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    Bye Bye Student Loans! $115k total paid. Student Loans

    Bye Bye Student Loans! $115k total paid. Student Loans

    Bye Bye Student Loans! $115k total paid.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    Loan Progress

    Original Loan Amount: $96,374.00
    Total paid: $115,875.64
    Total interest paid: $19,499.64

    Hiya All, I've been a long time lurker - almost for like 3 years. Your "paid in full" posts motivated me to keep grinding!

    A little background info:
    - International student - came here for grad school (Master's in Robotics).

    - Took out close to 96k in private student loans with cosigners (coz I'm not a U.S. Citizen) to attend a private university.
    - No parents in the United States so no, I did not stay with parents while I paid off the loans.

    - Was not a high income earner (six figure) until last year - you can see the dip in the loans when I switched jobs. My initial salary was $75k/yr.

    Things that I did:

    - Used to pay large chunks (think $2.5k - 3k) of my paycheck right after it hits my bank account.

    - Didn't go out to eat (or get takeout in COVID times) often when my friends pressured me - opted to make home cooked meal and have a cookout at home instead.
    - Got super aggressive with repayment in the past year. I mean like lean lean spending. Only spent money on the rent, phone, utilities, gas and groceries. (I have a secondhand 2009 Nissan Versa which I paid $3400 flat to buy).
    - Put in all my tax refund, bonuses and every bit of money in my loan repayment.
    - Got a second roommate to cut costs. My original plan was to finish the loans by December 2020, but getting the extra roommate cut the repayment date by 2 whole months!

    - Prayed for this day to come sooner.. and now we're here! I'm officially debt fee.
    - Oh, and also. Contrary to popular advice, I didn't have an emergency fund setup before my debt repayment. I just hated the thought of cash lying around in my account when my debt is accruing interest. Now I am going to build an emergency fund and start investing in the market.

    Thank you, all. Good luck with your loans!

    submitted by /u/TheChilledPixel
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    In a bad spot.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    I'm 25m, and when I was 20 I succumbed to both familial pressure and a manic episode and took a 16k loan for school. I soon after had a mental breakdown after a civil court case and dealing with the aftermath of repressed emotions from a miscarriage the previous year with my ex.

    I flunked out of school and defaulted on payments. One year later, I was still a mess and my family talked me into contacting Optima Advocates to fight my loan. Unfortunately I listened to them a ton of money later they filed a cease and desist against my loan provider and my family told me it was handled. It has taken me five years to get my life back in order and cut off my toxic controlling family.

    Currently in the process of getting my adult life in order, but I've found out that my private student loan was closed via charge-off this year. One google search later I've discovered that's kinda sinking my life credit wise. Anyone got advice?

    Should I immediately personally contact my private loan provider and make new arrangements to begin paying it off? Or should I look for someone to help me contact them and make plans moving forward. I'd sincerely appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/JustYaKnowLearning
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    Pell grant

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    does the pell grant lifetime limit reset or no?

    submitted by /u/BasedZionistCat
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    Med school kept my student loan money even after I dropped out. Please help

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    A few years ago i attended 2 years of medical school at xavier university school of medicine in aruba. I paid cash for 2 years and got a loan in anticipation if going into 3rd year. Unfortunately I never made it to third year and dropped out. The school kept 60,000 of the banks moneh that was meant for my education. I basically begged them to return it to the bank but they never did. Now i have the loan servicer trying to collect and I do not know what to do. I know I might have to get a lawyer and am trying to save up. Please let me know if anyone knows what kind of lawyer i need and what I can do to fight this. I got 90 days forbearance from the bank and they seem to be understanding and said they are on my side. I have corresponded with the school and they ignore all my emails. At one point I was able to speak with the financial aid department and they said they will send me the money now but still havent. Although the school is in the carribean.. all their clinical rotations are in the us and tbey have a office in nyc. Help reddit!!

    submitted by /u/LasifRecovery
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    How much debt is too much debt for a student to take on?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I am a 20 year old female and will be graduating undergrad next semester with $41,673 in debt for a Bachelor's in Health Sciences.

    I want to continue my education but I do not want to put myself into too much more debt whether I go to a community college or grad school to continue my education.

    What would you say is a reasonable amount of debt I could take on in addition to the debt I already have? I want to be able to buy a house, live comfortably and pay down my debt rather quickly.

    I'm thinking I shouldn't put myself in more than $60,000 dollars worth of debt max. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/echythompson
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    Need help trying to figure out a new loan avenue

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Long story short. Friend was going to a private nursing school getting a loan through Sallie Mae. Only way she could get it was her husband cosigning it. As she has no income. Has 2 years left and is trying to leave husband and finish school. Trying to find any options there are. And if I haven't said enough. Ask questions please

    submitted by /u/herefornonporn
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    Can I refuse to pay for an additional lab credit if there is no lab?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    So I'm taking a 4 credit class where we're supposed to be having a lab. However, we don't have any lab hours, especially given an online format. We get regular 2.5 hours.

    Since I pay tuition per credit, this means that I'm paying additional $500 for absolutely no reason as we don't get the lab.

    So is it fair to demand a refund from my uni for this 1 credit?

    submitted by /u/katiah_
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    Refinance If I Am Overpaying Monthly?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Hey all, I am new to this subreddit, but I want to get your thoughts.

    I am about to hit my second year on my student loans and I have for the past six months been paying approximately 9 times my minimum payment monthly. I have $36,000 left and I am paying about $3,000 a month on a 5.99% interest loan. My minimum payment is currently $323.75 due to my good standing with AES.

    My question is, should I consider refinancing? I am on track to pay off my private loans by December of 2021 anyways, and I wonder that if I even get an amazing interest rate (something below 2%), if it will make a difference? I know I have leverage and good negotiation skills to chat with someone and get a great deal on my interest, but is it truly worth it at this extreme? Thanks.

    PS: I am not trying to "flex" on anyone, I am asking a serious question on if refinancing works in such an extreme case.

    submitted by /u/CHRlSFRED
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    What would be my options?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    I just graduated with a bachelors degree from a UC university. However, I am going back to school to complete some prerequisite classes to go into a ADN program for nursing at a community college, which I can then transfer to a BSN program at a state university.

    I recently received notifications from FAFSA that I already have a bachelors and am not eligible for the Pell Grant, but I was wondering what my options would be for student loans? I currently have 35k in student debt and wondering what other help I could do or loans I can take out for this path? any help?

    submitted by /u/GrimesTethla
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    How to be removed as cosigner on sister’s loan

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    6 years ago while I was in college my parents somehow convinced me (or foraged my signature) to cosign for my younger sister's $36k student loan. Due to mental health issues she lost her scholarship, racked up some mean debt, and dropped out. Fortunately, she's since gone back to a much cheaper university and is one semester away from her degree. But the question is....

    What are our options to get me off of the loan?

    While my sister is willing to refinance, consolidate, etc to get me off of the loan her credit is crap and I don't want to put her in a worse situation than she's already in.

    Subsidized NJ Class loan Balance: $37,442.27 8.6% IR

    submitted by /u/Dustywombat
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    Leave of absence -loan advice please

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Hello I am currently taking a year off of medical school and will be returning next fall. Does anyone have advice on which student loan repayment plan I should choose? I am unfamiliar with student loans so i'm unsure if i should just choose the standard repayment plan. I am currently unemployed so i am thinking maybe I need to choose a plan that has a lower monthly payment. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/qqtubs
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    Looking to refinance

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    I have about $43k in student loans through Sallie Mae. The average interest rate on those are around 10%. I graduated and got my first job out of college just a little over a year ago and I'm making just over $70k. I'd like to knock the interest down but I'm not sure on what companies to look into for refinancing. Mainly not sure on which ones to trust. The minimum monthly payments on my loans are $630, but I'm paying $800. However, majority of that is going to paying off the interest. Are there any penalties to refinancing? Any advice? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/kmjohnson8616
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    Attorneys for student loans?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I actually signed up with an attorney in 2015 to work on disputing/dismissing my student loans because I was young and stupid when I got them and I had no idea what was going on. It's not a good excuse but the attorney asked me if things were explained to me, if I was shown a breakdown and monthly payments, etc., the answer was no. So they told me I have a good case to have the loans dismissed, but it's been 5 years and all that's been happening is me paying them a retainer monthly. They keep telling me it takes time but I haven't seen any changes.

    Does anyone know of any good attorneys for this kind of thing? Just to talk about it and see if there's any way they can help me. I live in Florida if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/pinkdragon32
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