• Breaking News

    Monday, October 12, 2020

    Legal Advice First steps to take? I Just found out my 21 year old sister's children she had at 14 and 18 years old are my stepfather's. My mom knew for a month before letting me know. I live 5000 miles away, he has moved to another state.

    Legal Advice First steps to take? I Just found out my 21 year old sister's children she had at 14 and 18 years old are my stepfather's. My mom knew for a month before letting me know. I live 5000 miles away, he has moved to another state.

    First steps to take? I Just found out my 21 year old sister's children she had at 14 and 18 years old are my stepfather's. My mom knew for a month before letting me know. I live 5000 miles away, he has moved to another state.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    On mobile, throwaway, unsure if i tagged this right. This is going to be a long one...

    I am at a loss and any advice about how I can proceed would be greatly appreciated. I live in Tennessee, the abuse occurred in Hawaii, step-dad moved away a month ago after this was found out, he is supposedly in Arizona. (Not 100% sure)

    My step sister had a child right after turning 14, and it took everyone by surprise. There was a lot of push for my step father (not her actual father) to get a paternity test (from family, friends, and church members) but my mom, stepfather, and sister refused. No father was put on the birth certificate. This happened in 2013. This was also the year I left Hawaii and moved to Tennessee to start my own life after graduating high school.

    She had another baby at 18, in 2018. Once again, she refused to state the father and everyone chalked it up to her just being promiscuous and having a fling with someone.

    Apparently my mom found out a month ago. She saw on my sister's phone where messages were exchanged, between my stepfather and sister ending with "come take care of your children, I didnt make them myself"

    My mom claims she was devastated, went to the church pastor (she's big into her religion) and says the church pastor took her to file a police report. Apparently said church pastor told him he needed to leave the islands, as he was now a wanted criminal and belonged in prison. Step father fled.

    My mom waited a month to tell me. My stepsister is now 21, and says she will not testify in court and claims she will lie if told to testify in court. She says she loves him, he is her first love, and she still talks to him, with him still sending him money. She is so brainwashed, and groomed by him.

    I dont know if my mom is telling me the whole truth. Why wouldn't the police have caught him before he fled? I know hawaii tends to be a slower state in getting things done, but why wouldnt they immediately send out child protective services to their house to check on the welfare of my sisters kids? I have so many questions...

    With my main question being: what can I do? I want him behind bars. I want him to rot. Do I get a lawyer here in tennessee to ask what I can do? Do I need to fly to Hawaii to get a lawyer there? My sister hasn't spoken to me in the last month, and I am assuming because she knew my mom would tell me eventually. My sister still lives with my mom, btw. Do I fly to Hawaii to be able to sit and have a conversation with her about all this? We are all hurting. Being so far away makes me feel powerless, and with a whole month passing before my mom told me, makes me livid. Any advice given is greatly appreciated as I try to figure out how to process this.

    ETA: I found out on a three way call with my mom and stepfather, where he admitted during the phonecall without a doubt, that my sisters children are his.

    Update 2: I called the police department in Hawaii, they told me to file a claim with my police department here. They said my department here would send a request to them to get a detective on it. I am heading to do that now.

    I called and am trying to schedule a new patient appointment at a crisis counseling center, to seek therapy for myself. I told my mother she needs to do the same where she is, for herself and my sister and all involved.

    Someone mentioned local FBI and department of missing or abused children. I will be seeing if I can contact them after talking with the police department here.

    I genuinely want to thank everyone for their advice on the subject, I didnt know where to start, and know now I at least have a place to start from.

    Edit 3: police department in tennessee said it was out of their jurisdiction. I called the police department in Hawaii. As I am not the victim, they wouldn't allow me to file a report but said they'd keep it on file that I called and was concerned. They gave me the number to the Child Welfare services, as I expressed my concerns about my nieces and my minor brother still living in the household.

    Child welfare services said they're going to go out within the next 5 days to follow up.

    I am still feeling sick to my stomach, and unsure of the future. It is sad that he will probably get away with this, as the victim refuses to come forward. Thank you all, once again, for your help. Hopefully therapy will help me.

    Edit 4: (so much, but keeping ya updated.) I have made over 20 phone calls today. I have exhausted myself retelling the story over and over. Its so hard when I'm not the victim, and I'm not there, physically.

    I am paying for therapy for my whole family, and am paying for my mom to divorce ASAP. I do hope my sister takes my advice to join therapy with everyone else. Its going to take time, but we will overcome this.

    submitted by /u/throwaway-hitn
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    Could I report someone who I know is shooting innocent dogs to the police?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Good Afternoon.

    I just came on to this Reddit in order to ask this question. I am on mobile so I apologize for any mistakes or misunderstandings.

    Before I start, I live within the RGV area in Texas, if that helps.

    Okay so, my parents are friends with this one couple. Let's call them John and Jane. They met John and Jane a few months ago, so they don't know much about them. They recently were on a FaceTime call and they both told us about how John shoots any dog that steps foot on his property.

    He said, "I don't care if it's just one small step on my property, I go grab my gun and get rid of them. And if they try to look for shelter here, they're stupid because they're gonna get killed within 5 seconds. Then I drag their bodies out of my area and throw them out in the dumpster."

    I was shocked. In that moment, I didn't know how to react and I simply got quiet and left to my room silently. My sister let him know that it is incredibly wrong to do that. He laughed it off and said "Don't care. It's my property and I get to do whatever the fuck I want within it."

    Jane is also fully aware of this, as well as their two kids, who apparently watch as he does it and are "currently teaching them to do it too." One is 11 years old and the other 13.

    They are absolutely sick. Well, at least to me. The dogs do not put him or anyone else in any danger whatsoever. He just decides to shoot them because they enter his land.

    Is it something that should be reported to the police? Would I be able to report him? Would I need proof?

    I know the answer is yes but I just needed to know if I needed some kind of proof in order to report him.

    Thank you in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/melcnxe
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    Stepmother claiming she has legal custody of my daughter when she does not. Is this legal?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    I currently have a DFCS case open due to mental health issues. We signed a safety plan, but we have not gone to court and there has been no legal exchange of custody. My stepmother has been telling everyone she has legal custody of my daughter. She told my daughters pediatrician, my counselor, family, and pretty much anyone else she comes in contact with that she has legal custody. She has been able to obtain information about me and my child this way. Is this legal?? I am in Georgia.

    submitted by /u/nervousrex1
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    Can I legally be charged a broker fee for my new apartment rental if I didn’t have a broker?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    My girlfriend and I just applied for an apartment in Boston. After completing all of our application requirements, the property owner is trying to charge us a $900 broker fee (she said this is half of the usual broker fee). However, we found this apartment on Facebook marketplace and only spoke directly to the current tenants to get us where we are today. We are taking over their lease and they gave us the tour as well as all of the information for moving in. The only thing the property owner did for us is provide us with / review our applications. Do we have to pay this broker fee even though we didn't technically have a broker?

    submitted by /u/donniethediver
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    Gave two weeks notice of my resignation, manager told me it was effective immediately.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Was I technically fired? I can't get ahold of anyone in HR or payroll to find out what is listed as my last day/ reason for separation. Do I file for unemployment for the now three weeks I have until my new job starts? Several friends have told me they have to pay me for the two weeks, but being in Ohio and an at-will employee I don't believe this is the case.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/2x2cats
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    My daughter has 6 broken ribs.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    For some context, my 3.5 month old daughter has been in the PICU at a Children's Hospital for the past two months.

    My wife received a call yesterday from the hospital to let us know that she won't be able to come home today, a chest X-ray revealed 6 broken ribs on her left side. The kicker is the hospital just flat out doesn't have an answer as to how this happened besides their routine procedure they do for her lungs called chest physiotherapy.

    My daughter Brexley has Trisomy 18 and was rushed to the ER on the verge of cardiac arrest about 2.5 months ago and received 45 minutes of CPR to save her life when her heart stopped twice from a viral infection coupled with heart failure caused by her PDA being open (which the same hospital sent us home from the NICU claiming it closed).

    I'm hoping someone here can give me some guidance, my wife and I just can't believe how the only Children's hospital in our state can just fracture her ribs and shrug their shoulders.

    It is very rare that CPT breaks an infant child's bones, but to have 4-5 broken ribs on one side seems like severe negligence.

    We know that the CPR she had 2.5 months ago didn't cause any of the breaks since she has had regular chest X-ray's since then as well as not experiencing any discomfort due to pain until 4 days ago.

    submitted by /u/TroIIPhace
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    Psychotic Ex Keeps Breaching OH CPO

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    So back in July I got an emergency CPO granted by a magistrate, because my ex held me hostage in my car, was blackmailing and extorting me, and harassing and stalking me. He started to harass my family and friends. He has lied to an insurance company about a car accident I had so now I may be under investigation for insurance and medical fraud because of his bullshit claims.

    I have over 15 criminal cases currently open against him. IDK how many more are still pending. He has taken it from light stalking to accessing my gdrive and deleting emails to my lawyer for the CPO case, accessing and deleting my entire drive full of my evidence against him, and stealing pornographic photos of myself and an entirely different ex boyfriend before him.... Who is in the military. I warned my ex and he never replied to the messages psycho sent....

    Basically 10/10 unhinged mentally.

    However this morning my best friend out in Cali texted me saying how psycho is trying to friend her on FB. They spoke and met in person literally once for a handful of minutes back in April. That's it.

    I am... I am at my wits end. The man is torturing me. I am keeping my nose clean and not engaging or replying back. I am just quietly documenting and reporting everything but it doesn't make him stop.

    He keeps doing this through anonymous apps and in ways that keep him hidden so the cops are struggling to prove it is him even though by this point they all see and know it is him.

    I'm scared he is gonna try somehow to drag my best friend into this. I'm scared and IDK what to do anymore. He keeps getting extensions on every court date, pushing everything back to make it take as long as humanly possible. Subpoenas and the investigation are taking forever. My detective told me this can last years with how he is doing it.

    I don't know what to do. What steps I should take. I don't know how to handle thia anymore guys. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/DaddiesBrattyKitten
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    [UK]: The directors of my company thinks corona is scaremongering and a conspiracy and forces employees to come into the office. Threats with twice the workload if you decide to stay home

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 02:36 AM PDT

    I'm from Liverpool where we're about to enter a new lockdown and our company forces us to come into the office because the directors of the company thinks corona is a hoax. They did allow us to work from home but told us we'd have to work the double if we didn't want to come in. Surely this must be illegal on some many levels? I'm not in a position to quit with the situation that's going so is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/othellio
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    Is there anything against an employer forcing an employee to take weekly covid tests and have it charged to their perspective insurance. Shouldn’t this be something that the employer has to pay for since it is them who is enforcing it? FYI this is for a New York resident

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    ex got a protection order against me but is still trying to contact me. What can I do?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Throwaway for protection reasons. As title states, ex got a protection order against me but is still trying to contact me.

    Backstory: Caught my ex cheating and we broke up. I was an idiot and still talked to her after the breakup, she was adamant about reconciliation but she is living with her affair partner and would ghost me every day, then contact me the next day to apologize. I understand I am an idiot and the folks in another subreddit helped me through that. I go no contact and ignore her attempts to talk to me. I was doing fine until last week when I was served with a Temporary Protection order. Crazy as it sounds, this all actually happened.

    Now, she is still trying to contact me. I have emails of her saying she has no intention of appearing to the hearing and that she doesn't want it to be like this. She's also threatening me by saying she'll call the cops and say I'm harrassing her when I'm not doing anything. I'm just trying to live my life and move on.

    My question is what can I do legally to protect myself?

    submitted by /u/Throw_AwayRAS
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    Leaving daycare for a nannying job then fined $2000

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    My wife has been in contact with a woman that used to have her nanny over the summer, and at the beginning of the year was able to recommend her for a job at the local KinderCare that the woman's child had started attending.

    After several months of working at the facilities, which is evidently one of the best-funded KinderCares in the nation, my wife has seen that they don't prioritize the children first. The hierarchy goes: parents, children, employees. I don't want to go into to much detail but some of what has gone on there is defiantly bordering on child abuse.

    All that being said the woman who initially recommended her for the job has now offered her a position as a full-time nanny. Its a pay decrease but the conditions in the facility are honestly atrocious. Well, my wife tried to give her two weeks notice today and they told her that if she were to leave to watch a child from the daycare that they would fine her $2000...

    I am sure that it is in the contract that she signed when she started working there, but I wondered if any of you could say just how real this threat is? I honestly would be willing to pay it to get my wife out.

    edit: we live in Michigan for those who are asking

    submitted by /u/mrbasoon
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    My Mom’s Company Has Not Been Covering Her Medical Insurance Even Though She Has Been Paying.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Just wanted to ask a quick question, I'm sure this won't be terribly hard to resolve.

    My mother's company has been paying her insurance benefits for the last 3 years, as stated in her contract. Recently we found out that her and all of the other employees have not been receiving benefits for the last 3 months. These benefits for her amount to around 4000 dollars.

    At this point she wants to leave the company. The insurance issue is not the only reason, but this recent problem has pushed her over the edge.

    I just wanted to ask what would be the best way to proceed would be. Is she entitled to the coverage that she has been paying for? Could she sue for the 4000 in cash or do they just owe her 3 months of insurance? Does she have the right to any compensation in the first place? Finally, is it worth going to the department of labor with this issue?

    We want to get our coverage reinstated as quickly as possible. Any tips for proceeding would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/YerboyBOBOBO
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    Apparently half of my family’s land is gone?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    This is kind of a messy situation and is a little confusing, but I'll try my best to clear it up as much as I can.

    My grandparents bought roughly an acre of land in Texas back in the mid 70s from the original land owners. We shall call her Sue. This is where my dad grew up most of his childhood until he graduated and moved on. My grandparents lived there until they passed. Grandpa died in 2008 and left the property to my grandmother and she gave the land to my father in 2017 before she passed. This land is also being willed to me when he passes. I spent a ton of my childhood there so it's very sentimental to me.

    This property is split pretty much down the center by a driveway. Back a decade or so, there were 2 houses on each side of the drive way both owned by my grandparents. They were torn down by my father cause... well they were literally falling apart. The only thing left standing is the garage at the end of the driveway and 1 room from the house on the left side of the driveway that is currently being used as storage.

    No one currently "lives" out there but my dad goes down once a month to mow and collect whatever may be in the mailbox on the left side of the driveway. Also he stores work related stuff in the garage and checks up on it.

    Cool, so apparently some time this year he pulled his trailer onto the left side of the property to unload the mower, like he usually does, and one of the neighbors that owns the property beside ours says that we are not allowed to park on "their property"????? My dad kinda just laughed at them and told them to kick rocks but then was demanded that he moved his trailer. After arguing for a bit the neighbors proved that they owned everything on the left side of the driveway.

    This is where is gets a little messy. According to some "CAD" website that shows property details, our neighbors bought the left side of the driveway in 2004 from Sue. I guess they just let my grandparents live there until they passed? But is some kind of twist, this "CAD" website also shows that we own a huge chunk of our neighbors property that is currently separated by a fence on the right side of the driveway. Like much bigger that what our neighbors "bought" on the left side. The neighbors aren't new, they have been around for decades, so they know what should be theirs and what's not.

    Ohhhhh and this might throw you for a loop but Sue died back in 1997..... so yeah, there's that.

    Anyways, I don't really want the land that is behind our property that should be our neighbors. I just want the land that I grew up on. But with as shitty as they have been to my dad in the past few months I might just say screw it and rip that fence down and claim all of our shit that's according to the website.

    submitted by /u/Kysario
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    My sister who’s a minor needs to keep her money from her dad (not my dad) - CA

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    (He can't know i am involved because once she was hospitalized he wouldn't even let me talk to her on the phone because he has that power as her parent/legal guardian)

    So my sister is planning to work soon and she really needs to be able to keep her own money to get up and out of the place she's living in. I unfortunately can't help support her yet because I don't live on my own and I can't take her with me. She's only 16. I can't set up a bank account for her because I'm not a legal guardian. I'm not sure how savings accounts work if it's for someone else or she's a joint owner.

    Her dad withholds information from her because he thinks she's gonna use it to "escape." We know he wants to use the money she's gonna be earning. Her grandma also wants some of that money to send it to her relatives in our home country. She knows her social security number, but doesn't have an ID aside from school ID. She's working on finding her birth certificate. She asked for a bank account and he said "you won't need that." She wants to be able to control her money & save it to be able to remove herself from the toxic environment.

    is there any way we can work around this? I thought about getting a savings account & having her deposit the check through there. i also thought about having her endorse her check to me so we can control the money her family gets.

    submitted by /u/sunkissedmermaid
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    My mother is abusing my father and I'm honestly sick of it, what should I do?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    If this isn't the right place to post then someone let me know and I'll delete it.

    Anyway I'm a 16 year old female and recently my parents have been having issues. My mother always believed in the twisted mindset that men aren't allowed to hit women, but women can hit men and it shows. The amount of bullshit she has done to him both privately and in front of us is unbelievable. I always had a stronger bond with my father then my mother, as to my father accepts me for who I am (iM nOt liKe tHe oTher giRls) meanwhile my mother has both verbally and physically abused me and constantly belittles me for not doing traditionally girl shit.

    Anyway it happened again and I'm sick of it. They're both stuck to eachother due to money issues, but I really don't think my mother should come back anymore. Any advice on what I should try and get him to do? I don't have any proof however my dad has more then enough scars from her. Also would someone be able to explain how custody might play out. I heard that women win more then men and I don't want to be overdramatic but I would rather die then have to live out the rest of my childhood with my mother

    Hope I explained that well. If there's anything I should clarify then feel free to ask

    submitted by /u/Unknown__Avocado
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    Landlord changed the lock at the door while I was gone (CA)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I went out for a walk this morning it took about 45 minutes, when I come back I see that the door has a new lock and my key doesn't work. Can they legally evict me during covid? I haven't been able t I find a job and I m not the richest person. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/codex019
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    My husband is a lawyer and I need advice on how to protect myself against him

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    My (26F) husband (30M) is a lawyer and he constantly uses the law to threaten me. Can I make a will leaving him out and leaving all my assets (both my half of our joint assets and personal) to my parents, just in case something happens to me? We're in California and I understand the community property laws are a little more complicated here and I have no idea how wills work.

    Also as a side question, my husband's family sends us money as gifts for anniversaries, birthdays etc and the envelopes and cards are addressed to both of us, however the check is only is his name. Do I lay any claim on that money or is it all his like he says it is?

    Thank you kindly everyone!

    submitted by /u/biryanilove28
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    My HOA raised the yearly fee by 100$ AFTER i paid for the year and are now saying i have to pay the difference.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    I'm in texas. Can they do this? I didn't even know it was getting raised until i got a letter saying i owe another 100 by January. I pay them 4,200 a year already and now it's going up another 100. Do i have to pay this year? Can they do anything if i don't? It's crap 3 months after i pay they are claiming i need to pay more because the neighborhood insurance went up

    submitted by /u/rawr_nickie_rawr
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    Neighbor's dog repeatedly intrudes onto our property, and today my dog got hurt. HOA doesn't allow fences. What can I do?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    I apologize if real estate law isn't the correct flair - I'm genuinely not sure and that's why I'm looking for advice. Sorry it's so long - I'm still upset. This took place in Michigan.

    TL;DR - Neighbors' dog ran into our yard and my dog got hurt after many issues preceding this one. I want to get a fence to protect my dogs, but our HOA doesn't allow them unless you have a pool. Is there anything I can do - and if so, what type of lawyer should I reach out to? If not, can the HOA do anything to force my neighbors to keep their dog leashed?

    I live in a subdivision governed by an HOA. The restrictive covenants state that you're essentially only allowed to have a fence if your property had a fence prior to the HOA's creation or if you have a pool. Pet owners are permitted to have electric fencing.

    My issue is with my next door neighbors. They own a golden retriever who they allow to run free throughout the neighborhood. When I say free, I mean completely unsupervised - no leash, no electric fence, no tie out, no one watching. We've lived in our house for six years now, and this dog (and the one they had before him) routinely runs into our backyard, runs through our front yard, has tried to get in our house, run behind our cars when we're trying to back out of our driveway, run up to us in our driveway and jumped on our cars when we're getting in/out, etc. They've apologized several times over the years, but they've never actually done anything to correct the problem. To be clear, I do not believe that this dog would ever hurt anyone purposely, but it's still a dangerous situation for him and others.

    I have two dogs of my own, and they're both kept on tie outs whenever they're outside. Yesterday evening, I heard one of my dogs start screaming in pain and I ran outside to see him crying and limping badly while my neighbors were calling for their dog. I have security cameras that overlook our backyard, and the video clearly shows my neighbor's dog running into our yard (and our property line starts well before what's in the camera's field of vision), getting our dog to chase him, and my dog getting hurt when he reached the edge of his line's range. My neighbors were outside and SAW this incident - HEARD my dog crying - and they did nothing but quickly usher their dog back to them.

    (Just as a note: I know this could also have happened if my dog decided to chase something else like a squirrel, but a squirrel is also not considered an "intruder". He was trying to get this strange dog out of our yard.)

    My concern right after it happened was obviously taking care of my dog. I'm taking him to the vet later today to get checked out properly, and he thankfully seems to be acting like himself aside from the limp, but I'm also very concerned with ensuring this can never happen again.

    I intend to talk to my neighbors tomorrow and make a written record of it but I know they won't change. I'm not looking for money from them, and I don't want anything bad to happen to their dog either, I just want a way to protect mine in the future.

    So my questions are:

    1.) Based on an incident like this where the neighbors are causing an issue, is it possible to push the HOA into allowing us to get a fence to protect our property? If so, what type of lawyer should I reach out to?

    2.) Is there anything the HOA can do to force our neighbors to get and use leashes/tie outs/an electric fence instead of letting their dog run free?

    3.) Is there anything else I can do that I'm not thinking of? Again, I'm not looking for money from these people, and I don't want their dog taken away from them - I just want to keep my dogs safe.

    I appreciate any advice.

    submitted by /u/ResplendentFailures
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    Employer withheld information about a positive coronavirus case within the workplace and allowed people to work with the exposed for 2 days before announcing the situation.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I'm in Michigan, and I work in a small restaurant with a staff of approx. 20 people. The timeline: the SO of an employee tested positive on Wednesday Oct. 7th. The exposed employee came to work that day, and Thursday before getting tested on Fri. the 9th. Our owner and two managers knew about the first positive case immediately on Wednesday. They did not announce, left the entire staff in the dark, and allowed other workers who had interacted with the now positive employee to keep working amongst guests and the rest of the staff. Nobody had any idea there was an exposure until Friday, several hours before the dinner shift had started. To clarify they let the employee with pending results and a positive spouse continue to work for two days.

    They said they had to think about what to do. We had shut down once before and it costs a lot of money. I am certain that's what the decision came down to as we are very much in debt.

    Again, employee served people for two days, gloveless, but masked.

    Is there anything I can do here? Many of us feel betrayed, but I'm not sure we have much legal option since he wasn't officially positive until Friday. We are being asked to continue to work as normal, and the staff who have interacted with the now positive employee and simply being encouraged to get tested, while remaining scheduled.

    Thanks to anyone in advance.

    Edit: let me know if there are questions about the timeline. I'm a little frazzled and am going to step away for a bit.

    submitted by /u/-Longnoodles
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    Rights of a lower lying property to avoid additional flooding?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    You all were fabulous with my insurance question. So I hope you can provide some guidance on nebulous state and local statutes (Town of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin).

    Our farm was built in the mid-50s and is situated in a basin. The farmer later built a subdivision with seven homes. All water from this subdivision (no HOA) flows into two retention ponds on our property (the remainder of the farm) through existing culverts.

    These ponds are not officially identified as storm water ponds and not designated under a storm water utility. So no one is paying us for the ponds' maintenance.

    The County, working with previous residents in early 2000s, have our property marked as a watershed. In addition to taking runoff from a County Highway, the watershed collects for approximately 70 acres on all 4 sides of our little 10 acre parcel. There is no outlet for the water collected on our proper5. We estimate we take on 300,000-700,000 gallons annually depending on rain/snowfall. We have also been told we are prohibited from burying livestock on the property because we are so close to the groundwater level.

    One of the neighbors in the existing subdivision is presenting a conceptual development plan on their 50 acres which is above our property and included in our watershed. They want to build 8 new houses and two new roads that would connect with the existing subdivision road. There is no new stormwater pond notated in their plans.

    This is all still in the conceptual development phase and the higher ground neighbors will be presenting this at an upcoming planning commission meeting.

    While I intend to be there at this meeting and all the meetings, what are my rights as a lower lying property owner? What can I ask the Town to consider in determining how to develop that land? What risks am I taking in declaring the existing ponds as storm water ponds? Can I implore the Town to designate a storm water utility for this development since there is no geographical way to divert the water elsewhere? What rights do the neighbors in the existing subdivision have if their basements flood (already an occurrence if our property fills to maximum capacity)?

    In advance appreciate any insight, guidance and suggestions!

    submitted by /u/We3HappyPeople
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    I am a 1099 employee and my employer refuses to sign a contract with me - now they want a W9 from me. How can I protect myself?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    A classic blunder. This all started when a friend's company began seeing success for the very first time. As a start up seeing rapid success, I was called and offered a position to help expand and grow the company and that offer came with many promises. Get in on the ground floor! We had to move fast, and given the pandemic and current job market it felt good to join something with so much potential, especially working with friends on a fun, new project. I had been unemployed since before the pandemic even began, so I hopped on and have been paid monthly since....but much less than what was originally promised.

    The pay was always explained as being contingent on the company's overall success (which we have been successful). I was offered an ownership option, future benefits, a solid floor and high potential. We did move fast, and a couple of weeks in I started asking about a written agreement. It was then that I was told that the agreement would come in the form of a 1099, not as a part owner of the company or employee, as was originally promised. I was told that the contract was in the works and that it would be brought to me asap - asked to understand that we were busy and a verbal agreement should work for the time being. As time continued I have slowly started to realize that a contract will most likely not be offered. I am in Washington State and the company is based in New York, New York. The pay (albeit much smaller than what was originally offered) continues to show up on time, and the potential still has promise of a high ceiling, however getting this all in writing will clearly not be happening. It has been over 10 months now and though I do chime in from time to time to ask about it, at this point it feels like kicking a dead horse and the power is simply not in my favor.

    Recently I was asked to provide a W9 - something I have not provided yet. Without a contract in place I am hesitant to provide this document. I haven't felt secure in my position, nor comfortable knowing that I could be cut out at any given moment. There are clear reasons to avoid putting my agreement in writing, none of which bode well for me.

    What can I do to secure myself and the pay I was promised? I have done so much work and given so much of my time. The promise of a larger pay day is still on the horizon and I know the money is real... but this is all based on faith in my friendship, and I fear that I will be cut out just before that payment. As we approach the end of the year I'm starting to fear the worse. For business tax purposes, the payment will have to be withdrawn from the company. Now with them asking me for these additional documents without having yet agreed to a contract...well, the red flags are flying all over the place.

    What can I do to secure what is rightfully mine? How can I set myself up now just in case this has to be taken to court? Without a contract in place, will I ever have a leg to stand on legally? And should I give them my W9 before signing an agreement?

    Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/contractblunder
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