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    Tuesday, November 30, 2021

    What are some highly profitable but unpopular/unsexy/not well-known businesses you know of? Entrepreneur

    What are some highly profitable but unpopular/unsexy/not well-known businesses you know of? Entrepreneur

    What are some highly profitable but unpopular/unsexy/not well-known businesses you know of?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:24 PM PST

    I want to know of business ideas that are not common but are highly profitable. This question was asked over 4yrs ago and I thought I'd re-ask it today.

    submitted by /u/LongLiveElon
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    Want to watch me cold call for one of my clients?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 03:21 PM PST

    In March 2020, my digital marketing business that I started at 23 was on the brink of non-existence. Clients that had been with me since day 1 had no choice but to to cancel my services because marketing easy overhead to shed. That's business. That's life.

    When I was finished feeling sorry for myself (ngl it took a week) I decided to regroup, focus on my strengths, and start from square one.

    What I realized was I'm not passionate about digital marketing. I never strived to be the best at google ads or facebook ads manager. I wasn't the type of person to seek new targeting tools or dive into analytics.

    But what I am good at is business development and building relationships. This lead me to log onto this site and make this post. This post created a domino effect that not only kept me in business, but actually got me excited to wake up and start my day.

    After doing business development and sales consulting since July 2020, I couldn't be more thankful for the clients that I've worked with and anyone else who has reached out about business development tips.

    With all that being said, want to watch me make some dials?

    submitted by /u/whirlydirlys
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    How do you interview to find the best employee if as a founder, you don't even know how to do his job?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 03:30 PM PST

    Let say you have background in finance and decide to start a business in technology. For this example, let say you want to make Apps, or some kind of softwares.

    Now you are interviewing someone to be your coder, how do you choose the best coder in those 200 CVs/resumes that people sent you from your job advertisement?

    You are not a coder, you don't know about technology, how do you know which question to ask to filter amazing candidate from the average ones?

    If you have been in the same situation, please share your stories

    submitted by /u/roaringmillennial
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    What is your business endgame?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:42 PM PST

    I was just thinking on my ride home from a solid work day today thinking about my business end game. To be honest, I have not the slightest clue what path to take to hit a 10-20-30year out goal. Im so wrapped up in day to day task I haven't been able to see anything more than growing fast and building my biz a rock solid reputation, customer list, and keep tabs on the 6-12 month horizon. So i figured I would ask all of you what are your long term - endgame goals with your own business?

    submitted by /u/Swissschiess
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    Is this a viable and likely investment ?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:36 PM PST

    Hello, I know you guys are busy , and I don't want to take much of your time , so let's go straight to the point .

    — It is likely to strike a deal with a barbershop, vape shop, small restaurant.. to buy a percentage of their store in exchange of 20,000$ for example .

    Thank you , send me your reality checks .

    submitted by /u/Exotic-Background-94
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    Looking to connect with others

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 05:56 PM PST

    Good evening everyone,

    I wanted to go ahead and create a post in an effort to connect with others.
    As most of us are already more than aware it tends to be a lonelier life as an entrepreneur. Finding other like-minded individuals that you can connect with is a challenge. I like most have been going after it and chasing the dream since before I can remember. Having other perspectives and those with different experiences are appreciated. Let's be honest team work makes the dream work.

    Personally, I've grown a lot this year. Made decent progress in certain areas and took steps back in others. If you are someone who is interested in creating and looking to connect with others and build. Reach out and sent me a chat. If you'd like to just connect and maybe share some lessons learned or a recent win, send me a chat.

    Looking forward to connecting soon!

    submitted by /u/Thatguyx100
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    Friendly 90 day money earning challenge. Ideas?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:45 PM PST

    Two of my friends and I (21/yo) are competing against each other in a friendly challenge to see who can earn the most money in 90 days. Starting Jan. 1st. Each of us are entrepreneurially minded and run our own businesses.

    Here are our rules.

    • Start with $500
    • our current businesses do not add to our earnings within the 90 days. (I run a small window cleaning company)

    I would like to find an online skill I can monetize or at least do something indoors. It will be winter in our area during the challenge.

    Ideas would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/RyLayton
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    My Client Just Called Me A Scammer, What Do I Do?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:01 PM PST

    So this past client of mine works in the E-commerce industry selling latex pillows; however, he doesn't sell a variety of products only this one product. Now when we first began talking I explained to him that SEO is a long process and could take 6+ months to really see the results come in especially when competing in a competitive industry with larger companies. Now at the time he had agreed with me and said he was ready to get started which I figured yeah let's do this.

    Almost immediately he began micromanaging me trying to intervene with my process SEO at every turn by saying things wouldn't work or saying how he doesn't believe that's a good idea. Now many people would be annoyed by this seeing as if he already knew what works and what didn't he wouldn't be hiring me, but in most cases, I just see this as a client being involved with their business and just shrug it off and try to work with them as much as possible.

    Then one day I received a text saying "Hey Justin, I canceled all other forms of marketing and we will be relying solely on SEO right now" this took me as a complete shock and I informed him that probably isn't the best idea as the best marketing strategies don't rely on just one channel but rather multiple feeding off of each other and if he were looking for money immediately SEO wasn't going to do the trick. This fell on deaf ears and no more than a week later he began to become more impatient saying things like "Hey sales are down this month" or "Hey I think we need to pivot our SEO strategy" and while these things may not sound crazy it had only been 1 month at the time and I had just laid the foundation and redone his website to fit the strategy I had laid out so essentially we never even got to try it out.

    Fast forward to the very next month and I get another message saying "Hey Justin I spoke with another marketing expert and they said it would a dumb idea to continue with SEO services as they don't belong on an eCommerce store. You may have not known that but maybe now you won't scam people in the future." Can't lie this hurt a lot as I pride myself on providing quality SEO services to the businesses I work with and I've worked and currently work with both service businesses and eCommerce stores in the past that have seen great results. I ended up just replying with "No problem, best of luck to you" but am I wrong here? I told him everything I could and didn't even get a chance to see my plan come to life then was dumped on for it.

    submitted by /u/JRoss824
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    Just graduated highschool, what tips would YOU give to an aspiring 17 year old?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 04:51 PM PST

    As the title says, I'm an aspiring entrepreneur with goals to own a successful business and large investment portfolio. During my senior year, I have read countless business and personal development books, developed a small network, and tested a few business ideas and startups.

    I would love to hear your wisdom and tips towards a 17 year old entering the industry. What's something you wish you knew around the same age?

    submitted by /u/Skuxxey
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    my insurance broker pushing me to open my business after car drove through the front door.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 04:46 PM PST

    i have a small business and a drunk driver drove through the front doors and a wall. front door is boarded up and there are structural damage to the building. The broker and structural engineer are coming out tomorrow to inspect the damage. i have 'loss of business' insurance but my broker is asking me if i can operate the business from the small side door. i really don't want to operate until the front door is replace and the building is structurally sound. the winter is just around the corner for BC Canada and the temperature supposed to drop to close to 0 degrees so i don't want my staff to operate under these condition and i don't think they want to. there are gaps and holes where plywood is covering cold draft is coming in.

    Can i tell him that i don't want to operate under these conditions and still get loss of business coverage?

    if the structural engineer says its safe to operate but i don't want to operate until i get the front doors and wall fixed, can the broker deny loss of business claim?

    thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/iseethecuntinU
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    How to get started selling clothing?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 04:44 PM PST

    I know this has probably been asked to death in this sub-reddit?

    But what are some good things to know before you start selling clothing on the internet, and how does one get started.

    I'm 24. I've never had a business before, and frankly. I'm kind of intimidated, but I'm definitely going to try my hardest. I already have a friend designing some really amazing designs ( He's an artist with a small following online already) , and I wonder how does one get started selling clothes?

    submitted by /u/KenAhegao
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    Wannabe Entrepreneur, final year Business student with no idea what to do after college

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 04:42 PM PST

    I'm a final year Business student and it looks like I'll be graduating this summer.

    I've studied Business and focused on Marketing and Management, not necessarily out of a love for the subject(s) but because I do quite well in them with little effort, I've a flair for that type of thing.. HR included.
    Accounting, Finance and Economics are a different story.

    I don't know where to go from here..
    I have no idea what I want to do/work at after college, I do know however that I want to one day start and grow my own business, that's always been a goal of mine.

    I've been keeping that in the back of my mind and I'm starting to wonder if I've been putting the car before the horse all this time.. Am I going about this the wrong way?

    I have no idea what area of work to go into, what masters to do or anything of the sort.

    I'm considering Marketing, in particular a Digital Marketing Masters because I'm good at it.
    It seems like a good skill to have and I could potentially start a business from it.

    Programming add on course - Why? Because it seems like the most important skill to learn going forward, it interests me, I find it hard to sit myself down and do it but maybe with the structure of a college programme I'd get the basics under my belt and start to enjoy it from there?

    Sales - Invaluable skill, not sure if I'd be good at it, I like that it's commission.

    Any ideas?
    What should I, a wannabe entrepreneur learn/do with that aim in mind?

    submitted by /u/seanf999
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