degree matter to your networking?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 11:54 AM PDT

    Does working/collaborating with a person with a degree from a top rated college matter, e.g. Ivy Leagues, Stanford, Cal, UCLA etc.?

    submitted by /u/joshb33071
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    A friend has asked for advice on the possibility of starting a business using drones, what can you tell me?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 11:54 AM PDT

    Long story short, a friend of mine has always watched my ups and downs with entrepreneurship from one step back and has finally 'come out' as a wannabe business owner (after being the steady in out duo).
      He has watched me grow a bit these last few years and while I always though he looked down on that part of me a bit has told me he has always actually admired my boldness (more like recklessness for most of it!) and that he would like to now start the journey of starting something of his own.
      He knows I cant contribute financially right now due to my cash flow being stretched but has asked for help with some of the sales and marketing.
      Like me, he is an engineer but works more on buildings/ surveying etc and has been thinking about getting into drone surveys and then maybe doing work for estate agents etc.   What are your thoughts on this industry? We are in the UK by the way.

    submitted by /u/wes15dm
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    Which are the best job portals to find a job in start-up companies? Please suggest.

    Posted: 08 May 2018 11:41 AM PDT

    Hello folks,

    I tried my luck on Angel.co website to get a job in start up companies, however I could not receive any job opportunities. Any suggestions on this?

    Apart from Angel.co, can you please suggest job portals that can offer start up jobs.

    Thanks a lot.

    submitted by /u/anandmsrit
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    How best to start an affiliate program?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 11:39 AM PDT

    Hello Everone,

    We are just launching our affiliate marketing program and we're looking for advice on the best ways to find the best partners.

    We have a successful online tea business (www.matcha.com) that's been up and running for about 2 years and now we're interested in expanding through affiliate marketing options. Any advice would be great.

    1) What's the standard for commission split? 2) How do you vet a potential partner?

    Thanks, everyone.

    submitted by /u/Matchakari
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    Im confused about Grant Cardone's "Closer's Survival Guide"

    Posted: 08 May 2018 11:37 AM PDT

    Why is it that the book is super expensive everywhere, but I can get it for like $25 from Grant Cardone's website? I really want the book, is it safe to get it from the website. I would like a physical copy, not some audio book or ebook.

    submitted by /u/s_haye_s
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    I'm trying to demonstrate our value proposition succinctly. Any feedback is appreciated.

    Posted: 08 May 2018 11:35 AM PDT

    My company (EyeCue Lab) is a startup that launches other startups. But we are not a typical tech vendor or an accelerator. If you don't mind giving feedback on the "Process" section of the website, it'd be seriously appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/people_are_jerks
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