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    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Most helpful thing I have learned as a business owner small business

    Most helpful thing I have learned as a business owner small business

    Most helpful thing I have learned as a business owner

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I had a bit of a revelation today-

    The thing that has helped me the most in the 6 years I have been in business, is realising when I have been unnecessarily upset/snappy about things that make very little difference to my bottom line, and the upset is because of my personal experience and personality.

    For example, when my staff first turn up to work (they go to different job sites) they have a brief social conversation. I timed it today- it was three minutes long. They are now chirpy, productive and getting on with it. That costs me a single dollar per WEEK, for good staff rapport, for conversations that I don't control.

    I HATE lateness, and one of my staff seemed to be habitually late. It turned out that she often can't find a park in our horrible-to-find-a-park street, and she needs to load her vehicle for work so it's not just a matter of parking further away. Timed it again- she is never later than two minutes late- lets say twice a week- about .60c cost to me.

    When clients don't read my emails and ask stupid questions... I could either make myself look like an arse, or I could put myself in a really good light with patience and kindness.

    When I am contacted out of hours I don't reply, but instead of responding with my opening hours I take a deep breath and remind myself that I run a business which deals with peoples personal homes, and they don't spend business hours there, they're never mad that I reply in the morning.

    These things used to be things that I got extremely upset about internally. It oozes out when you're carrying that much built up angst. I started to notice when my stress times were and narrowed the causes down and I remind myself not to sweat the small stuff. I credit this for a huge chunk of my personal success as a manager, for client relationships, and for my own stress levels. I hope this helps someone!

    submitted by /u/iseecarbonpeople
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    Making use of Reddit as a small business owner (Beginners Guide)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I'm fully aware that this is a sensitive subject. Please note that I'm not here to promote rule breaking tactics, or shady methods. And I'm open to any feedback or comments you've got.

    I was invited to talk about Reddit for startups on a Youtube channel and below is a breakdown. And I made sure to mention this very subreddit :) -

    I think small businesses (like myself) shouldn't be afraid of making use of Reddit. Most of you know most of these steps, but hopefully you'll find a new perspective on how you approach Reddit.

    Understand Reddit

    The first step is to get familiar with how Reddit works. Reddit is different from other platforms, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. because it was built to be a discussion-based platform, focusing on user engagement. So, get started by creating an account and browse SubReddits. Read the rules, get to know how the voting system works, what karma is, etc. There are all kinds of SubReddits available, from gaming and blogging to politics and animal photos, and more. As an entrepreneur, you will want to check out these SubReddits:

    2. Ask All the Newbie Questions

    This step is an extension of the above as it will help you further understand how Reddit works for marketers as well as how you can fully utilize it for your marketing efforts. So, don't hesitate to ask any relevant question that comes to mind, e.g. How to find investors? Is SEO required? Can I use hashtags?

    Again, there are relevant SubReddits you can engage to get a grasp of what is required to be a successful marketer on Reddit, what to do, and what not to do. For example, if you wish to run an Instagram marketing campaign, you can check out r/InstagramMarketing

    3. Prepare to Market Yourself

    Now that you have an understanding of how Reddit works and what to do and what not to do as a marketer, it is time to gather a comprehensive list of SubReddits that are relevant to your niche.

    For this purpose, it is recommended that you use Delay for Reddit. This easy-to-use tool allows you to search valuable subReddits based on the keywords of your choice. Use this tool to find the subReddits relevant to your niche and take your time to learn what kind of content gets posted and upvoted in them. Each SubReddit will have their own set of rules. Don't forget to read those as well.

    4. Engage in Your Niche

    Once you have gathered the list of relevant subReddits, the next step is to figure out what to post. Your goal here is to figure out what will work and what won't. You want to contribute to the SubReddit by posting relevant, useful content. It is an organic way to insert links to your site. If you are not sure what to post, take inspiration from popular and trending content relevant to your niche and create something original from it.

    5. Gain Traffic

    Before you make efforts to gain traffic, it is important to remind yourself that Reddit hates marketers.

    It hates the very concept of marketing, or any brand that tries to promote itself on this platform in general. In fact, there are a few subReddits that are made specifically to call out marketers that try to do this. So, it is highly recommended that you be transparent and upfront about your marketing efforts and add links to your posts in an organic and seamless way. That said, there are a few subReddits that allow you to openly promote your brand. So, be sure to take advantage of those. Those subReddits include:

    In conclusion, a Reddit marketing strategy can be tricky. But this does not mean it is impossible to generate great results on this platform. Just be sure to do your research, get a better understanding of how it all works, and familiarize yourself with its rules. The more you know about Reddit, the easier it will be to use it as a marketing tool.

    Video version.

    submitted by /u/TheShynola
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    Update: Started a small business during covid

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Just wanted to post this as some motivation to those working hard. We have been struggling with a lot of things but we managed to get it done.

    Here is the link to our first article written about us/ our game. We wrote the press release ourselves after almost giving up 33% of our company to a PR person.


    submitted by /u/cpthegame
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    US resident, LLC formed in Ireland providing service on website globally. how do taxes work?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    I am a US resident who wants to set up an LLC in ireland (dual citizen) for a multimedia company that is providing a paid service on an internet site. How does taxes work for that, is it taxed in Ireland or both? My understanding is that if I set up an LLC in the USA it is considered a pass through and I report profits with my tax return. Just trying to understand the differences between both scenarios. thanks!

    submitted by /u/switchitupman
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    Planning to get a hosting? Get Freebies worth $200+

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    I've had 50+ sites in the past and hosted on almost every popular platform out there. I'd highly recommend you to go after reputed companies only.

    If you're a beginner and you're planning to get started with your journey and get a hosting, you can PM me and I'll give you Generate Press Premium for free with license key. I'll also give you Divi Theme & Page Builder for free with License Key if I see that you've got potential and you're serious. I may also give you genesis and few other themes and plugins that I have with me.

    I don't need any money from you. It's all for free. The condition is you'll have to get the hosting from my affiliate link :)

    submitted by /u/meisfanny
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    UK accountant recommendations

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    Hi folks,

    Word of mouth is the most trusted form of marketing for a reason so I was wondering if anyone can give me some good recommendations.

    I have 2 limited companies registered in the UK and I'm looking for an independent accountant who could be looking after my books. One business is online retail and the other are services (IT). Prefer someone from the north part of the country as it's probably going to cost less.

    Any help is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/JakeDiscBrake
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    I have a 1200 sq foot empty warehouse. What should I do ?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Hi all. As the title suggests. I have a 1200sq foot industrial warehouse that is sitting empty right now. I'm looking for ways to utilize the space since it's just sitting there. I'm located in Alberta, Canada .

    Anyone have any thoughts on what the space could be used for ? Have a little bit of money to invest if I find an idea good enough.

    submitted by /u/-punq
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    How to open separate LLC for Franchising a Restaurant Brand and a LLC for equity and operating partners at said franchisee restaurant

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    I was wondering how to structure separate LLCs for which one would house the ownership of the image, brand, and likeness for a brand of a restaurant project, where the money they would bring in would be a percentage royalty, and then another LLC which would be held by investors and operating partners for the franchisee of the brand which makes it's revenue from operating the restaurant.

    Is there a good book to learn these type of legal structures?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/xnijuuichi
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    Branching out on my own or continue working the corporate life?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    I have been working for the last 7 years for large multinational companies (typical nose-to-the-grindstone type roles where everyone is fighting to climb the corporate ladder).

    I was laid off this summer due to shortage of work - In the last last couple of weeks I have received 2 job offers for 2 very different roles.

    Role #1 - A three to four year contract for a multinational company in which they are giving me the opportunity to work under my own entity (incorporate myself). I have worked for this company in the past as a direct employee and have a very good relationship with a lot of the management/ staff. The role is for the start up of a new operation which will require travel for about 50% of the year, the work itself will not be super technical compared to what I have done in the past, however it will present a good opportunity for hands-on experience, project management and establishing a portfolio for myself/ the corporation. The contract at this point is worth about 180k/yr (I would have to pay for my own cpp, liability etc.)

    Role #2 - Working for a large corporate firm as a direct employee. This will be similar to what I have done for the entirety of my career thus far. I've told Role #2 about the offer from Role #1 and they have upped their offer to 120k/yr plus benefits etc.

    I don't know exactly what I am asking for here.. the idea of starting something of my own for role #1 really gets me fired up. I like the idea of building a brand/ service around my abilities, investing in myself professionally would then be directly tied to my business and my capabilities instead of climbing an extra step on the Corporate ladder. My parents and siblings have lived a very safe life and have always worked stable jobs in the public sector, they think I am crazy for passing up the stable, long term income of role #2.

    Is it foolish to pass up the stable job/ solid income for a contract with the hopes of starting something of my own? Has anywhere here ever gone through anything similar?

    Thanks for reading and I appreciate any tips/ advice.

    submitted by /u/ivegotyouryeti
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    Are you running a Google Ads campaign and not happy with the results? I'd like to offer my services for free (only to 1-2 people as a way of practising my skills before I go public!)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    I'm about to start a new Google Ads optimization service but before I do, I wanted to see if anyone here would be willing to let me loose on your campaign to see if I can make improvements.

    It's a free service, obviously.

    The idea is that I want to just be 100% sure I'm not missing anything before I start marketing the business to the general public :)

    Things I'll be doing for you are:

    - Identifying the problem as I see it

    - Offering suggestions (and potentially some done for you stuff like writing new ads, adding keywords, creating new ad groups, etc.)

    I'm a copywriter with 11 years experience and I started with Adwords back in 2006! I just want to use this as a chance to dust off the rust before I get going with this again.

    Any takers? Let me know - I'm ready to get started.

    submitted by /u/NickBrighton
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    Dreaming about jumping into my side business full time. Looking for some advice?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    So my day job, beats me down emotionally. I hate being there and I feel like everyday is a day wasted when I'm at work. I've felt this way for a long time.

    I have a small side business doing mobile mechanic work. Things like maintenance items, brakes, small repairs. Where I travel to you. I have a pickup truck and a good assortment of tools to get the job done. I've been doing this here and there for a few months now.

    And I want to jump in full time. But I'm afraid I can't. And nobody in my family likes the idea either they all think I should just keep it as side money.

    But it's tough. The way I'm looking at it is that basically. I get paid $100 a day (hourly but that's what each day comes out to). I can make $100 In 1.5 hours working my side business. If I litterally just did 5 small jobs a week, roughly 10 hours of my time. I would bring in the same ammount that I do for working Monday-friday 40 hours.

    The business is there. The customers are out there. I don't market much at all but when I do make a small posting up on local social media. It picks up and I usually gain 5-10 customers/inquires JUST from a small social media posts that I put up every few weeks.

    I would imagine if I actually put the work in to market my business. I would be swamped with customers pretty much right off the bat. (This is my assumption).

    So it's just so hard!! I don't have any savings built up for if things go wrong. But that's because I DONT MAKE ENOUGH. Me and my family litterally struggle week in and week out to make ends meet.

    I just feel like if I jumped into this business headfirst. It has the potential of doubling, if not tripling my weekly income. And I would actually be spending LESS time working than I do now at a factory.

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/burgerknapper
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    Best business structure that protects identity?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    I'm going to start a business in NYC (blue collar work, just myself). Can I register the business in a way where my name won't publicly show up? If so how?

    submitted by /u/LosMerengues__
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    Rate my page

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Can someone help me see if something is wrong with my page or I need to change? I've spent 500 on this and have seen no sales so far started running ads today premiumpuppyco.com

    submitted by /u/Super_nava
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    I’m new around here

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Hi! I just recently started trying to start up my own homemade soap business and I'm not having much luck 😒 I advertise the HECK out of my soaps and my selling pages, I have a logo and I'm trying to make things really official. Literally nobody is buying and I'm starting to get really discouraged. Is this normal for starting businesses or am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/alymarie97
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    I am starting a CBD company need help with the name

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    I have done research and have the name I want however I can't decide whether to include the word CBD in the name for example should I name it "Business Name + CBD" or "Business Name"

    I love the way it flows with CBD added at the end however I watched a YouTube channel "Joy Organics partnership" where it was advised against adding CBD to the name due to a bank not wanting to do business with a company associated with marijuana.

    There are many CBD companies with the three letters included, should I add the letters or not?

    submitted by /u/_3333333
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    Advice needed

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I am a python developer and want to start a side business. I know html, ruby in rails, c++ and have worked in Banks, Insurance companies, IOT on the backend. I also have experience in QA automation and have experience in automating hardware(for sensors etc.) too.

    What business can I start?

    So in services it could be application, cloud, QA automation and data analytics as I have an engineering background. Any ideas? Also how do I start networking so I can start promoting my business. It will be all me so need to plan accordingly.

    FYI-I am recently AWS Solutions Architect-Associate certified.

    submitted by /u/Independent_Wolf_828
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    Questions about packaging and shipping

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    I'm planning on starting a small business on Etsy and I'm a bit confused about what the shipping label requirements are. I'm going to be selling small, lightweight, wire bookmarks, but I'm not really sure how to package them. I want to get the little cardboard cutouts (I don't know what they're called) that are usually put inside a bag for show but also to keep things straight, but I can't seem to find where to get them? Also, I don't want to use bubble mailers if I don't have to for sustainability reasons, so are there any alternatives shipping envelops/mailers? Would this be okay to put a shipping label on?


    Also is there an alternative to buying shipping label sticker paper? I've seen people print directly onto envelopes, but these look thick and I feel like they'd get stuck.

    submitted by /u/justanotherperson294
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    Most say “not to” open a small business, but what are some reasons “you should” open a small business?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    I'm really contemplating on betting on myself and a small business in the next year or two, but so many people say it's not worth the headache, work, and finances. Just trying to find the light into the business venture and ask why it would be worth it.

    submitted by /u/filmburrito
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    Empty land, what should i use it for?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Any ideas on how to make good use of it?

    submitted by /u/fuwty
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    Starting a YouTube channel - Give me 3 pieces of advice for starting from scratch in a Competitive Niche

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Hello Everyone, first Reddit post here.

    I am a husband and father. 5 children. 29 years old. New real estate agent.

    I am looking to start a YouTube Channel in a highly competitive Niche - Finance, Personal and Wealth Development etc. I see the potential and opportunity in YouTube.

    What are the 3 biggest pieces of advice you can give me for someone new to the online marketplace.

    I have good filming gear ( lighting, audio, video quality is excellent ) .

    submitted by /u/jaketrost4
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    I want to open a Think Geek style store. What should I do?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    So it's actually less think geek and more comic book store. I just don't want to limit my business to one thing. I want to sell comics, games, movies, music and more. I've worked at Barnes and Noble for a year and at Half Price Books for two years and I've done intense research on what it takes to own a comic book store, what to expect, and more. What are the steps I should take to know I can do it right? Are there any business books I should read? Any classes I should take? Any warnings I should know before making a mistake. I've got a few plans, a few ideas I think are great, but how do I know if I'm right and what do I do to progress from here? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/RedHeadMedia07
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    Has anyone gotten their business on the news before?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I have a couple ideas to pitch to a news station and would love to get my wife's salon on the news. Anyone know the best way to approach them?

    I figured its a great way to get free advertising and good content for social media.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/zeusjts006
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    Starting A Small Business During COVID-19

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I have recently started a glass company and wanted to reach out to the community to see if there are any loans or incentives for small businesses during these difficult times. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/McDonoughGlass
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    Building network in covid times.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    My husband and I plan to start a side business doing anything front end and back end as he is an engineer and knows python, c sharp, html ruby rails, QA automation, website building etc and I have knowledge in excel etc and I am an accountant by nature and have experience in data analytics. Not a CPA but have enough experience that I can run my own books and business. I have people I can outsource too. I just don't know how to market the business in covid times without a website since I want to start small and use word of mouth for referrals. Have a small baby so want to be realistic. Any ideas?

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