• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    Legal Advice While I am working from home, my employer wants to "transfer" my job out of state so they can pay me less

    Legal Advice While I am working from home, my employer wants to "transfer" my job out of state so they can pay me less

    While I am working from home, my employer wants to "transfer" my job out of state so they can pay me less

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    I live in California and am working from home. Pre-COVID we worked in an office in a city with a $15.25 minimum wage. The company also has a separate office in North Carolina that does stuff unrelated to my job.

    Last week I got this email from HR. It says, effective November 2, I will be "transferred" to the North Carolina location and earn a new wage that is far below $15.25/hour. It is going to be extremely difficult to live on that, and I don't have the money to relocate right now.

    When I asked about it, they said they didn't know the reason for the transfer, but my job will be exactly the same. They also told me that assistance with relocation would be unnecessary because I can continue to work from California. Which leads me to believe they only did this to pay me less than $15.25/hour.

    At least one of my coworkers got the same transfer with a similar pay cut. My manager did not even know about this before I told him.

    Is this legal? Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/Agile-Bid-9996
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    Close family friend was suffering a stroke and the paramedics were called. Paramedics arrived and told her she was simply having an anxiety attack then refused to drive her to a hospital.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    About a month ago, a close family friend of mine was suffering symptoms throughout the day such as light headedness, dizzyness, and at one point almost fainted. That's when she realized there was something wrong. 911 was called and they sent paramedics to her house. As they were arriving, she was losing feeling in her left leg and arm.

    Paramedics arrived and they told her she was having an anxiety attack and told her to relax and breathe. She knew it was something way worse, but the paramedics didn't believe her and refused to take her to the hospital. Her husband had to drive her to the hospital himself and she was rushed to the emergency room.

    Long story short, she was indeed having a stroke that required 2 very intensive surgeries and spent 2 weeks in ICU. She's on the road to recovery, discharged from the hospital, and recovering very fast. The doctors said that if they had waited any longer to arrive to the hospital, it would've been fatal.

    The paramedics still ended up billing them and her husband is refusing to pay, as they were negligent with the situation at hand. I've briefly talked to them and they want to get a lawyer involved, but according to them, no lawyers are accepting. I'm not familiar with ambulance billing, precautions, and guidelines. With all that being said, is it possible they have a case here?

    submitted by /u/Depressed_Gootecks
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    Being charged $22,000 for Neuromonitoring during back surgery- no one told us we would be responsible for this out of pocket. What can we do? Ohio

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    My husband underwent back surgery to have a tumor removed from his spinal cord on 9/24/20. The hospital never provided us with a break down of charges we might be responsible for as per their policy. We didn't think anything of it bc we met our deductible and out of pocket max back in July. So, for all intents and purposes we thought insurance was covering at 100% since his surgeon was in network, same as the hospital. In our defense insurance has been covering everything at 100% so we had no reason to believe otherwise.

    We were told 20mins before he was wheeled off to surgery that he would need neuro monitoring, and signed for them to bill our insurance. We were emotional and scared as this was a major surgery, so yes we signed assuming the doctors had his best interest in mind.

    Cut to today when we see that we owe $22,000 to the neuro monitoring company. Insurance is not covering for two reasons- it's out of network and it's considered experimental. I thought hospitals needed to tell you if something is considered experimental bc most (if not all) insurance companies do not cover these services. I've also read that the average cost of neuro monitoring is ~$1000. This charge of $22,000 is 3x the cost of the surgery itself which seems absurd.

    We feel we are being taken advantage of. What rights do we have? What are our next steps? We are in Ohio. I can provide more details as needed.

    submitted by /u/AxReMi
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    Lived in a house for 4 years and never received any notice of HOA or dues. Now they say we owe 5 years worth of dues including prior to us living here.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Hello /r/legaladvice,

    We moved into a house in April 2015. During closing, we were told that the HOA was "defunct". Our closing paperwork did not include anything about the HOA. Today, we received a notice in our mail going back with dues owed from February 2015 to present. The previous owner occupied the home during February and March 2015. I had to do some Googling to even find the CC&R's (which are in a copy of a copy of a copy on a PDF on NextDoor). The CC&R's were created in 1994 and state that HOA dues are owed by the current owners of the home at the time of invoice. We have never received anything in the mail prior to this, no notice on our door, no neighbors knocking on our doors, nothing.

    So my question is even though we weren't provided with any notice of HOA anything and didn't sign anything during closing, do we legally still owe dues back to February 2015? Remember that we moved into the home in April 2015. I've sent some clarifying questions to the HOA's PO Box but would like to know if I am legally obligated to pay this since there were no previous notices.

    edit: Location is Oregon.

    submitted by /u/gobeavs1
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    ATT contractor dug without calling 811 and cops threated to arrest me for explaining the situation

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Hello folks,

    A third party contractor (contracted by AT&T) rang my bell to tell me they would have to dig in my front yard to lay a fiber optic cable line. The area they wanted to dig was in the utility easement. However, they didn't call 811 to get the area marked. I told them they didn't have my permission to dig without calling 811. They called the police on me. When the police came, I tried to explain to the officer , they were supposed to call 811 before digging.

    This was the exact conversation

    "Sir can I show you texas 811 page that says this"

    Officer: "No you cannot, and I can have you taken to jail for disturbing peace'

    I have no idea why this escalated so quickly. A part of me wonders if that is because I have an accent, and because I am not American.

    Anyway I was forced to let the contractors dig.

    I have two questions

    1. Is there anything I should do other than calling Texas 811 and telling them my yard was excavated without their permission
    2. Can I (Should I) report the officer ( I only know his last name from his badge). And obviously I don't have any material proof to document his behavior.

    And finally, should I just let go of the whole episode ? More than the digging thing , I was deeply disturbed by the officer's behavior.

    Location : Bee Cave, TX

    submitted by /u/Safeholdian
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    Just moved out, Ex (or his mom) are canceling payments and memberships of mine from our joint bank account.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    To preface this, I just moved. My ex and I are still working on the details of the separation. We had already discussed that the few auto paid bills from our respective accounts would be paid and we would meet at his bank Monday to sign me off of his account.

    We bank at different banks and each had the other as a joint account holder. I already closed my account and started a new one. (After he emptied the account.) I am just awaiting my new card so I can transfer the few reoccurring payments I have from his bank to mine.

    Today, I received an email from the bank (his) giving me an incident claim number. When I contacted the bank, I was informed that someone with my card number, representing themselves as me, was disputing a charge on the account. This charge has been an ongoing payment since 2016. I told the bank that I had not disputed the charges nor filed a claim. They cancelled out the claim and I had them shut off my card.

    I just noticed another email that is a cancellation from another membership I have. This one has the "member signature" on it. This means someone went into the location, represented themselves as me, cancelled my membership and signed the form for the cancellation.

    What, if anything can I do to stop them from cancelling more of my things or representing themselves as me?

    Edit: Forgot to add, in Pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/spilled__tea
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    I am going to enforce property line with neighbor who has been encroaching for years. They parked a RV 4' on my property. I have a dead tree ready to fall that might hit it, should I tell them about the tree when I ask them to move it?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    What can I do about being excessively pulled over without actually doing anything wrong?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    So last year I was driving for a ride share. In my area, the night before Thanksgiving is a big drinking night.

    So capitalizing on this, I made my way to the nearest college town and drove around drunk college students home.

    I was pulled over no less than 6 times in four hours.

    I guarantee my car was in perfect mechanical order, lights working and I never speed or drive in a way that would risk getting a ticket. (Which eats into any money I make).

    The minute that I said I was a rideshare driver, I was cut loose.

    I guarantee they're just looking for the smell of alcohol fumes from me, and when it didn't smell any, cut me loose. However had no other cause to pull me over.

    So my question is: what can I do when this sort of thing happens?

    Do I have recourse? Is there anything I can say at the time? Is this lawful?

    submitted by /u/Montanabioguy
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    A Barstool Sports affiliate Instagram account posted an embarrassing picture of me and refuse to take it down.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    As the title says, an Instagram account got a hold of a picture of me when I was 18, drunk, and leaning over a toilet. I've asked them multiple times to remove it through Instagram dm and they ignored it. They had their phone number on their account page, so I called it and politely asked them to take it down. They then abruptly hung up and took the phone number down.

    Is there anything I can do to get them to remove it? I'm graduating college soon and don't really want future employers seeing this.


    submitted by /u/raygun1997
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    Scammed by Auctioneer

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I purchased a car at an auction for $850. Gave the guy $900 because he said I had to pay TTL I. Texas even though I live in Louisiana. Without doing any kind of math he said I owed him a total of 1798. I cash app him $900 because it was my first time at an auction and I didn't know he would not take my card. He told me to bring him the rest. So I did and when I showed up he said he sold the car. I asked for my money back and he said all he could do was give me a $900 credit. I have no vehicle and no way to get back to Texas at this time. I'm out $900 and can't afford to let this money go. Is what he did legal?

    submitted by /u/Dawson33333
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    Texas, Neighbor in apartment retaliating because we called office about their loud music at night put noticed on all the other neighbors doors saying to call 911 on my unit if they hear a dog bark. Their dog is always barking.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    So my other neighbors have been coming to my door today showing us these signs the shitty neighbor made and put on their doors. They said to call 911 on our unit if they hear a dog bark. To make this even worse I live in a city which has had a lot of race related police incidents and my husband is a POC. Now due to COVID, I don't go out except for 4-6 hours a week for work. My husband and I work from home, our dog doesn't bark, is old and also my PTSD service dog. We know that because we are literally always home. Even if one of us goes to the store someone is always home. To top it off their dog is always crying on their patio it basically lives out there, it is covered with poop. All our other neighbors (who have been letting us know about this) said they have never heard a dog bark from our unit. We know it is them because after the 3rd time of having to talk to the apartments about their music this happens. They play it so loud our walls shake and they do it all night long, they turn it louder each time. I literally can't sleep at night no matter what room I go into which is why we called office. More reasons we know its them is that they are literally the only ones who have not come to us telling us about these papers. What can we do here? Their dog is always barking and they trying to have people call the police on us if anyone hears a dog at all. We were originally only going to be here for a year then buy a house but are trying to find a house faster now. Can I be let out of my lease for my neighbors harassment or would I still have to pay to get out? Edit: we spoke to the apartment complex and they claim it is a different neighbor though they are the only ones who did not talk to us. They said the person who did it "was probably just bored" and that they will talk to them, no real solution, not going to tell people to disregard the notes and told us just to "deal with the police coming it's not bad or a big deal" . So I am pretty pissed since they are blowing it off.

    submitted by /u/Iwritepapersformoney
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    Neighbor blasts music at random intervals from 1AM-5AM, went out to ask him to stop at 4AM and he starts recording me and not talking. What are my options?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    So every time this happens I just call the non emergency number and they usually send someone out and the music stops eventually, but sometimes it goes on for a long time and sometimes the cops don't get sent out. Last night I had to say something as he would blast music for 15-20 minutes then stop, then play the music for 5 minutes then stop for a few minutes, then blast for another 20 minutes ect... and I'm talking about like max volume and bass boosted, I could hear the music 8+ houses down.

    So last night I go out and scream 'Shut the fuck up' down the street hoping that would be the end of it and he would have common sense. Nothing, so I walked my way down the street until I'm standing in front of his house on the other side of the street, I notice it's literally just one guy sitting on his porch alone (as he usually does it, used to be his car) I scream 'Hey' and 'Hey buddy' a couple of times until he finally looks up and then I say something along the lines of 'It's 4 in the morning, can you please turn down your music everyone can hear it' (kinda screaming this at this point because I'm standing across the street), pretty sure I said 'wear some fucking head phones for fucks sake' as walking away but I doubt he heard that. 4 minutes later the music comes back at full blast, I go back, I say 'Hey buddy' a few times again to get his attention. He then angles his phone as if he's recording me to which I'm pretty sure I just said 'are you serious' as I started to walk away. I then called the police, but after I got inside he stopped the music shortly after. But then 15 minutes later he starts blasting again (4:30 at this point) and does the usual grind until around 5:00 or 5:15 or so. No idea if the cops came or if they did anything because I'd say about 70% of the time after I confronted him he kept his music off.

    It's downright torture having to be woken up at 2AM, and tell him to shut the fuck up at 4:00 AM and kept up sporadically until 5AM. What are my options here aside from calling the non emergency number every now and then?

    submitted by /u/YoungGucci66
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    Tested with used COVID test at work

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    I went in for a COVID test at the health rehab I work for. The DNS (director of nursing staff) and an RN herself, administered the double nasal passage swab test. Everything went fine. 2 hours later she called to inform me she had accidentally tested me with a used swab, thereby exposing me to someone else's bodily fluids. I reported her license number to the Oregon state board of nursing (OSBN) and I'm getting paid for my time out for doctor recommended quarantine. Everyone I have told about this incident says that I should file a lawsuit. I'm looking for advise because this is a tough decision, considering that I finally found a job that works out for me. How does one go back into work while filing a lawsuit against them?

    submitted by /u/What_0814
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    My friend is going supposed to go to jail but tested positive for COVID (Tennessee)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    I'm posting on behalf of my friend. She got a DUI a while back but got the charges dropped to reckless endangerment. She got sentenced to 3 days in jail. She opted to pay $800 to go to some type of lesser jail (where she keeps her phone and clothes and stuff). She is supposed to report there at 7:30am tomorrow but as of a few hours ago she tested positive for COVID. She isn't showing symptoms. The problem is is that $800 isn't refundable. And if she doesn't report at 7:30 tomorrow morning she will have to go to jail for a year. She's left her lawyer to voice mails and the courts are closed on Sunday, she hasn't called the jail yet because she's worried they'll flat out refuse to take her and she'll get sentenced to a year in jail. She doesn't know what to do! Please help if able.

    submitted by /u/Robinzud872012
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    I offer to look after someone's stuff for a month in my storage unit... I still have it 1 year later...

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Okay, so a bit of background. This is all taking place in humberside region of the UK. My fianceè's parents are getting divorced and she had to move out. She now lived (was living but will be kicked out for other reasons) with my parents. I also rent a storage unit that I used to store my golf equipment, my toolbox and stuff while I moved our 2 year ago. I am now friends with the GM of the storage place so just decidd to keep it.

    Okay, once she wanted out as a friendly gesture I offered her my locker to put her stuff in. I only asked that she pay me a share of the storage rental that she uses. She agreed. Unfortunately this was all vocal, and no written agreement was done. The idea was she would have her own place in like 3months... that was August 2019. Now she is getting kicked out of my parents home. The monthly rent for the locker is £80ish. She has only paid me £60 total and yet her stuff takes up literally about 75% of the locker.

    So here is my question... Am I in my right to keep the stuff as it has been in there for so long? Or what are my options?

    I'm thinking of saying to her she has a week to get it all out, or else I'm keeping it and doing what I want with it.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/PaMiBaWi
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    How do I protect my intellectual property when entering into a creative partnership with a friend?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    My friend and I have been kicking around the idea of making a video game, and it looks like we are going to start on it. He will be doing programming and concepts and some art, and I have come up with the story, a character, and may be doing the music along with some art and concepts. It will largely be a 50/50 effort and we've agreed to split whatever proceeds come out of it equally.

    My question is, do we need to get this agreement in some kind of writing? I am concerned about a third party having to get involved in the game's creation and trying to claim ownership, or if we don't end up doing it and the ideas get used elsewhere (which I don't want to have happen).

    How would I / we go about protecting the ideas and concepts of this work?

    submitted by /u/Chrome-Head
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    I got scammed atrociously yesterday by a large tire chain. Wondering what recourse I have.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    I was warned about getting tires there by a friend who had the exact same thing happen to him. Thought I could control the situation if I knew it was coming. Gotta give it to the kids, he's got balls. I requested two tires for my car.one was irreparabley flat, the other had a slow leak. When they pulled my car into the bay, I observed from just out of his sight, the employee remove my front RIGHT tire. That was exactly what I was watching for, so I approached him and politely reminded him that the tires in question were on the driver's side. He looked at me with wide deer eyes, didn't respond, and continued what he was doing. I thought that my catching him in the act would deter him from following through with his plot, it did not. Fast forward an hr later, after the business is closed, lo and behold, my front right tire goes flat. There was nothing wrong with the tire before I went in there. I had been driving on it for months. This was not a coincidence. It happened to at least one other person who I know, and work with. I was warned about this exact scam by them, but they were the only one with the size of low profile tires I needed, other than one other shop for more than twice the price.

    Is this civil/criminal?

    Who can I report this too?

    How can I get them to stop this dangerous practice?

    submitted by /u/DarkHorseGanjaFarmer
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    Designer has claimed credit for multiple pieces of work I created

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Hey r/legaladvice,

    First of all I really appreciate this sub-Reddit being around. I'm a long-time lurker and first-time poster who's lifted many nuggets of advice from here in the past.

    I find myself in a unique situation and would love some advice if anyone can help. I'm a freelance graphic and motion designer based in the UK who was booked in at a creative agency early last year to work on a new client. Over two weeks I work with an Account Manager and freelance Art Director and complete a collection of design and animation work for social media. As a last-minute check, the Account Manager suggests I run my work by one of their permanent designers (for our purposes, let's call them Designer X). Designer X takes a quick look and says the work is fine (verbally and not over email). I submit my final files and am on my way.

    Fast forward to last month.

    I'm surfing the internet and come across Designer X's portfolio (who has since left this agency), and find he has a case study page for the client I worked on. I then discover that he's featured all the work I created (making up 90% of this page), and has claimed credit for the design and animation, even though he never touched this work. As a bonus, Designer X has also claimed credit for the art direction on this set of work (though this is somewhat more grey as he did lead the design for this client's website).

    I'm livid, and I contact him asking the reason for this. He claimed that he forgot my name (we're connected on LinkedIn and share multiple email chains) and that he was due to update the credits across his entire site (even though he should have listed the proper credits before making these case studies live). I then responded politely asking him to include my name, which he still hasn't done (or even bothered to respond to the email).

    What would be my best course of action here Reddit? I can prove with lengthy email chains that I was the one creating and developing this work, with Designer X not on these chains at any point. I can also prove that the work he has online is identical to the final work I submitted, indicating no changes were made by him.

    I might not have much to gain here by taking legal action, but this kind of thing happens far too often in my industry and it needs to be stamped out. Any help or bits of advice would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/wal0007
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    They’re threatening to lawyer up for grandparents rights, what do I need to be aware of?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm in a bit of sticky situation. I'm currently living in the province of Manitoba with my husband and now two kids (2 yr and 1 month). My parents live in Ontario.

    Last year I brought my little one (9 months at the time) to visit them for 3-4 weeks, then this January (before the world was set on fire) I brought my kid to see them for a week and a bit. Now, they want all four of us to drive down to Ontario for Christmas this year.

    When I told them that because of the pandemic it wouldn't be safe for any of us so we probably wouldn't be coming they got very angry and threatened to lawyer up to get grandparents rights and told me that they would see me in court.

    I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone have any information as to if this will hold up/what I need to do?

    submitted by /u/JaneDough53
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    [NJ] Bought a brand new car yesterday. Driver's side window seal is broken, potential water damage.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Hi r/legaladvice

    Edit: Now that I think about it, the car went through their car wash before being handed off to me so this car 100% has water damage in the interior and they might have attempted to hide it. I will be requesting a vehicle swap.

    I just purchased a brand new car yesterday (my first time). I didn't get to test drive the exact car since it "wasn't ready" and it would take a long time until I was signing the papers. Stupid I know, but I didn't expect there to be any problems with a brand new vehicle from a corporate dealership. Driving it on my way home (after they closed) I noticed that I could hear air rushing in. Upon inspection, the driver side's window seal is completely broken. Air and water are easily able to enter the vehicle. This car could have been sitting for months with plenty of opportunity for rain to get in.

    What are my options if there is water damage? The seal is of course covered under warranty, but I'm concerned that this wasn't disclosed to me upon purchase. Today, I called the salesman who sold me the car and he told me to bring it in tomorrow morning to have their service department take a look at it. They're not going to admit if there's water damage because it will cost them many thousands in repair or having to give me a new car. Should I have it independently inspected if they say there's nothing and won't swap the car?

    This car is financed through the car manufacturer.

    submitted by /u/SleepyHobo
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    Is this enforceable? (Estate Law)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    My step-father stated in his will that my mother would retain the house and land he owned when he died until she either died or remarried, at which point I guess it's supposed to go to his kids. Is this sort of thing actually enforceable? Can you will somebody something on a conditional/temporary basis, and if so, how long is it applicable? He's been dead for 6 years now and she's paying taxes on a house that his will stipulates she can never technically own.

    submitted by /u/balsi22
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    Police barged in, arrested me, took kid. No warrant or reason

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Sorry it's so long

    So, this Friday went badly as soon as I opened my eyes. Well, the second time I opened them at least. My son had a slight cough and fever so I got up around 730 to inform his teacher he wouldn't be at school that day. He had a bad score on one of his star tests and we arranged a day for me to come in and discuss what to do about that and his lack of focus. He's in the first grade. Bright but with obvious ADHD and I'm on the fence about medicating him. Anyway, our new GSP puppy hopped on his head and woke him up. Not ready for the rip roaring that would ensue plus knowing sleep would help my little one feel better, I told him to lay down and get more sleep. I proceeded to lay down with him as well, knowing this would accomplish him dozing back off. Which we both did.

    Now for a little back story to understand our situation. I was a victim of domestic violence and in 2016 we were forced to flee our home (my mother's house that we lived in) to escape his violence. We moved into the apartment above my fathers restaurant. He lives in a separate small home off to the side of it. They are all connected by a small entryway at the bottom of the stair landing. We were asleep downstairs in my fathers home as he had a heart attack the night after Labor Day. I drove him to the ER. He just had another surgery this week. In the meantime, I've been mixing the meat each morning for the workers as his restaurant has a "secret" recipe that only we know. His workers have been being a pain in my ass. Overstepping their boundaries and getting in my business. The main instigator is known for these types of things. It's a small town and I've known her for years since she worked here many years. Although she quit on him many years ago and the only reason he hired her back was at my suggestion. We used to be friends. She is also friends with my ex. For some reason, she began to spread rumors about me like a high school drama queen and even got involved in my ex's next relationship drama. Calling his sister for details after he put his new girlfriend in the hospital, twice. Well now the ex and her are good buddies again. Last week her sister, who also works here, jumped all over me and even threatened to call dhs. I couldn't inform my father as we are trying not to upset him until he is strong enough to get his heart fixed. Stress is a major factor in his heart trouble. It's all been a big nightmare.

    Back to Friday My son wakes up and asks if he can watch tv. I agree and doze back off. When I wake up, I hear his voice and one of the workers. He will go out in the store and bug them so I got up to go get him. When I walked out in the common landing area, I noticed I had left the bottom of an essential oil burner device sitting beside the sink. I had ordered it on amazon and it arrived a few days before. I grabbed it and headed upstairs to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, etc. As I'm halfway up the stairs to my home, an employee and a man step out from the store. The man tells me to come on down that he needs to talk to me. I respond that ok, I'll be right back. That I need to go to the bathroom. He says no, come on now. I said, just a minute I'll be right back. Next thing I know, he has barged up the stairs and is right behind me on the landing. I turned to face him after setting the amazon thing down in a bag on the chair sitting there. I say I'm sorry but you're not allowed up here. At this point, I don't know who the hell he is. He is in plain clothes and has not identified himself. He said, you invited me up here when you didn't stop. I said no sir, I did not. You're not allowed up here and went you to go back down. Before I knew it, he had my right arm wrenched you behind my back. I began screaming for help! He was hurting me! Help! Help! He screams at the employee to go get his handcuffs. At this moment, I realize he is the law. He continues to hurt my arm, pulling it harder behind my back until she brings him handcuffs. He cuffs me and then searches the bag. Finds the amazon thing and asks what it is. I tell him. He says so if I test this, I won't find meth residue. I said well of course not! Meth?!! How is that for meth? He takes me downstairs and the girls start jumping on me. I know for a fact one of the workers smokes weed and takes a bunch of pills. I inform her of this. Her sister is clean but only due to the fact she was forced into drug court a few months ago. She says how can I have that crap around my kids. I said, what? That isn't anything. Suddenly she says well what about all these meth pipes in your house. Btw there are absolutely no meth pipes in my house. I said this to her along with demanding to know why the hell she is in my home going through my stuff. That if there's anything like that in there, she put it there. They take me outside on the front porch barefoot. Made me sit there for an hour. Humiliating me. Finally force me into the back of a hot cop car where I nearly have a panic attack from claustrophobia. I'm still barefoot btw. CPS has now been called. Apparently our new puppy pooped in the floor (since nobody let him outside) and so my house was considered nasty and they had to call CPS. She asks if I can pass a drug test, I tell her yes. I gave her names and numbers of people to call. She asks about the father, I tell her we have a restraining order against him and my son only goes every other weekend to the grandmothers for supervised visitation (which only resumed a few months ago, he hadn't been around for over a year before this). My ex has two domestic violence charges, a charge for simple assault on my mother, and was just taken in for drugs in February btw. So, I'm taken to jail barefoot. Put on a hold. I'm not allowed to make a phone call, they won't let me call my lawyer, won't tell me where my son or my puppy are. I am finally charged at 5pm (this all started around 10am). Possession of drug paraphernalia and resisting arrest. I never even knew he was a cop until he arrested me and I don't understand how refusing a strange man entry to my home is resisting arrest. I bail out around 8 or 9. Still barefoot. I go to locate my child, they have placed him with my ex husband. They told him that casen is to remain there from now on. I obviously called a lawyer yesterday morning and have a meeting first thing in the morning to figure this all out. I've not once been contacted by CPS since my release or even been told directly that I can't have my child. Apparently the cops went through my entire home after they handcuffed me. Upstairs and down. Illegal as hell. They locked my puppy upstairs, he destroyed most of our stuff and ate a bunch of shit he wasn't supposed to. I think he will be ok. He pooped it out yesterday. Poor thing, he was scared to death. My son didn't see what happened but I imagine he is confused. I haven't talked to my son since all of this happened. Apparently the worker I heard him talking to was putting him in her vehicle and took him down the road. What right did she have? Although after what happened, I'm glad he wasn't here.

    I'm at a loss. What the hell right did that cop have to come into my home, attack me, arrest me, search my home, and take my child?!?! He had no warrant or reason to believe any one was in danger. He said I didn't stop. He never identified himself as a police officer! Why should I stop if some strange man yells at me to?!? Or even a cop for that matter!! I was in my own home!

    TRD : LSS So basically someone called the law, he was a plain clothes officer who chased me into my home, attacked me, placed me under arrest and proceeded to search my home. Finding "drug paraphernalia" and charged me with that and resisting arrest. CPS took my son and says he has to stay with my abusive ex who we have a restraining order against, has drug and domestic violence and assault charges on his record. The people who called the police are friends of his and threatened me with this last week. Thoughts? Do I have a violation of my 4th Amendment rights? Advice on dealing with CPS. I have obtained legal counsel and meet with them tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/Haileyrhea
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    I think my parents are trying to institutionalize me.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    I'm 15, my parents are trying to put me in an institution against my will, and I'm trying to find out what I legally can do. The situation is occurring in new jersey.

    submitted by /u/LongJackrules
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    What steps should I take before taking my plumber to small claims. (NY)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Back in June my water heater started to go. I called up my usual plumber who gave me a pretty standard price for the work in my area and I accepted. We had used this plumber in the past a few times with no issues but this time was a mess. He went out and bought the new water heater, but it didn't have the same form factor as the previous one so he needed to redo the piping and exhaust vent (natural gas). I didn't think much of it as it didn't change the price for me. Cut to 3 weeks ago, my furnace guy was doing maintenance on the furnace which is next to the water heater and he tells me that it wasn't put in correctly. Says that the exhaust could be backfilling carbon monoxide into the basement because it's not graded correctly, the natural gas connection isn't up to code and that water piping is too close to the exhaust. I called another plumber to get a second opinion just to be sure, and he confirmed all of this in 2 minutes. Said that if my natural gas supplier saw that connection, they would shut it down.

    I plan on contacting the original plumber to tell him that he either needs to fix the work, or pay me the quote that i got from the second plumber to fix the job (basically, it all needs to be redone so it would be a complete refund.) Based on info I found out after all this I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to take him to small claims, but I'm not sure what steps I need to do before I go down that road.

    This is in NY

    Any advice would be helpful, thanks

    submitted by /u/Sensible_Max
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