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    Tuesday, April 6, 2021

    Quit my job today, and I feel great Sales and Selling

    Quit my job today, and I feel great Sales and Selling

    Quit my job today, and I feel great

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    I started with my current employer about 9 months ago. It was a rocky start, a rocky middle and is still rocky. I've been miserable and stressed since coming into to this business. None of what I was told would materialize has materialized, and I was hired to develop new business in new verticals that the company traditionally hasn't targeted.. however I was provided with exactly no support from the business to do this. I've said in meetings with colleagues and my manager that a good strategy to capture new sales in market segments and verticals where we don't have any "legacy" business needs to be more than just hiring a sales guy and giving him a smack on the ass saying "go get it!"

    I handed my resignation letter in this morning, and it was the best feeling ever (I'm going to work for a competitor). I feel like a weight is off my shoulders, which is a pretty clear indication that this business is not where I'm meant to be. To his credit, my boss took it really well and understood how I felt. He has constantly been battling with this company as well to try to improve our positions, but it's such a large and old company that there's this insane level of hubris in the upper ranks.. they think we're the best and don't need to do anything to change all while we're being eaten alive by the competition at the ground level.

    Hope everyone is having a great day, because I sure as fuck am now.

    submitted by /u/emacattackalack
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    Any tips on applying for a sales role inside my own company?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    I am currently a BDR for a startup and looking for advice on how to interview for an inside sales role. Anything I should prepare for? Thanks!

    Edit: I have a great relationship with my current BDR manager and we talked about me getting promoted to inside sales at my one year mark. My one year mark is in June and my BDR Manager told me to get my resume together and to start preparing to interview with the VP of sales. Our inside team is very small at the moment so we don't have an inside sales manager. My main questions are more along on what to expect in the interview process or how to prepare that process. The job is mine to lose.

    submitted by /u/CostcoCartman123
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    What was your most genius Sales moment? (overcoming objection, closing deal etc)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    Thought it would be very cool, as well as motivating to hear your most triumphant moment while making a sale? Maybe a crazy hard objection you overcame? Hoops you had to jump through to finally close a deal? etc etc. If you could, go into slight detail and give us the full context. What type of Sales are you in? What kind of deal did you close? How much did you make from said deal?

    submitted by /u/coreyjacrispy
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    Ben Feldman - one of the greatest salespeople of all time sold a total of $1.8B during his career

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    Just heard about this story... props to this legend!

    Ben Feldman was one of the most successful salespeople in history. From 1942 to his death in 1993 he sold a total of $1.8 billion in life insurance (damn...).

    While living in New York he once broke the world record for the most products sold in a single day - $20M in only ONE day!

    He also had the record for the most products sold in a year - $100B.

    This guy was a definitely legend... His yearly commissions were equal to those of entire sales forces at other insurance companies.

    My question is, What was his secret?

    submitted by /u/redipg
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    Insight on CDW Account Rep position

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Does anyone have information about the position? What's the likelihood of staying there for a year, and then moving to another company for an SMB AE position?

    I've also heard that the training at CDW is really good, but I'd like to hear other's opinion.

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Key970
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    Is this a bad cold calling plan?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    I've never done any cold calling before but want to expand my facebook lead generation business. I've been working with 2 clients who both do B2C. One was a friends business and the other was a recommendation from that friend. For the latter I've generated over 2000 B2C leads for him over 6 months. He's converted roughly 10% into sales.

    I don't think Facebook Ads are the best for B2B leads for myself. So I figured I'll try cold calling some similar businesses. I've made a list of 50 similar businesses throughout the country. My plan is to offer to email them a case study showing how I've generated 2000 leads for my client whos business is similar to theirs, and then ask them if they're interested in much of the same. If they are I'm going to ask if it's ok to ring back in a couple days once they've had time to read it. If they're interested after reading the case study then we can discuss further when I ring back. If they're not I'll wish them the best.

    Is this a bad cold calling plan?


    submitted by /u/anon2983
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    Commercial HVAC or Fire Protection for sales engineering?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    I potentially have the option to do a sales engineering training program for either position at the same company. The pay structure is identical for the first year during training. Incentivized pay doesn't start until training is over. The company is large and established in both industries. My only experience is a year in commercial HVAC sales, but I have no personal preference of HVAC over fire protection at this point.

    Anyone know anything about either industry that would be helpful in making a decision?

    submitted by /u/Fun-Wrap-9112
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    Management Consulting into Sales: What are your stories?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 10:38 PM PDT


    I've recently made a switch from 5 years of management consulting into a Sales role in a SaaS company. I think the similarities are quite big: in both jobs it is key to understand your clients wishes and perspectives, high pressure and long hours are expected, analytical skills as well as emotional intelligence are important etc.

    For those who have made the change: What are your stories (no matter how long you've been into it or if you've switched to something else)?

    - do you like your role in sales?

    - are you thinking of switching away from sales again?

    - in what way is Sales better/worse than management consulting?

    - what are your plans after your sales career, do you want to pursue something else or stay in sales?

    - What things were most valuable from your management consulting career and what was hardest to learn in your new role?

    submitted by /u/Andythreefour
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    Best opener to a sales email

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    I have been tasked with rewriting our emails that we send out to customers and I seem to be stuck on the opener. I have written a few for my boss and he just doesn't seem to like them and he himself doesn't like the ones he comes up with.

    So I am asking you people to share what you think is the best and most effective opener to an email.

    *The email is a basic intro to our company and what we can offer to new customers*

    **Trying to keep it casual with minimal pressure for sales but sales is still the goal**

    submitted by /u/Heaterguy9000
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    New to advertising sales!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    My title is multimedia sales consultant, I work for a small newspaper that covers a wide variety of areas in Arizona. I have some sales experience, I've never sold advertising, but it also intrigued them that I have a digital video productions background and degree and that's something that they're trying to get into as a paper who does a lot of print but some digital.

    I would just like any advice you have for someone just getting into this business and how I can be successful in my first six months and my first year!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/alwaysbeclosing1987
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    Did anyone leave a high paying corporate job to grind it out in sales?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    I'm making about 250k a year at a job I absolutely hate, in a place that I don't care for(I'm outside the US).

    In short, I want out, and before this I was in sales. Specifically real estate. I really LOVED sales. I really did. The job that I work now, the offer came from no where, and it was so much money it was hard to turn down. I took it initially wondering if I would regret it later, because I felt like I was on the verge of picking up some steam locally.

    I told myself I could always come back to real estate if this ends up being a mistake, so I took this job. Been doing it for a couple years, long enough to know I hate it. I miss cold calling, meeting clients, and closing deals. Even though I made a fraction of what I make now.

    I guess as I write this, the decision I need to make is making itself known. I want to leave and I should.

    I'm just looking for someone to convince me why I shouldn't move back to sales? Did anyone else quit their corporate salary gig to slug it out in sales? Would you have done anything different?

    Looking for anyone and everyone to share their experience. I really do appreciate it in advance

    submitted by /u/thatzwhatido_1
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    What is a good answer to “why sales” on an interview?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    This might sound simple but I feel like I struggle with answering this question in a professional manner when I am asked this on my interviews.

    I enjoy sales in connecting with people and building relationships. In sales there is obviously a ton of money and opportunity to be made, plus it has a lot of room for growth.

    But what is a good answer? What is the interviewer looking for here?

    submitted by /u/alljobs11
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    Outsourcing lead gen? Good or bad?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Do any of you use lead gen services to generate leads? What are the primary objections to it if not?

    Considering bringing in a service provider while I scale an internal team for a venture.

    submitted by /u/fzak1
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    Aaron Ross’ books any good?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    Has anyone read predictable revenue or from impossible to inevitable?

    Is the second a sequel? Is it worth reading both?

    Also taking any additional recs for b2b books or resources. Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/Homura_A
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    Is it a good time to get into car sales

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    So ive been in sales since 2015 and have worked at lube shops and now currently phone sales. Recently I've decided that I want to go into car sales. Is now it a good time to get in even with the pandemic going on?

    submitted by /u/mishkablitz
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    Sales slang?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    What's your favorite slang/jargon you hear the most in sales?

    submitted by /u/slowsloth76
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    Reading/media recommendations for pharmaceutical sales?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    I'm an SDR at a large compounding pharmaceutical company. Going on ~6 months there now and enjoying the industry. I find a lot of good sales media that's translatable, but catering more to SaaS audiences.

    If anyone has recommendations - threads, podcasts, books especially! - made with pharmaceutical sales / career progression in mind, I'd be excited to check them out.

    submitted by /u/drowsydemon
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    When do you get your sales targets?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    We have quarterly initiatives. The product categories to focus on are typically announced in the first few days of the quarter, but the actual targets are not. Those typically lag until halfway through the first month of the quarter. Is that standard? I would think that all of this information should be provided Day 1 of the quarter (if not earlier).

    submitted by /u/Fat_Dietitian
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    At the end of an interview when its my turn to ask questions - do you think it would be ok to ask the sales manager interviewing me ”what is one of your favorite books?” Just as a fun/more personal way to close the interview?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    I have had this on the back of my mind that when it is my turn to ask questions at the end of my interviews, do you think an appropriate question would be "what js one of your favorite sales books?" Just to keep it light, casual, friendly, and as a way to stand out from the rest of the candidates that are probably asking the usual same 5 questions?

    submitted by /u/alljobs11
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    Tips and strategies on recruiting SDRs/BDRs? I’m looking for tips on recruiting SDRs and BDRs all tips are welcome?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    I work for a US based inside sales start-up and my trying to find ways on increasing our hiring pipeline!

    Edit: hey everyone thanks for tips! Keep them coming! I've also been getting a lot private messages from ppl interested in working for my company as an entry level SDR, so if you could upvote this post it would be really helpful to anyone who is interested in getting into sales!

    submitted by /u/Sales_Life
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    Fear of new sales people?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 07:00 PM PDT

    Little backstory. I joined a small company local to me, as my first sales job back at the tail end of 2019. Very small sales team, I was the third person. The original two had been there for most the life of the company. I've done well, given COVID and everything that's happened since then, and have even managed to consistently outsell one of the original reps.

    Next Monday, two new reps are starting and I'm a little intimidated. One is older, and has 5 years experience in sales. I feel like he'll be able to catch up to my regular sales easily and blow me out of the water like it's nothing.

    Anybody else ever found themselves feeling similar? I worry because I'm young, not amazing at sales, and really don't have any other career options.

    submitted by /u/jmccaslin
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    What are the odds of getting a remote sales job right now?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I just wanted to know if a lot of you work from home and how do you find it? Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Foreign-Moose
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    Professional body membership for UK based salespeople

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    Is anyone else in this community a member of the APS? Were you a member of the ISMM and now transferred to the APS after its closure?

    I'm interested in your take on why you joined and what you get from it? I've been a member of the APS for a few years now and love the CPD webinars, but I want to make sure I'm not missing out on anything else as a member.

    submitted by /u/TonyPitchford1
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