• Breaking News

    Monday, October 19, 2020

    Business American Airlines plans to return the 737 Max to service in December

    Business American Airlines plans to return the 737 Max to service in December

    American Airlines plans to return the 737 Max to service in December

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Years of low interest rates made the current economic crisis worse, Fed's Rosengren says

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    Growing my business is overwhelming

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I thought I could write here something about my experience while trying to build my business and get your feedback.

    Just to give you an idea about what I do, I'm trying to build a web development agency with a focus on building the right things (following the lean method).
    I started as a solo freelancer full-stack developer, working for a couple of clients that I helped creating the full-projects from scratch. Working for a couple of clients only felt a bit risky, what if the projects stopped? So I thought to start building a team and a business that could scale more and provide constant revenue.

    So as I got more work, I started looking for some help on Upwork and I started a really productive collaboration with 3 developers, that now help me working on the agency's projects. Meanwhile, I'm working on a business strategy, so trying to create an effective website, creating content, studying a bit of copywriting, and Google Ads. But I also need to do some programming, project management, team management, and looking for more clients in a more traditional way (Upwork, networking). Just to make things more challenging, I keep reading books about the lean method, software engineering, etc... because I want to provide a quality service.

    As you can imagine, that's a lot of mental work. I'm trying to delegate as much as I can, but I have a budget limit, so I need to do lots of things by myself. I find myself sitting on a chair completely paralyzed because I don't know where to start, what to prioritize (everything seems important) and I feel a great urgency to procrastinate and sometimes give up. But I'm quite a patient person.

    My energy is being drained by this. I want to create a business that fits my lifestyle, and not the opposite, but at this pace, I'll end up just burning out.

    Did this happen to any of you? Or are you having a similar situation? Any tips to overcome this?

    Thank you for reading so far!

    submitted by /u/pepsil
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    Dow futures rise nearly 200 points as traders weigh rising coronavirus cases, U.S. stimulus talks

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Create A Product That's Hard To Live Without

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    What's up, RJ here. The Pictures etc. are included at https://www.younglingfeynman.com/essays/livewithout Alright, let's get to it.


    That should be your aspiration in your company. To create something that's hard for your customer to live without. For me, my AirPods Pro, my Dyson vacuum, Audible, and Spotify are the first to come to mind.

    You don't want to be one of many. Having to resort to bribing people to use you instead of another company. Sure, you can make money but your company will be very sensitive.


    A tiny ''push'' by a competitor or a changing market will displace you out of equilibrium.

    Think of delicately balancing a marble on a flipped bowl. If you can balance it, the tiniest force will displace it out of its meta-stable equilibrium.

    If you have a startup that's susceptible to being cloned (Groupon) and succumbing to consumer surplus (Lime, Bird, Spin, etc.) it'll be more fragile. The ultimate example is dropshipping or any other get rich quick/commodity scheme.

    This incidentally, is also why those things don't work. As soon as you have a formula, the more people will implement it, the less effective it'll be.

    Read: Network Effects, Neutral Network Effects, and Anti-Network Effects

    The very existence of an easy formula makes that particular business model meta-stable.

    Check Ten and Do You Have Customers Who Deeply Love You?


    I took these pictures for y'all when I was in Germany for business. As you can see, there's Lime, Bird, Spin, Tier, and Dott. All fighting for market share and competing away profits. This creates a consumer surplus environment where the consumer would be willing to pay more but they don't have to. That's good for the consumer but dangerous for you as a startup.


    If you can find a way to create a product that 1 person finds hard to live without, you can probably find 10. If you can find 10, you can probably find 100. And so on.

    As a matter of fact, that 1 person most likely has 1 or 2 friends who they'll bring into your tribe without you having to do any work. Having a product that people love so much it's hard to live without makes your company more resilient.

    Getting 1 person to feel that way is both harder and easier than people think. It's hard because it'll take a lot of effort and iteration before people truly feel like they would rather not live without your product.

    It's easier because virtually none of your competitors are even trying. They're too focused on the bottom line to even think about it. If they do, it's mostly lip service or an afterthought.


    It's very difficult to push the business out of its equilibrium.

    A business is in stable equilibrium if when it's displaced it experiences a force pulling it back toward its equilibrium. Craigslist still lives on despite many competitors having improved a subset of it.


    You've probably seen this picture that shows all the startups that have replaced a subset of Craigslist.

    Think of a marble in a bowl. If you displace it, it'll experience a restoring force that's trying to get it back into its stable equilibrium position. It actually takes a force to keep that marble away from its equilibrium position. That is until you put so much force on it, that it flies out of the bowl. The equivalence of this would be the iPhone vs. Nokia and Blackberry phones.


    Suppose some law was passed that bans Google's search engine until 2M people sign a petition on change.org to reinstate it. How long until that'd be done?

    Probably not that long. Google is highly stable.

    Now imagine the same thing with Instagram. A lot of people love Instagram but it's probably not quite as stable as Google. One can imagine a lot of users moving on to TikTok and all of the other social platforms. It also wouldn't be too long for someone to create a better IG from scratch without all the feature creep. IG would probably still be back though but it would likely take longer than the Google example.

    Now imagine Facebook. Again, seems less stable than IG.

    Now imagine TV. It might not even get back on its feet at all. If it would, it would take significantly longer than any of the previous examples.


    This is essentially what happened during the pandemic. It exposed businesses that were meta-stable and businesses that thrived under this particular pressure. (Anti-fragile. Things that improve when stress is placed upon them.)

    Zoom was anti-fragile because the pandemic made the product better.

    This is why we often hear the following aphorism: ''Hard startups are easier than easy startups.'' That's because they're more stable. It's harder to disrupt a SpaceX or a Stripe than a Sprig, Unicorn Scooters, or a MoviePass.


    Enjoyed today's essay? Sweet! For business essays that are nearly as good as checks in the mail, gold in your hand, or blue crispy M&M's (don't @ me) join me here: https://www.younglingfeynman.com/subscribe

    Go build the future,


    submitted by /u/Younglingfeynman
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    Adapt or die: How we adapted during this crisis

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    Adapt or die: How we adapted during this crisis

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    Adapt or die: How we adapted during this crisis

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Is there any expert in exporting Agroforestry goods?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    Hi. I'm starting up my new exporting B2B business mainly in agroforestry goods produced/harvested in Asia. But there are so many options and products. This COVID-19 is such a risky situation so I want to be careful in choosing the right products that would have high chance of having buyers. Could anyone help me to get some ideas of what products might be the best to start and which market might interested. Thank in advance.

    submitted by /u/Naterito
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    How do I respond?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I've started my photography business recently, because it's something I enjoy and I want to make money off of it. I was at the gym a few days ago taking pictures for someone and another person came up to me and started telling me their life story then followed up by asking if I can take their pictures. I obviously accepted, and made it clear to this person that this is my business. After a day they offered to give me free sessions of a bunch of things at the gym in exchange for my services. When I told them again that this was my business and that I needed the money, they persisted with the same thing and said that it would bring me more clients. I've never been in this situation before and quite frankly I think it's a bit disrespectful because they were initially trying to build a friendship and then they tried to take advantage of my business, also I charge incredibly low due to everyone's current situation so there's that. You wouldn't go to a grocery store and tell the cashier that you'll teach them jujitsu in exchange for the groceries. I don't understand how some people can be so bold. How do I tell this person no in a professional manner?

    submitted by /u/Mansell-
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    What happens when the CEO dies?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    I'm writing a script and in it, the CEO of a company is killed in a plot by a board member to take over the company after his death. I was wondering if this was plausible and by what methods he would be able to achieve this.

    If he is the majority shareholder after the CEO's death does he automatically become the CEO?

    Not really sure where I should be posting this and if this isn't the place could you point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/OverPoweredBean
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    Does university of Maryland @ college park and New York Univerity require a standardized test in order to graduate in Marketing/Business for your bachlors degree.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Practice Negotiations Online?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Is there a chatroom or forum where people can practice their negotiation skills?

    Suggestions on readings and solid sources?

    Ideally both of these would be aimed at a review with a raise in the discussion.

    submitted by /u/EngineeReboot
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    Why don’t businesses have dedicated operational efficiency teams?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Where I work there are entire teams which have no objective standards of effectiveness or eficiency other than the fact that they hit their goals as a team. We know that in a given team, there will always be a small group doing a disproportional amount of the work. Wouldn't it be beneficial, then to have a dedicated team of scientists and researchers to work on optimizing efficiency and seeing which teams work most efficiently and which don't? I understand this might not work for smaller businesses, but it seems like it is barely even a topic where I work. This is also relevant for team organization, not just personal output.

    submitted by /u/Georgieperogie22
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    How can you purchase or utilize ** phone numbers in the United States?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    I might be wrong about this, but it seems like you can buy 8** numbers, but I had heard a business on the radio advertise using a phone number similar to **54567. After some searching and learning about vanity numbers, I am wondering how this was possible (heard on a radio in Florida, for reference). Are there options like this which are text-only? If that is the case, I'm guessing it may not have been conveyed in the commercial but was also wondering:

    Are there other numbers available for purchase outside of the typical vanity and local numbers that are sought, or the 800- numbers?

    submitted by /u/saintpetejackboy
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    Organizations Where I Can Present My Webinar

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I help individuals with years of experience on certain fields and are tired of working the 9-5 or just tired of the hierarchy and office politics start their own consulting companies. I am looking for organizations where I can present my webinar. Where is the best place to look aside from Google?

    submitted by /u/desconlu
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    Has anyone here ever made money using their burner account on Twitter?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:28 PM PDT

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