• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 17, 2020

    Legal Advice Landlord is Threatening Eviction Because Patio Chairs Have Cloth Cushion

    Legal Advice Landlord is Threatening Eviction Because Patio Chairs Have Cloth Cushion

    Landlord is Threatening Eviction Because Patio Chairs Have Cloth Cushion

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I swear as ridiculous as this sounds, this is not a troll post. I can attach redacted pictures of the non-compliance notices if needed. This is in Florida.

    I apologize if this ends up being long as I wanted to include as much detail as possible.

    On October 2nd, we received the first notice of non-compliance, quoting the section of our lease that says, "The apartment and other areas reserved for your private use must be kept clean and free of trash, garbage, and other debris. You agree to keep all passageways and common areas free of obstructions such as trash, storage items, and all forms of personal property." We were given 7 days to rectify it.

    At first I thought they were referring to some trash bags. I had done a massive cleaning of the apartment, including dumping the litter boxes and set the trash outside to take to the dumpster. My husband was bed-bound with an injury so between caring for him and taking him to the ER three times, taking care of our son, myself, and working, it took maybe three days for me to get the trash to the dumpster. That was absolutely my fault of course, so I cleaned up the trash and figured that would be the end of it. October 9th comes and goes and not a word from the office.

    Well yesterday, October 16, we get a second notice of non-compliance reiterating the same passage as before and saying we have 7 days to fix it or they'll terminate the lease and evict us. It also says if a violation occurs again with 12 months, they'll terminate and evict. So I email our leasing agent asking her to clarify what the violation is and she responds that because the chairs on our patio have cloth, they're not "patio furniture" and violate our lease. For reference, our chairs are bamboo swivel barstools with a floral seat cushion. Very "tiki-bar" vibe. It's also worth mentioning we've lived in this unit and have had the chairs out there since June 2019. The property manager has been by multiple times for maintenance, inspections, repairs, etc. And never said anything.

    So I guess my questions are:

    1. Are they really allowed to regulate what constitutes patio furniture?

    2. What are the legalities of this situation in general? How enforceable is this? Can they really evict us because our patio chairs have cloth?

    3. If this does end up on court for whatever reason, how likely is it that a judge is gonna rule in the landlord's favor?

    This is so mind-blowingly stupid that I don't even know how to proceed.

    Edit: here's a picture of the chair

    submitted by /u/engelwolfe
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    Neighbor cut down 50 trees on my parents property in the middle of the night (Colorado)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    My parents woke up this morning and discovered that approx 50 trees on their property had been cut down.

    Some of the smaller trees (6-8ft tall) had only the top half cut off, but the larger trees (60+ years old) had been completely cut down. The person who cut them down did their best to hide the damage by placing branches and rocks over the stumps and leaned some of the chopped down trees against other trees so it looked like they were still standing.

    It's quite obvious which neighbor had done it because the only trees cut down form an alley directly in front of one specific neighbors home, in which they now have a very clear view of the mountains and lake. Their only view from their house previously was of the trees.

    The trees that were cut down block a semi-major road and bike path. The trees were a large noise and privacy barrier to both neighbors and road traffic.

    My parents had no idea what to do when they saw the trees so I advised them to take photos to document, call the sheriff to report the damage, and contact an arborist to get a price in replacing the trees.

    Though it seems obvious, we have no proof of who did the damage. The neighbors who we believe did it, live in a shared outdoor space maintained by the HOA ( if that makes any difference). The sheriff told my parents there wasn't anything that he could do and it was only a misdemeanor property crime. They've also made an appointment with an arborist later this week.

    I am wondering what the next step would be for them, if any, in order to recoup their losses of the damage done.

    submitted by /u/travelmelon
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    (Missouri) My ex boyfriend committed suicide last week and his father is publicly blaming me- defemation of character?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    His father and I work together and its come to my attention, after telling me I am like a daughter to him, that he is telling people at work that it is my fault. I dont actually want to sue but is there any clause or protection that I can use to claim he needs to stop or I could take action? Work is moving him to another location but that hasnt stopped the talking behind my back

    submitted by /u/throwaway2828ejdje2
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    Client charged back €7k

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    I work as a webcam model, and occasionally use paypal as a payment method. I had a 21 year old client in the states (I am based in Germany but from the UK) who spent almost €7k through PayPal on calls with me. They then charged back all of it a few months later. He obviously blocked me but had told me all about who he is during our calls so I easily tracked him down online but since he was refusing to talk to me I went for his mother. She was surprisingly understanding and we spoke several times and text about how the money was rightfully mine and she was going to clear the payments with the bank (these payments were made from the clients fathers credit card). However as time went on nothing happened and eventually PayPal told me I have to pay the money back as they had won all the chargeback cases. It reached the point where PayPal threatened debt collectors so I just paid it back hoping we would still be able to sort it privately. Perhaps unsurprisingly the mother has now blocked me. Their family is quite well-to-do. Very googleable and are, I guess, high society types. Their son, The client, is a university student and in the US navy. I'm not sure how to proceed now. I don't have a home address/email address for anyone. Would I be able to take legal action against their Son?

    submitted by /u/ponyhof91
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    Unfair harassment from a work place (They keep threatening termination because of a no show which was their fault)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Is there anything i can do. My employer keeps harassing me saying there gonna terminate my job simply because i was marked as a no show for work which was their fault and nearly 1/3 of there employees were unable to log in. This is a work from home job and a lot of their servers were down which i have documented proof of, and they keep trying to say that it was my fault and it was my internet was not capable of connecting to their network which i also called my ISP and spoke with them and they told me i have the fastest package available and my past logs show that i've had 95%+ up time. Is there anything i can do? Can i record the phone calls? please help, I'm at a loss and i'm not gonna get harassed until they make me quit or find some kind of loop hole to fire me without paying unemployment. Living in New York..... sheesh automod's

    Just to be more clear about this i am speaking for my wife since she is working now. We have 4 kids and are struggling to figure out our next step with this. I really think this is unfair and i am worried what her options are. If unemployment is an option i wouldn't be as worried. this really sucks cause she lost her job because of the pandemic and then quickly got her resume together and got hired for at home customer service so my wife never got the 600 a week like everyone else did. Personally i believe they are giving her trouble because she is a woman although i have no evidence of this.

    submitted by /u/Loyal247
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    I may have accidentally signed myself up for a fitness scam...any advice??

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    Hi, first post here! I need some advice. I saw an ad on facebook for a fitness program that was newly opened & was giving free first classes. I've worked in the boutique fitness industry, and this isn't uncommon at all. I went, and they told me that they have one of the programs going on where for $500 if you reach your body weight goal in a certain amount of time, you get all of your money back in the end. I was interested because it was close in price to a regular membership of the same time length, but with added perks and the financial motivation, and i gained 20 pounds in quarantine and wanted a fresh kickstart to shed it. I said, ok, yeah I'm interested--a coworker did something similar and it worked for her. So, I told them I wanted some time to look over my class schedule before committing to a start date, and that's when things got a little weird.

    The girl said that if I wanted to get in for the next session that I should fill out the form then & there, because they were filling up quickly. I said okay, and took the form. Now, I'm not a total idiot--I was under pressure and had just had a LOT of information thrown at me at once, and then more first-time visitors were entering, so I definitely felt pressured to grab a spot--this "form" which they made sound like a quick questionnaire, in hindsight, I think may have been..a legal contract. It has my signature on it. However, two things though, first is that in the section where it asked for the card information, I let them know that I actually didn't have my card on me at the moment (didn't think I'd need it for a free workout). They had an awkward whisper conversation, and said that they would call me in a few days to get the card info, and plan for my consult & official program start. So they do not have any of my card info on file, whatsoever. Second, one thing I saw was that it said "I understand that once services begin (meaning meeting with a one on one coach) the deposit is no longer refundable until the end of the challenge".

    Basically, I went home, and googled the company just to see videos & things. Everyone said the same thing, it's a blatant scam, it's a known con art business, they have tons of loopholes to ensure you won't get your money back, less than 5% of people have gotten their money back in the end. People got injured and had adequate proof & doctors notes and still weren't refunded, despite the contract guaranteeing it. You have to post about it regularly on facebook and show photos of your body. I don't feel comfortable doing this at all. I really don't want to lose $500 over this & I feel really stupid for falling for it. The good news is that I didn't actually give them any money, or access to my money, and I haven't received ANY services or items. The bad news is that I did give them my signature saying I agreed to pay for future services, and I did not get my own copy of the contract.

    So, I was thinking there's kind of a couple ways I could approach this when they call in a few days. I could 1. Ask a lot of questions regarding the things I saw online, ask questions asking them to specify vague things in the contract, and maybe throw in a joke about a lawyer relative. 2. I could blatantly just say the truth, that I looked things up online, I'm a little concerned because I really can't afford to lose any money, and don't think it's for me after considering it. 3. I could just ghost them. Not answer the call, block the number, etc.; I just don't know if I could legally be held accountable because I don't know if the contract was even legally binding, they didn't take any ID or anything from me, just my first and last name & birthday.

    I'm hoping to get any insight I can; I know $500 isn't a lot to some people but it definitely is to me. even if I were to be successful in the end, and even if i were to get lucky and be in the 5% that get their money back, I don't want to write good reviews for a place that has hurt so many others. i hope i dont sound like I'm just being lazy--i assure you guys, this place has 1 star and many, many reports with better business bureau. thank you so much for any help.

    submitted by /u/Accomplished-Grape58
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    I’m in a bit of a pickle and I could use some legal advice. (Tenant:”/landlord issues)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    So here's the skinny of it: I was rented a home in va by someone who never owned the property. It was her fathers and after he passed this year the rights went to her sister. This was best because she was committing fraud.

    Now, she wants to keep leasing but I'm planning on moving in March. I'm going to do Monthly. Now she wants to repaint and Redo the floors while I'm living here, basically every Saturday of the next few months.

    Normally, I wouldn't have had any reason to be upset because she's making improvements to the house I reside in. But, we're in the middle of a pandemic and I have two small children.

    I am requesting legal advice on if I can ask her to just wait until I move to preform these tasks. I don't want to risk the health of my family. The things she needs to do are not being f the upmost importance as far as "emergency repairs" so I don't feel a judge would deem it essential for this to be done during this pandemic.

    Any advice would be sound and I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Dabbssalldayy
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    Do I have to share my McDonald’s Monopoly reward?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    My friend plans on bringing me to court because I won $1000 from a McDonald's monopoly reward. This is my side of the story: Me and my friend decide to get McDonald's, she offers to pay on her card then I say I'll e transfer her my portion of the order. So the SkipTheDishes person arrives and we all dig in, after I ate I peeled off all my monopoly stickers and the winning one is on my medium coke drink, as I was so filled of excitement, I jump up and said "I won!" She was happy for at the time. Days later, she approaches me and says she deserves half of that money since she paid on her card. Does she have any recourse in this situation? I know it was her debit card that was used to purchase the food, but I e transfered her my portion and the sticker was on my food.

    submitted by /u/Alexand000
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    “Fake Positive” reviews per the company. How (Il)legal is this?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    I won't say where I work, but I do work in food service with a very entitled customer base. We have problems with very negative reviews due to the many customers not getting their way due to policies. It's now threatening our business and to bypass this, our location is using slips from customer orders to leave positive reviews to up our ratings to prevent us getting shut down. However, they have each of my coworkers and I do one towards the end of the night. I'm just not sure if the legality of this or if this puts my coworkers and I at some kindle of legal risk? Any advice welcome

    submitted by /u/MotherofDaleks
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    Pole fell on my car in apartment parking lot - haven't heard anything from landlords since their acknowledgement.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Edit: Forgot my location: I'm in Minneapolis, MN

    I live in a multi-tenet building that seems to be owned by a property management group. My apartment has an above ground parking lot and a below ground garage. I had parked in the space next to the pole that has the keypad for the garage entrance. The pole fell on my car leaving a significant scratch/dent that I have to get repaired in order to avoid rust. I informed the front office lady and she said "I'll see what my manager says but you'll want to contact your insurance."

    I have a note someone left on my car saying "When I swiped my fob the pole fell on your car. I told the front office." The office hadn't reached out to me until I told them about the incident. I don't know when it occurred as I don't use my car very often any more due to the pandemic. I would guess it was no more than a week before I found the scratch. I also took pictures of the pole on the ground [It was upright when I first saw my car, but quickly fell down again when I was trying to take a picture of the scratch.] and a photo of the pole just taped to an unstable larger pole. [Since it damaged my car the pole has properly been fixed] I also sent them pictures of the damage to my car via Email and was told " I have forwarded your email to my boss and you will need to contact your car insurance. I will give you an update once I receive a response." That was now a couple weeks ago and I have yet to hear anything more from them.

    I've never had an incident like this before. Do I contact my insurance about this? Will it make my rates go up? Do I need to collect any insurance or other information from the building owners?

    submitted by /u/ADashOfRainbow
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    Landlord Restricting Guest Access To 1 Pre-Approved Guest For Foreseeable Future (Chicago)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I received an email around 5:30p last night (10/16/2020) that mentions they will be enforcing a no-guest rule. Starting today, at 3p, There will now be security guard in the lobby (there has not been one before) who enforce this policy. Another resident sent an email asking for clarification, and management provided more detail; Access to the building will be limited to tenants and a single pre-approved guests per tenant.

    Worth noting; I live in a co-living space. Tenants are place in either 4, 3, or 2 person dorm style rooms with a shared kitchen. I have a have a private studio; I have no roommates.

    The lease itself doesn't mention anything pertaining to guest access; but there is a House Rules and Regulations rider with the following two relevant sections. The first details the Lessor's ability to amend any of the house rules; the second is the house rule pertaining to guests specifically.

    Lessor reserves the right to rescind or amend any of the Lessor's House Rules, and to institute such other rules from time-to-time as may be deemed necessary for the safety, care, or cleanliness of the Apartment Building and for securing the comfort and convenience of all Individual Tenants and their Authorized Occupants. The Lessor shall not be liable to Individual Tenants or their Authorized Occupants for the violation of any of the Lessor's rules or the breach of any of the items in any Lease by any other Individual Tenant or occupant of the Apartment Building.


    Guests and invitees are expected to abide by these House Rules and all other rules and regulations. Individual Tenant is responsible for the behavior of his/her guests and invitees, including restitution for damages caused by such Individual Tenant's guests and invitees. In order to have a guest(s) or invitee(s), Individual Tenant must have the consent of the other Individual Tenants of the Apartment Unit on each occasion. Extended visits (i.e., more than 3 consecutive days, or more than 5 days in any 2 weeks period) are not permitted, nor is cohabitation (residency with someone other than an Authorized Occupant provided for in the Lease).

    That being said, I feel like unilaterally restricting guest access to a single pre-approved person, even if they can, would run afoul of my "quiet enjoyment" of the apartment I pay for. I can understand the need to have people sign-in at the front desk, as well as limiting how many guests an individual tenant can invite over at one time. I do not see how they can decree I may only have a single specific guest over until such time that they feel like changing the rules back to the original state.

    Before I raise hell with management, I'd like some outside opinions or resources to find Chicago-area lawyers that focus on tenants rights.

    submitted by /u/IDontEvenParty
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    Is agreeing to take a house rental a verbal agreement?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    We have made plans to find a house for a while and intent was always to live together for another year or two.

    Yesterday we accepted taking a house but now my dread at doing this is increasing not decreasing. So, with a about 3 or 5 days away with actually signing the lease, does this count as a verbal contract if I decide to just leave?

    We are in Las Vegas, NV

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA_bumblebee123
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    Employer forcing a 2 hour shift every Saturday

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Can my employer force me to come in and work a 2 hour shift? In Alabama we get real busy on saturdays due to Football games so my employer wants me to come in and work a 2 hour shift to help with the rush. They won't budge on this issue. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/jpenntechie
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    (FL)My mothers estate and the lies I was told about it (step dad was executor)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    My mother passed away in late August 2012. I was distraught. The next day my step father had a family friends son clean out her bank account the next day. I don't know how much money was in there I never knew. he also sold her car within a few days shortly after this. like less than a month later he was trying to have me sign papers and telling me I could get a lawyer but I probably couldn't afford one basically I was put under the impression he had the right to everything and I got nothing but I put off signing his paper because I knew it was wrong.

    Flash forward to 8 years later my step father is trying to get me to sign over my portion of the home! Last week I learned my name is on my mothers house and he is trying to get me to write it all off to him so the roof can be fixed... This man hasn't indicated I am partial owner for 8 years he wouldn't let me and my kids move in when we where almost homeless... He has had all manner of his friends and family go through the house in these 8 years and probably made some sort of rent off of them even.

    I want to know what my rights to my house are.

    I would like to know if and how illegal it is for him to keep half the estate from me. It's my understanding under Florida law I am entitled to half the estate I looked into it when I was going through it the other day. He liquidated her assessments in the bank the day after she died so it wouldn't go through probate I know that now but wouldn't that mean that he ,my mothers friend and her son who broke into her account all stole her money? Wouldn't I be entitled to half the money he made from selling her car? Her things? Rent he charged people?

    I don't know what to do or where to go with it. I'm not giving away half of my mothers house for free it's the last thing of her aside for some papers and personal effects he let me take from what he had already gone through.

    He did not disclose anything about assets to me or how much went to final expenses (she was cremated he still has her sitting on a shelf in the house)

    I was intentionally kept in the dark isn't he required to disclose things to me like I am part owner of a house and entitled to half her estate?

    Sorry for kinnda rambling but I was trying to get it out and hopefully get a leg up from some help here if you read to this point ty.

    submitted by /u/Godzilla_jones
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    Can someone please help me understand this clause from my severance packet?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Hi, so here's some back story: I used to work at Macy's and got laid of due to COVID. Since I worked there for about a year, I was lucky enough to get one month severance in July. Before I got laid off, I was temporarily furloughed in March, as they were planning to close down for 2 weeks. They gave me and others 2 weeks paid leave, but as soon as it was apparent that COVID wasn't gonna go away within two weeks they extended the furlough to an unknown date. They said they were gonna call us back but they didn't call me back. I applied for unemployment, but didn't hear back for ages so I was freaking about money. ( I didn't get unemployment till august) and I got a job at amazon to help with money and I am looking for a full time office job. Luckily I now saved a bit of money, and I don't wanna work for amazon anymore, but I don't wanna stop my flow of income. Most retail places weren't hiring due mass layoffs and hiring freezes due to the virus, and I was desperate for money which is why i took the amazon job but i really hate it. Since I haven't got an office job, i'd rather work some other retail place (who's environment is better than amazon) and ill look for another office job while working somewhere else. Anyways, I saw an ad for Bloomingdales hiring a bunch of people (AKA a Macy's subsidiary). From this severance package quotes, it looks like i can't work for macy's/bloomingdales till after 91 days? or am i understanding it wrong?and do i have to then pay the severance check back? well, its already been more than 91 days till i got signed the agreement. anyways, i'd appreciate it if someone can help understanding this!! Thanks in advance.

    Edit: i am in southern California, if that matters. Thanks

    " If an eligible employee, who is notified that he/she will be involuntarily terminated as a result of the elimination of his/her position, becomes reemployed with the Company, its parent corporations, divisions, subsidiaries, facilities, or related or affiliated entities within ninety-one (91) calendar days (including day 91) of the employee's date of termination from the Company, the employee retains severance pay for the time period for which the employee was not employed by the Company and must reimburse the Company the balance, if any, of the severance pay. For example: • if the employee received four (4) weeks of severance pay and is reemployed five (5) weeks after the date of termination, the employee retains the four (4) weeks of severance pay" and " The Company hereby informs Employee that the consideration recited in this General Release is being offered as part of the Macy's, Inc. Separation Plan - Reduction In Force. The Company further informs Employee of the following: a. The offer is being made to all eligible employees: (i) who are notified they are involuntarily terminated due to the elimination of their position; and (ii) who are not offered a substantially equivalent position by the Company, its parents, or any of its divisions, subsidiaries, facilities, or related or affiliated entities within ninety-one (91) calendar days (including day 91) of their termination from the Company; and (iii) who do not accept any other position with the Company. "

    submitted by /u/Opening_Armadillo
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    Wife's boss takes money out of her paycheck to adjust stores money.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    My wife works at a small gas station in Virginia. Recently we noticed that her paycheck was well over 100 dollars short. Her boss notified her that anytime the stores balance is wrong if there is any issues with lottery, it will all come from her check. Is this legal? How much more csn he keep taking?

    submitted by /u/GrownMansWrist
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    How to leave parents house after huge fight, what can I do?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    This happened this morning, and I'm still shaking, and I just need advise right now. For the last few weeks, every morning has been hell. My mom, who I'm pretty sure has bi polar and who's a control freak, has been screaming at me to wake up as soon as she wakes into my room. It's gotten to the point where I don't want to fall asleep because I know I'm going to have a shit morning. I know I'm a heavy sleeper and am terrible on the morning, but it doesn't help when I have a banshee yelling at me. This morning, she was in a huff and did the same thing, screaming and yelling at me, and then she threatened to beat me with a belt (I'm 19). When I refused to get up, mostly out of spite, she stormed upstairs, and she began to try and destroy my computer. My computer itself was worth 700 dollars and everything else I had made it around 1200, and I was extremely pissed when I heard what was happening. When I got up there, I pinned her against the couch by her neck, and just screamed. I just kept taking abuse after abuse and after all this time, I just broke. I really regret doing it, and while I knew I wasn't going to hurt her or anything else, I was just pissed, and angry, and upset, because I've saved up for months to buy the computer that I used for work. In the end, I moved out with my stuff, including everything of value I had, and am trying to get away from my family. I damaged a door, and my moms phone in my rage, and now, my dad, who wasn't home, is threatening to call the police and have me arrested, if I don't pay for her phone and the door, and then drop me off as a homeless shelter. The thing is, he's been abusive and physical before, and I don't feel safe seeing them, and I just want to move on with my life. What can I do? I don't have much money. And while I luckily stopped her from destroying the computer, it took a beating. It works, as far as I know, but the case and glass is messed up, and I had no idea if it worked or not at first because it was on the ground, wires ripped out. Edit: I live in Florida, US.

    submitted by /u/Silentfang123
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    (OR) a prominent public figure was accused of child sexual abuse, can I deny him service at my business?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    A local newspaper broke the story of a prominent public figure commiting sex abuse against children. I had also heard very credible rumors of this before the news story was published. There has been no trial and, as of yet, no charges have been filed against him. Can I deny him service at my business, or is that in some way discriminatory?

    submitted by /u/kussbar
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    [pierce county, washington] Sister's Ex boyfriend cut the floor out of a travel trailer that's in her name, is now threatening to dump it somewhere and leave her stuck with impound and towing fees.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Legal and practical solutions are both welcome, I'm really not sure where to start.

    A few months ago sister's boyfriend decided that this travel trailer's floor had to be fixed. The first step in his mind was a skill saw and cutting most of the floor away. Trailer is located on his property, in my sister's name.

    He then lost interest, and it's sat. It no longer has any value. Since they separated, he said the family has 2 weeks to get this off his property. From what I understand it can't be towed easily [without building some structure] and safely.

    I have a pickup I could tow it with if it was road worthy.

    Is there any legal protection for my sister in this case? Not strictly a legal question, but I don't know how to dispose of a trailer even if I could tow it.

    Open to any and all input, thank you all.

    submitted by /u/The_Joe_
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    Squatter Has Been Living On My Mom's Property During Covid Eviction Moratorium...Not Sure How To Help My Mom

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    My mother and father were estranged for years but both owned a house together, which my mother lived in since they separated about ten years ago after a domestic violence incident and subsequent restraining order.

    A couple years ago, my father got terminal cancer and insisted that he be able to move back in to the house. My mother didn't want to live with him due to their history. They both got lawyers and decided that my father should be able to live in the house until he passed away and that my mother would move back in after he passed.

    While my father was sick, my uncle (father's brother) moved in to the house to take care of him. My father died, and no one informed our family until a couple months after the fact. My mother returned to the house to find out that my uncle had been squatting there. When my Mom asked him to leave, he refused and told her that she would need to evict him. Around this time, the coronavirus shutdown began and an eviction moratorium went into effect.

    So my uncle continued to squat at the house for several months. My Mom recently returned to the house and my uncle threatened her, causing a public scene and screaming at her not to touch anything at the property because it belonged to my father. Cops were called and they told her to take my uncle to court.

    I am not sure how to help my Mom. She has been sleeping on couches for almost a year and needs to get back into the house. My father left a will stating that the property and assets belong to my mother and myself--my uncle has no legal right to the property or any of the assets.

    Though my mother owns the house, she is low-income and has been hit hard by covid. The lawyer that she had when dealing with the will says he cannot help because he doesn't specialize in evictions.

    My question is--what should my Mom do? The latest news is that the eviction moratorium will be extended until the end of December. Can she do anything in the meantime? Does anyone know what kind of legal advice she should seek and is there any way to avoid a lawyer who would charge $400/hour? Is this something that can be settled in a small claims court? I wish I could give her advice on what path to take.

    Any advice would greatly be appreciated--this problem has been plaguing our family all year and I just want my Mom to be able to return to her own property.

    submitted by /u/littlebunsenburner
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    Someone took my car but I cannot say it was stolen

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'd appreciate any advise since I am paralyze and don't know what to do. This is in Spain.

    A bit of contest, last year I bought a car from a second hand dealership. Everything is ok with it, changed to my name, no problems. Then, I wanted to sell my old car. So he told me to give it to him, he would sell it, and then we could change ownership to the person buying it. I signed a contract giving him the right to take my car and sell it. The first mistake I made, I don't have any copy of it, so I don't have proof.

    This was in November 2019. Second problem is covid came, so he haven't sold it yet. I've asked him about it a couple of times, and he has told me not to worry.

    Third problem. He is 500km from me and he is not answering me since 29th September. I don't have the car, but it is under my name and I paid the taxes this year. I am afraid they can do something illegal and frame me. I cannot say it was stolen because he have my consent in writing, but I don't have any proof of that. I cannot deregister the car because I don't have it and there is the consent. I want to go to the police, but I don't know what to say to them, there is nothing illegal and I don't have prove of anything... I f* up.

    Please... Some ideas?

    Tl;dr. I signed a contrast to someone else to sell my car, but don't have prove, don't have the car. But it's in my name so he can do anything with it. Please help to do something. In Spain.

    submitted by /u/JJDG_1986
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    Neighbors across the street are trying to have us evicted (Philadelphia)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    I and 3 other roommates just moved into a house in Philadelphia. As we were moving in a neighbor came out from across the street and asked how many of us were moving in. My roommate, who thought the neighbor was coming out to make small talk and wanted to introduce himself stated 4. She apparently flipped and said since its a family zone only 3 non related people can live together and that she's already reported us to the zoning committee. This was a month ago. Today we came home to find a hanger on the door saying we missed a member of the zoning committee and that we should call the zoning committee and inquire why. Do we have an obligation to call them back or if they do show up to our property are we required to let them in? I've already instructed my roommate to never speak to her again. I have a feeling the tenants before us were college kids and probably partied a lot hence why we were approached so suddenly. The kicker to all of this is apparently we can't have 4 unrelated people living on the property but two of the roommates are brother and sister. Any input at all would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/OnceATimAlwaysATim
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    [NY] My boss is trying to suggest for me to quit because of my medical condition. What can I do?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    I'm a minor who has Raynaud's disease and I'm working at a McDonald's, typically in the coldest area of the store, the "back booth" drive thru area. I started in the summer, so my disease didn't affect me back then, but now because it's starting to get colder (especially at nights) my disease is affecting me. I tried to talk to him about it today and he basically told me that I'm going to be put back there regardless of my medical issue and said that if I can't then maybe I should quit.

    Can I do anything beside quitting? I'm in NY State.

    submitted by /u/FlamingRevenge
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    Are puns protected by copyright / IP law?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    What does copyright and intellectual property (IP) law have to say about obvious puns on names?

    I'm thinking about publishing an ebook that would be an obvious pun on a well known novel.

    But say for instance that somebody wanted to put out a TV show called "Saturday Night Lively" — an obvious pun on SNL and poking fun at it — would SNL's production team have grounds to sue them for using their trademark / whatever?

    submitted by /u/drjlm3
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