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    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Startups Peer Support and Self Management Saturday’s - A Safe Place to Vent, Seek Emotional Support, Share Self Management Techniques and Experiences, or Just Rant

    Startups Peer Support and Self Management Saturday’s - A Safe Place to Vent, Seek Emotional Support, Share Self Management Techniques and Experiences, or Just Rant

    Peer Support and Self Management Saturday’s - A Safe Place to Vent, Seek Emotional Support, Share Self Management Techniques and Experiences, or Just Rant

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's Peer Support and Self Management Thread.

    This is a Safe Place to Vent, Seek Emotional Support, Share Self Management Techniques and Experiences, or Just Rant.

    The goal for this thread is to help one another manage mental and physical health so we can more easily find success.

    We all struggle sometimes and it is important to recognize that the struggle is part of the journey. The important thing is to learn how to overcome that adversity to grow and succeed.

    Be tactful and classy in how you vent your feelings and share your frustrations. Act in a mature manner.

    Ask questions, share experiences, and be there for one another. Practice empathy in giving advice and remember that what worked for you isn't guaranteed to work for others. Make suggestions, not demands of others.

    #Because this is meant to be a safe place to support emotional and physical health there is a zero tolerance policy in effect. Be KIND. Be sure to report any conduct that is in violation of that key tenet.

    You can also find more support using instant chat on the /r/startups discord.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Just joined a startup, any tips on how to go from a customer service associate to an analyst?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    I joined last week and have been working on building the customer service department, I really want to get into workforce analytics, how can I start to transition from customer service to analytics?

    There is no type of analytics team at the moment and the website just launched yesterday.

    submitted by /u/TheGreat666
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    Is micro SaaS trending?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I want to learn more about the concept of Micro SaaS.

    What is the history of bootstrapping SaaS products? Who has succeeded? Who has failed? Who was too early?

    As somebody who has an idea every day and believes you can test and validate an idea within 1 - 3 months, can you change my mind on how this does not work?

    Is there an accelerator out there that invests in startups pre revenue/early concept or prototype? I understand this does happen but usually with individuals that are extremely qualified. Would be cool to see an investor doing this at scale.

    Any cool links you care to share about MVP's, bootstrapping, and Micro SaaS?

    Thanks & stay safe in this crazy climate

    submitted by /u/aneonl
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    Just got a notice for a Delaware LLC I never used..

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    It says I owe the state of Delaware $1165.00. I guess this is because I didn't pay the annual fee and the late fees accrued? Is it normal for the balance due to get so large? Should I bother paying the fee? Do I still have to file for dissolution, or can I just let it be? Will this affect my ability to open a new LLC in Delaware in the future?

    submitted by /u/killerbeefive
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    How long can you retain a landing page without people loosing interest? (Timeline)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    So guys, I have this app, the sooner I can launch it the better. BUT I wont have any reasonable funds to work with/pay devs/designers until right around June/July next year. I have no coding experience at all, but Im a trained Graphic designer. I estimate to have around USD 20.000 .

    I know a few wealthy people who I have not yet approached about seed money, but they might be early seed investors for equity, earlier than next summer, so that is something to take into t consideration as well.

    I have no co-founder, but I guy I know is the perfect candidate for a cofounder, he is a software engineer, with an art background but he already has a full time job, I have not approached him either yet. Might be very difficult to convince.

    I have about 8-10 hr s a day to commit to the building of the app until then. I can get a landing page up and running very fast, but then it will take me a few months to get an MVP out. I have no interest in becoming a fulltime coder/programmer, but I would very much like to be able to speak the language, and understand things, I think thats very important for communication and leading a team. The app will be quite complex, in broad strokes a social media platform with photo sharing, communication, time logging, payment system between users. This has yet to be fully fleshed out and thought through as Im just in the beginning of the process.

    Monetisation will come from advertisers and user interaction.

    what do you reckon, is is better to start collecting interest/email-adresses ASAP, and then release a MVP (that I would have to make myself) after a few months, start approaching VCs, innovation-scolarships, incubators, accelerators, competitions, build it etc?

    Basically, what's a good timeline given the parameters I have given above, ie no funds until next summer but plenty of free time and motivation to work on it.

    submitted by /u/Timoat
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    A quick way to build a SaaS product offering /landing/pricing website?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Hi there folks, we are building a SaaS product and most of our time is consumed in development of the product, but we need a landing website with good template, since we can't afford the time to sit and design ourself.

    We have experience in setting up wordpress websites, but we need a good design template, so we can quickly get it up and running, below are our options, if there is any other option out these, please point to it.

    1. Wordpress.com, with premium themes, the templates for Business/SaaS is not modern and there is room for improvement.
    2. Wix.com, not impressed with SaaS template they provide.
    3. Setting up own Wordpress host and buying SaaS themes (leaning towards this, any inputs regarding this?)

    please suggest if you there's any other option.

    submitted by /u/justoneabhi
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    Don’t waste headlines & use visual anchors so your brain can navigate through the web easily.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    Instead of headline wording like "Why do you need it?", I would directly state why it's needed. E.g. saying "Build trust with a good-looking content" in the headline.

    Mosty people scan through pages and they should get the **Why, How, and What** just from the headlines.

    Also use emojis, icons (OMG, I love using FontIcons), or simple illustration to any part of the web that feels too heavy on the copy or to any list so viewers' brains can navigate with ease.

    Curious about what you think is the most common thing most landing pages / app designs miss that can have a big impact.

    submitted by /u/JohanTHEDEV
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    About 20-50% of you use multiple virtual desktops currently, so for those that do, do you know what does this?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    About 20-50% of you use multiple virtual desktops currently, so for those that do, do you know what does this?


    1. Desktop app where you can list todos
    2. When you have an instance of this opened, and you open another instance on a different virtual desktop, it opens on that other virtual desktop
    3. When you open a new instance, it opens to where you left off / are at
    4. Loads fast
    5. No web apps for this

    Have tried a bunch of stuff, they don't do this

    SAAS/Cloud is eating the world. Even tho SAAS/Cloud has won, and desktop development is extremely lacking, do you know of any helpful, and does the needs?

    Please reply with something helpful. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/happypuppy100
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    What are some good templates for founder personal websites?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    If you think about it, most of the top execs today don't really bother with typical personal branding stuff like having a personal website, linkedin, blog etc. (or if they do, it's usually their PR department).

    And then on the other side are things like small portfolio/resume websites of employees.

    So I'm wondering, how as a founder, who neither has a PR department nor wishes to be seen as a resume-pushing worker, should I create a personal website, if at all.

    Keeping in mind that distribution is king and building a following can be a serious moat.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/ulterior-motives
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    Advice for graduate freelancer?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm about to graduate in Artificial Intelligence and have started Freelancing because I've struggled to get a grad job due to COVID I guess.

    Im about to publish my portfolio and I'm offering services in Web development/ Data Analysing & Research.

    Can someone offer me some advice on how to expose my brand / how to get clients?

    Thanks In advance!

    submitted by /u/Gruyff300
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    Screw it, I’m ready...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    I'm 23, out of college with a CM engineering tech degree. Working as a APM in a tier 1 concrete high rise subcontractor in NYC been 1 year working for them. Dad has a small family owned jewelry shop. Slowly going downhill because of COVID-19 and expenses slowly piling up. We have family in northern VA. We are thinking of moving there. We can easily set up a good lifestyle, much better then the expensive one here. I'm just worried, I won't find a solid job like the one I have now. This is a career building job. I can easily become a PM in one yrs time.

    However, I was thinking to make my dad a business partner and start a concrete truck business in VA/ DC area. We can buy 7-10 trucks and start from scratch. Yeah it will be hard and yeah like a lot of negative comments I got on reddit saying " I'm not ready and I don't have experience to run the show". If I think like that I'll never be ready. I'm very hungry very ambitious. I think this is the way to go. I have a lot to live for and I want to propose to my gf ( yes she's okay with moving down there) I want to be surround by family and relatives and live a laid back lifestyle. NY always had my dad run for money and hard work which still has us gasping for breath. Meanwhile my uncles in VA are living life earning the same my dad makes. I want that lifestyle for my parents because my dad is getting old and he deserves a lot working as a honest hardworking man. It's my time to put in the hard work so I want to make a big life defining decision. Shall I go for this or stay here build my career.

    submitted by /u/No-Alps186
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    What's the best place to register a business?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Here's what I'm looking for:

    1. Registering a business entity for all my side projects
    2. Not for a VC scale startup (will never seek investment for this entity)
    3. Avoid as many taxes, legal fees, maintenance fees, bank fees as possible
    4. It should be registrable and manageable completely online
    5. Easy future possibility of liquidation/payouts to myself
    6. It should not be in unfavorable/politically volatile/privacy unfriendly countries or subject to bullying by big 4, US or any other big corporations.

    So, I want this to be the entity where I place all the funds from my side-projects.

    I'm from India and have an Indian business registered, but it comes with the following drawbacks:

    • High international payment processing fees
    • High forex charges charged by banks and stripe
    • ~18% tax when selling to customers in India
    • Monthly hassle of filing tax returns

    Any ideas? I'm leaning towards Singapore or Cayman islands (mostly due to favorable tax/fund remittance structures).

    submitted by /u/ulterior-motives
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    Peter Thiel’s Zero to one: Distribution

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    On chapter 9 of the book Peter talks about the importance of distribution and he says that "It essentially refers to how you get a product out to consumers. More generally, it can refer to how you spread the message about your company. Compared to other components that people generally recognize are important, distribution gets the short shift."

    Is this what distribution usually means in business? Doesn't the most used definition involve just how you deliver your product to consumers (retail shops, e-commerce site, etc), meaning the place element of the marketing mix? Because it seems like he is also including promotion/communication/sales and putting it under distribution.

    submitted by /u/fuufufufuf
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    UPDATE: Pre-launch landing page post-ad campaign data and the way forward

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    About three weeks ago, I've posted early conversion rate stats from an ad campaign and a pre-launch landing page. Here is the original post Is this a good pre-launch landing page conversion rate? . Back then I had run the ad campaign for almost 2 weeks.

    Now that a full month has passed (which is the period I had planned on running the ads for), here is a detailed report on how things shaped up for the full period. Hopefully this could give some insights to people in the same stage.

    Quick reminder on the set-up

    There is an existing dominant app that can't solve a common pain point as that would require either a lot of investment or a complete shift in the way their users interact with their platform.

    I have built a landing page to test my idea, basically, the landing page is your straight-forward pre-launch landing page with the what, why and how of the app PLUS:

    1. An email collection call to action where users can register for early access (Subscription)
    2. A survey where users are asked a few questions and are invited to give their feedback
    3. Share buttons to help those who wish spread the word about the app

    The app would ultimately be a web-app and a mobile app.

    First of all, the ads

    As I explained in the previous post, I decided to run the ads initially on 2 platforms (Reddit and Facebook) for 4 weeks focusing exclusively on the people around me. I have made it so that the exact same ads run on both platforms. On week 3, I've added Google ads as well as they were giving some free credit for newcomers.

    Each ad was an image showing a phone with a screenshot that illustrates the main pain-point I am trying to solve. On Google ads, there was only one text ad running which was basically my app's slogan.

    Here are the CTRs by platform by week:

    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
    Reddit 0.25% 0.24% 0.28% 0.25%
    Facebook 0.48% 0.49% 0.49% -
    Google - - 0.58% 0.52%

    You will notice that Facebook was removed on Week 4, this is because in terms of actual conversion rate once the user landed on my page, Facebook was inferior to Reddit, so I've decided to stop it and reallocate all the budget to Reddit.

    The total ad cost for the 4 weeks was 270$.

    Conversion rates once visitors are on my page

    Once visitors landed on my page, I kept on tracking what was happening through Google Analytics and was able to get data on which platform was performing better, this is why Facebook ads were stopped on Week 4 for example.

    Below are the different conversion rates for Subscription and Survey per platform (Basically, out of 100 visitors coming from Reddit on Week 1, 4.65 of them subscribed to the mailing list). You'll notice that there is a 4th platform "Other", this basically takes into consideration traffic coming from share links (i.e. users sharing the landing page on Facebook or other apps) and traffic coming directly to the site with no apparent referrals (which I believe is still coming from shares as there is no way someone would just stumble upon the landing page by themselves).

    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Overall
    Reddit Subscription 4.65% 4.61% 4.78% 5.73% 5.10%
    Facebook Subscription 4.02% 0.48% 0.63% - 1.67%
    Google Subscription - - 4.60% 0.30% 1.65%
    Other Subscription 9.63% 15% 31.57% 7.40% 12.75%
    Reddit Survey 2.17% 1.53% 1.06% 1.58% 1.64%
    Facebook Survey 1.72% 0.48% 0% - 0.74%
    Google Survey - - 0.65% 0% 0.20%
    Other Survey 6.02% 0% 5.26% 7.40% 5.37%
    Overall Subscription 5.18% 3.29% 4.45% 3.70% 4.13%
    Overall Survey 2.59% 1.02% 0.77% 1.15% 1.39%

    As you can see, Reddit was the most consistent platform in terms of people coming and actually signing-up, for some reason, both Facebook and Google yielded some interested people at first but very quickly generated traffic that didn't lead to any interesting action. I have no clue why it would be that way though.

    What's interesting to note here is that people coming through shared links via Facebook and Whatsapp were the most converted. With an overall Subscription conversion rate of 12.75% and an overall Survey conversion rate of 5.37%.

    Finally, Reddit brought in 64.36% of all subscribers, shared links brought 18.81% of all subscribers, followed by Facebook at 8.91% and Google at 7.92%.

    The survey results

    The survey was a small set of required questions that aimed at validating whether the market suffered the problem I set out to fix and to what extent. It also allowed users to answer optional open-ended questions on how to improve existing solutions and to describe how the current experience is. It was answered by quite a number of people at the end.

    The open-ended questions line-up completely with the issues I have in mind.

    As for the other questions, the main one was "How many times have you encountered pain-point while using the competition?", to that one, 6% have reported to have never experienced it, all of them have used the competition 1-3 times in the past year. 58% have reported to have experienced it every single time, 95% of these have used the competition over 5 times in the past year. The rested have reported experiencing the pain point some times.

    The other questions were about two ancillary pain-points. 81% of people responded that they have experienced the first and 65% of people responded that they have experienced the second.


    Now then, these conversion rates seem a bit low in my opinion. When I first started, I was thinking that this idea could at least have a 15% (of people who land on the page, sign-up for early access) conversion rate. On the other hand, the survey largely confirms my understanding of the problems and the expected solutions.

    So, I am now in the uncomfortable situation of not knowing whether to move forward with the development and potentially fail or to just shelve it and move on and potentially regret it.

    I'm a business guy by day but I'm also a Software Engineer by education, I've got strong web skills, backend and frontend. As for mobile, I'm currently learning a framework that could allow me to build a MVP. I estimate the dev effort to be around 4 months working evenings and weekends exclusively on this. Or, 8 months if I continue setting-up and testing other ideas I have.

    That said, I honestly don't want to spend that much time building a MVP if there is a way to test this further without actually building it. I would love to hear what you think. Any tips on how to reach a decision? What are the things I should consider or take into account before moving forward?

    submitted by /u/whatever23678
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    Need advice for starting up a software house

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    I'll try to give a little of background so maybe someone could help be doing it right. I was trying to run several businesses for 6 years (some even not related with IT) and failed it all. No big deal. Survivorship bias works correctly.

    Recently I was trying to make a product/app. I made an MVP (or maybe a little more than MVP, but still small). Failed because I had no plan. If I knew things I know now, I probably would not do it at all. I've spent lots of time, effort but it had to fail.

    I've realized some things:

    First: Maybe I'm not as good as I thought with finding a niche and devise potential users needs.

    Second: It's almost impossible to do it alone (with real amount of time). Developing stuff is great and so, but there is so much work to do around it like, marketing, law, design, etc. So I couldn't handle it all alone. Finding right people to invest their time for this project also failed.

    I've turned different way. I'm working as a software developer. Have been working in companies of all sizes (corp, mid, small). Now trying to run a software house.

    First client: old friend that have nice running transportation company. I've used previous talked app as a lever. He ordered a website. Maybe it's not what I wanted to do, but has to start with something. I've got another order for the website from him, and some small improvements. I've earned a tiny amount of money (20% of my current salary), used to pay taxes and give me some time to learn how to manage the business administration stuff.

    Partners: Tried to convince developers interested in business I know, but they don't get the idea of undertaking. They want to make a project, take huge money and go out of this. No huge money guaranteed? They are out.

    Help: Unfortunately I can't depend on anyone I know in the matter of creating a software house.

    Alright. To the point. Doing static websites is not a good road to create a software house. There is more graphical and SEO work to do than doing something functional for business processes. Right now I'm considering these options I want to know your opinions:

    1. Sales training of cold mailing, managing sales, reaching decision-makers and things like that.
    2. Find a salesperson and share equity. But It might be very hard or event close to impossible to find someone, who would sell software services of pretty new company without team, portfolio etc.

    But whatever I take, I don't know how to convince anyone to take my company's services. I have no team (of course I would hire with first higher contract). Just a skill set to make a business software from 0 to end, and all related stuff like analysis, processes automation, managing people and project etc.

    Thanks for any comments in advance.

    submitted by /u/Kubion70
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    Importance of UI for Enterprise Software?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    What are people's opinion on the importance of UI for enterprise SAAS products?

    On the one hand, I have read that design and user experience is one of the most important aspects of SaaS. And that good design will go a long way to not only convert customers but also help them engage with your product and retain customers.

    On the other hand, I have read that you should deploy with minimal design. And that if it looks better than Windows 95, it looks better than most of the existing enterprise software.

    Would be interested to hear this community's opinion please.

    I would also like to understand how difficult it is to change the design after you have started writing code and launched a product (I am still in design/prototype stage at the moment).

    Many thanks

    submitted by /u/peppercorn700
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    We have the drive, just not the experience

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Greetings and thanks for stopping by.

    Myself and 3 other close friends of mine want to finally start the business that we've been talking about since high school. Currently 3 of us are Active Duty military, and one is in the Reserves, we have been saving & will continue to in order to pool our money together for startup costs. We hope in the next 4 to 5 years we'll be ready to open our store. (In that time we'll be doing our market research and learning about business)

    We have the idea for our business but without the technical knowledge of business we're a little overwhelmed. We've only been researching the obvious things such as:

    • Best location (For our business)
    • Target range
    • LLC information
    • Insurance
    • Permits
    • State taxes

    Looking for more general advice or seasoned business owners for some advice on how 4 young guys can start a business and grow it into something more.

    (I'll be copying & pasting this in other business threads, so don't be alarmed if you see this again)

    submitted by /u/Moonlightprodigy
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    Should I Sell or Market my Product?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I'm a tech guy and have created a webapp. There are lots of competitor to the app so I'm sure its sellable. To give context, a competitor earned 16k the first week of launching his app. Currently the app sits on a heroku domain but it has no traffic.

    Currently, I have lots of work in hand so I don't think I can focus on this app. So, I was thinking what my steps should be. Here's the two options I've figured out:

    1. Half split with somebody if they register and market the company (and other business stuff too).
    2. Sell the App.

    What do you think I should do? Also is there any way to sell this app?

    submitted by /u/wsb_soothsayer
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    Anyone here opened 2 business at the same time?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    What platform do you use to collate reading materials for your start-up team?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    We are currently working on a startup idea, and are still in the research phase. There's a lot of diverse data we are gathering, from articles, tweets and other offline sources.

    I was looking to aggregate all of this data in one place, and sort by categories etc, and was wondering what the best options were. What would you recommend that we should try for this? Currently we are using the usual items, so WhatsApp, email, Google drive etc.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Mojamb0
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    Equity - how to divide it and when?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Hello, startup community!

    So, recently there has been an opportunity for our first employee to come, and they would get paid in equity. I have 50% of the startup, and my partner has 50%. We are in the pre-MVP stage with promising results, research, idea, proof of concept, almost had an investment recently. Right now we are thinking that vesting agreement would be a great solution to our problem, but the question is always - how much equity should we give away?

    What percentage would you offer to the 3rd party coming into the startup, and what would you consider when giving them equity?

    submitted by /u/petar_s
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    Sunday’s Success Stories - Celebrate Your Successes From the Past Week: Anything goes, none too small!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's Sunday's Success Stories Thread.

    A lot of us get way too hung up on the destination and the fact that we are not there yet.

    It is important to take a moment to reflect on a great quote from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., "The steps you take don't need to be big, they just need to take you in the right direction"- Jemma Simmons

    This is extremely relevant to all of us in this community. We should all be more aware of the successes we achieve every day that carry us closer to our goals.

    Celebrating these successes, no matter how small they are, allow us to stay motivated, focused, and happy while we struggle to achieve dreams of various sizes.

    The purpose of this thread is to share our successes from the week with one another and have something to celebrate together.

    So, let us know what successes you have achieved this week! Nothing is too small or insignificant!

    #Because this is meant to be a safe place to support emotional and physical health there is a zero tolerance policy in effect. Be KIND. Be sure to report any conduct that is in violation of that key tenet.

    You can also find more support using instant chat on the /r/startups discord.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How do I find cofounders / people willing to help

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:42 AM PDT


    I am from the UK and I am looking for ways to find cofounders that are particularly tech orientated and willing to get involved with a tech related startup. Are there any websites, forums or places that I can use to find likeminded people that I can share my idea with that will be willing to help make this possible.


    submitted by /u/legpain1
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