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    Wednesday, August 4, 2021

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - August 04, 2021 Entrepreneur

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - August 04, 2021 Entrepreneur

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - August 04, 2021

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to ask questions if you're new or even if you haven't started a business yet.

    Remember to search the sub first - the answers you need may be right at your fingertips.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Stop looking for easy solutions. You’re f*cking yourself.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Ever heard the phrase "Riches are in the niches?", well here's another one for you:

    Success is in the excess

    Excess what?

    Time, skill, money, connections, brainpower, perseverance.

    Look at the front page of this sub right now and you'll most likely find countless posts titled "What business can I start with $1k?", or "What problems do you have running your business?", and "Why isn't my T-Shirt business getting any sales?".

    The answer is simple...

    You suck.

    Nah jk, but your idea/execution does definitely suck. Why? Because it's easy.

    Except that it's not, because millions and millions of other Redditpreneurs are doing the same shit you are.

    Your bank account is bleeding, and the market only has one thought: "If it bleeds, we can kill it".

    So how do we not get killed?

    We do something actually difficult.

    We go where others fear. We go where others are scared of the unknown.

    Usually in business we call this "Barriers to entry", yet most people see this as "Barriers to actually taking action and changing your life".

    "It's too hard!"

    "I don't know how!"

    "My idea is too complex!"

    Good. Those are your advantages.

    Right now I've got a list of potential multimillion dollar business ideas. How do I know?

    1. People would actually want them <— most of you fuck this part up, but that's another post
    2. They require knowledge and skills only a small minority of people have
    3. They require hundreds of hours of learning, designing, and testing the market
    4. They may require $10k+ capital before seeing a profit
    5. They require talking and negotiating with manufacturers

    ^ See all that? 99% of you just shit your pants or clicked away from this post.

    All of these "barriers" keep the hoards of Redditpreneur zombies out of reach, and away from your stash.

    Stop choosing the easy path. If you "can't think of any ideas!", stop thinking, stop talking, and start listening.

    You'll find something, but when you do, make sure it's kinda fucking hard to pull off.

    Now go buy my step-by-step book on how to find ideas.

    submitted by /u/PizzaOnTheRoof556
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    Would you be interested in an app that helps with procrastination?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    Just testing the market here. I was thinking about making an app that blocks the newsfeed of your socials, so you can use them for your business without getting distracted.

    I also wanted to integrate some motivational notifications, reminders, and maybe a reward system.

    submitted by /u/DeFlines
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    How to build an app without knowing how to code?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    I've noticed that a lot of my business ideas are in the form of a software or app and instead of waiting for an idea that doesn't require those components, i've decided i'm just gonna go for it. So, how does one build an app or web software with no coding experience. Would it be worth it to try and learn it myself? Use one of the "no code" services? Or try and connect with someone to code for me?

    submitted by /u/jakeplasky
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    The conversion rate is very low, what could be the possible reasons?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    Hello Experts,

    We have been using LinkedIn, & other social media, we have been getting a good number of visitors to our website, but the conversion rate is quite low. Any ideas?

    Happy to get some feedback on the copy and UX of our website.
    Anywhere - https://anywhereapp.io/

    Thanks for your time & support!

    submitted by /u/anuriqs
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    What do you guys do for healthcare insurance in the US?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    It's like, $600 for me for the cheapest, most garbage plan on healthcare.gov. How do you guys handle it? I'm young and healthy, it honestly makes me think its not a wise decision.

    submitted by /u/AltPerspective
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    My friend and I built a platform for investment ideas and insights

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone,

    Just wanted to share a platform my friend and I built for retail investors. Our goal is to create a place where people can find, discuss, and track investment ideas and insights. It initially started as a blog where we would share investment ideas with friends. It has since grown into a platform with real-time stock data, news and a bunch of other features.

    Utradea Feed: The main feed where you get the latest investment ideas and insights (Link to Feed)

    Reddit Dashboard: See what's trending on Reddit and drill into the actual posts (Link to Reddit Dashboard)

    SEC Dashboard: NLP of SEC Filings to quickly identify insights (Link to SEC Dashboard)

    Portfolio Balance: Mimic an ETF or review current asset allocations (Link to Portfolio Balancer)

    We are still refining a number of these tools and features so we can make the best platform for retail investors. Ultimately we want to become more successful investors and are designing this platform to help us do so.

    Thanks for taking a look and if you're interested at staying up to date with the progress you can check out our subreddit r/Utradea

    submitted by /u/utradea
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    Linking Personal Checking to Business Checking?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    I'm looking to open a business checking account with Chase and one way to avoid the monthly service fee is to link it to a private client checking account. Do you guys recommend this? Are there any drawbacks to this?

    I intend on keeping the finances completely separate after putting the initial investment into the account.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/1nformalStudent
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    If your business encountered unexpected hardships due to circumstances resulting from COVID, what happened?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    My business did ok at the start of COVID, but it absolutely affected all the third party businesses we work with. Even though we haven't lost any clients, we're just struggling to keep it going. I'm kinda losing hope and hope hearing some of your stories will help me find that motivation once more.

    submitted by /u/edamamebuns
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    How to monetize an instagram account?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Years ago I used to work for a company and made an instagram page for them. It was a bikini barista company (similar to hooters; girls wear bathing suits and serve coffee). 2 years ago, they went out of business and I was legally given the account that has 23k followers organically grown. I am a 25f who just sold her restaurant business and doesn't have to work for 6-12months. I wanted to make a side hustle pertaining to this instagram as I travel the world for a bit again. Because of the nature of the account, I am worried I may have to keep the sexual content. I am an ex-model, so I wouldn't mind turning the account into a travel/lifestyle with bikini photos, but was wondering if there are any alternatives I could be using this account for monetary gain? (I.e. paid shoutout page? E-commerce business?) Very opened-minded to what I can do with the account!

    Demographics: 96% male, primary age group 25-44 (both genders), 46% from US (company based in Washington). There is also a low, roughly 1% engagement rate with photos being posted of the girls in their bikinis/close ups of body parts).

    Would love to hear any potential ideas people have! Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/littlebop33p
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    Swamped in paperwork

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Anyone else starting a business in an industry with regulating bodies and is literally buried in paperwork? It sometimes feels like starting a business is not at all about doing the stuff you liked doing.

    submitted by /u/IamNotStupidUR
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    I'm lost. Need guidance. Can someone help?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    Here's the deal: I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur.

    And I made it. I've built my business, worked on, sold my business, immigrated, got married and 3 kids later, here I am working as a Sr. Director in a tech firm.

    And, I kept thinking about building a new business, start from scratch in a new country, more experienced, with more opportunities to succeed. I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur...

    That's what I've thought...

    But the risks and the amount of work and money involved in building a business (generally) collide directly with my ability to give my young family the time and attention they deserve.

    Now, I am debating internally, almost to the minute, what direction should I take. Should I step back and open myself to the idea of getting a better job? Should I take a leap of faith and TRY - "for reals" - building my business?

    What would you guys do?



    submitted by /u/sauloavelar
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    Competition Against Previous "Employer" - Legal Action?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    This may not be a question for in here, as I know I will need to speak with a lawyer, but I wanted to see if anyone has ever been in this current situation I face myself.

    To save a very long-story for short and to not give too much information away, what form of legal actions would I face? The contract states: "I cannot work directly or indirectly with a competing business for over 1 fully year of termination/notice. I cannot work with any clients I have previously brought on, only for other business not competing with competitor."

    The second part is no problem.. the first part, well the first part is the business I am wanting to start up. I could do an easy work around by not supplying my name off the bat with my business, but the legitimacy of the business will not be there. I will be way to small within that year for my competition to know about me, but who is to say they wont know about me in 3-5 years?

    It will be a massive bummer if I have to wait a full year to start my business, however, I'd rather save myself lots of money against a big dog in the space. To give more clarification, I am paid via commission only. I am an Independent Contractor for this company and not an employee. I currently have made ZERO sales for the company. (Have been making sure I learn the ins and outs just incase having zero sales ends up saving me). Again, I know it will be best to consult with a lawyer before fully proceeding, just curious if any other entrepreneurs have been through this before and advice.

    submitted by /u/soccerguy510
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    Coming with new SaaS idea is hard, better to start my own consultancy

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Coming up with some new idea for a SaaS business is so hard. I am interested in starting out a SaaS business, but I am having a hard time coming up with a novel idea. It's looks like that all the ideas are taken up, and for every idea you would find at least 10 startups are currently working on it. Sometimes, I feel it's far easy to consult to startups, than forming my own. So I am now making up my mind to enter into SaaS consultancy business. What are your thoughts on this ? Can you help me think clearly this through?

    submitted by /u/Confident-Trifle-774
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    How to Pitch Oneself as a Consultant to a Company without Giving Away the Idea?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    I see an opportunity to consult with a business. I'm a customer whose job experience as a team leader and database designer, as well as being a customer of this business, is driving my interest in pitching them.

    My idea is to use members of their own team (if existing) while updating the customer facing purchasing app to focus on their own product line. The company is leaving selling opportunities unexploited while their database Search engine doesn't add in products.

    Pitching this seems likely to reveal my planned implementation and give away my idea. No protections to them saying they'll think about it, and implementing without me.

    How would you approach this?

    submitted by /u/hmpf_to_that_friend
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    How do you retain customers?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    About half of the revenue can come from repeat customers. But how to retain them? Do you have a loyalty program, great customer support or just send discount emails regularly? Can you share your experience?

    submitted by /u/alex12biz
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    Best app / template for a simple decision tree app?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    I know some code and am willing to spend time learning more. I am doing this as a hobby mostly to help people... it is essential flow charts / decision trees, e.g. select your question -- opens sub options, then more options, and finally text to help

    It likely is going to be better to just make a website, so I would also be interested to hear any good website templates for decision tree / flow chart like processes

    is there existing template apps that I can use for this?

    submitted by /u/waxheartzZz
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    How do I get help designing and producing a prototype for a product made out of plastic?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    I have an idea for a simple new product but I don't know how to design and build it. It will be called the better betta kit and it is meant to be an alternative to cheap inadequate betta tanks found at pet stores or expensive aquarium kits. I want to build the perfect affordable betta habitat for customers.

    Here is what my product will need:

    • It needs to be made out of sturdy leak-proof crack-proof clear plastic that will stay strong.
    • The lid needs to be clear for allowing in light.
    • The lid will need a hole or port for inserting air line tubing to power the sponge filter
    • The lid will need another hole or port for inserting a cord to power a small aquarium heater
    • The lid will need a few slits for ventilation
    • The aquarium needs to be able to hold 5.5 gallons of water
    • The lid needs to allow for easy water changes with an aquarium siphon
    • The product needs to be easily portable
    • It needs to be aesthetically pleasing
    • It needs to be low-cost and affordable for customers

    So, is there a website or person that can help me to design and produce such a product?

    Thanks for any advice or help. :)

    submitted by /u/GuiltyAnimalLover
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    Looking to talk to web devs & marketing agencies

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:28 PM PDT


    I run a web hosting service and am looking to connect with those who build websites and want to learn more about the value I can offer to them, either through a partnership or conversation.

    submitted by /u/_Qanukl3h3d_
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    My wife needs you reddit! Starting a child’s bow business!

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    Hey guys, my wife wants to start a bow business for young girls. She knows how to tie the bows from watching videos, buying bows and unwrapping them, etc. but she needs to know the ins and outs and where to start. Any supplies that are a must? Any tips at all is really appreciated, she's pretty nervous about it all.

    submitted by /u/SnooOpinions7338
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    Los Angeles mentor

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    36 year old father of 2, with a desire to not work for the man. Just looking for some guidance on how to generate a few different streams of residual income.

    Currently have limited capital but willing to learn anything worth my time.

    submitted by /u/buckygill923
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    Raise round with multiple VCs?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    Hi all!

    I am a serial entrepreneur and have completed many six and seven figure raise rounds in the past (typically through tens of angels) but am now receiving interest from VCs for the first time.

    I am currently hosting a 250k round for my very early stage company. I have a hypothetical for you:

    If two VCs come through and both offer the full 250k for an equity arrangement, can I only accept one? Could I accept both for a total of 500k? Clearly the more capital, the better, especially given the platform that we are launching.

    With angels, I would (and have) accepted both in the past, but I have more autonomy in that situation dealing with individuals versus VCs. Do VCs get angry if you fill a larger round than what was originally presented to them or are they happy to just have more capital in their acquisition?

    A very novice question for someone of my acumen, but not having dealt with VCs before, I don't want to step on any toes early. Not sure what the proper etiquette would be.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/stapleton92
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    How pivoting lead me to my current startup

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    My latest startup I launched very fast. We went from idea to MVP in only a week. Previously I was focusing on an entirely different startup but it didn't end up working out. I was close to making the MVP but couldn't get anyone on board and was in WAY over my head with the technology.

    So, I took a few steps back. I thought to myself what do I love doing - I love business, finance, stock market, and investing. So I thought hmm why don't I make a startup about these. I then decided to write a newsletter.

    BUT I wanted to be different. For me, business news was always boring or difficult to understand if you didn't already understand all the terms used. So , I decided to make my business newsletter also educate the reader! That way they can learn and get the news, easily.

    For anyone interested it's http://www.overeasynews.com. Would love feedback and if you're interested, subscribe!

    We send out our newsletter every MWF. All of our latest stories and newsletters are on the site as well.

    Sometimes pivoting is just what you need or to start entirely new startup.

    submitted by /u/dr7s
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    Fellow Entrepreneurs in the Retail Segment! Where do you want to see yourself in the next 5 years ?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    I am just starting out and I was wondering what kind of long term visions you all have for your growing startup!

    submitted by /u/Wonderful-Concept-68
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    A website with more than 10k sessions per month, best ways to monetize?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Domain - Web Technology

    Current Revenue - $15/m from Google Adsense

    Please advise how to improve the earnings, or this is the maximum for this traffic?

    submitted by /u/rintoug
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