• Breaking News

    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Legal Advice Job wants me back at work when someone in my household currently has COVID

    Legal Advice Job wants me back at work when someone in my household currently has COVID

    Job wants me back at work when someone in my household currently has COVID

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    A member of my household tested positive for covid last Monday. I got tested and as well and got my negative result Wednesday. My job had me out until I got my results. After that they said I could come back the next day. I told them I could contract it any day living in the same household and I shouldn't come back till everyone gets negative tests. HR said they have not been following CDC guidelines since the quarantine started in April. HR said "I don't know how many people you have told but it might be best to keep it to yourself" my supervisor multiple times has said "don't go telling people". I told them I have vacation time I can use up until it's over. Now I'm back at work today. Everyone feels uncomfortable. Supervisor and HR are changing their stories and saying they are following guidelines (even tho me being there breaks them) and supervisor was telling people my grandma was negative and that I didn't even receive my results yet. The not receiving my results was what someone heard so I can't be for sure on that. I just feel like this is a little fishy.

    UPDATE: Job sent me home for the rest of the week with pay and doesn't want me back until we all test negative. I informed everyone at work on the situation and they caused a lot of disruption forcing the company to make the decision to send me home. I think they knew they messed up.

    submitted by /u/young-gay-god
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    Parents recorded my Zoom class and is threatening to sue me and go after my credential because they disagree with my teaching style.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I am a teacher in California and a student's parents recorded my Zoom class (minors too) without consent.

    They are threatening me and my school with litigation and said they will go after my credential.

    I do not do a lot of lecture over zoom (I record myself and upload it for the students to work on asynchronously) and instead spend class time for students to work together in break out rooms so they can help one another and learn from each other. In my view this also gives students a bit of the social aspect that they are missing being all at home.

    The parents of a student cursed me out and berated me for not knowing what I am doing, and other insults/disparaging statements. They also told me that my class should be 90% lecture. Everything I do based upon state standards/concepts--it just seems they are basing a legal case, or a threat of a legal case, off an opinion.

    Do they have a case? Should I worry? It cannot be legal for them to record my class, and other people's children, without consent.

    submitted by /u/ZoomTeacher12345
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    A family friend passed away and we inherited his dog. There is no will, how do I prove to the vet that this is our dog?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    The person in question was staying with my FIL at the time of his passing, and my FIL couldn't keep him because his dogs don't get along. None of his family members wanted him and we did not want to see him go to the shelter (he's such a good boy)! He's overweight and needs to go to the vet, but we are afraid they will seize the dog or refuse to see him because the records don't match up. What do we do? The remaining family are either not directly related or did not have a good relationship with our friend so would likely be unhelpful.

    submitted by /u/thereisnoglob
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    My public defender was ENGAGED to the DA, so if that's not a "conflict of interest" then WHAT IS?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    Location: Klamath Falls, OR

    I didn't know this until AFTER I just ACCEPTED the DA's plea bargain, which my public defender pretty much INSISTED that I do... but I later found out the two were ENGAGED, and now they are MARRIED. It seems like if a PROSECUTING attorney is ENGAGED/MARRIED TO a DEFENSE attorney, that the two should NOT be arguing the SAME CASES, am I WAY OFF here, or is this a CONFLICT OF INTEREST? Thank you for any information on this matter.

    submitted by /u/Dustin_Bowles
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    Washington state - no toilet in apartment!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Following an inspection in my apartment I noticed a hole in the bathroom wall and mentioned it to the management. They came to check it out and discovered that pretty much the entire wall is wet/rotten due to a leak in the pipes.

    They are requiring me and my upstairs neighbors to forfeit use of our bathrooms while repairs are ongoing.

    They actually gave the upstairs neighbors a new unit to move into but say they can't do the same for me because no availability, but they can give me access to another bathroom... the other bathrooms are in their model units. One is in another building a block away and the other is 10 floors up and requires riding an old slow elevator that is prone to break downs. Neither of these is good but I picked the latter of the two bad choices.

    Last week the maintenance crew sealed off my bathroom with some special stuff and said they'd have repairs done in a week. But they haven't done anything and they're "awaiting a time when the asbestos testing can be done". The timeline has been moved up to "we might have it done in a month."

    I just can't go on like this though. I can manage the shower inconvenience. But I can't make it to the bathroom in time.

    I have some sort of bladder problem (overactive bladder? small bladder?) but I don't know what other than "likely not diabetes" because my mom hauled me to the doctor 2-3 times a year between 5-18 since my urgent need to frequently pee caused trouble every time my family wanted to drive somewhere for vacation and she was convinced it must be diabetes.

    In the first week since my bathroom was seale off I peed myself four times while attempting to make it to the other bathroom 10 floors up. Mostly I have trouble in the mornings. I've had to resort to peeing in a bowl in my kitchen. As a woman this is messy, difficult, and I feel completely humiliated and degraded. It also is very difficult for me to completely empty my bladder this way and it is physically painful in the mornings. I've made an appointment with a doctor but they don't have an opening for another few weeks and I have to see a GP before a urologist...

    I sent an email outlining that the arrangements they've provided aren't acceptable and the outrageous measures and pain I've been in since they barred access to my bathroom and have requested they provide something with immediate bathroom access or to let me leave the lease immediately. They responded that they've done all that is legally required and they won't let me out of the lease. They also said that if I ruin the seal on my bathroom they'll be charging me $$$ for the additional labor and materials.

    I need help because this is painful and messy and I think it may be causing physical harm.

    submitted by /u/OutlandishnessGold78
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    Can my parents take me into another country?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    I'm a F14 year old student from the UK and my mom wants to take me on holiday to Pakistan for 2 week DURING the school term. Quarentine has really fucked up the school system so i've been doing alot of extra homework and even missing one day will give you two days of catch-up work. The point is, I really dont wanna miss school. Is my mom alowed to take me without my permission? She said that she's already booked to tickets so there's no way of getting out of it and everytime I beg her to just let me stay with someone she tells me to shut the fuck up.

    Also it would be great if you help me give this a flair, i'm not really sure what to put it as. Thanks alot.

    submitted by /u/xXAngelsXx
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    Is it illegal to be on the grass between the sidewalk and the road in front of someone’s house? Home owner pointed a gun at me (MN)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I am really shook up over this. I was just walking my dog since I live in an apartment/townhome and don't really have a yard. I walk through a neighborhood in town that has sidewalks on one side of the street. I walk on the sidewalk and try to keep my dog on the side closer to the road so if he does his business it won't be on someone's yard even though I always pick up after him. I thought that the city or state owned the sidewalk and grass between the sidewalk/road (road verge?).

    Recently there have been kids freaking out when I walk my dog in this one area. Yelling at me and stuff but I just ignore it. I only have problems along that one street but unfortunately there is no way to avoid it on my route. Today this kid was riding a bike around and yelled at me that it wasn't my property when my dog was pooping near a fire hydrant on the patch of grass between the road and sidewalk. I just kind of ignored it and went to pick up the poop with a plastic bag. The kid turns towards his house and starts screaming for his parents. I then hear a few adults yelling and I look up and a man on the porch had a shotgun raised and pointed at me. I quickly finished picking up the poop and went in the street and ran away. I looked back and the guy continued to follow the direction I was going with the gun. I ran around the corner and didn't look back.

    Is it illegal to go on the strip of grass between the road and sidewalk? I looked it up and online says that it is public property. What about when it is right in front of someone's house? And what about when it is in front of a business or road? I am just really worried because I don't really have anywhere to walk my dog if he can't go to the bathroom anywhere.

    submitted by /u/kodaa43
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    An apartment put stickers on my car preventing safe travel

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    I am a caregiver for the state of Washington. Apologies for formatting issues I am on mobile.

    Tonight, my client asked me to get him a pizza, so I took my black prius (color is important here, as its dark out) to get it for him. At 8:51 pm I returned with his pizza and, upon discovering no open parking spots, parked in a covered parking zone. This apartment has no signage preventing this, only stating that you needed a parking pass to park on the property. I have two passes because I also rent from the same company at another property.

    My shift ended at 9pm so I punched out and started walking to my car, only to discover two vehicles parked behind mine and men walking around my car.

    Having had my car broken into in the past, I walked up and made a lot of noise. "Hey sorry im just leaving!" One of them laughed and joked that they weren't stealing anything from my car. I keep client files in a lockbox in the car, as is company policy.

    The other one was putting a sticker on my driver side glass, in a spot that would block me from being able to see my side mirror. They were putting a bunch of them on the car, and had already blocked my windshield on the driver's side so I couldn't see out the windshield, which if I drove the car like that, would be very illegal ANYWHERE I presume.

    They told me I couldn't park there and time stamped the stickers at 9pm. I asked how I was supposed to remove the stickers when I couldn't get cleaning supplies and they told me to use Goo Gone. I replied how, when I couldn't drive and you made it impossible to remove these without them shredding up.

    "Thats the point" then he got in his car and drove off.

    Can they legally do this to my vehicle in Washington in those locations? It wouldn't be as big an issue if they hadn't put them specifically there. But If I cant drive my car how am I supposed to get out of there so they don't tow my car? Especially when its not posted? I could have been a dominos delivery driver for all they knew.

    On top of this, they told me to park my black car in the driveway. Where other vehicles would be blocked in or potentially hit my car when they can't see me coming around a corner.

    submitted by /u/AGEBattleSword
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    What can i do if my father's girlfriend tries to sell his house? (MO)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    My father passed away recently. It's a fairly cut and dry matter, everything goes to me including the house. (I am consulting with an attorney just to be safe)

    He lived a very wild lifestyle and had a very tumultuous on and off relationship with a girlfriend. Girlfriend refuses to leave house, and I have every intention of following proper eviction procedure with the help of an attorney.

    My fear is she has a violent criminal history, substance abuse issues, and needs cash. I'm just at a loss of what to do if she trashes the house out of spite or if she tries to sell it (she does not have the deed) to get quick cash.

    I guess my question is what do I do? What questions should I ask the attorney, because I have never been in this situation before.

    submitted by /u/notsoevilredhead
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    I just fell through a trap door and landed 14 feet below onto concrete in a retail store. What do I do now?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    This whole situation is absurd. I was lucky to walk away with a herniated disc and pinched nerve. I am 23 years old and just finished my yoga teacher training after years of saving and preparing for this course.

    There were no signs or gates. Just a giant hole in a narrow aisle between stacks of alcohol. I was looking straight ahead, reading a sign across the room. My phone was in the car btw. I'm in Maryland.

    According to an employee, this is the second time someone has fallen down this trap door. The owners apologized and pointed out how they forgot to put up the gate, and then they gave me 10% discount on my $11 bottle of wine lol.

    I was in total shock when it happened. Just laughing and telling the shopkeepers not to worry, accidents happen. I didn't realize how crazy the whole situation was until I went to the dr.

    Now the adrenaline has worn off, and I'm in pain and worrying about my future. Hopefully knock on wood I make a quick recovery and never look back, but what if this requires surgery one day or forces me to quit my job?

    I'm also worried because I'm pretty sure the shopkeepers already lied once. They said the camera in the room was a "dummy camera," but I saw its flashing red LED lights. I am trying to be patient and understanding, but I'm starting to think they really just tried to take advantage of my shocked state + kindness.

    What are my next steps? What should I document now? What can I expect if I choose to speak with an attorney? What if I have like basically no money?

    Are there any reasons I shouldn't just ask the store to cover my medical expendes on my own, without an attorney?

    Also how do I stop feeling like a brat about this? It's hard to imagine what positive results could come from potentially suing a family owned business in my hometown.

    Seems like it would just be a huge, unnecessary hassle for everyone, but like I said I am pretty worried about this costing me down the line. And looking back I'm honestly a little mad they were so nonchalant about this and had no trouble admitting this happened to an older gentleman before me.

    Ok sorry this is all over the place + I have a million questions. Thank you in advance for any guidance. 🙏

    submitted by /u/justathrowawaylad1
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    Is my landlord required to replace my oven and or fridge?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    I am renting an apartment in NYC with a standard NYC lease agreement. There are issues with the oven and fridge and would like to know if I have any legal standing to request they be replaced or repaired?

    Fridge: I would put things in the fridge and stack them on the top shelf. Anything near the top of the fridge would freeze. Greens and even berries would freeze. Sometimes I have had ice build up on top of containers in the fridge. I lowered the temp from 6-3 and it does the same thing. I can't lower it any further because then the bottom of the fridge would not be cold enough to keep food fresh. How should I proceed with the fridge?

    Oven: Its an old GE model (JGBP28BEA1CT). I have followed several recipes cooking and baking things in the oven. It always takes significantly longer to cook things than the recipe says. If I have a chicken in sauce baking at 350 for 45 minutes I would come to check and the liquid is not boiling. A few times when baking bread I tried creating steam in the oven to help with the baking. I preheat the oven to 450-550 with a small pyrex bowl of water. I wait 15-30 minutes after it reaches the temp to check on the water. There is barely small bubbles in the water and no steam. I do not know how to officially check if the oven is not regulating the temp correctly. My concern is that since it cooks food my landlord would say it works and not do anything. How should I proceed with the oven?

    Thank you

    Update: Fridge (model# GTS18FBSARWW). The coils underneath are very dirty. I have a pitcher on the top shelf that developed a layer of ice thick enough to not let me pour out the water. I will inform my landlord about this. (I don't know how to post pictures in my update or as a reply)

    submitted by /u/skald89
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    Collecting a judgment when little is known about defendant

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    This is in Utah

    My wife sued a contractor in small claims court who she hired to do some work in our home. She paid him an agreed upon amount of money and then he stopped showing up to work leaving the project and that area of our home incomplete and unusable. Unfortunately, she paid him in cash (I know this is a huge no-no but I didn't find out until well after the fact). So she sued to recover some of the money she paid. Much like he never showed up to our home to work after a while, he never showed up to court either. So she won by default.

    Great, she won. Now: how to collect the money?

    The state says we can apply for a writ of continuing garnishment. This would require sending out forms to his employer. But I don't know if he even has an employer or how to verify that.

    The state also says we can apply for a writ of garnishment that would seize his property. This would require verifying that he actually owns the property, and if he doesn't, to identify the lienholders/creditors and send them some paperwork. I have no idea how to do that either.

    What I know: Where he lives and that he rents. I know the vehicles that he showed up with on various occasions to work and they are all parked outside of the house where he lives. One of them wouldn't fetch even half of what is owed, while the others are definitely worth a lot more than what is owed.

    I'm getting the options the state is giving us from their website here. Not sure what the best next steps are or if there even are any for us at this point.

    submitted by /u/LAThrowaway741
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    National Guardsman, trying to break apartment lease but landlord is giving me trouble. (VA)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    So I am a national guardsmen in Richmond, Virginia that is going to be on active duty orders for over a year and I am trying to break my apartment lease early.

    Unfortunately due to shenanigans I wont have the paper orders for another 30 days or so. I do have a memorandum from my commander certifying that I will be on orders and when they will start and end.

    The reason I am here is because she is asking me to sign a document that says I waive my SCRA rights and duties (but not my VRLTA rights) since she says that a memorandum from the commander isnt enough.

    My fear is that if I waive my SCRA rights she can still pursue me for an early break lease fee.

    I will also note that my lease has a small provision for military, but it just says that no one will be released from the lease for any reason except involuntary military orders, but says nothing about how that is done or any procedures of how.

    I also will note that I have tried to ask JAG for advice for I havent had much luck getting hold of them and with covid to see them in person requires an appointment which isnt super easy to get right now.

    My question is this, does a memo from my commander suffice for SCRA? Should I sign to waive my rights? Under VRLTA can she still pursue an early break lease fee for military orders? Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/rootedmage
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    HR fired me because of false report

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Hi, I've been working with a company for 16 years and someone came out of the blue and tagged me in a post. They then reported me to HR, HR fired me, the person deleted the post, now HR wont help me unless I have the post from Facebook, I've gone to facebook, they wont help because it's deleted, Lawyers wont fight a case that might lose, and, no one will help me. How can any of this be legal?

    submitted by /u/Single-Mine-3979
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    Is this reasonable compensation to settle an estate? Or are my kids grandparents stealing their inheritance?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Last year my ex-husband was killed in a motorcycle accident. He didn't leave a will so it's my understanding that our three kids should be inheriting his estate. Since we were divorced at the time of his death, his parents became the executors of his estate. He left behind a house valued probably around $250,000 that we purchased for about $175,000 and not much else, aside from a car that he was supposedly upside down on, and some personal property. His parents sold the house and everything else and by the time everything was sold there was about $129,000 in assets for the kids. They have since paid themselves A little over $62,000 in "administrative fees" for their efforts. The breakdown that they gave for taking that much money showed that they were paying themselves $100 an hour and $70 an hour, plus mileage for absolutely everything they did. The things they accepted payment for included their time spent choosing their own sons funeral flowers, choosing his headstone, choosing his casket, mileage to and from the mortuary, mileage to and from his house, calling vasa to cancel his gym membership, calling Verizon to cancel his phone, staying at the house for 5 1/2 hours so ex-wife number two could come gather her old belongings. I am livid because I feel like this is theft. I can't imagine grandparents doing this to their own grandkids. Especially considering the fact that my exhusband was supposed to leave at least $100,000 for the kids in life insurance money and he left the entire $300,000 life insurance policy to his parents so they've already gotten rich off his death. From a legal standpoint do you think I'm overreacting? Or is this reasonable? I live in Utah.

    submitted by /u/-TheGreenFairy-
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    Psychiatric Practice Possibly Committing Insurance Fraud; Called Them Out, They Refused to Reimburse Me and Terminated My Case

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Get ready for this one guys, because it's a fucking doozy. Before I jump into what happened here, I just want to say this. Please, please, PLEASE guys, for the love of all that is holy, if you are taking advantage of telemedicine services, call your insurance and find out whether these services are being covered. As horrible as it is, not every practice will have your best interests at heart and some may deliberately conceal whether your services are covered. Sounds a little bonkers, right? Well, let's go, it's story time. This takes place in the good ol' state of NJ.

    I've been going to this psychiatric practice for a while now. Called my insurance about an unrelated matter and found out that the telemedicine services I've been receiving over the past few months are actually covered under my plan; I have a $0 copay. I thought it was a little odd, because the practice has been charging me copay for quite a while and they never informed me about this. I figured they probably didn't know about it, and chalked it up to incompetence. I had issues with their billing department before (the unrelated matter) so I didn't think it was completely outside the realm of possibility. My insurance told me that it's really easy to make the claim adjustments and that once the office fixes it up, insurance would definitely pay them because I'm covered under the plan.

    I called the office up and told them what insurance told me, that I would like to be reimbursed, and to make sure to file future claims in accordance with the plan I have under insurance. The office gave me some line about how these things take time (up to 2 weeks) and that they can't reimburse me unless they're absolutely certain insurance will pay up. Once again, thought it was weird, but I decided to just wait the two weeks. I went into the office two weeks later, and told them about the situation and how I wanted my reimbursement. They then told me they hadn't heard from insurance yet. I told them I could get insurance on the phone right at that instant so we could rectify the issue immediately, but they told me "it didn't work like that" and that I had to wait. During this time, and in the weeks that followed they kept trying to charge me a copay. I never paid, obviously, because my insurance (which this practice DOES accept) told me that telemedicine services were covered.

    Eventually they called me a few days ago telling me that the psychiatrist didn't want to accept my plan because he would be "losing too much money" and would not be getting "paid enough." They said they wanted to continue charging me a copay. I was shocked, and couldn't believe it. I mean, charging me a copay when the copay is inapplicable given my plan?? It made no sense. They told me I would have to contact the psychiatrist about the matter. After I hung up with them I called up my insurance, because this just seemed super sus.

    I then learned from the representative I spoke to when I called insurance that this entire time, even after I informed the practice of how my services were covered, the practice has been billing both me and insurance as I have been going into the office for in person visits. I filed a complaint through insurance, and then contacted the psychiatrist. I told the psychiatrist how I hoped that there was some miscommunication of some sorts, and that this problem had a "1-2-3" easy fix; the insurance representative told me it would only take one phone call. I said that I was alarmed that they had not informed me beforehand and expressed shock over what I was told over the phone. I let the psychiatrist know that I filed a complaint, and that I would like to be reimbursed so we could just put this matter behind us.

    I was emailed back a little while later and was simply told that I wasn't a good fit for the practice and that they would be terminating my case; nothing else that I had talked about in my previous email was addressed. I was then emailed again today--they said that I was harassing them, was an awful fit, and that they were going to submit my entire treatment record to the insurance company. Oh, and that if I "similarly harassed" them again they would make my entire "chart" and "harassments" open to the public. I don't even know what that means? But whatever. They also told me they went ahead and blocked my email.

    So guys....THIS CAN'T BE FUCKING LEGAL RIGHT??? Like this is insanity. I still can't believe this is happening. I just wanted to be reimbursed because my insurance LITERALLY covers these services. And honestly, I'm obviously upset for me. But I'm fucking FURIOUS when I think about how other patients going to this practice for help with their mental health who are taking advantage of telemedicine might be paying copays that aren't even necessary.

    Is it time to lawyer up? I don't want this practice to get away with this. This seems REALLY FUCKING WRONG.

    submitted by /u/UNETHICALFUCKERS
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    Can neighbor's guests park on an easement?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    I bought a house where the original owner split their property in two and sold a back lot to a lovely couple. An easement was created so they can access their property which the city maintains. Every week the couple has a concert at their house and guests congregate to listen to their music. Those guests park on the easement which ends up blocking an otherwise beautiful view. That easement falls within my property though I realize the neighbor clearly is allowed to use it to pass through. Do I have the right to (nicely) ask the neighbors park closer to the neighbors house or otherwise off the easement?

    Update: State=MA

    submitted by /u/siksaitama
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    I found my dog dead bleeding from her nose suddenly today after visiting the dog park yesterday.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    I live in Oceanside CA and often take my mini dachshund to the city dog parks at least 3 times a week. On this occasion I took her to a dog park in San Marcos, about a 20 minute drive from where I live. she was only 7 months old so always had a very spunky very active personality. After playing for an hour she began to get tired and tried to drink some water from the provided dog fountain. She is a very short stubby thing so she was never able to reach it. The water from the fountain puddled in the dirt right under the fountain so she drank that.( trust me, I tried getting her to stop but she kept going back to that puddle) Additionally, her little instincts came out and she was digging in a few holes really getting her snout in the dirt. This all took place within the dog park fenced area. I never noticed any signs or disclaimers mentioning anything about pesticide usage.

    This morning she was acting her usual self, had a normal appetite and normal energy. Absolutely nothing was off about her. My husband works from home and I leave for work. He noticed that she was not acting right curled up in her kennel. Unsure of what to do he called me before checking on her. Upon inspection he noticed a droplet of blood on the ground. he went to pick her up and she was completely limp and TONS of blood came pouring out of her nose. There was nothing that could've prepared anyone for that. No sounds or unusual behavior. She died in his arms.

    This all happened only a few hours ago and we are brainstorming anything that could have caused this. She was young, healthy and didn't deserve this. We thought it could have been poison but we live in an apartment and she is always supervised indoors and outdoors and we never noticed her get into anything out of the ordinary.

    My question basically is If the city is at fault here is there anything I can do about it? If so, what do I need and where do I start?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/benditlikebecca
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    Hour for lunch taken from my time card for lunch when I don’t get a lunch break

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    I work in Georgia, and according to my boss they are required to give us an hour lunch break (unpaid). However, I am paid hourly, and am a helper to another employee who is paid commission. We ride in a truck from job to job and never stop for an actual lunch break. If we eat, it's just while traveling between jobs. My understanding is that a lunch break constitutes free choice time. Ultimately, I'm just having an hour taken from my pay check every day, and that adds up. Is there anything I can say to my boss or bring up to help him see that he's robbing me of hours? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/_Burst_Apart_
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    Neighbor added rows to shared brick wall without our permission

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Located in Arizona. Next door neighbor added two rows to our shared brick wall/fence between our backyards without permission. When confronted they basically said we are already doing it so too bad. They also lied and said they had approval from HOA (which made no sense as we never agreed). Upon contacting HOA we found out that they did in fact try to get permission and it was DENIED. A violation was sent to home owner and wall has yet to come down. HOA explained they will continue to send violations and fines every 14 days until wall comes down, if not corrected after 90 days then owner will face legal action.

    To make matters worse, the bricks were added DIY and extremely poorly. They are crooked and mortar is all over the surface and they were painted to match the stained bricks constructed by home builder (these are new build homes, about 1 year old). In the process of this, the neighbor used some kind of air compressor/spray mechanism to paint bricks (by leaning over I assume) and now there is overspray all over the side of our home, on our window and on our concrete patio. We have also reported to the city (waiting to hear back).

    My main concerns are- do we have a right to make sure added bricks are taken down professionally? So wall is restored to original appearance? AND what do we do about paint overspray on our home? Someone suggested filing a police report. Other suggested getting 3 estimates and averaging out cost to repaint the side of our home and giving to neighbors. Problem is, they absolutely will not cooperate and are not willing to settle this issue man to man. Any suggestions here?

    Thanks so much, sorry for the long post!

    TL;DR- neighbors altered shared brick wall without our permission and damaged our property in process (paint overspray on side of house). How can we get wall down and house repainted?

    submitted by /u/filipellers
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    Sellers leaving damage and taking things out that are in the contract.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    We are in PA.

    Our sellers have been the worst humans that I have ever had to work with. They refused to do the appraisal work the VA needed, so we have to do it and we agreed to it, because we could paint the gutters and out a temporary hand rail out front.

    When we went over to do the work found they took the smart locks off and left a hole in the door, plus didn't even bother to paint the door so that it doesn't look like they took off locks that were part of the house.

    Then they took the curtains and curtain rods that were also in the contract.

    We're going today to see what else they took, but at this point there is no telling what we don't see that they took or damaged. Would we have an out for this and would we be entitled to our hand money and any inspection costs back?

    This is the 3rd house we would be buying and have literally never experienced anything like this before.

    Edited to add: they changed out a shutter and didn't even bother to paint it the same as the rest of the house. So that's 3 things they taken since inspection that we know of.

    submitted by /u/DINKtoOITK
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    Illegal items in my PO Box

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    The other day I had a package at my PO Box that was missing the box number in the address and the name on the box wasn't my name. (You can mail things to a P.O. Box using the post office address + the box number) I took it to the counter and twice it showed back up in my PO Box. The box was really beat up so I was able to pull apart one of the sides of the box and noticed that, from what little I could see the box was full of a layer of boxed ammunition, papers, soda cans that had been cut open and put back together. I took the box to the counter and explained that this kept being in my PO Box so I looked to see if I could figure out why, and that I'd found something concerning. I told her that I wasn't sure if I should have called the police.

    She said not to worry about it, made note of who the box was addressed to, and walked away with the package. That was that.

    I've been told I should get a lawyer in the event it was drugs and I'm now some how connected to it?

    Things to note: It was addressed to the post office, not my specific box.

    The name on the package was not my name. The last name is phonetically similar if you butcher my last name.

    I did touch some of the contents trying to shift stuff around to see what it was.

    submitted by /u/firpfkeicjwjs
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    Landlord fails to send security deposit for months, sends partial check, says I might owe them 2 months rent. 4 months after moving out.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Hello, I am located in Minnesota. My entire interaction with this apartment has been very confusing. It was my first apartment and I didn't ask for the copy of my lease. The issue is mainly with my security deposit. I know I paid a little over $900 as security deposit on the apartment. I moved all of my things in the apartment but I myself have never slept in the apartment, it was essentially an expensive storage unit. I rented a 2 bedroom. About 5 months into renting, the landlord gave me a call and asked if I would be willing to switch to a one bedroom apartment since I don't live in my apartment anyway. I said sure, because lower rent, and they had the maintenance workers move my things to a storage room in the apartment building, one that costs $20/mo, and my things have never been in the new apartment. I've never set foot in the new apartment and never even held the keys to it. I paid 4 months rent for an apartment that I never even had access to. I decided to end my lease early. So I signed a 1 year lease and ended it 4 months early. I asked the landlord what ending the lease entailed, she simply said that I needed to give a 60 day notice and made no mention of any costs associated with this. Nothing was ever charged. I had no amounts owed in my account. I asked if there was anything more I needed to do when I turned in my last month of rent and she said no. A month after the end of my lease, I contacted the landlord and asked about my security deposit. She said she will send it and asked for my forwarding address, which I sent her over email. It never came. I waited 2 weeks and called to check up on it, they never told me of any reasons they would withhold some of my deposit. There had been a change in management, who told me that they would send out my security deposit asap after asking for my address again. I waited about 3 weeks and it never arrived, so I called again. Different management once again, said they would get the check sent out and asked for my address again. It never arrived and I called 2 weeks later. New management again. She looked into my account and said they'd send the check. I got a check for approximately $650, which I did not cash, with no explanation as to why any of it was kept. I called once again and she put me through to her boss. Her boss said she would send me the remainder of the check. 3 weeks later, nothing. Which brings me to today. I called to check up on the remainder of my deposit. She then told me that technically I'm supposed to owe 2 months rent after ending a lease early. She could not explain why the $250+ was kept though. She said I should essentially be grateful that I don't owe them any money and that I got anything back.

    My questions are, can they charge me for those supposed 2 months rent for ending my lease early? Is it illegal for them to hold any part of my deposit after not sending it for months? Do I have a case if I wanted to file a lawsuit? Would I be able to go after damages or refunds on the months I paid for the apartment I never held keys to? Or only have them charge the $20 a month my things were in the storage closet and have the rest refunded to me? Sorry that this is a confusing situation with lots of questions. Any help would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/halliebbears
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