• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Legal Advice I was laid off due to Covid in April, my employer appealed and now DES says I owe $7k

    Legal Advice I was laid off due to Covid in April, my employer appealed and now DES says I owe $7k

    I was laid off due to Covid in April, my employer appealed and now DES says I owe $7k

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Hi /r/legaladvice

    I live in North Carolina was laid off by my employer on April 14th due to lack of work related to COVID-19. My supervisor called me and said effective immediately, I would be laid off, but that they would pay me through May 31st. I understood, asked for a letter in writing detailing my layoff and payment, and turned in all my equipment that day. I was provided a letter by HR on April 20th saying my layoff was directly caused by COVID, and my position would be terminated on May 31st.

    On April 21st, I filed my claim with the Department of Employment Security. The form specifically asked the "last day worked" which I understood to be April 14th, since after that date I no longer performed any duties for my employer, no did I have the equipment to do so. I understood the payment to be a form of severance or separation pay covering the period from the 4/14 to 5/31. Per the DES Website, it says that claimants should not delay in filing even if receiving separation pay. In my claim, it asked whether I was receiving separation pay or severance, which I answered yes to, as well as uploading the letter from my employer under the section asking for the reason for the layoff as well as the section for proof of separation pay.

    My claim was approved and I started receiving benefits from the week of April 19th. On each weekly certification, it asks whether the claimant is receiving separation pay or severance, which I answered affirmatively on all weeks from 4/19 - 5/31. Due to the Federal Unemployment program, I received an additional $600 per week during these weeks.

    Right before the deadline for appeals on my claim, my former employer filed an appeal stating that I was not laid off until May 31st. A hearing was held on October 12th between myself, the employer, and the Appeals Referee, where the employer did testify that the period after 4/14 was severance but I was still on payroll until May 31st. In my testimony, I did not deny this, as that is how I filed the claim and provided the information for it in my initial claim and submitted the letter from the employer outlining it as well. The Appeals Referee, however, turned on me and asked me why I did not disclose that I was receiving payment and the amount received in my weekly certifications. I testified that I had filled out the form completely, answering in each week that I had said "Yes" to the question about separation pay, but was never asked for the amount I was paid (I have copies of all my weekly submissions as well as proof that there is no place to input the amount). The referee affirmed that I was wrong and had not provided enough information.

    DES has come back with their appeal decision saying that I was not eligible for benefits from 4/19 - 5/31 and now I owe that money back, totaling nearly $7,000.

    I am not disagreeing that I was receiving payment from my employer during that time that likely would have disqualified me from being eligible during that time, but I also filled out all forms completely and truthfully. I am just trying to figure out if there is any defense or help that a lawyer might be able to provide, since it seems like I am getting punished for following the exact directions and process set forth by DES, but they were not thorough enough in reading the provided evidence on the claim and following up with asking the amount I was receiving as separation pay.

    Edit: Thanks for all the responses. I should note, I'm not saying that I felt like I deserved the benefits for those 6 weeks, I'm just wondering if there is anything in the process to protect me from what I feel like is an error on the DES side. "Punishment" is probably the wrong word, more that I feel like this could have been avoided from the get go, whether that be on my end from knowing how the state defines unemployed, or DES from handling the information for the claim. Honestly, I wouldn't be as worried if I wasn't still unemployed but even with an Engineering degree, I haven't been able to get a new job since. Thanks to /u/BallardPeopleKnowMe for pointing out that I can apply for a waiver for non-fraudulent overpayments.

    submitted by /u/goatfester
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    My boss is not giving me my tools back

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    New Jersey USA .

    Hello , I I'm in New Jersey USA , I'm a mechanic and my employer is not giving my tools back after I quit , he's holding 3 toolboxes full of tools that I owned for years and I have receipts for,

    He got angry when I told him I'm quitting and he's keeping me from making a living now because he's holding all the tools I got .

    I went and did a report police but they didn't help and said it's a civil issue , how is it not theft and in what law someone can keep my stuff and hold it and keeping me from using it and getting a job ?!

    He's trying to play games by saying I damaged cars while working there which is a lie and trying to make me lose the job offer I got because he didn't like that I quit .

    How is it ok for him to do that and the law enforcement is doing nothing to help me !!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/tamimim5
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    My neighbour shoots his gun at my dogs daily

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Every day, when my neighbor decides that my dogs are being too annoying (they are guard dogs and are meant to bark when people enter our yard/driveway area) he decides to fire his gun 7-16 times and yell things at us like 'shut your f****** dogs up'. I'm 17 and regularly babysit my siblings, and frankly it makes an unsafe environment. Today, I yelled back at him to mind his own business after my dogs had stopped barking, and he proceeded to fire his gun about 5 more times (for obviously no reason other to be a jerk since the dogs were no longer barking). I live in North Carolina. Do we have any legal case to be made here? Will calling the police on him do anything?

    ( as a sidenote, he sometimes comes to our house brandishing his guns and has pointed the gun directly at one of my dogs and threatened to shoot it before. next time i'm home alone and he comes into my yard, i'm planning on calling the police because that makes me super uneasy.)

    edit: my moms boyfriend heard what happened and is sending the police to my neighbours house here in a bit after he gets off work. (my town only has a population of about 500, we only have one police officer and everyone knows everyone-- getting the police involved here isn't quite as big a deal as what some of you may believe in larger areas.)

    submitted by /u/W1SHB0N
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    My job has been underpaying it’s workers since March

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    I am a server at a local Mexican restaurant in Amarillo, TX who has added a curbside takeout service in March as a response to the pandemic. Since then, we have opened up our dining room but still offer this service. If you are scheduled a curbside shift, we were always told that we needed to clock in as servers ($2.13/hr) because we still get tips from the curbside orders. These tips are SIGNIFICANTLY less than what you would make during a serving shift, making curbside shifts a complete waste of time and money. For example, I worked curbside yesterday morning with one other person, we have to split the tips so we each made about $15 each from 10:30-2. If I was serving, I would have made at least $100. My job does reimburse you in your paycheck if you don't average minimum wage in a pay period, but Friday and Saturday nights usually "make up" for any curbside shifts.

    Well, fast forward to last week when we had a meeting over company policies. Somehow these curbside shifts got brought up and the district manager made it sound like we were supposed to be getting paid $8.50/hr for curbside shifts THE ENTIRE TIME. Since March. After the meeting they have been paying us this much, but I am just thinking about how much money everyone at this restaurant is owed and if a lawsuit over this would hold up in a court of law. By my estimate, they could owe us a few thousand dollars each depending on how many curbside shifts each person worked...

    I have mentioned this to several of my coworkers hoping they would be as outraged as I am, and they all kinda agreed but it was very jokingly and like they don't actually see it happening..... but I am actually super pissed about it and truly believe they owe me money. Are my thoughts valid? Should I seek legal help? Please give me advice!

    submitted by /u/FinickyAesthetics
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    Neighbor cut down a 1/2 acre of trees on my mom's land [NY]

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    So this has been ongoing and I wanted to field this subreddit for any advice on behalf of my mother.

    It started maybe a month ago when the neighbor cut down a few trees on my mom's property. She noticed this, and very quickly went to talk to him in person, giving him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he thought it was his land. He cut some more trees down. Next, she sent him a letter and let him know that they were not on his property and to stop cutting trees down. He said okay, sorry, he would stop. Soon after, he cut some more down. She also noticed that the guy moved the property marker that delineated their properties which is also apparently illegal (according to the forester, I think). This time, my mom sent him a cease and desist letter via certified mail, telling him to stop cutting her trees down. Upon recommendation of someone, she also went ahead and posted the property to make sure there was no confusion over whether or not the guy was trespassing on her land. She recommended him to get a survey, he said he would pay half, and she basically told him no, you're the one having trouble with knowing where your property is, you need to pay for the survey.

    Well, just yesterday, my mom had a forester come in to value the trees that were cut down by this man on her property to see if it would be worth pursuing the issue further. Come to find out that he had now cut down a *half acre* of about 30 trees that did not belong to him, each valued at about $200/each. So, a cool $6000 worth of trees that didn't belong to him. She was told by the forester to mark the stumps and take photos.

    I'm not sure what action she's planning next other than getting those photos, but I wanted to field the conflict to you guys. I believe she is planning on suing him for the value of those trees. If she has to pay for the survey herself, she also plans on tacking that cost on. Are there any specific actions you'd recommend she take that she hasn't already taken to help her case? I believe she is planning on representing herself and not getting an attorney involved (she is very mistrusting of lawyers) if at all possible. This issue really burns me up. This jerk moved out there, and my mom is in her late 60's. The guy probably thought he was going to get away with taking advantage of having an old woman as his neighbor that he assumed wouldn't do anything about it. Good thing my mom doesn't take anyone's bs!

    Thank you all for any help.

    submitted by /u/ilikesnails420
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    Identity was stolen years ago and he is racking up charges in my name

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    So long story shortish.. Old "friend" stole my birth certificate and social security number and proceeded to make himself a Driver license with my name and info and his picture. Then any time in the last 6 years he would get arrested or any kind of charge he would just pose as me with his fake ID and seemingly is getting off scott free everywhere he goes because he has got 3-5+ charges in my name all over the country. They range from $30,000 fines to multiple felony warrants..

    I have been very beyond frustrated with this and the amount it has held me back and that I've let it hold me back these last years but I've also just had no real good guidance on what to do to remedy this. When being pulled over for say speeding and the cop runs my name I've almost went to prison several times because I always have to plead my case and explain the situation and very luckily have been able to but yeah have almost been sent to prison twice because of this.

    Sheriffs have told me "no idea what to do there sorry bud" or other things along those lines. Lawyers have told me there is no help they can do I just need to call the DA or sheriff's department. I've filed 2 police reports about this in the last 6 years.

    I'm just wondering if anyone out there has ever been in a similar situation and how they handled/are handling it or if anyyyyyone at all knows how I can try to get back my identity and freedom.

    Thanks ahead of time much love.

    *edit: Living in Southeast US atm. He has racked up these charges all over the US. Trying to move back out west in near future, that's also where the majority of the charges he has obtained are.

    *edit: Also, don't know if this matters but sometimes the charges and mugshot info and all that (I've seen some of them from the times they almost sent me to prison) but some of the times he has been arrested he is using his social and birthday and just my name... how are these still getting racked up under my name in the times where law enforcement get my name but his social and birthday o.O

    submitted by /u/FlourPoker
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    Attorney has failed to claim SSA fees in over a year - is the beneficiary now entitled to them? (NC)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    I am asking for a family member. I am an attorney but not in the same state and not in that area of law.

    So family member went through a lengthy appeals process to get disability. Her disability insurance was paying for her attorney and her benefits until she received disability from the state. SS awarded her attorney approx $25,000.00 in attorneys fees. That was a year and a half ago and my family member discovered that the fees are still sitting with SS office because they cannot find the attorney and the attorney hasn't claimed it.

    Typically, my family member would just let it go and hope the attorney claims it eventually. But - her disability insurance recently informed her that there was a cap for attorneys fees that they would pay of $6,000.00 and, accordingly, on top of the base amount of benefits she was paid, they want her to repay $19,000.00 of the attorneys fees to them. She doesn't have that much, she only has what SS gave her. So when someone told her she could potentially request that this unclaimed money be returned to her, she was eager to see if she really could do so.

    I'm not even sure where to start to look for this information or even who to ask. Does anyone know about this?

    submitted by /u/Caa3098
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    Band we toured with drove away with all our equipment and luggage

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Location where this happened: Poland.

    Hello, I play in a german band (we are 3 in total) and our bandleader got a tour offer to support another band.

    After the first gig the other band asked about money. It turned out that they offered our bandleader to join them for the tour but we would have to pay 200€/show for the costs. We were in shock because our bandleader didn't inform us about the money at all and we would have declined to join the tour if we knew.

    After discussing it we wanted to cancel the rest of the tour because we simply couldn't afford it, but the other band would not let us just quit and go home, so they told us we had to pay (2800€ in total), no matter if we kept touring or went home. Bandleader won't admit it was his fault, claiming he "didn't know about the money either" even after we saw the conversations of him agreeing to everything.

    Big problem: we drove in their van, with all our equipment and luggage.

    Then after the third show, we went to a hostel to sleep and when we got up the next morning the other band drove away with all our equipment and personal belongings. We called the police but they said they can't do anything as it is not considered theft but appropiation (because we left our things in his van) but I'm not really sure about the term because there was a langauge barrier with the police

    Stuff worth around 6000€. Now they want that we transfer the money to their bank account and they send us our things back. But what if we pay and they just keep our things? They don't want to meet in person. We need a bit of guidance of what can we do, we are desperate. Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/FrankyNeil78
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    Found out I'm in an illegal apartment - MN

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I recently found out I have been dwelling in an apartment since August that is illegal per the city I reside in. It is an above garage, mother in law apartment that has been completely renovated, I absolutely love it besides a few issues here and there with the maintenence not fixing things and my landlord seemingly ok with the maintenence man not showing up for these small jobs.

    Fast forward to this past week, I expressed concern about pipes freezing because the temperature is starting to drop. My plumbing to my apartment is connected to the vacant house next door with the water pipes being in the basement. I have been told the actual heat and furnace do not work in the empty house. So I call my landlord and ask if there is a solution to keep the pipes from freezing and he says that he will have the maintenance guy put a space heater downstairs in the house and check it weekly. HUGE RED FLAG appeared in my mind and all I could think was my place burning down while I'm at work if this thing malfunctions. I have a sweet pet who I care dearly about and am feeling anxious with winter quickly approaching. At this point, I do not have a key to the vacant house next door and my garage apartment is connected to the house by a deck. I told my landlord I am not comfortable with running a heater in a vacant house, connected to my apartment, for hours while nobody is home. He told me it'd be fine and there was nothing downstairs that could catch on fire. He eventually agreed to give me a key to the house so I could check on the space heater myself versus the maintenence man. I did not feel good with this solution so I decided to go a step further to see if the city could enforce anything.

    So I reached out to the city to explain my safety concerns with running a space heater unattended. When I told them my story, they had many questions on why the house was vacant and informed me a garage apartment is illegal per the city. They are wanting to come out and do an inspection, which I am fine with because safety is my #1 concern. I have not told my landlord I contacted the city and I also did not know until I talked to them that I was living in an illegal apartment. I would have never moved in had I known I would be possibly forced to leave because it is considered a "prohibited" dwelling.

    So my question is: do I have any rights as a tenant if I am forced to leave?

    TLDR; rented an above garage apartment which I was just informed is an illegal rental per my city after calling them with a safety complaint.

    submitted by /u/beatmeoffscotty
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    MSDS password protected

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    My company has MSDS online for employees to look at, but it is password protected and also we were never shown how to access this web page or given the password.. is this legal? It is in the US, Massachusetts

    submitted by /u/SpaceShipET
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    A man is taking down my original photograph citing a FALSE copyright claim.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    This summer I have taken a shot of roof a building which I have posted on /r/photocrituque.


    Reddit took down the photo without reaching out to confirm anything with me.

    As you could see it was a very succesful post which has given me a great deal of reach.

    It is a public place and anyone could have taken this shot, however, this person does not seem to understand this. In face of many crucial differences in the shot (reflections in the windows, composition, angle) he continues to accuse me of stealing his (bad) shot and simply editing it.

    He has messaged me on Instagram threatening legal consequences.

    I have the RAW (the original file) as well as all the data of when, how and with what equipement the photo was taken (all the data from the .RAW file on my camera). On the aforementioned reddit post, I have posted all the details and specifications in the comment which are the exact same specifications as the original photo that I absolutely can provide. The photo looks vastly different no matter how you look at it; it's as if I'd be struck by a random person for taking a similar shot of the Eiffel Tower.

    My question is: should I file a counter-notice? Is it worth it? I have no legal background or wish to waste my time on battling this in court. I am Polish so I'm not sure how does this apply to reddit/american law so I'm asking for general/commonsense aid from people who might have a more robust experience in the field. I DO own the original file (he does not); he simply does not understand that we took a similar shot. As far as I have noticed on his instagam he isn't even using the same camera brand as I (which means his files metadata will be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT). Thank you for your advice.

    submitted by /u/analog_fish
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    My wife went to jail and now my kid is a ward of the state

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    My wife went to jail and now my daughter is a ward of the state. I my self have no criminal record or a cps complaint against me personally but still cps is involved and is refusing to even let me take my kid to visit her moms side of the family including my kids sister. My wife and I had agreed that she would sign over full custody to me but cps is now saying that they want to make sure that she (my wife)can't come back home and only have supervised visits witch is something I would never do to her. Thank you I'm advance for your help. P.S my wife and I aren't actually married we went and got a license but then covid happened so we had to put it off. Also we live in Michigan if that makes any difference

    submitted by /u/munch3zzz
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    (Georgia) Friend was raped by police officer husband in Georgia and doesn’t want to cause a stir because “marital rape is legal in GA, I can’t do anything”. What to do?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I think this was up to a week ago so, and since husband is a cop makes it 100x more intimidating. She also said since it was more than a few days a rape kit would do no good. They are currently separated but still married. I am trying to help her do literally anything that can help, but i'm not sure what to do other than telling her to document everything. She is very reluctant though. :(

    submitted by /u/TheAmishSpaceCadet
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    Got into an accident and their insurance is ignoring me

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Florida (20M) a little over a month ago I got into my first traffic accident, I've always been a great driver never had any tickets and I think I'm the only person to use turn signals in Florida and go the speed limit.

    Anyways a lady was driving next to me and wanted to get over but I couldn't move so she just literally drove into my vehicle at 50 MPH. Thankfully everyone was alright and my dash cam captured everything, the police arrived and when I told them what happened they wrote in the report it was her fault 100% and this is where it gets complicated.

    That happened September 2nd, I had a violation because I didn't realize but I didn't have insurance, I bought my vehicle less then 3 months before and it came with a warranty for 3 months which I thought meant insurance. (I know I'm an idiot) I paid off my fine on time and did everything on my end during this time her insurance company (a very small one in Miami I believe) was working well with me, although it was weird. For example they had 2 different people come to inspect my vehicle (over $1,500 in damages but I can still drive it) and have completely stopped talking to me. It's been over a month and I don't know what to do, I never got their letter with a confirmation email and I've tried calling dozens of times. I don't really have any parents I can ask for help through this and I just had my license suspended for not having insurance at the time (after I immediately got great insurance and pre paid for it so that's really good on my end)

    How should I continue in regards to getting the $ from her insurance company? Do I still have the right to even if I didn't have insurance when it happened?

    Also an important note is her vehicle had next to no damage.

    submitted by /u/WillOverLife
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    Backed out of Apartment complex before lease signed, management demands deposit

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    Hey folks, new to reddit so sorry if I mess something up!

    Location: kansas city missouri (kc mo) I live on the kansas side of the city

    Me and my fiance have been apartment hunting for a while and found a place we liked, paid the initial 100 bucks for a background check and got approved. On top of this we provided 400 dollars for the whole deposit.

    Days before coming by and signing the lease we decide to move into a different place. I called them up and let them know we're deciding against moving in and they wouldn't give me the deposit back so I had to cancel the check through my bank.

    Now they've called me and threatened to "effect my credit score" if I don't give them the deposit I apparently owe them.

    I've signed nothing and only filled out the application that got approved and nowhere in the application did it say I'd forfeit my deposit upon backing out. When I asked why I owed them the deposit they kept repeating "that's just common sense everyone knows this" which comes off as dubious and made up.

    Do they have any ground to stand on or am I being extorted?

    Any help is nice, the new place has been so much kinder to us but moving is stressful enough I don't need to worry about some jerk trying to strongarm 400 bucks off us.

    submitted by /u/Inklii
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    Ex Won’t Give Items Back

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    My ex of about a year ago is holding my possessions hostage. She claims she's still "punishing" me for the break up. I've asked 3 times over the last year (the latest being approximately 2 weeks ago and we've argued since). I've told her specifically what I want back. I have proof those things were mine. She lied and told me this past weekend she'd give them back, but blocked me instead. I've offered every ultimatum I could think of. She refuses. She specifically says i'm "not allowed on her property" and I "work on her schedule," but those are my things that i've asked for back. I've even got my parent involved but it's no use.

    As a side note, her dad is a very scary guy and has guns so I can't just waltz over there without the fear of being shot. I'm at a loss here.

    Is there any way I can get my things back using legal services or having police accompanying me to her house? Like I said, I have proof of ownership. I'm just scared she's going to damage my things.

    submitted by /u/Atezh
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    My employer won’t write a letter stating my pay will remain the same after my short term disability leave of absence and it will make me homeless

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    I work for a giant company, a taking-over-the-world type of company, and have been employed there for 5 years this month. I'm a salaried employee and receive a total compensation letter every April stating my wages for the next year.

    I went on a short term disability LOA back in June/July due to a fitness for duty evaluation that deemed me unsafe to work until I got signed off by a doctor. My doctor recently gave me a return to work date of 11/02/2020 and we're confident I will be returning.

    I'm also in the process of purchasing a home. I was pre-approved on my normal income as I will be returning to work. My loan officer is requesting a letter from my company stating I will be returning to my normal wages once I return to work so they can go through with the mortgage. They aren't asking for specific numbers, just a general statement and will only take a letter on company letterhead. Nothing else works at this time.

    The leave of absence team, local HR, and employee resource team have all stated that they will not give me a letter on the company's letterhead stating my pay will go back to being what it was prior to my leave of absence. They are willing to send it in email and state it verbally over the phone, but refuse to send a letter. I have not been notified of any pay changes at this time.

    Due to the company not giving me a letter stating that information, I could be losing the home I put an offer on as well as $10,000 earnest money. I will be homeless. I also can't verify my income when I go back due to this.

    I'm not sure what to do and am looking for any advice at this point.

    Edit: I forgot to add that I live in Minnesota.

    submitted by /u/shreksnumber1fan
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    Trying to get divorced, husband wants to sign an FHA loan on a house with his friends. Am I liable?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    Washington state

    Currently trying to get divorced from my husband of 5 years, we no longer live together as of 6 months ago but have not actually filed anything to legally separate.

    He wants to co-sign an FHA loan on a house with his friends however they apparently need my SSN to pull my credit report. They are all convinced that this will not affect me and that I am not liable but I have a feeling this is a horrible idea and will complicate the divorce.

    I have read that in some states where they require the non-purchasing spouse to have their credit run that spouse can also be forced to sign and be used as a lien even if they are legally separated but have not completely finalized divorce. So what is my liability in this situation?

    submitted by /u/thrwaway7876
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    My “friend” scammed me out of $1000

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    This is my first time posting in this subreddit so I apologize if break any rules. This is also my 3rd time writing this posting because I accidentally deleted everything while trying to copy it so I'm going to keep this brief. Back in August I lost my job due to COVID, One day I was on Instagram and I saw one of my friends who trades the stock market make a post about looking for investors, I was curious so I messaged him asking for more info. He basically told me that he takes my deposit along with everyone else's put it into a trading account and trades it then after a week or two we all split the profits. I was hesitant at first but one of my friends claimed that he's legit and she got her money. I asked him how much would I get back and he said at least double my deposit. So I took my last paycheck and decided to send it to him at first we tried PayPal but there was an error message so we decided to do bitcoin, I used my debit card to purchase the bitcoin and sent him $1000. A week later I ask for an update and he said give him another week because the market was slow that week. That was fine with me because I had enough in my savings to survive for two months. Fast forward two weeks I ask for another update and now he's saying that he sent the money to my bitcoin address but there was an issue, he said that block chain wasn't supported in Florida so he had to get a refund and then he'll send me my money. That didn't quite make sense to me because I've sent and received bitcoin numerous times and never had an issue with block chain. However, there was nothing I could do other than wait, Over the next few weeks I have messaged him almost every day asking for an update and he doesn't even open my messages. I noticed he started posting about helping people get SBA loans from the government but they would have to give him half of the loan. Once I saw that the red flags in my mind started going off hard-core again this pretty much confirmed that he was a scammer. I sent him money on August 13th it is now October 20th during this time I ended up catching Covid so I was unable to find another job and now I only have $300 to my name and rent is due in 10 days. I feel like bashing my head into the wall every day because my mental health and my relationship are declining because of this situation. I feel so stupid about the whole thing that I can't even tell anybody about it not even my girlfriend. I have never gotten scammed before and I don't know what to do I have his name and his phone number and I need some advice.
    Sorry for any typos in the post I'm fighting angry tears typing this on my phone.

    submitted by /u/Mycatloafing
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    Animals in walls - Arizona Lease

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:29 PM PDT


    My boyfriend and I are living in Scottsdale, Arizona. We have been having a consistent issue with large animals moving around in our walls. They are obviously larger than rats. We live in a complex that backs up to the desert, so there is a lot of wild life just beyond our bedroom wall. We have heard scratching and banging around. The complex is filling the holes and placing poison. The issue is that the animals are just dying in the walls causing horrible smells and flies. It's absolutely disgusting. They refuse to actually cut into the wall and see what is causing the issue. They say the animals will die in the walls and only smell for three to four days. That seems like an obvious violation of some health code? We also are seeing large roaches coming from the drain, they also refuse to treat that.

    What are our options? This seems like a health concern for us and whoever else is in the building.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/nauseoustaco
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    Bought a house, but the seller might have lied to us

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    Never posted here before, so sorry if I'm not doing it right.

    Basically my wife and I found a great house for a great price in Florida to start my new job and our family (expecting in January). It's an older house, but had many renovations done recently. The house was being sold via a short sale, which had a crap ton on problems from that alone. That's another story, but the seller had not lived in the house for a few months prior to us moving in.

    The seller disclosed that the roof was less than 2 years old with no known problems or leaks. We get the house inspected, and the inspector notes some spackle work on the ceiling in the living room that looks like a repair. Since, according to the seller, the roof was completely redone, so he attributes it to that in his report.

    The DAY AFTER we move in, it rains, and we get a decently large stream of water pouring out of the ceiling at the crack that was speckled over. Turns out, they didn't redo the entire roof, just the second story roof. There is a flat roof over the first floor living room that our contractor said is very old and probably at the end of its life. Also, he said that someone had covered the leak VERY recently before we moved in. "I would guess maybe a few weeks ago at most " is what he tells me. In his opinion, there is NO WAY the previous owner didn't know about this, as they specifically covered it very recently before selling the house, because this issue would happen every time it rains. The phrase he used was "somebody cranked back the odometer on you"

    To add to the suspicious part of this, the only thing that was on the premise when we moved on was a mop they left behind....

    So we need to get a whole new roof, and the first quote comes down to a minimum of $10k. We can't afford this, as my wife is pregnant and we just put all our money towards the down payment. Is there anything we can do? We feel like we were lied to by the seller, and the condition of the house/roof was grossly misrepresented, and we have been on the house less than 30 days at this point. Are there any options that won't involve us having to pay a ton in attorney fees? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/jolbina
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    My ex beat me and is getting charged by the state with domestic violence, his baby mom (who he has since gotten back with) messaged me begging me to drop the charges.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Like the title states, my exes baby mom messaged me back in September telling me that "he's only with you so you drop the charges"....."this won't be the first time he will lay his hands on you" etc.... now fast forward a month and she is messaging me saying "I thought you dropped them or some shit? He can't get those charges we have kids that depend on him" etc. I don't know what to do in this situation but I feel like she should not be reaching out to me. TIA Edited to add: I'm in North Dakota

    submitted by /u/uglypanda9765
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