• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 11, 2021

    Legal Advice Ex boyfriend is threatening to sue me for breaking up. He keeps throwing around "ESTOPPEL". He also works in a law office. This is in San Diego.

    Legal Advice Ex boyfriend is threatening to sue me for breaking up. He keeps throwing around "ESTOPPEL". He also works in a law office. This is in San Diego.

    Ex boyfriend is threatening to sue me for breaking up. He keeps throwing around "ESTOPPEL". He also works in a law office. This is in San Diego.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    I know you can practically sue anyone for any reason, but what can this actually turn into, am I going to be dragged into court for ending a bad relationship?

    submitted by /u/Player1_GAME_OVER
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    Before I talk about this I just want everyone to know that I’m a 16 year old and have no legal knowledge other than TV and what I’ve heard from my parents. But what I just read greatly concerns me and I want people on this website to make sense of it for me.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    Executive order number 83 by the state of Tennessee. From what I understand this gives the National Guard and state police the right to enter your home without a warrant and bring you to a "Covid camp" for the unvaccinated. this is supposed to go into affect after the vaccine is approved by the FDA. My parents are extremely conservative and haven't permitted me to get the vaccine although I have my own reservations about it it isn't my choice but I want to get it or not. This greatly concerns me because although I am not fluent in law I do pride myself on my knowledge of history. And I don't wanna say what this sounds like but I think you all know what I'm thinking. If I'm wrong please tell me. But regardless of your political allegiances please look at this objectively and tell me if people are legitimately in danger or not because this worries me. Please tell me I'm just a 16yo dumbass and I don't know a thing. Becuase if I'm not there is some serious problems with that law. I'll be linking the executive order.


    Edit: The part that I mainly referring to a subsection 18

    Edit 2: so the general consensus in the first 10 minutes of having this up is I'm a fucking idiot. But I'm going to leave this up because although the people of Reddit are convincing me that this is bullshit there's still a part of me that thinks that there is some problem here and I want other people to take a look at it.

    submitted by /u/kramer361
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    Landlady has security cameras INSIDE THE HOUSE

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 07:41 PM PDT


    *****Landlady does not live with us tenants*****

    Landlady had cameras inside the house and told us that they were off, only the outside cameras are on. We turned the cameras so they were facing the wall (the ones inside). Later while in the living room, I saw that the camera had been turned back around. It felt really weird, so I checked with my android phone camera and saw the infrared lights were on. Same with the camera in the hallway.

    I confronted the landlady and she is trying to put the blame on us. She says she will call an alarm expert to "fix" the problem but will be charging us for his service...

    I feel like my privacy has been invaded since she told us they were offline. If we the tenants were females and the landlady was a male, this situation would have blown up faster.

    I have photos of her emails saying she doesn't understand how her own security system works, and she will be charging US. I have video and photo evidence of the active security cameras as well.


    She will not be charging us now which is a relief. She tried gaslighting us into feeling bad for "making this a bigger deal", since none of the previous tenants had issues with this and nobody would want to spy on college kids.

    I still feel weirded out since the camera turned back to face the living room, when before it was facing the wall. PLUS it was on since I captured it showing infrared lights.


    submitted by /u/zoonyzoon
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    Neighbors mentally handicapped daughter from hell. Me and my girlfriend are at our wits end

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    Please be patient with this as it may be long but I need to let it out and I could really use some advice to fix this situation and get her to stop doing what she is doing and possibly get her the help she needs that she is obviously not receiving.

    When we bought our house 3 years ago the previous owner told us the neighbors had two grown children living with them that have some developmental issues. Okay, cool, no problem. It is what it is. I try to treat everyone the same and it's a non issue.... so I thought.

    1st year was fine, no problems. I would see the daughter kind of wonder around aimlessly in their yard and I would wave hello and the son (he seems a little better off but kinda stunted in the brain game) I would see riding his bike and working on it all the time. The whole family seemed to keep to themselves but every time I would see them I would wave and try to say hello. Then it started...the weirdness that led to madness.

    About our 2nd year in I come home and see cops out front of their house. I'm not a snoop so I just pull into my driveway and go inside. Think nothing of it. The next day I get a knock on my door and it's the daughter. I've never spoken to her at this point FYI. As I open the door she barges into my house while asking, "may I come in"? VERY odd but also kind of funny and I just said "Sure! Why not? You are already in..." she then proceeds to tell me about how her father beats and rapes her. I was a little skeptical as she was telling me this because it was so up front and matter of fact but i was also a little concerned, as anyone would be. I then told her, "if you ever feel like your life is in danger, come knock on my door and we will get the cops involved amd make sure you are alright." She left and I was a little weirded out. Later that night around 1am she is ringing my doorbell and my dog starts freaking out and I just ignored it. I was immediately frustrated. Next morning she knocks on my door with a smile on her face and I immediately say to her,

    "were you in danger"


    "Were you feeling threatened"


    "Please don't knock on my door or ring my doorbell that late again please. Goodbye"

    It was quiet for almost a year after that until I started finding random items in my back yard, a broken cell phone, grocery bags filled with trash, clothes, just random shit, all of which my dog put in his mouth. And this all found just on my side of the fence we share so its obvious it's being thrown in by her.

    Then one glorious day I find 2 crumpled pieces of paper in my backyard. I pull them out of my dog's mouth and noticed there were handwritten words on it. I open it up and in a childish scribble it says that her father rapes her and beats her and to please call the cops.

    I get a little creeped out and a part of me thinks it's bullshit, but what if she is telling the truth and is reaching out for real help!? I call the cops but ask them to meet me down the street so it doesn't create a scene with cop cars in front of my house and theirs. When they arrive they look at the notes and I point out which house they came from and they giggle. They fucking giggle. Apparently she's been doing this for a long time and they have investigated these allegations numerous times and they have found nothing. Apparently she gets mad at her dad and that is how she retaliates. The officer tells me her family is very old school tradition and don't acknowledge her "illness" and refuse to treat her. I feel bad and me and the cops part ways.

    A few weeks later I notice in front of my house written on the side walk the same craziness that was in the notes. Father rapes me, call the cops yada yada. I see her and ask her about it and ask why she says those things. She tells me her father yells at her and she gets upset. I then respond by asking if he actually touches her. She says no. I ask her to stop saying these things in notes and on sidewalks because what if a kid in the neighborhood reads these things and goes to their parents asking "what is rape"? Shits not good! And we live in a pretty nice neighborhood!

    After that conversation I tell her to stop throwing shit on my property, stop with the notes on paper and the sidewalk and quite frankly, I'm quite fed up. My girlfriend at this point is fairly creeper out.

    About 2 weeks ago I see my dog running around the back yard with a big piece of wood that looks like it belongs on a piece of outdoor furniture, like 7ft long pirce of splintered wood with rounded edges. I immediately know where it came from. I see she is out front and I ask her about it. She admits she threw it and I asked her to get her father so I could speak to him. She refused and I said, "either get your dad or I'm calling the cops because you've done this too many times, what if my dog choked on this?" She then charges at me running into my front yard where I'm standing there talking to her. I lose my shit and I think the volume of my voice stopped her. The cops are then called. Cop shows up and knows about her and once again I tell the cop, "I just want her off my property and to stop throwing shit in my yard". He talks to her and apparently her father and he says it's worked out and leaves. Oh yeah, he also says, "she doesn't like it when you cuss".

    This Sunday I'm in my backyard and my dog starts going nuts toward her side of the fence. I notice she is trying to poke my dog through the fence with a stick or something and I yell at her to stop. She then starts throwing shit into my backyard while screaming "tell your dog to stop barking at me!" I yell at her that I'm about to call the cops again and she mumbles something and walks off. I leave it at that. I'm tired and move on.

    Monday i get home from work and i let my dog out and notice he is not coming back to the door after a few min like he normally does. When I went to see he hasn't returned I notice a fluid all over my side of the fence and on the ground and my dog is playing around in it. I huff and puff and carry on with my day. She obviously poured something into my yard over the fence. Pictures were taken.

    Yesterday I get home from work and let my dog out and once again he doesn't come back. I go to inspect and guess what? She poured something over the fence again!! Wait...the shape looks exactly the same as yesterday's, let me get a closer look. ITS USED FUCKING MOTOR OIL!! OF COURSE IT DIDNT DRY AND THATS WHY IT LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME AS YESTERDAY!!

    Im done! I immediately left to go get a trail cam at my local Academy Sports and on the way I pass her and she throws me a lovely middle finger along with a crazy face that a child would make. Tongue sticking our and all. When I return I see her brother and he starts apologizing about everything and I tell him that I'm fed up. She does something again that's it, I'm calling the cops...again.

    Today my girlfriend had to work from home and i got a text from her saying we need to set up cameras because the neighbor came over this morning and rang our doorbell like a crazy person and stood there watching my dog bark at her through the window. My girlfriend said she didn't answer the door because she was scared but it just seemed like she does it regularly for entertainment, rings the doorbell repeatedly and enjoys seeing my dog go crazy.

    Today after work I'm buying a ring camera and maybe some other things for more documentation. I have numerous police interactions in regards to her and they know who she is and her past. I want her to stop, my girlfriend is scared and I feel she is out to harm my dog because she yells at him through the fence too. He never barked at her until she started pushing stuff through the fence slats to mess with him. Fuck this bitch. Restraining order, trespassing charges, harassment, cruelty to animals, illegal dumping? What can I do? I told her brother that if she gets arrested and a judge sees her mental state she might be forced into treatment because it is OBVIOUS she needs so.e kind of help.

    TLDR -Handicapped neighbors daughter dumps trash in my yard including used motor oil, terrorist towards my dog, charged toward me, comes onto my property to ring doorbell repeatedly to taunt dog and also flips me off...how rude

    submitted by /u/kevinspoonie
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    I have jury duty but..

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    I'm from Oklahoma. I have jury duty in a couple weeks. However I have a bench warrant for my arrest. Will I be arrested when/if I go? What can I do? I don't have the money to pay the warrant off in time.

    • I understand this is my own fault please don't come for me.

    Edit: Ive gotten on a payment plan after reading your comments. To those of you who were genuinely curious I called three different court clerks and none of them knew the answer, but I'm relieved I won't have to be the one to find out.

    submitted by /u/Prince_Magi
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    HOA member making "final" rule w/o community involvement

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    We have 3 member in HOA board, and they are making rules without consulting anyone from the community. We're a community of about 100 single family homes.

    The have made rules like you can't have privacy walls on decks etc, without talking to anyone or having a community vote. Can such rules (made without community vote) be considered legal ?

    submitted by /u/PassionMaleficent361
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    [Phoenix, AZ] Is it possible to receive compensation for a clerical mistake made by either the unemployment office or USPS?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    Over the course of the last year, I have received unemployment benefits after being laid off of my job because of covid. Every week I file a claim and every week they give me a payment and up until recently, it has been very smooth with no hiccups.

    So at about the beginning of May, I filed my weekly claim and then checked on it the next day and a notice on my account popped up saying there was an "Unresolved issue" and the reason labeled for it was "Available for Full-Time Work" which was really odd to me because I hadn't filed my claim any differently than I had the past dozens of weeks, nor had anything changed in my situation at all.

    Then about a day or two later I get a letter in the mail from the Arizona Department of Economic Services saying "Benefit payments are pending because of your availability. Your mail is being returned to the Department from the United States Post Office as Undeliverable. Please call a customer service representative with your current mailing address. Failure to do so within 5 calendar days from the mail date will result in a denial of benefits."

    So a few things were immediately baffling to me about this letter. Firstly, my address has never changed and I haven't filed under a different address or anything. Plus I had gotten letters from them fairly recently before all this just about updates to general things that applied to everyone. Secondly, if my mail was being returned to them and they couldn't reach me by mail then why would they send a letter IN THE MAIL to tell me they couldn't reach me by mail. In the event of my address actually changing and my mail being rightly returned to them how would they possibly expect me to see this letter? It's completely illogical to me especially since that was the only way they attempted to reach out to me about this issue.

    Either way, all that aside, I luckily didn't change my address and I received the letter, so I called them the next day and just was like "Hey I got this letter saying to update my address or my benefits will be denied but my address hasn't changed. So I'm just calling to let you guys know it's still the same address."

    And the customer service rep I spoke with said something like "Oh wow! Yeah, that does seem kind of silly. Well, I have seen similar glitches happen in the system so I would assume it's just a glitch. I'll send an email saying you called and updated it and I would just keep an eye on it. But I would guess it will work itself out in a week or so. So just check back in then."

    So that's what I did. However, when I checked back on my claim about a week later, not only did it still have the unresolved issue for my availability for work but now it also had a disqualification label with a start date of 5/23/21 and in the end date column it was left blank. So not only did it not work itself out, it actually escalated and got even worse. Then again about a day later I got another letter in the mail from them that said, "You are not eligible for unemployment insurance from 5/23/21 until eligibility conditions are met. You have not updated your current mailing address with the Department as required. You cannot be considered available for work."

    This, as you can imagine was extremely frustrating to me because not only had I called them immediately to let them know about my address issues, but also my address has never changed, to begin with. So again after receiving this letter I called them to try and figure it out and get it resolved. This time the rep I spoke with looked at my account and told me that there were no open issues on my account and that from what he could see everything I have been filing looks perfectly fine. So I asked him if he could see the letter that was apparently returned to them and he said he could and it was a letter from March 26th with a questionnaire form in it. However, on the envelope, he could see that the address printed on it was the correct address and matched the address they have for me on file, so it must have been returned by mistake by the USPS.

    This just threw another wrench in the works because if the letter got returned to them on the 26th of March or a few days after that then I have no idea why it took until the beginning of May for them to realize something was wrong. And the rep confirmed to me that that was the only thing sent to me that they have had returned to them from the USPS. But if that is the case then I have no clue why they allowed me to file successfully for 9 straight weeks and pay me for those 9 weeks without saying something.

    The explanation I got from the rep was that his best guess as to what happened is it got returned to them at the end of March but they are just so short-handed and understaffed that no one noticed until the beginning of May and then a red flag pooped up that suspended my claims until I got it worked out. Then on top of that, they finally realized I never filled out the questionnaire they sent me because obviously I never received it. So one issue led to another and now despite it saying the issue is my address, really what is the issue now is I need to fill out the questionnaire and send it in. So gave me all the questions on it and told me to write them down and answer them and then fax it to them. I also asked him if I should file an appeal because of the disqualification and he said "No I wouldn't file an appeal because technically there is nothing to appeal. I know this issue is under the disqualification tab of your claim but actually, you are only ineligible and not disqualified and to become eligible again we just need to work these issues out. But since you aren't actually disqualified, filing an appeal would at best do nothing or at worst make it take longer because an appeal would come in for something that doesn't need it and it would confuse whoever got it."

    So based on his advice I didn't file an appeal and just faxed in the questionnaire and waited for something to happen. Also just as a side note, throughout all this, I called numerous times to talk to different representatives to see if I could get a better perspective of the situation and they all said something similar to "yeah I don't see any issues on your end so you've done everything right and now you just need to wait for an adjudicator to look at it and work it out but we are incredibly understaffed so that could take a while. But just keep filing your claims every week and when this works itself out all of those claims will be approved and you'll be paid for them."

    But basically, every time I called no one could give me a definitive answer as to what the actual issue was.

    Anyway, about a week after I faxed in the questionnaire I called them again just to confirm they got it and the rep I spoke to this time said they did receive it and now it's just waiting for an adjudicator to look at it. She also recommended that since my address seems to be the issue, I should print and fill out an address change form and just put in the same address I have always had because then that will be documented proof that I have tried to update it and it will pop up as something they have to look at and if nothing else it couldn't hurt the situation. So based on her advice, I also did that and faxed it in.

    Anyway all that was at the beginning of June. So I called in about once a week every week after that and explain the whole situation to them and check on its status and every time they just say the same thing. They are just waiting for an adjudicator to take a look at it but they are understaffed so it will take a while. But they reassure me that I have done everything correct and all I can do now is wait.

    So one week I call and just out of curiosity I decide to act like I have no idea what's going on just to see what their advice would be. After checking my account and seeing the disqualification/ineligibility thing on it she said something like "oh I see here you are labeled as ineligible. You have to file an appeal and then have us look at it."

    Which at that point I was like "Okay well actually I have talked to someone specifically about this and he told me to do the exact opposite."

    Then she explained to me that there is no end date to the ineligibility/disqualification and that if I don't appeal it will just kind of hang around for forever and continue to be an issue. I didn't really buy this explanation but at that point, I was just exhausted and fed up with no one really knowing whats going on. So I filed an appeal because I assumed it couldn't hurt and realistically it was my best bet to have someone with any sort of authority finally look at my claim.

    After that, I continued to file my weekly claims and call in and ask for an update and I continued to get the same answers. Then yesterday, I finally got something in the mail from them and it turned out to be paperwork from the office of appeals to notify me of a hearing that will be held for my appeal. So FINALLY even the smallest bit of progress was being made and that was encouraging. But the issue is that the hearing is scheduled for September 10th.

    Now I think in a vast majority of cases this is a completely reasonable amount of time to schedule ahead for it and giving a one-month notice is totally normal, but in my very very specific case, I was completely disheartened by this because it meant another four weeks of this. And it's one thing to deal with this and it being frustrating and everything but also the entire time since this started I have had absolutely zero income because all my claims get held up due to the disqualification/ineligibility error. On top of that this wasn't an issue, I would have ever guessed would come up so it's not like I had time to plan financially for being without any source of income for (at the time of writing) 13 weeks. And it would be one thing if this situation was complicated or more a grey area type thing, but from my perspective, it is extremely black and white. USPS just made a simple mistake which caused the gears of bureaucracy to grind to a halt for me and if anyone with any authority looked at my claim for literally 10 seconds they would be like "oh yeah whoops! sorry about that" and everything would be back to normal.

    And I'm not concerned about all the payments they held up because I know whenever this works itself out I will get all of those payments just like they've said. What my issue is is the hardships I've had that have resulted from this extremely simple issue taking what looks like it's going to be 17 weeks to work out. Since I've had no income for over three months now I have fallen behind on many of my bills and it has caused my credit card to be closed due to missed payments which will affect my credit score for years to come. But up until this issue became a thing, I made my payments on time and regularly. And that's just the most recent issue that has arisen from this. There are plenty of other ones and I still have another month before anything gets resolved.

    So like I said, I'm not concerned about the back pay I will likely receive from unemployment once this is resolved, but I want to know if there is anything I can do to seek any more compensation for the huge and likely lasting finacial hardship this whole situation has caused me. Especially when every single representative I've spoken with has told me that it's just a fluke thing and there is nothing I did wrong to cause this. Or is it more likely that they will just be like "Whoops, sorry bud. Well, it's all straightened out now. So good luck out there" And theres nothing at all I can do about it?

    submitted by /u/SaltyDalty21
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    Employer has effectively ghosted me after written job offer (signed and accepted on both ends) and onboarding paperwork already filled out. Any recourse I can take?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    I received a job offer last Monday, via email. I e-signed the job offer, completed my w-4, I-9, banking info, and all the other forms they wanted.

    Well I received nothing else in my email from them, decided (since it's a new business opening just this month) maybe they are still getting stuff together and will reach out by the end of the week. Call them the following Monday, the GM answers and I ask "hey what's the deal? When can I start?" He says "oh, we've been open and doing business already.. have you completed your paperwork?"

    I have an e-audit trail showing they've had my completed paperwork since last Wednesday. Even after I told him this, he directed me to an onboarding website to register for the company's payroll, I go to login and it says no user found in their system matching my name and Social Security number (how the third party payroll company matches employers to employees, via social and last name on their registration page). Continued efforts to reach out have been met with nothing but missed phone calls, ignored emails and texts, they'll respond to every 1 in 3 calls, texts, emails but it's with irrelevant information like "go to this link and fill out your paperwork," a text that came after I already sent him the audit trail showing my paperwork has been sent back to them since last week...

    So they sent me an offer, then have essentially ghosted me after I signed and filled out paperwork.

    I'm in an at will employment state, but do I have ANY recourse? Breach of contract? Anything at all?

    submitted by /u/charizardonDMT
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    [IN] Co-Parenting: reimbursing ex for kids’ activities that weren’t known about?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    Family situation: Ex-husband and I (also M) are divorced with a parenting time and child support agreement in our divorce settlement. We have joint legal custody. He has primary physical custody, though the parenting time split is nearly 50/50. We are following Indiana state guidelines in that extracurricular activities, once discussed and approved by both of us, are paid by the parent in custody at the time and the other will reimburse half the cost.

    Current situation: My ex informed me that two of our children were approved to enroll in an extracurricular therapy-type activity (not in-office therapy). I agreed to support their enrollment. He sent me a receipt for one of the kids to attend. I submitted the reimbursement. He told me a week later that the kids could not attend due to scheduling conflicts with other activities.

    In a disagreement about whether the reimbursement should have been returned to me, my ex revealed that the oldest son had already been participating in the activity for two months. He wants reimbursement for half of the enrollment fees for those two months ($150).

    I do support our sons participating in the activity. However, my ex withheld the information about my oldest son enrolling, so I couldn't review it with him at the time. Am I responsible for paying the half of the fees for the months I wasn't aware of? If so, is there a time limit for when he can request reimbursements for activities? I don't want him to approach me two or three years after an activity I didn't know about to request reimbursement.

    submitted by /u/SeekingAdvice_Please
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    I think I was raped, do I have a case?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    New account because I'm scared to tell anyone about the situation yet.

    After we broke up, I found out my ex boyfriend sexually harassed multiple girls while we were dating, and after being in contact with them for a while, I believe that I, too, was a victim of his. While we were in our first year of dating (He was 17, I was 16), he forced me to have sex with him (This was around mid-January). After I undressed, I immediately felt uneasy and I told him "No" multiple times, as well as saying "I'm not ready." He ignored my pleas and told me "I know you're ready." I made a couple of attempts to stop him by physically fighting him off, but he was much stronger than I. Eventually I gave in and let him have his way with me. It hurt so much. I told him how badly it hurt but he did not stop. I had never had sex before. After it was over, he acted as if nothing happened yet I could not stop crying. He made me dry my tears before he took me home so my parents would not ask what happened. Once I was home, I realized I was bleeding and I cried even more.

    This happened 5 more times over the course of our relationship and it always went the same: me saying no, and then me crying after he was done. As this was my first relationship, I assumed this was normal and did not tell my parents, my friends, or counselors, and our relationship continued. But every time I think back on the sex he had with me, I cry. Some nights, I can't think about anything else and cry myself to sleep. After I learned about how he harassed other girls, I realized that sex we had might be considered rape.

    I am now 17, and he is 18. We have not been dating for a while now. I am still in contact with him as just a "friend." I want mainly to know if what he did to me is legally considered rape. If so, I'm thinking of approaching a trusted teacher and telling her the situation as I'm much too afraid to tell my parents or any close friends at the moment. I was initially considering not telling anyone what happened, but after I heard about the other girls' stories, I do not want him to hurt anyone else, and if it means telling my story then I will. What I am concerned about is proof, as I have none that he raped me either than my word.

    Please, give me any advice possible on the situation. Thank you so much for reading this far.

    submitted by /u/Direct-Freedom-112
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    Girlfriend "tested positive" for THC even though she has not consumed any THC products whatsoever and there is a 0% chance she had THC in her system, psychiatrists office is refusing to provide her with a copy or the lab results [TX]

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Her psychiatrist most likely got in trouble with the DEA recently for over prescribing benzos. They informed her about a month ago that she would be drug tested to get her Klonopin. She had already decided well over a year ago to stop taking it but they kept pushing it on her anyway. She hasn't been taking the Klonopin at all and informed them she didnt care about the klonopin and they could stop giving it to her if they wanted and they've continued to prescribe it even after she told them to stop. She is on an SSRI/mood stabilizer combo for other issues, which is her much bigger priority since it's the only reason she remains a functional human being and she is worried about losing access to those drugs since they actually help her.

    So she went into the drug test confident she wouldnt pop for anything and the psychiatrist called her recently and told her she tested positive for THC. This is quite literally impossible. She hasn't so much as had a 0% THC containing CBD product in over two months. She doesnt smoke pot. She doesnt do Delta 8. She has consumed CBD products in the past because they helped more than the Klonopin but not in over two months. This was a pee test, not a hair follicle test, and even if the CBD products she consumed months ago actually contained tiny amounts of THC there is just no possible way there would be enough in her system to test positive. We have strong reason to believe the psychiatrists office is lying because they got in trouble with the DEA and they're pulling some kind of weird shit for reasons I dont entirely understand. Maybe someone with a legal background will understand why they are doing this.

    She asked for a copy of the drug test results because obviously they are full of it. And they told her, and I quote, "we cant do that, we dispose of the test results after a week for bioligical reasons". I'm sorry, what? You dont have a paper copy of the lab results you can give her? She is not asking for her literal pee pack. She is asking for the paper copy of the lab results. Something smells pretty weird here, and we don't like it. We think she is being taken for a ride here because the psychiatrist is in trouble with the DEA and she is being caught up and screwed over in their attempts to cover their own asses. We think they are lying about the test results with the ultimate intention of dropping her completely as a client because she has received klonopin in the past. We understand the best path forward is to probably find another psychiatrist, but that's often easier said than done and in the mean time we want a copy of that drug test for our own peace of mind, which they claim it's impossible for them to provide.

    What do we need to be worried about going forward?

    Is it possible for us to strong arm them in to providing a record of the drug test results?

    How do we cover our own asses?

    Will this effect her ability to get her mood stabilizers and SSRI combo with a different psychiatric office down the road, even though those are not narcotics?

    submitted by /u/Aboynamedrose
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    Is it legal for my job to not pay us for class days?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    Hello I work at a hair salon in Chicago. The salon is owned by two people and there are 4 locations. We have class days once a week and every assistant (we get paid hourly plus tips) has to bring in models for that day. We don't get paid at all on those days. Models pay $5-$20 in services. Sometimes the models tip us. Classes are mandatory and we can get in trouble (or fired) for not showing up. I thought this was legal until hairstylists on social media started to talk about bad hair salon practice. Is it legal for us to not get paid for our class days?

    submitted by /u/klemus
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    AWS account hacked. Customer support is useless. Fear an astronomical bill incoming.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    In IL, USA

    Last week somebody got ahold of my AWS account before changing the email and password. Since then I've been unable to access the account whatsoever, and their support team hasn't made any progress towards restoring access.

    At this point I'm dreading whatever bill this person is racking up on my account. I practically had no services running by the time I lost access, but an ambitious enough user could easily generate a monthly bill upwards of the thousands.

    Given the apparent inability for support to do anything, what recourse if any do I have? I'm considering canceling the credit card tied to the account, but I don't know if I'd eventually have to answer to a collections agency.

    submitted by /u/MrSnrub2021
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    [Minneapolis - MN] Dog broke through fence and injured our puppy

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    My neighbor is an elderly women in her 70s, and last September, her son asked her to watch his 6 year old American bully for a month, which she agreed to. Since then, he hasn't picked the dog up, and this has been a constant point of frustration for my neighbor, as the dog barks incessantly, and isn't very friendly with her other dog.

    Yesterday, my girlfriend and 4 month old puppy were in the backyard talking to the neighbor, and my girlfriend went to pet the neighbors sons dog to try to bond more so it doesn't bark at us as much when we're outside. In its excitement, it broke through my neighbor's old fence and entered our yard. Our puppy got excited and tried to play, causing the dog to chase her down. In restraining the dog, both my girlfriend and puppy got bit, and my puppy now has two broken bones and so far we already have around $6000 in emergency vet bills, and are getting quotes for a new fence for our yard, as we no longer feel safe in it.

    What is the best way to approach this? I don't really want to sue my neighbor, as she's super nice, and I feel like she's somewhat of a victim here too as it's not her fault her son never came and picked up his dog, but I don't really want to just eat the vet bills (even though I could), and we want some sort of justice from the son. We're thinking about small claims, but my understanding is that both the owner and person in possession of the dog are jointly liable.

    submitted by /u/PoorPuppy123
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    Someone who was not the legal next of kin or will executor pulled the plug on my loved one. [Ontario, Canada]

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    I am looking for advice regarding this situation I am in.

    My mother was unmarried and she did not have a will. She had two daughters. I am the eldest and the other is 18.

    My mother suffered a massive stroke on the left brain. Before waiting to see if things would improve, my extended family (grandfather, step grandmother) opted in to end of life planning with the hospital team even though I objected. The team dismissed my concerns and authorized the plan to remove my mothers feeding tube and breathing support. My step grandmother (not my mothers biological mother) was the main decision maker even though she was not the next of kin. She was simply an emergency contact on my mothers profile.

    I was treated very poorly during this experience and did not know how to exercise any rights during the end of life discussion. I objected at the meeting and the doctors turned to the other members who were in agreement to pull the plug which I thought was absurd. My sister was also present but did not know how to operate under the pressure so she just cried.

    I want to ensure this doesn't happen to anyone else and that these hospitals have better legal planning in place for these hard decisions.

    I am in the process of seeking all of my mothers medical documentation from her stay and any legal documents that may have been illegally signed by my step grandmother.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/holdenwingo
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    Is there a way for me to legally claim a car that has been abandoned on the freeway?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    There has been a 2010ish Jeep Laredo that has been left parked on the side of the freeway for the past 2 weeks. It has not been moved and I see it every day on my commute to and from work. Is there any way for me to legally obtain it?

    Edit: In Michigan

    submitted by /u/TheNewReich31
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    A company I was thinking about starting to work for sent me a computer and gave me a start date even though I declined the job offer(UK)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    I got a phone call this morning from my would be manager to confirm I would be joining them on the start date, I said no thank you I decline the offer.

    A few hours ago I received a text and email saying I will receive two items via a courier from this company. There is no way to track or decline it, it's just going to arrive tomorrow. I haven't signed anything and haven't even had an interview other than speaking 3 minutes on the phone to a third party recruiter.

    Do I legally have to return this equipment? I know it's going to be a PC and a screen arriving tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/Confident_Advisor201
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    I am currently being held in a hospital against my will

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    I am in North Carolina. On the morning of July 31st I was admitted by ambulance to the ER on the grounds of a "possibly intentional overdose." I have now been in the hospital for 12 days, with no outside time, no update on when I will be able to leave, etc. I was medically cleared nearly a week ago and my blood work just came back and it was, and I quote, "astoundingly normal." Can I just leave? From my understanding, through involuntary commitment they can only keep me up to 72 hours. Obviously being here is doing NOTHING positive for my mental health, which is the reason I'm stuck in here in the first place. Please let me know what actions I can take here. No one can give me a time frame for when I can even go to behavioral health, let alone be discharged. I plan to see a psychiatrist myself once I leave.

    submitted by /u/yungwilla
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    [CA] Someone stole my Pokemon cards

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    California. Hi, so we had a relatively new friend over and they stole some of the graded cards and I believe at least one binder we had on display in shelves.

    They admitted it through text, but then said they were "just joking" in regards to taking them and it must've been someone else or we misplaced them. Their value is fairly significant to us.

    When I called the police, they said it was civil matter so it seems like they're not going to deal with it. I don't believe this is true, is it? What do we need to do here? Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/shutupusername
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    Mom refuses to remove my name from bank account

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Massachusetts - Years ago my mom got an inheritance from my grandmother. She has a history of being terrible with money and she added me as a secondary to the bank account for whatever reason. I agreed to it. She spent through all the money but that's besides the point. The account is still open and I want my name removed. I called and they told me she is the primary so she needs to request it be removed. She is avoiding it all all costs for whatever reason and dodging me when I ask her to.

    My fear is when she continues going down whatever hole she is with her spending issues, it's going to affect me negatively because I am on that account. Any advice on what to do here to get my name removed?

    submitted by /u/Rordixcon
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    Bought a vehicle from a dealership in California but i am a illinois resident now I think they registered my car in California

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    I am a travel nurse working away from home in California I am from Illinois, early in my assignment I was in a car accident and needed to buy a new car. Went to a dealership and bought a used car through them, I notified them that I was from out of state and wanted to get my plates in Illinois. I gave them my address and I thought everything would go ok. They asked for my current address in california just because they needed to mail me something, I asked if it would impact my purchase and they said no.

    Now that I am trying to get my plates for my car it seems they used the address I gave them from my airbnb and that my car will be registered in california. I am wondering if this will impact me when I try and get my registration/plates in Illinois?

    The kicker is that I went to the dealership yesterday to follow up on the title creation, and they told me it is on hold/frozen because the ex owner bounced a check at the dmv and now I cant get a title so that I can register the car in illinois. My paper plates will be running out this month and they tell me they cant extend them. Only thing they can give me is a sticker that is only valid in California so my car is gonna be stuck in a state I dont fully live in. Any advice in my situation?

    submitted by /u/Marcox55
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    [NY] Employer withholding check over uniform but I was never fired....Is this not illegal?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    Please note that I am posting from a throwaway account. I am a part-time and newly hired bar employee involved in a situation where my employer refuses to pay me wages due. For context, I am paid an hourly wage plus tips. In this establishment, we are paid on a weekly basis and all tips are included in that check (we do not take tips home at the end of the night).

    2 pay periods go by and myself and another new hire haven't been paid. The boss can't provide a date of when we'll be paid and does not offer any kind of solution. Another employee mentions that late paychecks are usual because the accountant forgets to submit payroll.... We have now been working for 2 going on 3 weeks and leaving work empty-handed every night.

    Before my next shift, I politely remind my boss that as a commuter, it was financially unfeasible for me to keep coming in without some kind of compensation. My boss never said sorry, never responded or anything. Then I get an email from ADP asking for new hire paperwork including my direct deposit information. All of these forms were already given to my boss the first week of employment. Several days later, I get paid on the regular pay period but it's only for 1 shift. I send a text asking about the rest of my money and I get told to email the accountant. I send multiple emails to the accountant who never responds but during this time, I am taken off of the schedule. I notify my boss that if nobody communicates, I will pursue legal action. Now the story is that I will not be paid until I return my uniform and my training handbook which is in their policy. The wages I am owed are for shifts I worked before my supposed termination - I was still on the schedule and coming to work...what is the best course of action? I think the business is having financial trouble because I cannot wrap my head around why they just won't pay me. I never argued and I was a great worker but you cannot expect me to keep working for free.

    submitted by /u/LittleLamb3000
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    Texas - suing landlord over security deposit not returned on time

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:24 AM PDT


    I vacated a rental property on 6/22 of this year and the only thing I've received from my previous landlord was an itemized list showing i was owed $257, postmarked 31 days after vacating. I've had some correspondence with property management, who told me they didn't know the reason for the delay, but that a check had been cut on 7/27. I still don't have the check. They have my forwarding address, they sent me the itemized list.

    The law seems unambiguous to me that I can sue them in small claims court for 3x the owed amount for being past 30 days. I looked into it a bit and it seems like I might be able to do the whole thing electronically, but I'm not sure of how to actually go about it. Is there a specific name for this kind of suit? Is it just a small claim?

    Source for the laws: https://guides.sll.texas.gov/landlord-tenant-law/security-deposits

    This seems very cut and dry to me, they didn't even send a list of deductions until 31 days past the vacate date and as I said they admitted to me, in writing, that the check was only cut 7/27. I also sent them the demand letter from the above page on August 2nd saying I'd pursue legal action of I didn't receive it. Is this as straightforward as it sounds?


    submitted by /u/loadedfistfury
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    (Orlando FL) apartment complex ignores maintenance requests for two months, our ceiling is molding, wet, and had a chunk fall.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    (stressful week, please excuse my rambling and bad grammar) Also timeline/tldr at the bottom.

    Two months ago I moved into an apartment with my girlfriend and two friends(who would join us at a later date), when we got here we filled out our little "anything wrong with the apt that needs fixing" forum and mentioned water lines on the ceiling of the master bedroom (among other things). It rained out first day in the apartments (FL, so of course it did) and we noticed the master bedroom ceiling was dripping water, and water was coming in through the Lani door, so we immediately called the emergency maintenance line and they said there was nothing they could do for a week (!?). We went in, called, even emailed, regularly for two months before they finally said "we had someone fix the roof, we'll send someone in later to fix the ceiling water lines."

    This was a blatant lie. I had been home on vacation for all that time, I took time off to settle into my new apartment obviously. And at no point did I see, hear, or receive notice anyone would be working on or near our building, I never heard anyone up there. Maybe I just didn't notice, but when our two friends moved in last week (or so), it rained two days in a row and surprise surprise, the roof not only leaked worse than before, but a chunk of the popcorn ceiling (gotta love that too right?) Had fallen into the fan.

    Called emergency maintenance, nobody picked up, the EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE LINE the next day my girlfriend went in, talked to the landlord, and was told to come back in another day (!?)

    So I went in with pictures. I had pictures of the leak when we first got there, I had pictures of the leak from the other day, pictures of the water lines, pictures of the water around the ceiling fan with a chunk off the ceiling (I'm not kidding the fan looks like it could fall out of the wall any day), and in one corner, the black spots of mold that have started to form. I went in and gave the landlord a talk, basically "hey, we have water, it's been two months. Fix this"

    And of course, "I'll put in a maintenance request for that" To which I have not gotten word back regarding in about four days now, two months if you count the first time.

    Tldr/timeline June4th we moved in, 5th was the first leak and call. Throughout June and July we made 5 attempts to get even an update. July 29th our roomates moved in, and the 30th was when they had their first leak experience. And I went in with pics on the 8th.

    Editing for details: All four of us are on the lease. No subleasing here.

    What can I do at this point? Who do I contact? Can we receive reduced rent? There were other maintenance issues they literally ignored that I haven't mentioned, the maintenance guy came in and looked at everything and said "I don't have that I'll have to come back" but he's only been in once, and they called us before he came in. At this point, we don't want it fixed as much as we just want off the lease and our deposit back but I doubt that's actually possible. But where would I even start?

    submitted by /u/Vailex11
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