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    Saturday, July 31, 2021

    No Apparent Vehicle Damage, Did I Do the Right Thing? Insurance

    No Apparent Vehicle Damage, Did I Do the Right Thing? Insurance

    No Apparent Vehicle Damage, Did I Do the Right Thing?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    I work night shift at a convenience store in North Carolina and had just let my coworker leave for the evening, when suddenly she comes back in to let me know somebody hit my car in the parking lot. I ended up getting rear ended by a dude pulling out, which pushed my parked car up onto the curb. The guy was still there and told me what happened. I looked all around my car and found no apparent damage, so I took it for a ride around the block and everything seems fine as well as no dash lights being on. That being the case, I didn't call the cops to file a report, he gave me $40 out of his wallet, and he went on his way. Ironically, the guy who hit me was a former employee, so I have access to all of his information, should I need it, as well as camera footage that should clearly show him hitting my car.

    Being that there was no apparent property damage, and I couldn't care less about his property or physical wellbeing, should I be fine by not calling the police or my insurance? I can definitely call my insurance in the morning if I need to.

    submitted by /u/mcnormand
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    $1 Million Umbrella Policy - Is It Enough?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    I have a question related to being on my parents insurance. We have a $1 million umbrella policy that covers us above the highest limits. My dad thought it was a good idea to get the additional policy in case one of us has a serious accident. If one of us was sued, could my father, mother, and sister be sued as well? Also, could my parents' house/401K's be taken in a lawsuit? Medical bills are insanely expensive these days, and $1 million is a small figure for a lost life/disabled person. I spoke with my agent and she said any one of us can be sued. Should I increase my coverage again, or is $1 million of coverage plenty? My coworker got into a serious not-at-fault accident a couple of years ago and had three shoulder surgeries and it cost over $100,000 for medical bills alone. He is still trying to settle with the insurance company. Any advice would be appreciated.

    EDIT: Location: OH

    submitted by /u/flyinghorsesmurica
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    [CA] Swerved and avoided dipshit driver, damaged/crashed car, no injuries, hit and run, no witnesses, "my fault."

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    The above. Cops are lazy, didn't want to ask around or look at footage. He tried to get in my lane to make a right and braked hard, I swerved and hit the curb. Wheel got fucked up, as did the frame + door.

    When the cops got there, he was long gone. They took my insurance and details, gave me an incident report, and towed the car. No witnesses, despite how busy the place is. Nobody stopped either.

    Cops say it was by default my fault because there wasn't contact between the cars, only the effects of avoiding a collision (my damage to alignment + the curb).

    What will this do to my insurance? 22 BTW. First accident, no tickets or violations in the 5 years I've been driving, not even once.

    I have comprehensive insurance.

    submitted by /u/sanbyokeika
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    UK car insurance

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    I have been in the UK for a month.

    And bought a car here. there is a guy claim that he can help me to do all the insurance stuff. I gave him all the information and my bank card and pay him in cash also.

    But just now I received an email regarding my email is being voided. And no refunds…

    I think I has became a victim .. /—- From Avxxx now: We will not consider changing our decision until you have provided the following information:

    A crime reference number obtained from a branch of the Police called Actionfraud The name, address, phone number, email address of the person who you bought the car from & who helped you set up the insurance Details of the amount you paid to this person, how it was paid & please provide screenshots of any financial transactions between you and this person Details & screenshots of any social media accounts that this person uses for their business ——- But actually… I cannot find guy who helped me to work with the insurance. And I even didn't have the name of the seller, as it is a part exchange car… And also the name of the insurance provider… I know I am so stupid. I cannot trust people so easily.

    And now what should I do?

    Is there any better insurance can help me with this situation? I need to declare that My car Insurance has been voided. And seems no insurance company can give me a quotation. But I cannot go to work without a car due to my job arrangement.

    Is there anyone can give me a hand please.

    submitted by /u/Stockerhk
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    Auto insurance question / Someone hit my parked car (Totaled) / trying to get a Rental Car

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    I have auto insurance and so does the man who hit my parked car that is now about to be evaluated and they think it is a total loss. Thankfully he was cool enough to take responsibility for his actions.

    So with my insurance, I don't have rental car coverage and I would assume that this guys insurance should be covering this for me, right? Since he was the one who hit my parked car and totaled it. I called his insurance company and left a message and haven't heard back yet, thinking this might be a problem getting ahold of them since I'm on the other side.

    Is getting a rental car from his insurance company something that is going to be tricky for me to get?

    Are there any loop holes that might sting me that I should know of?

    Any and all comments are welcome as I have never been in this situation before so I need all the help I can get. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/GalacticNovaWarrior
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    What Happens If You Use the Tax Credit but Don’t Make Over $13k

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:19 PM PDT


    So I assumed I'd get a job this year and in all likelihood earn over $13k so I put that estimate in.

    If I don't get a job and earn zero. I realize this would make me ineligible for the $400 tax credits that I've been using monthly to minimize my insurance payments.

    Is there a penalty for that. I know you have to earn at least at the federal poverty line (about $13k to qualify for the credits) they don't give you a dime if you earn zero.

    What happens if I find I can't get a job and earn nothing/ far lower than my estimate. There must be many other people in this position

    I'm worried it's going to look like I misrepresented things. At the least I think I will owe the sum back on my taxes. I'm not sure. Does anyone know.

    I pray they don't intend to be too hard on this

    submitted by /u/InspectorGadget07
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    Auto Insurance Record Statement - Including offhand comments by other driver?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    Is it appropriate to include offhand comments that the other person said after an accident: e.g. "I work long hard hours and I had just left work" (comments were more concrete, but just to get the idea) to imply that the other person likely was distracted or not paying attention.. as to why there was an accident?

    This accident case is going to likely be a coin flip he said/she said.. so I'm trying to build my case as best as I can since I'm not at fault. But at the same time I'm not sure if its professional or not (or even worthwhile) to mention speculations and things of that nature besides the hard facts.

    FYI, this is in Texas.

    submitted by /u/juandurfel
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    Homeowners claim struggles - for those of you that have gone through a moderate-severe homeowners claim, what was your biggest struggle or frustration with the process?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    In particular I'm interested in this for those of you that went through the claim with no representation (public adjuster, attorney, etc.).

    I am a Public Adjuster in Los Angeles and just trying to feel out where people's pain points are when they have to go it alone.

    Bonus question: what's one thing you wish you'd known prior to having to file a claim?

    submitted by /u/mooneylove
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    Getting emails saying a policy is opened

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:43 PM PDT

    I've received a couple of emails saying that there have been auto and umbrella insurances have been opened up on my email. They have different names on the email then mine but should this be cause for concern?

    submitted by /u/Hkyankees
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    Does life insurance pay burial before medical bills?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    Recent death in the family. Will her bills from her last stay in the hospital and lifelight flight be taken out first or can we use it to pay for the funeral?

    I'm in Alabama

    submitted by /u/notsamire
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    [Ontario Canada] looking for an insurance agent that ask if you've had any minor convictions in the past 2 years instead of 3

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    As the title says, got a ticket in May 2019 for one of those "Do not turn at a certain time" signs

    Now just because of that blunder, most of the rates I get quote shopping are high because most of them ask if you've had any tickets in the past 3 years, meaning I'd have to wait until next May for everything to clear up

    If anyone knows any insurance providers that only ask for 2 years I'd appreciate it

    submitted by /u/Mr876xJ
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    Blurry vision and my insurance wont cover an exam?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    Been experiencing blurry vision lately. Called my vision insurance (eyemed) and told me Im not entitled for an eye exam until october. Called my medical insurance and told me they don't cover eye exams, and that i could go to an specialist but if they perform an exam it would not be covered? Am I supposed to go blind?

    Should I go to a regular dr first to get referred to eye dr, and then it will be covered?


    submitted by /u/hombre_lobo
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    Rental reimbursement too low to cover the rental

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    Other driver's insurance has accepted liability and said they'll pay for a rental, but they said only up to $25/day. We can't find a rental anywhere near that cheap around here (Houston TX). The best we can find is around $55ish per day. Can they specify a reimbursement that's that much lower than what a rental actually costs?

    submitted by /u/frcShoryuken
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    Anybody old enough to remember when insurance wasn't mandated?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:12 PM PDT

    I am old enough. When I was young all you needed insurance for was if you had a loan on the vehicle, once it was paid for insurance was no longer mandatory.

    Yeah so if you got into a wreck that was your fault you had to pay for it. You could get sued and lose everything but if you didn't have anything and were riding a motorcycle anyway why have insurance?

    I am curious about two things which are the point of this post.

    1. How is it that the law came about to require insurance for every vehicle on the road? Was it in the interest of the public good or was it more insurance companies lobbyists giving money to politicians to get legislation enacted?

    2. What would it be like if insurance, even just liability were no longer mandated? Would it be total chaos? Who would go without insurance if it were not legally required? I am guessing if you had a low net worth not having to pay for insurance for a few years may actually help you increase your net worth faster? Might repealing the law do more good than harm?

    Part of this is I am a Nevada resident and reading on reddit and the news about the complaints about wearing a mask, the claims of tyranny and corruption, and it's just wearing a mask. It got me to thinking that if people got this upset about insurance mandates back in the day...I would be surprised if there were not all out war if the attitudes of today with mask mandates were applied to back in the day's insurance mandates.

    I apologize in advance for the unusual question, I am neuro-divergent

    submitted by /u/Upper_Vehicle7104
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    Adjusters - What should I expect when it comes to personal injury payout/compensation

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    In CA

    I was in a car crash where I got rear ended by a truck on the highway. Their insurance has taken full liability. As of right now I've sent them my medical bills from the ER at their request (~$7k). Today the only problems I have are tightness around my neck, left hip/lower left back area, and the back of my head is still sensitive. I've been given medication to relax my muscles and pain relievers

    Based on what I've read, if it's just soft tissue injury and nothing long term, I shouldn't expect more than a couple thousand if that based on the severity of the accident(3 total contacts). I learned this is called "pain and suffering". Some people in my family think I'm gonna get a huge payout or something. If I got an attorney/lawyer and somehow got more money, it's possible I end with the same amount or even less. The only scan I haven't done is an MRI if that matters

    Personally I would want to wait until I felt how I was before the accident, but I know their insurance wants to end it and move on. Everything has gone smoothly so far from all parties and claim agents. I'm still waiting for my total loss payout to give an idea of where I am in the process

    Is it reasonable to ask for a credit or X% coverage for anything medical related as a result of the accident? It would close the case and put a limit to their future costs

    submitted by /u/RegularJaded
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    What does State Farm full coverage consist of?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    I accidentally drove into something in my garage and when I reversed the bumper came off and the grill broke. Would this be covered by insurance.

    submitted by /u/drytugger
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    Pipe hit car while driving on interstate Florida

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    I was driving on the interstate today and a car drove over some debris on the ground causing a foot long pole to fly up and hit my windshield and hood. I have two small dents on my hood and a 3-4 scratches on my windshield from this. My car is about two months old, is it worth it to try and get fixed with insurance. I do have dash cam of it hitting the car. I looked online for color correction for the hood dents ~80, more worried about it rusting than the look. I've never really dealt with my insurance, no accidents or claims in 6 years.

    submitted by /u/sarahboo0321
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    Claims adjustor offering 1k for minor injury

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    I was hit by a bimbo bread truck. My neck was stiff and i had a couple chiropractor adjustments and the adjustor is offering me 1k to resolve my bodily injury claim. Is that standard or low ball? I dont want to get a lawyer

    Location los angeles CA

    submitted by /u/spart80an
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    Auto Insurance advice - moving to Houston, TX

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Moving to Houston, TX in a couple of weeks. Called Progressive and got a quote - agent stated it would cost me roughly $330/mo to keep my current coverage plan for bodily injury and property damage which is: 250k per person / 500k max per accident /100k to damage to property.

    Agent said the reason why the rate would be higher is due to higher crime rates, higher population density, higher chance of flooding, etc. in Houston.

    Shopped around and checked Geico - it would be around $240/month for the same coverage. State farm quoted me $212/month on a similar coverage plan.

    I'd also like to add that I probably won't get the cheapest/bare minimum state coverage since my risk tolerance isn't particularly high although I'd like to save some money each month.

    Any other companies I should look around as well? Any recommendations or good experiences you'd like to share? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/womenwhomedicine
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    Liberty Mutual

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if it's normal for Liberty Mutual to ask for your credit card information over the phone, saying it's not possible for you to process the payment yourself online? (Located in Texas)

    submitted by /u/unasyninunison
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    Repair or Total Car?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    My engine in my 2017 Focus ST was hydrolocked last week and is being assessed at a dealership as I'm typing this. So far the estimate is over $6000 and it'll probably continue going up.

    The car has had 2 minor accidents resulting in needing a new bumper and hood but no structural or mechanical damage. Nothing that should devalue the car that much but will a little. Car had 42k miles on it.

    My insurance covers hydrolock entirely but I have the option to total the vehicle, should I?

    I'm worried if I fix the car there might be issues down the line that were caused by the water that hadn't appeared yet when they fixed it.

    Should I have them total it and just get a new car or stick with the repair? I'm from Michigan, USA btw.

    submitted by /u/XtraDmg
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    SoCAL Rear Ended after Merging...

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    Hello, I have a question about insurance coverage and who is at fault situation.

    Today I was driving to work when I got rear ended. Insurance said I need to speak to a special adjuster since it was a lane merge.

    1. I put on my blinker to merge left. I checked my left and there was no blind spot alert on mirror.
    2. Five seconds later I started merging slowly while maintaining my speed. I had about 2-3 cars length of room.
    3. I successfully merged between the SEMI-Truck and the car in front of car without any speed changes. I am doing approximately 60-65mph.
    4. 5 seconds later I heard honking then the SEMI-Truck rear ended my car.
    5. We exchanged information.
    6. The drivers boss demanded a police report.
    7. I had to wait 45 minutes for CHP to show up.
    8. CHP said they didn't need to come for a minor accident and said I was held hostage her for 45 minutes because drivers boss demanded CHP come. When CHP talked to drivers boss on phone they said he is being an idiot.
    9. Driver said sorry before we parted ways.

    How is my case, should be his fault, correct? I correctly lane changed and was rear ended.

    This is in Southern California area. SEMI trucks should be in far right lane doing 55, correct?

    Thank you for any advise on what I should do. The damage is mainly cosmetic. Dented trunk and scratched bumper.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRAPastaMantis
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    Why is my policy $200-250?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    I am a gold member with Progressive, have automatic payments, drive a 2006 Honda Civic, and a three year driving record. I live in Florida too. Why is my car Insurance $200-250 a month?

    The reason I have a three-year driving record is because, I'm 35 years old and just started driving for the first time 3 years ago.

    Is that why my rate is so high? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Alphabet_Numbers
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    Issue with my dual coverage Delta Dental Premier (primary) Delta Care USA (secondary) California

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    So I've been having an issue with getting my preapproved authorization for my braces to send payment to my orthodontist office. Back in March I got a preapproved authorization from my secondary insurance which stated my copay for my braces was going to be $1950. My primary insurance has no orthodontic coverage, so since then my provider has tried receiving payment from Delta Care USA. They have submitted two claims now but both have been denied as it legally has to go through the primary coverage first then a rep has told me it's supposed to automatically kick over to the secondary insurance. But it has yet to "kick over", I've contacted delta dental about this and a rep told me they were going to send it in again for me and that it would take 2-3 weeks to appear in my statements. Well it's been 3 weeks now and it still hasn't been fixed. What do I do? I've had my braces since March and I don't want to be forced to pay full price when my secondary insurance covers most of it !

    submitted by /u/Braceface_97
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    Worth getting insurance involved in hail repair?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    I just got my truck back from nailing a deer, which cost me my deductible. Then a couple days ago a hail storm caused a couple of very small dents to the cab hood.

    I'm going to get them repaired, one way or another, and was wondering if I should get insurance involved, since I hit my deductible, or is it not worth it? Will it increase my rate, specially since I literally just used it to repair the deer damage.

    submitted by /u/lucasjackson87
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