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    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    Motorcycle claim using bikes on the other side of the country. Insurance

    Motorcycle claim using bikes on the other side of the country. Insurance

    Motorcycle claim using bikes on the other side of the country.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    So I was in an accident last month and my bike was deemed a total loss. Liability had been established and the other driver was found to be at fault ( ran a stop sign).

    My bike was 1997 harley davidson fxd with less than 30000 kms.

    There is a very similar bike for sale at my local dealership ( Edmonton Alberta) for $12900.

    I have presented the ad to the adjuster. They have come back with an offer of $8200 saying they found one in Ontario for $8900 and one in Nova Scotia for $8200.

    Can they really do this? The markets are entirely different on one side of the country and the other.

    submitted by /u/kost1944
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    Applying for a new Auto Insurance. Need help.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 12:11 AM PDT

    I'm a resident of Washington state and I was involved in a minor accident previously in a Rental car (18 months ago) in a different state (Oregon) for which my Am-Ex Credit card's secondary insurance covered me. When this happened, I didn't have a car of my own and so I wasn't holding a valid Auto Insurance at that time. Now I am applying for a new Auto Insurance. Should I tell them that I was involved in an accident previously? Does that count as an accident?

    submitted by /u/deepakprathapani
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    Insuring my girlfriends car???

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:43 AM PDT

    My girlfriend and I, relatively established and very trusting of each other have cars and insurance in our own names (she had hers, and I have mine). I currently have a Jeep Compass which I am wanting to get rid of, and she has a Nissan Versa which she is also wanting to get rid of. She's wanting to go for a compact SUV, while I'm wanting a pickup truck. I brought up the idea of her taking my car (while it stays in my name and I keep up with the payments) and her getting a pickup truck (where she would make payments and put it in her name). The reason I bring up us maintaining our (own) payments is because she can not afford the payment for my Jeep. There seems to be no problem for most of it, except for when it comes to insuring the vehicles. Is it possible for her to insure the Jeep that she will be driving that is in my name? Or would it be simpler to just insure the Jeep myself and just "allow" her to use it. Do I need to add her to my insurance as someone that will be using the vehicle? I'm conflicted and relatively ignorant when it comes to auto insurance. Please help, thank you in advance :)

    Location: Newport News, Virginia, USA

    submitted by /u/KidTrunks970
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    How do you get the remainder of the insurance money after ACV?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    [FL]So insurance paid out the ACV portion which was about 80% and then there's the remaining 20%. I hired a contractor and we signed a agreement to where he would do the work based off adjuster's estimates. Well, we are about 3 grand over the actual ACV payouts (paid contractor $33K, insurance paid out $30K, there's about $10-15k remaining, contractor finished 98% of work already, close to being done). Adjuster closed case for now but can reopen.

    How do I get the remaining $10-15K? Do I just submit check receipts? What documents do insurance adjusters require?

    Between me and the contractor, we only have the construction agreement, which my adjuster approved but I think the contractor doesn't know any other paperwork. There is no final invoice or anything. Any adjusters or experienced homeowners wanna chime in?

    submitted by /u/okiedokie321
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    car was quoted worth 27k, the guy was under insured. was told to sell the car?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    i was rear ended over a month ago and they finally came to the settlement that they could only pay me 19k due to his minimum insurance coverage and that i could sell the vehicle but i called a few places that buy salvage cars and i can't sell it until i have the title. but the insurance company hasn't paid the 19k so i can pay off the car. so i still have no car. any advice? (texas)

    submitted by /u/zacherbe
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    [CA] If you have a dash camera in your car, how has it helped with insurance claims and issues?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    Lost wages from accident

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Hey there! First post on the sub and unfortunately not a particularly jolly one, but hopefully some of you educated individuals could give me some advice. To keep a long story short, I work for Uber Eats and was involved in an accident while on the job. I was not at fault for the accident, nor was it a "major accident". I don't know how much damage to my vehicle occurred because I'm only I'm the beginning process of tackling this claim. The important part is that I don't have a rental car as part of my insurance and I have absolutely no clue how long this will take as I have never been in an accident before. I haven't even spoken with a person from my insurance agency yet (geico). They have a tab to fill out a claim online. You are asked some simple questions and told a representative will contact you in the near future. That's all I've done. 

    Naturally, I have a few questions.

    Firstly, will they try to screw me on the damages to my vehicle and should I opt to take my vehicle to a dealership or a private shop?

    Is there a way to recover money that would be lost given that the value of my car may depreciate, or will that be included in the claim?

    How will this affect my income? Since I need my car for work and don't have rental as part of my policy, will I be compensated for lost work?

    Lastly, is there any other advice that you think would be of aid to me? Like I said, I've never been through this before, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Once again thank you for any help that you amazing people would be willing to lend me. Also, I'm sorry for any formatting issues as I am writing this on mobile.

    submitted by /u/NotTooAlright
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    Is it true our home owners insurance will cover the replacement of our roof shingles and not raise our rates?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    A guy stopped by our house and said our roof shingles need replaced. I know, I know, this is a common sales tactic. But he made a convincing argument that the shingles do need replaced. The house and roof are 20 years old, and we do have shingles falling off and asphalt building up in the gutters.

    After doing some online research (is it against the rules to post the companies website?) this looks like a legitimate company. He says they've done work in near by neighborhoods that I could ask for a reference. He said it would cost around $12,000 to have our roof done.

    What I find hard to believe is that I can make a claim to my home owners insurance and have them cover everything but the deductible, and they won't raise my rates or drop my coverage. $12,000 is over 20 years of premiums.

    Are these insurance claim sales always a lie/scam, or is it just a sales tactic?

    Is it really wind damage, or just that our roof is old? A couple of houses on our street with roofs just as old do look like they are in a lot better shape.

    I'd like to reach out to my insurance company and make sure everything is on the up and up, but I'm afraid that might trigger some kind of event were they force me to get my roof replaced or they drop me.

    Location: Utah

    submitted by /u/RedbloodJarvey
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    Hit and Run incident, guilty party's insurance says my truck is totaled

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    So the title doesn't quite explain it well, but I have a 1991 F-150 XLT Lariat. My truck was the subject of a hit and run incident a few nights ago -- the driver, who did not own the vehicle that hit my truck, struck my vehicle and drove off. He ruined the driver's rear side, causing roughly $3,400 in damages (an insurance adjustor from the guilty party's company gave the $3,400 estimate this morning). He mentioned that tomorrow he will let me know what they are willing to offer for totaling the vehicle and how much it would be to buy it back. I need clarification on a few things:

    • Why can't the guilty party's insurance pay for the damages?
      • I understand that my truck is worth maybe $1,000 in its current state but that still shouldn't mean that I should have to suffer due to negligence at no fault of my own.
    • Is there anything I can do other than just buying the truck after the insurance totals it? It's worth noting that the truck runs and drives perfectly fine. Most of the damage is body-related (it'll need a new tail light assembly, rear bumper, rear driver bedside, side stripes)

    The reason I'm asking is they aren't going to give me near enough to fix my truck. After buying it back from them, I assume I would be left with no more than $200-300.

    What is my best option at the moment? It's worth noting that the truck holds tremendous sentimental value. I cannot part ways with it, at least not willingly. I'm 22 years old and know heck all about insurance-related stuff so please bestow all the knowledge upon me lol. I'm open to any and all recommendations -- I'm not sure what to do at this point and am beyond upset.

    submitted by /u/throwawaykansan
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    Aon and Willis Towers Watson Mutually Agree to Terminate Combination Agreement

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    What does the Pet Insurance “Reimbursement” percentage mean?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Questions about bodily injury and passengers

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    I had passengers in my car and my bodily injury liability is 25k per person and 50k per injury. When I talked to my insurance agent he said that it doesn't cover for my passengers. I was confused because I thought bodily injury covered for my passengers as well as the other person in the other vehicle. The police report stated I was at fault but my insurance adjuster is stating that it might be shared responsibilities.

    1. Someone told me if the passengers in my car sued my insurance company for more than the 25k I would not only have to pay out of pocket, but also be uninsurable... is that true?
    2. Does my insurance cover my passengers? And if so, should I just have my passengers go through my insurance to recover the costs of chiro/pt/injection treatments?
    3. Should I try to pay them out of pocket instead? One of the passengers said her treatment would be over $1k...the other one is fine and she is just receiving standard chiro/pt for a bit just to make sure.

    Sorry this is my first accident and need some advice.

    State: CO

    submitted by /u/OrdinarilySunny
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    Could someone point me in right direction of LTC insurance

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    32M looking into paying into now for long term care insurance. Many will say I'm too young, but I've had so many family members struggle with hospitalizations and high cancer rate that I honestly don't care paying into it early, at least it will keep the premiums low.

    What I need to know is, if I buy a policy, it seems that it applies to the state you live in, but what if you move? Does the policy follow to the state you move to? If the provider doesn't, I have to assumably sign up with another which I'm guessing wouldnt count what I paid into it previously? Where would one learn more about this. I have term life insurance, but I think after seeing my father struggle and not have any money to take care of himself, I don't want to be in the same situation.

    Edit: currently live in Washington but may move within 5 years

    submitted by /u/JSlearner88
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    Does Illinois raise premiums for not at fault accidents?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    Ive been rear-ended at a red light (not at fault) 3 times in the past 5 years. Today i reversed into someones car (at fault) 4 total accidents.

    I have liberty mutual and pay roughly $1600 a year for a 2020 bmw 330i. Full coverage. Will they raised my premium for the 3 times ive been hit and now this time which is my fault? What is the best way i can lower my insurance?

    submitted by /u/shine889
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    Wondering if online insurance is safe

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    New driver, located in Nova Scotia, Canada. Was looking into companies to go with for insurance and there are a few good local options but one thing that popped up as well was a company called Cheep Insurance, looked like it has a decent amount of good reviews on Google, just wondering if anyone here has any experiences with the company. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/That_Young_Bush
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    Private towing company charged $320?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    My parents drove their Honda into a flooded area on Saturday night and had to call 911 to seek help after which the police officer called for towing privately quoting $85 because his insurance AAA had an estimated time of arrival of around 4 to 5 hours today when he tried to tow it back from the private towing company they told him to pay $320.

    Will AAA reimburse that full amount? They don't have comprehensive coverage so AAA has towed it to a mechanic today to see if it can salvaged.

    So the invoice says:

    Towing - Car : $145 Towing - Welch : $75

    Storage Impound rate : $30 x 3 days = $90

    Plus admin fees and taxes

    submitted by /u/l00t9
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    student discount

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    I just got a call from Farmers Insurance about a student discount since I just got my license. My mom applied for insurance for me under her car that we share. I've gotten behind in school this past year because of COVID and honestly I was lacking because I had no idea how to apply for classes for college since it was so sudden (2020 HS class graduate), although I can only blame myself. I had a 3.5 GPA last semester but was only able to take 3 classes, I'm wondering if I send my transcript and don't get the student discount, will my parents find out about my grades? Do farmers call us back and say no you're not qualified because of the grades or do they just charge us in full? They think I'm on track and I'm taking 7 classes this semester to catch up.. it would suck if they found out this way. Please help! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/hrtf3lt
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    Will Insurance Cover me if I get into an accident with a Planned Non-Operating Car

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Driving a planned non operating car, I have full coverage insurance, will I still be covered if I get into an accident?

    submitted by /u/sommeli
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    Totaled Car, Missouri, Toyota Corolla LE 2017, 52 K miles in fair condition ( had one or two repairable minor cosmetic defects)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    What should be the payout ( actual cash value) by insurance company and what can I do for homework to counter the offer if it comes too low as I have read elsewhere that car insurance companies usually offer much less than what the car was actually worth or whatever amount a similar car is currently selling for in the market.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Firebolt6410
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    Either I don't understand how insurance works or my agent is lying to me.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    So I bought my house 4 years ago and insured it for how much it was at the time - 175k. After refi this year, the appraisal came back at 230k. However, when I went to renew my home insurance this year, I noticed its still insured for only 175k. I asked my agent if we needed to update the amount and he said no. Can someone explain either why he's right or why he's being a lazy agent who is lying to me? (I'm being dickish here, I realize, maybe he's just confused, too).

    submitted by /u/honest_sparrow
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    [MA] Multi car collision

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    I was involved in a multiple car collision the other day.

    We were already slowing down. Then the cars infront of me just slammed their breaks coming to a hault. The guy infront did not hit anyone but I crashed into him (there was not body damage). Then 3 more cars behind me also crashed into us. I have dash cam video which corroborates this.

    Now from what I am reading online because I was the first one to collide I am at fault for all the collisions and that has shaken me a bit. I got a call from the insurance (liberty mutual) of the guy infront. But I didn't attend and they left a voicemail to call them back. After which I called my own insurance (Geico) and told them pretty much what I have written above and they said that their adjuster will call me back.

    At this point I am just lost. What will happen next? What should I do? What to expect? Was I really at fault?

    edit: some corrections

    submitted by /u/Reds_9
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    Is Geico insurance bad or good to use?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    Hi little background here I'm 18 M and I'll be getting my first car soon. My parents have Geico insurance and want me to use it as well. I'm just curious what the general consensus surrounding it is. Is it bad or good to use? Are there any cheaper alternatives?

    I live on Long Island by the way.

    submitted by /u/TheBlackSwarm
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    Help please

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    I purchased an Audi in December. Got into a hit & run without comprehension coverage. I didn't want to get insurance involved but my wheel was snapped & an auxiliary radiator was clipped making my car unable the move & the cops having to get involved. I immediately had the car towed to a reputable shop & began ordering parts after my mechanic told me it was fixable. The insurance adjuster estimated 17k in repairs but my mechanic only said $2,500. Since I have all parts. Keep in mind they are all OEM.

    I never wanted my insurance to pay because I knew they would take long on payouts.

    I don't need my insurance help

    I don't need my car total especially if the mechanic said it's only a 2.5k repair !!!

    How do I get myself out of this !?!?!???

    submitted by /u/No-Competition8820
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    Full coverage?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Was sitting at a red light at a 4 way intersection and a guy driving a stolen car approaching from left with police chasing him tries to turn right to fast and smashes into my car. I have full coverage I thought. My Insurance company says they aren't providing me with a rental (my cars probably totaled). They also said they aren't covering my passenger who had to get stitches in his head. This is in Ohio how will this shake out? Stolen car owners insurance pays, guy who stole the car pays or my insurance pays.

    submitted by /u/Funkmaster4shot
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    What prompts home insurance companies to check if a property is vacant?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Another homeowner in my TX HOA is going through a divorce while being the sole owner on the deed of the primary residence (but was purchased during marriage, so is considered TX community property).

    It is a contested divorce and is going to trial, so no final orders yet. Currently the other spouse has residence rights. Due to financial constraints, the spouse awarded residency during the trial is living with family instead of the primary residence.

    Last week, the owner (barred from visiting/living in the residence) got notice from the insurance company, saying "we are cancelling your policy as the home is vacant." The owner is trying to get things squared away with insurance, but in the meantime...

    Q: How would insurance know to check for vacancy? Both spouses deny informing insurance. We wondered aloud if one of them updating an address on DL, auto registration, telling insurance a vehicle was garaged somewhere else, etc. would be a pop-up to insurance.

    submitted by /u/NeverRedditedYet
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