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    Wednesday, February 7, 2018

    Employer wouldn't add baby to insurance, who do I complain to. - X-post from r/LegalAdvice Insurance

    Employer wouldn't add baby to insurance, who do I complain to. - X-post from r/LegalAdvice Insurance

    Employer wouldn't add baby to insurance, who do I complain to. - X-post from r/LegalAdvice

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:48 AM PST

    I'm going to try to make a very long story as concise as I can. In early November my baby was born. Two days after her birth I called the Employee service centre for my then employer to have her added to my insurance. I called three times and spoke to a few different people, but finally got someone who said that they would add her for us.

    At the end of December I got a letter from the hospital saying that the $80,000.00 NICU claim had been denied because she wasn't listed on my insurance. So I called the service centre again and was told they didn't have any record of me calling to add her and that I would have to fax in an appeal. I did call the insurer directly at this point and they said that I have to do it all through the employer.

    I faxed in a letter appealing this FIVE TIMES and kept getting told they hadn't received it. (Even though I had fax confirmations saying they had.) Finally someone at the employee service centre gave me his direct fax number. I faxed it to him and he personally handed it off to the benefits team. Who then denied my claim.

    I spoke to a family member who is an attorney and also to my local Department of Labour in Idaho. Both said to appeal again and go from there.

    I appealed again, providing a screenshot of my phone showing the three calls I made right after my daughter was born, the fax confirmation sheets etc. They denied it again saying that their systems showed no evidence of me attempting to add her on that first call and therefore I was outwith the 30 day period to add her.

    Since then I have filed a claim online with the department of Labour in Idaho. The first department said it wasn't something they covered and had me contact a different department (Wage and Hours.) That department said it's not something that they cover and that I need to talk to the insurance department. Who I called and they told me that they only deal with unemployment insurance claims and that I need to contact Wage and Hours.

    I don't know what to do anymore and I have no idea who is the appropriate party to contact for a claim of some kind.

    Should I contact the department of labour in the company's home state? (Massachusetts.) Should I lawyer up? Should I complain about the company on Twitter?

    I just want to get this taken care of do that my poor wife isn't having an anxiety fit about the idea of us having to find $80,000.00

    submitted by /u/ColbyKiller
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    Is it typical for Progressive to lure you in with low rates and then raise them slowly without any claims?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2018 03:59 AM PST

    I have been a safe driver since I started driving (20 years or so). I left my old insurance company because they raised their rates on me despite no change in coverage or claims. I just got my 6 month renewal from Progressive and it went up $3 and some change. Not a huge deal at all but before I left the old company I was warned that this is what Progressive does, they lure you in with low rates then systematically raise them over time regardless of how clean your history is. Can anyone vouch for this? Even if they raised it $3 every 6 months for the next 5 years I'd still be saving money just not sure I appreciate that tactic. Thanks in advance

    State: VA Old Provider: USAA New Provider: Progressive Coverage: Full

    submitted by /u/antiquedude
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    New 17-year-old driver who needs advice on car insurance

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 05:35 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'm a high school senior who has a license, a working car, but no insurance, and really needs some advice on how to get insured. I'm posting here because I don't know what I don't know, and would like some input from anyone who has experience with insurance.


    My situation:

    I'm a 17-year-old male living in Illinois. I won't turn 18 for more than 6 months, and would like to be able to drive before my senior year ends.

    We have a working 1997 Mazda Miata with 70,000 miles whose title is currently in my dad's name. He has not driven it in years, and it's been sitting in our garage for about 4-5 years I think. Last September my dad and I got it running again, and he is willing to transfer the title over to me.

    I am unable to join my parents' insurance plan. They have this weird plan that requires all drivers to be 18 years or older. Instead, I plan to get my own plan.

    I don't have a salaried job. I make a few hundred a month by selling various items on eBay and craigslist.

    I do not have a credit card, but I do have a bank and PayPal account.


    My questions:

    Where do I begin?

    What types of insurance would you recommend me get? Limits?

    What type of documents do I need to receive a quote from an insurance company? Do quotes cost money? How can I contact companies?

    After settling on a company, what are the next steps to getting insurance?

    Am I able to get my own insurance plan when my car's title is still under my dad's name?

    Are there any ways to help reduce costs besides good student discounts?


    If there is any other information that would help you understand my situation better, ask and I'll post it.

    Thanks for reading, and thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Snoops2626
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    A friend hit their neighbor while parking and damaged their license plate without causing any visible damage to the rest of the car (NY). What should they do?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:08 PM PST

    As described. The license plate is hanging by a single nail but there's no other damage to the front of the car.

    submitted by /u/hes-not-from-here
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    Got married in September and now going through a health insurance nightmare.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:48 PM PST

    I'm 25 and for years I have been on my step father's insurance plan (BCBS). After getting married in September I was able to get on my Husband's Pacificsource plan and I figured I might as well keep BCBS as a secondary. I got pregnant immediately after getting married and therefore have had many doctor visits since then, including an ER visit. When I went to the office and signed up with Pacificsource I gave them my BCBS info and confirmed that PS is my primary. I did not inform BCBS because I don't have an insurance card or any info about the plan, and I thought my mother was going to. She didn't. She re-enrolled me during open enrollment in November and updated my name and address but said there wasn't an option to add info for another insurance so apparently she just didn't bother contacting them.

    Now I've been getting bills and PS EOBs for the past 4 months showing that PS isn't paying a penny toward anything. I called PS and asked what was going on. They said that they had been paying, but then got feedback that they're my secondary, so they reprocessed everything and now aren't paying at all. I asked again and they confirmed that they are supposed to be my primary as it is my spouse's plan. I did ask why, if they were told they were secondary, were they not paying anything? They said because they were not receiving any info about what the primary is paying and they can't pay without knowing. I was then told that they would investigate since they should in fact be my primary and that if that is the case then they'll re-process all of the bills again. I was told 2 weeks ago that I'll hear back from them when it's determined.

    I told my mom what's going on and she finally got ahold of BCBS. They told her that since they've been my provider longer, that they're supposed to be my primary.

    What the hell happens now? What happens when they can't agree on who is primary? I keep getting bills from offices, labs, and hospitals showing that one or neither paid and they're adding up fast. I'm even getting bills for services that I had already paid off because insurance took back their payment and now I owe hundreds more. I'm worried that I'm going to be sent to collections from the multitude of doctors I've seen already because I've accumulated almost $10k in bills during the pregnancy so far, which I can't pay (and shouldn't have to!)

    submitted by /u/crazyheather
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    Lost Health Care Insurance coverage- wasn't notified- kept paying. Can I appeal? help!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:28 PM PST

    Last year I was doing well with monthly payments of my premium January-May, but then rough times hit and I wasn't aware I hadn't paid June, July and August. 100% my fault for losing track of payments. However, I had thought I only missed one payment.. not three.. and I made a double payment in September (which only would have covered September and August technically) October, November and December were then paid on time.

    It wasn't until now that I was trying to file my taxes and looked at my 1095-A form and was made aware that I had actually completely lost my Health Insurance coverage due to lack of payment in July 2017. I was never notified that this had happened, not by email or mail. And am now kind of freaking out that my taxes jumped from getting back a refund of $277 to them saying I owe $867 after inputting the 1095-A form. As well as because I kept freaking paying the premium to Kaiser Permanente September, October, November and December while apparently I had no coverage and it was going to nothing?! Is that not illegal to be taking those payments when apparently I am not covered anymore?? Even the fine for not having health insurance for the year is only $695 i believe.. I have no idea why I am being gouged for more than $800 when all i missed payment wise in the end was two months of $193 apiece!

    Just feeling really lost and not knowing the next step to take. My 1095 A is trying to say I only pay 6 months when in reality I paid 10 and I'm not sure those other 4 months will even count. Any advice appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Kmill
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    Anyone have any insight on insurance and a hit and run?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 05:15 PM PST

    I was the victim of a hit and run last week. Only got make, model, description of driver, description of sticker on back of car and a partial plate #. Police won't investigate, insurance won't investigate. I was told to open an uninsured motorist claim in order to knock my deductible down to $100 instead of $500 and to get reimbursement for the car seat that was in my car. Insurance rep told me as long as I wasn't at fault this shouldn't be an issue. Police report came back showing I was not at fault and now the insurance company is telling me they won't cover uninsured motorist for an unidentifiable hit and run. Everything I find online says I CAN open this type of claim for a hit and run. What can I do here? Anything?

    I'm in NC and I have Progressive insurance.

    submitted by /u/whatthehelloxkitty
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    [DC] Geico, Closed Claim Prematurely, Did Not Pay All Medical, Rental Car, Or TimeOff Expenses

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:50 AM PST

    Hi, I am based in DC.

    I was involved in a not at fault auto accident, where someone hit the back of my car. My insurer was Geico, their insurance was i think Erie.

    As part of my claim, I provided Geico with receipts for rental car and medical expenses and a note of days I had to take time off due to the accident. They paid for my repairs.

    They have only sent me a check for part of my medical expenses, before prematurely closing my claim.

    I have not received any money for the rental car or time I had to take off for the accident. I only received some of my medical expenses.

    I called them about my claim and they said that they are unable to reopen my claim because they closed it in some other system. And they said I need to follow up with the other drivers insurance.

    What should I do? I feel miffed here that my own insurer doesn't have my back at all in helping with the accident. I provided them all the receipts and everything in their system before they prematurely closed my claim.

    What are my options? Can I report Geico to the DC Insurance Bureau?

    submitted by /u/Booyakasha__
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    Motion Picture Production Insurance Ask

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:09 AM PST

    I'm a director. My prod company purchased a good production insurance package for a client project. I've been doing this for decades and have never had so much as a late project with a client. Very shortly into the project the producers left the project. The budget was just under 400K. So much poop hit the fan. I suppose I should have shut things down? While in production I tried to find producers to replace my partners of nearly ten years. This, while writing and directing and editing and casting etc. The anxiety was out of control and I didn't realize how bad it was in the moment but my doctor and then a shrink told me to start getting sleeping and that I was suffering the real threat of a criss. The project was late and I ended up in a severe mental health crisis. It's embarrassing to write this, maybe because mental health issues are so dismissed in the U.S and I'm guilty of well, guilt. I can only hope that people don't just assume I'm making things up. My doctor and a therapist documented this though. I'm now in a protracted legal battle with the client. Like a lot of productions I ended up using some of my own money--about 120K (all of my savings) to finish but now the client is saying teh project is late. They are essentially demanding the footage with no final payment to cover the advance I made which would make things even. I have a lawyer dealing with all this but she's not dealing with the insurance and I'm wondering if my insurance claim might cover this sort of situation. I'm in a really bad spot and suffering paralyzing anxiety and stress. My sister told me not to ask the insurance company before investigating a claim because they would never want to pay. I don't see any mental health or emergency type coverage on the claim so I'm thinking of out of luck. Does anyone have any advice here? I'd really appreciate it I wasnt scolded or made fun because of this because I already feel bad and embarassed enough. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/TOBASCUS
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    Car Insurance question

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 05:13 PM PST

    Hi, clear this up for me. located in Ontario Canada. Can I drive a friends truck and be under their insurance ( i dont have my own car/insurance) but I do have my license. Ive been told I need my own insurance but other readings say otherwise.

    submitted by /u/masta_pear
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    Car insurance for bad driving history.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:58 PM PST

    I have a bad driving history. I live I FL. What would be the cheapest insurance. I have 2 accidents and multiple tickets. They are 3-5 years old.

    submitted by /u/throwawaytra123
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    My startup wants to offer delivery drivers and restaurants a way to do business. Do I need to insure the drivers?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:44 PM PST

    We're building a platform where we are largely just the venue for restaurants and delivery drivers to do business together. We'll handle the payments between all parties. It is up to them to negotiate what the payment amounts between restaurant and drivers. In looking at others in this similar space they seem to offer drivers basic safety assurances like helmets and insurance. In our case I'm not sure we need to do that, but if we do what kind of insurance do we shop around to get?

    submitted by /u/toadkicker
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    Denied Short-term Disability because I am pregnant

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:53 PM PST

    I elected for short-term disability coverage knowing I would be trying to get pregnant in 2018 and having already started infertility treatments at the end of 2017. I had some minor complications during my first pregnancy so I figured it would be nice to have a safeguard. I wouldn't have needed STD for my first pregnancy, but it did get me thinking.

    It just so happens that I became pregnant after a fertility procedure that was performed on January 3. This was surfaced to my insurance provider in mid-January when they requested Proof of Insurability from my doctor due to a medication I was taking for my thyroid. I have since received a notice that I have been denied coverage because I am pregnant.

    I understand that pregnancy is a pre-existing condition that would have caused a denial of coverage, however, if coverage technically should have started on January 1 and my fertility procedure wasn't performed until January 3, I wonder if it is worth contesting the decision.

    Ultimately it's a minor concern and was really just a "nice to have" so I'm tempted to just ignore it but in truth, I have already jumped through a bunch of hoops for the insurer and I am annoyed that it ended this way.

    Do I have a foot to stand on?

    submitted by /u/RedDogThree
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    Shady practices ........

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:17 PM PST

    I won't say what company I was with but I will say the agent I worked for practiced some extremely immoral sales techniques.

    Worst part is he trained us to sell this way and fired anyone who questioned it.

    Here is how it went (and still goes today, I'm sure)

    This is the abbreviated version;

    1) get an interested person on the phone and ALWAYS find out what they pay first.

    2) once you find someone who has a higher rate than you're offering, inform the person they qualified as a "preferred client" (Not a real thing) and tell them being a preferred client includes a FREE life policy!

    3) Now, subtract the difference between their current rate and my new rate. For example if they are paying $120 and your quote is at $90 then your number is $30 (remember this number it's key for the scam)

    4) now tell the person on the other line you have GREAT news!! Tell them your rate is about the same except for one BIG, HUGE, AMAZING difference.............they are receiving a free life policy for being a preferred client!

    Here is how it would go; "okay Marry, so it looks like we are coming back about the same price as your current insurer but with us you will be receiving a free life insurance policy included in your $120 payment.

    5) if they ask how much without life policy we were instructed to say it wouldn't change the premium. If they did refuse the "free" life policy we were instructed to raise other coverage so the total bill would be around $120.

    6) I sold at least 50 of these policies that included a free life policy. In reality I should of been charging the person $90 and asking if they were interested in a life policy

    7). 6 salespeople in agents office were all trained to do this and probably still are.

    8) hundreds of people in this city are walking around with what think is a free policy and in reality are being charged.

    I hope this makes sense the way I described it? Let me know, happy to explain further and answer questions.

    Lastly I would like to report this agent, or notify a lawyer, but not sure how to go about it

    submitted by /u/Dog-of-few-words
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    Losing all interest in my passion because of insurance.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 07:55 PM PST

    I love cars and I love to drive but because of my age I'm getting quoted insane prices per month. I'm 18 and every car I look at that I have interest in I'm getting quoted $400+ per month. I can't just do liability because if the car is on a loan I'm required to have full coverage. Car insurance in the United States is completely flawed and unfair. I have a perfect driving record I don't even have a ticket. What do I do? Cars are a huge part of my life.

    submitted by /u/carchaser3
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    [USA][CA] Dental Insurance needed, what are my options?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 03:15 PM PST

    I know, I know... I should've signed up before the Covered California deadline. I managed to get medical insurance on time (just barely) but never bothered signing up for dental on time. Which is a shame since I knew coming into the new year that I'd need a fair amount of work done. I have a cracked molar that's starting to hurt, and a chipped/broken tooth that doesn't hurt.

    Having never done the insurance thing before, I was unfamiliar with it. I thought since I had gotten medical insurance, that my dental was covered as well. Or could simply sign up for a plan. Nope. Come to find out that it's a separate thing and that it has an enrollment period as well.

    Trying to explore my options now. What can I do or sign up for? Two options I've found have been dentalplans dot com, which shows me I'd pay about $175 up front for a whole year (Aetna Vital Dental Savings℠) or seems I can sign up for 'WD Freedom Plus plan', which is $11 a month or $131 for a year.

    Either of those seems okay, I guess. But simply wanted to ask on here to see if I could have some better recommendations or options.

    MUCH appreciative of any help I can get.

    submitted by /u/The_Window
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    New question about insurance claim

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 03:10 PM PST

    So I was in an accident, as I posted the other day, and now the other claim representative is saying if I go through my insurance to file a claim for a full loss they will accept 100 liability for the accident however if I attempted to go through them the agent said they will only accept 85 percent liability and would blame me for the remainder of the liability. They are trying to pressure me into going through my insurance and saying I will get 100% of the total loss if I do but if I attempt to go through them they will do 85% and such. So should I report them to the insurance department of my state because it seems really off for them to say I was at fault only if I go through them and not at fault if I go through my insurance company

    submitted by /u/Punishtube
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    i scraped my friend's car.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:27 AM PST

    long story short, i scraped my friend's car. i was hoping to pay cash at an auto body shop because the damage is minimal but i was quoted $1700.

    that being said, if i make a claim on my insurance and my friend's car how bad will my insurance rates go up? i've never been in an accident before. my deductible is $500 will it cover me and my friend's car?

    my damage: https://i.imgur.com/i8qBNXb.jpg my local auto body repair quote: https://imgur.com/a/JfsrT

    submitted by /u/Chronotrigga
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    Insurance vs Dentist Office

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 01:26 PM PST

    I have insurance through my employer. I signed up on the website and used the find a dentist feature, and found one near home. At the same time I called the insurance and got verbal confirmation that this dentist was participating. I make an appointment, I get my teeth cleaned and get one filling (which now hurts every time i eat chewy stuff. A couple of days later they call me and say the insurance paid x amount and I have a balance. I called the insurance, they say I have to pay nothing. Now, the dentist office say they are not participating, the insurance says they are, but I'm the one with the balance. They won't even talk to each other. What are my options here. I went through the proper channels. Ultimately if no one pays, my credit score will take a huge hit.

    submitted by /u/sodaphizz
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    My car was hit when it was parked on the street

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:44 AM PST

    It will most likely be totaled out but I didn't have insurance on it. I was inside sleeping at the time of the accident. The owner called the police and a report was filed. It got towed away with his car. What step should I take next?

    submitted by /u/kdta1529
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    [California] Hit and Run

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:13 PM PST

    I was rear ended this morning and both parties pulled over. There was a small paint scratch. The other driver dismissed it as no damage but when I asked for her information, she got into her car and left. I was able to take her picture as well as her license plate. I called the police and filed a collision report.

    The reason for this post is I don't want my insurance premiums to go up if I call/ask my insurance about this. I am 0% at fault. Will this accident increase my insurance rates?

    submitted by /u/kimsebyuk
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    Accident during insurance lapse

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:32 AM PST

    My dad didn't pay his car insurance because he hadn't received the renewal bill or any notice, the policy was terminated on 1/29. Yesterday on 2/5 he hit a street sign and messed up the front of his car pretty bad. No others were involved in the accident. We thought he had coverage because even his insurance card said it was active until June 2018. We called in and they said he owed $1000. Made payment today but they're still in the process of determining the possibility for reinstatement. No updates until later in the week. In this situation what are the chances my dad would be covered? Thanks

    submitted by /u/damnnnanthony
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    Zero Points | Insanely High Quote?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 07:57 AM PST

    Good people of Reddit - I'm in my early 40s, zero points on my license in the State of Georgia (Dawsonville) to be exact, yet my insurance premium is north of $250 a month for bank required full-coverage - that's with all the 'bells & whistles' omitted and a $1000 deductible.

    I had one moving violation 4 years ago, via a disregarded sign and two claims, one against me for a minor bumper tap (BMW) and the replacement of my 2013 2Dr Jeep JK soft top (cut into by vandals).

    My commute is minimal as well.

    That just seems insanely high - no?

    submitted by /u/AM_ATL
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    A little confused about my car insurance quote...

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 06:35 AM PST

    So I recently did a car insurance quote, and it seems to be telling me that I should be paying $1400 per month...? How is this possible? Is it supposed to be per year? Because the way it's illustrated it makes it seem like it's per month. "$1,400/month".

    There's no way my car insurance is going to be that high right...?

    I'm a 19 year old male, no accidents, one speeding tickets, no DUI or anything crazy like that. The car isn't a Lamborghini either, it's a 2009 Subaru WRX, just wondering why my quote is so damn high??? I sincerely hope it's per year and I hope someone can shed some light on this for me lol. Thx.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, I did the quote with Geico

    submitted by /u/FallenMagex1
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