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    Wednesday, September 8, 2021

    Legal Advice Landlord gave master code to my apartment to 3rd party

    Legal Advice Landlord gave master code to my apartment to 3rd party

    Landlord gave master code to my apartment to 3rd party

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    Background: I live in an apartment complex that has keyless door locks. This is a service through a third party. My complex also rents out apartments for STR (short term rental) through a major internet service (I just found out about this and would not have rented if I knew this). Over the July 4th weekend we were out of town and had a friend watch our dog. There was an issue with the keyless entry but a maintenance person was able to give our friend a temporary "Master" code so they could get in.

    Our front door opens to our kitchen/living room.

    Now to the issue at hand: Saturday night (9/4) we hear someone typing on our door lock keypad. The lock turns and 2 people start walking in. I shouted and they left immediately. I asked them how they got our key code and they said it must have been a coincidence and that they were there for STR from a popular internet service.

    I emailed the landlord immediately but do to the holiday they didn't get back until yesterday.

    The landlord claimed they had no idea how these people could access our apartment but did ask what code they used.

    It seems that my landlord rents out apartments for STR and gives these people "Master" codes to access apartments.

    I have reported the issue to my city's code enforcement since it appears they don't have a license for STR.

    My question is: should I pursue legal action (criminal and/or civil) against the complex? They gave a complete stranger to both of us access to my apartment without constant. For ref I live in Texas.

    TLDR, Landlord gave master code for strangers to enter my apartment.

    submitted by /u/Hevajra
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    Can I be fired for discussing my pay with coworkers?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    Last week at my (19M) office I stayed late for work to meet a deadline. My coworker just so happened to be staying late that same night as well. At some point while only the two of us were left, we began talking about whether we enjoy our jobs or not, and I mentioned how much I get paid hourly and what I make when bonuses come around. I essentially said I wasn't happy with what I was getting paid in relation to the work I do.

    Apparently word spread about this conversation and it caused a stir about how much other people are getting paid. Employees are now asking the owner of the office for raises. My boss is FURIOUS about this. He pulled me into his office this morning and screamed at me about it louder than I've ever heard him scream in the year I've been working here, and at the end of it he said he may fire me over this. My supervisors heard the ruckus and they're now telling me that it's "wrong" to tell coworkers what you get paid, and that it'll "get me fired at any other office." Am I really able to get fired over this? Doesn't this just seem shady??

    EDIT: Location is in Chesapeake, VA.

    submitted by /u/journeyandahalf
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    My ex-wife, a notary, is forging my signature on legal documents involving our children

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    I just found out that my ex-wife has forged my name on at least one document, our son's learner's permit for driving. She is a bonded notary in California. I have legal physical custody of him, and we share legal custody. He recently moved in with her to try a different school than he had been attending while he lived with me. We have other minor children that we also share legal custody with, and who I have physical custody of. All of the minor children, with the exception of my son who has the learners permit with the forged signature live with me and their step mother.

    This follows a pattern of her abusing her rights and flat out ignoring sections of the divorce judgement. I've confronted her on many of these things as recently as a month before this last time that she forged my signature. I'd also caught her a few years ago committing fraud by claiming our kids live with her to receive snap and welfare benefits that she wasn't entitled to, which the state tried to come after me for. Several years ago she lied to try and get a restraining order placed against me to help her case during our divorce, that was thrown out by the judge. She later agreed to give me full physical custody of the kids if I agreed to pay her $800/month in child support even though the kids are with me nearly 90% of the time. I agreed to that because I figured it would be cheaper than a lengthy court battle, and she agreed to waive spousal support which she was entitled to based on the length of our marriage.

    I'd have signed the paper if she'd have just asked me, but her pattern of abusing the judgement and the potential for any legal or financial liability if something happens with my son driving on a forged permit makes me want to pursue this.

    I'm pretty sure that I will eventually need to get a lawyer involved. But what's my first step? File a police report about the forged document? Complain to the notary board? Contact the DMV? Just go straight to a lawyer? Thanks

    Edit: I've talked to the DMV this afternoon, they acknowledge that his license application was likely fraudulent and they will begin investigating it. My plan at this point is to see where that goes, and if they choose to pursue it. If they do pursue it and charge her, then the SOS will likely get involved with her notary license, as forging the signature on that application is a felony and would disqualify her as being a notary. I think, but am not positive at this point that she signed my name electronically, which would make tracing it for fraud easier since it would have likely come from the same IP address as her signature, and we live over 100 miles apart. I could be wrong on that though, but we'll see. I'm also going to talk to a family law attorney to look into revisiting the child support orders and visitation since she's been having a pattern of violating the terms of the divorce quite a bit recently.

    submitted by /u/SoCalChrisW
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    Rent to own house / rent + 100.00 toward purchase. Landlord put the house on the market for sale.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    We have been renting to own a house for 8 years in Ohio. We pay rent + 100.00 per month toward the purchase and we paid 2500.00 down when we moved in. He has now put the house on the market for sale. I have refused to allow anyone to look at the property and he is threatening eviction. Is there anything we can do? Thanks

    submitted by /u/HisCrazyOldLady
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    [VA] Employment:If I call out of work, can I be forced to use vacation time even if I don’t want to hit 80 hours in a paycheck?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    I'm sitting in my weekly meeting and we're talking about absences and I was just told that if I call out I'm expected to use PTO to fill the cap up to -40 hours.

    By proxy if I use-40 hours I'd have to refill that pto before I could use PTOagain.

    I'm not familiar with VA labor laws, but that doesn't sound right to me opinions?

    Edit: I'm really not enjoying the downvotes to my comments when I'm asking for clarifications or explanations. We all have gaps in our knowledge, and I'm not needling for the answer I want. I genuinely am curious for answers.

    submitted by /u/Oswalt
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    Dog Bite, neighbor reaching over fence while dog was in fenced in yard.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    Location: PA

    While I was outside grilling, my neighbor walked over and reached over my 4' fence to pet my dogs who were jumping up on the fence. I did not call him over to talk, and my back was toward him during the incident. My girlfriends dog bit his hand, causing 4 small puncture wounds. Since the dogs were in a fenced in yard and he took the initiative to reach into it, what does my liability look like?

    submitted by /u/jcarroll8907
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    Fired after 13+ years of service for inappropriate and offensive comments that I never said.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    I was fired after 13+ years of service for inappropriate and offensive comments that I never said. I live in NC, I know this is a bad state to try to do anything about this, but there is a strange story behind it, that I am not supposed to know about.

    One of the guys that sat close to me on a open office environment says that called him a racists name (Sand-Nword) when the company order pizza and he complained about them not have enough none meat options and he mentioned he was Muslim. Besides the fact that I am not racists, and have worked with many friends over the years that were Muslim and we where close, I am a white guy so I guess easy target.

    The thing is his complaint was not filed until more than a year after he says the event happened, and this came up while he was being written up from causing a major event at work that could have gotten him fired, so he was filing a complaint about me, and our boss, and also our boss's boss, etc about a few different things, and I was the only person to have anything done about it.

    I was called by HR about the event and asked about it, I obviously denied the whole thing because I never said any of it, and after talking to my Boss about it, he hinted about who the person was, I was not supposed to even know who filed the complaint, but I was told to not worry about it, he was in trouble and trying to cause issues, that was it!

    Months later I was called to a office and fired over this, his buddy that sits beside him, they have been friends for years backed him up, and I was fired! Thing is we are in a open office, and we eat right there in a very open area, and no one else hard this, and many people said I would never say this. I got nothing but good reviews for 13 years and could point to many people that would say I would never say things like this, but was given no way to help myself.

    I worked for a VERY VERY big company that many people know off, with almost 100k employees, so not sure if there is anything I can do, but I was given no unemployment after 13 years of loyal service, and am upset about it.

    submitted by /u/jsdeprey
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    Retail Store won't give me a receipt for shopping. Isn't that illegal in California?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    Every week I buy beverage and snacks at a store in San Francisco to share in a group I facilitate. $15.50. Same items and same prices. The owner refuses to give me a receipt. I put every receipt in my expenditure books for future reference and to have proper records to show what I have been doing so that grants proposal can be made and for tax purposes. What do I do to get a receipt? Who do i report for such unprofessional conduct?

    submitted by /u/Yuki_Togawa
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    What to expect turning myself in for 15 yo warrant? Buncombe Co NC

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Thinking of turning myself in to buncombe co nc tomorrow. I live in Ohio now. I absconded from one years probation for a hit and run due to homelessness and other troubles. I now live in Ohio and I want to take care of this so I can get a license and better care for my family. I know there is like a $230 fine to pay. Ill have the money for that. Just wondering how long I'd sit in jail, will bond be offered, what to expect in general. Thank you very much in advance.

    submitted by /u/kingohio
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    A big domain company is refusing to yield me a domain they bought for me as a backorder

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    I set a backorder for a domain almost 10 years ago, the company's terms say that they will monitor the domain for changes and when expired, they will buy it and yield it to me... Well, after 11 years they did buy it, but they refuse to yield it to me, and are now trying to sell it as a Premium domain (meaning they want to sell it for literally 30,000x the price). I have a recorded phone conversation (that I informed her she was being recorded) with a representative of the company admitting they do have the backorder for such domain in their records, that they do have the domain, and I have also emails of the "status changes" they sent me about the domain up until 2017. Their current website even says they "won't stop until they succeed" in acquiring the domain.

    I'm a mexican citizen, the company is based on the USA, but also has offices in Mexico. I'm a very small company and I don't have money to pay for an attorney or counsel.

    Any suggestion would be welcomed. Specially regarding legal action in the USA (or Mexico, knowing we have a trade agreement between the two nations).

    The domain is worth squat, it's only "premium" because a company had it (10 years ago) and made a lot of web traffic with it, but now it's useless since the remanent traffic is long gone, I just want it for personal reasons, but can totally live without it. Yet, the prospect of not getting scammed, not letting them scam others, and making the company do what they promised motivates me.

    submitted by /u/pinchitony
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    Sheriff told me to remove a Facebook page

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    I'm in south Georgia. So a few weeks ago I bought a car from a local business. Next day it wouldn't crank. The owner cursed me out and said it's my problem now. So I made a Facebook post on our local swap and shop page telling people that this business did. I only included facts in the post. Today I woke up to the sheriff calling me and telling me I have to remove the Facebook post. Can I get in trouble if I don't ? Can he legally make me ? It just feels so unfair because I still can't even use that car. I pretty flushed $6k down the drain for nothing. And These people have zero accountability.

    submitted by /u/p0k3rbook
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    being refused to see my wife who is in her end of life phase due to covid-19 protocols from hospital(been in coma for 40days)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    What do i do,i have tried everything i am being refused the ability to see my wife whom has been in a covid for over 40days with covid-19 she is in her end of life phase and has septic shock her organs are failing her and all i want to do is be there with her and they will not allow it this cant be legal there has to be something i can do someone please help me guide me refer me anywhere i will do anything this is wrong and i need desperate help please.

    submitted by /u/stahpet91
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    Parents might have fallen into a forex scam

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    Located in NJ. My dad fell into a trap of a Chinese national claiming to be a millionaire because of doing foreign currency exchange. Taught him how to do it and had him sign up for a Chinese brokerage called Snokgroup.

    Proceeded to tell him that in order to make big money he had to invest big money. So he took a loan from a bank for $75k and invested it into this account. Proceeded to lose that and then was contacted by the brokerage that he had 7 days to pay $133k back to them or they would sue.

    I've come to realize that this Chinese national was a scammer. But my question is, can the forex brokerage successfully sue my dad for non payment? I learned the woman was a scammer because here on Reddit people posted similar scripts that she gave to my dad.

    He is so panicked and thinking of filling for bankruptcy because he thinks he is in the hole for over $200k.

    Can someone advise me if they have any knowledge about what to do concerning scams like this?

    submitted by /u/Jocieburgers
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    [HI] Mother in Law threatening law suit because we asked for her to go home.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    My husband and I recently gave birth to our first child. He's about 6 months old now and before he was born my Mother in Law came to "visit".

    That visit turned in to her living with us for the first 6 months of our child's life. We live in a small 2 bedroom apartment on the third story. We wanted to build our son's nursery in the 2nd bedroom (at the moment, he's in his crib in our room).

    So, my husband and I spoke to her about when she planned on going home (She lives in PA) and she responded by getting upset, being overtly dramatic about being thrown out on to the street, etc.

    She's not poor, my father in law is retired but collects a good pension. She can easily fly home. She just refuses to.

    So we've been doing this back and forth for about 3 months. Finally she packed up her things and stormed out in the middle of the night. Can't say we feel too bad. But now she's sending my husband messages, threatening our family with a lawsuit for visitation of our son.

    My question is this: Does she have any legal ground to stand on? Should we start speaking to a lawyer? We aren't well off (She's much wealthier than us, doesn't pay rent or help out with any expenses) so a lawyer is going to be a big cost.

    Appreciate the help.

    EDIT: Thanks so much for all the advice. From the comments it looks like she doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.

    We'll be saving her messages and simply not replying. Thank you all so much. Hopefully this will end soon enough.

    submitted by /u/legallyathrowaway123
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    [MD] Breach of contract for separation agreement

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    I live in Maryland. As part of our separation agreement, my ex is required to pay me a portion of the mortgage on our home every month for the next several years. We officially became divorced this summer, and the judge signed off on our agreement.

    Although my ex has been making the mortgage payments to me, shared expenses have been deducted from the payments. In some cases, those expenses have been agreed to (extracurricular activities for our child, etc). In other cases, we have not agreed to those deductions (my ex deducted their apartment deposit from the mortgage payment).

    I have asked her to please stop deducting expenses from the mortgage payment, and I will pay my share of those expenses separately. My ex has refused, and continued to deduct expenses.

    At what point should I pursue legal action over this? Is she in breach of contract?

    submitted by /u/ArtisticLeap
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    Reported a home break in/theft, cops check to see if I had running water.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    [CA] Not sure if this is a correct place to post this if it isn't please let me know where to go. I went ahead and reported a breaking in at my residential property that is currently under construction. when the police came to take the report, they walked into the house and noticed the structural framing exposed (demoed the drywall). Before they continued with the report, they asked me if I had running water. They even went to the bathroom to verify that there was still water. Does anyone know why they would check for that?

    submitted by /u/wasabination
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    Won Small Claims - Now Moving to Circuit Court?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    I (plaintiff) won a small claims judgment about a security deposit issue in Virginia last week. The defendant immediately filed an appeal to move this up to the circuit court. I have not received notice of appeal yet, but I did call the county clerk's office and they confirmed an appeal was filed (though not perfected).

    I feel that my case is strong and straight forward, but I'm worried about this higher court and the possibility of an attorney being involved. The sum in question is <$3000, so I don't want to hire an attorney but I'm also worried about representing myself. Is discovery involved in small claims appeals? Will there be a jury? Will I have to call someone to the stand for questioning?? I felt confident in the informal nature of small claims court but feel over my head now that this is moving up! Any information is appreciated.

    p.s. I was planning to be out of town for the months of October/November, which is when a court date will likely be set. Is there any way to avoid having to cancel these plans?

    submitted by /u/throwaway0982021
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    My dad claimed $12,000 in unemployment benefits last year

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I've already made a post about this in r/Unemployment here's it is: The previous post

    EDIT: My dad claimed $12,000 unemployment benefits last year using my name

    Now I am on here because I'm thinking about going the legal route. Nobody seems to be on my side in this, I've told my mom, brother, and my aunt. They all seem to say that he has looked out for me so much to the point that it doesn't matter that he did that. Basically like he deserves the money because of how much he's spent on me. I just don't seem to think that's a good enough reason for him to do that. They even told me that I should apologize for confronting him about it, normally I would buy into it and just do it, but I have friends that are telling me that it's very serious and I could pay for his actions. I am not sure whether I owe money or not because I don't have access to the account, but I did get a letter in the mail stating that it wasn't a legitimate reason why I should've been receiving benefits. The even more fucked up thing is that I just got my first job a couple of months ago, so I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have been getting it anyway. Please help

    submitted by /u/dylan0x14
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    [SD] My previous employer shorted me 45 mins of overtime and 1 hour of standard pay on my last paycheck. Is it worth taking a dispute to the DoL, or should I just ignore it?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    The business used physical punch cards that the manager would manually add up to count our hours. He actively rounded down to the nearest 15 on each of my days, even when they had been 10+ over. I have a photo of my time card, and I checked my count twice to make sure

    submitted by /u/askathroway
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    Landlord is trying to void the lease and kick us out.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    I go to college and had a part-time minimum wage job so I live with my parents. I have recently had to stop college and work full-time because my stepfather had open heart surgery 2 years ago and had a defibrillator put in. He worked for a full year after that, saving money but eventually he had to stop and we're trying to get his disability. He still hasn't been approved yet and it's been since december. As such we are running low on funds and do not have the income to find another place as rent is fairly cheap. Well about 5 months ago our landlord was having problems in her marriage. Her husband showed up one day and claimed he owns the rights to the house. After finally calling the landlord's daughter, we found out that it's true. That in 1994 our landlord gave her husband the house because she pity him for having nothing. Well to cut things short we have a lease that's from dated from December 2020 to December 2022. He had nothing to do with this house until they started having problems. He has never collected the rent, it was always his wife, he has never done any repairs, he even let her write the lease. He has tried to increase the rent, did not want to fix the roof from a recent tornado, and now tried to give us a handwritten letter that said we had 2 months to vacate because he wanted to live here. If we had enough income, we'd gladly get out of here. This whole thing has just been stressful, headache, and it's really starting to get to my parents. I just want to know what are my options. Thank you.

    Edit: I live in Georgia

    submitted by /u/XtremeDezz
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    I had a person living with me rekindle an old relationship and skip town on me. They signed a long term lease and broke it, I need some help please. (Virginia)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    I am trying to see what my options are. I have sought out lawyers previously and their advice wasn't always the best but before I seek out a lawyer again, I wanted to see if I can get some other options.

    Long story short, this person skipped out on a room for rent situation. They signed for a long term deal and left abruptly over their own misunderstanding(they were gone for weeks at a time without notice..and it was getting longer and longer so I kindly reminded them that I needed to be kept in contact with so I didn't consider things in abandonment). They had a good full time paying job that they quit so they could rekindle a relationship with their former partner, were visiting them often(while in the room for rent) and now live with them currently.

    I was recommended to sue them for the two months of back due rent. They owed me 8 that was remaining in the contract. I was told, by a couple lawyers, that I would have to wait until the remaining 6 months of the contract were up and sue for the rest.

    I sued for the 2 months, the person was subpoenaed, claimed they had covid(lie), delayed things again and then never showed up so I won by default. I was able to put a garnishment on their bank account but it took out the garnishment fee plus about $90~ over that. The person had little to nothing but I was under the impression that garnishments lasted until the amount was fulfilled in full but I was corrected on that.

    Time passed and the remaining contract is up. I sue for the remaining 6 months. I get a notification from the city that a mediator that works for the city wanted to be involved to help solve this and I said yes. The mediator said they couldn't get ahold of the other party so it went to court, the other party finally showed up. We hashed out an agreement with the mediator and I agreed to a reduced amount owed on the 6 months based on the fact that they would be getting a large settlement from a divorce this month(It is verified the divorce happened, the settlement part was not fully vetted). The person was supposed to pay a monthly amount and stopped paying last month(it was small so I didn't sweat it that much), the agreement was supposed to be null and void after but I let it get to September in hopes they would do the right thing. So September is here(the divorce proceedings were finalized in late August) and there is no word from them, what are my options for my next steps? They still owe me money from the first lawsuit and I know they are employed, I just don't know how to verify that and what their job is and even if I tried to get them to come to court, there isn't a huge chance they would show. Is it possible to have a lean or something put on any settlement from the divorce or how to find out any specifics legally without spending out of pocket?

    There is over $5,000 owed here and some of the lawyers who I have spoken with don't seem to be huge on trying to go file necessary paperwork to force them to pay or find out where they are employed, maybe I just spoke to the wrong ones and the amount was too small for them. I just want to go about this in the most efficient way as I can.

    So in summation:

    1 lawsuit granted. Money+interest are still available to collect on at any time.

    2nd lawsuit was brought to mediation and put into a signed agreement. Agreement is broken.

    What are my collection options for either or both at this point? Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/jaypeter
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    Grandparents rights?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    To keep a long story short, I (25F) recently went through some domestic violence with an ex partner (28M). We're in the middle of a suit against him, and he's being sued by the state of Hawaii, so not by me directly. We have a trial within the next few months, and things are going as well as one can hope. I'm also halfway through my pregnancy, and I managed to keep it a secret while we were together, and through some miracle, the police haven't said anything either. I have no plans to put him on the birth certificate, and will not be pursuing child support. He's facing at least 10 years for what he did, and by then I hope to have disappeared with my child. I now live on the mainland and will probably stay here. What I am concerned about are his parents, who also reside in Hawaii. His mom is a smart woman, and I'm afraid she will somehow find out about my child, and want to be involved. This is the woman who raised someone who has been officially diagnosed as a psychopath, and his sister shares a similar criminal background, and part of that can be credited to their rough upbringing. I don't want her or her second husband to have anything to do with my child. What should I be prepared for, if anything? I've heard the term grandparent rights tossed around, but what exactly does that mean, and how likely is it to happen in the instance of the sperm donor (he'll never be a father) being in prison, etc? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/GoodWitch420
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    My husband is moving my 8yo in with a woman he doesnt know.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    My (soon to be ex) husband met a woman on bumble a month ago and is moving into her house. We currently have shared custody of an 8yo child. I'm wondering if I have a right to know who my child will be living with. Does my husband have any obligation to share info about her with me? Can I look up her civil or criminal records? She is also brand new to the state (CO) after her marriage recently dissolved as well, or so I was told. I think she is still married. My son has special needs and I'm concerned about her ability to care for him. Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/theladybeav
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    Company has gone nearly two months without paying me - an independent contractor - for services rendered. They've repeatedly told me I'd be paid by a certain date, but at least four of these have come and gone.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    I'm an independent contractor in Georgia who handled writing a few ebooks for a company in Missouri. They're kind of like a middle man - another company went through them and I handled the writing. I completed the work about two months ago, and I was promised I'd be paid by "end of day" about a month and a half ago. That never happened, and a week or so later, I was told I'd have payment by the end of the week. That didn't happen either.

    Two weeks ago, they sent partial payment ($1,200 of the $3,400 they owe) and promised the remainder by the end of that week. They told me the same the next week (i.e., last week) after they didn't send it. It's now this week, and I still haven't received payment. I have all communications and promises to pay in my email. They now appear to be ghosting me.

    I'm wondering where I should go from here. Contact an employment attorney in Missouri? Should I have a firm there send a demand letter, and would the remaining payment ($2,200) be worth the effort? This has caused me some major stress. I can't afford to take a $2,200 hit on this.

    submitted by /u/cultofcurtis
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    [PA] Return of security deposit from apartment management company

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    I was renting an apartment in Philadelphia for about 5 years (moved in 2016.) During our initial visit, before moving in, the property manager at the time told us the apartment had been painted a non-standard color (the unit was previously inhabited by the property manager who was moving to a larger unit), and asked if we were interested in leaving it the existing color or having it painted back to "standard". We didn't care too much and the color was fine, so we said leave it. Now we have this whole exchange via email. He asked us, showed us color palettes, etc.

    Fast-forward to us moving out mid-July 2021, left the place in good shape. Wait the 30 days or whatever it's supposed to be for the security deposit plus prorated refund as we moved out mid-month. We notice a $350 line item charge for painting because the note says, "Apartment is non-standard color." Now their letter says all disputes must be in writing. I wasn't clear if email was valid, so I called the office and asked. I was told I could send the info via email.

    I tried emailing the property manager (it was someone new from when we had moved in) and no reply. I called back and got through to someone else in the office, explained the issue, and he said email him the old email chain where it mentions the paint and he would escalate it to the corporate office, then let us know. It's been about 19-20 date or so and I haven't heard anything. I didn't try last week as it was just around two weeks and then I knew the holiday weekend was coming up.

    At this point, how long should I be waiting and what options do I have for recourse? I know $350 may not be a lot in the bit picture, but I'd hate to lose out on that since this wasn't our error. Should they be resolving this in a certain amount of time?

    submitted by /u/The_Iron_Spork
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