• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Business There is Up to $32 Trillion in Financial Assets Hidden in Offshore Tax Havens According to TJN

    Business There is Up to $32 Trillion in Financial Assets Hidden in Offshore Tax Havens According to TJN

    There is Up to $32 Trillion in Financial Assets Hidden in Offshore Tax Havens According to TJN

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Liquor distributor gets 2 years in prison for ‘Shark Tank’ wine scam

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Robinhood users say they watched helplessly as their accounts got looted but had no one to call to stop it

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    A Balance sheet at the end of period 4 shows that i have liabilities of about $3,000 to pay back a loan I took out in the first period. however, according to the cEO simulation i'm participating in, that loan has been retired and has balance of $0 at the end of period 4...

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Why does the my balance sheet show I still have liabilities of about $3,000 at the end of period 4? (the sole reason I have had any liabilities throughout the simulation is to pay back that loan).

    Also, would my liabilities at the end of period be considered my total debt for when I calculate debt utilization ratios?

    submitted by /u/TrillaryKlinton84
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    Majority of employees want co-founder out of biz but we have $1.4M in liabilities. Is he responsible?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    Co-founder has 28% fully vested in 5-year old LLC. Over the last 12 months, a majority of our employees have spoken to both me and other employees about not wanting to work with the co-founder anymore. A few weeks ago a few key employees gave me an ultimatum so it's time to split.

    We have accrued $1.4M in debt. About $500K is money I personally loaned to the business, $75K is money he loaned, $400K is in government loans that I personally guaranteed, and the rest is from individuals that loaned to me personally for the business.

    I presented him with 3 exit options and he is arguing that he's not responsible for any of the debt, claiming that "would an employee who was given 1% equity be responsible for 1% of the debt?". IMO those are different share types, but maybe I'm wrong.

    1. Is he responsible for 28% of the debt?
    2. If so, would a fair exit be value of equity minus value of debt?

    The 3 options presented were:

    A) Walk away free and clear of all debt obligations and get $X/mo for 10 years, where X is reduced if we lose certain clients.

    B) Walk away and retain equity and receive profit distributions equal to equity, only once half of our liabilities are cleared.

    C) Walk away free and clear of debt, and take 20% of our clients. This was the most generous offer and he is arguing for 28% of our clients because he does not believe he's responsible for the debt.

    Is he wrong? Why or why not?

    Any other exit options that would make sense for him/me?

    submitted by /u/queensgambit52
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    I have some questions for managers

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    This is for a project I'm doing and I'm supposed to get some input from managers.

    1) What do you think is the biggest challenge for managers in the 21st century?

    2) What are some issues caused from this problem?

    3) Have you observed this problem in your workplace? How was this resolved? Or

    4) What do you recommend to better address this problem

    Any other relevant information you would like to add?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    submitted by /u/EHNBD
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    Business around AWS

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    Hey guys, just looking for some advice on how to focus a business around AWS services.

    Here's the story:

    I've recently come into contact with a small team of super-talented developers in Eastern Europe that specialize in back-end data infrastructure and networks (scaling, structure, etc.). One of the most interesting aspects of their experience is solid knowledge of AWS. Obviously, a high level of talent and a competitive price point make this a very interesting business opportunity.

    A couple of years ago, when I did some Lyft driving, I had a chat with a tech guy (no idea where he's from except that it's somewhere in the Portland, OR area). We started discussing tech jobs and opportunities and he gave me a tip that AWS related services are in super high demand.

    I didn't give it much thought at the time, but am now seriously looking into the possibility of setting up an AWS servicing business.

    Problem is - I know almost nothing about AWS, who uses it, and what type of services are in-demand.

    Any ideas on how to structure the offer around AWS services and what companies may be looking for? I assume it's mostly devops type of work, but it seems that there may also be an opportunity for long-term servicing. Will appreciate any feedback and comments.


    submitted by /u/stansupport
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    Business expense deduction

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Would a business expense (such as equipment) need to be purchased with a business account in order to qualify for deductions?

    submitted by /u/Swiftika
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    Gaming has become one of the biggest global entertainment industries, with 2.7 billion people projected to play a game this year, according to the gaming market researcher Newzoo. Growth has accelerated during the pandemic, and gamers worldwide are expected to spend nearly $160 billion this year.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Retirement at 35

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    What's it like to retire at 35

    submitted by /u/marshmallowkid_
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    Starting a jewellery (Luxury) business in 2020 - discussion

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Good day fellow redditors,

    I was thinking before I go "all in" with my idea which I have been developing for a bit now as some sort of hobby or use of free time. I have a network of friends and associates who I can rely on to start what I intend to do, an online jewellery store.

    I know perhaps we aren't in the best times to tap the luxury industry, in fact, I believe is shrinking. Nonetheless after researching I infer that it still survives even in difficult times such as war times due to price increase of gold, silve and other precious so it makes me think its a safe business. Again, this would just be an assumption based on things I personally know, read or infer from conversations with people.

    I know many things come into play for its success but in an ideal world where I have a fairly cheap supply of gold and specifically emeralds (I'm from Colombia and have friends who work closely with the mines of Muzo, La Pita, and others and I have access to good prices when it comes to hand labor, design, knowledge, as well as a presence with my associate to ensure ethically and legally sourcing, guaranteeing quality, etc.

    I am in Canada and I have ways to import the product (through distribution company from a friend of mine) to consequetly apply some sales and marketing to the finalized produft. But to not make this post too long, from what you know. What should I be focusing on? Am I on the right track? If you are a Jewellery business owner or know about the industry, I'd take any advice.

    I appreciate the time taken to read this I hope I also help other people with this discussion.


    submitted by /u/Aranketa
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    What Books do you recommend to learn about converting a successful restaurant into a franchise?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    What’s the legality of creating charges on Stripe? (First-time entrepreneur)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Apologies in advance if this is (1) a dumb question—this is my first time running a business and (2) not the right place to ask; I'm not sure where else I could have asked.

    I run a subscription-based service (recurring business month after month). Customers buy a new package approximately after every month.

    I just discovered that Stripe (payment processor) gives me the option of charging a customer a custom amount with just a click of a few buttons (I can set that custom amount, and the payment deposits almost immediately). Moreover, I just discovered that Stripe stores their payment information after they make that first initial payment.

    This almost feels illegal. Before I charge a customer, do I have to get their permission first? Or can I just assume that since they're continuing with more business, I can just charge them?

    What stops any unethical business from charging a huge amount at any time they want? (Not saying I would—just asking out of curiosity).

    Again, apologies if this is a dumb question. I'm just new to this whole business thing.

    submitted by /u/p2000c
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    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    I know in the state of Illinois and probably every other state you need a tobacco license to sell tobacco products in stores,, my question is do you need a license for an online store? And if so do you need to be licensed in every state that you sell to? (Based in illinois want to sell products all over the country, online)

    P.s tobacco products but not cigarettes/cigars and not entirely intended for tobacco ;)

    submitted by /u/PlugSh1t
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    So dropshipping is just free advertisement for the supplier right

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Anyone apply for a UK business grant during the Covid-19 and lockdown period? How did it go?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    As above... What grant did you apply for? How easy / hard was it? How much funding did you get, and how are the funds being utilised?

    What made you go down this path as opposed to seeking other funding sources?

    submitted by /u/prankster999
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    I am making my first hackathon, can you share any tips to find partners and sponsors?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Hi, Reddit!

    For the past 6 months I've been making and planning my first event, which aims at finding students, teaching them online, and doing a hackathon for them with teams and mentors.

    This won't be a usual hackathon as I do it for the purpose of developing a certain technology that exist today. Name of the technology is RPA (Robotic Process Automation). I am a professional in that sphere and one of those who actually started to work on that in my home country.

    But, as a 24 years old man, I don't have enough contacts with companies that can be sponsors and partners for the event.

    So, I would be very pleased if you can give me some tips on how to find sponsors and partners for the IT Hackathon? And how can I save their interest in that?

    P.S. Event will completely be free for participants. P.P.S. Are there any hackathons where education was the first part, and second part was competitive? Maybe you can reference me some of that?

    submitted by /u/TheGridCreator
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    Software, One Review On All Business Review Websites

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Is there a software out there where I can ask a customer/client for a review and it goes to all the different major review sites at once?

    submitted by /u/kylewaters
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