• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 13, 2020

    Legal Advice My dad called 911 saying he thought he was having a stroke or a heart attack. The ambulance went to the wrong house at first and once they finally arrived and picked him up, they came back 10 minutes later with my dad still im the ambulance because one guy forgot his medicine bag.

    Legal Advice My dad called 911 saying he thought he was having a stroke or a heart attack. The ambulance went to the wrong house at first and once they finally arrived and picked him up, they came back 10 minutes later with my dad still im the ambulance because one guy forgot his medicine bag.

    My dad called 911 saying he thought he was having a stroke or a heart attack. The ambulance went to the wrong house at first and once they finally arrived and picked him up, they came back 10 minutes later with my dad still im the ambulance because one guy forgot his medicine bag.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    My dad passed away two weeks ago. He called 911 saying he thought he was having a stroke or a heart attack. The ambulance went to the wrong house and arrived late, after they arrived and picked up my dad they came back 10 minutes later because one guy forgot his medicine bag. I just got a HUGE bill from them and feel upset. I can't help but feel as though he would still be here if they didn't screw up And i definitely feel i don't owe them $2,000+.

    What would you advise I do in this situation? Suck it up and pay the bill or is there something else l can do to minimize the giant bill because of their negligence?

    This is in Hawaii, USA

    submitted by /u/you_can_call_me_mami
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    Hospital won’t release still born baby until I pay 25k. Is this legal. In Maryland

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    I'm asking on the behalf on a family friend for my dad. This lady she unfortunately went into premature labor at 8 months and the baby was born stillborn. They let her take pictures and whatnot. Until it was time for discharge. The lady asked if she can take her baby so she can bury it. And they told her no they can't release the body of her still born baby unless she pays at least 25k. She's an immigrant so she's scared so she doesn't try to fight it. Is this legal? She want to have a burial for her baby. And i feel like this isn't fair. Like the hospital can send her bill and make payments on it over time. Why keep the stillborn baby's body as hostage. What are her options? I'd put a flair but I honestly don't know what category this would fall in.

    submitted by /u/tootiredtosleep0
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    My husband, who has a medical condition, was instructed by someone NOT in his immediate chain of command, to NOT take his medication at the appropriate time, but to take it against doctor’s orders. Is this actionable?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    The scenario: My husband has been instructed by his doctor to take his medication when he experiences a flare up in his medical condition. The instructions on the package say to "take as needed".

    My husband finds that the medicine makes him sleepy unless he takes it with food, so he always eats a snack when he takes it.

    They just had a big thing where he works, where people aren't allowed to eat at their desks. So he went to the break room, ate his snack, and was about to take his medication.

    A co-worker who outranks my husband but not in his direct CoC (another supervisor) saw my husband eating his snack, and this is what the guy told my husband:

    • It is "inappropriate" for my husband to be in the break room since he was clocked in to a job and "eating and drinking on the clock".

    • He instructed my husband that his medication, which is of the type that is to be taken "as needed".

    • He physically frog marched my husband back to his desk, and prevented my husband from taking his medication.

    • He threatened my husband, saying "This isn't over."

    • He scheduled a meeting for Monday with HR.

    My husband was unable to get his medication last night. I am furious. Is this even legal??????

    EDIT: Is legal, is okay. Thanks guys! Guess he's just gotta find a better job with better people.

    2ND EDIT: Yes, the co-worker did put his hands (non consensually) on my husband. There are previous complaints about this co-worker doing these sorts of things; honestly I feel that the company (which ahem has deep pockets) is exposing itself to legal risk by keeping this guy around.

    3RD EDIT: It's a union shop.

    4th EDIT: Thank you again everyone. We're moving forward with making sure HR has all of this stuff documented in case it happens again.

    5th EDIT: Union's going to help. At this point I believe the problem will be solved.

    submitted by /u/TransFatty
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    A woman blew an airhorn into my open windows and injured my daughter’s ear as we drove by some political supporters/protesters. My daughter has lost hearing, and is in extreme pain. Police say the woman didn’t do anything criminally wrong.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    As I was driving north over the bridge on my island, my daughter and I passed several political supporters holding signs and one had an airhorn. (political party doesn't matter in this post other than my daughter was injured by a woman in that party).

    I shook my head at the disruption to traffic they were causing in general and the woman on the side of the road, on my right side (passenger) held up her airhorn in close range as we drove by to protest my look. My daughter is 9 and the windows were open- the airhorn was extremely loud and startled us both- she immediately started crying and grabbed her ear. We were on the bridge by then so I couldn't pull over- but I did call police to report it. After asking his supervisor, the officer said there nothing criminal about what the woman did. I'm floored- my daughter has lost hearing and is in pain.

    The officer did admit that if I held an airhorn to the woman's ear; then that would be assault... but since she didn't touch my daughter and wasn't in the street that North Carolina laws don't make it criminal. He also said he can't legally ask for her name. I'm not sure how that's even possible that he can't ask her name?!

    I have a photo of her, as well as video of the airhorn being blown even as a cop car drives in to check it out. The cop said they showed up and didn't hear an air horn but it's clearly on video. The woman was about 8" from the curb- close enough to have touched my car if she tried.

    I've tried to indentify the woman with the help of the community- no one is coming forward. I've contacted the organizer of the event.

    What are my options? Please help.

    submitted by /u/Prestigious-Assist-5
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    My doctor sent bloodwork to an out-of-network lab without telling me...and now the lab has billed me $659.00

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    The title basically says it all. I used my health insurance website to schedule an appointment with a doctor specifically in my network, for a free annual checkup. My doctor told me she does basic bloodwork for all of her new patients, but didn't say anything about me being charged. I guess she just assumed my insurance would cover it...but we didn't go over any of this ahead of time.

    All of a sudden three weeks later, I get a notification from my insurance that a claim was denied...and that I was going to be sent a bill for $659.00...what the heck?!?! I've been avoiding the doctor for YEARS...and finally I go in for an innocent free checkup and this is what happens?!? Help me out if you can!

    Location: Philadelphia

    submitted by /u/TweetingAtJeff
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    City Board of Assessment is saying I owe them $13k over 20 years, won't return calls/emails. Hearing is Sept 1st. How can I fight it if I don't know what they're even charging me for?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Location: Omaha, Nebraska

    Hey there, first time homeowner here. I received a letter in mail stating that the Board of Assessment has assessed a $13k bill over 20 years for "sewer and concrete" work they did to my benefit. I was never made aware of any improvements and there hasn't been any work on my street or a connecting street since I purchased this place in late February.

    I attempted to reach out to the contact email and phone numbers for the past two weeks, but haven't gotten any response or any explanation for the assessment. The letter states the hearing will be on Sept 1st. Neighbors also received letters but they haven't received any further info either.

    I think it may be related to the fact that our road/alley we live on was paved back in mid 2019, however myself and our neighbors didn't own the property back then, developers did. Can they push that charge on to us somehow...? How can I even fight this charge if they don't provide me with any details on why I'm being charged?

    Edit - photo of letterhttps://imgur.com/43hoGRX

    "Board of equalization" not Assessment, by apologies!

    submitted by /u/venom_dP
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    I fee like I’m being harassed by loss prevention at my own job

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I'm an 18 year old (woman) college student and I work part time at Burlington. They have this process where loss prevention will check employees if necessary to control theft which is understandable how ever there's this one security guard in particular who always stops me and gives me a hard time unlike my other coworkers who are mainly men.

    He's an older man probably in his 30's. I don't feel comfortable with him searching me anymore but sometimes it's only him at the door. Do I have a right to ask for a same sex security guard to check me instead of him because at this point it feels like harassment. When I first started working there he would brag about how he can make anyone's life at work hell etc... to me the whole thing is weird.

    submitted by /u/indenial1239
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    Driver totals my brother's parked car, flees the scene (and car), and now cops are saying we are responsible for all damages

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    This is in Florida.

    Friday morning between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. an unidentified driver totaled my brother's parked car. We have roofers at our house, so our driveway has been momentarily blocked. We live in a subdivision with a lot homeowners and with our neighbor's permission, he parked his car in the grass beside their house. He was no way in the road.

    There was no witnesses to the crash, but our neighbor does have a camera that points in that direction with footage of someone swerving to the other side of the road and crashing into my brother's car in the grass. The momentum of the crash sent the car back 20 feet. The driver then stumbled out of the car and fled the scene, leaving both totaled cars and his insurance information in the glove box.

    My brother's car is an older, but nice car. It is a 2014 Nissan that is completely decked out. He got it from my dad when he upgraded. Two weeks ago, he spent $800 to get new speakers for it. He's only 17 so he worked and saved for months to get them.

    The cops are saying that since Florida is a no-fault state and the driver fled the scene, they cannot identify who is responsible for the damage. This means that our insurance will take the hit. Largely, the police have not been helpful at all. All they have told us is that they found the driver and he allegedly let someone borrow the car. Then that person let their friend borrow the car. That friend then visited his friend in my neighborhood where the car was allegedly stolen and crashed into my brother's car. Keep in mind that the owner of the other vehicle did not report their vehicle as stolen until yesterday, five days after the crash.

    I want to know if there is any way to get legal help in disputing the insurance claims. We really do not want to be saddled with the debt of paying for a new car. Do we have any other options? The car owner's story seems really unlikely, is there any way we can call BS?

    submitted by /u/AshleyJoy03
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    Father is in a wheelchair, and his apartment building has had only a single working elevator for over a month now (with no plans to fix existing ones until 2021). This sole elevator is on service mode almost all day due to contractors. My father is unable to leave his floor.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    Father lives in a fairly old building in New York. He owns his unit however most of the building is owned by a property management company that rents out units.

    The apartment building has 3 elevators, 2 normal ones and a freight one. The freight one has been broken for over a year now apparently, and a last month one of the normal elevators went to out of service.

    Property management company is renovating/redoing a huge number of units, and has no plans to fix any of the elevators until next year.

    The property management company is slimy, and since my dad doesn't want to raise hell i need to do it for him to get even most basic repairs done.

    Today my dad had an important appointment, and i found out he is stuck on his floor. The contractors put the elevator into service mode, and use it exclusively. Property manager suggested if i didn't like this, i should get my father to an "old folks home".

    I ended up being forced to carry my dad down 6 flights of stairs, to get him to his appointment. I also learned that my dad has basically been unable to leave his unit for the last month because of this. Sometimes after 6 pm, he can use the elevator but apparently the contractors lately have just been leaving it on service mode the entire time.

    When we came back i basically took the elevator from the contractors, which caused the property manager and the contractors to be hugely pissed, as apparently it is "dangerous" to make the contractors use the stairs.

    I don't think this is legal, can anyone point me in the direction of something i can use?

    submitted by /u/ParentsApt28192
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    HELP! An Old Lady hit my car!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    So the other day I (19 yo) was driving home and while my car was at an angle an old lady (86 yo) scraped the side of her car across my fender.

    She seemed non-malicious and was just kinda moaning like "ohhhh what do we do" and I was pretty sure we were supposed to exchange insurance and call the non-emergency police dispatch, called my mom first to confirm that was right and then called the police, an officer came over and we told him what happened, I made sure to explain that I was still in my lane and he said in NY its considered a no-fault (which doesn't make sense to me bc it was her fault, I was still in my lane). He advised us not to get insurance involved since it would end up being more expensive than just fixing both cars outright, especially with me being young and her being old.

    So we went our seperate ways after he typed some stuff up and gave us sheets with each others info on it. For my car, we just kinda shoved the fender back in place and poked at the dent a little bit and decided thats good enough, it doesn't hurt the car any it just doesn't look as pretty.

    She told me to call her when I got a quote, which I was thinking meant she would pay if we needed, but like I said we ended up poking around at it ourselves and then leaving well enough alone, which I was happy with since she seemed like a sweet old lady and I was happy to not have to charge her for repairs.

    But it turns out that sweet old lady was a false demeanor!

    Today she called me, told me fixing the scratches/dents on the side of her car cost a couple thousand dollars, and that we should go through insurance. Now here is the kicker, all the sudden, she is trying to claim that I WASN'T in my lane and that it was MY fault. She didn't try to claim that when the officer was talking to us, so I think I might be okay, but its REALLY stressing me out because if she succeeds in pushing that angle I'm royally screwed, and no witnesses stopped when the accident happened to back me up.

    I'm really scared she is going to try to screw me over. What should I do??

    submitted by /u/JazzChinchilla
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    Bank cleared check for $538,367.89 out of my checking account despite my name being nowhere on the check.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Hello my friends,

    TLDR is below since I tend to be verbose.

    I have a rather puzzling turn of events. I can't find any information regarding how to proceed online because it's such a bass-ackwards situation.
    I've been banking with the same bank for 14 years. I am working poor so I've never had more than $3k in my checking account that I can recall. I have a very obvious pattern to my spending habits as I only generally have enough to pay bills so my account is drained pretty much every other week (I get paid bi-weekly.) I just include this info because I feel it's important to the larger picture.

    So this morning, I woke up to my alarm and a text alert underneath it from said bank that my account balance is -$537,107.71 (I got paid today). I flipped out, as one might expect, and tried to call the fraud hotline. They conveniently open an hour after I'm already at work where I'm not allowed to have a cell phone. I checked online and was able to access the cancelled check image (which I conveniently can't access now) and it appears to be a property sale through a local (to the state) lawyer as the trustee. The routing and account numbers are indeed my account. However, my name is nowhere on the front or back and neither is my signature.

    I managed to secure the use of my vacation time so I could sit in our air conditioned parking lot (/s) and wait on hold for the bank to respond to my call. The first woman I talked to wasn't the most helpful but she was at least cordial. She seemed incredibly confused at the situation but "did me the favor" of refunding the $35 overdraft fee and then said that they would investigate the claim and provided a claim number. I asked her what I should do in the meantime as I am now beyond broke and have no access to food/gas/whatever money until they figure things that are obvious out. (I didn't word it like a jerk, though. It's not her fault this franchise is as dumb as a box of rocks.)

    She said she understood and would transfer me to some kind of "emergency fund line" so they could at least reinstate my paycheck so I could get by. She proceeded to transfer me to someone that said they don't deal with these things and that I needed to talk to the special CHECK fraud department despite my service request already being submitted.

    Now, this lady ("Lisa" from Texas) may or may not have been the same lady I initially talked to. She sounded the same and was also "from Texas" but her patience was apparently down around her ankles. She made me submit a check fraud claim, asked me if I knew these people or if I had given my account number out to anyone, implying that I am somehow in cahoots with these people. She went on to mention this amazing favor of redacting the overdraft fee and then told me, in no uncertain terms, that they don't do any emergency funding in these situations. She then asked me if I wanted to put a stop to any outgoing payments on my account and make a new one, in which case they would move any incoming funds from the original account to the new account within a few days of receipt. Given my tight timeline of having to use my measly funds and the fact that I think this is a banking error and not fraud, I told her I would wait and call back because I needed time to think about how it would impact my credit score. She then played a generic message about how they wont be liable if I am again "defrauded" unless I close the existing account and create a new one.

    I have called and talked to the lawyer's paralegal after some phone tag. She at first seemed to think I was accusing them of something but I explained that I wanted to tell them their check was going to bounce because I am sure it will incur a ton of fees. She recognized the check amount and the people listed on the check and said she would call me back after she looked into it and called the local branch. Once she called back, she said that she was confused and asked again who I was and why I knew about this check. I told her that it was cashed from my account and the routing/account number is the same. The bank is the same. But obviously I have nothing to do with this mystery purchase. She is now asking me to send an image of the check, which I don't mind doing since I will remove my actual account number.

    -Will I be somehow liable if I don't file a police report? (The report requires me to find whoever cashed the check and have them fill out paperwork.)

    -Is it possible to get the bank to reimburse me for the cost of my vacation time and whatever fees I will end up incurring because I can't pay my bills now?

    -Is there any reason I should NOT send the cancelled check (minus account number) to the paralegal?

    TLDR: Bank cashed what appears to be a legitimate check (as in, a legitimate purchase by someone other than myself) under my account despite my name not being on any part of the check, including the signature on the back. They're taking however much time they need to investigate this and then return the funds as well as doing me the massive favor of removing the late fee that was incurred by me not having half a million dollars. Lawyer's (lawyer that issued the check) paralegal wants me to send her an image of the cancelled check so she can bring it to the bank tomorrow. What do?

    PS: sorry for the formatting. I apparently suck at computers now.

    submitted by /u/Disgruntasaurus
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    My former employer retroactively cancelled my insurance without coordinating with their COBRA provider resulting in disastrous amounts of medical bills.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    We are in NJ. I ended my employment with my previous company on December 6th (last day). My wife had a major surgery scheduled for December 10th so I was ready to go on COBRA and pay a premium for that month. On December 16th I got a notice from my ex-employer's COBRA provider with continuation of coverage documentation. The documentation stated that my coverage under former employer's plan would end on December 31st. There's even a "Proof of Health Insurance" letter that lists all my dependents and states coverage end day as December 31st. Just to be sure, around Dec 23rd I called health insurance and confirmed that I and all my dependents had coverage at the time. Now on January 9th someone from HR department at my former employer called the health insurer and instructed them to retroactively end my coverage December 5th. Now the health insurance is denying all claims that occurred after December 5th. I'm trying to resolve this amicably with my ex-employer, in theory all they have to do is call insurance provider and move my end of coverage date to December 31st as they previously reported to COBRA. I would even pay the premium for that month. However, if they refuse to do that, do I have any legal recourse available to me? We occurred $60k in medical bills as a result of this mistake.

    submitted by /u/anthonybsd
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    Got hit by an uninsured and unlicensed driver while delivering pizzas. Insurance doesn't want to pay. (Texas)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    I (20, M) was working my last day as a pizza delivery driver for pizza hut. I was rolling up on a green light where I had the right of way since I was going straight. As I was crossing another driver failed to yield and hit me on my driver's side front corner. He did not have any insurance or a license.

    There was a police officer nearby who saw the accident and ruled that the other driver was at fault for the wreck. When my stepdad and I filed the claim, everything was going smoothly, until they asked me to make a statement with a claims adjuster. I told them the exact thing I had told the police officer.

    After making the statement, the adjuster called my stepdad and let him know that we will have to pay the $8,500 repair to my vehicle out of pocket. The reason we have to pay for the repairs is due to me being on the clock as a delivery driver. I have a brand new vehicle, which means I'm required to have full coverage insurance. Is there anything I can do to help me in this situation?

    submitted by /u/DeerGoat32
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    Off duty police officer just threatened me with a bogus charge over our children

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    TLDR: sorry not sure where else to post this...

    Hi, I have a Police officer for a neighbor, his kids have bullied mine for the last 3 years. As such they're no longer welcome on my property (we all have large acreage lots), but they consistently "trespass" and are destructive, disrespect, etc. They are 14 and 11.

    I had to (again) ask them to go play elsewhere, and got the usual smart-ass responses and was basically ignored. I had to have words with them, I was pretty calm throughout but I did say "ass" once... Oh well, they curse like truckers.... Anyway, dad comes over and starts huffing and puffing about "how I treat his kids" and said if I had words with them again (even in the course of asking them to stop trespassing) that he'd come cite me with Disorderly Conduct. He was off duty at the time.

    So, my question is, now that I have a neighbor using his LEO status to threaten me, and likely targeting me, can I file some form of complaint against him with the PD or am I asking for more trouble?


    submitted by /u/8stringtheory
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    [NY] "if you don't respond to this email with the phrase '_____' by X time then I'll assume you're resigning"

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    This is in New York

    My job said that if I don't respond to an email with a certain phrase, then I'm automatically resigning from my position.

    I took a business and contracts law class in business school and I'm 99% certain there's a something saying that inaction towards a contract can't be interpreted as agreement of the contract.

    Or in other words, an agreement is only valid if both parties explicitly agree to those terms. And if one party doesn't explicitly agree (ie doesn't respond to an email with a magic phrase) then the other party (like an employer) can't assume that the first party (the one who didn't respond to the email) is agreeing to the conditions laid out.

    I know that I can still be fired from the job. But I'm worried about being forced to resign since I'm pretty sure I wouldn't qualify for unemployment. And with the economy in the COVID state that it's in, I'm going to need all of the financial help I can get.

    submitted by /u/TheMightyWill
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    (IN, Small claims) Landlord trying to evict due to 'state of the apartment' and 'lack of payment'

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    This is going to be convoluted, so please bear with me. About 6 months ago, we informed her carpenter bees were burrowing into our door frame and into the side of the house by our door, she said that it is our problem. Landlords MUST provide property maintenance, to include redoing the weatherproofing for the siding and the repairs to the door frame caused by an infestation. She broke tennant rights by not maintaining the property.

    August 6th the landlord admits she has been inside our apartment without notification, breaching Tennant's right to privacy.

    The Eviction letter has a few copied sections of the lease agreement. When my fiancee and I had gotten the place, I was in jail and could not sign the lease. When I got out, we contacted the landlord about getting my signature on the lease, but it never happened and then winter hit, then quarentine. I still have not signed or initialed a lease agreement. I ordered a replacement state ID (still need to talk to post master about this issue) months ago but havent received it yet. However, if our landlord stole it, and that is how my signature is on the copy she has, then are we completely protected from ANY litigation she tries to throw at us? Can we counter-sue, and if so, what for?

    My unemployment has been on hold for 6.5 weeks now, racking up $3.4K owed to me. We owe $2,605 in rent for the last few months. If she had been patient with us, she would've gotten paid as soon as I had.

    Finally, we hadn't spent a lot of time home over the last few months; both due to our landlord getting hostile towards us, and because we have a friend who recently attempted suicide with a gun and burst his eyeballs in the process, but is alive. We've been helping the blind friend adjust while his fiancee does all the mountains of paperwork they need done for his SSI, disability, unemployment, getting kids ready for school, grocery shopping, getting her car serviced, ordering learning charts for braille, et al. Having said that, we DID NOT abandon the apartment; we would come back every 2 or 3 days to check mail and then stay for a day to let our friends enjoy some personal time. We would stay home usually 2 nights and days a week, but she is claiming it had been abandoned for 2 weeks, giving her reason to enter the apartment beyond just it HAVING to be an emergency (smoke, fire, flood, screaming) but before that, she was trying to say she could because our neighbors said we moved out, but obviously we hadn't.

    Needing serious advice in this.

    Edited to copy&paste for personal re-use.

    submitted by /u/UnBR33vuhble
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    Someone published a board game, no copyright, trademark, patent, and is dead. Can I sell an updated version?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Title basically says it, but there's a boardgame our group loves that is no longer in print. The prices on it are super high because there's very limited copies.

    I've done a search, and can't find any trademarks, etc. and the game was self-published. The only thing I can find anywhere is a post saying that the creator of the board game has passed away.

    What steps would I need to take, if any, to sell an updated version of the game?

    Edit: Michigan, USA

    submitted by /u/reidreidreidreidreid
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    Boss sold me a business for $26.07 to avoid losing it in a divorce, is this legal?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Edit: I live in Texas

    I've been working for my boss, lets call him Chuck for almost 20 years. Today when I came into work he asked me for all the cash I had on me, which ended up being $26.07. He takes the money and tells me to sign a quickly written out bill of sale that says I now own a local restaurant that he owned. It seems the night before his wife caught in in a compromising position with another woman and is threatening to divorce him. This has happened 3 or 4 times over the years and he always insists you tear up the bills of sale after he makes up with his wife, and the cheap bastard never gives you the money back. He did the same thing with his other businesses selling them to 3 other employees where I work, including selling that business to his mistress who does the accounting. My wife is gungho to jump into the restaurant and turn it into something much more upscale, but I'm wondering what we should do. One of these days I'm sure the wife will go through with the divorce so I'm wondering was this sale legal, will I get in any trouble?

    submitted by /u/Visual-Tiger
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    Landlord sent a $1200 cleaning fee to collections after moving out. No attempt to contact resident. Photos of residence at move in and move out show the state of the apartment. What can be done? TX

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Moved out from a rental unit of an apartment complex (landlord is a big company) .

    Pictures were taken at move-in and issues reported, and, at move-out. Unit was left as received. Cleaned by resident.

    A few weeks after move-out, a collections agency calls demanding $1200 for a cleaning bill. There is no cleaning report available to justify the bill.

    This feels like a professional scam. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/andyx1234
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    Major Software Company’s Chief Privacy officer confirmed “their client” was remotely connecting to my home network but closed my case to protect their clients privacy. Texas

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    There is a lot to this but I will try to only provide relevant details. After a long year or so of investigating (on my own with the help of a few IT friends) why my home computer's and personal cellphone would all eventually end up infected, we discovered that they were being enterprise enrolled. So I have a remote administrator and virtual machines installed on my devices. Through the course of this My internet service provider informed me I was under cyber attack and to contact law enforcement. My local sheriff office told me they couldn't do anything and "why was I calling them?" So We (my self and IT friends) managed to set up networking monitoring and tracked down the IP addresses of the company (s) that are connecting to my computers and phone. The one I am enterprise enrolled with happened to be my HOME software provider as well. I contacted them and over the course of a few months was escalated to different departments, along the way providing them an abundance of proof. As my title says they eventually closed my case and never responded again. I can't get the stalking/hacking to stop and every company is passing the buck. Now my internet provider won't give me details on my own account after slipping up and telling me someone acted as my spouse when they called to make changes. I have been with the same internet provider 15 years and no one should have ever been on the account but me. My question is. Is there a resource for me? This has become to big for me. As far as financially there hasn't been much loss other than a few phones and computers, my job and sanity. So I don't know if FBI is really the route I should take.

    submitted by /u/Ser-Ene
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    Was fired from work last week after almost 9 years. Employer is withholding my last paycheck until I return the office key. I don't have the key and now he is threatening to change the locks and have me pay for it.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I called the Kansas department of labor and started a claim against them for withholding my final paycheck. My question is if they can make me pay for the change of locks as my old employer is threatening.

    submitted by /u/gorilla1088
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    I a few girls were harassed by a person with some power over them, and don't know what to do

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    I don't know how to write this in a way that reddit won't cancel, but I'm in high school and those friends of mine too. This happend sometime ago, and as soon as we discovered that wasn't just one girl, we decided to do something, but we don't know what, the issue involves messages and "accidental" touches. We have proof, so please tell me if we have a case, and if it's worthy tell someone, maybe they won't care, the only thing we want is to make sure that no one else will have to go through this.

    submitted by /u/gabi0106
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    FedEx delivery contractor lost 2 packages worth $1000. Reported delivered at my address but went to a neighbor. Neighbor saw the driver take the packages back into his truck, but they never delivered to me. Driver no longer with contractor. What can I do?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    I ordered two one of a kind rugs worth $1000 that were marked delivered by FedEx on 7/28 to my house in Durham, NC. I see all delivery trucks from my office and none came to my house that day. I reported it to FedEx, they opened an investigation and gave their contractor 2 days to find the rugs. The case closed on 7/30. The contractor claims they sent the driver back to where they dropped off the rugs to look for them, and the driver said they didn't see the packages. Same result on investigations for both packages.

    FedEx informed me after I spoke to a manager that the driver no longer worked for the contractor and therefore couldn't be contacted. I did some more digging over the last week and learned yesterday the rugs were delivered to the next street over from mine to a similar but not identical street address number. I spoke with my neighbor who confirmed the rugs were delivered there. He said he called to the driver and said the rugs were delivered to the wrong address. He said the driver wouldn't come back to get them and added that the guy seemed incompetent. Driver left, the rugs sat on the front porch for another two days. Then the driver comes back with another delivery. The neighbor says the driver was told the rugs were still at the wrong address and belonged the next street over. The driver took the rugs back to his truck and drove off. He didn't deliver them to me.

    That day would've been when the contractor reported that the driver went to the location where the rugs were delivered and said he was unable to locate the rugs. My neighbor says he saw the guy put the rugs in his truck. The rugs are not at the FedEx hub, meaning this guy took them somewhere else (maybe has them), ditched them, or they're at the contractor's facility. In any case, this driver and the contractor have potentially provided a false investigation to FedEx. I have asked the local FedEx hub to get me in touch with the contractor, and they won't give me the contractor's name or a phone number, basically protecting the contractor at the expense of consumers. They have asked the contractor to call me, and the contractor has refused. I want the contractor held accountable and to figure out where these rugs are. I can get my money back, but I can't get these rugs back. I'm wondering if I should file a police report. At this stage, either that driver or the contractor is still responsible, and this seems like theft. What options do I have here? Thanks

    submitted by /u/missingpackage
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    Roommate didn’t tell us she has two kids and is expecting, what can I do??

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    Okay so for starters, I'm in Alabama. There was a whole mess with one of my roommates and she ended up moving out. My other roommate and I were under the impression the leasing office was not filling the room after the first roommate they lined up didn't pan out. They informed us 7/31/20 that we did indeed have a roommate. No big deal. I finally met her today and she sprung it on us that her kids are staying for a couple days and they will come up from time to time and stay either the weekend or the week depending on the circumstances at the time. On top of that, there is a man in the house as well, who I presume is her baby daddy. We are both 21 and do not know this man she has brought into our home. My roommate and I are both at risk because of COVID and do not feel comfortable having people in and out of the house. On top of all of this, she's also 8 months pregnant and didn't tell us about this either. We have both reached out to the leasing office about what to do because we live in student housing, not a general housing complex. There is also a strong weed smell in the house and my roommate and I don't smoke it due to health issues. The new roommate says the smell bothers her because she's pregnant but it is very strong in the house at the moment. We have reviewed the lease and identified information that we can use if the leasing office tries to say they can't do anything about the situation but is there anything else we might could use if they try to say we can't do anything due to discrimination? Please help!

    submitted by /u/hosungs-shoulders
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