- Got terminated along with 34 others on "stealing time". HR said our time stamp did not match our company vehicle gps time. Im in texas if that helps for advice. Supervisors were told they could not vouch for us or do anything about this.
- My son was attacked on the school bus again
- [Virginia] NEED HELP. Going to small claims due to landlord not returning deposit of $1250. Repeated attempts to resolve were met with vague responses. Once warrant was served I was told to "Bend over because im going to f*** you in the a**" to get more than deposit due to of painting two rooms.
- My Husband Knocked Up His Mistress
- I recently discovered my college roommate has been selling weed, sometimes even out of our apartment. I don't smoke, and don't want anything to do with this. What should I do?
- HIPPA Question: Friend Posted Name On Social Media
- [arizona] My condo's HOA is increasing dues and hasn't replaced the unsafe roof to our unit
- Ex-husband using bank account
- Found potential CP in coworkers files
- My apartment wants to start charging for the ability to receive package deliveries
- My roommate moved our lease over to another house without my consent and I didnt sign anything for the new house.
- [NM] - Doctors Office threatening lawsuit over review
- [NM] Excessive jury duty?
- Looking to help parents with finances, don't want to incur liability for their debts
- [TEXAS] Ex-wife refuses to meet halfway to exchange children, it's in court order.
- My [18] mom is withholding my prescribed sleep medication.
- I want to piggyback off someone else's name to help their user base, am I stealing or infringing?
- Being sued for a car accident from last year
- HOA that I'm not part of asking for pay
- Landlord is lying to other potential landlords about my history with my rental.
- DL suspended by Bob's Barricades
- This is a Hail Mary. Any help would be appreciated
- Major Wheel manufacturer took 4 of my wheels for RMA, then 6 months later claim it was outside of the warranty and they destroyed the wheels. They refuse to refund me the $2300 paid for the wheels, and since I owned them they should have sent them back to me bent or not!
Posted: 26 Jan 2018 05:39 AM PST I work oilfield and was instructed by supervisor time starts at 7am when i leave home and ends when you get back home. Round off to nearest half hr. HR said we were wrong and terminated without warning so they dont have to pay bonuses or severance pay. Is there anything i can do to fight this or will it just cost me and not lead to anything? [link] [comments] |
My son was attacked on the school bus again Posted: 26 Jan 2018 08:16 AM PST Yesterday my son was on the school bus and another student asked him to come sit with him then started punching my son in the groin then pushed him into the floor and sat on his face where he had trouble breathing. This is the third time something like this has happened (in kindergarten a 5th grader told him he was going to kill him and started strangling him on the bus, last year in first grade another student pushed him over and sat on his stomach and banged his head repeatedly on the ground because he had already chosen a partner and the kid wanted to be my son's partner) Each time nothing was done until I went in and spoke with the principal (they say they were not aware of any incident). They also have always told me I am not aloud to see the tapes but a while back I saw something that says I should be aloud to but I can not find the post. Can I see the tape? If I can and they tell me I can't how do I go about requesting the tapes? My son is worried he'll be in trouble this time because for the first time he hit the kid back after saying stop and being hit over 8 times. Location is Mississippi [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:53 AM PST Located in Virginia. Wife and I suing landlord in small claims court for unreturned security deposit of $1250. Need help being completely prepared. The Issue: Our previous landlord has been dodgy and vague about returning our security deposit. He claims to have sent it in the mail, but we have not received anything, almost 2 months out of the lease. He repeatedly offers excuses. I filed a claim with the court on January 17th and the warrant in debt was served to his registered agent, which is an attorney. Once served, I have received a succession of phone calls from the LL that are intimidating in nature. The last of which ended in him telling me "to bend over because he's going to fuck me in the ass" in court. I asked what the amount of checks were that he claimed to send. He said $250 and a check for $150 "for our new baby." This is the first we are hearing of over a thousand dollars in damage. He claims it is because we painted 2 rooms - which were in desperate need of it when we moved in. Unfortunately we only have verbal permission and nothing written. We did not receive any list of deductions that he claims to have sent before christmas, except he texted me on December 28th asking for our new address "so he can send out deposit." Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any advice you can give us. [link] [comments] |
My Husband Knocked Up His Mistress Posted: 26 Jan 2018 12:58 PM PST Hey there, Reddit. Throwaway here. My husband impregnated his mistress. She had the baby. She got a paternity test. It's his. The baby is a few months old. She wants child support. How do I know this? She showed up on our doorstep with said baby and paternity results. I had no clue that he was having an affair, his affair partner was having a baby, or that he was present for birth and funneling her money from "our" savings. He is a stay-at-home dad to our two young children. I am the sole earner. If I don't immediately file for an at fault divorce (In Virginia), will I be responsible for paying for this child? This is all very fresh and I'm on my phone- so sorry for formatting/grammar/content. I'm going to consult an attorney next week, just looking for some unofficial answer so I can survive the weekend with my sanity intact. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2018 04:46 AM PST First of all, I apologize if this isn't the best sub to ask this, but I'm not sure where else to go. This is in Ohio. To summarize this the best that I can, I'm currently living in an apartment with a group of guys near my school. I've always known one of these guys (let's call him "Phil") smoked weed, but he never did in the apartment so I didn't care about that. Recently - meaning after I signed the lease agreement - I learned that Phil had been selling weed as well, and as the title said, sometimes out of our apartment. Now he's not exactly the next El Chapo - it's just weed to other college kids. Nonetheless, if he gets caught, I don't want to be dragged down with him. He keeps some weed and pipes and stuff in shared spaces within the apartment, and like I said, I don't smoke. My roommates and I had a conversation with Phil about how he needs to stop and he agreed, but at this point I don't trust him anymore. What should I do going forward? I graduate this spring, so I don't want to have to move all of my stuff out and find a new place to live for 3.5 months and I live an un-commutable distance from home. At the same time though, if he gets caught, selling weed is an obvious violation of our lease and we all would be kicked out (which isn't at the top of my list of concerns if he's caught but it wouldn't be great). Any help you all could offer - legal or even personal - would be much appreciated. [link] [comments] |
HIPPA Question: Friend Posted Name On Social Media Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:05 AM PST Really curious about this - I only know enough about HIPAA from volunteering at a hospital for a year or so, so I may be wrong. A friend of mine posted a picture of the screen of her computer at work and it displayed the name of a patient. It didn't display much more besides names near that person alphabetically. It was due to the fact that the person had a "funny names." A bunch of us told her to take it down immediately, so she did, and she then called us babies, so I wanna know what you guys think. Are we babies, or was this illegal? Thanks! Edit: location, New York Edit 2: Hey everyone. I am going to share all these things you guys said with her and potentially any other people who don't quite see the real problem here. Not only is it a risk to the worker (fines, loss of job, jail time, credibility to the work place), it is mainly the problem of the patient. Thank you for all the responses, please add more comments if you like, I will share them in due time. Also sorry for the HIPAA typo in the topic!! [link] [comments] |
[arizona] My condo's HOA is increasing dues and hasn't replaced the unsafe roof to our unit Posted: 26 Jan 2018 05:20 AM PST I'm looking for some general information about what I can do about my HOA. I have been living in the community for 7 years, and when I moved in I was told by my realtor that the entire complex would be getting new roofs (the old ones are wooden, rotten in some places, moldy in others). I can't find anything in my CC&Rs about a timeline for this project, but good news! Every roof has been replaced but ours. It was a costly project, because there has been a 30% increase in dues recently passed with a vote. There are several major projects listed in our annual budget, none of which have come to fruition. My question is as follows: do I have any legal grounds to resist the HOA due to lack of maintenance on the roof? I have no other problems with the community, and after reading some horror stories on this sub I wonder if it's even worth pursuing. I am frustrated, though, that after paying my dues and abiding by every rule and restriction, I still have a horrifyingly unsafe roof. Shingles are constantly falling into my yard and it's beyond unsightly. There is a board of directors meeting scheduled soon and I would like to attend. If there is something I can do to better prepare, I would appreciate the insight. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2018 08:37 AM PST Salt Lake County, UT - USA Hi, posting on behalf of my friend as she does not have a reddit account. My friend divorced her ex-husband a little over a year ago. Today, an email from the power company came in confirming payment. Somehow she is linked to his and his new wife's utility account. Upon checking her bank statement she has found multiple utility payments and a few miscellaneous charges with her ex-husbands name on them. The total amount that she has been able to add up that he owes her is around $1,800. He is refusing to cooperate and pay her back for what was taken out of her account. She thinks he may have saved her information before they got divorced. Right now she is in the process of documenting bank statements, emails, and texts from him. I know the amount would qualify for some sort of small claims issue - is this her only remedy or should she look into something else? Thanks for reading. Edit- worded incorrect [link] [comments] |
Found potential CP in coworkers files Posted: 26 Jan 2018 11:10 AM PST Edit: I appreciate the help, everyone. You confirmed my feeling that I should let the police know. I made a report, an officer should be getting back to me soon. This happened about a month ago. Sorry if it's all over the place. A coworker is a counselor at a kids camp (grades 7-12). He sent me a file to access photos from last year's camp to add to a brochure. This file is accessible by nearly everyone in the company. As I was going through one folder, I noticed a large number of photos of girls in their bathing suits, and then as I progressed through the folder, there were more and more closeups of the girls, but just their bodies (as in the photo was of them from the neck down), and then closeups of butts/crotches. The shots were taken as though the person were trying to be sneaky, i.e. weird angles and such. These photos were all in one folder, the other folders had regular photos of camp activities, including normal photos of the entire group swimming. I went straight to HR, who told me they would handle it. I forwarded the photos to the HR manager, as she didn't have access to it. HR and coworker's manager approached my coworker and directly asked him about it. He denied it was him and said another camper must have taken the photos. He said campers and counselors take photos during the camp and then he? they? put them in a shared folder. The gross pictures were isolated in one folder, taken from several days of camp activities. Coworker's manager then came to me and said the guy was really embarrassed and wanted to know if I would like an apology, which makes me think they told him I was the one who brought it to their attention. He could have figured it out himself, since I was working on the brochure, but since everyone has access, I feel they should have denied it was me/kept my anonymity. His explanation didn't sit well with me (I should mention I've always gotten creepy vibes from this guy. No reason why, really), so I looked at the metadata of the creepy photos and it matched the metadata of a selfie he took of himself on one of the days at camp. I took that to HR as well. I haven't heard anything new, but the HR manager wasn't happy to learn creepy guy knows it was me who reported the photos. Here is my concern: I feel like I may have screwed up by going to HR and letting them handle it instead of going to the police. I don't know if the photos count as child pornography, but they were really upsetting to me. I definitely feel like he shouldn't be counseling at that camp if the photos belong to him. I also have concerns about possible retaliation since he knows I'm the one who reported him. The file was accessible by the entire company, so it could have been anyone, but he asked if I needed an apology, so he figured it out or was told. There may be an investigation underway, but they can't tell me anything, so I don't know. I just feel like maybe I should have bypassed HR and gone straight to the police. [link] [comments] |
My apartment wants to start charging for the ability to receive package deliveries Posted: 26 Jan 2018 11:52 AM PST I moved into a new apartment complex a few months ago. Up until this point they have been accepting package deliveries at the leasing office or allowing access to leave them outside the door. They just announced that they will be implementing a parcel locker system and as a result no longer accepting packages at the office or allowing access for packages to be left. I would be fine with this if not for the fact that the parcel locker system has a sign-up fee. There is no mention of a fee to be able to receive packages in my lease. There is no guarantee that they will accept packages in there either. However, I specifically asked about package deliveries and additional fees before I signed the lease. I was told they accept packages and there was no mention of any fees. I relied on these statements when I signed the lease and I had I known about this I would have chosen to live somewhere else. Does this constitute a breach of contract that would allow me to either a) break my lease without having to pay the penalty b) insist on some other remedy (e.g. they cover the cost of the sign-up fee)? Edit: This is in Texas. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2018 06:56 AM PST PA: My roommate decided to go speak to our landlord about switching over to a new house without my consent. Him and i were both on the lease at the old house but we have 2 other roommates not on the lease. Is there some way that my roommate whos on the lease with me can sign something that transfers our original lease to a new house without my signature also? Or would our old lease have to be broken and a new lease have to be signed in order to move into a new house? [link] [comments] |
[NM] - Doctors Office threatening lawsuit over review Posted: 26 Jan 2018 09:09 AM PST My wife has been having going to this psychiatric office for three months. She's had several problems along the way, which she let slide. Yesterday, we received a large bill that had several discrepancies. Because of these problems I wrote a review detailing everything we had experienced. I kept the review factual and avoided inflammatory statements. There were no personal attacks, name calling, ect. I said that there had been scheduled appointments where the office had not been open, appointments that started late because the doctor hadn't returned from lunch, and several appointments that my wife had to be turned away from after arriving because the doctor wasn't able to see her. I also said that the office was billing us for one of those appointments, and part of the bill had not been billed to our insurance. I said that she'd been calling the office for the last two weeks trying to arrange for a re-fill of her antidepressants, but hadn't gotten any call backs. After talking with our insurance this morning, I was asked to contact the provider to ask them to submit the claim they were billing us for but the insurance did not have. I handled this on behalf of my wife because her anxiety was through the roof. When I called the office I ended up speaking with the owner. He explained that this wasn't his fault because they had X number of patients and it was pharmacy fault that her prescription hadn't been filled because they put him on hold for 40 minutes. He said that he talked to my wife earlier this week (true), but she had not been calling for two weeks (untrue). I explained that she only had two days left of her medication, and that it was unsafe for her to have a break in her antidepressants. At this point he recognized who I was and that I had written a review a few hours before. He became aggressive and very defensive. He identified himself as the owner of the office. He said that he would not bill the insurance for the date that was missed. He said that he have the appointment we had billed for but were turned away from in his system. He said that he did not appreciate my review and that he had screenshotted and sent it to his laywer. I said that was fine because everything I'd said was true and that I just wanted to resolve the issues between billing and insurance. He started talking non-stop at this point. Explaining that the agreement was between us and his office, not our insurance, and that billing the insurance was a courtesy. He said that the doctor worked hard and we weren't paying her. He said that he understood how medical billing worked, had more experience in the field than I did, and just kept on bringing up his lawyer. It was hard to get a word in, but I attempting to politely end the call without having to hangup on him. I was trying to avoid burning the bridge completely. He then demanded to "talk to the patient" (my wife). Because she was incredibly anxious and hadn't slept all night, I refused, and ended up hanging up on him. After the phone call I edited my review to say that the office owner had berated me for writing the review and had told me he was contacting his lawyer because of it. TLDR: Wrote a factual review about my wife's experiences with a doctors office. Called the office trying to fix a billing issue. Ended up getting chewed out for writing the review and he said he was contacting his lawyer because of it. Office owner also said that billing through our insurance was a courtesy that he didn't have to do. What legal steps should I take going forward? Should I preemptively contact a lawyer? What happens if the office makes good on their promise not to bill through our insurance? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:18 AM PST I am curious if there are limits on jury duty. I have had jury duty in 2 other states and all I had to do was go to court that day and leave. I got a check for 6 bucks and that was the end of it. I have jury duty for the next 2 MONTHS. I am required to call in every night from the end of January to the end of March to see if I am needed. This just seems very extreme. I don't even think I get the 6 dollar check per day (or whatever it is these days) for this since I am just calling in. Is this allowed but just not used often? I guess there is not much I can do about it other than call every night, but it just seems a bit wrong. And what if I forget to call one night? Is that still skipping out on jury duty even if I had called for weeks prior? [link] [comments] |
Looking to help parents with finances, don't want to incur liability for their debts Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:00 AM PST Hi there, Lafayette, LA here. My parents are in a downward financial spiral as a result of many bad financial decisions, including: a general spending problem succumbing to numerous scams to buy time against home foreclosure purchases of numerous automobiles from wholesalers which turned out to be salvage-titled money pits supporting my brother's 2 children, one of which is special-needs, and attempting to spoil them with gifts (video games, tablets, ipods, etc.) refusing to cut discretionary items from their budget (cable sports packages) refusing to create and adhere to a budget for basics (rent, mortgage, groceries, etc.) The issue has reached a point where my mother has foregone medical treatment because they simply don't have the money for copays and other expenses. After a car accident last week, I learned that neither mom or dad has been carrying insurance on their vehicles. The dependency chain goes: mom lost license due to another issue, can't afford reinstatement, can't get insurance without license; dad lost registration for car, can't afford fee to get another copy. There is also some long-term debt, including past credit card balances, overdrawn bank accounts, and mom's student loans that have been in deferment for over 20 years (accumulating capitalized interest, and now over 80K). They're also having trouble making rent. I had to give them a gift card to walmart last week so they could buy groceries. It's far, far out of control and has been for some time. There's no one to help; my brother hasn't worked in years, has a prison record, can't get his life together (hence mom and dad raising his kids). I got the rough numbers on their cash flows, and there's no reason they can't afford to pull themselves from the hole. After all inflows and outflows, there should still be enough surplus to handle the car situation(s) and get current on rent and other bills within 2 pay cycles. Obviously, there's a spending and money management problem that they are unable to address. My finances are stable. I am able to provide for my family of four and still accumulate savings, contribute to retirement, advance my career, etc. My wife and I have discussed ways that we can help. I can't simply write a check to make the problem go away; with the current spending issues and inability to budget, I might as well light my money on fire. I have scheduled a family meeting for this weekend to discuss budgeting, and to identify the "gap" between what they have and what they need, and put a plan together. My question is this: part of our plan may involve a financial "infusion" to eliminate the risks they currently carry (driving cars without insurance, for example) and get them current on some bills so they get out of the cycle of late fees. We have several options, including taking out a line of revolving credit in our own name that we can use to help them--as needed--when needs arise. I'm concerned, though, that some of the larger debt items--student loans for mom, in particular--might become my problems in the intermediate- to long-term (like, when mom's gone). From a legal standpoint, what options can I exercise to mitigate or eliminate the risk of being saddled with these debts in the future? Thanks for reading. [link] [comments] |
[TEXAS] Ex-wife refuses to meet halfway to exchange children, it's in court order. Posted: 26 Jan 2018 11:52 AM PST So, my question is that my ex-wife is refusing to meet me halfway to exchange our children, and I live three hours away. It is stated in our court order that we are to meet at the exact halfway point between our residences at 6pm on Friday, 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends. If one party travels the entire distance, the other party pays half the travel costs. If one party is to travel the entire distance, it must be agreed upon by both parties beforehand. So for instance, if I say I will travel the entire way, and she can just pay half my travel costs, and she says no, then we have to meet. Or if she says she will pay my travel costs and I can just drive the whole way, and I disagree, then we must meet halfway. So my question is, can I legally do something about it if she's refusing to meet me halfway, forcing me to drive the entire way to get my children, and she's not paying for half of my travel costs? She literally tells me that I either drive the entire way, or I don't get to see them at all. When I ask her to reimburse me for the travel costs, she says no. Anything I can do? [link] [comments] |
My [18] mom is withholding my prescribed sleep medication. Posted: 26 Jan 2018 12:09 PM PST I was recently prescribed mild sleep medication because my ADHD prevents me from falling asleep for incredible lengths of time, and this is without any kind of stimulant medication. I will often go to bed at 11 and lie awake until 6 am, with my brain unable to turn off. I am desperate to get some good sleep. A lack of sleep has been one of the major problems that spurs on my depression. My mom took the medication out of my room (I'm home on break from college) and hid them and is refusing to speak to me. I know that withholding prescribed medications from an adult is illegal but I don't want to call the police- is there someone else I could call? [link] [comments] |
I want to piggyback off someone else's name to help their user base, am I stealing or infringing? Posted: 26 Jan 2018 08:31 AM PST In Washington state. I'm attempting to make an app/plugin/spreadsheet to build a calculator to help users on a very popular website. I've got people interested in it and want to make the trusted source available for download on my own website, but how can I get the domain I need without getting in hot water? popularwebsitecalculator.com or websitecalc.com is what I'm after, but if I did a pepsicalculator.com or microsoftcalculator.com I'd probably get a C&D and told to shut down. This calculator is only built for that one specific website, I'm handing it out for free with the ability to receive a donation... But I want to avoid legal trouble from the start. Is it okay to do this? If I am infringing, how can I rename it so I'm not? EDIT: /u/pottersquash made a good point and solved this case already... The value is there without the direct name - I will use softdrinkcalculator.com instead of pepsicalculator.com that way I don't infringe on Pepsi and could potentially host and build future soft drink calculators for the overall industry. THANKS! [link] [comments] |
Being sued for a car accident from last year Posted: 26 Jan 2018 09:06 AM PST A year ago, I was living in NJ and got into a chain accident. I was the car that was one to last. The police report indicates that the incident happened because the first car in line had broken down in the middle of the highway. I was hit from the back first, meaning, I didn't hit the person in front of me until someone hit me from the back first, which caused me to also join the chain and hit the one in front of me. Insurance totaled my car, I got the money, and I moved on with my life. Recently I moved to MA and changed my insurance policy. Now out of nowhere, I got a court letter that the person in the front car is suing all of us! I have a few questions:
Oh, and the accident happened in NY, so the court letters are from NY supreme court (I know, what a mess!). [link] [comments] |
HOA that I'm not part of asking for pay Posted: 26 Jan 2018 10:45 AM PST I had a fence installer put a fence in my yard over summer. The installer called miss dig to find the wires, but still managed to hit a power cord. Fast forward to winter, and now the HOA (which is a block down from my home) is asking me to pay $200 for the repair of the electric wire which powers their sign. They threatened that they will give it to their lawyer if I didn't resolve it. Am I liable for this error/ should I pay? I'm in Michigan if it matters. [link] [comments] |
Landlord is lying to other potential landlords about my history with my rental. Posted: 26 Jan 2018 12:48 PM PST So I've been renting from this landlord for the past 6 years. Ive had no issues paying my rent on time, and besides the occasional mantinence request have had no issues. We were looking to move into another house and had filled out all the necessary stuff. When the property manager of the place we were looking at called him he told them that we had issues with bugs, paying our rent on time, and that he wouldn't rent to us again. This isn't true and I'm afraid its going to cost us this new house we want to move into. Im still young and this is the only person I've ever rented from so I have no other renters history. I don't know what action I can take to make this guy stop and I'm afraid I'm going to be stuck here because of him. If you need more info let me know, I'm pretty angry so I may have missed something. I'm in Indiana btw. [link] [comments] |
DL suspended by Bob's Barricades Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:15 AM PST Hello, Basically, my BF at the time was driving my car without me and he didn't have a valid DL. I did not know this. While he was driving without me he got into a bad crash on the side of the freeway and totalled my car. He ran into one of those big electric signs on the sides of freeways. My car is very low to the ground and when I got to the screen of the accident the car was completely totaled but the sign was fine, still working, no bulbs out and don't tip over. I got a ticket for letting someone without a license drive me car, went to court for it, and they decided in court that I was not guilty and that I didn't need to pay anything. Another note, I didn't have insurance on the car at the time of the accident. So I got a letter in the mail from the DMV stating that there was property damage to Bob's barricades and I needed to submit insurance paperwork. I don't have any paperwork so I called Bob's and they said they have suspended my license until payment of $12k. Is this a thing? Is there anyway I can fight this? Are businesses just allowed to hold your license without working with you on payments or anything? If I have to pay 12k I will never get my licence again. Any advice is appreciated. This is for FL. [link] [comments] |
This is a Hail Mary. Any help would be appreciated Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:56 AM PST Mods please remove if this is the wrong place. Live in Orlando. My gf and I are supposed to go on a cruise Feb 3rd. We leave from Miami on a closed loop cruise. All we needed is ID's and Birth certificates. Thing is, she lost hers. And to make things worse she ordered another one thru usvitalrecords.org which seems to be a scam. She's from PR, and has a homemade copy but UPS won't notarize it. so this whole post is a Hail Mary to see if ANYONE can help her get one sent to us or notarize the copy. before the 3rd [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Jan 2018 04:24 PM PST Trying to figure out what to do here... AG Wheels is absolutely the worst brand to work with. Last year, I purchased 4 wheels for my car (M621 wheels, custom finish) for $2300 total.. Three months later all 4 wheels had minor bends and dents on the edges, causing rough driving. After some arguing with AG, they send me replacement wheels at a 50% discount, and say they will allow me to send my bent wheels in for a possible RMA reimbursement towards what I paid on the replacement. 6 months later, I reach out to the RMA team and they state there is nothing to be done, that the wheels were bent by "road hazards". They then state that all 4 wheels, which I have paid $2300 for bent or not, would NOT be returned to me as they have been destroyed. Do I have any legal grounds here? I purchased all 8 wheels and in my opinion legally own them. Just because I send the 4 in for RMA, does not mean they are worth any less value to me and I would still expect the product back if determined to be outside the warranty policy. Location: California [link] [comments] |
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