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    Friday, October 16, 2020

    Does health insurance cover voluntary sterilization for women? Insurance

    Does health insurance cover voluntary sterilization for women? Insurance

    Does health insurance cover voluntary sterilization for women?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    I was working today and came across a FB from a local radio show. A woman's husband had gotten a vasectomy without telling her. So she was trying to figure out whether to stay with him or divorce.

    So I wondered if women can get their tubes tied or have a hysterectomy voluntarily to prevent pregnancy forever WITHOUT being pregnant and having a child first... like men can have a vasectomy.

    I am from Michigan in the US.

    submitted by /u/homelovenone
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    Car hit our house

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    We live on a busy street around a curve, and this is the second time our property has been damaged by drunk/reckless driver. The first time happened with a previous owner, which is why I'm not already familiar with how this works. Tonight a car went through our front yard and hit a utility pole to the side of our driveway. The wreck was so bad that the car was literally split in half and they are amputating the drivers leg, if she lives.....the driver had to be doing 90mph+ on a street with a speed limit of 35. I'm not sure what the full extent of the damage to our property is since it's 2am right now, but am currently up stressing about how to handle.

    The cops told us that the driver does not own the car. Does this have to go through our homeowners insurance? Or do we file through the drivers / car owners insurance?

    Hoping someone can give me answers, we have a newborn and don't have the time to deal with all this right now.

    submitted by /u/m_thom1
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    Self insured pitfalls

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    My employer is self insured and goes through a company to administrate. Company is ACS benefit services. Don't know a lot about this. Are there things I should be concerned about? I'm worried the employer has ultimate say-so on whether or not to fulfill claims, is that really how it goes? What if something catastrophic happens?

    submitted by /u/Questioningmind1234
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    Getting Insurance for a car with a permit?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    Hey. I have some questions concerning getting car insurance. I am interested in purchasing a car and plan to purchase it today, but I still have a learner's permit. I live in Maryland, I'm 25, and I had the permit for a year. I am going to take my drivers skill test and get my license in November (the MVA has been backed up for months, so I couldn't apply for my license any earlier than that). The car dealer told me it was fine if I got the car with a permit. Also, the car I wanted has a promotion going on, so I didn't want to miss it. I live alone and can't jump on my mother's policy because she already has my brother on it, and we live in different states. My mother is traveling to see me and get the car with me to drive it off the lot, but I will be keeping the car in the garage until I get my license.

    Is it possible for me to get car insurance as someone with a permit and what insurances accept that option? I was thinking of just telling the companies that I will be obtaining a license within 30 days?

    submitted by /u/Applemcdapplez
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    Can insurance company refuse to pay storage to auto body shop on total loss vehicle?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    I had an accident in Los Angeles, CA Augt 23, 2020, the other party was the fault. So I took the car to the collision repair center and they told they will handle with the adjuster. insurance state totaled out a vehicle. The car has been sitting for a three weeks and i did not receive any notice from the shop, when i call them they said storage fee are over 5000 right now so i ask them what i need to do to have my car back, they said i have to pay storage fees .then they told me that my car maybe is repairable so they send another estimate to insurance company. I am really worried i am in the middle of this and i am stuck . Please advise

    submitted by /u/Johnbon00007
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    Why would Geico call to convince me to drop collision?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I just got a call from Geico. Even tho my vehicle is 10 years old it is a luxury car and still worth keeping collision insurance. As well this is the most expensive part of my policy $400 every 6 months.

    Why would an underwriter call me and try to convince me to spend less money?

    submitted by /u/jmoney6
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    Flooring damaged from water heater burst. Discontinued.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Sorry, this is going to have a lot of words.

    My water heater completely flooded my garage and laundry room on Tuesday. There is drywall and cabinetry damage in the garage, laundry room, and master bath. Today when the water mitigation company came out to check on the progress of drying the affected areas they also found water damage to the engineered hard wood we have in the hall outside the laundry room. The flooring we have is discontinued (installed in 2013, prior to our purchase last year) and I have not been able to find it anywhere. It's a pretty small area (maybe 5 sq ft) of damage but not something that can be matched as far as I have been able to find. This flooring covers about 900 sq ft of our house; it's throughout the hallways, living room, and dining room. I haven't spoken with my adjuster about this yet since it was just discovered today, but I'm curious about how this might be handled. Are they going to cover replacing all of the flooring?

    I assume they will because there is no other way to make us whole, but I'm nervous that we are going to have a weird patch of flooring that doesn't match the rest. There is a separation between our living room and the hallway to our dining room marked by a reducer (?). Will then only cover up to the reducer?

    Any advice/experience is appreciated!

    Edit: Arizona

    submitted by /u/FeelTheRide
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    Insurance Premiums

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    I had applied for maximum life insurance for both me and my wife through my work ($500,000 each). The guaranteed limit is 150k for me and 30k for my wife. During the certification process, they denied me, but approved my wifes. This was probably February or Mark For my wifes, there is the added stipulation that it cant exceed 100% of my own policy. So I would assume we're both restricted to 150k.

    But, I have been paying the fee for $500,000 on both of us all year. I see it was just taken out of tomorrow paycheck. Where does that leave me? Do we both have 500, or do we both have 150, or do I have 150 and she has 500. Could they be forced to pay out the maximums since they've been collecting the fee for the insurance? Or does it not work like, and I should be refunded the overage on the plan fees?

    I logged in to my works benefits site, and it still shows 500 on both of us.

    Second question. Once denied, will I always be denied? I was denied because I had a bout of kidney stones several years back. I've been taking a medication that has completely left me stone free, and I've been on it stable for a couple of years now.

    I'm in Southern California.

    submitted by /u/Huth_S0lo
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    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Wondering if anyone can shed light on Aetna POS ii Differences between bronze, silver and gold.

    We are expats in the US and have been here for five years. I thought I had got my head around medical insurance but now it's time to choose a provider it's not simple :-/

    Location- USA, Southern California

    The out of pocket max is the same for each level Aetna pos ii. Would there be a difference in choice of doctors, specialists, level of care etc on each tier?

    Thank you Confused expat

    submitted by /u/MaryPoppins_OnCrack
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    Car insurance uk

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I am an international student in the uk. I have bought a car today and paid for my insirance over the phone. They emailed me later today asking for my NIC number which apparently they will ise to undergo checks. However, since i am an international student, i do not have this number. I have never worked in the uk before. They told me they will cancel my i surance if i cannot provide this. What should i do? I didnt wven need an NIC number to apply for my driving license. Many thanks

    submitted by /u/a_sauyack
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    What are the pros and cons of purchasing whole life insurance for aging parents?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    A little bit of background, my husband and I (in our early 30s) have been paying monthly for my in-laws' life insurances (about less than $600 each month in total). They started the policy not too long before we got married (the agent is one of my husband's relatives). I didn't mind about the life insurance deal until recently when we decided to budget seriously. I have been questioning whether it makes sense to pay whole life insurance for his parents. They are both in their 60s, retired, and receiving social security benefits. We are both working adults. I have been holding off talking about this to my husband because it is such a touchy subject to bring up. But we have debts and would like to get better financially. Any insight would be very appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Tori_kiko
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    Can’t add new vehicle to auto insurance policy due to a technical “bug” issue with my login. What are my options?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    My husband purchased a new "used" 2018 vehicle, because unfortunately his car recently died just after 300,000 miles. We purchase the vehicle a week ago. I have tried numerous times online to add the vehicle to our existing policy and remove the other vehicle, but the system would not allow me. I have called Geico 3 times, on hold for over an hour each time, and they keep telling me they've put in a tech ticket to fix the "bug" issue. I have asked to cancel the auto insurance policy so that I can go somewhere else, but because of the "bug" they cannot cancel my policy either.

    I have been driving myself crazy with just one car. I commute 1 hour to work each morning and my husband has to be to work an hour before I do and his commute is 30 minutes in the opposite direction, so I leave early to drive my husband 30 minutes to work and then I commute another 1:30 minutes to work. That's 2 hours every morning! My husband cannot drive a vehicle that is not ensured. It is against the law. What are my options?

    EDIT: I am located in Florida.

    submitted by /u/mangledmosquito
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    [CA] Are there maximum limits for bodily injury liability on auto insurance? Can't find any info

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I recently attempted to increase my Bodily Injury Liability from 100/300 to 1MILL/1MILL (and subsequently Uninsured Motorist to 500k) through Geico via their website. Geico stopped it and emailed me asking me to consider an Umbrella policy, and if not I would have to talk to an insurance auditor to adjust my auto policy. After discussing with a sales rep, I declined the Umbrella policy. I understand the benefits and given my assets and the high cost Geico approximated for me (~$300/year, online research tells me this should be significantly less expensive), I decided against it for now.

    I was then forwarded to an auditor who asked me some typical due diligence questions. After the questions, she told me given I live in California, the maximum she could raise my Bodily Injury Liability to was 500/500. I didn't fight it or second guess her, and accepted it. Premiums only went up $12.

    After I got off the call I tried to do research on this and could not find any law or regulation on California having a maximum for liability insurance, so now I assume it is due to my own personal risk profile. I don't know for certain but I assume people in California definitely have auto policies that cover +$1M/$1M, especially considering this is one of the most expensive states to live in. What gives? Is this a tactic to get me to purchase an Umbrella policy? Am I too young to ask for that good of coverage due to my risk profile (25yo)? What is wrong with wanting to protect my income stream or my growing nest egg?

    Any insight would be appreciated. Wondering if I should switch providers.

    submitted by /u/khmlwugh
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    Is my potential new rental company asking for abnormal renters insurance coverage?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    tl:dr rental company is asking for more liability coverage in my renters insurance than property (a single family home) is worth AND wants to very specifically be listed as a named additional insured on policy. Should I be THAT concerned?

    After some back and forth with phone calls and e-mails, I review the lease one last time and see that I am agreeing to provide $300k in personal liability coverage in my renters insurance. This amount wasn't mentioned prior.

    It WAS very specifically mentioned during a phone call and on the lease agreement, that the landlord requires they are put as a named additional insured, and NOT an interested party, on my renters insurance policy.

    I asked about this amount of coverage, which seemed high to me, and was told that "This covers not only the house but liability from lawsuits or such which could easily reach over $300K" and "what if you started a house fire by accident which caught the house next door on fire?".

    I'm no insurance expert, but based on my experience, scouring the internet and asking some friends and family, the amount seems much higher than is normal. It also seems that their homeowners insurance would cover the cost to rebuild the house (and likely a fire in the adjacent house would be there respective insurance?) and it only seems a tenant is liable in the rare event of gross negligence being found.

    I also read up on the "named additional insured" requirement and that also seems to both of our ability to 'sue' each other in the event of an incident, especially a fire.

    I'm wondering if this should warrant the concern I have? I'm wondering if they are incompetent or maybe just ignorant to renters insurance specifics? It's only for a year but it's in North Carolina and that is a landlord friendly state. I don't want any problems to come up because of a possible bad rental company.

    There were also some low level things I was concerned about, such as their repeating a request for info that had already been provided a few days earlier, us being informed after applying that a dehumidifier would be installed in an exterior shed and we are required to cover electricity usage, not accepting the external company my employer uses for employment verification and instead asking for a note signed by my boss to prove I am allowed to work remote.

    I haven't signed the lease yet or given any money above the rental application, so if I should walk away and keep looking I will. It's a nice property and I would be happy to rent it for a year

    Thoughts? Comments? Emotional Outbursts?

    EDIT: I now accept that the amount being asked for isn't too unreasonable. The clarification I have now is the additional insured requirement. Two different major insurance companies told me it was either not allowed, illegal in some states, or illegal to put a company/entity not physically residing at the address, on as an additional insured. I asked the rental company to clarify that they weren't asking to be added as additional interest one last time just to be sure. Not sure what to do here.

    EDIT: changed "named" to "named additional" after double checking wording on lease

    submitted by /u/sp1cy_boi69
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    Uk Question - no claims bonus

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    I am just finishing up my first year of driving. My first insurance agreement is due to expire in a week or so, but ive just got a new car and i have got insurance with a new provider. I put down one years ncd but when i requested proof from my previous provider it said zero years (which im assuming is because it doesnt end until next week). So i have to provide proof of my ncb with the new company by uploading it to the website. So i was planning on uploading it next week once its all sorted but should that cause problems? Because i will have had a week or two with no ncb with the new provider when i said i did?

    Sorry if thats a silly question but im very ignorant about this sort of thing. Any help would be great!

    submitted by /u/ginamackattack
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    Is this car insurance fraud

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    So my Gf has a weird living situation.

    She lives with me our apartment and goes to college in VA, but she's not on the lease. The reason being is she's on her family's lease in the DC and she's lose health insurance if she's on another lease.

    She planning on buying a car and registering it in her DC because technically she lives and works there, yet really she lives with me. What would she have to do to get car insurance without being at risk for fraud or lose health insurance?

    submitted by /u/AnnualCriticism5
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    Feel lowballed by total loss valuation. Looking for advice.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Three weeks ago, my vehicle (2000 Jeep TJ) was stolen (Pennsylvania) A week ago, it was totaled by my insurance company (AAA). Today, I was given my valuation.

    In the time since it was stolen, I've shopped daily and read about how total loss valuations work. I have a pretty good running idea of what comparables are going for. I don't have a very good idea of what recourse I have.

    I know they don't give a shit what I paid for it ($7,000). But I do know that I can't find a similar year in my trim level or mileage for under $11,000 within 100 miles of me. And I know that even accounting for a 15-20% reduction for actual sale price, that's 5 grand more than what they offered me.

    What, if any, role does the concept of being "made whole" play in this scenario? Shouldn't I be able to replace my vehicle with a similar one at the present moment in time? Isn't that why I'm paying for comprehensive coverage? This specific trim, mileage, and condition are going for considerably more than other 20 year old vehicles--including at dealerships. The valuation I got could buy me *A* vehicle, but not replace the one that was totaled.

    Is this scenario different because it was stolen rather than damaged in an accident? So their adjuster can't view and assess the vehicle. It's their word against mine?

    For comps, do I need to find *exact year, trim, and mileage* within a certain radius? If I can't, do I expand the radius or am I shit out of luck?

    Are there specific sites I should be using for comparables? I know that what I as a consumer have access to will be different from what they and dealers have access to.

    I added a $1500 special equipment rider to my policy a few months ago. Shouldn't this factor in?

    Is there a specific way I should approach this when I respond to their valuation? Besides providing plenty of comps.

    Would really appreciate any advice you all can give. Not really sure what to do here and feeling frustrated and sort of lost. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/the_t00th
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    Life Insurance for Deceased Person - No Will

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    My dad passed away in 2011 without a will.

    It is quite a sad story as he committed suicide, and his then common-law girlfriend took off with everything.

    My father's kids did not receive anything after his death. For example, I wanted a worthless necklace I made him when I was 8... nothing. It is like he never existed in my life other than as a memory.

    My mom recently found an old policy number when she was moving and made me reach out to an insurance company he previously had life insurance through, but the policy was closed in 2004.

    Can I contact someone to go through life insurance policies, or if there was some way that I could see if there was an unpaid our outstanding policy he left for his kids.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    EDIT: I am located in Ontario, Canada.

    submitted by /u/RankNFile17
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    DUI Driver Crashed through Block Wall - Loss of Use claim?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:58 AM PDT


    My home backs up to a major road (AZ), and I recently had an incident that occur where a driver, who I later learned was under the influence, hit a telephone pole and crashed through my block wall and into my yard.

    This occurred while my gf, myself, and my dog were all in the yard playing fetch. Luckily neither my gf or I were injured by the block and debris which was thrown over 20 ft into the yard - however my dog was hit by some debris and suffered a minor injury. It was a bureaucratic nightmare to get a hold of the insurance information for the owner of the vehicle from the police (not the driver, seems like it may be an elderly relative), however I now have this (AmFam Auto) and have begun the claim process.

    I have procured an estimate for the repair, but the soonest availability from a masonry company is still a month out from today (which is two weeks now since the incident). I've not yet received approval of the claim, but have gone ahead and scheduled the work regardless.

    Due to the car-sized hole in my wall facing a major road with lots of pedestrian and car traffic (which I've attempted to cover to the best of my ability with the materials I have on-hand) I have essentially completely lost the ability to use my back yard, which makes up about 2/3 of my 1 acre property. I have been unable to let my dogs and cats in the yard, and now have to walk my dogs several times during the workday for bathroom breaks. I have also had to relocate all of my yard tools, equipment, and valuables to my garage due to the lack of security in my yard now (anyone can push aside the plywood and walk right in from the street).

    I feel that I have some sort of claim here for the loss of use for my property which will be for at least a month and half, but I am unsure how to pursue or calculate the value of this loss. I would appreciate any insight you kind folks can offer.

    submitted by /u/WellSaltedWound
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    Should an HOA insurance claim affect me selling my townhome?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I'm in the midst of a pending sale of my townhome and just found out that my HOA has a claim filed with their insurer for hail damage to the roof for our community. Understandably, my buyer doesn't want to get saddled with any possible deductibles from damage that happened before they moved in. But even messier is that her insurer doesn't want to cover the home if they think they'll get nailed with a claim immediately, and obviously that sets off a chain reaction with her lender not being able to finance the sale. I talked with my insurer and they say the only way to make sure any future assessments come under my insurance instead of the buyer's is to file a claim of my own now so that it's in the record. But will my filing a claim just set off more warning signs?

    Add'l info, I legit don't even know if my building is one of those being assessed for damages, and there's no real timeline for when this will be decided. Also, other units have recently sold, so I assume they found some way around this. The townhome is located in MN.

    submitted by /u/amara90
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    Underwriter question regarding Rx

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    I have recently applied for life insurance. I am a healthy 34 year old male with no underlying conditions. I live in NYS in the US. I started a new job awhile back and was experiencing some mild anxiety from it. My doctor suggested I try Xanax to help with this mild anxiety and to help me sleep. I took it for a few months, but ended up not needing it. The anxiety went away on its own and I no longer get the Rx filled. The underwriter has just asked about this prescription, specifically full details why this medication was prescribed, the diagnosis, severity, current status, etc. What is the best response to give so that they don't drop me down a category? I'm surprised they asked this as I think I got it refilled maybe twice, the last time being June. There was no diagnosis, as it was typical mild anxiety.

    submitted by /u/Baluwave
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    My father (64, US citizen) received some Medicare pamphlet in mail with his name on it. Should he be enrolling in this?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    He has some united insurance plan through his company, but I'm wondering if he should enroll in this? What's Medicare?

    He lives in Oakland county, Michigan.

    submitted by /u/l00t9
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