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    Wednesday, January 24, 2018

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - (January 24, 2018) Entrepreneur

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - (January 24, 2018) Entrepreneur

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - (January 24, 2018)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 05:06 AM PST

    Please use this thread to ask any wantrapreneur questions.

    We do this to not overflow the subreddit with wantrapreneur questions, so please try to limit the questions to this weekly thread.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    "How do I get all of my customers?" -Restaurant Cleaner, $1000 per night guy.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 02:52 AM PST

    Believe it or not, I just do cold calls and its brought in almost more business than I can handle at times. Here's a video on what I do

    In the video I'm in an elevator at my very first customer location. I still have this customer 4 years later! I talk about my process, but I'll outline it here for those of you who cant or don't want to watch it. You guys probably already know everything about cold calling, but I'll just share what I do so you know that it actually works for someone.

    First, a lot of people talk about buying lists. I don't do this, I have my own reasons. I like to compile them myself, or have my wife do it while she is watching Netflix.

    Here's the process

    1. I decide what type of business I want to target, and what geographic location.

    2. I use things like yelp or even google street view to look for those types of businesses, or others that I'm targeting. Sometimes the chamber of commerce has lists of members as well.

    3. Go to their website and find their email address or web form, and copy this info to an excel spreadsheet.

    4. Send out an email template to as many people as possible from the list. We shoot for 100 per day during slow times.

    5. Wait for people to invite me in for a walk through of their facility. Usually it doesn't take more than 24 hours.

    I like this process because its simple. Its free. It works. There are lots of ways to do marketing, and your opinion might be totally against this, but it has worked for me for 4 years.

    Out of 100 emails sent, I'll get about 4 sales at the end of the day. So consistency is key, you have to do this a lot. Over time I've built up a vast network of customers and I can now mine within the network to find even more opportunities. I just hit them up on the phone once in a while and check in and see what kind of cleaning projects are coming up.

    But That's how I do it.

    Edit: Yes in my video there is a little blurb about my paypal account....just like every other person on youtube. If my videos dont give you any value, then dont feel obligated at all, its not for you. Its for my subscribers and future subscribers who like my videos and want to give back. This IS a group for entrepreneurs, you should understand that there is no problem in asking for money if you provide enough value.

    submitted by /u/johnstevens456
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    I have 15 acres down Mexican Pacific coast and I can get up to 270,000 usd from Federal Funds. I get 1 dollar for every 1 dollar i have in my bank acct. Is there a financial instrument that let me put investor's money on my account and guarantee i cant touch the money without their approval?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:50 AM PST

    I think the title describes my situation. There is a goverment program that can help you with your project for up to 270,000 usd (five million pesos), they only ask you for this: 1.- Your project needs to be related to fishing or aquaculture (water farming). 2.- You get one dollar for every dollar you can prove its yours and comes from legal means.

    This is my problem. I want to gather investors money and put it in my account but I also want to be able to give peace of mind to the investor that i will not be able to touch the money. My plan is once I get the funds from the Federal Goverment I will be able to return the investors money with some interest, or if the investor wants invite him to participate in the earnings. Does such financial instrument exists??? Thank you in advance. (Sorry for any mistakes, english not my first language)

    submitted by /u/alejs56
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    Side gig to full time job

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 01:35 PM PST

    Who here has turned a side hustle into a full time job and what do you do? Want to hear some inspirational stories! I got a small nonprofit as an accounting client 5 years ago and now I just offer accounting services from home!

    submitted by /u/MarinaKov
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    A non tech job. Hard work, little pay. But I love it.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 05:12 AM PST

    I know this is not a typical business or company that is posted in here but its what I have. Its defiantly not a get rich idea and its pretty hard work at times. I started a food waste recycling company. So a few years ago I wanted to do something that made a difference in the city I live in and do something that would benefit not only me but the environment. I'm a big fan of gardening and enjoy being outdoors. I built a few raised bed gardens but I met my problem when looking for soil to fill those beds. Almost everything from the store either had synthetic fertilizer or anything organic was outrageously priced. I couldn't really find anything that suited my needs so I decided to try and make my own soil by composting. Looking into it I thought that it seemed pretty simple. You mix green waste(nitrogen) with brown waste(carbon) and add a little water and BAM, compost. The only problem with this method is that it calls for a large pile to start with. Where would I find large amounts of food waste and carbon material? I knew that coffee shops like Starbucks would give you used coffee grounds if you asked but that wasn't enough. I needed fruits and vegetables to truly make some good compost. I searched online and saw that a few company's around the country were actually collecting food waste from restaurants and grocery stores and it was making them money. It seemed simple enough so I made a few business cards and started asking stores for their waste. I'm not sure how to describe the faces of the store owners or managers other than them thinking that I was crazy. Trying to convince people to pay extra money for me to collect there food waste on top of them paying a monthly trash fee was harder than I anticipated. It sounded so easy in my head. I got turned down a lot. I finally convinced a few places to let me do a test run. We set up a three month program where I would pick up their waste for free. We let them see how much of a dent I made in the overall trash that was going in their normal container. All but one stayed on with me and were able to use a smaller dumpster instead of the larger one. I charged them a lower hauling fee and was able to get the materials I needed to make the compost. Even at picking it up for free I was still getting the waste I was looking for. Them paying me for the raw materials is a huge bonus. This has been a fum experience for me and also great for my garden. I currently have about 22 stores that I work with. I'm also starting a residential program where we give them a container and pick it up on a weekly basis. Every 3 months we give them some finished compost or let them donate to a local school or charity. Its a lot of work. I'm picking up food waste 6 nights a week and its usually after these stores close for the day. Making the actually compost involves heavy lifting and turning of the piles at least once a week. We're looking to expand very soon. I can't produce enough compost as I currently have a waiting list of buyers. I hope this helps someone get out and get started with what they love or fill a void that is needed. Everyone told me I was never going to make a sale or have people pay me to pick up food waste. I'm not getting rich but I fill that I'm at a place where I'm comfortable and its just getting better.

    Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/Foodtodirt
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    Could someone give me sales advice on how to write a first contact email.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 12:23 PM PST

    I'll try not to be too vague, but I'm running a promotion and social media marketing business and I'm having a hard time actually getting a client.

    I don't know that I am good at sales because I've never had a need to be, until now.

    Could anyone give me some useful advice as to how I should contruct my first email to potential clients?

    Also, should I just hand business cards out everywhere? Stopping in to a business to do my pitch and cold calls rarely work out.

    submitted by /u/BeerMagic
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    Why do most blogs fail?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:00 AM PST

    From an article I found today:

    "Content marketing isn't immune to change, but it is prone to infidelity. The most effective and least sexy content marketing advice is simply to stick with it."

    This is a great article that tackle's the work of Clay Christensen's work in The Innovator's Dilemma and relates it to content marketing. Today we are so comfortable with disruption because of the rate that technology moves at that sometimes we use it to make quick but significant changes to strategy. The author of this article is arguing that shouldn't be the case with our content marketing unless a change is so big that it will definitely affect readership and strategy.

    Buffer is a great case study when they had their 15 minutes of fame in 2013 when Belle Beth Cooper took over the Buffer blog. They were seeing crazy growth in short spurts of time. After this wore off, instead of changing strategies and trying to gun for that next big explosive growth moment, they continued their strategy and have consistently seen steady growth over time.

    In fact, "In Q32017, they reported 4,008,126 sessions on their Social blog—roughly 1.3 million per month. With no buzz about how they were changing the content industry and no hoopla about being content marketing visionaries."

    These are the takeaways from the read:

    1. Content is changing, but not that fast
    2. Compounding growth wins
    3. Content isn't for everyone - if it's not working for you, focus on something else.

    The article is here for anyone interested.

    Definitely gave me some food for thought. It's harder than it seems to keep strategy consistent when sometimes you're tempted to jump on fleeting trends.

    submitted by /u/pmp301
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    Luxury/Premium business cards... But cheaper?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:03 AM PST

    I'm looking to order a batch of what they call "premium" business cards, laser etching on plastic/metal/wood and the like.

    A quick Google search brought up a few options, but they're all rather expensive. I had my eye on the "black metal" variety. Yes, I realize that's the point of "luxury" cards, but I thought maybe someone could recommend a cheaper option for a similar product.

    submitted by /u/ifinallybroke
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    Roast my idea...

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 01:32 PM PST

    I had an idea for starting a side company as somewhat of a consultant for people who want to have a garage sale.

    The service would be an "all-inclusive" type of package where we would handle all of the work that comes along with having a yard sale. A few aspects being:

    -Advertising (signs, posting online)
    -The moving of products around
    -Provide them with :
    *Folding tables
    *Garment racks/hangers
    *Price stickers
    *Pricing consultations
    *Notes for the neighbors to inform them
    *Offer delivery to customers for an additional charge

    Could also provide them with a method for processing credit cards.

    Thinking the pricing structure would be a flat rate plus a percentage of sales ($100 + 20% of sales, $200 + 10% of sales, etc.)

    If the average yard sales generates $1,000 the margin would be approximately 30%.

    Some of the challenges I'm imagining would be:

    *To confirm the legitimacy of the sales and avoid "skimming" would probably need to be there.
    *If it wasn't me there, would need to be someone I would need to pay (and trust), which will cut into the margins
    *People abusing the moving around of items (old dishwasher from the basement? Ouch). Would likely need to specify how much moving is included

    Do you think there would be a market for this?

    I feel like a lot more people would have garage sales if they didn't have to deal with a lot of the headaches involved, and would be willing to pay a cut of this "found money".

    Open to any feedback!

    submitted by /u/smallsketch
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    How do some people offer worldwide shipping for so cheap?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 12:56 PM PST

    Like under $5 for worldwide shipping what are they using, and they cant be sending in bulk

    submitted by /u/jerrybaboona
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    Entrepreneurs that failed and went broke, how did you get back up on your feet?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:38 PM PST

    So, my business failed (not because I was in a bad industry or failed at what I was doing) but because of a lot of external reasons (family illness and some others I won't mention) that had me go broke and now I can't fund my business. (Online affiliate marketing) I easily made 100-200k in the past few years self employed.

    Things were going quite well for a while and well now I'm pretty broke. Reduced to having to move back in with my parents for a while until I get back on my feet. Without any bankroll (especially a substantial one), it's pretty impossible to get going in my field of expertise. I have also reached out to some industry friends about fronting me financially and splitting profits 60/40 (60 them, 40 me) but most say they're interested but never follow through. So I am thinking of getting a job to build my independence back up and hopefully start a business again. This makes me cringe but it's what I have to do for the time being.

    I'm just wondering if any other entrepreneurs have faced anything similar and how they've bounced back. It would be nice to read and chat with some of y'all.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/takewhatsyoursin2017
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    Looking for business ideas that can be started with less than 50k

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:59 AM PST

    So I'm having to do multiple projects this semester that require me to write business plans for business ideas that can be funded for under 50k. I would love just getting ideas to help me get started. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/TheVanMan2345
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    How Much to Tell a Company Before Requesting They Sign an NDA

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:53 AM PST

    I'm looking to field my invention with a few companies that I think would be interested. I want to tell them about the idea but am unsure how much to say before saying I would like them to sign an NDA for us to continue. I want to tell them enough that they're interested but don't want to give too much away. How much would you tell them in an email message? Just describe what it does without anything technical? Err on the side of being brief and vague? Or err on the side of saying more and assuming that they wouldn't run with it because they don't have the free resources to put into research?

    I'm probably being overly paranoid since, as I've been told on here, ideas themselves aren't worth all that much and them just knowing my idea won't get them that far. Many people have told me my idea is something that someone should have thought of already because it seems so obvious and I'm afraid if I mention my idea to a company they would look into making their own version.

    submitted by /u/Aorus_
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    I made a crowdsourced website for entrepreneurs to validate markets and understand existing player's strategy. This will be helpful in making decision if its worth your time to invest in a given market.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:28 AM PST

    This is just a MVP, create to validate it's own worth in real world.

    This website is crowd sourced, and will host data such as, for any market, how many competitors exists which offer very similar (but slightly different) solutions to same problems.

    This will be helpful in understanding how much more competition can a market hold before saturation. ergo, is it worth your time to invest in.

    Alternatively, it will offer general consumers with alternative solutions to their problems from the competition.

    Build on : Django 2.0 + Bootstrap 4

    Any ideas/Comments/Corrections is welcome.

    I would really love to hear from you guys.

    Link : https://basically-twins.herokuapp.com/

    submitted by /u/This--Ali2
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    Where to buy established websites, other than Flippa & Empire Builders?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 02:09 PM PST

    Generating website traffic

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 01:59 PM PST

    I have set up a niche online shop selling amazon products via affiliate links, but I don't really know the best way to drive traffic to the site.

    I don't want to pay for paid adverts, but I don't know where to turn for SEO.

    Should I be looking for someone local, although I expect they'll be super expensive? Or would you advise trying a freelance website to find someone to help write articles and whatever else is required for SEO these days?

    Not sure where to go next, any help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/AgentSplurge
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    Ideas for task delegation as a solopreneur not yet generating enough to pay someone

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:55 AM PST

    Has anyone found creative ways to find help for simple tasks that are not difficult to do, but just take up a lot of your time, over time?

    submitted by /u/nightmaretraining
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    Your website is getting traffic but no sales? Share your landing page URL & i’ll suggest improvements

    Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:45 PM PST

    You've got a landing page... and you're not sure if it's any good, but you've been asking yourself these questions a lot lately:

    "Why isn't my website creating sales?"

    "Why isn't my business growing faster?"

    You don't know if it's the copy that sounds off...Maybe the words on your website are vague or confusing...or maybe the design doesn't fit your product or service...or maybe your website has usability problems...you just don't know.

    And that's frustrating as hell. And it's killing your business.

    So...you're thinking about hiring a copywriter. Or maybe a designer. Or maybe a marketing agency. But there's one thing you know. Hiring qualified professionals for each aspect of your website will probably cost you thousands of dollars​. The good news? I can help you. I've been building startups for 7+ years, so I know a thing or two about building landing pages that convert.

    So here's how this works:

    • To get your landing page teardown, just comment below and share your landing page URL, and I'll analyze your page and identify areas you can improve. These teardowns take a lot of time and effort so please be patient. I'll do me best to reply to all of you who share your landing page URL below.

    • Please post your URL as a comment. The goal here is to create something that everyone in the r/Entrepreneur/ community can learn from. If you're shy or really don't want to post your link publicly, then DM me but I'll probably take longer to reply. I'll always give priority to landing page URLs posted as comments because the teardowns will be publicly available and can be useful to the r/Entrepreneur/ community.

    • Since this is a free service and because it takes a lot of time, you won't get a blow-by-blow report - I actually run a Landing Page Review Service (I won't share the link because I don't want to be spammy but feel free to DM me if you want to know more) - but hey, I'll still offer you super valuable insights that can help you fix your landing page and spare you some very expensive mistakes.

    So what's the catch:

    • There's no catch. I will do this 100% free. The only thing I ask for is a testimonial or results & feedback after implementing the improvements I suggested.

    • Why am I doing this? I've got a lot of help from Reddit and want to give back in any way that I can.

    Are you brave enough to share your landing page? :)

    submitted by /u/kervokian
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    People selling T-shirts. Do they ever get caught?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:45 PM PST

    Okay so lately without fail almost every time I've jumped on Facebook and scrolled through my news feed I find sponsored posts from pages promoting T-shirts for sale which 99% of the time contain copyrighted content such as tv shows, movies etc.. surely none of these people have actually contacted the trademark owners and requested they sell shirts with their content on them.. so what gives? Do people actually make money doing this? I could easily do the same thing but i always have in the back of my head that I'd get caught. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/ValenDrethen
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    What is your daily routine to stay on top of life?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:56 AM PST

    I just quit my job to be a self employed consultant. I'm trying to start with a clean slate and put together a routine that keeps me healthy and motivated.

    When do you wake up? What do you do for exercise? What routine or rituals do you do to keep organized and motivated?

    submitted by /u/mostlyemptyspace
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    Facebook: Biz page or Group?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:44 AM PST

    I'm starting a new page for my brand. However, I've heard better engagement and exposure in a group vs a generic business page.


    submitted by /u/bluecollard
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    Should I put my free tutorials on youtube?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:43 AM PST

    I'm currently working on an online training course for my sport which will be a paid monthly subscription. There's still a heap of work to be done as it's a pretty in depth course, but am hoping to get the first section live by June/July. I'm pretty new to all of this, and my original plan was to advertise to get people to my website, and then have an email opt in to get access to free weekly videos that I will be posting (these will follow weekly trainings, but won't be as in depth/specific as the actual course). My initial thought was this would hopefully be a good way to get a lot of email subscribers. But what I am now wondering is would it be more beneficial for me to put these videos on a youtube channel, with a link to the sign up for the full course, and offer something else to get people to subscribe with their emails? Any suggestions welcome

    submitted by /u/chateclipse
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    Looking for tips on starting a blog for profit.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:32 AM PST

    I am feeling unproductive lately and have decided to start a project of creating passive sources of income, starting with creating a blog in a niche I have a lot of knowledge in. I have a domain that should rank high on SEO and a few ideas for some articles, but I am wondering is there anything else I should be looking out for.

    If you have a successful blog that gets high traffic, do you have any tips for a beginner? Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/alanp97
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    My immigrant parents just sold their deli (franchise) that they’ve run most of their working lives. They are going to take a short break and then look to opening up their own store. I can help out with marketing. Any advice or ideas on how to guide them? They are in Houston, TX.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:10 AM PST

    Anyone know any short term financing options for a solo business?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:27 AM PST

    So basically long story short, I have a small business, that I just never really registered. I just generate leads and sell them to buyers. Nov and Dec are really slow so I ran in the red, which is normal, but now it's picked back up and headed back on track to generate 4500-5000 in revenue with 1500 in expenses...

    However, I can't afford this upcoming bill. I screwed up by mismanaging my funds after going from 1000 in maketing to 1500 in marketing and forgetting to update the autopay figure to 1500, so now the company I work with, months later is calling in what they are owed which is 3000... The problem is that getting through the slow months have eaten away all my capital and I just can't figure out how to pay them.

    Since I never registered my business I can't get a business loan, and no one is going to give me a personal loan of 3k due to my high credit leverage (basically maxed out my 2 cc's)

    I don't want to just have to close down a 3500 profit a month business because I can't make a 3000 payment... As well as miss out on all the future revenue. It's incredibly frustrating!

    Anyone have any sources? Since i plan on paying it off ASAP, I don't mind higher APR loans.

    submitted by /u/duffmanhb
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