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    Sunday, September 5, 2021

    Stocks - Hey I’m not THAT old..

    Stocks - Hey I’m not THAT old..

    Hey I’m not THAT old..

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    I'm 53 and only recently became interested in investing. I currently put 20% of salary into my RSP, so I think I'm being fairly sensible in my retirement planning. I recently paid off my truck and now have $400 a month to invest. I've started buying shares a bit, and learning what I can. 40 shares here, 50 shares there, 10 shares in RKLB 😁 based on something I saw in WSB. So far I've put $1500 into shares so am far from a player here but I'd like to build a portfolio and see where I can take it. I'm not going to blow it on risky penny stocks but at the same time, would like to be more involved in my investing than simply dumping it in my RSP.
    Learn more, earn more.

    Only 12 years from retirement. Is it too late to start investing my 'spare' cash?

    submitted by /u/robbo141
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    What do you feel have been your 5 most profitable tickers this year? Whether it be from trades or long term hold? Let us help each other

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Good morning everyone and thank you for taking the time to read my post. Happy Sunday and I hope you all are enjoying this longer weekend. I think this is a very important topic because it will put the minds of every trader together to come out with 5 tickers or at least 3 that have been winners for you this year. This way people that have been negative now, or all year can have an idea of what they can do, or need to do in order to turn the ship around.

    We all have different strategies. I for one am a day trader so my 5 will be extremely different from a long term holder or swing trader. Do to the fact that I am a day trader. I will also list 5 stocks that I unfortunately allowed to go parabolic on me, but indeed I did trade them when they were far cheaper. For myself, I have something called "Plays" this is a special watch list of tickers that I am ready to trade now, that I feel safe, and I select my symbols off of this list. This list is well over 100 tickers. When a stock has gone up far to much, I no longer feel safe about it and do not trade it at all!

    Please try and be honest with ourselves and do not just try and pick the best gainers because this practice is for everyone to watch a new symbol or have an idea of how you played it to be a success. Thank you, share thoughts and please help one another:

    My 5 as a Day Trader:

    RKT – This stock is about 17 dollars, however I have traded this symbol so much that I have probably about 30 dollars in profits. I have traded this all year and even last year as well for 25 cents to a dollar

    UWMC – This is in the same sector as RKT, it stands at just 7.50 but I have traded this for probably close to 20 dollars, for many months I traded this 15-50 cents

    TIGR – This is about 13 dollars, I have traded this all year this year and also last year as well, I have probably 30+ dollars in profits on this one (25-75 cents a trade)

    CPNG – I know this stock is near a 52 week low (I actually have shares at 30.25) but I have traded in and out of this since IPO and have garnered about 50 in profits! (30 cents to 1.25)

    CRSR – I have traded this all year as well, no current position. I traded this as high as 40 and have easily made about 40 on this. (25 cents to 1.50)

    These are 5 that I owned and traded often but they just took off and I could not find myself trading them anymore

    BILL – This has gone insane, I traded this until about 100… I am actually very negative at these prices, yes, I missed out, but I made a lot on it

    MRNA – I know, I know, but when I was trading this, It was still a bio pharma with no vaccine yet! I actually traded this as low as 30 and stopped at 100…

    SE – I absolutely loved this company and traded it as low as 30-40 all the way to 150 and said to myself this is crazy! Look at it now, jesus

    CMG – OK, I did not trade this within 52 weeks but last March this dipped to 500! I was trading it all the way thru 750. Small blocks of 250 shares… What the heck are they selling EVs in the back? Mining in the basement????

    ZM- Boy when covid first hit I was destroying it on this from mid 60s all the way until 150!

    I hope this helps others get an idea and thank you everyone.

    submitted by /u/UltimateTraders
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    What are some high risk high reward stocks that could explode in the next couple years?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    I'm pretty young and don't have to pay rent. I feel like I should take some risks and invest in safer stocks like VOO only when I'm older. As nice as 10% gains are every year it wouldn't really be worth much if I'm only putting in a few thousand.

    submitted by /u/OneMoreRedditSHeep
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    If you like to swing-trade here's a list of stocks that under-performed and out-performed this week

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    I maintain a long watchlist of popular stocks that I am always keeping an eye on. I look at their charts almost daily looking for opportunities in swing plays.

    Sinkers are usually a possible entry for a buy-the-dip play and the out-performers might be at a good spot to take some profit and lower position sizing. Here are some of the sinkers and out-performers from the last 7 days.

    Sinkers Out-Performers
    BK BX
    WFC IQ
    GPS PG
    M EA
    C BFLY
    HAL KO
    BP WMT
    BIG LL
    submitted by /u/LegendaryHODLer
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    What is the value of 1 dollar?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    How do you put a value on a dollar? I mean we all kind of know what we can buy with 1 dollar, which today isn't much. But whats the official value of 1 USD?

    For example in the 80s I could play 4 arcade games with 1 dollar and entertain myself for maybe an hour.

    My nana used to go to the movies, buy a sandwich and candy and have fun all day for 1 dollar in the 40s.

    I remember when I could get 2 gallons of gas for 1 dollar. Now I can get 1/3 a gallon for a dollar.

    submitted by /u/apooroldinvestor
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    Why is AAPLs revenue growth declining?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    Is AAPLs revenue growth declining mostly because of the chip shortage?

    I realize AAPL has a ton of free cash so maybe it won't be that big of a deal?

    What is AAPL doing to increase their revenue growth?

    I heard they're getting into healthcare and possibly evs?

    I have faith that the intelligent people there will fix things!

    submitted by /u/apooroldinvestor
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    Question concerning SQ, PYPL, MA and V

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    I'm building a long term portfolio and I decided to include some of these payment companies. I've been reading about them and doing DD but I'd like to know which of them you think will have more room to grow in the long term. My reasoning was to invest 60% in SQ and 40% in V of the total amount of money that I'm willing to invest in this field.

    I'm open to other suggestions as well though. Thanks for your time :)

    submitted by /u/iGunzerkeR
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    Teacher said: "If anyone is able to explain why B stocks are valued higher than A stocks you get an A+"

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Help me please.

    As far as I know the B stock actually doesn't give ownership of the company and works more as a bond where you are entitled to some profits, whereas the A stock actually is a genuine part in the company.

    How does this make the B stock more expensive in some cases when you don't receive a share of the power?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/best_jerky
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    If Affirm ($AFRM) subprime lender get's access to the Amazon deal, $KPLT is grossly undervalued.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    While Affirm focuses on targeting prime borrowers to lower their risk and achieve a healthy, low risk balance sheet, they don't turn away subprime borrowers with bad credit. Katapult Holdings is a subprime fintech company that provides credit in a lease-to-own format and is partnered with Affirm in the Affirm Connect ecosystem.

    Both companies share the same transparency format when giving out a loan, as opposed to the fine print and hidden fees of credit card companies. When Affirm gets a request from borrowers who are not prime, instead of turning them away they send the customer to Katapult. They get a fee while Katapult takes on the client and assumes the loan and the risk involved with it (subprime).

    While Katapult doesn't have access to all Affirms clients, that is because they are not needed to a large extent in the current Affirm ecosystem. Peloton represents 1/3 of Affirm's revenue, and people who buy $2500 overpriced static bikes are not subprime borrowers.

    One example of the Affirm - Katapult partnership can be seen in Gazelle, a marketplace that sells electronic goods and is partnered with Affirm.


    In this page you can see that if the customer is not approved by Affirm they get a chance with Katapult. The partnership is beneficial to both sides, as Affirm is able to make succulent commissions from subprime borrowers (much, much higher than prime borrowers) while having 0 risk on their balance sheet.

    With the recent Amazon deal, questions have been raised whether Katapult would be in or left out of the deal, whether Affirm would send "bad" customers to Katapult or simply turn them away.

    Subprime has a bad reputation, not only because it was one of the prime reasons for the 2008 global financial meltdown, but because subprime customers are often abused with predatory rates from lending companies who take advantage of them as their only option. But the truth is that Katapult is the opposite of that. While rates are high (in order to compensate for defaults), customers are given 3 friendly options to pay their loan and all of these options are transparently presented to them before they take on the loan. This has earned them a 4.4 stars (out of 5) in TrustPilot based on more than 15.000 reviews.

    Given that Katapult is not some shady abuser lending company with hidden fees and fine prints, Affirm decided to partner with them around 2019 in order to get exposure to the subprime market without taking on any risk. But the million dollar question is, will Katapult receive Amazon customers from Affirm?

    Of course nobody knows and the question will probably get answered in Affirm earnings call (Wednesday of next week).

    But, with 35% of America being subprime, one thing is for sure. Affirm will get thousands of subprime applications on Amazon, and it will be up to them to accept and redirect those into Katapult or simply turn them away. Taking into consideration that prime borrowers are much less profitable than subprime, Affirm would be a fool to turn them away, since for them is basically free money with 0 risk.

    Just to understand how profitable subprime borrowers are, Katapult made $22M profit on 220M revenues in 2020, while Affirm lost -$112M with $509M revenues in 2020.

    Given Affirm rich valuation, any additional revenue that helps boost the bottom line should be more than welcomed, and the partnership with Katapult is a no brainer. They will get juicy commissions in the biggest e-commerce platform from subprime borrowers while simultaneously adding 0 additional risk to their balance sheet.

    submitted by /u/bearsgotoalaskanstfu
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    Is Razer a good investment in the gaming equipment segment?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    So there are a few stocks like turtle beach+roccat/logitech/corsair/razer and i was just wondering since razer is considered a pennystock if it is a good investment or not. I just looked around and razer has by far the largest social media followers more than 2x as much as logitech or corsair.

    Out of these logitech has the highest revenue and market cap and also pays a dividend. HEAR is in the market for a long time but it is pretty "unreliable" .

    submitted by /u/hefnertes
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    Managed account vs three/four fund portfolio.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I'm hoping to get some opinions on investing in a Fidelity separately managed account vs investing in a 3/4 fund portfolio? The SMA fee would be about 0.4-0.5% and has the benefit of tax loss harvesting.

    The biggest I see now is that I don't have a lot of time to be very active in day to day monitoring which is why the SMA is tempting.

    The other option is to do both invest in a SMA and build a portfolio but I worry about that overlap.

    Any advice would be great!

    submitted by /u/CircleSquare2019
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    28 and need investing advice

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    I have a good retirement account matched by my employer.

    I am saving for a bigger property and just overall savings.

    Right now I'm invested in all individual stocks. Mainly stocks by the advice of others.

    Would it be foolish to sell all my stocks and invest in only ETF's. I'm not sure I understand enough nor want to pay attention daily to follow all these trends.

    I don't have any spectacular avg cost or any holds longer than 3 years.

    submitted by /u/MrCoors
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    Is it a wash sale if (for example) you sell SPY calls at a loss but immediately buy more with a different expiration and/ or strike?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    it's obvious what constituted a wash sale when you sell shares at a loss and buy the same company again within 30 days... in fact my broker Etrade kindly puts a little "WS" symbol next to your position if you do this.

    But I have sold SPY calls and 1 or 2 other tickers at a loss before, only to immediately buy the same ticker again but with a different expiration and/ or strike and don't see the WS symbol.

    I even asked one of their brokers about this and they said it's not a wash if the expiration or strike is different.

    is this really true about the options? I'm just trying to verify this from as many sources as possible so I don't get myself in a mess and I think it would be good for others to know as well...

    submitted by /u/frogger1988
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    The reason and timing for the next market correction will come from retail?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    I have products in big box stores and the current freight prices/delays are putting everyone's Q4 inventory at risk. I've heard from several big brands that they no doubt will be limited in what they can put on the shelf this holiday and into Q1, if not longer. Most still have enough product to meet current demand, but holiday will reveal the shortages that have been bubbling up for months. I assume retailers will issue significantly lower guidance after holiday, and retail will sell off for quarter or two. Does retail have enough sway to trigger something larger, or will traders simply rotate into something else?

    submitted by /u/Tahoe-Larry
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    Is anyone also discouraged to buy OTC stocks just because of the fees or is it just me?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    I've some companies on the radar but they are OTC and eTrade charges a flat fee on every trade ($4.99 I believe).
    A bit surprised it's not free. But that has discouraged me a bit to buy OTC stocks.
    Am I fretting over a tiny thing? How do you guys deal with OTC stocks?

    submitted by /u/BeginnerInvestor
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    Paper Stock Certificate Help?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    How would you go about finding out if a paper stock certificate still has any value. I found one for a company called Fashion Fabrics Inc and I'm having trouble finding out information about it. But I'm nothing more than an amateur trader, and don't really know where to dig.

    submitted by /u/theotherjaydoc
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    What tools do you use to research stocks and ETFs? Here's my list but let me know if I missed anything

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    • Koyfin: Stock research and custom dashboards
    • Tikr: Stock research and investing gurus
    • Dataroma: Investing gurus
    • Whalewisdom: Investing gurus
    • Finviz: Charting
    • Grutify: Macro trends
    • Hypercharts: Visual stock research
    submitted by /u/KumichoSensei
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    Valuing precious metals companies

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    Southern Copper Corporation (SCCO) has gone up over 140% in the past 5 years and is currently over 20% below its 52 week high. The 5 year PEG is okay at 2.35 but beyond that I don't know what to look for numbers wise.

    I'll be sifting through the news to see if I can figure out why the price was so high earlier and what made it fall but I also want to figure out what a reasonable share price is for them. I tried a simple NAV formula but came out with an extremely low number so maybe that's not the best way to value this kind of company?

    Their asset to liability ratio is not terrible but they have a lot of "non-current" liabilities and I don't know if that's bad or good or neither?

    How do you value companies in this sector?

    submitted by /u/TheEnglishNerd
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    LLOY - Hold or Sell?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    Due to naivety in years gone by, I am holding a large amount of Lloyds shares worth around 50% of my portfolio.

    I bought again after COVID hit to bring down my average.

    My current buy average is 57p. When dividends (reinvested) are factored in, I need to sell for 46p to break even.

    Current LLOY price is 43.4p.

    I am aware that I desperately need to diversify. I don't have a need for this money in the next 5 years.

    Should I: a) hold in the hope that dividends/share price improves b) sell all to break even and move to diversified investments c) sell part of investment to break even


    submitted by /u/jak516
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    Regarding Money stocks going in thin Air.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    This question might sound stupid. just curiosity.

    Where does our actual money goes when stock price decreases?

    Lets say i deposited 10000 in certain x stock through stock dealers.. obviously that 10k with certain charges is paid to the stock dealers and the money stays in certain holding's .. the price went down to 9500 due to Monetary policy by Central Bank. then... again where does that real money actually goes i mean the remaining 500 . lets say that 9500 is still in stock holding. DOES that money goes to Central Bank through funneling? Wont there need some transparency like that 500 could go into any bad hands or black money ?

    submitted by /u/Expensive-Emu-9676
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    ETF advice for Travel and Electric Vehicles

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    I'm wanting to add ETF's to my portfolio and I am interested in one for electric vehicles and one for tourism. I am investing from Canada and use Wealthsimple so I only have access to TSX and NASDAQ as I understand it.

    For vehicles, I am intrigued by CARS (TSX) but I know DRIV (NASDAQ) is an option. Does anyone have input on why one would be preferential to the other? CARS is nice because I can buy it in CAD but I see almost nothing written about it online while DRIV seems to be everywhere.

    For travel I'm thinking TRVL (TSX), does anyone know of any alternative TSX travel ETF or know a reason not to buy TRVL? I know of JETS and haven't ruled that out but it is USD and is only airlines.

    submitted by /u/False-God
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    Ziopharm Oncology Up 20% After Hours Friday

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    ZIOP was up nearly 20% after hours on Friday as members of the BOD bought thousands of shares. Low was $1.65, high at the end of the day was $2.14. Short interest as of August 13th was approx 35,000,000 with average daily share volume about 2,000,000. 18 days to cover.

    This is a company that has a method for treating solid cancerous tumors. Investors in the company include heavyweights Michael Dell, Tom Barton, and Bill Miller. At the very least it should be on your radar. It is a speculative investment but potentially very profitable. Disclosure: Poster has a position in this company.

    submitted by /u/cachry
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