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    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    How are products that sell E-mail addresses like SalesIntel, ZoomInfo legal in light of GDPR and CCPA ? Entrepreneur

    How are products that sell E-mail addresses like SalesIntel, ZoomInfo legal in light of GDPR and CCPA ? Entrepreneur

    How are products that sell E-mail addresses like SalesIntel, ZoomInfo legal in light of GDPR and CCPA ?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    GDPR and CCPA protect personal information from being sold or abused yet sales "intelligence" tools rake in millions. These companies don't just sell email but also phone numbers and sometimes address for sales prospecting. As someone who works in sales, I would hate it if these tools went away.

    But GDPR and CCPA ban this practice as far as I know. So, how are these tools still legal ?

    I am not being critical only curious :)

    submitted by /u/Inkandtea
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    From a broke 2020 college grad to not so broke anymore

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    This is a quick story on how I graduated during a global pandemic, unemployed (still, kinda), and decided to do something about it. Hopefully, someone who is in a similar situation can find some hope in reading this.

    I graduated from a prestigious engineering program in August. I didn't care too much since almost 98% of graduates from my program find jobs in the first 3 months out of college. Well, that wasn't the case for me. I realized that the job opportunities have plummeted and the only ones open didn't even bother reading my applications. After close to 300+ applications in and not even a single interview, I decided to use my degree and start something on my own.

    I dabbled with 3D printers during my time in college and knew the "ins and outs" of it. So in a small closet in my small apartment with very little money left over after paying for an expensive college, I began a 3D printing farm. Yes, I converted my closet into a fully-fledged 3D printing farm with printers stacked to the ceiling. Now let me back up a bit, I know this all sounds expensive! but again, I knew how to design the printers using existing, cheap parts myself and manufacture them in China for dirt cheap. In total my 15 printer "mini-farm" cost me about $2,000 in total (family helped with this). Now that may still sound like a lot, but if you know anything about this topic you'd know that on average even a very cheap printer would cost you $300+ each.

    Why a 3D printing farm? because I am a big believer in additive manufacturing and saw an opening in the market to quickly adapt to trends and be of use to local businesses at the same time. The turn around time was low since I have a more advanced background in building these farms for efficiency and I am able to literally bring to life anything the customer base needs in (mostly) any type of material FAST.

    I am now making close to $6,000+ a month very easily using my online store where I sell gaming, power tool, and PPE accessories, and using some monthly contracts I have with local businesses to prototypes the parts they need for their businesses.

    A quick break down here: The online stores are very hard to maintain and run, these are typically low-value items that sell fast and you need to constantly manufacture them. This stream accounts for about 30% of the total revenue.

    The more profitable and interesting side is the contracts with the local businesses, this accounts for the rest of the revenue.

    The moral of the story and why I thought of putting this together is (half) self-promotion (sorry I guess), and to let everyone know especially the new grads without a job that you can use what you have learned so far in life to create something beautiful and sustainable for yourself. You'd seriously be surprised at how many different revenue streams are available out there for you to tap into. Don't let the 100th rejection (or even lack thereof) deter you. I know, this is super cliche, but you can do it!!

    (You knew this was coming)

    Check my store out if you want to buy some cool stuff or need any ideas:


    or even on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/usr/shoporygin

    Through December 30th up to 45% of total revenue generated from the online store sales will go towards food banks across the US.

    Ask me anything if you'd like. Also since then, I have moved onto even more profitable revenue streams that require less effort, but that will be for another post if you'd like to hear more.

    submitted by /u/bluezap2020
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    A few years ago, I read this story in a book and it has been on my mind since then. It has changed the way I looked at my business. (i hope it helps you as well)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    It is actually an example in the form of a story :

    Sam Jones Lives on your block. One day while you're out front. mowing your lawn, Sam walks by on his way to the drug store. He stops and talks with you for a few minutes.

    in the course of the conversation, Sam askes, "Did you hear about Howie White getin' took by one of those encyclopedia salesmen? Yeah, he wound up spending $300 on a set. Boy, you'll never catch me getin' stuck with a set of books. Matter of fact, I hear the salesman's still in the neighborhood. Hope, for his sake, he doesn't come to my house. He'd never sell me anything in a million years!"

    Three days later, you find out that the salesman did indeed call on Sam Jones. And (yes, you guessed it) Sam bought the encyclopedia. Not only that - he bought the deluxe set with all the extras, for over $400!

    Now, After what Sam told you, it's reasonable to assume that he bought something he did not really want or the salesman cheated him to buy it. (But did he?)

    if the salesman walked up to Sam's door and simply asked him if he wanted to buy a set of books, certainly Sam would have said NO - very emphatically. But, obviously, the Salesman didn't do that. Maybe Sam didn't want to buy a set of books. But there were a lot of things in this world Sam did want. And it is just possible that some of them could have been provided through a set of books. Let's one of several possibilities as an example.

    Suppose the salesman met with Sam and his wife during the evening and discuss with the Jones' some possible aids to their son's education.

    when the salesman opened the conversation, he asked about the school system in Sam's neighborhood and city. Sam did not realize what he was getting into. Sam talked for over an hour about how bad the system is. it happened that Sam Jones is not very happy with the local schools. He told how he and his wife fought for years to get new members elected to the local school board. and when they finally managed to elect some sympathetic board members, they found out that the system was too entrenched to be changed.

    The Salesman listened attentively to Sam and his wife complaining about their problem. When it appeared that the Jones' had pretty well told the whole story, the salesman said: " What's needed, then, is some way to provide your son with the education he's missing right? "

    then the salesman made his sales pitch. his set of books are not encyclopedia any more, they are an effective cost-efficient education system to the Jones' son.

    Not surprisingly that the salesman got the order.

    Did Sam Jones buy what he did not want? No, of course not. he did not want a set of books - and he did not buy one. He bought a good education system for his son.


    1- do as much research as possible on your prospect. try to understand their pain, desire, and motivation

    2- Make sure you understand your product and its abilities. list as many benefits and usage you can get from your product so you can tailor those benefits to your customer's needs.

    3- match those needs and desires with the features and benefits your product offers


    submitted by /u/skumati99
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    Elegy For A Chrome Extension, Or, Why Medium Changed Their Front-End

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Here's a post-mortem for a SaaS I shut down this week if anyone in this subreddit is interested.


    submitted by /u/binaryfor
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    Excluding money, what motivates you as an entrepreneur?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    I'm not overly motivated by money. I respect its core importance, but the challenges and freedom of entrepreneurship are what I find compelling. What larger-picture motivations or inspirations push you forward?

    submitted by /u/CoconutCoir
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    Best countries for foreigners to be self employed?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:24 AM PDT


    Do any of you guys have any experience being self employed in another country. Moving to another country is very appealing to me and I'm just wondering where would be a good place to go. Thanks 😊

    submitted by /u/Colin-IRL
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    I read from articles that a lot of successful entrepreneurs in the US did a side hustle/business when they were at school. Many of those didn’t have green card. If you’re on F1 or H1B visa you’re not allowed to make money outside school or your main job. How did they do that?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    I'd love to get into startups as a side hustle first. Even just the e-commerce business. But if you're not on green card but you're on a work visa you're not allowed to actively make any money outside your 9-5 or school. How did those successful entrepreneurs do it?

    submitted by /u/theswifty7
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    Building a better printer!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Hey all.

    Been thinking a lot about how messed up the printer industry is, specifically the home/personal printer. Dominated by a few top companies that manufacture printers with exorbitant ink costs and terrible user experience (can't scan if the ink is empty, using colored ink to print black, can't connect to the internet, etc). Anybody have any insight on the process of manufacturing an actual printer?

    submitted by /u/qevinnn
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    Finance Channel on YouTube - What would you guys want to hear about?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! So Recently I just started yet another finance channel on YouTube. Yes I know, I know it is a very saturated niche, however, I absolutely love this stuff. My goal is to distinguish myself from other finance guys by capitalizing and branding myself as a father. I feel like most finance educators target the single, hussle minded 20 something looking to make it big, But I really want to hone in on families.

    Being a father of 5 children at the age of 29 gives me a unique perspective.

    If you were on YouTube, what sort of content would you be interested in hearing about regarding finance?

    submitted by /u/jaketrost4
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    Help me convince myself that I could be a founder of a successful company (even if the people who post stuff like this are typically those who don't have enough agency/grit to become successful founders).

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I'm 100% a total wantrepreneur. I've

    • bought more udemy courses I've never started than I can count
    • started and abandoned more projects than I have digits
    • been following communities like this for years

    I've purchased Ramit Sethi's zero to launch course TWICE to try and sunk cost myself into seeing it through, but panicked and asked for a refund both times.

    I'm so damn sick of it. I want to succeed. I want to ship something I'm proud of.

    I watch you guys actually in the arena yourselves, savoring the spoils of victory from a long battle, and I'm sitting my ass up in the spectator stands moaning and eating pop tarts.

    I want to be in the arena, fighting. But I'm terrified an entrance to the arena doesn't exist for me.

    I want to be a go-getter. The guy who you bring problems and he brings you solutions. The classic MacGyver type that just makes stuff happen, no matter what cards he is dealt.

    Maybe I'm just not that person. Most people aren't, and maybe I'm just most people.

    But I just can't accept that. I don't think I am... but all my life experience says otherwise.

    What's stopping me exactly? I think it's half analysis paralysis and half lack of mentorship.

    I seriously think if one specific problem were just dropped in front of me and I just *HAD* to solve it, I'd do really well. But at this point I have too many options. It's such a shame that I didn't come from a family with a family business. I feel like I would absolutely thrive if it was just in my face and I had someone to ask questions.

    I know y'all are just gonna say this is just a giant wall of whining and excuses and you know what you're right. It totally is. I don't even want to post this anymore but I already wrote all this so what else am I gonna do with it?

    I don't know. I just have zero confidence that I can succeed, but I just refuse to give up, but I just feel pulled in so many directions all the time and I have no idea what to do.

    Maybe I just need a kick in the ass. Has anyone made the jump to successful entrepreneur after a previously long stint as a wantrepreneur? I'd love to hear your story.

    submitted by /u/opensourceai
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    Why did you become an entrepreneur? What motivates you?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/ollyyy1
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    How are dispute fee charges from the bank legal?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    I've gotten 6 dispute fees since I've started my SaaS site. In each of them the customer has been refunded completely. The bank has charged me $15.00 and my credit card processor has kept the transaction fees.

    The disputes are either for fraud or claims that they canceled the subscription. These are simple not possible to win.

    I can understand the refund, thats no big deal. The transaction fee kept by the credit card processor also urks me a bit, but I understand they did their job. (Stripe)
    The $15.00 charge by the bank on the other hand is something I cannot understand. The credit card was approved by the bank! Isn't this entirely their fault? Why am I being charged for it?

    submitted by /u/frogg616
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    When branding for a new business, should you start broad or specific?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    here's a made up example: lets say you're going to start a company that collects data on cars, and ultimately the goal would be to provide it for every car/brand. You know though that to get an example up and running you want to focus on corvettes specifically.

    When you initially create your name/site etc. Would it be best to set it up for the end goal? Or create the name/site etc (like corvettes.com) and brand it first for the niche, then change the business name later as you evolve along your business plan to get more broad.

    If this is all basic and obvious stuff I apologize..

    submitted by /u/piglizard
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    I’ve found a little success in niche t shirts - but my small batch person is just too expensive. What do folks usually do?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    I run an instagram with 10k followers. It's focused on a couple legacy musical acts and I make bootleg style retro shirts (all legal)

    I've been working with an indie dude in my state who is also focused on the same niche, so I thought that was cool and more ethical.

    However, at the end of the day my returns just aren't as good as I know they could be if the making of the shirts was cheaper.

    What do most folks do? Can you recommend any sites? Will I notice a dip in quality?

    Really any broad advice is totally welcome. I'm answering all orders in my DMs but I don't wanna be doing that forever obviously, so I think I'll start an e commerce store as well.


    submitted by /u/Berry_Seinfeld
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    Review your website or Idea

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    Edit: due to popular demand i will try my best to get back to everyone but if I don't reply post your site/app/idea early in next weeks thread

    I've worked in the tech and startup industry for a few years and would love to give back. I'm a web designer/developer by trade and I've built over 100+ websites. Let me know your website or idea and ill give you advice

    submitted by /u/moham225
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    Stripe or PayPal or Both ?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    My business is in production since 2 years. I only use Stripe to monetize my SAAS solution and it's works fine and my CA is good. Stripe is very user friendly and UX. My question : should I add PayPal ? Will this help to growth ?

    My SAAS solution business model : Pay As You Go. There is no subscription.

    submitted by /u/FabienL7
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    Shipping Frozen Package from Canada to USA?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    I plan on shipping a 10lb+/- carton containing 5lb of frozen food and 5lb of dry ice to a business colleague. I'm in British Columbia, and I'm shipping to California.

    The package needs to get there in 2 days or less, since that's the time needed for the shipment to remain frozen

    Does anyone know what shipping carrier and shipping method (for example, UPS Worldwide Express) will let me ship for as cheap as possible with 2 day shipping time?

    I want to make sure that my shipment will be shipped without issue despite containing dry ice, and that the product doesn't melt by the time it gets to California.

    submitted by /u/PowerLemons
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    New client wants to talk to my other clients before he signs

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    New client wants to go ahead and sign. The problem is that I only have 1 other client and he's slow to respond (usually taking a week+ to reply) and probably won't be interested in talking at all. What would you do?

    submitted by /u/6692A
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    Where do you do your search online for opportunities?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    As the title says

    submitted by /u/HiFromChicago
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    Marketplace to connect blog & newsletter owners with Sponsors/Advertisers��

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. I have been working on a new project the last few months called AudienceHunts https://audiencehunts.com

    The aim of the project is to create a marketplace where sponsors can connect with newsletter and blog owners for sponsorship and marketing.

    While there are some few websites that already do this, I couldn't find a perfect one for newsletters and blogs.

    Google ads and Facebook ads are great promotion tools but people hate ads. Having an influencer promote your product to a targeted audience can have huge ROI .

    If you run a newsletter or blog with a significant number of subscribers and looking for sponsors, you can add it to our database via this link https://audiencehunts.com/submit-a-newsletter

    Monetize your newsletter/blog with us. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/SharonRobles
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    Food products

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    So yall know about Hummus but there's few other dipping style food from middle east that you're missing on ,moved to the US from Syria here usually my mom make those at home but i thought Americans are down to try things and I'm sure alot would love the other stuff Where do i start should i just partner up with a company who already make Hummus cuz they'll already have equipment facility and distribution or should i start myself setup my small facility , I'm limited on money

    submitted by /u/SHAD0WAR
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    Merchandise printing service

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Hello entrepreneurs, quick question

    1. What is the most reliable US merchandise printing service that you have used (e.g. a service like printful)?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/gkove
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    How did you become an entrepreneur?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Did you end up being an entrepreneur because one day an idea or opportunity came to you and you said I wonder If I can make this work, and subsequently you became an entrepreneur?


    You already had decided that you wanted to be an entrepreneur and then started brainstorming ideas and found the right business idea for you to venture into?

    submitted by /u/don-p1etro
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    Cornhole startup with father.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Me and my father are planning to start a cornhole business.

    Recently my father and I went to a family friends house for a cornhole tournament. After it was over, we found out that the host family actually makes the boards and sells them. While driving home my dad got talking about how he can make a product far better than theirs.

    We put tons of research into what's out there on the market, and eventually made a prototype. Honestly I am very impressed with out product, and have yet to find something as nice as ours online. It costs us more to make than most cornhole boards, and also more time to produce than a cheaper board, which means we plan to price higher than others.

    My dad has a large shop in his backyard, and every tool you can think of, and are working on setting up a "production line" so that we can get to work. I already have a couple people that want to purchase them after showing off our prototype, but I know I will need to market locally online eventually.

    Not sure what I am trying to say or even ask, I guess I am just excited to start a side business with my father. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, but I just wanted to post this. Most people I talk to about this don't seem too interested In the topic, so I am generally quiet about it around the people I know. Wish us luck!

    submitted by /u/Teacupkiller-
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