• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Car's rear passenger window got smashed in. I'm not 100% sure how deductibles work. Replacement costs $350, do I pay anything? Insurance

    Car's rear passenger window got smashed in. I'm not 100% sure how deductibles work. Replacement costs $350, do I pay anything? Insurance

    Car's rear passenger window got smashed in. I'm not 100% sure how deductibles work. Replacement costs $350, do I pay anything?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Deductible is $500. WA State

    submitted by /u/csusterich666
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    Enterprise rental fueled with diesel and not regular gas ��

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Will i get a bill ? I paid for damage waiver. 😫😫 such a stupid mistake.

    submitted by /u/val13094
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    Important life question. Any advice would suffice.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    How do you have insurance for your family without working? for the babies at least?

    I have one 9-month-old right now and a wife who works full-time while I go to school with financial help from my father and our business. I do not work as of now thankfully. My wife wants another baby and so do I before our son is two. We want them close in age, but I still have a year of school left and 6 months of online easy bachelor's course work after the program. My wife is 37 and is coming close to the age where she does not want to have babies for health reasons.

    I am worried about insurance for both our babies and an income source because my wife would definitely have to go part-time with benefits if that's the case. Are there financial programs that allow help for parents that are in school full-time, and especially in the healthcare field?

    Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so very much, my friends.

    submitted by /u/michaeljm87
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    Not at fault accident need aftermath help.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    So on 10/08/20 in mesquite Nevada, I was at work for approximately 1 hour when my parked car was hit.... the passenger side front wheel was shoved inwards from the top by 90 degrees, looks like the wheel stabilizer is snapped and the car is leaking brake fluid. The at fault driver's insurance is claiming full liability. My issue is just prior I had gone to a dealership and got trade in value 2,000 over what I still have left on my loan and with the accident that went down the toilet. I had been treating my car as an investment with goal of trading it. It's a 2019 with 7k miles just this week I've kept it in pristine condition.... My question is how can I convince the at fault insurance into taking my vehicle and loan off my hands so I can start with a clean slate?

    submitted by /u/RaytosTB
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    When appealing a claim for an ER visit, can I provide medical records from future appointments? (Texas)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    I live in Texas and took my wife to the ER on September 2nd for server abdominal pain, inability to hold down food or liquids, profuse vomiting and general agony. I was focused on getting her to the closest ER, which happens to be a free-standing ER. They told me they accept UHC and BCBS, and I didn't realize they weren't contracted with either technically.

    We weren't aware my wife had BCBS since her employer told her she would receive none. But UHC denied the claim due to us having primary insurance for her already and we discovered the BCBS. We updated the billing information and the ER is now billing BCBS as the primary, then UHC as the secondary.

    As this ER is "out of network" I am anticipating that both providers will try to deny responsibility for the claim and leave me with the full bill. Specifically on the grounds that they will deem the stomach issues "not a real emergency"

    In Texas, there is an insurance law that reads as follows.

    "It is Texas law that your insurance provider pay for your emergency room treatment, even if the provider typically classifies the facility as "out-of-network." You are empowered by Texas state law to use the prudent layperson standard when deciding if you are having a medical emergency."

    So, if deemed a "real" emergency, the insurance provider will have to pay. We took her to the ER since we previously took her to an urgent care facility (assuming severe food poisoning or stomach flu) and when we called them that day, they said "You should take her to the ER since it's a repeat."

    The thing is, since this ER visit, we have taken her to a GI specialist. She has gotten a CT scan, has had an endoscopy done, and was diagnosed with gastroparesis, a cripply condition where the stomach doesn't empty properly. It causes severe, horrible pain, nausea, vomiting, burning/stabbing sensations, immensely painful bowel movements and more.

    If I appeal this claim (I guess to the primary first and then the secondary? Not sure how that works) can I include documentation showing the future appointments and issues? Can I provide the proof that my wife actually DOES have a crippling medical condition and can imitate appendicitis to help show them that we really deemed the ER visit to be necessary?

    As a "layperson" we both thought my wife was dying and it turns out she has an immensely painful medical condition. Should I ask my wife's GI specialist for some kind of written note/recommendation that suggests my wife had good reason to visit the emergency room?


    Edit: The initial denied claim listed in the United Health Care portal (only denied since it's not the primary and we have to show an eob from BCBS first) displays a green "IN-NETWORK" banner with the rest of the in-network facilities. I'm not sure why since the ER supposedly doesn't contract.

    submitted by /u/CuttyMink
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    Struggling with collection insurance (sneakers)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I'm lucky enough to have a handsome sneaker/trainer collection, which I had always just assumed would be covered by home contents insurance. I recently calculated the value of the collection (significant) and realised I need to insurance my home insurance. However, I'm concerned that they wouldn't honour the cover as it's a collection - so started looking into collection-specific cover. I just can't find anything for sneaker/trainer collections in the UK (where I am). So: 1. Does this specific insurance exist in the UK? 2. Could anyone suggest where I start looking into it? 3. If you're outside the UK, does your country have insurance of this type?

    Sorry for long post and thanks for any hints!

    submitted by /u/sophiahello
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    Will credit cards cover total-loss damage on rental cars?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    Background: I am in Nebraska, USA. I don't have an auto insurance policy because I don't own a car. When I rented a car from Enterprise, I declined their damage waiver because my US Bank Visa credit card has a collision damage benefit. A day later, I did indeed get into a nasty collision. And when I called the Enterprise helpline to report the accident, the address they gave me to pass on to the tow driver was an auction lot. So it appears that Enterprise is treating it as a total loss.

    Okay, here's the actual question: According to the benefit description, I can claim for damage up to the actual cash value of the car. But the description also specifies that it won't cover depreciation, including "diminished value." So does a total-loss situation count as repairs that Visa would cover, or does it count as depreciation that it won't cover?

    In the coming days or weeks I'm sure I'll get an answer via the response to my claim, but it'd be nice to have some idea of what to expect. I've been googling around trying to find an answer to this, but it doesn't seem to be a situation that the credit card and insurance advice websites consider worth addressing specifically.

    submitted by /u/cheeseaquarium
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    [NOT OP] 3 years after a claim has been settled, OP wishes to change the outcome of the settlement and wants to recover years of increased premiums from the other driver.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Is it possible to get a car Registered with a permit?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    I am over 18 and have my Permit in the state of Rhode Island. I will be getting my official License when I pass the driving test on December 14th. I am trying to buy a car in between that.

    Has anyone ever insured a car without having a License yet? Or know if I can? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/JSchultzJR
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    How does Kidnap and Ransom insurance work?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    NJ Surety Bond question

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    I need to obtain a $150,000 surety bond in New Jersey for a residential mortgage brokers license.

    It's my first time with this and some places I've searched online seem a little sketchy. Obviously want to go for something cost effective.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on where to go? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/adkm18
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    Minnesota Tittle issue - Claim specialist, Lawyer , Car Insurance Genius, DMV ?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Can anyone give me information or advice or give me ideas what to do with this situation. I sold a vehicle last year to an individual , i signed off the tittle of it goes.... almost a year later the vehicle got involve into an accident. State Farm sent me a letter that my vehicle got into an accident claiming that i have to pay damages. I dont even know the person driving it and i dont any paperworks after we sold the vehicle. I called state farm and they said am responsible for the accident because its my vehicle and i told her about my situation, she gave me an email and emailed basically this no longer my vehicle since i sold it. A few months later i get a letter from Bell collector saying i owe state farm 5k.......... can Anyone help me! 1. I dont have that money, i just got furlough! And this! 1. Can DMV help me with title issues? 2. I was thinking filing a police report to counter that the vehicle that was on accident during that time is not on my pocession? 3. Can i counter this insurance since i dont even have the vehicle 4. If i get desperate if the title is under my name can i file a complaint that the vehicle was stolen? So that this person will come out and say i sold it to him and provide or supply the signed off tittle? Or is that illegal. Please am desperate of help.

    submitted by /u/norpahang
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    Does anyone know how to get a self-insured hospital to cover employee surgery?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    I have a question about insurance claims. My cousin has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and craniocervical insufficiency. This has caused her severe pain and fatigue for nearly 20 years. She has to stay in bed practically all of the time. She has no quality of life. She's only 44. It's been a long struggle to get a diagnosis, but she finally got some answers. Her husband works for a prominent hospital in south Georgia. His employee health insurance is through Maestro Health. Their facebook description says "Maestro Health works with employers and their trusted advisors to administer self-funded health plans. By blending administrative services, clinical care management, cost management, we help employers optimize their benefit plans to drive better outcomes at a lower cost. When partnering with Maestro Health, employers can save money on healthcare costs and focus on what really matters - their people." With that insurance, my cousin was approved to have life-altering surgery with Dr. Bolognese in NY, a neurosurgeron who specializes in craniocervical surgery. She already had a consultation with him, and it was determined that surgery would be very helpful in her case. We have read the reviews and know the risks and the challenges involved with this surgery. Remember, she has no quality of life at this point. She can only do minimal activity (usually just being driven to the doctor), and lie in bed. The surgery was scheduled for October 20. Their flights and hotels are booked. However, a few days ago, she received a message from Maestro saying that the insurance won't cover it. She appealed, of course, but was denied. She has contacted Maestro and they say they are technically not an insurance company, but they help the employer administer the health plan, and the employer determines what is covered and what is not. Our question is not why... obviously the why is to avoid spending money on this surgery. In spite of the fact that they already covered her diagnoses, consultations with world-renowned surgeons (Henderson and Bolognese), not to mention the constant ongoing problems she experiences as a result of the craniocervial problem. Logically, this makes no sense. It could save them money on her care in the long run. The question is how... HOW do we cut through the doublespeak and get to someone who can approve this surgery? And what are the risks for her husband's job? He is a skilled employee at the hospital and has been there for many years. Apologies for the lengthy post, but thanks if you read it all. Any helpful advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/flora-poste
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    Will I be penalized for not having insurance for a month?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    I lost my job in September and had coverage until the end of that month. I should have coverage in November and after. There is a 1-month gap (October 2020) in which I don't have insurance. I can get COBRA but it's so expensive.

    Will I have to pay a penalty on a state and federal level for not being covered for one month? I've read in past Reddit posts that COBRA should be retroactive and valid for 60 days, but I'm not sure what that means. I'm in Massachusetts btw.

    submitted by /u/Anxious_Effort
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    Best way to find medical insurance prices in the USA

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    we are a 60 year old healthy couple who may be forced to purchase our own medical insurance. Im trying to get an idea of pricing but when I have looked into this int he past I am FLOODED with sales calls that lead to know information unless I actually fill out an application-is there any better way to get an idea what general coverage and monthly premiums would one-we would be fine with a high deductible of $10k if that brings premiums down enough to offset.

    submitted by /u/macimom
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    Travel insurance that covers countries the FCO advices against to travel

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I booked holidays in Fuerteventura (Spain) and am looking for travel insurance for this trip. Since the FCO advises against all non- essential travels to Spain, some insurance companies will not cover this trip. I am looking for a travel insurance that would cover my trip and has good reputation regarding claims and is not too expensive. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Unfortunately most of the reviews online judge the insurance only in regards to the price and buying process but not how easy it is to claim back from them.

    I am a UK resident and have a EHIC (European health insurance card).

    submitted by /u/simi44000
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    Question regarding a rental property and homeowner's insurance

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Hey everybody, I'm not sure if this is the right sub on not (if not let me know and if you know what sub might be, I'd greatly appreciate it).

    Long story short, my dad had two properties. His primary where he lived and his secondary -which he rented out and is managed by a third party rental management company. He passed away about two years ago and left the properties to my mom. She is staying in the primary one and continued renting out the secondary.

    Recently, something I saw made me want to double check/do some research on the homeowner's insurance policies she has. In it, I realized that the property she is renting out is marked as being a secondary/vacation home. So I'm assuming my dad didn't let the insurance company know he's renting that property out.

    Here are my questions:

    1. Is this a problem? How I mean is if the house were to burn down, would this be an issue? (should note my mom lives in FL and the rental property in in WA).
    2. If she does notify the insurance company, will this result in rates/premiums going up?
    3. Is there a difference between homeowners insurance versus whatever you call a plan for rental properties?

    Thanks! (And again please let me know if this is the wrong sub and if you can redirect me to the right one).

    submitted by /u/GKaplan0
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    Question about the Life & Health exam

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Hi all, I'm taking the exam in a few days (the California one, to be exact), and noticed that on the 16-page study guide the online course gave me, 4 pages are dedicated to the Insurance Marketplace chapter alone. From your past experience with the exam, CA and other states', how much of that chapter will be included? The simulator tests I took only ask like 4-6 questions for that chapter, but judging from my experience with the P&C exam, the real one and the simulated one can be wildly different.

    submitted by /u/LtCamelToe
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    Is this for real?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Geico is quoting me $1,485.54/month ($8,887.50/6 months) for a car insurance (liability only, not comprehensive). I'm a new driver over the age of 25. The car is 13 years old and cost less than $4,000 (owned outright, not financed). I'm in NYC. Is this quote for real?

    submitted by /u/FigObscure
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    Health insurance options

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    What's the word on the street with Manhattan Life health insurance? Spoke with an agent and it seems too good to be true... $100-170/month for insurance with no deductible. Is there a catch? For reference I'm 26, no pre-existing conditions.

    Edited to add: I'm in Georgia. Manhattan Life is the company name, not related to NY.

    submitted by /u/fortheloveofdance
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    Looking for high-risk auto insurance advice (Ontario, Canada)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    I've been labeled high risk driver due to a couple of tickets and an at fault accident, I understand the implications of that, however i recently got a new high risk policy, but i have an unresolved ticket from the accident I was involved in, I'm just looking to see if anyone knows how likely I am to be canceled by insurance.

    Other than my traffic tickets I have never had my license cancelled/suspended and I have never missed a payment and I have not been cancelled previously for any reason

    submitted by /u/Noah_5001
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    Damaged my own motorcycle on accident - what kind of claim?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    I have a motorcycle and I use a disc brake lock. Today I accidentally tried to drive off without removing the lock and the lock warped the disc brake rotor. I have comprehensive and collision with a low deductible - would I be covered for the repairs? Would my rates go up if I made a claim?

    Edit: NY State.

    submitted by /u/mott_street
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