• Breaking News

    Friday, October 16, 2020

    Legal Advice [OR] Neighbors say I violated Portland city noise ordinance by knocking on their door to tell them Halloween candle was burning out of control. Apartment.

    Legal Advice [OR] Neighbors say I violated Portland city noise ordinance by knocking on their door to tell them Halloween candle was burning out of control. Apartment.

    [OR] Neighbors say I violated Portland city noise ordinance by knocking on their door to tell them Halloween candle was burning out of control. Apartment.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    This is the second night the people across the hall had a candle burning. Our fifty-some unit building is about a century old, and my new neighbors have been burning some candles as a Halloween decoration in front of their door. Last night I just put it out. But tonight was a little different.

    I grabbed a couple beers, put out the candle, and knocked on the door. Our walls our paper thin here, I heard someone inside say
    "Is someone fucking knocking right now, I'll kick their fucking ass."
    I said through the door
    "Hey its just your neighbor, just wanted to talk about your candle. Uhhh, don't kick my ass?"

    After a few minutes the door opened and a guy shouted at me (literally 2 foot away across the hall neighbor) that I should
    "Just put the fucking candle out and shut the fuck up. We're calling (the landlord) and telling him you're harassing us. Portland noise ordinance is at 10pm and you're waking us up at 11:30."

    He then slammed the door in my face. I could hear him call my landlord through the door and say
    "(Landlord) our neighbor just woke us up after 11 to tell us we had a candle burning in the hallway. This is totally unacceptable and harassment."

    Legal advice, should I acually worry about this, or should I continue laughing? The whole reason I knocked on the neighbors door was to avoid bringing the landlord into the matter, which they seem to have no problem with. I've lived in the building for 3+ years. They've been here since March.

    submitted by /u/phatsakis
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    My business closed due to Covid. 10% owner went on personal shipping spree with company funds. Embezzlement?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    I'm Texas, my husband and I own 90% of a catering company that shuttered die to Covid. A minority owner (provided no financial backing if that matters, I don't believe it does) has become hostile and is extremely upset that we closed. I stupidly did not cancel her card when we closed (a couple of weeks ago).

    She has been treating herself to amazon shopping sprees, a $650 meal, and even making purchases from a vendor that provides rentals for catering events. This one is most concerning because I'm wondering if she is still acting under our business name. She has racked up a total of $1651.85 in the last few days.

    I have cancelled here card and removed access to any accounting or banking info. I confronted her about the charges and she ignored my questions and went on the defensive and said don't ever contact me again.

    What aren't options here? I know embezzlement in Texas over $1500 is a felony but does this apply? Breach of fiduciary duty? She is not named on the bank account but did have a debit card.

    submitted by /u/mortalmirrors
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    Dealer said I need a new engine, bought my car for peanuts, then sold it without replacing engine.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    I brought my car in to the dealer for service because I heard an engine noise. The service center said my engine was shot, and the only option was to replace it. I could choose a used engine with more miles for $8,500 or a brand new one for $12k. Fixing it was NOT an option - they said it had to be replaced. So I asked them to make me an offer - I still owed money on the loan and didn't want to invest nearly $10,000 on top of that.

    They offered me a few thousand bucks, citing that they would have to replace the engine to sell it. So I took the offer and came up out of pocket to settle the rest of my loan.

    A few days later, the new owner reaches out to me (dealership left my insurance card in the glove box) asking how I enjoyed the car and if I knew of any problems. I told him my story. Well that was news to him - they never said anything about a replaced engine, and he paid the full used price on the car. Odometer reading? Exactly what it had when I brought it in for service.

    So the new owner pulled a Carfax and it doesn't show any replacement engine - just some tire balancing, a replaced engine computer module, and some brakes.

    Now we're both pissed. What are my options seeing as they stole the car from me under false pretenses and never actually replaced the engine? The difference between what they gave me and what he paid is over $13,000.

    Edit: This is in the Midwest (US)

    submitted by /u/never-enuff
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    There is a severely abused animal in my neighborhood and animal control is useless. Please tell me how can I help.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    My partner and I moved into a new town in Southern VT about a month ago and every day since we moved in a very friendly neighborhood cat has spent at least a few hours sunning itself on our porch. We learned that the cat belonged to a little girl living in a household across the street. This household contains many small children and often some very loud noises so we understood why that cat avoided its own house and did our best to look out for it. There was a kink in the cat's tail that we thought was an old, badly healed break, but we were wrong.

    About a week ago the cat stopped showing up. After six days of not seeing the cat we finally spotted it sitting on its owners porch. When it approached we saw that there was a wound in its tail where the break is. Bone was visible, fur was hanging off, and there was rotting skin. I could smell it. The break must be recent, in multiple places along the middle of the tail (as if from being stepped on or lifted by the tail), and HIGHLY conspicuous.

    We called animal control immediately and were told they'd "look into it." After a little digging we discovered there is only one animal control officer and she works as a general dispatcher overnight, then deals with animal control issues in person for a few hours in the morning at end of shift. We waited three days for an update on our report then called back at 2 am last night to be sure to catch her. She said that she had gone down to the house but was told the animal wasn't home, and that was that, I guess. She doesn't seem to have any plans to follow up, and quite frankly mostly seems interested in doing as little work in her job as possible.

    I've been calling animal shelters and rescues this morning and every single one says the same thing; they won't do a thing unless it's my animal AND I'm willing to pay for it. Any money and resources designated for this kind of thing have been suspended due to Covid. One woman was sympathetic but told me that if the cat belongs to someone else, legally their hands are tied unless I have something in writing giving me provisional ownership and permission to get it medical care; and even then it's dicey apparently.

    I am at my wits end. If I see the cat again I'm probably just going to grab it, consequences be damned. But even if I do get him away from that house, I don't know where I can bring him, if he's just going to be turned away without proof of ownership.

    Please help me help this cat.

    Edit: the owners are not willing to assist me in this, they are possessive of their cat, actively hostile to my interference, and have sent the ACO away twice now.

    Edit 2: I do not have the money to pay for this cat's medical care myself. I barely have enough money for rent this month.

    Edit 3: stop telling me to steal the cat and lie to the vet. I'm here asking for LEGAL advice to see if I have any LEGAL options here to deal with my local law enforcement's ineptitude.

    submitted by /u/GuanYin91
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    Does this actually mean anything legally? I own a steam group named dednet, got this message

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    I am 17, and live in New York. i got this message on steam, asking me to release the group I said I would, providing that they gave me legal proof of holding copyright. do their threats mean anything, and should i have done something different?

    (links to chat)


    submitted by /u/Ark1s
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    Vet did tests on my dog while I was in bathroom without my consent, resulting in $900 bill (CA)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    So my dog was scheduled to have cataract surgery with an ophthalmologist that is 2 hours away from me. As a pre-requisite for the surgery, he needed to have blood tests done. I asked the Ophthalmologist (we will refer to him as Dr.Dude) if I could do those tests at my local vet to save money and time commuting. I get a 25% discount at my local vet because they take PetAssure, the Opthalmologist does not take it. Dr. Dude said that's fine and emailed me a list of tests to get done so I scheduled those tests with my local vet. Then, due to COVID, they had to cancel my dogs eye surgery for a couple months. When they finally could reschedule it, Dr.Dude needed to look at my dogs eyes again to make sure the cataracts hadn't gotten worse. So we did the appointment, he looked at my dog's eyes for about 10 minutes and we discussed the likelihood of success for the surgery. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and when I came back he said that my dog was all done and sent me to the front desk to pay. I was expecting a $75 re-exam fee (that's what they told me over the phone) but they handed me a $900 bill. For some dumb reason, idk, shock or panic, I paid it. When I asked about the unexpected cost, they told me that I could expect a total cost of $6000 for cataract surgery. They initially quoted me $4000 TOTAL cost. So I was shocked, upset, and confused so I left without arguing.

    I didn't look at the receipt until I got home and that's when I realized... they did the blood tests that we had agreed would be done at my vet. In the 5 mins I was in the bathroom, they took my dogs blood without asking, and decided to charge me for all of those tests without informing me. Now I am certain that it was a mistake and they simply forgot about our agreement. I brought it up to Dr.Dude over the phone and he expressed his apologies but made no offer to make it right.

    I feel like they should offer me a discount on the cataract surgery or a partial refund. I would have saved hundreds of dollars if I had gotten those tests done at my local vet.

    My question is - is it illegal for a vet to do tests /take blood from your dog /charge you for things without your knowledge that they are happening??

    If I can present to them my concern that they broke a law, it may help me to negotiate a discount on cataract surgery or take them to small claims court to recover the cost.

    submitted by /u/bajesska
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    Got served today, "quiet title"

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Two sheriff's deputies arrived at my door with a summons to appear for a civil suit. The stack of papers seems as though this revolves around a "quiet title". I have no idea what this means. My parents both died and their house went to tax sale, it sold last year. I have no ties to that property why am I being summoned before the court? Do I have to appear? I live in Pennsylvania. Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/IJustWantToBePure
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    Is there any way i can report a child pornography website to a Worldwide organization?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Hello. I'm not sure if this is the right sub for this. I'm from Iran. I recently found out that someone (whose true identity is unknown to me) is running a child pornography website on deep web. They have also made a channel in Telegram app. all I have is their site's onion address , their Telegram account ID and their Channel. I have tried contacting the local Police here, they told me a simple report is not enough and I should make a legal complaint. The problem is, I can't do this. Because first of all, SURFING such website is a crime for itself and I personally don't think it would be good idea to tell the police that I have done such thing. Also, I think that this website and its owner could be connected to the government and the IRGC So there is literally no hope on the police in this case. Is there any organization or group that could get involved in this? any way I can contact them? Would they make a useful move? Is there any hope AT ALL?

    Edit: Sorry I forgot to add Non-US flair.

    submitted by /u/incest_LOL
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    Spousal spying laws

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Located in Alberta, Canada. Asking for friend. Friend's spouse has installed hidden video surveillance in her home without her prior knowledge or consent. It was installed with the purpose of watching her while spouse is out of town. She has found and uninstalled the cameras (all that were found so far at least) but we were wondering what the legality of the situation is. Was posted in Legal Canada forum as well. Hoping someone can shed some light on this issue. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/trixceratops
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    People keep flying drones over my fathers property

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    I live in Southern Maine next to a beautiful river, and these fall leaves bring many kayaking, and visiting our small town. This is normal around this season, but this week on multiple occasions a drone (the same one I believe) has been flying around my fathers property, never focusing on the river or the trees. My bathroom which is is on the second floor has a glass sun-roof, and I'd feel a lot more comfortable without it flying around. My father has gone to the neighbors on the street and asked them, but they don't know who it is either. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Shadow3114
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    My neighbor wants to remove my tree at his cost

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    I have a tree that leans into my neighbors yard. My neighbor wants to have the tree removed, at his cost, using his tree service/contractor.

    I'm fine with having the tree removed. The contractor is licensed in my state (OR), insured, etc. I've seen the estimate, my neighbor is listed for billing purposes and as the customer, my home address as the job site location.

    I just want to make sure this is an ok deal for me to go for, and if there's anything I need to watch out for or be aware of. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/benzeneb
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    Unpaid funeral bill responsibility

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Obligatory I'm on mobile so forgive the formatting. My mother-in-law passed away in April and we've recently discovered that my brother-in-law took all of the life insurance money and never paid the funeral bill like he said he did. Her funeral took place at a funeral home owned by their cousin, so he was pretty slack about waiting for the insurance money to come in, and even provided a free casket. My brother-in-law was the sole beneficiary to the life insurance policy, her main caregiver because she lived with him, everything. So he signed all the legal paperwork at the funeral home. There are four children in total, but he was the only one to sign anything. The funeral home is trying to tell us that legally, the responsibility is split evenly between all four children, but I don't buy it. We never would have imagined that my brother-in-law would pull something like this. He took the money and used it to leave his wife and kids and run off with his girlfriend and their baby, leaving his wife and kids homeless because she's a stay at home mom who dropped out of high school to get married and have babies. It's a mess. My husband has been researching the legalities but everything he finds is about before burial, which has obviously already happened. There is no way anyone can foot the bill without the life insurance money. The oldest two siblings are on drugs, one took all the money and blew it, and we can't pay it all ourselves. Any advice welcomed.

    submitted by /u/jsimpn
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    Transporting dogs and a contract falls through can I be charged for theft?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    This lady paid for dogs to a breeder and contracted us through a third party (citizenshipper) to transport the dogs from indiana to virginia saying there was one dog to be dropped off the same or next day. When we pick up the dogs it turns out that there is 4 thinking that it was just a mistake we pick up the dogs anyways. Feeling scammed by the change in the contract we cut her a deal to add $100 to the original total. The lady then started going off on us about how thats not the price we agreed to and how we were already running late even though we were still arriving by the day stated in the contract but she wanted us there a day sooner which was not possible. We are then advised by citizen shipper to return the pups to the breeder for other arrangements to be made due to the contract being violated. Violations include time change, change in amount of dogs, and using someone elses name. Now she is threatening to charge us with a felony in virginia for dognapping. Can she if she doesn't have a valid contract with us and does the breeder legally still have rights to the dogs?

    submitted by /u/Darkestnight45
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    IVF Clinic screwed up billing claim, won't allow us to continue process until next year

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    My wife and I have been in the process of going through IVF to have a child, and things have been going pretty smoothly with the exceptions of some health issues here and there. It's been a long process for sure, and we were close to the home stretch of finally having the transfer done in about a month from today, but we have been told by the IVF clinic that they never received the approval from our insurance to proceed.

    We checked with our insurance and they assured us that they approved everything we needed for the process. Each time we went back and forth with the clinic, they would say they didn't have any approval, and the insurance company would re-iterate that everything was approved and fine on their end. We find out today that the person doing the billing at the clinic screwed up and submitted the claim incorrectly before returning any messages to our insurance to clear things up, and now they're saying we'll have to wait another year for when our insurance benefits reset for them to proceed and they can't do anything about it to fix it. This is coming from the person that handles billing. I'm not sure if we can pressure them to escalate this to someone higher in the chain to fix the issue. If not, what can we do?

    TLDR; Wife and I going through IVF for a baby, clinic claims they have not received approval from insurance even though insurance said they did, turns out clinic f'd up with submitting the claim and now says they can't fix the issue.

    Thanks for any advice or feedback.

    submitted by /u/GreatCreeperOnizuka
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    Hit by a forklift at work, in negotiations with workman’s comp, need a second opinion

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    I don't know if there are any actual workman's Comp lawyers on this sub, but I need help. I feel like my lawyer is dropping the ball majorly.

    I was diagnosed with a concussion, PCS, cervical strain, and lumbar strain. I am pretty well healed from the concussion, but 8 months later my back and neck pain persist, but are manageable with medication.

    Five weeks after my injury, they denied I was injured, and I was denied light duty, so I stopped working. Since then, their doctor has admitted I had a cervica strain(only that). I am still under the care of my orthopedist, but I am back to full duty at work for two months now. My lawyer was discussing with me a settlement amount that included my resignation, but now says they are "not interested" in a settlement+resignation, and only want to pay for my lost time plus medical bills, which includes them closing out my claim.

    I want to get a second opinion before hiring another lawyer, but the first lawyer I talked to said they can't legally give me specific advice as I'm already represented. Why is that? And can anyone here give me some advice? I feel like my lawyer isn't gunning for me like he should be, but I'm not experienced enough with all this to know for sure.

    Location: PA

    submitted by /u/please_gib_job
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    Car dealership lost the title to the car I sold them, what are my responsibilities? WA, USA

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    As stated. I sold my car to the dealership to begin a lease. They bought off the rest of my loan, and we've signed off all the paperwork. They have had my old car and I've had the lease for about 6 weeks now. In the past week, they started asking me if I had the title for the old car. I told them no, as I had given it to them when I gave them all my other documents at the time of final signing for the new vehicle. They're now telling me they need to do a call to get a new title from the dmv. Originally they asked me to go myself and pay the fee, but I was straightforward about telling me them I would not be doing that as I had the title and already gave it to them. At this point I'm pretty annoyed. What exactly are my responsibilities here? As far as I'm concerned, one I handed over the title and keys, them losing the title is not in my hands, so to speak. But I'm not familiar with the technicalities of legal ownership, so any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/monteminx
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    [North Carolina] I suspect a friend of abusing her child...

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    I have a friend who suffers from depression and over the past year, she's been in a deep custody battle being sued by her ex for full custody. Due to COVID, the judge keeps moving the date (so she tells me). They had a bunch of evidence against her but she has told me they are stalking her online, documenting her every move, and "trying to paint me as the bad guy when [the ex] is a psychopath." Never met the guy, but I took her word for it.

    Her son is 5, mine is 7. Friends since diapers.

    Last week, this friend accused my son of repeated sexual misconduct and flashing. I was shocked and talked to my son immediately. He denies it, his little brother (5) looked at me like I asked the dumbest question, and I asked every parent to please ask their young children if my son has ever done this. All gave the same response: "Your son is so shy he won't even take his shoes off." One even pointed out a play date where all the boys were shirtless and playing in the dirt and my son refused to take his shirt off. In the home, he won't even let his biological father see him naked. He's been this way since he was a toddler.

    My friend said that she wasn't interested in finding out the truth and that her son's truth was enough. We had them sit down and her son recalled zero details except "he pulled down his pants and laughed."

    I'm not the parent who says "my son would never do that" because I know anything is possible. I just find it strange that no one saw this (including the little brother who is always with them), no pattern of this behavior even by other kids talking to their parents, and that her child can't recall any details.

    My partner works at the school where her child attends and has mentioned this friend has also accused another child at that school of sexual misconduct.

    So, the common denominator is this mother, my friend. I've heard some shady stories about the child protective services around here but I worry something is happening to this child and the mom is either coaching him to blame others or he is scared to say something and blaming the other kids. It didn't occur to me that perhaps this mom is not forthcoming with the truth, especially with such a long custody battle.

    I don't know what to do here. Make a call to CPS and show all the messages she's sent me about my son flashing her's and her disinterest in learning the truth? (She said this word for word, "I'm not interested in the truth, my son's word is enough" - as a mom, I'd want to know why my son would say something like this and if someone else is hurting him). I don't know his biological father's personal information so I can't reach out to him with my concerns (best course of action so he doesn't get taken away from both parents). I also don't want to further hurt this child by ripping him from family - but I worry his own family is already hurting him.

    So yeah, moral dilemma and would like some legal advice on what can be done in this situation. I don't want to be that person who says "someone else will take care of it" and no one does anything for the kid.

    Edit: I decided to call CPS. I was initially afraid it could be considered making a "false claim" if I didn't have enough evidence of actual sexual misconduct but I went ahead and left them my number to call me back.

    submitted by /u/hertrollacct
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    [WA State] False CPS Report Threat

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I'll get right to it. I (25) currently pregnant with my husband (37) and I's first and only child due in late January. Neither of us have children from previous relationships. A former friend of mine who I had a public falling out with over a year ago heard I was pregnant somehow despite me blocking her on all forms of social media. She has made threats against me, doxxed me, stalked me, etc. in the past, though none of it has been reported to the police I have documented her harassment, threats, and stalking. She is now making threats about me to my friends, and saying she will call CPS as soon as the baby is born and that I "won't even be able to take the baby out of the hospital" because CPS will take them and "give them to a deserving home" (direct quotes from her). She has said she's going to falsely claim abuse and neglect and "say whatever she needs to say to get the baby taken from us, whether it's true or not" (another quote from her), including but not limited to:

    • That our home is dirty and filled with black mold and cat feces (we have 2 cats that are very well behaved, no feces anywhere, they're healthy and their litter boxes always clean and food bowls always full, and we have absolutely zero mold let alone black mold)

    • That I beat my husband and there are medical records documenting the abuse such as a broken arm and a busted lip requiring stitches (there aren't and I don't abuse my husband, and we'd be happy to release his medical records to CPS proving he's never even gone for medical care outside of his yearly physical and there are no documented medical signs of abuse, he's never had a broken arm nor gotten stitches in his entire life)

    • That I have been using drugs such as heroin and meth while pregnant (I haven't been and have never used hard drugs, I stopped drinking and using legal marijuana before I got pregnant when we started trying for a baby, and I would willingly consent to drug tests of me and my baby to prove this)

    I have all of these threats from her in writing as she texted it to a mutual friend of ours and that's how I found out. She openly admitted that she would tell lies to CPS to get our baby taken away and specifically what lies she would tell, all documented via time stamped and dated text from a cell phone with a bill in her name.

    I mostly want to know how serious this is for me and my husband and how worried we should be, as well as the protocol if CPS won't let us take our baby home and if we should get a lawyer or not. Some info that may be relevant is that my husband and I live in a clean one bedroom one bath condo in a newish building (built in 2009) in a very safe area in a major city that we own outright. The baby will be living in an office space in the condo that we converted into a nursery, meaning they will have their own room, albeit a small one. We are in the process of being gifted and purchasing everything needed for a baby and decking the nursery out to the nines with both new and used stuff, and don't have any financial constraints for the most part when it comes to buying stuff for our baby and ourselves. We aren't rich by any means but we can safely afford a firmly middle class lifestyle with the occasional little luxury. Though we are both unemployed right now, we have over $5,000 in savings, and have a documented income of over $2000/month from a combination of unemployment, a family trust I have set up for me, and a wage theft lawsuit payout my husband won. We also have over $40,000 in stocks we were gifted for our wedding last year that we could cash out in case of an emergency if need be. I am a FT student and will continue to be one after the baby is born while my husband is looking for remote work daily. We do not anticipate our income to change in the next year aside from potentially going up, not down. We are in the process of baby proofing our apartment, and will easily be able to provide everything a baby could want or need with money set aside for incidentals/emergencies (I have already budgeted out our finances on paper over a year in advance). We have good health insurance and have already budgeted for and will be paying for our child's health insurance and a low cost life insurance policy for ourselves with our child as the sole beneficiary. There's always plenty of healthy food at our house, we have running water and electricity and are not remotely at risk of any utilities being shut off. We keep our space clean and also hire a cleaning service come once every 2-4 weeks to knock the deep cleaning out of the way. We also have no debts. Neither of us have a criminal record either, though I am currently involved in a court case in which I was the victim of an assault and may have to testify at some point in the future. Our future child's safety is not at risk from the defendant in that case, he is incarcerated and will remain incarcerated.

    I have epilepsy, but it is well controlled with medication and we have already put together a plan with my neurologist, primary care physician, doula, and OB-GYN on how to keep our baby the safest once they're born. We also have already selected and reached out to the person who will be our child's pediatrician. This is all documented in my medical records which, again, I'd consent to CPS viewing to verify what I'm saying is true. I have religiously attended every pre-natal appointment with my husband and do everything the doctors ask. I don't drink or do drugs outside of those prescribed by my doctors for my epilepsy, nor does my husband drink or do drugs outside of the occasional beer while out with his friends (pre-pandemic). I have a history of depression and anxiety documented in my medical records, though I have never been hospitalized for mental health issues and have not needed medication nor needed to see a therapist since 2017. However, due to my history of depression I have preemptively reached out to a therapist my OBGYN recommended in case I develop postpartum depression, just to be safe and so we can catch it early once the baby is born. None of my doctors are concerned about me being a risk to myself or my baby. We have very supportive family and friends in the area that are more than happy to help share the load of taking care of a newborn to give us breaks if need be. Also, neither of us have a history with CPS as this is our first child.

    I guess the picture I'm trying to paint is that we are responsible, healthy people with the physical, financial, and mental capacity to safely take care of and love our newborn, but I want to know how much risk we have of CPS opening an investigation and/or taking our baby away due to a false report and if there's anything preemptive I can do, like if I should warn CPS that someone with a vendetta against me will try to file a false report or if I need to get a lawyer before or shortly after the baby is born. Thanks all for your help!

    ETA: if my baby is incorrectly taken away, such as if CPS takes the baby from us from the hospital "just to be safe" and then investigates and gives the baby back upon finding we are fit to parent and the baby is safe, can I sue my ex-friend for filing the false report? Would there be any legal repurcussions I could bring upon her for filing a false report?

    submitted by /u/deadhoe9
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    My father left us abt 3 yrs ago, but now we got to know he didn't pay the loan he took. The recovery agents are basically threatening us...(read below)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Yesterday my sister got a call from an unknown number saying my dad took the loan and didn't pay it(for 3 yrs..).They also said that my mother's name and sign is also registered in the documents (which btw my mother is not at all aware off), she has no recollection of signing those loan documents nor giving any ID proof for them(she also remembered 3 yrs ago my dad took her ID and weirdly lost it). Now the recovery agents badmouthed us, threatened us and asked for any contact of my father, we called many people and somehow manage to get my father's number. We gave it to recovery agent, he called us back saying my father isn't lifting the call and started badmouthing and giving threatens. We had no choice but to go register a complaint with police aganist the threatening people (since they were badmouthing us...we had hard time believing they were actually recovery agents). Police confirmed they were indeed recovery agents. The police kinda spoiled it as well, in the heat of the conversation with the agents...he made my mum say she will pay the loan amount and asked them to come there and show the documents with her name and sign being in.

    We have no clue what to do, my father is not taking the responsibility and we don't have the money to pay them. So if there are any other options and wayouts, pls comment them.

    PS - my mother and father are seperated but not yet gotten a divorce.

    submitted by /u/pepper_toast
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    I bought a car with a "clean blue title" and it turned out to be a rebuilt title

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I bought a 2013 sonata from a private seller a month ago. I haven't gotten the title from him yet as I was waiting to get more money to pay for the transfer and plates. On the listing he put that it was a 2014, and that the it had a clean blue title.

    2 days ago the engine locked up on the interstate. I towed it to hyundai because this engine was recalled and could be replaced for free. Hyundai called me back and said that the car has a branded title with hyundai so they would not be able to replace the engine. It would all be out of pocket.

    I was not aware of the title being rebuilt. I still have the Facebook add for the car where he made that claim, and lied about the year model and it having no mechanical issues. What are my options here? Can I sue the seller?

    submitted by /u/0cora86
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    (Pennsylvania) Client won't pay me for last week of services

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    I have been working as a child caregiver (nanny/babysitter, whatever you want to refer to it as) since the pandemic started (since I was out of work and lots of parents needed caregivers for their children because of no in-person school). Well, I recently finished a temporary job with a family and my payment for my last week is being withheld. When I asked about the payment I was told by the mother that her priority is that I 'took away her child's innocence by telling him about Santa Claus' (which I did not, and even if I did I do not think that would make it okay to not pay me - but I'm worried about her wording about innocence being used against me). She has not told me point-blank that she is not going to pay me, but it was heavily implied when she answered with the above when I asked about pay.

    The amount is $240 for the last week because it was only a 3-day week (I was being paid $80/day). We do not have an official written contract however there is a trail of text messages about payment from before that would establish the fact I'm not pulling this out of thin air. These messages establish what my schedule was, what my daily pay was, and when it would be expected for me to receive payment. I know I should have done a contract but I'm still learning about this kind of stuff. Do I have any recourse here, or do I just have to accept that my services were essentially stolen? Thank you in advance for your help.

    submitted by /u/Dark_Winter_Rose
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    Is it considered fair use to parody a movie in a commercial?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    I operate a small film company and we've been asked to parody the movie E.T. for a restaurant commercial that will be shown on Instagram and possibly local TV channels. Would I need to pay Universal Pictures for the rights to parody their movie? If so, how would I go about doing that?

    submitted by /u/flamingponypro
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    Handyman that did not know what he was doing.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Let me start off by saying this person was referred by my fiances mother who had done work for her before. We are first time homeowners and went in blind. We did not have a contract made out and went trusting that he was going to be reliable (we know, that was our biggest mistake) We started out just wanted a load bearing wall removed that went off without a problem. My fiances mother then pressed us into have the vents to allow heat into the basement. This is where things got crazy - the vents that were installed has messed up the heating and air unstable and while he was putting in these vents and having the walls opened that we should have some of our electrical to make more sense with the new layout. One thing comes to another and everythings a mess. We are now having to pay and electrician and have had family help us fix all the things hes really messed up with the walls and vents. CoVid hit and he was across state lines and was deemed nonessential so it took a while for him to come back. Upon coming back he gave us a whole sob story about how CoVid has hit him really hard and being dumb and naive we gave him the rest of what he was supposed to be paid and phosted us with unfinished electrical and much more. Can we take him to court although there was no contract signed? Btw - he is still doing work for my future mother-in-laws best friend who had recommended him to her and he is saying that he had finished everything. We have text messaging going back and forth about the jobs that he was doing but he had made it so confusing with payments made that our records are not exact. What can we do?

    submitted by /u/mmkmod
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