• Breaking News

    Friday, March 30, 2018

    Legal Advice Texas. Terminated on vacation 2 days into a 3 week vacation without notice. Job refusing to pay vacation.

    Legal Advice Texas. Terminated on vacation 2 days into a 3 week vacation without notice. Job refusing to pay vacation.

    Texas. Terminated on vacation 2 days into a 3 week vacation without notice. Job refusing to pay vacation.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 08:17 AM PDT

    We have 1 week of vacation a year that gets rolled over at the end of the year if it is not used.

    Well I never took mine in the 4 years I worked there, did not get vacation during first year, and collected 3 weeks of it. My boss told me I HAD to take all of it this year as he would not approve any vacation after the end of march. Basically we would get super busy april-may ish and hit a small lul first week of June and then busy throughout the year. Jan - end of march is dead time for us.

    Basically he said if I did not take it, I would lose it and told me it needed to be before april. I scheduled for the last 3 weeks of march coming back on Friday.

    I was terminated 2 days into the vacation by him after it was approved, but my access for email was never turned off. No notification came through, nothing.

    I came in today, my badge still worked, and started working. An hour into my shift my boss pulled me into his office and basically asked me "What am I doing here."

    Proceeds to tell me I was terminated 2 days into my vacation for abusing the vacation system and that because I was terminated 2 days into it, I would only get paid 2 days of it. We went to HR, I informed them everything that happened and basically plead my case. They said it was already done and that I still had access because I was the only one who turned off access...

    My backup was not doing his job, and apparently did not know how to even use AD to turn off access.

    They tried to make me surrender my phone, and asked me if I would terminate my own access. I told them to pound sand and deleted the company email off of my phone.

    TL:DR Was forced to take 3 weeks vacation or lose it. Was fired for abusing the vacation system to take a 3 week vacation. Company did no terminate access as I am the one who does that. They do not want to pay me for my vacation days. Wat do?

    submitted by /u/SeniorRise
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    Update: no longer under investigation (harasser trying to get me fired)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 06:25 AM PDT

    On mobile and don't know how to link previous posts.

    Tldr for original post: coworker opened hr case against me in another attempt of harassment. Backfired and they let him go but not before he got them to start investigating me for unfounded claims. He then began harassing me elsewhere

    The work case is officially closed and I am going to keep my job.

    The harasser is now private messaging coworkers and family members lies and slander. He is also posting fb statuses and tagging my coworkers and mgmt in them saying more terrible things. Many coworkers are now coming up to me and complaining due to it continuing after telling him to stop.

    I did file a restraining order to male this stop for myself, my family, and my coworkers. I go soon to defend it.

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    submitted by /u/disasterouscockroach
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    Fired teacher- should I clarify information on termination notice?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 04:14 AM PDT

    Throw away for obvious reasons. Location: LA, USA.

    I worked as a special education teacher at a school that didn't hire substitutes so even though my students were in lower grades, I often interacted with older students especially during testing times. One student in a higher grade was one I had to test. This student has a paraprofessional from an outside service. During a testing phase in my group, the student experienced an emotional incident, and the rest of the group and myself had to leave the room.

    A person from the outside agency came by the next day- the paraprofessional introduced me and we talked briefly about how I don't work with the student, I am unfamiliar with any documentation about the student, but I am familiar with the outside agency as I had met a coworker of hers at my previous job at another school. The person from the outside agency offered to make a copy of student information for me. I thanked her but never received it or followed up.

    We (outside agency person and paraprofessional) exchanged pleasantries in the hallway during visits but never said much more than that.

    Recently the paraprofessional left and was replaced by a new individual. The students behavior changed drastically and I personally witnessed incidents where the paraprofessional was not talking to the student in a manner appropriate for the school setting. Other members of the school support staff talked to me about similar incidents they had experienced with the new paraprofessional as well as instances of his hygiene and personal style affecting the other students in the class.

    Here's my mistake and I'll own it 100%. I personally reached out to the outside agency and said I had personally witnessed specific incidents- repeated verbatim what the paraprofessional had said - and mentioned other incidents that had been brought to my attention by others. I also mentioned that his hygiene and outfits were disrupting the learning environment. She was upset with specific incidents and said she would call the paraprofessional in immediately. She would discuss our dress code and school policies about hygiene with him. She said she appreciated the feedback, would like future updates, and would do a site visit this week. I never went into details more than that and never used terminology other than mentioned above.

    I was pulled into the director's office a couple days later. My director was (rightfully) furious saying that I broke FERPA laws by requesting information and the outside company was unhappy with the way this was handled. When asked why I hadn't reached out to the leadership team with my concerns, I apologized immensely and told them that I assumed it was okay since I had done the same thing last year with the outside company at a different job. I had fairly open contact and we would text regularly about my concerns. I was told I assumed incorrectly and this was grounds for termination. The next day I came in and was pulled into the office again. I was asked about emails sent, which I denied. No emails were ever sent and offered at that moment to look but they moved on.

    My termination letter states that I personally obtained a student's information from an outside agency who is not my current student. I've violated staff policies, FERPA, and state laws about student privacy. The notice was sent to the state.

    First off, is it worth appealing and/or clarifying since I did not actively attempt to obtain information? I told the outside agency that the student was unfamiliar to me and I don't know anything about him - the outside agency individual offered to send me a copy of information but never did.

    Second, how fucked am I? Am I going to lose my teaching license? Am I financially liable if this goes to court?

    submitted by /u/eduscrewupthrowaway
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    My father was arrested while having a stroke..

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 09:49 AM PDT

    This happened in Jefferson parish, LA at about 4:00 pm. In October of 2017, my father was driving, had a stroke and crashed into a police car.. he wasn't able to communicate or walk without stumbling due to said stroke. EMTs came, apparently took one look at my dad and said there's no evidence that he's having a stroke and told the police he's probably drunk. The police did a field sobriety test and determined that he was, in fact, drunk. (no breathalyzer). They proceeded to take him to jail where he sat for three hours until my brother figured out where he was. He was released and now has brain damage, broca's aphasia, will most likely never drive again or be able to live on his own. We've called two lawyers, one refused to take the case and didn't say why.. the other one told us we'd have to pay for everything up front and that it would get very expensive. Can anyone help with what to do next? Should we keep pursuing? Does it make sense that we would have to pay up front? Any advice would be great.. thank you!

    submitted by /u/matilda1
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    I was way overcharged at a gift shop yesterday. The tax was more than the actual products. Is this legal?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 09:02 AM PDT

    So yesterday I took my kids to a children's museum. They had fun, and at the end they wanted to buy a few toys from the gift shop. They picked out a few things equaling around $40. I got to the register and the woman started ringing everything up, the total before taxes was $42. She added the taxes in and suddenly it went from $42 to $85.

    I at first didnt realize how much the taxes made the price jump I believe there is around a 6 or 7% tax so I didn't think much of it. After she showed me the item total she turned the screen away from me and added the tax. I paid, and then when i went to sign the reciept I noticed the price total and the tax amount. I thought that there must have been a mistake.

    She told me that the tax is written on every item on the bottom of the product container. For example my 3 year old picked out a flashlight (one of those cheap plastic keychain ones) it was already over priced at $10 but I let him get it any way. After taxes the keychain went from $10 to $21 with $11 in tax. The employee showed me the bottom of the box the keychains were displayed in that had a sticky note that said additional $11 in taxes.

    I asked to speak with the manager who told me "That's just how we do things." And that it's equivalent to buying a $4 product online and paying $10 in shipping.

    I am disputing it with my credit card company and I don't think I'll have a problem being reimbursed. But is this legal? The museum recieves grants and is funded by tax payers in the county.

    This is in Ohio. Thanks!

    Edit: I contacted the Ohio fraud hotline. Thanks!

    EDIT 2: question. The math still does not add up for correct tax percentage, but is it possible that the $43.23 in sales tax was supposed to be the "after tax" amount but was added instead to the $41.89? If so, would this be intentional or accidental? I have never worked retail and I'm not sure how tax is calculated. I was under the impression that the cash register automatically calculated it for the cashiers? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/overtaxes
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    [TX] I reported a colleague to my HR department and they told me I made the story up, now it's gotten worse. Help.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 07:02 AM PDT

    Originally posted in r/askHR:

    I'm at the end of my rope. I reported one of my colleagues to HR last year for a discriminatory comment she made to me in front of another colleague. I gave HR the name of the other colleague who witnessed the comment. In their decision, they listed the people they interviewed, and this person was not on the list. The TL;DR is that HR said I made the incident up, and the person I reported said I made it up.

    In the time since I received that letter, this colleague of mine has been promoted, and her commentary in the workplace has gotten worse. She made a comment a few months ago in front of myself, two other coworkers, and our supervisor that included the statement "all Muslims are terrorists." No action was taken.

    Last week, she physically rammed a cart into my backside and yelled "EXCUSE ME!"

    I am actually quite frightened of her now, and do my best to avoid her at all costs.

    I am too scared to report her to HR, or to our anonymous tip line because I already know that they'll tell me I'm making things up. My colleagues don't seem interested in reporting her either.

    Does anyone have any advice?

    EDITS from the original askHR post: I work for a government entity in Texas. There are no unions, and I cannot talk to my supervisor about this because her response in the past has been "well (insert colleague's name here) thinks you don't like her." Why that is at all relevant to her inappropriate and unprofessional behavior in the workplace escapes me.

    submitted by /u/caktexas
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    Husband keeps effing up and keeps leading us close to financial ruin

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 03:08 AM PDT

    (Modesto, California) My husband owns Automotive Air Conditioning business (sole proprietorship) since he was 19. He doesnt like doing the paperwork so he deferred it to his Aunt. Then his Aunt quit. I then found out in 2008 (after we just got married) that he owed backed taxes. It was only 4K but because he "forgot" to pay it over the years, it accumulated to 20K. We were struggling in 2008 during the recession, and unfortunately I just married him so I was also implicated. We barely made it out of the recession and I finally got a good job, and paid it all off. Now, in attempt to keep history from repeating itself, I constantly have to coerce him to balance his books, sends his billings, collect payments, renew his business license etc. It is EXHAUSTING. He hates the paperwork for running a business so I end up having to remind him and he just keeps forgetting to do them! I asked him to hire a bookeeper, but he doesnt want to and frankly the volume of work is small. I have a very stressful job and have a child to raise, I cant be stressing out all the time about him "forgetting" to pay his federal and county taxes. Recently, he took up drinking and started abusing alcohol. Got arrested for a DUI which puts us in the hole of another 25K! I am fed up at this point. I dont want to leave him (yet) and I think all he needs is to pay the consequences of his irresponsible decisions. If I file for a legal seperation, will that segregate me financially from him? I want him him to face the repurcussions for making bad financial decisions without implicating me. In hopes that he gets burned a bit and LEARN to make better decisions on his own. The only asset we have is a home but its under my name only because my parents help me bought it, but it was bought while we were married. I dont want the IRS or another entity going after my home if he fails to do his taxes or gets sued for something. Please help! What can I do to financially segregate myself from an irresponsible husband who keeps effing up and leads us close to financial ruin?

    submitted by /u/Griefbacon222
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    Can you sell a real marijuana leaf in resin

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 06:42 AM PDT

    I live in Massachusetts where it is legal to grow. I make coasters and recently made some with a cannabis leaf in the center. I have not sold any but I was wondering the legality of this? I see many people doing similar things. The leaf is completely incased in a epoxy resin and there would be no way to even smoke it. I'm just looking to sell them in the United States. Thanks for all advice.

    submitted by /u/MrMassshole
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    Sister got into a car accident due to two other road raging people.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 06:36 AM PDT

    Yesterday my sister was forced into a jersey barrier due to two other vehicles involved in road rage. Needless to say, the two cars took off after and no one had stopped to give a witness statement. The vehicle only had liability insurance on it. Is there anything she can do insurance wise for the car or is she pretty much screwed in this situation? This happened in Mass. Thanks for any input

    Edit:Happened in Massachusetts

    submitted by /u/JudgeGing
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    Wife in car crash caused baby born early and then bed bugs in hospital. Triple wammy (NY)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 08:41 PM PDT

    So on Tuesday morning my wife was in a fender bender where the guy behind her hit the back of her car. Not a big deal except that she was 9 months pregnant.

    She goes to the hospital where they Monitor her for 4 hours and see that the baby's heart rate starts dropping. After 4 times of this they decide to induce labor. Total stay time in hospital was Tuesday morning to Friday morning.

    During this time also I got bitten up my bed bugs in the hospital pull out couch. My entire arms are red with bites and itch like crazy. The hospital is saying that they found no proof of bed bugs but we had a K-9 unit (Dog that smells for bed bugs) come to the hospital while I brought down all our things and confirm the infestation of our belongings. To make sure it didn't originate at home I had the dog come to my apartment and the apartment was negative.

    My questions are 1. Is the person who hit my wife's car liable for medical bills of the entire stay or partial? 2. What should I do about the bed bug bites? Hospital should compensate but how?

    Location: New York

    Edit: pics of my arm https://imgur.com/a/JhiuL

    submitted by /u/MadeTarnish
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    [Federal] judge's probation requirements of psychiatric care is going to negatively impact my already in place psychiatric care. Can I petition the judge to allow me to continue my own care and remove the requirement to seek care through the court contracted providers?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 07:00 AM PDT

    I'm extremely upset and angry right now because I found out that I have to use their no-name contracted providers and was told I probably wouldn't be able to stay on the medications I'm on now because they're too expensive.

    Im currently seeing the best psychiatrist in my city with whom I have a good rapport and more importantly immense trust. I've bounced around through many different medications with other psychiatrists but the medications he has put me on has helped put me in the best place I've ever been mentally. This is the first time in 18 years that I have been this mentally stable and healthy.

    Additionally I'm going to have to pay $150 every month for this treatment (and whatever other treatments they deem necessary) and I cannot use my insurance so this will be a major financial burden but I dont quality for lower rates because of my income. This seems incredibly exploitative as I'm not only forced to see them but they can easily require me by law to attend other treatments for which I'd be charged $150/month each for.

    I understand why the judge made the decision that she did, but I'm hoping there is a way I'm allowed to write to her or have a hearing so that I have her reconsider the consequences that the lower quality care may have on my mental health.

    Thank you LA

    submitted by /u/MrOffender
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    Tow truck company is holding my car hostage [PA]

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 07:01 AM PDT

    I wrecked my car about 3 weeks ago, but thats a different story. A tow truck showed up, they took the car, and told us they had to take it to a local shop for insurance to deal with it. (and we later called our insurance, this isn't the policy, in fact they haven't even heard of the towing company) The driver handed us a blank receipt with the phone number of the shop, told us to call them and they would work through our insurance to get the car back to us. There was nothing signed by us, in fact they didn't even ask for our names and they don't have our insurance info, we took that out of the car for the trooper to look at. And from what we can tell, they weren't even called! I didn't call them, the witness didn't call them and the state trooper didn't call. Our best guess they heard it on the police scanner and showed up.

    Heres where it gets extremely fishy though, we've been trying to get a hold of the mechanics shop they took it to, no answer. Finally we went to the shop and... ITS OUT OF BUSINESS. they have been for more than a month. So we call the towing company, and we play dumb and say we tried to get a hold of the shop, and they didn't answer, how do we get our car back. "Oh... ya that shop is out of business, we just rent the lot for storage. But if your looking to get your car back, you will need to pay the $800 storage bill, sense its been sitting on our lot for 3 weeks. Or if you don't want the car back we'll just scrap it to recoup our costs" So... from what I can tell we've been scammed or at least not been treated in the most ethical way... how do I get my car back? Do they have a legal basis to keep it, even though nobody with authority called to have it towed, nor did anyone sign anything? Can I have another tow company go pick it up? or sense its on private property they won't tow it?

    submitted by /u/unamedgamer1
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    Witness in sex trafficking case. California

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 09:09 AM PDT

    I was meeting up with a girl from backpage (an escort) for $x00 and she took my money and kicked me out of the hotel. I called the police to report being robbed. (yes she threatened me with a weapon .) this all only took about 30 seconds

    Now I've been subpoenaed to be a witness for a sex trafficking case involving coercing minors for commercial sex acts

    I have a consultation with a lawyer later. Do you think the lawyer would help me gain some sort of privacy? I dont want to testify because my family opened the subpoena and now they know i am involved in a sex trafficking case and will probably show up to the case. I dont want them there.

    So basically, can i have the date moved or moved to a different court room or gain some sort of privacy to prevent my family from hearing specifics? And what should i expect at the court date.

    Edit: I am aware that an appearance is mandatory. I don't have a "desire" to do it but going to have to. Additionally, no details were discussed about the reason i was meeting up with the girl(with the girl nor with the police)

    submitted by /u/1234599Burnerphonebo
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    [PA][Philadelphia] Landlord in a coma, coldcalled by new landlord?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 07:59 AM PDT

    So my landlord, who I'd just spoken to last week, is apparently in a coma and not expected to pull through. I'm taking all of this with a grain of salt because I was just cold called by Fox Roach who told me all of this. They sent me a follow up email that said this

    "[my name],

    Please see below for my contact info. As I said you can google (facebook, linkedin, twitter, insta) me and I'm easy to find and legitimate. [His assistant or something] will be your point of contact ultimately but I will help during the transition. Please provide neighbor and tenant contact info asap so we can get this set up so no payments are late for April.


    [his name and title]"

    Now I looked this guy up and he is a real person actually operating a real realtor team in Philadelphia, but I am exceedingly cautious about this because its fucking weird. I normally pay my rent via Venmo to my current landlord, and had just done that today about an hour before they called me.

    I am very confused, and I don't know what to do next in order to verify what's going on. The property owner is a Doctor up in New York, who I already knew doesn't want to be troubled with managing his property at all, and so that part of their story isn't surprising, they even knew who the doctor was, but I'm still very worried.

    My lease is not with this party. It is with another party that I assume to be an LLC owned solely by my (former?) landlord.

    So, in short, what do I have to do to confirm that my lease is changing hands I guess? What if it doesn't?


    I managed to get ahold of the team leader for my current landlord who confirmed everything. Good god that was a terrible way of going about it though.

    submitted by /u/I_Like_Law_INAL
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    Credit card company alleges that i avoided debt due to marriage. However i have never been married. Can i fight this case?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 09:02 AM PDT

    I recently received a courts summons from a debt collecting firm. I owe 1,000 to a credit card company. One of the general allegations in the paper i received, states that i was married at the time the debt alleged was incurred. It then goes on another 3 allegations based on the assumption that i am married. "The defendant and the martial community of defendant is liable for the debt alleged herein". I have never been married!

    I was planning on trying to settle the debt, but does anyone know if i could fight this in court?

    submitted by /u/chemrxn44
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    Doctor can't use insurance for first visit?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 10:55 AM PDT

    I don't believe I have any standing here as I was not injured in this case, but would like to know if this is just shady or if it's illegal.

    So, made an appointment using an online reservation system. About an hour before the appointment, the office called to confirm. During this confirmation, they said I'll have to bring money to pay for the visit. Not being really sure what they meant, I asked for clarification. This is slightly paraphrased, but close to ver batim.

    Dr.'s Office (DO): The doctor is having issues with insurance. He is in-network, but being listed out of network. He will have it worked out after your first appointment.

    Me: I don't fully understand. What do you mean?

    DO: For your first appointment, it will cost $200. After that we can get your insurance papers together and go through insurance.

    Me: I will certainly bring money for my co-pay.

    Dr (in background.. must have been on speaker): Not enough!

    DO: He will get the insurance figured out for your next visit, but for the first visit you have to pay the full amount.

    Me: His insurance issues aren't my problem. (They hung up in the middle of that sentence)

    Obviously, I did not go. I'm mainly curious what side of the legal line this falls on. On the appointment service, there are comments mentioning a similar issue others have had, so it's either an ongoing issue with the insurance provider (which seems unlikely, given that they were sure it would be worked out quickly) or a way to double-charge for some visits.

    Thanks for any insight.

    submitted by /u/toolazytomake
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    My boss may be doing something illegal, how may this impact me?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 08:39 AM PDT

    Throwaway account, first time ever poster. Hopefully I can work out this formatting.

    I work for a small business in California in a managerial position. Part of my job involves monitoring transactions on our POS to ensure employees are not doing anything wrong. My boss has had issues in the past few years with the board of equalization including multiple audits and currently owes them money. Lately I have noticed that large sales are being deleted from the POS system, including sales that I know were completed and paid for. Either the boss themself or one of their family members is responsible for almost all of these voids.

    I want to leave this job, but can't afford to quit until I find something else, and the job market here is quite difficult. I have heard that if you quit because your boss asks you to do something illegal, you may be able to collect unemployment. Due to working closely with my boss, I am already aware of a few shady things that they do (i.e. issuing payroll checks they know they don't have the funds to cover) but other than being privy to this kind of information and suspecting they are attempting to dodge taxes on large orders, I don't have any proof they are doing something illegal.

    I am planning to let my boss know I have noticed the large voids, if only just to be able to say that I escalated the issue to my superior, without accusing anyone of anything, and I believe there is a chance they will simply confide in me that they are, in fact, trying to dodge taxes. I would quit on the spot if this kind of information was disclosed to me, but I am not sure if this would qualify as circumstance where I could collect unemployment.

    However, although I am concerned about being able to support myself if I leave this job, I'm also very worried about being implicated myself if my boss gets caught. I really don't want to throw my boss under the bus on my way out or get into a legal tangle with them. I'd like to break away as cleanly as possible without putting myself in a bad position.

    So I guess my questions are: am I required to report my suspicions? Am I required to report them if my suspicions are confirmed or will I be implicated for staying quiet if they are caught? If I quit after having my suspicions confirmed, am I required to report what I know in order to qualify for unemployment? If I quit without having my suspicions confirmed, do I have any ground to stand on unemployment-wise knowing what I know about payroll and suspecting what I suspect? Any advise on what my course of action should be to make a clean break would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TAhelp334
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    Employer canceled health insurance, suggesting COBRA for 1 month coverage gap. [US, MA]

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 11:02 AM PDT

    My employer recently switched health insurance providers, canceling the existing one without having found a new provider. A new provider was found but coverage only starts on may first, and our current insurance ends on March 31rst.

    They instructed us to apply for COBRA for the month of April and expense the premium back to the company, so that we have coverage for the gap. After a quick glance at COBRA, I learned that to qualify, the individual requesting coverage must have undergone a "qualifying event". Among these are things like termination, reduction of hours, etc. However, I don't see my particular situation under the qualifying events (losing health insurance while employment is not affected). After asking HR, they informed us that the previous provider said that it's very unlikely that we will be denied COBRA, but that they could provide no guarantee.

    I'm concerned about the scenario where I need to go to an ER, and the COBRA coverage is denied so I can't retroactively claim my coverage. HR mentioned that in this unlikely scenario the company would help us out, but I'd like to have some kind of guarantee. Is it likely that I will be denied COBRA? How should I approach this situation?

    submitted by /u/throwawaytest1234531
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    I was arrested holding my guitar. Now no one knows where it is. Do the police have any responsibility

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 10:04 AM PDT

    I posted a little bit about this last week but I have a open domestic violence case here in Seattle due to my intervening when my brother-in-law was hitting my nephew. I have a lot of questions about the case in how to proceed but one is that when I was arrested I was leaving the house and holding my guitar. So of course I said it down and went to talk to the officers. The guitar never made it into Police property. Also, I have been told (I have a no contact order which makes it difficult to completely verify) that it's no longer at the house. My guess is that my brother in law broke it (like he did with my laptop which I posted about last week), sold it or left it out there to be stolen. My big question about this is did the police have a responsibility to pick it up and inventory it?

    submitted by /u/2soonBoone
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    Is this legal? Work "team building" exercise involving discussing past traumatic events as a group. (Illinois)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 11:48 AM PDT

    is it legal to have a non-therapist "corporate trainer" facilitating group discussions of past traumas and disturbing life events? It seems to me that at the very least recounting stories of a loved one's tragic and untimely death, or being the victim of domestic abuse, would at the very least give hostile coworkers something to use against people, and at the worst could cause PTSD flashbacks for some people.

    EDIT: I should have included originally that this happened to a shy, timid, passive friend who does have PTSD. While making something up is what many people would do, after hearing everyone else's stories of death, abuse, trauma, and destruction, my friend was already too triggered to think of making something up, and actually was looking around the room for objects with which they might harm themself in order to not have to continue with the training (illogical, I know, but PTSD makes you desperate). And then the group repeated the same exercise later the same day. I don't see how the employer or corporate trainer could think it was a good idea to stir up emotional trauma among their employees.

    submitted by /u/DogDaysOfSpring
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    Minor planning on leaving household — legal repercussions? (CA)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 11:56 PM PDT

    Hello everybody, My parents have been involved with CPS and the police (numerous drug abuse and domestic violence issues) for longer than I can remember. Recently they made me unable to go to school or work, so I borrowed a car from a different family member. Today, they found out and became irate. My dad pushed me violently and did other things, and eventually the police came. However, the police said they cannot remove either of my abusive parents from my house, and said there is nowhere for me to go, as I have no other family living nearby. I cannot live in this situation, and am planning to leave and live with a friend tomorrow. I have everything else taken care of: I have a well paying job, a way to get to work and school, and I'm committed to a very prestigious college. The only issue is I have to stay alive for 2 more months and my parents are being very violent and crazy. I was wondering, are there any legal repercussions I should be aware of? If my parents file a Runaway Report, can I be forced back into my abusive home?

    tl;dr I'm a minor leaving an abusive household. Will this backfire?

    Thanks! All advice is very helpful

    submitted by /u/the-cutest-koala
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    My 15 year old niece asked to live with me (45F) for a while after a suicide attempt. I have a pretty good grasp on what she needs mental health wise but I have no idea what I need to do legally to protect her and myself. Any suggestions?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 08:55 AM PDT

    Colorado- My 15-year-old niece was recently hospitalized after a suicide attempt and at the hospital, she disclosed that her home life is untenable. Her doctors agreed and started looking around for somewhere else for her to live. I offered my home. He parents are divorced and neither are very happy about it. He father (my brother) has grudgingly agreed to allow her to live with me, her mother hasn't yet. Neither of her parents functions very well in the real world, both have psychiatric diagnoses and interfere with their ability to be attentive and reasonable parents.

    I work in the mental health world so I'm well versed in the ways to get her help and support. My question is what do I need legally to be able to act on her behalf by enrolling her in school, in mental health programs, etc. What legal documents would allow me to make decisions for her when necessary? She doesn't have insurance right now so I'm pushing her parents for that but as I said, they aren't functioning well. How do I go about getting this kid enrolled in programs like that?

    submitted by /u/lindygrey
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    Big Brothers stole a package off my doorstep and confirmed to have thrown out all the contents

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 03:30 PM PDT

    (Canada BC to be exact).

    I'm trying to figure out my options in this situation as I am not getting nowhere on my own.

    Basically two days ago, Big Brothers drove through my neighborhood looking for donations. My mother in law placed a slow cooker on the step for them to take. That same day Canada Post dropped off a package addressed to me and left it on the step. Well I get home and the package is gone, I can't find it anywhere. I look around the house, under stuff etc nothing.

    My mother in law informs me that Big Brothers we're in the area grabbing donations (which was the crock pot she placed on the step). My stomach sinks and I know exactly what happened to my package. I called BB and left a message. Well today I heard from them, the manager explained that they had taken a package addressed to me from Canada Post and emptied it/threw out a lot of it they couldn't resell (a bunch of gift cards and presents from my mother, which included family stuff pictures etc as she lives on the other side of Canada). He said sorry and that it should never have happened and it was THEIR fault.

    I had to tell him I was going to call him back as I was absolutely upset and shaking.

    I'm wondering what actions I can take now, I am so disgusted. I don't get how they didn't know it was a package with Canada Post markings all over it or at least when they opened it and realized it was full of WRAPPED PRESENTS.

    Thanks guys

    UPDATE 1: Called Vancouver RCMP to file report and they refused to take it as I cannot prove "malicious" intent and they said I'm pretty SOL even if they destroyed the contents.

    submitted by /u/PapiPapSmear
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    I believe I had my google account broken into, almost $600 was sent from my google wallet to a random email.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 01:55 AM PDT

    Location: Delavan, WI, USA

    I have my bank card linked to my google wallet and today all my money in my bank was gone and sent FROM MY ACCOUNT to a random email address through google pay. I've already filed a dispute with google and my bank and canceled and switched cards. All I have is this email address it was sent to, a random amazon order to my house for a Roomba that I canceled, and people on google wallet/pay support that are less than helpful.

    My questions are.. how in gods name can't they see an obvious breach by means of location, IP, anything? I had my 2-Step authentication set up and It still must not have mattered?

    Can I report this email address anywhere or go into legal action? (I will post it if it isn't within violation of the rules)

    All I'm waiting for now is my personal bank to get back to me from a dispute they filed, which I don't know if that is going to go my way because I could see how this would look like I'm trying to scam as all I'd have to do is make an email address and send money to it and "claim" I was hacked.

    But this is genuine and the proof is all there? There's security footage of me at my job at the time of the incident, I could imagine there's location and IP address search that would show things are different. My history using Google pay is little to nothing, and not randomly 3 payments of almost $200 out of nowhere.

    What in gods name can I do, I really am not trying to accept defeat with some unexplained reasoning or ridiculous way this all just went down

    submitted by /u/shanemichaels
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