• Breaking News

    Friday, February 4, 2022

    Legal Advice I just discovered my mom has been lying to the government about me being disabled and has been getting monthly SSDI checks in my name for the past 8 or so years.

    Legal Advice I just discovered my mom has been lying to the government about me being disabled and has been getting monthly SSDI checks in my name for the past 8 or so years.

    I just discovered my mom has been lying to the government about me being disabled and has been getting monthly SSDI checks in my name for the past 8 or so years.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:03 AM PST

    To give a little backstory when I was 14 my mom took me to this place where this lady made me do a bunch of mental test like for example she gave me some red blocks and an image and I had to match the shape/pattern on the image using the blocks.

    Before I went in my mom told me it was very important that I "play dumb" me being only 14 and not really sure why I was there I listened to my mom I never heard about these test again and at 14 didn't really care.

    I haven't thought about these test's in years and honestly had forgotten about them until last night when I got the mail and noticed a letter addressed to me from the social security administration. I read it and was shocked to find out I have been on SSDI since I was 14 and that I have been approved to keep receiving SSDI benefits until 2024.

    I don't really know what to do I was planning on joining the Air Force which I obviously cannot do since I am "disabled" and I don't want to just tell the SSA that I am no longer "disabled" as I am sure it would come up on my back ground check the military perform that I was previously on SSDI/disabled for the past 8 years. On the other hand I am afraid that if I tell the truth I will get in trouble and be seen as an accomplice and both me and my mom go to federal prison I would also like no one to go to jail at all if possible.

    submitted by /u/Ok-Sky-2084
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    Being sued after the person I sold my used car to over 8 months ago wrecked it.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 07:47 PM PST

    I've received a summons to court in New York and am being sued by the person I sold my old car to almost 9 months ago.

    I had a "For Sale" sign in the back window of my old car as I drove it. A woman approached me wanting to buy it as hers wasn't going to pass inspection. I sold it to her for just under $5000.00.

    There was no contract, verbal or otherwise. We went to a notary that handles such things and had it transferred. Car for cash.

    I heard nothing for almost 9 months until I receive a text from her stating that she was in a wreck in Georgia and her mechanic says it was due to a failed tie rod.

    From what I gather she was badly injured to the point of having broken bones.

    Now, I always took care of my vehicle and had a fresh inspection on it (meaning they would have caught a broken tie rod) a month before I sold it.

    As far as I can tell, she's grasping at straws and looking for easy money. 8 months and 3 weeks is a long time and a lot of miles, especially driving from New York to Georgia.

    I guess I'm just a bit concerned and am looking to make sure this is as absurd as it sounds to me.


    submitted by /u/TheHighLibrarian
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    Organization photoshopped over my contract after I signed it so obviously. Any advice?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:17 AM PST

    I signed a contract to get out of a prior agreement. They sent me the papers, I signed them and put that I was going to pay $0, and then they signed and agreed that I had no financial obligations. After months, I was still getting a bill statement, so I contacted them. They then tried to resend the agreement that I signed with a photoshop over the $0 with $297, and then a white X covering the part where they put I had no financial obligations with an X by the yes. They proceeded to say that this was the form that I signed.

    I have all of the past emails and time stamps (original emails, the copy I sent, the finalized version they sent, and the new one). I could even tell that they forged the documentation yesterday with the photoshop editing.

    Is this a crime, and does anyone have any advice on how to move forward with this situation other than calling them a liar?

    submitted by /u/alter-ego25
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    USA, MICHIGAN. (West MI) Raw sewage coming back up apartment pipes into sinks.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 05:20 AM PST

    Hi, I'll try to keep this short and to the point. The HUD/section 8 apartment complex I work for had a plumbing issue that has been going on for over 8 years. It is a older building around 1970s, and has 9 floors. 192 units.

    About twice a month the first floor (about 3 units heavily affected) gets backed up from someone either clogging the drain or if too many people drain sinks or showers at once. By backed up I mean raw sewage comes up from the pipes out of there sinks. Fills the sinks and spills onto the cabinets and floors. It is disgusting black water that smells absolutely horrible, and even food people have put down the drains from the 8 floors above.

    The apartment complex seems to think that's a normal thing and refuses to do anything about it. The people here are section 8 so they just think this is normal to live in that environment, mainly because it's better than where they came from. It is truly sad to see them deal with this. The complex doesn't pay for the clean up or anything. That is all up to the tenant.

    Is there any laws or something to force corporate to either fix the issue or pay for clean up? Isnt this bio hazard waste? Is there a government agency I can make a anonymous call too? Any help would be appreciated. If more info is needed please let me know.

    submitted by /u/chance2120
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    Moving out of rented apartment after 30 years, is there anything they can charge us for damages after all that time(rugs. Paint, warped cabinets) just wear and tear. Thanks in advance

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 01:47 AM PST

    Leaking roof has not been repaired for months

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 04:27 AM PST

    Hi, I live in Alabama. I moved into this apartment in September with the promise that the missing fan would be replaced and the roof would be repaired within a week. It is now February and there has been no action done. It leaks very badly, like a faucet, and the gaping hole with wires sticking out can't be safe.

    At the moment, moving is difficult because most complexes are at capacity. Is there anything I can do if a spot doesn't open up soon?

    submitted by /u/SoggyHuckleberry5
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    Dealership offering to buy car back

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 06:04 AM PST

    I bought my first car in December. I used my entire life savings-which was only $8000 but it's a lot for me. It was used from a used car dealership. I have brought it back and forth to the shop 5 separate times now. I haven't paid anything besides the price of the car. There have been issues constantly since I bought it and the check engine light has been on since I purchased it. The gas won't vent and spills over when pumping, extreme uneven wear on tires, parking brake doesn't work, crack on the thermostat housing. Just a hassle of issues. I have brought it back and forth to the shop- parts 'came in the mail' and took a few days each time. They have given me 4 brand new tires and fixed a broken window and a couple other little things fixed.

    They called me yesterday (supposed to be fixing vent valve, thermostat housing, parking brake, check engine light) and said the price for all repairs costs $2600 and that is more than the dealership is willing to pay. (The tires, alignment, window motor, and a few others are not covered on my warranty but they paid for them)

    They said if I pay $500 for the thermostat housing- they will pay the rest to get it fixed and void my Pro-Guard warranty (only have ~500 miles left anyways) then I will be liable for any other repairs.

    they also offered to buy my car back from me.

    I've already had 2 whole months of this back and forth barely having a car and taking it to the shop. It took me months to find a car in my tiny budget and I had to compromise A LOT on what I wanted to buy this one because I needed transportation badly.

    Do I give up on the car- sell it back and spend another couple months to find a new car? It took me so long to find one and was an extreme hassle to get insured/inspected and everything.

    I will need a car in the meantime and I don't have anyone who could drive me to/from work. I don't know how I would get to work without my car.

    Will they reimburse me tag/title fees, dealership fees, inspection and registration?

    What would you do in this situation?

    Also the car had a fraudulent inspection. I don't know if that matters

    I'm not sure if this is the right flair either. please fix it if it's wrong.

    submitted by /u/wat-am-i-doing-here
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    My (22) parent’s tax person said that it is legally required for my dad to claim me as a dependent. I live alone and support myself.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 06:16 PM PST

    If it matters, I am in Nebraska.

    I have lived alone for over a year and support myself financially. The lady who does my parent's taxes said since I am a full-time student, it is legally required that my (abusive) father claim me as a dependent. (My father is not the one who told me this.)

    I feel like there is absolutely 0 way that this is true, or even legal. My dad does not support me in any way other than health insurance. Is this real? I can't find anything useful. Please help

    submitted by /u/georgeyellow
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    Ex-bf (21 M) bailed and left on lease on me (21 F) moved out of state to PA, I am in FL requesting advice

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 05:25 AM PST

    I have never had something like this happen before where my ex roommate bailed on the lease. His name and my name are jointly held on the lease agreement.

    Back in October he left halfway through the month and failed to pay his portion of rent and utilities. I have documentation of him contacting leasing and me claiming he would pay the lease termination fees, but he never did. The leasing office told me the same thing that they have communication and phone calls with them but he never followed up.

    My name has been sent to collections just this past week as well as his, but I know we are jointly responsible. So regardless, I know if he doesn't pay that amount I have to. I have already covered the rent. I am going to pay the lease termination fees. In total the fees from his portion would be close to $2000 with half the lease termination (2 months of rent) and half the rent and utilities.

    I was looking at the process for filing a small courts claim in Florida and I would need his address in PA where's he located which I do not have. I have already made attempts at contacting his father for help. But he didn't want to help me.

    What would be my next steps in filing a small courts claim for unpaid rent and dues if I do not have his address? Should I hire a private investigator to find his address or is that something the court can help me with?

    Tldr: Ex roommate/ex bf bailed on lease leaving me to pay rent and utilities as well as the full lease termination fees (2 months of rent) he moved to another State PA, have already made attempts to contact his Father and he was of no help.

    Thank you so much in advance.

    submitted by /u/_inspire
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    Manufacturer admitted that they sold me a defective/unsafe hunting rifle, now ghosting me about replacing it under warranty.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 09:36 PM PST

    As the title states, I sent a hunting rifle back to the manufacturer after it was inspected by 2 smiths and found to be unsafe and defective.

    I am the originally buyer and well within the warranty terms (7 months into a 2 year warranty)

    Months went by, left multiple voicemails to the repair department that went unanswered.

    Eventually got an email address and asked for a status update, to which they said it was in line to be repaired already. I was excited and asked for particulars of what would be done and another rep then responded it hasn't even been seen yet.

    Another month goes by, repair department stops responding to calls and emails again.

    Eventually at the end of Dec 2021 I am at month 4 of no news, but reach someone who says my rifle is set to be destroyed as of Dec 1st and that someone should have contacted me by now (never happened).

    2 weeks go by and I call 3 days in a row and the person responsible for replacements is somehow never in when I call.

    I contacted the shop I purchased it from originally as the last resort, who gets me in touch of directors of distribution and customer service at the manufacturer.

    At first I think it's finally set to be resolved. I get a response back saying they have no idea on replacement inventory but will know in 10 business days and contact me. The store responds offering to pull one from inventory if they cover the cost to expedite my replacement. No response.

    About 3 weeks go buy and I email asking about the status of that inventory. They're back to not responding to calls and emails again.

    I call in and get a person who says they'll look into it. Another 2 weeks go by, still no response.

    I'm at 6 months now. I sent an email asking for a refund if they can't honor their own warranty, again, no response.

    I'm in Michigan, considering small claims as my next step while also contacting the ATF. Any other ideas or suggestions? At this point I don't know what else to call this other than stolen.

    submitted by /u/AleksanderSuave
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    Federal government employee- unpaid OT, agency not paying it.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 01:40 AM PST

    Throw away account here..

    I currently work for the federal gov and long story short. I have 140 hrs of unpaid OT. Every bi-weekly pay period, I claim OT some of it gets paid some of it dose not. When I try to get all the remaining paid from that pay period, I feel like I get the run around or it doesn't get entered properly and then I'm back at square one.

    The original unpaid OT amount was 200hrs. I requested a time audit and the audit was partially done by the same time keeper who was shorting me originally. She completed about half the audit and paid out 80hrs before the whole time audit for forward to someone in HR to be completed.

    I'm looking for advice here and legal steps I can take(if I need to). I am tired of dealing with this and it seems to be EVERY month I'm dealing with this.

    Any advice? I know working for the feds complicates things, ask any questions you have.

    submitted by /u/pillis10222
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    My salary pay is being docked

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 07:32 AM PST

    I work a salary position at a dealership and recently missed a few days due to a family member passing from covid. My next paycheck was missing pay for all the days I was gone. I've never had a salary position before, but I thought that I got paid the same regardless of missing work. Is this correct?

    submitted by /u/thebeigerainbow
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